Remove the --runtime-image jpackage option, which was packaging Java 11 in the resulting installers. Reason is that jpackage 15 does not properly package the Java 11 runtime, but contains necessary features for signing and notarizing the app. On the other hand, jpackage 14 does package the Java 11 runtime correctly in the resulting installers, but does not support proper signing and notarizing.
Update macOS setup script to use the tiff image in the installer bundle, as this is the type of background image expected and included by jpackage.
Convert Bisq-background.png to Bisq-background.tiff using imagemagick.
Fixed typo affecting jpackage option concatenation, where a missing "+" caused subsequent options to not be considered. Surround concatenated options with parentheses, to ensure such a typo in the future is marked as a syntax error, and therefore avoided.
The drawback of this is that the floating label on top of the
Field is not properly left aligned anymore.
A proper fix would mean more re-writing of the jFoenix library
which would make it harder and harder to maintain for applying
library updates.
Fix the logic used to determine the JDK 15 assets and download links. Pre-releases are now excluded, as well as openj9 binaries. The resulting assets are final releases of hotspot builds.
Extend the gradle script with tasks that use jpackage to generate Bisq binaries. The kind of binaries generated depend on the OS where this is executed.
The packaging of binaries can be started by calling:
./gradlew --console=plain packageInstallers
from the root project folder.
Update the gradle dependency to JavaFX 14.
This brings to Bisq the latest JavaFX fixes and improvements, especially
in the areas of UI performance, memory management and security.
JavaFX can be upgraded independently of the JDK used to build the
application, so this change is modular and does not affect other parts
of the build process.
Related / likely related to: #350#2135#2509#3128#3307#3308#3343#3430#3657#3677#3683#3686#3786#3787#3892#3917#3918#3936
* If Tor *.onion hostname, use HTTP with Tor proxy
* If or localhost, use HTTP without Tor proxy
* If LAN address or *.local FQDN, use HTTP without Tor proxy
* If any other FQDN hostname, use HTTPS with Tor proxy
at restore from seed and create a backup copy.
I don't know what was the motivation of removing the original file
(probably the use case that the seeds are different and thus there
is no match of existing entries with the new addresses) as
that breaks the internal association of addresses with trades/offers and
the reserved balances display.
This should be tested well though with the related use cases
(diff. offer and trade states, wallet restore with same seed of with
foreign seed -> in that case we need to recreated the AddressEntryList
but that should be handled in the related domain)
- Add copyFile method
* If Tor *.onion hostname, use HTTP with Tor proxy
* If or localhost, use HTTP without Tor proxy
* If LAN address or *.local FQDN, use HTTP without Tor proxy
* If any other FQDN hostname, use HTTPS with Tor proxy
- useXmrTxProof was set at active but used in addContent which was
called before activate.
- Fix bug with using currencyName instead of currencyCode
- Refactor: Use methods in base class instead of repeated code
Fix missing CSS color code xmr-orange, was missing from dark mode.
Fix log message spelling/typo errors.
Removed 2 fixes from SellerStep3View so that chimp1984 can make
Remove address validator from XMR service address settings because
it does not support https prefix.
We apply userName to accountId if it is not set (e.g. new account
created with new version). We do not use that for display or for
account signing in case both fields are the same but we need to use
accountId in case the user trades with a not updated user who expects
accountId as only field.
I improved a bit the display of account data in the trade screens.
In case accountId was set with the phone number (updated account with
phone nr used for account signing) we show both userName and phone nr.
- Show phone number if accountId was set by old account. Otherwise
show only userName
- For old users they will see the user name as phone number displayed
if they trade with new users if the new user has created a new account.
If he has updated an existing account the accountId (phone number) is
used, so it displays the phone number.
- At step 2 changed display of own account data to show account name
- Add 'Recipients' prefix to account data of peer at step 2
Step 3: Buyers account data can be
- Phone number if peer is using old version
- User name if peer is updated user with new account (we apply userName
to accountId)
- Phone number if user is on old version and peer is updated user with
updated account (we keep accountId as phone number)
- User name/Phone number if peer is updated user with updated account
Support agent can mark a suspicious dispute as resolved so it does not
show the alert icon anymore. In the full report a [ACK] got added to
that dispute.
We do not wait until the offer got removed by a network remove message but remove it
directly from the offer book. The broadcast gets now bundled and has 2 sec. delay so the
removal from the network is a bit slower as it has been before. To avoid that the taker gets
confused to see the same offer still in the offerbook we remove it manually. This removal has
only local effect. Other trader might see the offer for a few seconds
still (but cannot take it).
Fix missing CSS color code xmr-orange, was missing from dark mode.
Fix log message spelling/typo errors.
Removed 2 fixes from SellerStep3View so that chimp1984 can make
Remove address validator from XMR service address settings because
it does not support https prefix.