mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 07:07:43 +01:00
Merge pull request #5678 from bisq-network/release/v1.7.3
This commit is contained in:
27 changed files with 258 additions and 31 deletions
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ configure(project(':desktop')) {
modules = ['javafx.controls', 'javafx.fxml']
version = '1.7.2-SNAPSHOT'
version = '1.7.3-SNAPSHOT'
"Implementation-Title": project.name,
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class Version {
// VERSION = 0.5.0 introduces proto buffer for the P2P network and local DB and is a not backward compatible update
// Therefore all sub versions start again with 1
// We use semantic versioning with major, minor and patch
public static final String VERSION = "1.7.2";
public static final String VERSION = "1.7.3";
* Holds a list of the tagged resource files for optimizing the getData requests.
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=podepsán partnerem a může podepsat ú
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=účet byl zablokován
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} dní
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} od podpisu
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Limit účtu: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Účet není omezen
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=Tento účet dosud nebyl podepsán
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=Tento účet byl podepsán
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=Tento účet byl podepsán a může podepisovat účty ostatních uživatelů
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=koupit BTC od uživatele s podepsaným účtem
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=počkat alespoň {0} dní
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Zjistit více
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Je automatické potvrzení povoleno
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Když úspěšně dokončíte obchod s uživatelem, který má podepsaný platební účet, je váš platební účet podepsán.\n{0} dní později se počáteční limit {1} zruší a váš účet může podepisovat platební účty ostatních uživatelů.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Výdaje: {0}\n{1} {2} Transakční poplatek
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Uzavřít bez jakékoli výplaty
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Chcete zavřít bez výplaty?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Náhrada byla již vyplacena
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restartujte klienta pro vyplacení další náhrady pro tento spor
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} nouzový nástroj peněženky
emptyWalletWindow.info=Použijte jej pouze v naléhavých případech, pokud nemůžete získat přístup k vašim prostředkům z uživatelského rozhraní.\n\nUpozorňujeme, že při použití tohoto nástroje budou všechny otevřené nabídky automaticky uzavřeny.\n\nPřed použitím tohoto nástroje si prosím zálohujte datový adresář. Můžete to udělat na obrazovce \"Účet/Záloha\".\n\nNahlaste nám svůj problém a nahlaste zprávu o chybě na GitHubu nebo na fóru Bisq, abychom mohli prozkoumat, co způsobilo problém.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=Váš zůstatek v peněžence
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Vyberte nebo vyhledejte altcoin
payment.secret=Tajná otázka
payment.wallet=ID peněženky
payment.capitual.cap=CAP kód
payment.amazon.site=Kupte Amazon eGift zde:
payment.ask=Zjistěte pomocí obchodního chatu
payment.uphold.accountId=Uživatelské jméno, e-mail nebo číslo telefonu
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID spojené s finanční institucí. Jako e-mailová adresa neb
payment.payid.info=PayID jako telefonní číslo, e-mailová adresa nebo australské obchodní číslo (ABN), které můžete bezpečně propojit se svou bankou, družstevní záložnou nebo účtem stavební spořitelny. Musíte mít již vytvořený PayID u své australské finanční instituce. Odesílající i přijímající finanční instituce musí podporovat PayID. Další informace najdete na [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Chcete-li platit dárkovou kartou Amazon eGift, budete muset prodejci BTC poslat kartu Amazon eGift přes svůj účet Amazon.\n\nBisq zobrazí e-mail nebo mobilní číslo prodejce BTC, kam bude potřeba odeslat tuto dárkovou kartu. Na kartě ve zprávě pro příjemce musí být uvedeno ID obchodu. Pro další detaily a rady viz wiki: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card].\n\nZde jsou tři důležité poznámky:\n- Preferujte dárkové karty v hodnotě do 100 USD, protože Amazon může považovat nákupy karet s vyššími částkami jako podezřelé a zablokovat je.\n- Na kartě do zprávy pro příjemce můžete přidat i vlastní originální text (např. "Happy birthday Susan!") spolu s ID obchodu. (V takovém případě o tom informujte protistranu pomocí obchodovacího chatu, aby mohli s jistotou ověřit, že obdržená dárková karta pochází od vás.)\n- Karty Amazon eGift lze uplatnit pouze na té stránce Amazon, na které byly také koupeny (např. karta koupená na amazon.it může být uplatněna zase jen na amazon.it).
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=V čísle {0} není dostatek číslic, aby m
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=V čísle {0} je příliš mnoho číslic, než aby mohlo být platné telefonní číslo
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Telefonní předvolba země pro číslo {0} je pro zemi {1} neplatná. Správné předčíslí je {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Seznam platných adres musí být oddělený čárkami
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Musíte zadat CAP kód ve formátu: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alfanumerických znaků)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=vom Partner unterzeichnet und kann Partne
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=Konto wurde geblockt
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} Tage
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} seit der Unterzeichnung
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=DIeses Konto wurde noch nicht unterzeichnet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Mehr erfahren
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Automatische Bestätigung aktiviert
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Wenn Sie einen Trade mit einem Partner erfolgreich abschließen, der ein unterzeichnetes Zahlungskonto hat, wird Ihr Zahlungskonto unterzeichnet.\n{0} Tage später wird das anfängliche Limit von {1} aufgehoben und Ihr Konto kann die Zahlungskonten anderer Partner unterzeichnen.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Ausgaben: {0}\n{1}{2}Transaktionsgebühr: {
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Ohne Auszahlung schließen
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Wollen Sie schließen ohne eine Auszahlung zu tätigen?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} Notfall-Wallets-Werkzeug
emptyWalletWindow.info=Bitte nur in Notfällen nutzen, wenn Sie vom UI aus nicht auf Ihre Gelder zugreifen können.\n\nBeachten Sie bitte, dass alle offenen Angebote geschlossen werden, wenn Sie dieses Werkzeug verwenden.\n\nErstellen Sie ein Backup Ihres Dateiverzeichnisses, bevor Sie dieses Werkzeug verwenden. Dies können Sie unter \"Konto/Backup\" tun.\n\nBitte melden Sie uns das Problem und erstellen Sie einen Fehlerbericht auf GitHub oder im Bisq-Forum, damit wir feststellen können, was das Problem verursacht hat.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=Ihr verfügbares Wallets-Guthaben
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Altcoin wählen oder suchen
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Kaufe Geschenkkarte auf
payment.ask=Im Trader Chat fragen
payment.uphold.accountId=Nutzername oder Email oder Telefonnr.
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayIDs wie E-Mail Adressen oder Telefonnummern die mit Finanzinsti
payment.payid.info=Eine PayID wie eine Telefonnummer, E-Mail Adresse oder Australische Business Number (ABN) mit der Sie sicher Ihre Bank, Kreditgenossenschaft oder Bausparkassenkonto verlinken können. Sie müssen bereits eine PayID mit Ihrer Australischen Finanzinstitution erstellt haben. Beide Institutionen, die die sendet und die die empfängt, müssen PayID unterstützen. Weitere informationen finden Sie unter [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Um mit einer Amazon eGift Geschenkkarte zu bezahlen, müssen Sie eine Amazon eGift Geschenkkarte über Ihr Amazon-Konto an den BTC-Verkäufer senden. \n\nBisq zeigt die E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer des BTC-Verkäufers an, an die die Geschenkkarte gesendet werden soll, und Sie müssen die Handels-ID in das Nachrichtenfeld der Geschenkkarte eintragen. Bitte lesen Sie das Wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] für weitere Details und empfohlene Vorgehensweisen. \n\nDrei wichtige Hinweise:\n- Versuchen Sie Geschenkkarten mit Beträgen von 100 USD oder weniger zu versenden, weil Amazon größere Geschenkkarten gerne als betrügerisch kennzeichnet\n- Versuchen Sie einen kreativen, glaubwürdigen Text für die Nachricht der Geschenkkarten zu verwenden (z.B. "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Susi!"), zusammen mit der Handels-ID (und verwenden Sie den Handels-Chat, um Ihrem Handelspartner den von Ihnen gewählten Referenztext mitzuteilen, damit er Ihre Zahlung überprüfen kann)\n- Amazon Geschenkkarten können nur auf der Amazon-Website eingelöst werden, auf der sie gekauft wurden (z. B. kann eine auf amazon.it gekaufte Geschenkkarte nur auf amazon.it eingelöst werden)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon Gift-Karte
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Das ist keine gültige Telefonnummer. Sie ha
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Es sind zu viele Ziffern in {0} um eine gültige Telefonnummer zu sein.
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Die Ländervorwahl in der Nummer {0} ist für das Land {1} ungültig. Die richtige Vorwahl ist {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Muss eine kommagetrennte Liste der gültigen Adressen sein
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=firmado por un par y puede firmar cuentas
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=La cuenta fue bloqueada
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} días
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} desde el firmado
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=Esta cuenta aún no se ha firmado
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Aprender más
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=¿Está habilitada la confirmación automática?
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Cuando complete con éxito un intercambio con un par que tenga una cuenta de pago firmada, su cuenta de pago es firmada.\n{0} días después, el límite inicial de {1} se eleva y su cuenta puede firmar tras cuentas de pago.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Gastando: {0}\n{1}{2}Tasa de transacción:
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Cerrar sin realizar algún pago
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=¿Quiere cerrar sin realizar algún pago?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline=Herramienta de monedero {0} de emergencia
emptyWalletWindow.info=Por favor usar sólo en caso de emergencia si no puede acceder a sus fondos desde la Interfaz de Usuario (UI).\n\nPor favor, tenga en cuenta que todas las ofertas abiertas se cerrarán automáticamente al usar esta herramienta.\n\nAntes de usar esta herramienta, por favor realice una copia de seguridad del directorio de datos. Puede hacerlo en \"Cuenta/Copia de Seguridad\".\n\nPor favor repórtenos su problema y envíe un reporte de fallos en Github en el foro de Bisq para que podamos investigar qué causa el problema.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=Su balance disponible en cartera
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Seleccionar o buscar altcoin
payment.secret=Pregunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID de cartera:
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Compre una tarjeta regalo en
payment.ask=Pregunte en el Chat de Intercambio
payment.uphold.accountId=Nombre de usuario, correo electrónico o núm de teléfono
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID conectado a una institución financiera. Como la dirección
payment.payid.info=Un PayID como un número de teléfono, dirección email o Australian Business Number (ABN), que puede conectar con seguridad a su banco, unión de crédito o cuenta de construcción de sociedad. Necesita haber creado una PayID con su institución financiera australiana. Tanto para enviar y recibir las instituciones financieras deben soportar PayID. Para más información por favor compruebe [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Para pagar con Tarjeta eGift Amazon. necesitará enviar una Tarjeta eGift Amazon al vendedor BTC a través de su cuenta Amazon.\n\nBisq mostrará la dirección e-mail del vendedor de BTC o el número de teléfono donde la tarjeta de regalo deberá enviarse. Por favor vea la wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] para más detalles y mejores prácticas.\n\nNotas importantes:\n- Pruebe a enviar las tarjetas regalo en cantidades de 100USD o menores, ya que Amazon está señalando tarjetas regalo mayores como fraudulentas.\n- Intente usar textos para el mensaje de la tarjeta regalo creíbles y creativos ("Feliz cumpleaños!").\n- Las tarjetas Amazon eGift pueden ser redimidas únicamente en la web de Amazon en la que se compraron (por ejemplo, una tarjeta comprada en amazon.it solo puede ser redimida en amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Tarjeta Amazon eGift
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=No hay suficientes dígitos en {0} para ser
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Hay demasiados dígitos en {0} para ser un número de teléfono válido.
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=El código de país para el número {0} es inválido para el país {1}. El código de país correcto es {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=La lista de direcciones válidas debe ser separada por coma
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=signed by peer and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=account was banned
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} روز
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=This account hasn't been signed yet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=بیشتر بدانید
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Is auto-confirm enabled
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=When you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Spending: {0}\n{1}{2}Transaction fee: {3} (
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Close without any payout
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Do you want to close without doing any payout?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline=ابزار اضطراری کیف پول {0}
emptyWalletWindow.info=لطفاً تنها در مورد اضطراری از آن استفاده کنید اگر نمی توانید به وجه خود از UI دسترسی داشته باشید.\n\nلطفاً توجه داشته باشید که تمام معاملات باز به طور خودکار در هنگام استفاده از این ابزار، بسته خواهد شد.\n\nقبل از به کار گیری این ابزار، از راهنمای داده ی خود پشتیبان بگیرید. می توانید این کار را در \"حساب/پشتیبان\" انجام دهید.\n\nلطفاً مشکل خود را به ما گزارش کنید و گزارش مشکل را در GitHub یا تالار گفتگوی Bisq بایگانی کنید تا ما بتوانیم منشأ مشکل را بررسی نماییم.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=موجودی در دسترس کیفپول شما
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=سوال محرمانه
payment.wallet=شناسه کیف پول
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
payment.uphold.accountId=نام کاربری یا ایمیل یا شماره تلفن
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobil
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a v
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Must be comma separated list of valid addresses
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=signé par un pair et pouvant signer des
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=Ce compte a été banni
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} jours
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} depuis la signature
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=Ce compte n'a pas encore été signé
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=En savoir plus
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Est-ce-que la confirmation automatique est activée
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Lorsque vous effectuez avec succès une transaction avec un pair disposant d''un compte de paiement signé, votre compte de paiement est signé.\n{0} Jours plus tard, la limite initiale de {1} est levée et votre compte peut signer les comptes de paiement d''un autre pair.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Dépense: {0}\n{1}{2}Frais de transaction:
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Fermer sans paiement
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Voulez-vous fermer sans effectuer aucun paiement?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} Outil de secours du portefeuille
emptyWalletWindow.info=Veuillez utiliser ceci qu'en cas d'urgence si vous ne pouvez pas accéder à vos fonds à partir de l'interface utilisateur.\n\nVeuillez remarquer que touts les ordres en attente seront automatiquement fermés lors de l'utilisation de cet outil.\n\nAvant d'utiliser cet outil, veuillez sauvegarder votre répertoire de données. Vous pouvez le faire sur \"Compte/sauvegarde\".\n\nVeuillez nous signaler votre problème et déposer un rapport de bug sur GitHub ou sur le forum Bisq afin que nous puissions enquêter sur la source du problème.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=Votre solde disponible sur le portefeuille
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Sélectionner ou chercher un Altcoin
payment.secret=Question secrète
payment.wallet=ID du portefeuille
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Acheter la carte cadeau à
payment.ask=Demander dans le chat de trade
payment.uphold.accountId=Nom d'utilisateur ou email ou N° de téléphone
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=Un PayID lié à une institution financière. Comme une adresse e-
payment.payid.info=Un PayID, tel qu'un numéro de téléphone, une adresse électronique ou un numéro d'entreprise Australienne (ABN), que vous pourrez lier en toute sécurité à votre compte bancaire, votre crédit mutuel ou votre société de crédit immobilier. Vous devez avoir déjà créé un PayID auprès de votre institution financière Australienne. Les institutions financières émettrices et réceptrices doivent toutes deux prendre en charge PayID. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Pour payer avec une carte cadeau Amazon eGift Card, vous devrez envoyer une carte cadeau Amazon eGift Card au vendeur de BTC via votre compte Amazon. \n\nBisq indiquera l'adresse e-mail ou le numéro de téléphone du vendeur BTC où la carte cadeau doit être envoyée, et vous devrez inclure l'ID du trade dans le champ du message de la carte cadeau. Veuillez consulter le wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] pour plus de détails et pour les meilleures pratiques à adopter. \n\nTrois remarques importantes :\n- essayez d'envoyer des cartes-cadeaux d'un montant inférieur ou égal à 100 USD, car Amazon est connu pour signaler les cartes-cadeaux plus importantes comme frauduleuses\n- essayez d'utiliser un texte créatif et crédible pour le message de la carte cadeau (par exemple, "Joyeux anniversaire Susan !") incluant l'ID du trade (et utilisez le chat du trade pour indiquer à votre pair de trading le texte de référence que vous avez choisi afin qu'il puisse vérifier votre paiement).\n- Les cartes cadeaux électroniques Amazon ne peuvent être échangées que sur le site Amazon où elles ont été achetées (par exemple, une carte cadeau achetée sur amazon.it ne peut être échangée que sur amazon.it).
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=eCarte cadeau Amazon
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD_SHORT=eCarte cadeau Amazon
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Il n'y a pas assez de chiffres dans {0} pour
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Il y a trop de chiffres dans {0} pour être un numéro de téléphone valide
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=L'indicatif de pays du numéro {0} est invalide pour le pays {1}. Le bon indicatif est {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Doit être une liste d’adresses valide séparée par des virgules
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=firmato da un peer e può firmare account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned= \nl'account è stato bannato
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} giorni
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} dalla firma
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=Questo account non è stato ancora firmato
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Leggi di più
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Is auto-confirm enabled
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Quando completi correttamente un'operazione con un peer che ha un account di pagamento firmato, il tuo account di pagamento viene firmato.\n{0} giorni dopo, il limite iniziale di {1} viene alzato e il tuo account può firmare account di pagamento di altri peer.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Spending: {0}\n{1}{2}Transaction fee: {3} (
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Close without any payout
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Do you want to close without doing any payout?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} strumento portafoglio di emergenza
emptyWalletWindow.info=Utilizzalo solo in caso di emergenza se non puoi accedere al tuo fondo dall'interfaccia utente.\n\nSi noti che tutte le offerte aperte verranno chiuse automaticamente quando si utilizza questo strumento.\n\nPrima di utilizzare questo strumento, eseguire il backup della directory dei dati. Puoi farlo in \"Account/Backup\".\n\nTi preghiamo di segnalarci il tuo problema e di presentare una segnalazione di bug su GitHub o sul forum Bisq in modo da poter esaminare la causa del problema.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=Il saldo disponibile del tuo portafoglio
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Domanda segreta
payment.wallet=ID portafoglio
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
payment.uphold.accountId=Nome utente o e-mail o n. di telefono
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobil
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a v
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Deve essere un elenco separato da virgole di indirizzi validi
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=ピアが署名しました。ピアア
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long=署名する後から {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=署名された支払いアカウントを持っているピアと成功にトレードすると、自身の支払いアカウントも署名されることになります。\n{0} 日後に、{1} という初期の制限は解除され、他のピアの支払いアカウントを署名できるようになります。
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=支払う金額: {0}\n{1}{2}トランザク
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} 緊急ウォレットツール
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=アルトコイン選択、または検索する
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=金融機関と繋がっているPayID。例えばEメールアド
payment.payid.info=銀行、信用金庫、あるいは住宅金融組合アカウントと安全に繋がれるPayIDとして使われる電話番号、Eメールアドレス、それともオーストラリア企業番号(ABN)。すでにオーストラリアの金融機関とPayIDを作った必要があります。送金と受取の金融機関は両方PayIDをサポートする必要があります。詳しくは以下を訪れて下さい [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=アマゾンeGiftカードで支払うには、アマゾンアカウントを使ってeGiftカードをBTC売り手に送る必要があります。\n\nBisqはeGiftカードの送り先になるBTC売り手のメールアドレスそれとも電話番号を表示します。そしてeGiftカードのメッセージフィールドに、必ずトレードIDを入力して下さい。最良の慣行について詳しくはWikiを参照して下さい:[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card]\n\n3つの注意点:\n- 可能であれば、100米ドル価格以下のeGiftカードを送って下さい。それ以上の価格はアマゾンに不正な取引というフラグが立てられることがあります。\n- eGiftカードのメッセージフィールドに、トレードIDと一緒に信ぴょう性のあるメッセージを入力して下さい。(例えば隆さん、「お誕生日おめでとう!」)。(そして確認のため、取引者チャットでトレードピアにメッセージの内容を伝えて下さい)。\n- アマゾンeGiftカードは買われたサイトのみに交換できます(例えば、amazon.jpから買われたカードはamazon.jpのみに交換できます)。
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits={0} には桁数が不十分で有効電話
validation.phone.tooManyDigits={0} には桁数が多過ぎて有効電話番号になりません
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=電話番号 {0} の国番号は国の {1} にとって間違っています。正しい国番号は {2} です。
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=assinada por um par e pode assinar contas
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=conta foi banida
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} dias
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} desde a assinatura
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=Esta conta ainda não foi assinada
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Saiba mais
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Is auto-confirm enabled
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Quando você completa uma negociação bem sucedida com um par que tem uma conta de pagamento assinada, a sua conta de pagamento é assinada.\n{0} dias depois, o limite inicial de {1} é levantado e sua conta pode assinar as contas de pagamento de outros pares.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Spending: {0}\n{1}{2}Transaction fee: {3} (
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Close without any payout
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Do you want to close without doing any payout?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} ferramenta de emergência da carteira
emptyWalletWindow.info=Por favor, utilize essa opção apenas em caso de emergência, caso você não consiga acessar seus fundos a partir do programa.\n\nNote que todas as ofertas abertas serão fechadas automaticamente quando você utilizar esta ferramenta.\n\nAntes de usar esta ferramenta, faça um backup da sua pasta de dados. Você pode fazer isso em \"Conta/Backup\".\n\nHavendo qualquer problema, avise-nos através do GitHub ou do fórum Bisq, para que assim possamos investigar o que causou o problema.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=Seu saldo disponível na carteira
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Pergunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID da carteira
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
payment.uphold.accountId=Nome de usuário, e-mail ou nº de telefone
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobil
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a v
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Precisa ser uma lista delimitada por vírgulas de endereços válidos
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=assinada por um par e pode assinar contas
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=account was banned
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} dias
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} desde a assinatura
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=Esta conta ainda não foi assinada
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Saber mais
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Is auto-confirm enabled
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Quando você completa com sucesso um negócio com um par que tenha uma conta de pagamento assinada, a sua conta de pagamento é assinada .\n{0} dias depois, o limite inicial de {1} é aumentado e a sua conta pode assinar contas de pagamento de outros pares.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Spending: {0}\n{1}{2}Transaction fee: {3} (
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Close without any payout
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Do you want to close without doing any payout?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} ferramenta de emergência da carteira
emptyWalletWindow.info=Por favor, use isso apenas em caso de emergência, se você não puder aceder o seu fundo a partir da interface do utilizador.\n\nPor favor, note que todas as ofertas abertas serão fechadas automaticamente ao usar esta ferramenta.\n\nAntes de usar essa ferramenta, faça backup do seu diretório de dados. Você pode fazer isso em \"Conta/Backup\".\n\nPor favor comunique-nos o seu problema e envie um relatório de erros no Github ou no fórum Bisq para que possamos investigar o que causou o problema.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=O saldo disponível da sua carteira:
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Pergunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID da carteira
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
payment.uphold.accountId=Nome de utilizador, email ou nº de telemóvel
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobil
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT=Altcoins Instantâneas
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a v
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Deve ser um lista de endereços válidos separados por vírgulas
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=signed by peer and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=account was banned
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} дн.
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=This account hasn't been signed yet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Узнать больше
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Is auto-confirm enabled
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=When you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Spending: {0}\n{1}{2}Transaction fee: {3} (
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Close without any payout
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Do you want to close without doing any payout?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline=Аварийный кошелёк {0}
emptyWalletWindow.info=Используйте этот инструмент только в экстренном случае, если вам недоступны средства из пользовательского интерфейса.\n\nУчтите, что все открытые предложения будут автоматически закрыты при использовании этого инструмента.\n\nПрежде чем воспользоваться этим инструментом, создайте резервную копию своего каталога данных. Это можно сделать в разделе \«Счёт/Резервное копирование\».\n\nСообщите нам о неисправности и создайте отчёт о ней в Github или на форуме Bisq, чтобы мы могли выявить её причину.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=Доступный баланс кошелька
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Секретный вопрос
payment.wallet=Идентификатор кошелька
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
payment.uphold.accountId=Имя пользователя, эл. адрес или тел. номер
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobil
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT=Альткойны (мгновенно)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT_SHORT=Альткойны (мгновенно)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a v
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Must be comma separated list of valid addresses
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=signed by peer and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=account was banned
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} วัน
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=This account hasn't been signed yet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Learn more
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Is auto-confirm enabled
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=When you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Spending: {0}\n{1}{2}Transaction fee: {3} (
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Close without any payout
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Do you want to close without doing any payout?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} กระเป๋าสตางค์ฉุกเฉิน
emptyWalletWindow.info=โปรดใช้ในกรณีฉุกเฉินเท่านั้นหากคุณไม่สามารถเข้าถึงเงินจาก UI ได้\n\nโปรดทราบว่าข้อเสนอแบบเปิดทั้งหมดจะถูกปิดโดยอัตโนมัติเมื่อใช้เครื่องมือนี้\n\nก่อนที่คุณจะใช้เครื่องมือนี้โปรดสำรองข้อมูลในสารบบข้อมูลของคุณ คุณสามารถดำเนินการได้ที่ \"บัญชี / การสำรองข้อมูล \" \n\nโปรดรายงานปัญหาของคุณและส่งรายงานข้อบกพร่องเกี่ยวกับ GitHub หรือที่ฟอรัม Bisq เพื่อให้เราสามารถตรวจสอบสิ่งที่เป็นสาเหตุของปัญหาได้
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.wallet=ID กระเป๋าสตางค์
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
payment.uphold.accountId=ชื่อผู้ใช้ หรือ อีเมล หรือ หมายเลขโทรศัพท์
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobil
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a v
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Must be comma separated list of valid addresses
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=signed by peer and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=account was banned
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} ngày
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=This account hasn't been signed yet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Tìm hiểu thêm
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Is auto-confirm enabled
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=When you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts.
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Spending: {0}\n{1}{2}Transaction fee: {3} (
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.headline=Close without any payout
disputeSummaryWindow.close.noPayout.text=Do you want to close without doing any payout?
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline=Công cụ ví khẩn cấp
emptyWalletWindow.info=Vui lòng chỉ sử dụng trong trường hợp khẩn cấp nếu bạn không thể truy cập vốn của bạn từ UI.\n\nLưu ý rằng tất cả Báo giá mở sẽ được tự động đóng khi sử dụng công cụ này.\n\nTrước khi sử dụng công cụ này, vui lòng sao lưu dự phòng thư mục dữ liệu của bạn. Bạn có thể sao lưu tại \"Tài khoản/Sao lưu dự phòng\".\n\nVui lòng báo với chúng tôi vấn đề của bạn và lập báo cáo sự cố trên GitHub hoặc diễn đàn Bisq để chúng tôi có thể điều tra điều gì gây nên vấn đề đó.
emptyWalletWindow.balance=Số dư ví hiện tại của bạn
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Câu hỏi bí mật
payment.answer=Trả lời
payment.wallet=ID ví
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
payment.uphold.accountId=Tên người dùng hoặc email hoặc số điện thoại
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobil
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT=Altcoin ngay tức thì
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a v
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Must be comma separated list of valid addresses
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=由对方验证,并可验证对方账
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} 天
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=当您成功地完成与拥有已验证付款帐户的伙伴交易时,您的付款帐户已验证。\n{0} 天后,最初的 {1} 的限制解除以及你的账户可以验证其他人的付款账户。
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=费用:{0}\n{1}{2}交易费:{3}({4}sato
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} 钱包急救工具
emptyWalletWindow.info=请在紧急情况下使用,如果您无法从 UI 中访问您的资金。\n\n请注意,使用此工具时,所有未结报价将自动关闭。\n\n在使用此工具之前,请备份您的数据目录。您可以在“帐户/备份”中执行此操作。\n\n请报告我们您的问题,并在 Github 或 Bisq 论坛上提交错误报告,以便我们可以调查导致问题的原因。
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=选择或搜索数字货币
payment.wallet=钱包 ID
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID 需链接至金融机构。例如电子邮件地址或手机
payment.payid.info=PayID,如电话号码、电子邮件地址或澳大利亚商业号码(ABN),您可以安全地连接到您的银行、信用合作社或建立社会帐户。你需要在你的澳大利亚金融机构创建一个 PayID。发送和接收金融机构都必须支持 PayID。更多信息请查看[HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits={0} 中没有足够的数字作为有效的
validation.phone.tooManyDigits={0} 中的数字太多,不是有效的电话号码
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=数字 {0} 中的国际拨号代码对于 {1} 无效。正确的拨号号码是 {2} 。
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -353,6 +353,14 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=由對方驗證,並可驗證對方賬
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} 天
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=當您成功地完成與擁有已驗證付款帳户的夥伴交易時,您的付款帳户已驗證。\n{0} 天后,最初的 {1} 的限制解除以及你的賬户可以驗證其他人的付款賬户。
@ -2130,6 +2138,9 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=費用:{0}\n{1}{2}交易費:{3}({4}sato
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.headline=Payout already done
disputeSummaryWindow.close.alreadyPaid.text=Restart the client to do another payout for this dispute
emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} 錢包急救工具
emptyWalletWindow.info=請在緊急情況下使用,如果您無法從 UI 中訪問您的資金。\n\n請注意,使用此工具時,所有未結報價將自動關閉。\n\n在使用此工具之前,請備份您的數據目錄。您可以在“帳户/備份”中執行此操作。\n\n請報吿我們您的問題,並在 Github 或 Bisq 論壇上提交錯誤報吿,以便我們可以調查導致問題的原因。
@ -2665,6 +2676,7 @@ payment.select.altcoin=選擇或搜索數字貨幣
payment.wallet=錢包 ID
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.amazon.site=Buy giftcard at
payment.ask=Ask in Trader Chat
@ -2761,7 +2773,6 @@ payment.payid=PayID 需鏈接至金融機構。例如電子郵件地址或手機
payment.payid.info=PayID,如電話號碼、電子郵件地址或澳大利亞商業號碼(ABN),您可以安全地連接到您的銀行、信用合作社或建立社會帳户。你需要在你的澳大利亞金融機構創建一個 PayID。發送和接收金融機構都必須支持 PayID。更多信息請查看[HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2844,6 +2855,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2896,6 +2909,8 @@ TRANSFERWISE_SHORT=TransferWise
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2985,3 +3000,4 @@ validation.phone.insufficientDigits={0} 中沒有足夠的數字作為有效的
validation.phone.tooManyDigits={0} 中的數字太多,不是有效的電話號碼
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=數字 {0} 中的國際撥號代碼對於 {1} 無效。正確的撥號號碼是 {2} 。
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -343,3 +343,6 @@ HVlvUHhtZuK/0YNBAAptoAAAACDh3dGZyflMEQKf8NvR3vmO7MEz9i2IDQAAAAAAAAAAAD75AXEYjGSu
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# pull base image
FROM openjdk:8-jdk
ENV version 1.7.2-SNAPSHOT
ENV version 1.7.3-SNAPSHOT
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openjfx && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* &&
apt-get install -y vim fakeroot
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
<!-- See: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html -->
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
# Set BISQ_DIR as environment var to the path of your locally synced Bisq data directory e.g. BISQ_DIR=~/Library/Application\ Support/Bisq
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd ../../
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
find . -type f \( -name "finalize.sh" \
-o -name "create_app.sh" \
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../.
find . -type f \( -name "finalize.sh" \
-o -name "create_app.sh" \
(Stored with Git LFS)
(Stored with Git LFS)
Binary file not shown.
(Stored with Git LFS)
(Stored with Git LFS)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
public class SeedNodeMain extends ExecutableForAppWithP2p {
private static final long CHECK_CONNECTION_LOSS_SEC = 30;
private static final String VERSION = "1.7.2";
private static final String VERSION = "1.7.3";
private SeedNode seedNode;
private Timer checkConnectionLossTime;
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