Update translations for v1.7.0

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Atteneder 2021-06-23 14:28:58 +02:00
parent 9f42035108
commit e6c3499384
No known key found for this signature in database
14 changed files with 169 additions and 71 deletions

View file

@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Zavřít úkol
support.attachments=Přílohy: support.attachments=Přílohy:
support.savedInMailbox=Zpráva uložena ve schránce příjemce support.savedInMailbox=Zpráva uložena ve schránce příjemce
support.arrived=Zpráva dorazila k příjemci support.arrived=Zpráva dorazila k příjemci
support.transient=Zpráva je na cestě k příjemci
support.acknowledged=Přijetí zprávy potvrzeno příjemcem support.acknowledged=Přijetí zprávy potvrzeno příjemcem
support.error=Příjemce nemohl zpracovat zprávu. Chyba: {0} support.error=Příjemce nemohl zpracovat zprávu. Chyba: {0}
support.errorTimeout=vypršela. Zkuste zprávu odeslat znovu.
support.buyerAddress=Adresa kupujícího BTC support.buyerAddress=Adresa kupujícího BTC
support.sellerAddress=Adresa prodejce BTC support.sellerAddress=Adresa prodejce BTC
support.role=Role support.role=Role
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Nastavit filtr (privilegovaná aktivita)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Odeslat soukromé oznámení partnerovi (privilegovaná aktivita) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Odeslat soukromé oznámení partnerovi (privilegovaná aktivita)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Otevřete informace o uživateli kliknutím na avatar a stiskněte: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Otevřete informace o uživateli kliknutím na avatar a stiskněte: {0}
setting.info.headline=Nová funkce automatického potvrzení XMR
setting.info.msg=Při prodeji BTC za XMR můžete pomocí funkce automatického potvrzení ověřit, že do vaší peněženky bylo odesláno správné množství XMR, takže Bisq může automaticky označit obchod jako dokončený, což zrychlí obchodování pro všechny.\n\nAutomatické potvrzení zkontroluje transakci XMR alespoň na 2 uzlech průzkumníka XMR pomocí klíče soukromé transakce poskytnutého odesílatelem XMR. Ve výchozím nastavení používá Bisq uzly průzkumníka spuštěné přispěvateli Bisq, ale pro maximální soukromí a zabezpečení doporučujeme spustit vlastní uzel průzkumníka XMR.\n\nMůžete také nastavit maximální částku BTC na obchod, která se má automaticky potvrdit, a také počet požadovaných potvrzení zde v Nastavení.\n\nZobrazit další podrobnosti (včetně toho, jak nastavit vlastní uzel průzkumníka) na Bisq wiki: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=Při prodeji BTC za XMR můžete pomocí funkce automatického potvrzení ověřit, že do vaší peněženky bylo odesláno správné množství XMR, takže Bisq může automaticky označit obchod jako dokončený, což zrychlí obchodování pro všechny.\n\nAutomatické potvrzení zkontroluje transakci XMR alespoň na 2 uzlech průzkumníka XMR pomocí klíče soukromé transakce poskytnutého odesílatelem XMR. Ve výchozím nastavení používá Bisq uzly průzkumníka spuštěné přispěvateli Bisq, ale pro maximální soukromí a zabezpečení doporučujeme spustit vlastní uzel průzkumníka XMR.\n\nMůžete také nastavit maximální částku BTC na obchod, která se má automaticky potvrdit, a také počet požadovaných potvrzení zde v Nastavení.\n\nZobrazit další podrobnosti (včetně toho, jak nastavit vlastní uzel průzkumníka) na Bisq wiki: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
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# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Musíte počkat, až budete plně připojeni k s
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Musíte počkat, až budete mít alespoň {0} připojení k bitcoinové síti. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Musíte počkat, až budete mít alespoň {0} připojení k bitcoinové síti.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Musíte počkat, až bude stahování chybějících bitcoinových bloků kompletní. popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Musíte počkat, až bude stahování chybějících bitcoinových bloků kompletní.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Výška blockchainu peněženky Bisq není správně synchronizována. Pokud jste aplikaci spustili nedávno, počkejte, dokud nebude zveřejněn jeden blok bitcoinů.\n\nVýšku blockchainu můžete zkontrolovat v Nastavení/Informace o síti. Pokud projde více než jeden blok a tento problém přetrvává, asi být zastaven, v takovém případě byste měli provést SPV resynchonizaci. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Výška blockchainu peněženky Bisq není správně synchronizována. Pokud jste aplikaci spustili nedávno, počkejte, dokud nebude zveřejněn jeden blok bitcoinů.\n\nVýšku blockchainu můžete zkontrolovat v Nastavení/Informace o síti. Pokud projde více než jeden blok a tento problém přetrvává, asi být zastaven, v takovém případě byste měli provést SPV resynchonizaci. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Bisq DAO stav musí být resynchronizován.\n\nProsím přejděte do menu \"Sledování DAO sítě\" a postupujte podle instrukcí, abyste stav DAO znovu resynchronizovali.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Opravdu chcete tuto nabídku odebrat?\nPokud tuto nabídku odstraníte, ztratí se poplatek tvůrce {0}. popup.warning.removeOffer=Opravdu chcete tuto nabídku odebrat?\nPokud tuto nabídku odstraníte, ztratí se poplatek tvůrce {0}.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Nelze nastavit procento 100% nebo větší. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Nelze nastavit procento 100% nebo větší.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Zadejte procento jako číslo \"5.4\" pro 5.4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Zadejte procento jako číslo \"5.4\" pro 5.4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Probíhá vypínání
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Vypnutí aplikace může trvat několik sekund.\nProsím, nepřerušujte tento proces. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Vypnutí aplikace může trvat několik sekund.\nProsím, nepřerušujte tento proces.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Je třeba věnovat pozornost obchodu s ID {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Je třeba věnovat pozornost obchodu s ID {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Verze 1.6.3 přináší novou funkci umožňující snadné opětovné zadávání nabídek; klikněte pravým tlačítkem na existující nabídku nebo obchod v sekci Portfolio a zvolte `Vytvořit novou nabídku jako tato`. Tato funkce je užitečná pro obchodníky, kteří často vytvářejí stejnou nabídku.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=K dispozici jsou účty a více platebními metodami popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=K dispozici jsou účty a více platebními metodami
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Pro tuto nabídku máte k dispozici více platebních účtů. Ujistěte se, že jste vybrali ten správný. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Pro tuto nabídku máte k dispozici více platebních účtů. Ujistěte se, že jste vybrali ten správný.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} onion adresa: {1}\nUž jste s tímto partn
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} onion adresa: {1}\nDosud jste s tímto partnerem neobchodovali.\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} onion adresa: {1}\nDosud jste s tímto partnerem neobchodovali.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Platební účet byl vytvořen před {0}. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Platební účet byl vytvořen před {0}.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Stáří platebního účtu není znám. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Stáří platebního účtu není znám.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nPočet sporů: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Otevřít vyskakovací okno s podrobnostmi tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Otevřít vyskakovací okno s podrobnostmi
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=Tento obchod je v neplatném stavu. Chcete-li získat další informace, otevřete okno s podrobnostmi tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=Tento obchod je v neplatném stavu. Chcete-li získat další informace, otevřete okno s podrobnostmi
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Zkopírujte adresu do schránky
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Adresa byla zkopírována do schránky addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Adresa byla zkopírována do schránky
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Otevření výchozí bitcoinové peněženky se nezdařilo. Možná nemáte žádnou nainstalovanou? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Otevření výchozí bitcoinové peněženky se nezdařilo. Možná nemáte žádnou nainstalovanou?
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Zkopírujte adresu do schránky
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nŠtítek: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nŠtítek: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Zkopírujte ID transakce do schránky txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Zkopírujte ID transakce do schránky
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\"Nastavení/Preference\"
navigation.funds.transactions=\"Prostředky/Transakce\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"Prostředky/Transakce\"
navigation.support=\"Podpora\" navigation.support=\"Podpora\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive="DAO/Peněženka BSQ/Přijmout" navigation.dao.wallet.receive="DAO/Peněženka BSQ/Přijmout"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"Sledování DAO sítě\"
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View file

@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=An einer Service-Abfrage ist ein Fehler a
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=Eine Service-Abfrage ist ausgefallen. Eine Automatische Bestätigung ist nicht mehr möglich. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=Eine Service-Abfrage ist ausgefallen. Eine Automatische Bestätigung ist nicht mehr möglich.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=Die Kautionstransaktion wurde veröffentlicht.\n{0} muss auf wenigstens eine Blockchain-Bestätigung warten, bevor die Zahlung beginnt. portfolio.pending.step1.info=Die Einzahlungstransaktion wurde veröffentlicht.\n{0} Sie müssen mindestens eine Blockchain-Bestätigung warten bevor Sie die Zahlung starten.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=Die Kautionstransaktion ist noch nicht bestätigt. Dies geschieht manchmal in seltenen Fällen, wenn die Finanzierungsgebühr aus der externen Wallet eines Traders zu niedrig war. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=Die Kautionstransaktion ist noch nicht bestätigt. Dies geschieht manchmal in seltenen Fällen, wenn die Finanzierungsgebühr aus der externen Wallet eines Traders zu niedrig war.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=Die Kautionstransaktion ist noch nicht bestätigt. Sie können länger warten oder den Vermittler um Hilfe bitten. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=Die Einzahlungstransaktion ist noch immer nicht bestätigt. Sie können länger warten oder den Mediator um Hilfe bitten.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Ihr Handel hat mindestens eine Blockchain-Bestätigung erreicht.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Ihr Handel hat mindestens eine Blockchain-Bestätigung erreicht.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Ticket schließen
support.attachments=Anhänge: support.attachments=Anhänge:
support.savedInMailbox=Die Nachricht wurde im Postfach des Empfängers gespeichert support.savedInMailbox=Die Nachricht wurde im Postfach des Empfängers gespeichert
support.arrived=Die Nachricht ist beim Empfänger angekommen support.arrived=Die Nachricht ist beim Empfänger angekommen
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=Nachrichtenankunft vom Empfänger bestätigt support.acknowledged=Nachrichtenankunft vom Empfänger bestätigt
support.error=Empfänger konnte die Nachricht nicht verarbeiten. Fehler: {0} support.error=Empfänger konnte die Nachricht nicht verarbeiten. Fehler: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=BTC-Adresse des Käufers support.buyerAddress=BTC-Adresse des Käufers
support.sellerAddress=BTC-Adresse des Verkäufers support.sellerAddress=BTC-Adresse des Verkäufers
support.role=Rolle support.role=Rolle
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Filter einstellen (privilegierte Aktivität)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Private Benachrichtigung an Peer senden (privilegierte Aktivität) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Private Benachrichtigung an Peer senden (privilegierte Aktivität)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Öffnen Sie die Partner-Infos am Avatar und klicken Sie: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Öffnen Sie die Partner-Infos am Avatar und klicken Sie: {0}
setting.info.headline=Neues automatisches Bestätigungs-Feature für XMR
setting.info.msg=Wenn Sie BTC für XMR verkaufen, können Sie die automatische Bestätigung aktivieren um nachzuprüfen ob die korrekte Menge an Ihr Wallet gesendet wurde. So kann Bisq den Trade automatisch abschließen und Trades dadurch für alle schneller machen.\n\nDie automatische Bestätigung überprüft die XMR Transaktion über mindestens 2 XMR Explorer Nodes mit dem privaten Transaktionsschlüssel den der Sender zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Bisq verwendet standardmäßig Explorer Nodes die von Bisq Contributors betrieben werden aber wir empfehlen, dass Sie für ein Maximum an Sicherheit und Privatsphäre Ihre eigene XMR Explorer Node betreiben.\n\nFür automatische Bestätigungen, können Sie die max. Höhe an BTC pro Trade und die Anzahl der benötigten Bestätigungen in den Einstellungen festlegen.\n\nFinden Sie weitere Informationen (und eine Anleitung wie Sie Ihre eigene Explorer Node aufsetzen) im Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=Wenn Sie BTC für XMR verkaufen, können Sie die automatische Bestätigung aktivieren um nachzuprüfen ob die korrekte Menge an Ihr Wallet gesendet wurde. So kann Bisq den Trade automatisch abschließen und Trades dadurch für alle schneller machen.\n\nDie automatische Bestätigung überprüft die XMR Transaktion über mindestens 2 XMR Explorer Nodes mit dem privaten Transaktionsschlüssel den der Sender zur Verfügung gestellt hat. Bisq verwendet standardmäßig Explorer Nodes die von Bisq Contributors betrieben werden aber wir empfehlen, dass Sie für ein Maximum an Sicherheit und Privatsphäre Ihre eigene XMR Explorer Node betreiben.\n\nFür automatische Bestätigungen, können Sie die max. Höhe an BTC pro Trade und die Anzahl der benötigten Bestätigungen in den Einstellungen festlegen.\n\nFinden Sie weitere Informationen (und eine Anleitung wie Sie Ihre eigene Explorer Node aufsetzen) im Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
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# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Sie müssen warten, bis Sie vollständig mit dem
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Sie müssen warten, bis Sie wenigstens {0} Verbindungen zum Bitcoinnetzwerk haben. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Sie müssen warten, bis Sie wenigstens {0} Verbindungen zum Bitcoinnetzwerk haben.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Sie müssen warten bis der Download der fehlenden Bitcoinblöcke abgeschlossen ist. popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Sie müssen warten bis der Download der fehlenden Bitcoinblöcke abgeschlossen ist.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Die Blockchain Größe der Bisq Wallet ist nicht korrekt synchronisiert. Wenn Sie kürzlich die Applikation geöffnet haben, warten Sie bitte bis ein Bitcoin Block veröffentlicht wurde.\n\nSie können die Blockchain Größe unter Einstellungen/Netzwerkinformationen finden. Wenn mehr als ein Block veröffentlicht wird und das Problem weiterhin bestehen sollte, wird es eventuell abgewürgt werden. Dann sollten Sie einen SPV Resync durchführen. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Die Blockchain Größe der Bisq Wallet ist nicht korrekt synchronisiert. Wenn Sie kürzlich die Applikation geöffnet haben, warten Sie bitte bis ein Bitcoin Block veröffentlicht wurde.\n\nSie können die Blockchain Größe unter Einstellungen/Netzwerkinformationen finden. Wenn mehr als ein Block veröffentlicht wird und das Problem weiterhin bestehen sollte, wird es eventuell abgewürgt werden. Dann sollten Sie einen SPV Resync durchführen. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Ihr Bisq DAO Status muss sich erneut synchronisieren.\n\nBitte gehen Sie zum Menü des DAO Netzwerk Monitors und folgen Sie den Anweisungen um den DAO Status erneut zu synchronsieren.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Angebot entfernen wollen?\nDie Erstellergebühr von {0} geht verloren, wenn Sie des Angebot entfernen. popup.warning.removeOffer=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das Angebot entfernen wollen?\nDie Erstellergebühr von {0} geht verloren, wenn Sie des Angebot entfernen.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Es kann kein Prozentsatz von 100% oder mehr verwendet werden. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Es kann kein Prozentsatz von 100% oder mehr verwendet werden.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Bitte geben sei einen Prozentsatz wie folgt ein \"5.4\" für 5.4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Bitte geben sei einen Prozentsatz wie folgt ein \"5.4\" für 5.4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Anwendung wird heruntergefahren
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Das Herunterfahren der Anwendung kann einige Sekunden dauern.\nBitte unterbrechen Sie diesen Vorgang nicht. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Das Herunterfahren der Anwendung kann einige Sekunden dauern.\nBitte unterbrechen Sie diesen Vorgang nicht.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Der Handel mit der ID {0} benötigt Ihre Aufmerksamkeit popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Der Handel mit der ID {0} benötigt Ihre Aufmerksamkeit
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 bringt ein neues Feature mit sich: Man kann ganz einfach bestehende Angebote kopieren indem man per Rechtsklick auf das Angebot geht oder im Portfolio Menü handelt und "Erstelle ein gleiches Angebot..." auswählt. Das ist nützlich für Trader die oft das gleiche Angebot erstellen.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Mehrere Zahlungskonten verfügbar popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Mehrere Zahlungskonten verfügbar
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Für dieses Angebot stehen Ihnen mehrere Zahlungskonten zur Verfügung. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie das richtige ausgewählt haben. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Für dieses Angebot stehen Ihnen mehrere Zahlungskonten zur Verfügung. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie das richtige ausgewählt haben.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} Onion-Adresse: {1}\nSie haben schon {2} Ma
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} Onion-Adresse: {1}\nSie haben noch nicht mit diesem Partner gehandelt.\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} Onion-Adresse: {1}\nSie haben noch nicht mit diesem Partner gehandelt.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Zahlungskonto vor {0} erstellt. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Zahlungskonto vor {0} erstellt.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Alter des Zahlungskontos unbekannt. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Alter des Zahlungskontos unbekannt.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Dialogfenster für Details öffnen tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Dialogfenster für Details öffnen
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=Dieser Trade hat einen ungültigen Status. Öffnen Sie das Detail-Fenster für weitere Informationen. tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=Dieser Trade hat einen ungültigen Status. Öffnen Sie das Detail-Fenster für weitere Informationen.
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Adresse in Zwischenablage kopieren
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Die Adresse wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Die Adresse wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Öffnen einer Bitcoin-Wallet-Standardanwendung ist fehlgeschlagen. Haben Sie möglicherweise keine installiert? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Öffnen einer Bitcoin-Wallet-Standardanwendung ist fehlgeschlagen. Haben Sie möglicherweise keine installiert?
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Adresse in Zwischenablage kopieren
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nMarkierung: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nMarkierung: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Transaktions-ID in Zwischenablage kopieren txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Transaktions-ID in Zwischenablage kopieren
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\"Einstellungen/Voreinstellungen\"
navigation.funds.transactions=\"Gelder/Transaktionen\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"Gelder/Transaktionen\"
navigation.support=\"Support\" navigation.support=\"Support\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/BSQ-Wallet/Erhalten\" navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/BSQ-Wallet/Erhalten\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Netzwerk Überwachung\"
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@ -2734,8 +2741,8 @@ payment.f2f.city.prompt=Die Stadt wird mit dem Angebot angezeigt
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Freiwillige zusätzliche Informationen payment.shared.optionalExtra=Freiwillige zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.extraInfo=Zusätzliche Informationen payment.shared.extraInfo=Zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Gib spezielle Bedingungen, Abmachungen oder Details die bei ihren Angeboten unter diesem Zahlungskonto angezeigt werden sollen an. Nutzer werden diese Informationen vor der Annahme des Angebots sehen. payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Gib spezielle Bedingungen, Abmachungen oder Details die bei ihren Angeboten unter diesem Zahlungskonto angezeigt werden sollen an. Nutzer werden diese Informationen vor der Annahme des Angebots sehen.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Bitte geben Sie bei Ihren Angeboten folgendes an (möglichst in Englisch):\n\nLand, in dem Sie sich befinden (z. B. France); \nLänder / Regionen, aus denen Sie Händel akzeptieren würden (z. B. France, EU, oder any European country); \nAlle besonderen Bedingungen/Konditionen;\nSonstige Details. payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Bitte geben Sie bei Ihren Angeboten folgendes an (möglichst in Englisch):\n\nLand, in dem Sie sich befinden (z. B. France); \nLänder / Regionen, aus denen Sie Händel akzeptieren würden (z. B. France, EU, oder any European country); \nAlle besonderen Bedingungen/Konditionen;\nSonstige Details.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und Konditionen des Erstellers.\nWenn Sie die Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, nehmen Sie diesen Handel nicht an. payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und Konditionen des Erstellers.\nWenn Sie die Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, nehmen Sie diesen Handel nicht an.
payment.f2f.info=Persönliche Händel "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') haben andere Regeln und andere Risiken als Online-Händel.\n\nDie Hauptunterschiede sind:\n● Die Handelspartner müssen Informationen über den Ort und die Uhrzeit des Treffens unter Verwendung ihrer angegebenen Kontaktdaten austauschen.\n● Die Handelspartner müssen ihre Laptops mitbringen und die Bestätigung "Zahlung gesendet" und "Zahlung erhalten" am Treffpunkt vornehmen.\n● Wenn der Ersteller eines Angebots spezielle "Geschäftsbedingungen" hat, muss er diese in seinem Konto unter dem Textfeld "Zusatzinformationen" angeben.\n● Mit der Annahme eines Angebots erklärt sich der Käufer mit den vom Ersteller angegebenen "Geschäftsbedingungen" einverstanden.\n● Im Konfliktfall kann der Vermittler oder die Schiedsperson nicht viel tun, da es in der Regel schwierig ist herauszubekommen, was bei dem Treffen wirklich passiert ist. In solchen Fällen bleiben die BTC auf unbestimmte Zeit gesperrt, oder bis die Handelspartner zu einer Einigung kommen.\n\nUm sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Besonderheiten der persönlichen "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') Händel vollständig verstehen, lesen Sie bitte die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)] payment.f2f.info=Persönliche Händel "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') haben andere Regeln und andere Risiken als Online-Händel.\n\nDie Hauptunterschiede sind:\n● Die Handelspartner müssen Informationen über den Ort und die Uhrzeit des Treffens unter Verwendung ihrer angegebenen Kontaktdaten austauschen.\n● Die Handelspartner müssen ihre Laptops mitbringen und die Bestätigung "Zahlung gesendet" und "Zahlung erhalten" am Treffpunkt vornehmen.\n● Wenn der Ersteller eines Angebots spezielle "Geschäftsbedingungen" hat, muss er diese in seinem Konto unter dem Textfeld "Zusatzinformationen" angeben.\n● Mit der Annahme eines Angebots erklärt sich der Käufer mit den vom Ersteller angegebenen "Geschäftsbedingungen" einverstanden.\n● Im Konfliktfall kann der Vermittler oder die Schiedsperson nicht viel tun, da es in der Regel schwierig ist herauszubekommen, was bei dem Treffen wirklich passiert ist. In solchen Fällen bleiben die BTC auf unbestimmte Zeit gesperrt, oder bis die Handelspartner zu einer Einigung kommen.\n\nUm sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Besonderheiten der persönlichen "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') Händel vollständig verstehen, lesen Sie bitte die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Webseite öffnen payment.f2f.info.openURL=Webseite öffnen
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Land und Stadt: {0} / {1} payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Land und Stadt: {0} / {1}
@ -2970,7 +2977,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Zahlenformat Ausnahme {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=Eingabe darf nicht negativ sein validation.mustNotBeNegative=Eingabe darf nicht negativ sein
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Es wird eine zweistellige Ländervorwahl benötigt, um die Telefonnummer zu bestätigen validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Es wird eine zweistellige Ländervorwahl benötigt, um die Telefonnummer zu bestätigen
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Telefonnummer {0} enthält ungültige Zeichen validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Telefonnummer {0} enthält ungültige Zeichen
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Das ist keine gültige Telefonnummer. Sie habe nicht genügend Stellen angegeben. validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Das ist keine gültige Telefonnummer. Sie habe nicht genügend Stellen angegeben.
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Es sind zu viele Ziffern in {0} um eine gültige Telefonnummer zu sein. validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Es sind zu viele Ziffern in {0} um eine gültige Telefonnummer zu sein.
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Die Ländervorwahl in der Nummer {0} ist für das Land {1} ungültig. Die richtige Vorwahl ist {2}. validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Die Ländervorwahl in der Nummer {0} ist für das Land {1} ungültig. Die richtige Vorwahl ist {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Muss eine kommagetrennte Liste der gültigen Adressen sein validation.invalidAddressList=Muss eine kommagetrennte Liste der gültigen Adressen sein

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=El par entregó datos inválidos.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=La transacción de pago ya fue publicada. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=La transacción de pago ya fue publicada.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=La disputa se abrió. La autoconfirmación se ha desactivado para este intercambio. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=La solicitud de prueba de transacción comenzó portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=La solicitud de prueba de transacción comenzó
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=Ocurrió un error en el servicio solicit
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=Un servicio volvió con algún fallo. No es posible la autoconfirmación. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=Un servicio volvió con algún fallo. No es posible la autoconfirmación.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=La transacción de depósito ha sido publicada.\n{0} tiene que esperar al menos una confirmación en la cadena de bloques antes de comenzar el pago. portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=La transacción del depósito aún no se ha confirmado.\nEsto puede suceder en raras ocasiones cuando la tasa de depósito de un comerciante desde una cartera externa es demasiado baja. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=La transacción del depósito aún no se ha confirmado.\nEsto puede suceder en raras ocasiones cuando la tasa de depósito de un comerciante desde una cartera externa es demasiado baja.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=La transacción de depósito aún no ha sido confirmada. Puede esperar más o contactar con el mediador para obtener asistencia. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Su intercambio tiene al menos una confirmación en la cadena de bloques.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Su intercambio tiene al menos una confirmación en la cadena de bloques.\n\n
@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ funds.withdrawal.memoLabel=Nota de retiro
funds.withdrawal.memo=Rellenar opcionalmente la nota funds.withdrawal.memo=Rellenar opcionalmente la nota
funds.withdrawal.withdrawButton=Retiro seleccionado funds.withdrawal.withdrawButton=Retiro seleccionado
funds.withdrawal.noFundsAvailable=No hay fondos disponibles para el retiro funds.withdrawal.noFundsAvailable=No hay fondos disponibles para el retiro
funds.withdrawal.confirmWithdrawalRequest=Confirme la petición de retiro funds.withdrawal.confirmWithdrawalRequest=Confirme la solicitud de retiro
funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses=Retirar desde múltiples direcciones ({0}) funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses=Retirar desde múltiples direcciones ({0})
funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses.tooltip=Retirar desde múltiples direcciones:\n{0} funds.withdrawal.withdrawMultipleAddresses.tooltip=Retirar desde múltiples direcciones:\n{0}
funds.withdrawal.notEnoughFunds=No tiene suficientes fondos en su cartera. funds.withdrawal.notEnoughFunds=No tiene suficientes fondos en su cartera.
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Cerrar ticket
support.attachments=Adjuntos: support.attachments=Adjuntos:
support.savedInMailbox=Mensaje guardado en la bandeja de entrada del receptor support.savedInMailbox=Mensaje guardado en la bandeja de entrada del receptor
support.arrived=El mensaje ha llegado al receptor support.arrived=El mensaje ha llegado al receptor
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=El arribo del mensaje fue confirmado por el receptor support.acknowledged=El arribo del mensaje fue confirmado por el receptor
support.error=El receptor no pudo procesar el mensaje. Error: {0} support.error=El receptor no pudo procesar el mensaje. Error: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=Dirección del comprador de BTC support.buyerAddress=Dirección del comprador de BTC
support.sellerAddress=Dirección del vendedor de BTC support.sellerAddress=Dirección del vendedor de BTC
support.role=Rol support.role=Rol
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Establecer filtro (actividad privilegiada)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Enviar notificación privada a los pares (actividad privilegiada) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Enviar notificación privada a los pares (actividad privilegiada)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Abrir información de par en el avatar o disputa y pulsar: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Abrir información de par en el avatar o disputa y pulsar: {0}
setting.info.headline=Nueva función de autoconfirmación XMR
setting.info.msg=Al vender XMR por XMR puede usar la función de autoconfirmación para verificar que la cantidad correcta de XMR se envió al monedero con lo que Bisq pueda marcar el intercambio como completo, haciendo los intercambios más rápidos para todos.\n\nLa autoconfirmación comprueba que la transacción de XMR en al menos 2 nodos exploradores XMR usando la clave de transacción entregada por el emisor XMR. Por defecto, Bisq usa nodos exploradores ejecutados por contribuyentes Bisq, pero recomendamos usar sus propios nodos exploradores para un máximo de privacidad y seguridad.\n\nTambién puede configurar la cantidad máxima de BTC por intercambio para la autoconfirmación, así como el número de confirmaciones en Configuración.\n\nVea más detalles (incluído cómo configurar su propio nodo explorador) en la wiki Bisq: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=Al vender XMR por XMR puede usar la función de autoconfirmación para verificar que la cantidad correcta de XMR se envió al monedero con lo que Bisq pueda marcar el intercambio como completo, haciendo los intercambios más rápidos para todos.\n\nLa autoconfirmación comprueba que la transacción de XMR en al menos 2 nodos exploradores XMR usando la clave de transacción entregada por el emisor XMR. Por defecto, Bisq usa nodos exploradores ejecutados por contribuyentes Bisq, pero recomendamos usar sus propios nodos exploradores para un máximo de privacidad y seguridad.\n\nTambién puede configurar la cantidad máxima de BTC por intercambio para la autoconfirmación, así como el número de confirmaciones en Configuración.\n\nVea más detalles (incluído cómo configurar su propio nodo explorador) en la wiki Bisq: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -1723,7 +1724,7 @@ dao.phase.separatedPhaseBar.RESULT=Resultado de la votación
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.proposal.type.UNDEFINED=Indefinido dao.proposal.type.UNDEFINED=Indefinido
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.proposal.type.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Petición de compensación dao.proposal.type.COMPENSATION_REQUEST=Solicitud de compensación
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.proposal.type.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Solicitud de reembolso dao.proposal.type.REIMBURSEMENT_REQUEST=Solicitud de reembolso
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Necesita esperar hasta que esté completamente c
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Necesita esperar hasta que tenga al menos {0} conexiones a la red Bitcoin. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Necesita esperar hasta que tenga al menos {0} conexiones a la red Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Tiene que esperar hasta que finalice la descarga de los bloques Bitcoin que faltan. popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Tiene que esperar hasta que finalice la descarga de los bloques Bitcoin que faltan.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La cadena de bloques del monedero Bisq no está sincronizada correctamente. Si ha iniciado la aplicación recientemente, espere a que se haya publicado al menos un bloque Bitcoin.\n\nPuede comprobar la altura de la cadena de bloques en Configuración/Información de red. Si se encuentra más de un bloque y el problema persiste podría estar estancado, en cuyo caso deberá hacer una resincronización SPV.\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La cadena de bloques del monedero Bisq no está sincronizada correctamente. Si ha iniciado la aplicación recientemente, espere a que se haya publicado al menos un bloque Bitcoin.\n\nPuede comprobar la altura de la cadena de bloques en Configuración/Información de red. Si se encuentra más de un bloque y el problema persiste podría estar estancado, en cuyo caso deberá hacer una resincronización SPV.\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar la oferta?\nLa comisión de creador de {0} se perderá si elimina la oferta. popup.warning.removeOffer=¿Está seguro que quiere eliminar la oferta?\nLa comisión de creador de {0} se perderá si elimina la oferta.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=No puede establecer un porcentaje del 100% o superior. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=No puede establecer un porcentaje del 100% o superior.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor, introduzca un número de porcentaje como \"5.4\" para 5.4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor, introduzca un número de porcentaje como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Cerrando aplicación...
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Cerrar la aplicación puede llevar unos segundos.\nPor favor no interrumpa el proceso. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Cerrar la aplicación puede llevar unos segundos.\nPor favor no interrumpa el proceso.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Se requiere atención para el intercambio con ID {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Se requiere atención para el intercambio con ID {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=La versión 1.6.3 introduce una nueva función que permite la re-introducción de ofertas haciendo click derecho en una oferta existente o un intercambio en el menú Portafolio eligiendo `Crear una nueva oferta como esta`. Esto es útil para los comerciantes que hacen la misma oferta de manera frecuente.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Múltiples cuentas de pago disponibles popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Múltiples cuentas de pago disponibles
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Tiene múltiples cuentes de pago disponibles para esta oferta. Por favor, asegúrese de que ha elegido la correcta. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Tiene múltiples cuentes de pago disponibles para esta oferta. Por favor, asegúrese de que ha elegido la correcta.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} dirección onion: {1}\nYa ha intercambiado
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded=Dirección onion: {0}\nNo ha intercambiado con esta persona.\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded=Dirección onion: {0}\nNo ha intercambiado con esta persona.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Cuenta de pago creada hace {0} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Cuenta de pago creada hace {0}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Edad de cuenta de pago no conocida. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Edad de cuenta de pago no conocida.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Abrir popup para detalles tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Abrir popup para detalles
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=Esta transacción está en un estado inválido. Abra la ventana de detalles para obtener más información tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=Esta transacción está en un estado inválido. Abra la ventana de detalles para obtener más información
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copiar dirección al portapapeles
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=La dirección se ha copiado al portapapeles addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=La dirección se ha copiado al portapapeles
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Fallo al abrir la cartera Bitcoin predeterminada. ¿Tal vez no tenga una instalada? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Fallo al abrir la cartera Bitcoin predeterminada. ¿Tal vez no tenga una instalada?
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copiar dirección al portapapeles
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nEtiqueta: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nEtiqueta: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copiar ID de transacción al monedero txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copiar ID de transacción al monedero
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\"Ajustes/Preferencias\"
navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fondos/Transacciones\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fondos/Transacciones\"
navigation.support=\"Soporte\" navigation.support=\"Soporte\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/Monedero BSQ/Recibir\" navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/Monedero BSQ/Recibir\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=Peer provided invalid data. {0}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for that trade. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=An error at a service request occurred. N
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=تراکنش سپرده منتشر شده است.\nباید برای حداقل یک تأییدیه بلاک چین قبل از آغاز پرداخت، {0} صبر کنید. portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. This sometimes happens in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from an external wallet was too low. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. This sometimes happens in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from an external wallet was too low.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact the mediator for assistance. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=بستن تیکت
support.attachments=ضمیمه‌ها: support.attachments=ضمیمه‌ها:
support.savedInMailbox=پیام در صندوق پستی گیرنده ذخیره شد support.savedInMailbox=پیام در صندوق پستی گیرنده ذخیره شد
support.arrived=پیام به گیرنده تحویل داده شد support.arrived=پیام به گیرنده تحویل داده شد
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=تحویل پیام از طرف گیرنده تأیید شد support.acknowledged=تحویل پیام از طرف گیرنده تأیید شد
support.error=گیرنده نتوانست پیام را پردازش کند. خطا: {0} support.error=گیرنده نتوانست پیام را پردازش کند. خطا: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=آدرس خریدار بیتکوین support.buyerAddress=آدرس خریدار بیتکوین
support.sellerAddress=آدرس فروشنده بیتکوین support.sellerAddress=آدرس فروشنده بیتکوین
support.role=نقش support.role=نقش
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Set Filter (privileged activity)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Send private notification to peer (privileged activity) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Send private notification to peer (privileged activity)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0}
setting.info.headline=New XMR auto-confirm Feature
setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا ب
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا حداقل {0} اتصال به شبکه بیتکوین داشته باشید. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا حداقل {0} اتصال به شبکه بیتکوین داشته باشید.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا بارگیری بلاک های بیتکوین باقیمانده کامل شود. popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=شما باید منتظر بمانید تا بارگیری بلاک های بیتکوین باقیمانده کامل شود.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=آیا شما مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پیشنهاد را حذف کنید؟\nاگر آن پیشنهاد را حذف کنید، هزینه سفارش گذار {0} از دست خواهد رفت . popup.warning.removeOffer=آیا شما مطمئن هستید که می خواهید این پیشنهاد را حذف کنید؟\nاگر آن پیشنهاد را حذف کنید، هزینه سفارش گذار {0} از دست خواهد رفت .
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=شما نمیتوانید درصد 100٪ یا بیشتر را تنظیم کنید. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=شما نمیتوانید درصد 100٪ یا بیشتر را تنظیم کنید.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=لطفا یک عدد درصد مانند \"5.4\" برای 5.4% وارد کنید popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=لطفا یک عدد درصد مانند \"5.4\" برای 5.4% وارد کنید
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=خاموش شدن در حال انجام اس
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=خاتمه دادن به برنامه می تواند چند ثانیه طول بکشد.\n لطفا این روند را قطع نکنید. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=خاتمه دادن به برنامه می تواند چند ثانیه طول بکشد.\n لطفا این روند را قطع نکنید.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=توجه الزامی برای معامله با شناسه {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=توجه الزامی برای معامله با شناسه {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Multiple payment accounts available popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Multiple payment accounts available
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=You have multiple payment accounts available for this offer. Please make sure you've picked the right one. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=You have multiple payment accounts available for this offer. Please make sure you've picked the right one.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} آدرس پیازی: {1}\nتاکنون {2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} آدرس پیازی: {1}\nتاکنون با آن همتا معامله نداشته اید.\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} آدرس پیازی: {1}\nتاکنون با آن همتا معامله نداشته اید.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=حساب معاملاتی {0} قبل ایجاد شده است. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=حساب معاملاتی {0} قبل ایجاد شده است.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=عمر حساب پرداخت ناشناخته است. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=عمر حساب پرداخت ناشناخته است.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=باز کردن پنجره برای جزئیات tooltip.openPopupForDetails=باز کردن پنجره برای جزئیات
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=رونوشت آدرس در حافظه ی موق
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=آدرس در حافظه موقتی رونوشت شد addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=آدرس در حافظه موقتی رونوشت شد
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=باز کردن یک برنامه کیف پول بیتکوین پیش فرض، ناموفق بوده است. شاید شما برنامه را نصب نکرده باشید؟ addressTextField.openWallet.failed=باز کردن یک برنامه کیف پول بیتکوین پیش فرض، ناموفق بوده است. شاید شما برنامه را نصب نکرده باشید؟
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=رونوشت آدرس در حافظه ی موقتی
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nتگ: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nتگ: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=رونوشت شناسه تراکنش در حافظه ی موقتی txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=رونوشت شناسه تراکنش در حافظه ی موقتی
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\"تنظیمات/اولویت ها\"
navigation.funds.transactions=\"وجوه/تراکنش ها\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"وجوه/تراکنش ها\"
navigation.support=\"پشتیبانی\" navigation.support=\"پشتیبانی\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/کیف پول BSQ/دریافت\" navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/کیف پول BSQ/دریافت\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=Le pair a fourni des données inva
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=La transaction de paiement a déjà été publiée. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=La transaction de paiement a déjà été publiée.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Le litige a été ouvert. L'auto-confirmation est désactivée pour ce trade. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Les requêtes de preuve de transaction ont été lancées portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Les requêtes de preuve de transaction ont été lancées
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=Une erreur lors de la demande du service
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=Un service est revenu avec un échec. L'auto-confirmation n'est pas possible. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=Un service est revenu avec un échec. L'auto-confirmation n'est pas possible.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=La transaction de dépôt à été publiée.\n{0} devez attendre au moins une confirmation de la blockchain avant d''initier le paiement. portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=La transaction de dépôt n'est toujours pas confirmée. Cela se produit parfois dans de rares occasions lorsque les frais de financement d'un trader en provenance d'un portefeuille externe sont trop bas. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=La transaction de dépôt n'est toujours pas confirmée. Cela se produit parfois dans de rares occasions lorsque les frais de financement d'un trader en provenance d'un portefeuille externe sont trop bas.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=La transaction de dépôt n'est toujours pas confirmée. Vous pouvez attendre plus longtemps ou contacter le médiateur pour obtenir de l'aide. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Votre trade a atteint au moins une confirmation sur la blockchain.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Votre trade a atteint au moins une confirmation sur la blockchain.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Fermer le ticket
support.attachments=Pièces jointes: support.attachments=Pièces jointes:
support.savedInMailbox=Message sauvegardé dans la boîte mail du destinataire support.savedInMailbox=Message sauvegardé dans la boîte mail du destinataire
support.arrived=Message reçu par le destinataire support.arrived=Message reçu par le destinataire
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=Réception du message confirmée par le destinataire support.acknowledged=Réception du message confirmée par le destinataire
support.error=Le destinataire n''a pas pu traiter le message. Erreur : {0} support.error=Le destinataire n''a pas pu traiter le message. Erreur : {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=Adresse de l'acheteur BTC support.buyerAddress=Adresse de l'acheteur BTC
support.sellerAddress=Adresse du vendeur BTC support.sellerAddress=Adresse du vendeur BTC
support.role=Rôle support.role=Rôle
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Définir le filtre (activité privilégiée)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Envoyer une notification privée à un pair (activité privilégiée) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Envoyer une notification privée à un pair (activité privilégiée)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Ouvrez l'information du pair sur l'avatar et appuyez sur: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Ouvrez l'information du pair sur l'avatar et appuyez sur: {0}
setting.info.headline=Nouvelle fonctionnalité d'auto-confirmation XMR
setting.info.msg=Lorsque vous vendez des BTC contre des XMR, vous pouvez utiliser la fonction de confirmation automatique pour vérifier que le montant correct de XMR a été envoyé à votre portefeuille afin que Bisq puisse automatiquement marquer l'échange comme terminé, ce qui rend les échanges plus rapides pour tout le monde.\n\nLa fonction de confirmation automatique vérifie que la transaction XMR a été vérifiée par au moins 2 explorateur XMR en utilisant la clé de transaction privée fournie par l'expéditeur XMR. Par défaut, Bisq utilise des explorateur de nœuds gérés par des contributeurs Bisq, mais nous vous recommandons de gérer votre propre explorateur de nœud XMR pour une confidentialité et une sécurité maximale.\n\nVous pouvez également définir le montant maximum de BTC par transaction à confirmer automatiquement ainsi que le nombre de confirmations requises dans les paramètres.\n\nVous trouverez plus de détails (y compris la façon de configurer votre propre explorateur de nœud) sur le wiki Bisq [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]. setting.info.msg=Lorsque vous vendez des BTC contre des XMR, vous pouvez utiliser la fonction de confirmation automatique pour vérifier que le montant correct de XMR a été envoyé à votre portefeuille afin que Bisq puisse automatiquement marquer l'échange comme terminé, ce qui rend les échanges plus rapides pour tout le monde.\n\nLa fonction de confirmation automatique vérifie que la transaction XMR a été vérifiée par au moins 2 explorateur XMR en utilisant la clé de transaction privée fournie par l'expéditeur XMR. Par défaut, Bisq utilise des explorateur de nœuds gérés par des contributeurs Bisq, mais nous vous recommandons de gérer votre propre explorateur de nœud XMR pour une confidentialité et une sécurité maximale.\n\nVous pouvez également définir le montant maximum de BTC par transaction à confirmer automatiquement ainsi que le nombre de confirmations requises dans les paramètres.\n\nVous trouverez plus de détails (y compris la façon de configurer votre propre explorateur de nœud) sur le wiki Bisq [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades].
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Vous devez attendre d'être complètement connec
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Vous devez attendre d''avoir au minimum {0} connexions au réseau Bitcoin. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Vous devez attendre d''avoir au minimum {0} connexions au réseau Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Vous devez attendre que le téléchargement des blocs Bitcoin manquants soit terminé. popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Vous devez attendre que le téléchargement des blocs Bitcoin manquants soit terminé.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La hauteur de la blockchain du portefeuille Bisq n'est pas synchronisée correctement. Si vous avez récemment démarré l'application, veuillez attendre qu'un block Bitcoin soit publié.\n\nVous pouvez vérifier la hauteur de la blockchain dans Paramètres/Informations Réseau. Si plus d'un bloc passe et que ce problème persiste, il est possible que ça soit bloqué, dans ce cas effectuez une resynchronisation SPV [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La hauteur de la blockchain du portefeuille Bisq n'est pas synchronisée correctement. Si vous avez récemment démarré l'application, veuillez attendre qu'un block Bitcoin soit publié.\n\nVous pouvez vérifier la hauteur de la blockchain dans Paramètres/Informations Réseau. Si plus d'un bloc passe et que ce problème persiste, il est possible que ça soit bloqué, dans ce cas effectuez une resynchronisation SPV [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Vous êtes certain de vouloir retirer cet ordre?\nLes frais du maker de {0} seront perdus si vous retirez cet ordre. popup.warning.removeOffer=Vous êtes certain de vouloir retirer cet ordre?\nLes frais du maker de {0} seront perdus si vous retirez cet ordre.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Vous ne pouvez pas définir un pourcentage de 100% ou plus grand. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Vous ne pouvez pas définir un pourcentage de 100% ou plus grand.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Merci de saisir un nombre sous la forme d'un pourcentage tel que \"5.4\" pour 5.4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Merci de saisir un nombre sous la forme d'un pourcentage tel que \"5.4\" pour 5.4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Fermeture en cours
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=La fermeture de l'application nécessite quelques secondes.\nVeuillez ne pas interrompre ce processus. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=La fermeture de l'application nécessite quelques secondes.\nVeuillez ne pas interrompre ce processus.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Attention requise la transaction avec l''ID {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Attention requise la transaction avec l''ID {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Comptes de paiement multiples disponibles popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Comptes de paiement multiples disponibles
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Vous disposez de plusieurs comptes de paiement disponibles pour cet ordre. Assurez-vous de choisir le bon. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Vous disposez de plusieurs comptes de paiement disponibles pour cet ordre. Assurez-vous de choisir le bon.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} adresse onion: {1}\nVous avez déjà écha
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} adresse onion: {1}\nvous n''avez pas échangé avec ce pair jusqu''à présent.\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} adresse onion: {1}\nvous n''avez pas échangé avec ce pair jusqu''à présent.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Compte de paiement créé il y a {0}. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Compte de paiement créé il y a {0}.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Ancienneté du compte de paiement inconnue. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Ancienneté du compte de paiement inconnue.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Ouvrir le popup pour obtenir des détails tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Ouvrir le popup pour obtenir des détails
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=Le trade est dans un état invalide. Ouvrez la fenêtre des détails pour plus d'informations tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=Le trade est dans un état invalide. Ouvrez la fenêtre des détails pour plus d'informations
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copier l'adresse dans le presse-papiers
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=L'adresse a été copiée dans le presse-papier addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=L'adresse a été copiée dans le presse-papier
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=L'ouverture d'un portefeuille Bitcoin par défaut a échoué. Peut-être que vous n'en avez aucun d'installé? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=L'ouverture d'un portefeuille Bitcoin par défaut a échoué. Peut-être que vous n'en avez aucun d'installé?
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copier l'adresse dans le presse-papiers
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nTag: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nTag: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copier l'ID de la transaction dans le presse-papiers txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copier l'ID de la transaction dans le presse-papiers
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\"Paramètres/Préférences\"
navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fonds/Transactions\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fonds/Transactions\"
navigation.support=\"Assistance\" navigation.support=\"Assistance\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/BSQ Portefeuille/Recevoir\" navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/BSQ Portefeuille/Recevoir\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=Peer provided invalid data. {0}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for that trade. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=An error at a service request occurred. N
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=La transazione di deposito è stata pubblicata.\n {0} deve attendere almeno una conferma dalla blockchain prima di avviare il pagamento. portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=La transazione di deposito non è ancora confermata. Questo accade raramente e nel caso in cui la commissione di transazione di un trader proveniente da un portafoglio esterno è troppo bassa. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=La transazione di deposito non è ancora confermata. Questo accade raramente e nel caso in cui la commissione di transazione di un trader proveniente da un portafoglio esterno è troppo bassa.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=La transazione di deposito non è ancora confermata. Puoi attendere più a lungo o contattare il mediatore per ricevere assistenza. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Chiudi ticket
support.attachments=Allegati: support.attachments=Allegati:
support.savedInMailbox=Messaggio salvato nella cassetta postale del destinatario support.savedInMailbox=Messaggio salvato nella cassetta postale del destinatario
support.arrived=Il messaggio è arrivato al destinatario support.arrived=Il messaggio è arrivato al destinatario
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=Arrivo del messaggio confermato dal destinatario support.acknowledged=Arrivo del messaggio confermato dal destinatario
support.error=Il destinatario non ha potuto elaborare il messaggio. Errore: {0} support.error=Il destinatario non ha potuto elaborare il messaggio. Errore: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=Indirizzo BTC dell'acquirente support.buyerAddress=Indirizzo BTC dell'acquirente
support.sellerAddress=Indirizzo BTC del venditore support.sellerAddress=Indirizzo BTC del venditore
support.role=Ruolo support.role=Ruolo
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Imposta Filtro (attività privilegiata)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Invia notifica privata al peer (attività privilegiata) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Invia notifica privata al peer (attività privilegiata)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0}
setting.info.headline=New XMR auto-confirm Feature
setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=È necessario attendere fino a quando non si è
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Devi aspettare fino a quando non hai almeno {0} connessioni alla rete Bitcoin. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Devi aspettare fino a quando non hai almeno {0} connessioni alla rete Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Devi aspettare fino al completamento del download dei blocchi Bitcoin mancanti. popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Devi aspettare fino al completamento del download dei blocchi Bitcoin mancanti.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere quell'offerta?\nLa commissione del maker di {0} andrà persa se rimuovi quell'offerta. popup.warning.removeOffer=Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere quell'offerta?\nLa commissione del maker di {0} andrà persa se rimuovi quell'offerta.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Non è possibile impostare una percentuale del 100% o superiore. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Non è possibile impostare una percentuale del 100% o superiore.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Inserisci un numero percentuale come \"5.4\" per il 5,4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Inserisci un numero percentuale come \"5.4\" per il 5,4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Arresto in corso
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=La chiusura dell'applicazione può richiedere un paio di secondi.\nNon interrompere il processo. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=La chiusura dell'applicazione può richiedere un paio di secondi.\nNon interrompere il processo.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Attenzione richiesta per gli scambi con ID {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Attenzione richiesta per gli scambi con ID {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Disponibili più conti di pagamento popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Disponibili più conti di pagamento
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Hai più account di pagamento disponibili per questa offerta. Assicurati di aver scelto quello giusto. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Hai più account di pagamento disponibili per questa offerta. Assicurati di aver scelto quello giusto.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} Indirizzo onion: {1}\nHai già scambiato {
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} Indirizzo onion: {1}\nFinora non hai commerciato con quel peer.\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} Indirizzo onion: {1}\nFinora non hai commerciato con quel peer.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Conto di pagamento creato {0} fa. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Conto di pagamento creato {0} fa.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Età dell'account di pagamento non nota. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Età dell'account di pagamento non nota.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Apri il popup per i dettagli tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Apri il popup per i dettagli
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copia l'indirizzo negli appunti
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=L'indirizzo è stato copiato negli appunti addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=L'indirizzo è stato copiato negli appunti
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Il tentativo di aprire un portafoglio bitcoin predefinito è fallito. Forse non ne hai installato uno? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Il tentativo di aprire un portafoglio bitcoin predefinito è fallito. Forse non ne hai installato uno?
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copia l'indirizzo negli appunti
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nTag: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nTag: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copia l'ID transazione negli appunti txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copia l'ID transazione negli appunti
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\"Impostazioni/Preferenze\"
navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fondi/Transazioni\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fondi/Transazioni\"
navigation.support=\"Supporto\" navigation.support=\"Supporto\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"Portafoglio DAO/BSQ/Ricevi\" navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"Portafoglio DAO/BSQ/Ricevi\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=ピアは無効データを提供
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=支払いトランザクションはすでに公開されました。 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=支払いトランザクションはすでに公開されました。
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=係争は開始されました。そのトレードでは自動確認が無効にされました。 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=トランザクション証明依頼を開始しました portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=トランザクション証明依頼を開始しました
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=サービスリクエストにはエラ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=サービスは失敗を返しました。自動確認できません。 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=サービスは失敗を返しました。自動確認できません。
portfolio.pending.step1.info=デポジットトランザクションが発行されました。\n{0}は、支払いを開始する前に少なくとも1つのブロックチェーンの承認を待つ必要があります。 portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=デポジットトランザクションがまだ承認されていません。外部ウォレットからの取引者の資金調達手数料が低すぎるときには、例外的なケースで起こるかもしれません。 portfolio.pending.step1.warn=デポジットトランザクションがまだ承認されていません。外部ウォレットからの取引者の資金調達手数料が低すぎるときには、例外的なケースで起こるかもしれません。
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=デポジットトランザクションがまだ承認されていません。もう少し待つか、助けを求めて調停人に連絡できます。 portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=トレードは少なくとも1つのブロックチェーン承認に達しました。\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=トレードは少なくとも1つのブロックチェーン承認に達しました。\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=チケットを閉じる
support.attachments=添付ファイル: support.attachments=添付ファイル:
support.savedInMailbox=メッセージ受信箱に保存されました support.savedInMailbox=メッセージ受信箱に保存されました
support.arrived=メッセージが受信者へ届きました support.arrived=メッセージが受信者へ届きました
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=受信者からメッセージ到着が確認されました support.acknowledged=受信者からメッセージ到着が確認されました
support.error=受信者がメッセージを処理できませんでした。エラー: {0} support.error=受信者がメッセージを処理できませんでした。エラー: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=BTC買い手のアドレス support.buyerAddress=BTC買い手のアドレス
support.sellerAddress=BTC売り手のアドレス support.sellerAddress=BTC売り手のアドレス
support.role=役割 support.role=役割
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=フィルターを設定する(特権的行
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=ピアにプライベート通知を送る(特権的行為) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=ピアにプライベート通知を送る(特権的行為)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=アバターからピア情報を開いて押す:{0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=アバターからピア情報を開いて押す:{0}
setting.info.msg=BTC売ってXMR買う場合、Bisqが自動的にトレードを完了としてマークできるように自動確認機能で適正量のXMRはウォレットに送られたかを検証できます。その際、皆にトレードをより早く完了できるようにします。\n\n自動確認はXMR送信者が提供するプライベート・トランザクション・キーを利用して少なくとも2つのXMRエクスプローラードでXMRトランザクションを確認します。デフォルト設定でBisqは貢献者に管理されるエクスプローラードを利用しますが、最大のプライバシーやセキュリティーのため自分のXMRエクスプローラードを管理するのをおすすめします。\n\n1つのトレードにつき自動確認する最大額のBTC、そして必要承認の数をこの画面で設定できます。\n\nBisqのWikiから詳細自分のエクスプローラードを管理する方法も含めてを参照できます [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=BTC売ってXMR買う場合、Bisqが自動的にトレードを完了としてマークできるように自動確認機能で適正量のXMRはウォレットに送られたかを検証できます。その際、皆にトレードをより早く完了できるようにします。\n\n自動確認はXMR送信者が提供するプライベート・トランザクション・キーを利用して少なくとも2つのXMRエクスプローラードでXMRトランザクションを確認します。デフォルト設定でBisqは貢献者に管理されるエクスプローラードを利用しますが、最大のプライバシーやセキュリティーのため自分のXMRエクスプローラードを管理するのをおすすめします。\n\n1つのトレードにつき自動確認する最大額のBTC、そして必要承認の数をこの画面で設定できます。\n\nBisqのWikiから詳細自分のエクスプローラードを管理する方法も含めてを参照できます [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=ネットワークへ完全に接続するまで
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=少なくとも{0}のビットコインネットワークへの接続が確立されるまでお待ちください。 popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=少なくとも{0}のビットコインネットワークへの接続が確立されるまでお待ちください。
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=欠落しているビットコインブロックのダウンロードが完了するまで待つ必要があります。 popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=欠落しているビットコインブロックのダウンロードが完了するまで待つ必要があります。
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Bisqウォレットのブロックチェーン高さは正しく同期されていません。アプリを最近起動した場合、1つのビットコインブロックが発行されるまで待って下さい。\n\nブロックチェーン高さは\"設定/ネットワーク情報\"に表示されます。 2つ以上のブロックが発行されても問題が解決されない場合、フリーズしている可能性があります。その場合には、SPV再同期を行って下さい [HYPERLINK: https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file ]。 popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Bisqウォレットのブロックチェーン高さは正しく同期されていません。アプリを最近起動した場合、1つのビットコインブロックが発行されるまで待って下さい。\n\nブロックチェーン高さは\"設定/ネットワーク情報\"に表示されます。 2つ以上のブロックが発行されても問題が解決されない場合、フリーズしている可能性があります。その場合には、SPV再同期を行って下さい [HYPERLINK: https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file ]。
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=本当にオファーを削除しますか?\nオファーを削除する場合、{0}のメイカー手数料が失われます。 popup.warning.removeOffer=本当にオファーを削除しますか?\nオファーを削除する場合、{0}のメイカー手数料が失われます。
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=100%以上のパーセントを設定できません popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=100%以上のパーセントを設定できません
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=パーセントの数字を入力してください。5.4%は「5.4」のように入力します。 popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=パーセントの数字を入力してください。5.4%は「5.4」のように入力します。
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=シャットダウン中
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=アプリケーションのシャットダウンには数秒かかることがあります。\nこのプロセスを中断しないでください。 popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=アプリケーションのシャットダウンには数秒かかることがあります。\nこのプロセスを中断しないでください。
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=ID {0}とのトレードには注意が必要です popup.attention.forTradeWithId=ID {0}とのトレードには注意が必要です
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=複数の支払いアカウントが使用可能です popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=複数の支払いアカウントが使用可能です
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=このオファーに使用できる支払いアカウントが複数あります。あなたが正しいものを選んだことを確認してください。 popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=このオファーに使用できる支払いアカウントが複数あります。あなたが正しいものを選んだことを確認してください。
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} onionアドレス: {1}\n既にその相手
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} onionアドレス: {1}\nあなたは今までこの相手とトレードしていません\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} onionアドレス: {1}\nあなたは今までこの相手とトレードしていません\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=支払いアカウントが{0}前に作成されました。 peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=支払いアカウントが{0}前に作成されました。
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=支払いアカウントの年齢は不明です。 peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=支払いアカウントの年齢は不明です。
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=詳細についてのポップアップを開く tooltip.openPopupForDetails=詳細についてのポップアップを開く
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=このトレードは無効な状態とされました。詳しくは詳細ウィンドウを開く tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=このトレードは無効な状態とされました。詳しくは詳細ウィンドウを開く
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=アドレスをクリップボードにコピ
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=アドレスをクリップボードにコピーしました addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=アドレスをクリップボードにコピーしました
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=既定のビットコインウォレットが開けませんでした。何らかのビットコインウォレットはインストールされていますか? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=既定のビットコインウォレットが開けませんでした。何らかのビットコインウォレットはインストールされていますか?
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nタグ: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nタグ: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=トランザクションIDをクリップボードにコピー txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=トランザクションIDをクリップボードにコピー
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=「設定/設定」
navigation.funds.transactions=「資金/トランザクション」 navigation.funds.transactions=「資金/トランザクション」
navigation.support=「サポート」 navigation.support=「サポート」
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=「DAO/BSQウォレット/受取」 navigation.dao.wallet.receive=「DAO/BSQウォレット/受取」
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=Peer provided invalid data. {0}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for that trade. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=An error at a service request occurred. N
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=A transação de depósito foi publicada\n{0} precisa esperar ao menos uma confirmação da blockchain antes de iniciar o pagamento. portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=A transação do depósito ainda não foi confirmada.\nIsto pode ocorrer em casos raros em que a taxa de financiamento de um dos negociadores enviada a partir de uma carteira externa foi muito baixa. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=A transação do depósito ainda não foi confirmada.\nIsto pode ocorrer em casos raros em que a taxa de financiamento de um dos negociadores enviada a partir de uma carteira externa foi muito baixa.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=A transação de depósito ainda não foi confirmada. Você pode aguardar um pouco mais ou entrar em contato com o mediador para pedir assistência. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Fechar ticket
support.attachments=Anexos: support.attachments=Anexos:
support.savedInMailbox=Mensagem guardada na caixa de correio do destinatário. support.savedInMailbox=Mensagem guardada na caixa de correio do destinatário.
support.arrived=Mensagem chegou no destinatário support.arrived=Mensagem chegou no destinatário
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=O destinatário confirmou a chegada da mensagem support.acknowledged=O destinatário confirmou a chegada da mensagem
support.error=O destinatário não pôde processar a mensagem. Erro: {0} support.error=O destinatário não pôde processar a mensagem. Erro: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=Endereço do comprador de BTC support.buyerAddress=Endereço do comprador de BTC
support.sellerAddress=Endereço do vendedor de BTC support.sellerAddress=Endereço do vendedor de BTC
support.role=Função support.role=Função
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Definir Filtro (atividade privilegiada)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Enviar notificação privada ao par (atividade privilegiada) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Enviar notificação privada ao par (atividade privilegiada)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0}
setting.info.headline=New XMR auto-confirm Feature
setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Você precisa aguardar até estar totalmente con
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Você precisa esperar até ter pelo menos {0} conexões à rede Bitcoin. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Você precisa esperar até ter pelo menos {0} conexões à rede Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Você precisa aguardar até que termine o download dos blocos de Bitcoin restantes popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Você precisa aguardar até que termine o download dos blocos de Bitcoin restantes
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Tem certeza que deseja remover essa oferta?\nA taxa de oferta de {0} será perdida se você removê-la. popup.warning.removeOffer=Tem certeza que deseja remover essa oferta?\nA taxa de oferta de {0} será perdida se você removê-la.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Você não pode definir uma porcentagem superior a 100%. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Você não pode definir uma porcentagem superior a 100%.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Digite um número percentual, como \"5.4\" para 5.4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Digite um número percentual, como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Desligando
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=O desligamento do programa pode levar alguns segundos.\nPor favor, não interrompa este processo. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=O desligamento do programa pode levar alguns segundos.\nPor favor, não interrompa este processo.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Atenção para a negociação com ID {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Atenção para a negociação com ID {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Múltiplas contas de pagamento disponíveis popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Múltiplas contas de pagamento disponíveis
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Você tem várias contas de pagamento disponíveis para esta oferta. Por favor, verifique se você escolheu a correta. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Você tem várias contas de pagamento disponíveis para esta oferta. Por favor, verifique se você escolheu a correta.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} endereço onion: {1}\nVocê já negociou {
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded=Endereço onion do {0}: {1}\nVocê ainda não negociou com esse usuário.\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded=Endereço onion do {0}: {1}\nVocê ainda não negociou com esse usuário.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Conta de pagamento criada {0} atrás. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Conta de pagamento criada {0} atrás.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Idade da conta de pagamento desconhecida. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Idade da conta de pagamento desconhecida.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Abrir popup para mais detalhes tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Abrir popup para mais detalhes
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copiar endereço para área de transferência
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Endereço copiado para área de transferência addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Endereço copiado para área de transferência
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Erro ao abrir a carteira padrão Bitcoin. Talvez você não possua uma instalada. addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Erro ao abrir a carteira padrão Bitcoin. Talvez você não possua uma instalada.
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copiar endereço para área de transferência
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nRótulo: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nRótulo: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copiar ID da transação txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copiar ID da transação
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\"Configurações/Preferências\"
navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fundos/Transações\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fundos/Transações\"
navigation.support=\"Suporte\" navigation.support=\"Suporte\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/Carteira BSQ/Receber\" navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/Carteira BSQ/Receber\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=Peer provided invalid data. {0}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for that trade. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=An error at a service request occurred. N
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=A transação de depósito foi publicada.\n{0} precisa aguardar pelo menos uma confirmação da blockchain antes de iniciar o pagamento. portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=A transação de depósito ainda não foi confirmada. Isso pode acontecer em casos raros, quando a taxa de financiamento de um negociador proveniente de uma carteira externa foi muito baixa. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=A transação de depósito ainda não foi confirmada. Isso pode acontecer em casos raros, quando a taxa de financiamento de um negociador proveniente de uma carteira externa foi muito baixa.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=A transação de depósito ainda não foi confirmada. Você pode esperar mais tempo ou entrar em contato com o mediador para obter assistência. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Fechar bilhete
support.attachments=Anexos: support.attachments=Anexos:
support.savedInMailbox=Mensagem guardada na caixa de correio do recipiente. support.savedInMailbox=Mensagem guardada na caixa de correio do recipiente.
support.arrived=Mensagem chegou em seu destino. support.arrived=Mensagem chegou em seu destino.
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=Chegada de mensagem confirmada pelo recipiente support.acknowledged=Chegada de mensagem confirmada pelo recipiente
support.error=O recipiente não pode processar a mensagem. Erro: {0} support.error=O recipiente não pode processar a mensagem. Erro: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=Endereço do comprador de BTC support.buyerAddress=Endereço do comprador de BTC
support.sellerAddress=Endereço do vendedor de BTC support.sellerAddress=Endereço do vendedor de BTC
support.role=Cargo support.role=Cargo
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Definir Filtro (atividade privilegiada)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Enviar notificação privada ao par (atividade privilegiada) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Enviar notificação privada ao par (atividade privilegiada)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0}
setting.info.headline=New XMR auto-confirm Feature
setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Você precisa esperar até estar totalmente cone
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Você precisa esperar até que você tenha pelo menos {0} conexões com a rede Bitcoin. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Você precisa esperar até que você tenha pelo menos {0} conexões com a rede Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Você precisa esperar até que o download dos blocos de Bitcoin ausentes esteja completo. popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Você precisa esperar até que o download dos blocos de Bitcoin ausentes esteja completo.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Tem certeza de que deseja remover essa oferta?\nA taxa de ofertante de {0} será perdida se você remover essa oferta. popup.warning.removeOffer=Tem certeza de que deseja remover essa oferta?\nA taxa de ofertante de {0} será perdida se você remover essa oferta.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Você não pode definir uma percentagem superior à 100%. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Você não pode definir uma percentagem superior à 100%.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor digitar um número percentual como \"5.4\" para 5.4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor digitar um número percentual como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Desligando
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Desligar o programa pode demorar alguns segundos.\nPor favor não interrompa este processo. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Desligar o programa pode demorar alguns segundos.\nPor favor não interrompa este processo.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Atenção necessária para o negócio com ID {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Atenção necessária para o negócio com ID {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Múltiplas contas de pagamento disponíveis popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Múltiplas contas de pagamento disponíveis
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Você tem várias contas de pagamento disponíveis para esta oferta. Por favor, verifique se você escolheu a correta. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Você tem várias contas de pagamento disponíveis para esta oferta. Por favor, verifique se você escolheu a correta.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} endereço onion: {1}\nVocê já negociou {
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} endereço onion: {1}\nVocê não negociou com esse par até agora.\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} endereço onion: {1}\nVocê não negociou com esse par até agora.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Conta de pagamento criada há {0}. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Conta de pagamento criada há {0}.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Idade de conta de pagamento desconhecida. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Idade de conta de pagamento desconhecida.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Abrir popup para mais detalhes tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Abrir popup para mais detalhes
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copiar endereço para área de transferência
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Endereço copiado para área de transferência addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Endereço copiado para área de transferência
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Abrir a programa de carteira Bitcoin padrão falhou. Talvez você não tenha um instalado? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Abrir a programa de carteira Bitcoin padrão falhou. Talvez você não tenha um instalado?
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copiar endereço para área de transferência
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nRótulo: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nRótulo: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copiar ID de transação txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copiar ID de transação
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\"Definições/Preferências\"
navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fundos/Transações\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"Fundos/Transações\"
navigation.support=\"Apoio\" navigation.support=\"Apoio\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"OAD/Carteira BSQ/Receber\" navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"OAD/Carteira BSQ/Receber\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=Peer provided invalid data. {0}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for that trade. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=An error at a service request occurred. N
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=Депозитная транзакция опубликована.\n{0} должен дождаться хотя бы одного подтверждения в блокчейне перед началом платежа. portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. This sometimes happens in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from an external wallet was too low. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. This sometimes happens in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from an external wallet was too low.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact the mediator for assistance. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Закрыть запрос
support.attachments=Вложенные файлы: support.attachments=Вложенные файлы:
support.savedInMailbox=Сообщение сохранено в почтовом ящике получателя support.savedInMailbox=Сообщение сохранено в почтовом ящике получателя
support.arrived=Сообщение доставлено адресату support.arrived=Сообщение доставлено адресату
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=Прибытие сообщения подтверждено получателем support.acknowledged=Прибытие сообщения подтверждено получателем
support.error=Получателю не удалось обработать сообщение. Ошибка: {0} support.error=Получателю не удалось обработать сообщение. Ошибка: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=Адрес покупателя ВТС support.buyerAddress=Адрес покупателя ВТС
support.sellerAddress=Адрес продавца ВТС support.sellerAddress=Адрес продавца ВТС
support.role=Роль support.role=Роль
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Set Filter (privileged activity)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Send private notification to peer (privileged activity) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Send private notification to peer (privileged activity)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0}
setting.info.headline=New XMR auto-confirm Feature
setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Необходимо дождаться полн
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Необходимо дождаться не менее {0} соединений с сетью Биткойн. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Необходимо дождаться не менее {0} соединений с сетью Биткойн.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Необходимо дождаться завершения загрузки недостающих блоков сети Биткойн. popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Необходимо дождаться завершения загрузки недостающих блоков сети Биткойн.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Действительно хотите удалить это предложение?\nКомиссия мейкера в размере {0} компенсации не подлежит. popup.warning.removeOffer=Действительно хотите удалить это предложение?\nКомиссия мейкера в размере {0} компенсации не подлежит.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Нельзя установить процент в размере 100% или выше. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Нельзя установить процент в размере 100% или выше.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Введите процент, например \«5,4\» для 5,4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Введите процент, например \«5,4\» для 5,4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Завершение работы
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Завершение работы приложения может занять несколько секунд.\nПросьба не прерывать этот процесс. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Завершение работы приложения может занять несколько секунд.\nПросьба не прерывать этот процесс.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Обратите внимание на сделку с идентификатором {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Обратите внимание на сделку с идентификатором {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Доступно несколько платёжных счетов popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Доступно несколько платёжных счетов
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=У вас есть несколько платёжных счетов, доступных для этого предложения. Просьба убедиться, что вы выбрали правильный счёт. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=У вас есть несколько платёжных счетов, доступных для этого предложения. Просьба убедиться, что вы выбрали правильный счёт.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded=Onion-адрес {0}: {1}\nВы уже тор
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded=Onion-адрес {0}: {1}\nВы ещё не торговали с этим контрагентом.\n {2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded=Onion-адрес {0}: {1}\nВы ещё не торговали с этим контрагентом.\n {2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Платёжный счёт создан {0} назад. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Платёжный счёт создан {0} назад.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Возраст платёжного счёта неизвестен. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Возраст платёжного счёта неизвестен.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Открыть окно с подробностями tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Открыть окно с подробностями
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Скопировать адрес в буфер
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Адрес скопирован в буфер обмена addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Адрес скопирован в буфер обмена
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Не удалось открыть Биткойн-кошелёк, использующийся по умолчанию. Возможно, у вас не установлено его приложение? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Не удалось открыть Биткойн-кошелёк, использующийся по умолчанию. Возможно, у вас не установлено его приложение?
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Скопировать адрес в буфер
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nМетка: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nМетка: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Скопировать идентификатор транзакции в буфер txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Скопировать идентификатор транзакции в буфер
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\«Настройки/Параметры\»
navigation.funds.transactions=\«Средства/Транзакции\» navigation.funds.transactions=\«Средства/Транзакции\»
navigation.support=\«Поддержка\» navigation.support=\«Поддержка\»
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\«ДАО/BSQ-кошелёк/Получить\» navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\«ДАО/BSQ-кошелёк/Получить\»
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=Peer provided invalid data. {0}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for that trade. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=An error at a service request occurred. N
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=ธุรกรรมเงินฝากได้รับการเผยแพร่แล้ว\n{0} ต้องรอการยืนยันของบล็อกเชนอย่างน้อยหนึ่งครั้งก่อนที่จะเริ่มการชำระเงิน portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. This sometimes happens in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from an external wallet was too low. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. This sometimes happens in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from an external wallet was too low.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact the mediator for assistance. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=ยุติคำร้องขอและความช
support.attachments=ไฟล์ที่แนบมา: support.attachments=ไฟล์ที่แนบมา:
support.savedInMailbox=ข้อความถูกบันทึกไว้ในกล่องจดหมายของผู้รับ support.savedInMailbox=ข้อความถูกบันทึกไว้ในกล่องจดหมายของผู้รับ
support.arrived=ข้อความถึงผู้รับแล้ว support.arrived=ข้อความถึงผู้รับแล้ว
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=ข้อความได้รับการยืนยันจากผู้รับแล้ว support.acknowledged=ข้อความได้รับการยืนยันจากผู้รับแล้ว
support.error=ผู้รับไม่สามารถประมวลผลข้อความได้ ข้อผิดพลาด: {0} support.error=ผู้รับไม่สามารถประมวลผลข้อความได้ ข้อผิดพลาด: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=ที่อยู่ของผู้ซื้อ BTC support.buyerAddress=ที่อยู่ของผู้ซื้อ BTC
support.sellerAddress=ที่อยู่ของผู้ขาย BTC support.sellerAddress=ที่อยู่ของผู้ขาย BTC
support.role=บทบาท support.role=บทบาท
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Set Filter (privileged activity)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Send private notification to peer (privileged activity) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Send private notification to peer (privileged activity)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0}
setting.info.headline=New XMR auto-confirm Feature
setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าค
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าจะมีการเชื่อมต่อกับเครือข่าย Bitcoin อย่างน้อย {0} รายการ popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าจะมีการเชื่อมต่อกับเครือข่าย Bitcoin อย่างน้อย {0} รายการ
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าการดาวน์โหลดบล็อค Bitcoin ที่ขาดหายไปจะเสร็จสมบูรณ์ popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=คุณต้องรอจนกว่าการดาวน์โหลดบล็อค Bitcoin ที่ขาดหายไปจะเสร็จสมบูรณ์
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการนำข้อเสนอนั้นออก\nค่าธรรมเนียมของผู้สร้าง {0} จะสูญหายไปหากคุณนำข้อเสนอนั้นออก popup.warning.removeOffer=คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการนำข้อเสนอนั้นออก\nค่าธรรมเนียมของผู้สร้าง {0} จะสูญหายไปหากคุณนำข้อเสนอนั้นออก
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=คุณไม่สามารถกำหนดเปอร์เซ็นต์เป็น 100% หรือมากกว่าได้ popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=คุณไม่สามารถกำหนดเปอร์เซ็นต์เป็น 100% หรือมากกว่าได้
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=โปรดป้อนตัวเลขเปอร์เซ็นต์เช่น \"5.4 \" เป็น 5.4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=โปรดป้อนตัวเลขเปอร์เซ็นต์เช่น \"5.4 \" เป็น 5.4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=การปิดระบบอยู่ร
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=การปิดแอพพลิเคชั่นอาจใช้เวลาสักครู่\nโปรดอย่าขัดจังหวะกระบวนการนี้ popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=การปิดแอพพลิเคชั่นอาจใช้เวลาสักครู่\nโปรดอย่าขัดจังหวะกระบวนการนี้
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=ต้องให้ความสำคัญสำหรับการซื้อขายด้วย ID {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=ต้องให้ความสำคัญสำหรับการซื้อขายด้วย ID {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Multiple payment accounts available popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Multiple payment accounts available
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=You have multiple payment accounts available for this offer. Please make sure you've picked the right one. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=You have multiple payment accounts available for this offer. Please make sure you've picked the right one.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} ที่อยู่ onion : {1} \nคุ
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} ที่อยู่ onion: {1} \nคุณยังไม่เคยทำการซื้อขายกับคู่ peer นั้นมาก่อน\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} ที่อยู่ onion: {1} \nคุณยังไม่เคยทำการซื้อขายกับคู่ peer นั้นมาก่อน\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=บัญชีการชำระเงินที่สร้างขึ้น {0} ที่ผ่านมา peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=บัญชีการชำระเงินที่สร้างขึ้น {0} ที่ผ่านมา
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=อายุบัญชีการชำระเงินที่ไม่รู้จัก peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=อายุบัญชีการชำระเงินที่ไม่รู้จัก
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=เปิดป๊อปอัปเพื่ออ่านรายละเอียด tooltip.openPopupForDetails=เปิดป๊อปอัปเพื่ออ่านรายละเอียด
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=คัดลอกที่อยู่ไป
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=ที่อยู่ถูกคัดลอกไปยังคลิปบอร์ดแล้ว addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=ที่อยู่ถูกคัดลอกไปยังคลิปบอร์ดแล้ว
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=การเปิดแอปพลิเคชั่นเริ่มต้นกระเป๋าสตางค์ Bitcoin ล้มเหลว บางทีคุณอาจยังไม่ได้ติดตั้งไว้ addressTextField.openWallet.failed=การเปิดแอปพลิเคชั่นเริ่มต้นกระเป๋าสตางค์ Bitcoin ล้มเหลว บางทีคุณอาจยังไม่ได้ติดตั้งไว้
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0} \nแท็ก: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0} \nแท็ก: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=คัดลอก ID ธุรกรรมไปยังคลิปบอร์ด txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=คัดลอก ID ธุรกรรมไปยังคลิปบอร์ด
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\ "การตั้งค่า / สิ่ง
navigation.funds.transactions=\"เงิน / ธุรกรรม\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"เงิน / ธุรกรรม\"
navigation.support=\"ช่วยเหลือและสนับสนุน\" navigation.support=\"ช่วยเหลือและสนับสนุน\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\ "Wallet DAO / BSQ / การรับ \" navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\ "Wallet DAO / BSQ / การรับ \"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=Peer provided invalid data. {0}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Payout transaction was already published.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for that trade. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Transaction proof requests started
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=An error at a service request occurred. N
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible. portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=A service returned with a failure. No auto-confirm possible.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=Giao dịch đặt cọc đã được công bố.\n{0} Bạn cần đợi ít nhất một xác nhận blockchain trước khi bắt đầu thanh toán. portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. This sometimes happens in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from an external wallet was too low. portfolio.pending.step1.warn=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. This sometimes happens in rare cases when the funding fee of one trader from an external wallet was too low.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact the mediator for assistance. portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Đóng đơn hỗ trợ
support.attachments=File đính kèm: support.attachments=File đính kèm:
support.savedInMailbox=Tin nhắn lưu trong hộp thư của người nhận support.savedInMailbox=Tin nhắn lưu trong hộp thư của người nhận
support.arrived=Tin nhắn đã đến người nhận support.arrived=Tin nhắn đã đến người nhận
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=xác nhận tin nhắn đã được gửi bởi người nhận support.acknowledged=xác nhận tin nhắn đã được gửi bởi người nhận
support.error=Người nhận không thể tiến hành gửi tin nhắn: Lỗi: {0} support.error=Người nhận không thể tiến hành gửi tin nhắn: Lỗi: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=Địa chỉ người mua BTC support.buyerAddress=Địa chỉ người mua BTC
support.sellerAddress=Địa chỉ người bán BTC support.sellerAddress=Địa chỉ người bán BTC
support.role=Vai trò support.role=Vai trò
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=Set Filter (privileged activity)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Send private notification to peer (privileged activity) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=Send private notification to peer (privileged activity)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0} setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=Open peer info at avatar and press: {0}
setting.info.headline=New XMR auto-confirm Feature
setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades] setting.info.msg=When selling BTC for XMR you can use the auto-confirm feature to verify that the correct amount of XMR was sent to your wallet so that Bisq can automatically mark the trade as complete, making trades quicker for everyone.\n\nAuto-confirm checks the XMR transaction on at least 2 XMR explorer nodes using the private transaction key provided by the XMR sender. By default, Bisq uses explorer nodes run by Bisq contributors, but we recommend running your own XMR explorer node for maximum privacy and security.\n\nYou can also set the maximum amount of BTC per trade to auto-confirm as well as the number of required confirmations here in Settings.\n\nSee more details (including how to set up your own explorer node) on the Bisq wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi kết n
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi bạn có ít nhất {0} kết nối với mạng Bitcoin. popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi bạn có ít nhất {0} kết nối với mạng Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi download xong các block Bitcoin còn thiếu. popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Bạn cần phải đợi cho đến khi download xong các block Bitcoin còn thiếu.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file] popup.warning.chainNotSynced=The Bisq wallet blockchain height is not synced correctly. If you recently started the application, please wait until one Bitcoin block has been published.\n\nYou can check the blockchain height in Settings/Network Info. If more than one block passes and this problem persists it may be stalled, in which case you should do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Bạn có chắc bạn muốn gỡ bỏ Báo giá này?\nPhí người khởi tạo {0} sẽ bị mất nếu bạn gỡ bỏ Báo giá. popup.warning.removeOffer=Bạn có chắc bạn muốn gỡ bỏ Báo giá này?\nPhí người khởi tạo {0} sẽ bị mất nếu bạn gỡ bỏ Báo giá.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Bạn không thể cài đặt phần trăm là 100% hoặc cao hơn. popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=Bạn không thể cài đặt phần trăm là 100% hoặc cao hơn.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Vui lòng nhập số phần trăm như \"5.4\" cho 5,4% popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Vui lòng nhập số phần trăm như \"5.4\" cho 5,4%
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=Đang tắt ứng dụng
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Tắt ứng dụng sẽ mất vài giây.\nVui lòng không gián đoạn quá trình này. popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Tắt ứng dụng sẽ mất vài giây.\nVui lòng không gián đoạn quá trình này.
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Cần chú ý khi giao dịch có ID {0} popup.attention.forTradeWithId=Cần chú ý khi giao dịch có ID {0}
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Có sẵn nhiều tài khoản thanh toán popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Có sẵn nhiều tài khoản thanh toán
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Bạn có sẵn nhiều tài khoản thanh toán cho chào giá này. Vui lòng đảm bảo là bạn chọn đúng tài khoản. popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Bạn có sẵn nhiều tài khoản thanh toán cho chào giá này. Vui lòng đảm bảo là bạn chọn đúng tài khoản.
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} Địa chỉ onion: {1}\nBạn đã giao d
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} Địa chỉ onion: {1}\nBạn chưa từng giao dịch với đối tác này.\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} Địa chỉ onion: {1}\nBạn chưa từng giao dịch với đối tác này.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Tài khoản thanh toán được tạo cách đây {0}. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Tài khoản thanh toán được tạo cách đây {0}.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Tuổi tài khoản thanh toán chưa biết. peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Tuổi tài khoản thanh toán chưa biết.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Mở cửa sổ để xem chi tiết tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Mở cửa sổ để xem chi tiết
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=This trade is in an invalid state. Open the details window for more information
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copy địa chỉ vào clipboard
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Địa chỉ đã được copy vào clipboard addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=Địa chỉ đã được copy vào clipboard
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Mở ứng dụng ví Bitcoin mặc định không thành công. Có lẽ bạn chưa cài đặt? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Mở ứng dụng ví Bitcoin mặc định không thành công. Có lẽ bạn chưa cài đặt?
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copy địa chỉ vào clipboard
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nTag: {1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nTag: {1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copy ID giao dịch vào clipboard txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=Copy ID giao dịch vào clipboard
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=\"Cài đặt/Tham khảo\"
navigation.funds.transactions=\"Vốn/Giao dịch\" navigation.funds.transactions=\"Vốn/Giao dịch\"
navigation.support=\"Hỗ trợ\" navigation.support=\"Hỗ trợ\"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/Ví BSQ/Nhận\" navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/Ví BSQ/Nhận\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=对等点提供不可用数据。{
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=支付交易已经发布 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=支付交易已经发布
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=已发起纠纷。该交易的自动确认已被禁用 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=交易证明申请已经开始 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=交易证明申请已经开始
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=您请求的服务发生了错误。没
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=服务返回失败。没有自动确认。 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=服务返回失败。没有自动确认。
portfolio.pending.step1.info=存款交易已经发布。\n开始付款之前{0} 需要等待至少一个区块链确认。 portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=保证金交易仍未得到确认。这种情况可能会发生在外部钱包转账时使用的交易手续费用较低造成的。 portfolio.pending.step1.warn=保证金交易仍未得到确认。这种情况可能会发生在外部钱包转账时使用的交易手续费用较低造成的。
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=保证金交易仍未得到确认。请联系调解员协助。 portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=关闭话题
support.attachments=附件: support.attachments=附件:
support.savedInMailbox=消息保存在收件人的信箱中 support.savedInMailbox=消息保存在收件人的信箱中
support.arrived=消息抵达收件人 support.arrived=消息抵达收件人
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=收件人已确认接收消息 support.acknowledged=收件人已确认接收消息
support.error=收件人无法处理消息。错误:{0} support.error=收件人无法处理消息。错误:{0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=BTC 买家地址 support.buyerAddress=BTC 买家地址
support.sellerAddress=BTC 卖家地址 support.sellerAddress=BTC 卖家地址
support.role=角色 support.role=角色
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=设置过滤器(需要权限)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=发送私人通知到对等点(需要权限) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=发送私人通知到对等点(需要权限)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=点击交易伙伴头像并按下:{0} 以显示更多信息 setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=点击交易伙伴头像并按下:{0} 以显示更多信息
setting.info.headline=新 XMR 自动确认功能
setting.info.msg=当你完成 BTC/XMR 交易时,您可以使用自动确认功能来验证是否向您的钱包中发送了正确数量的 XMR以便 Bisq 可以自动将交易标记为完成,从而使每个人都可以更快地进行交易。\n\n自动确认使用 XMR 发送方提供的交易密钥在至少 2 个 XMR 区块浏览器节点上检查 XMR 交易。在默认情况下Bisq 使用由 Bisq 贡献者运行的区块浏览器节点,但是我们建议运行您自己的 XMR 区块浏览器节点以最大程度地保护隐私和安全。\n\n您还可以在``设置''中将每笔交易的最大 BTC 数量设置为自动确认以及所需确认的数量。\n\n在 Bisq Wiki 上查看更多详细信息包括如何设置自己的区块浏览器节点https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades setting.info.msg=当你完成 BTC/XMR 交易时,您可以使用自动确认功能来验证是否向您的钱包中发送了正确数量的 XMR以便 Bisq 可以自动将交易标记为完成,从而使每个人都可以更快地进行交易。\n\n自动确认使用 XMR 发送方提供的交易密钥在至少 2 个 XMR 区块浏览器节点上检查 XMR 交易。在默认情况下Bisq 使用由 Bisq 贡献者运行的区块浏览器节点,但是我们建议运行您自己的 XMR 区块浏览器节点以最大程度地保护隐私和安全。\n\n您还可以在``设置''中将每笔交易的最大 BTC 数量设置为自动确认以及所需确认的数量。\n\n在 Bisq Wiki 上查看更多详细信息包括如何设置自己的区块浏览器节点https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades
#################################################################### ####################################################################
# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=您需要等到您完全连接到网络\n在启
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=你需要等待至少有{0}个与比特币网络的连接点。 popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=你需要等待至少有{0}个与比特币网络的连接点。
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=您需要等待,直到丢失的比特币区块被下载完毕。 popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=您需要等待,直到丢失的比特币区块被下载完毕。
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Bisq 钱包区块链高度没有正确地同步。如果最近才打开应用,请等待一个新发布的比特币区块。\n\n你可以检查区块链高度在设置/网络信息。如果经过了一个区块但问题还是没有解决,你应该及时的完成 SPV 链重新同步。https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Bisq 钱包区块链高度没有正确地同步。如果最近才打开应用,请等待一个新发布的比特币区块。\n\n你可以检查区块链高度在设置/网络信息。如果经过了一个区块但问题还是没有解决,你应该及时的完成 SPV 链重新同步。https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=您确定要移除该报价吗?\n如果您删除该报价{0} 的挂单费将会丢失。 popup.warning.removeOffer=您确定要移除该报价吗?\n如果您删除该报价{0} 的挂单费将会丢失。
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=您不能设置100或更大的百分比。 popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=您不能设置100或更大的百分比。
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=请输入百分比数字,如 5.4 是“5.4” popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=请输入百分比数字,如 5.4 是“5.4”
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=正在关闭
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=关闭应用可能会花一点时间。\n请不要打断关闭过程。 popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=关闭应用可能会花一点时间。\n请不要打断关闭过程。
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=交易 ID {0} 需要注意 popup.attention.forTradeWithId=交易 ID {0} 需要注意
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=多个支付账户可用 popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=多个支付账户可用
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=您有多个支付帐户在这个报价中可用。请确你做了正确的选择。 popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=您有多个支付帐户在这个报价中可用。请确你做了正确的选择。
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} 匿名地址:{1}\n您已经与他交易
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} 匿名地址:{1}\n你还没有与他交易过。\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} 匿名地址:{1}\n你还没有与他交易过。\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=支付账户在 {0} 前创建。 peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=支付账户在 {0} 前创建。
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=支付账户账龄未知。 peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=支付账户账龄未知。
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=打开弹出窗口的详细信息 tooltip.openPopupForDetails=打开弹出窗口的详细信息
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=这个交易处于不可用状态。打开详情窗口以发现更多细节。 tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=这个交易处于不可用状态。打开详情窗口以发现更多细节。
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=复制地址到剪贴板
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=地址已被复制到剪贴板 addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=地址已被复制到剪贴板
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=打开默认的比特币钱包应用程序失败了。或许您没有安装? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=打开默认的比特币钱包应用程序失败了。或许您没有安装?
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\n标识{1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\n标识{1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=复制交易 ID 到剪贴板 txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=复制交易 ID 到剪贴板
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=“设置/偏好”
navigation.funds.transactions=“资金/交易记录” navigation.funds.transactions=“资金/交易记录”
navigation.support=“帮助” navigation.support=“帮助”
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=“DAO/BSQ 钱包/接收” navigation.dao.wallet.receive=“DAO/BSQ 钱包/接收”
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
#################################################################### ####################################################################

View file

@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=對等點提供不可用數據。{
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=支付交易已經發布 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=支付交易已經發布
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=已發起糾紛。該交易的自動確認已被禁用 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Dispute was opened. Auto-confirm is deactivated for this trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=交易證明申請已經開始 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=交易證明申請已經開始
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -605,9 +605,9 @@ portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=您請求的服務發生了錯誤。沒
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=服務返回失敗。沒有自動確認。 portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=服務返回失敗。沒有自動確認。
portfolio.pending.step1.info=存款交易已經發布。\n開始付款之前{0} 需要等待至少一個區塊鏈確認。 portfolio.pending.step1.info=Deposit transaction has been published.\n{0} must wait for at least one blockchain confirmation before starting the payment.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=保證金交易仍未得到確認。這種情況可能會發生在外部錢包轉賬時使用的交易手續費用較低造成的。 portfolio.pending.step1.warn=保證金交易仍未得到確認。這種情況可能會發生在外部錢包轉賬時使用的交易手續費用較低造成的。
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=保證金交易仍未得到確認。請聯繫調解員協助。 portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=The deposit transaction is still not confirmed. You can wait longer or contact your mediator for assistance.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty" # suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Your trade has reached at least one blockchain confirmation.\n\n
@ -965,8 +965,10 @@ support.closeTicket=關閉話題
support.attachments=附件: support.attachments=附件:
support.savedInMailbox=消息保存在收件人的信箱中 support.savedInMailbox=消息保存在收件人的信箱中
support.arrived=消息抵達收件人 support.arrived=消息抵達收件人
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.acknowledged=收件人已確認接收消息 support.acknowledged=收件人已確認接收消息
support.error=收件人無法處理消息。錯誤:{0} support.error=收件人無法處理消息。錯誤:{0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.buyerAddress=BTC 買家地址 support.buyerAddress=BTC 買家地址
support.sellerAddress=BTC 賣家地址 support.sellerAddress=BTC 賣家地址
support.role=角色 support.role=角色
@ -1182,7 +1184,6 @@ setting.about.shortcuts.sendFilter=設置過濾器(需要權限)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=發送私人通知到對等點(需要權限) setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification=發送私人通知到對等點(需要權限)
setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=點擊交易夥伴頭像並按下:{0} 以顯示更多信息 setting.about.shortcuts.sendPrivateNotification.value=點擊交易夥伴頭像並按下:{0} 以顯示更多信息
setting.info.headline=新 XMR 自動確認功能
setting.info.msg=當你完成 BTC/XMR 交易時,您可以使用自動確認功能來驗證是否向您的錢包中發送了正確數量的 XMR以便 Bisq 可以自動將交易標記為完成,從而使每個人都可以更快地進行交易。\n\n自動確認使用 XMR 發送方提供的交易密鑰在至少 2 個 XMR 區塊瀏覽器節點上檢查 XMR 交易。在默認情況下Bisq 使用由 Bisq 貢獻者運行的區塊瀏覽器節點,但是我們建議運行您自己的 XMR 區塊瀏覽器節點以最大程度地保護隱私和安全。\n\n您還可以在``設置''中將每筆交易的最大 BTC 數量設置為自動確認以及所需確認的數量。\n\n在 Bisq Wiki 上查看更多詳細信息包括如何設置自己的區塊瀏覽器節點https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades setting.info.msg=當你完成 BTC/XMR 交易時,您可以使用自動確認功能來驗證是否向您的錢包中發送了正確數量的 XMR以便 Bisq 可以自動將交易標記為完成,從而使每個人都可以更快地進行交易。\n\n自動確認使用 XMR 發送方提供的交易密鑰在至少 2 個 XMR 區塊瀏覽器節點上檢查 XMR 交易。在默認情況下Bisq 使用由 Bisq 貢獻者運行的區塊瀏覽器節點,但是我們建議運行您自己的 XMR 區塊瀏覽器節點以最大程度地保護隱私和安全。\n\n您還可以在``設置''中將每筆交易的最大 BTC 數量設置為自動確認以及所需確認的數量。\n\n在 Bisq Wiki 上查看更多詳細信息包括如何設置自己的區塊瀏覽器節點https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades
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# Account # Account
@ -2319,6 +2320,7 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=您需要等到您完全連接到網絡\n在啟
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=你需要等待至少有{0}個與比特幣網絡的連接點。 popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=你需要等待至少有{0}個與比特幣網絡的連接點。
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=您需要等待,直到丟失的比特幣區塊被下載完畢。 popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=您需要等待,直到丟失的比特幣區塊被下載完畢。
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Bisq 錢包區塊鏈高度沒有正確地同步。如果最近才打開應用,請等待一個新發布的比特幣區塊。\n\n你可以檢查區塊鏈高度在設置/網絡信息。如果經過了一個區塊但問題還是沒有解決,你應該及時的完成 SPV 鏈重新同步。https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file popup.warning.chainNotSynced=Bisq 錢包區塊鏈高度沒有正確地同步。如果最近才打開應用,請等待一個新發布的比特幣區塊。\n\n你可以檢查區塊鏈高度在設置/網絡信息。如果經過了一個區塊但問題還是沒有解決,你應該及時的完成 SPV 鏈重新同步。https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=您確定要移除該報價嗎?\n如果您刪除該報價{0} 的掛單費將會丟失。 popup.warning.removeOffer=您確定要移除該報價嗎?\n如果您刪除該報價{0} 的掛單費將會丟失。
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=您不能設置100或更大的百分比。 popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=您不能設置100或更大的百分比。
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=請輸入百分比數字,如 5.4 是“5.4” popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=請輸入百分比數字,如 5.4 是“5.4”
@ -2376,7 +2378,6 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.headline=正在關閉
popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=關閉應用可能會花一點時間。\n請不要打斷關閉過程。 popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=關閉應用可能會花一點時間。\n請不要打斷關閉過程。
popup.attention.forTradeWithId=交易 ID {0} 需要注意 popup.attention.forTradeWithId=交易 ID {0} 需要注意
popup.attention.newFeatureDuplicateOffer=Version 1.6.3 introduces a new feature allowing easy re-entry of offers by right-clicking on an existing offer or trade within Portfolio menu and choosing `Create new offer like this`. This is useful for traders who frequently make the same offer.
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=多個支付賬户可用 popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=多個支付賬户可用
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=您有多個支付帳户在這個報價中可用。請確你做了正確的選擇。 popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=您有多個支付帳户在這個報價中可用。請確你做了正確的選擇。
@ -2489,6 +2490,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} 匿名地址:{1}\n您已經與他交易
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} 匿名地址:{1}\n你還沒有與他交易過。\n{2} peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded={0} 匿名地址:{1}\n你還沒有與他交易過。\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=支付賬户在 {0} 前創建。 peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=支付賬户在 {0} 前創建。
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=支付賬户賬齡未知。 peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=支付賬户賬齡未知。
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=打開彈出窗口的詳細信息 tooltip.openPopupForDetails=打開彈出窗口的詳細信息
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=這個交易處於不可用狀態。打開詳情窗口以發現更多細節。 tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=這個交易處於不可用狀態。打開詳情窗口以發現更多細節。
@ -2513,6 +2515,10 @@ addressTextField.copyToClipboard=複製地址到剪貼板
addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=地址已被複制到剪貼板 addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=地址已被複制到剪貼板
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=打開默認的比特幣錢包應用程序失敗了。或許您沒有安裝? addressTextField.openWallet.failed=打開默認的比特幣錢包應用程序失敗了。或許您沒有安裝?
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\n標識{1} peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\n標識{1}
txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=複製交易 ID 到剪貼板 txIdTextField.copyIcon.tooltip=複製交易 ID 到剪貼板
@ -2536,6 +2542,7 @@ navigation.settings.preferences=“設置/偏好”
navigation.funds.transactions=“資金/交易記錄” navigation.funds.transactions=“資金/交易記錄”
navigation.support=“幫助” navigation.support=“幫助”
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=“DAO/BSQ 錢包/接收” navigation.dao.wallet.receive=“DAO/BSQ 錢包/接收”
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
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