mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 23:18:17 +01:00
Add display string for create offer. remove unused strings
This commit is contained in:
50 changed files with 1211 additions and 1216 deletions
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import io.bitsquare.gui.main.offer.createoffer.monetary.Volume;
import io.bitsquare.gui.main.overlays.notifications.Notification;
import io.bitsquare.gui.util.BSFormatter;
import io.bitsquare.locale.CurrencyUtil;
import io.bitsquare.locale.Res;
import io.bitsquare.locale.TradeCurrency;
import io.bitsquare.p2p.P2PService;
import io.bitsquare.payment.*;
@ -554,9 +555,8 @@ class CreateOfferDataModel extends ActivatableDataModel {
//noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression
if (totalToPayAsCoin.get() != null && isWalletFunded.get() && walletFundedNotification == null && !DevFlags.DEV_MODE) {
walletFundedNotification = new Notification()
.headLine("Trading wallet update")
.notification("Your trading wallet is sufficiently funded.\n" +
"Amount: " + formatter.formatCoinWithCode(totalToPayAsCoin.get()))
.notification(Res.get("notification.walletUpdate.msg", formatter.formatCoinWithCode(totalToPayAsCoin.get())))
@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import io.bitsquare.gui.components.*;
import io.bitsquare.gui.main.MainView;
import io.bitsquare.gui.main.account.AccountView;
import io.bitsquare.gui.main.account.content.arbitratorselection.ArbitratorSelectionView;
import io.bitsquare.gui.main.account.content.fiataccounts.FiatAccountsView;
import io.bitsquare.gui.main.account.settings.AccountSettingsView;
import io.bitsquare.gui.main.funds.FundsView;
import io.bitsquare.gui.main.funds.withdrawal.WithdrawalView;
@ -254,14 +255,21 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
public void initWithData(Offer.Direction direction, TradeCurrency tradeCurrency) {
boolean result = model.initWithData(direction, tradeCurrency);
if (!result)
new Popup().warning("You don't have a trading account set up.").onClose(this::close).show();
if (!result) {
new Popup().headLine(Res.get("popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.headline"))
.onAction(() -> {
navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, AccountView.class, AccountSettingsView.class, FiatAccountsView.class);
if (direction == Offer.Direction.BUY) {
placeOfferButton.setText("Review: Place offer to buy bitcoin");
placeOfferButton.setText(Res.get("createOffer.placeOfferButton", Res.get("shared.buy")));
} else {
@ -269,7 +277,7 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
placeOfferButton.setText("Review: Place offer to sell bitcoin");
placeOfferButton.setText(Res.get("createOffer.placeOfferButton", Res.get("shared.sell")));
@ -279,10 +287,8 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
// we use model.placeOfferCompleted to not react on close which was triggered by a successful placeOffer
if (model.dataModel.balance.get().isPositive() && !model.placeOfferCompleted.get()) {
new Popup().information("You had already funded that offer.\n" +
"Your funds have been moved to your local Bitsquare wallet and are available for " +
"withdrawal in the \"Funds/Available for withdrawal\" screen.")
.actionButtonText("Go to \"Funds/Available for withdrawal\"")
new Popup().information(Res.get("createOffer.alreadyFunded"))
.onAction(() -> navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, FundsView.class, WithdrawalView.class))
@ -310,15 +316,16 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
model.onPlaceOffer(offer, () -> {
} else {
new Popup().warning("You have no arbitrator selected.\n" +
"You need to select at least one arbitrator.")
.actionButtonText("Go to \"Arbitrator selection\"")
.onAction(() -> navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, AccountView.class, AccountSettingsView.class, ArbitratorSelectionView.class))
new Popup().headLine(Res.get("popup.warning.noArbitratorSelected.headline"))
.onAction(() -> {
navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, AccountView.class, AccountSettingsView.class, ArbitratorSelectionView.class);
} else {
new Popup().information("You need to wait until you are fully connected to the network.\n" +
"That might take up to about 2 minutes at startup.").show();
new Popup().information(Res.get("popup.warning.notFullyConnected")).show();
@ -335,38 +342,26 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
//noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression
if (!DevFlags.DEV_MODE) {
String key = "securityDepositInfo";
new Popup().backgroundInfo("To ensure that both traders follow the trade protocol they need to pay a security deposit.\n\n" +
"The deposit will stay in your local trading wallet until the offer gets accepted by another trader.\n" +
"It will be refunded to you after the trade has successfully completed.\n\n" +
"Please note that you need to keep you application running if you have an open offer.\n" +
"When another trader wants to take your offer it requires that your application is online and able to react.\n" +
"Be sure that you have standby mode deactivated as that would disconnect your client from the network (standby of the monitor is not a problem).")
.actionButtonText("Visit FAQ web page")
new Popup().backgroundInfo(Res.get("createOffer.securityDepositInfo"))
.onAction(() -> GUIUtil.openWebPage("https://bitsquare.io/faq#6"))
.dontShowAgainId(key, preferences)
key = "createOfferFundWalletInfo";
String tradeAmountText = model.isSellOffer() ? "- Trade amount: " + model.getTradeAmount() + "\n" : "";
new Popup().headLine("Fund your offer").instruction("You need to deposit " +
model.totalToPay.get() + " to this offer.\n\n" +
"Those funds are reserved in your local wallet and will get locked into the Multisig " +
"deposit address once someone takes your offer.\n\n" +
"The amount is the sum of:\n" +
tradeAmountText +
"- Security deposit: " + model.getSecurityDepositInfo() + "\n" +
"- Trading fee: " + model.getCreateOfferFee() + "\n" +
"- Mining fee: " + model.getTxFee() + "\n\n" +
"You can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n" +
"- Use your Bitsquare wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n" +
"- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\n" +
"You will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.")
String tradeAmountText = model.isSellOffer() ? Res.get("createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount", model.getTradeAmount()) : "";
String message = Res.get("createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.msg",
//TODO remove
new Popup().headLine(Res.get("createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline"))
.dontShowAgainId(key, preferences)
@ -604,9 +599,7 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
errorMessageListener = (o, oldValue, newValue) -> {
if (newValue != null)
UserThread.runAfter(() -> new Popup().error(Res.get("createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message", model.errorMessage.get()) +
"\n\nNo funds have left your wallet yet.\n" +
"Please try to restart you application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.")
UserThread.runAfter(() -> new Popup().error(Res.get("createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message", model.errorMessage.get()))
.show(), 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
@ -652,7 +645,7 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
UserThread.runAfter(() -> new Popup().headLine(Res.get("createOffer.success.headline"))
.dontShowAgainId(key, preferences)
.actionButtonText("Go to \"My open offers\"")
.onAction(() -> {
UserThread.runAfter(() ->
navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, PortfolioView.class, OpenOffersView.class),
@ -768,11 +761,11 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
private void addPaymentGroup() {
TitledGroupBg titledGroupBg = addTitledGroupBg(gridPane, gridRow, 2, "Select trading account");
TitledGroupBg titledGroupBg = addTitledGroupBg(gridPane, gridRow, 2, Res.get("createOffer.selectTradingAccount"));
GridPane.setColumnSpan(titledGroupBg, 3);
paymentAccountsComboBox = addLabelComboBox(gridPane, gridRow, "Trading account:", Layout.FIRST_ROW_DISTANCE).second;
paymentAccountsComboBox.setPromptText("Select trading account");
paymentAccountsComboBox = addLabelComboBox(gridPane, gridRow, Res.getWithCol("shared.tradingAccount"), Layout.FIRST_ROW_DISTANCE).second;
@ -803,7 +796,7 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
private void addAmountPriceGroup() {
TitledGroupBg titledGroupBg = addTitledGroupBg(gridPane, ++gridRow, 3, "Set amount and price", Layout.GROUP_DISTANCE);
TitledGroupBg titledGroupBg = addTitledGroupBg(gridPane, ++gridRow, 3, Res.get("createOffer.setAmountPrice"), Layout.GROUP_DISTANCE);
GridPane.setColumnSpan(titledGroupBg, 3);
imageView = new ImageView();
@ -826,7 +819,7 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
Tuple2<Button, Button> tuple = add2ButtonsAfterGroup(gridPane, ++gridRow,
Res.get("createOffer.amountPriceBox.next"), Res.get("shared.cancel"));
Res.get("shared.nextStep"), Res.get("shared.cancel"));
nextButton = tuple.first;
@ -876,7 +869,7 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
qrCodeImageView = new ImageView();
qrCodeImageView.setStyle("-fx-cursor: hand;");
Tooltip.install(qrCodeImageView, new Tooltip("Open large QR-Code window"));
Tooltip.install(qrCodeImageView, new Tooltip(Res.get("shared.openLargeQRWindow")));
qrCodeImageView.setOnMouseClicked(e -> GUIUtil.showFeeInfoBeforeExecute(
() -> UserThread.runAfter(
() -> new QRCodeWindow(getBitcoinURI()).show(),
@ -904,13 +897,13 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
fundFromSavingsWalletButton = new Button("Transfer funds from Bitsquare wallet");
fundFromSavingsWalletButton = new Button(Res.get("createOffer.fundFromSavingsWalletButton"));
fundFromSavingsWalletButton.setOnAction(e -> model.fundFromSavingsWallet());
Label label = new Label("OR");
Label label = new Label(Res.get("createOffer.or"));
label.setPadding(new Insets(5, 0, 0, 0));
fundFromExternalWalletButton = new Button("Open your external wallet for funding");
fundFromExternalWalletButton = new Button(Res.get("createOffer.fundFromExternalWalletButton"));
fundFromExternalWalletButton.setOnAction(e -> GUIUtil.showFeeInfoBeforeExecute(this::openWallet));
waitingForFundsBusyAnimation = new BusyAnimation();
@ -932,12 +925,9 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
cancelButton2 = addButton(gridPane, ++gridRow, Res.get("shared.cancel"));
cancelButton2.setOnAction(e -> {
if (model.dataModel.isWalletFunded.get()) {
new Popup().warning("You have already funded that offer.\n" +
"If you cancel now, your funds will be moved to your local Bitsquare wallet and are available " +
"for withdrawal in the \"Funds/Available for withdrawal\" screen.\n" +
"Are you sure you want to cancel?")
.actionButtonText("Yes, cancel")
new Popup().warning(Res.get("createOffer.warnCancelOffer"))
.onAction(() -> {
@ -957,8 +947,7 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
} catch (Exception ex) {
new Popup().warning("Opening a default bitcoin wallet application has failed. " +
"Perhaps you don't have one installed?").show();
new Popup().warning(Res.get("createOffer.openDefaultWalletFailed")).show();
@ -995,13 +984,13 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
marketBasedPriceLabel = priceAsPercentageTuple.third;
Tuple2<Label, VBox> priceAsPercentageInputBoxTuple = getTradeInputBox(priceAsPercentageValueCurrencyBox, "Distance in % from market price");
Tuple2<Label, VBox> priceAsPercentageInputBoxTuple = getTradeInputBox(priceAsPercentageValueCurrencyBox, Res.get("createOffer.distanceInPercent"));
percentagePriceBox = priceAsPercentageInputBoxTuple.second;
// Fixed/Percentage toggle
ToggleGroup toggleGroup = new ToggleGroup();
fixedPriceButton = new ToggleButton("Fixed");
fixedPriceButton = new ToggleButton(Res.get("createOffer.fixed"));
@ -1009,7 +998,7 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
useMarketBasedPriceButton = new ToggleButton("Percentage");
useMarketBasedPriceButton = new ToggleButton(Res.get("createOffer.percentage"));
@ -1103,7 +1092,7 @@ public class CreateOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, CreateO
fixedPriceBox = priceInputBoxTuple.second;
marketBasedPriceTextField.setPromptText("Enter % value");
marketBasedPriceLabel.setStyle("-fx-alignment: center;");
@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ class CreateOfferViewModel extends ActivatableWithDataModel<CreateOfferDataModel
} catch (NumberFormatException t) {
new Popup().warning("Input is not a valid number.").show();
new Popup().warning(Res.get("validation.NaN")).show();
} else {
log.debug("We don't have a market price. We use the static price instead.");
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class CreateOfferViewModel extends ActivatableWithDataModel<CreateOfferDataModel
if (!newValue.isEmpty() && !newValue.equals("-")) {
double percentage = formatter.parsePercentStringToDouble(newValue);
if (percentage >= 1 || percentage <= -1) {
new Popup().warning("You cannot set a percentage of 100% or larger. Please enter a percentage number like \"5.4\" for 5.4%")
new Popup().warning(Res.get("popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue") + "\n" + Res.get("popup.warning.examplePercentageValue"))
} else {
final String currencyCode = dataModel.tradeCurrencyCode.get();
@ -337,16 +337,13 @@ class CreateOfferViewModel extends ActivatableWithDataModel<CreateOfferDataModel
} else {
new Popup().warning("There is no price feed available for that currency. You cannot use a percent based price.\n" +
"Please select the fixed price.")
new Popup().warning(Res.get("popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable")).show();
} catch (Throwable t) {
new Popup().warning("Your input is not a valid number. Please enter a percentage number like \"5.4\" for 5.4%")
new Popup().warning(Res.get("validation.NaN") + "\n" + Res.get("popup.warning.examplePercentageValue")).show();
@ -507,7 +504,7 @@ class CreateOfferViewModel extends ActivatableWithDataModel<CreateOfferDataModel
timeoutTimer = UserThread.runAfter(() -> {
createOfferRequested = false;
errorMessage.set("A timeout occurred at publishing the offer.");
@ -520,10 +517,7 @@ class CreateOfferViewModel extends ActivatableWithDataModel<CreateOfferDataModel
createOfferRequested = false;
if (offer.getState() == Offer.State.OFFER_FEE_PAID)
errorMessage.set(newValue +
"\n\nThe offer fee is already paid. In the worst case you have lost that fee. " +
"We are sorry about that but keep in mind it is a very small amount.\n" +
"Please try to restart you application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.");
errorMessage.set(newValue + Res.get("createOffer.errorInfo"));
@ -574,12 +568,10 @@ class CreateOfferViewModel extends ActivatableWithDataModel<CreateOfferDataModel
return true;
} else {
new Popup().warning("You don't have enough funds in your Bitsquare wallet.\n" +
"You need " + formatter.formatCoinWithCode(dataModel.totalToPayAsCoin.get()) + " but you have only " +
formatter.formatCoinWithCode(dataModel.totalAvailableBalance) + " in your Bitsquare wallet.\n\n" +
"Please fund that trade from an external Bitcoin wallet or fund your Bitsquare " +
"wallet at \"Funds/Deposit funds\".")
.actionButtonText("Go to \"Funds/Deposit funds\"")
new Popup().warning(Res.get("createOffer.notEnoughFunds",
.onAction(() -> navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, FundsView.class, DepositView.class))
return false;
@ -695,20 +687,18 @@ class CreateOfferViewModel extends ActivatableWithDataModel<CreateOfferDataModel
if (preferences.showAgain(securityDepositLowerAsDefault) &&
formatter.parseToCoin(securityDeposit.get()).compareTo(defaultSecurityDeposit) < 0) {
new Popup<>()
.warning("You have set the security deposit to a lower value than the recommended default value of " +
formatter.formatCoinWithCode(defaultSecurityDeposit) + ".\n" +
"Are you sure you want to use a lower security deposit?\n" +
"It gives you less protection in case the trading peer does not follow the trade protocol.")
.actionButtonText("No, reset to the default value")
.onAction(() -> {
ignoreSecurityDepositStringListener = true;
ignoreSecurityDepositStringListener = false;
.closeButtonText("Yes, use my lower value")
.onClose(() -> applySecurityDepositOnFocusOut())
.dontShowAgainId(securityDepositLowerAsDefault, preferences)
} else {
@ -745,13 +735,11 @@ class CreateOfferViewModel extends ActivatableWithDataModel<CreateOfferDataModel
private void displayPriceOutOfRangePopup() {
Popup popup = new Popup();
popup.warning("The price you have entered is outside the max. allowed deviation from the market price.\n" +
"The max. allowed deviation is " +
formatter.formatToPercentWithSymbol(preferences.getMaxPriceDistanceInPercent()) +
" and can be adjusted in the preferences.")
.actionButtonText("Change price")
.closeButtonText("Go to \"Preferences\"")
.onClose(() -> navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, SettingsView.class, PreferencesView.class))
@ -919,7 +907,7 @@ class CreateOfferViewModel extends ActivatableWithDataModel<CreateOfferDataModel
spinnerInfoText.set("Check if funding tx miner fee is sufficient...");
} else {
waitingForFundsText.set("Waiting for funds...");
@ -321,10 +321,10 @@ public class OfferBookView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<GridPane, OfferBookVi
private void onCreateOffer() {
if (!model.hasPaymentAccount()) {
} else if (!model.hasPaymentAccountForCurrency()) {
new Popup().headLine(Res.get("offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline"))
@ -340,10 +340,10 @@ public class OfferBookView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<GridPane, OfferBookVi
} else if (!model.hasAcceptedArbitrators()) {
} else {
@ -354,15 +354,15 @@ public class OfferBookView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<GridPane, OfferBookVi
boolean hasSameProtocolVersion, boolean isIgnored,
boolean isOfferBanned, boolean isNodeBanned) {
if (!hasMatchingArbitrator) {
} else if (!isPaymentAccountValidForOffer) {
} else if (!hasSameProtocolVersion) {
new Popup().warning(Res.get("offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol")).show();
} else if (isIgnored) {
@ -378,14 +378,14 @@ public class OfferBookView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<GridPane, OfferBookVi
if (model.isBootstrapped())
new Popup().information(Res.get("offerbook.warning.notFullyConnected")).show();
new Popup().information(Res.get("popup.warning.notFullyConnected")).show();
private void onRemoveOpenOffer(Offer offer) {
if (model.isBootstrapped()) {
String key = "RemoveOfferWarning";
if (model.preferences.showAgain(key))
new Popup().warning(Res.get("offerbook.warning.removeOffer", model.formatter.formatCoinWithCode(offer.getCreateOfferFee())))
new Popup().warning(Res.get("popup.warning.removeOffer", model.formatter.formatCoinWithCode(offer.getCreateOfferFee())))
.onAction(() -> doRemoveOffer(offer))
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ public class OfferBookView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<GridPane, OfferBookVi
} else {
new Popup().information(Res.get("offerbook.warning.notFullyConnected")).show();
new Popup().information(Res.get("popup.warning.notFullyConnected")).show();
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ public class OfferBookView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<GridPane, OfferBookVi
if (model.preferences.showAgain(key))
new Popup().instruction(Res.get("offerbook.withdrawFundsHint", Res.get("navigation.funds.availableForWithdrawal")))
.actionButtonText(Res.get("shared.goTo", Res.get("navigation.funds.availableForWithdrawal")))
.onAction(() -> navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, FundsView.class, WithdrawalView.class))
.dontShowAgainId(key, model.preferences)
@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ public class OfferBookView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<GridPane, OfferBookVi
private void openPopupForMissingAccountSetup(String headLine, String message, Class target, String targetAsString) {
new Popup().headLine(headLine)
.actionButtonText(Res.get("shared.goTo", targetAsString))
.onAction(() -> {
navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, AccountView.class, AccountSettingsView.class, target);
@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ public class TakeOfferView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<AnchorPane, TakeOffer
HBox hBox = new HBox();
nextButton = new Button(Res.get("takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next"));
nextButton = new Button(Res.get("shared.nextStep"));
nextButton.setOnAction(e -> onShowPayFundsScreen());
@ -329,6 +329,15 @@ public abstract class Overlay<T extends Overlay> {
return (T) this;
public T goToForAction(String target) {
this.actionButtonText = Res.get("shared.goTo", Res.get(target));
return (T) this;
public T goToForClose(String target) {
this.closeButtonText = Res.get("shared.goTo", Res.get(target));
return (T) this;
public T actionButtonText(String actionButtonText) {
this.actionButtonText = actionButtonText;
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
AnchorPane.rightAnchor="0" AnchorPane.topAnchor="0"
<Tab fx:id="settingsTab" closable="false">
<Tab fx:id="preferencesTab" closable="false">
<ScrollPane fitToWidth="true" hbarPolicy="NEVER"
AnchorPane.bottomAnchor="0.0" AnchorPane.leftAnchor="0.0"
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import javax.inject.Inject;
public class SettingsView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<TabPane, Activatable> {
Tab settingsTab, networkTab, aboutTab;
Tab preferencesTab, networkTab, aboutTab;
private final ViewLoader viewLoader;
private final Navigation navigation;
private Navigation.Listener navigationListener;
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public class SettingsView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<TabPane, Activatable>
public void initialize() {
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ public class SettingsView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<TabPane, Activatable>
tabChangeListener = (ov, oldValue, newValue) -> {
if (newValue == settingsTab)
if (newValue == preferencesTab)
navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, SettingsView.class, PreferencesView.class);
else if (newValue == networkTab)
navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, SettingsView.class, NetworkSettingsView.class);
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ public class SettingsView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<TabPane, Activatable>
Tab selectedItem = root.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if (selectedItem == settingsTab)
if (selectedItem == preferencesTab)
navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, SettingsView.class, PreferencesView.class);
else if (selectedItem == networkTab)
navigation.navigateTo(MainView.class, SettingsView.class, NetworkSettingsView.class);
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ public class SettingsView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<TabPane, Activatable>
final Tab tab;
View view = viewLoader.load(viewClass);
if (view instanceof PreferencesView) tab = settingsTab;
if (view instanceof PreferencesView) tab = preferencesTab;
else if (view instanceof NetworkSettingsView) tab = networkTab;
else if (view instanceof AboutView) tab = aboutTab;
else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Navigation to " + viewClass + " is not supported");
@ -418,7 +418,9 @@ public class PreferencesView extends ActivatableViewAndModel<GridPane, Activatab
String selectedItem = userLanguageComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if (selectedItem != null) {
new Popup<>().information(Res.get("settings.languageChange")).show();
new Popup<>().information(Res.get("settings.languageChange"))
// Should we apply the changed currency immediately to the language list?
// If so and the user selects a unknown language he might get lost and it is hard to find
@ -118,28 +118,138 @@ offerbook.removeOffer.success=Remove offer was successful.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Remove offer failed:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=You can withdraw the funds you paid in from the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.headline=You have not setup a trading account
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.msg=You need to setup a national currency or altcoin account before you can create an offer.\nDo you want to setup an account?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No trading account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a trading account for the selected currency.\nDo you want to create an offer with one of your existing trading accounts?
offerbook.warning.noArbitratorSelected.headline=You don't have an arbitrator selected.
offerbook.warning.noArbitratorSelected.msg=You need to setup at least one arbitrator to be able to trade.\nDo you want to do this now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching trading account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=You don't have a trading account with the payment method required for that offer.\nYou need to setup a trading account with that payment method if you want to take this offer.\nDo you want to do this now?
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=That offer requires a different protocol version as the one used in your version of the software.\n\nPlease check if you have the latest version installed, otherwise the user who created the offer has used an older version.\n\nUsers cannot trade with an incompatible trade protocol version.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=You have added that user's onion address to your ignore list.
offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=That offer was blocked by the Bitsquare developers.\nProbably there is an unhandled bug causing issues when taking that offer.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=The onion address of that trader was blocked by the Bitsquare developers.\nProbably there is an unhandled bug causing issues when taking offers from that trader.
offerbook.warning.notFullyConnected=You need to wait until you are fully connected to the network.\nThat might take up to about 2 minutes at startup.
offerbook.warning.removeOffer=Are you sure you want to remove that offer?\nThe offer fee of {0} will be lost if you remove that offer.
# Offerbook/Buy BTC
# Offerbook/Sell BTC
# Offerbook / Create offer
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Security deposit in BTC
createOffer.securityDepositBox.description=Customize security deposit
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Review: Place offer to {0} bitcoin
createOffer.alreadyFunded=You had already funded that offer.\nYour funds have been moved to your local Bitsquare wallet and are available for withdrawal in the \"Funds/Available for withdrawal\" screen.
createOffer.securityDepositInfo=To ensure that both traders follow the trade protocol they need to pay a security deposit.\n\nThe deposit will stay in your local trading wallet until the offer gets accepted by another trader.\nIt will be refunded to you after the trade has successfully completed.\n\nPlease note that you need to keep you application running if you have an open offer.\nWhen another trader wants to take your offer it requires that your application is online and able to react.\nBe sure that you have standby mode deactivated as that would disconnect your client from the network (standby of the monitor is not a problem).
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Fund your offer
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Trade amount: {0} \n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to this offer.\n\nThose funds are reserved in your local wallet and will get locked into the Multisig deposit address once someone takes your offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Mining fee: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bitsquare wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
# only first part "An error occurred when placing the offer:" has been used before. We added now the rest (need update in existing translations!)
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}\n\nNo funds have left your wallet yet.\nPlease try to restart your application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.
createOffer.selectTradingAccount=Select trading account
createOffer.setAmountPrice=Set amount and price
createOffer.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transfer funds from Bitsquare wallet
createOffer.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Open your external wallet for funding
createOffer.warnCancelOffer=You have already funded that offer.\nIf you cancel now, your funds will be moved to your local Bitsquare wallet and are available for withdrawal in the \"Funds/Available for withdrawal\" screen.\nAre you sure you want to cancel?
createOffer.openDefaultWalletFailed=Opening a default bitcoin wallet application has failed. Perhaps you don't have one installed?
createOffer.distanceInPercent=Distance in % from market price
createOffer.enterPercentageValue=Enter % value
createOffer.timeoutAtPublishing=A timeout occurred at publishing the offer.
createOffer.errorInfo=\n\nThe offer fee is already paid. In the worst case you have lost that fee. We are sorry about that but keep in mind it is a very small amount.\nPlease try to restart you application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.
createOffer.notEnoughFunds=You don't have enough funds in your Bitsquare wallet.\nYou need {0} but you have only {1} in your Bitsquare wallet.\n\nPlease fund that trade from an external Bitcoin wallet or fund your Bitsquare wallet at \"Funds/Deposit funds\".
createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.warning=You have set the security deposit to a lower value than the recommended default value of {0}.\nAre you sure you want to use a lower security deposit?\nIt gives you less protection in case the trading peer does not follow the trade protocol.
createOffer.resetToDefault=No, reset to the default value
createOffer.useLowerValue=Yes, use my lower value
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=The price you have entered is outside the max. allowed deviation from the market price.\nThe max. allowed deviation is {0} and can be adjusted in the preferences.
createOffer.changePrice=Change price
createOffer.waitingForFunds=Waiting for funds...
# Offerbook / Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
takeOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
takeOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
takeOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Take offer
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.subTitle=Buy bitcoin
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to sell
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to buy
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Price per bitcoin in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Receiving amount in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.securityDepositBox.description=Security deposit for offer
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmountMinusFee=That input amount would create dust change for the BTC seller.
takeOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your trade
takeOffer.fundsBox.isOfferAvailable=Check if offer is available ...
takeOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
takeOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
takeOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
takeOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
takeOffer.fundsBox.buy.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. \
Those funds will be paid in to a locked deposit address. At the end of a successful trade you will get back your security deposit and the bitcoin amount you sold will be transferred \
to the BTC buyer.
takeOffer.fundsBox.sell.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. \
Those funds will be paid into a locked deposit address. At the end of a successful trade you will get back your security deposit.
takeOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Amount to sell:
takeOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
takeOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Take offer fee:
takeOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fees (3x):
takeOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
takeOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
takeOffer.fundsBox.takeOffer=Take offer
takeOffer.fundsBox.takeOfferSpinnerInfo=Take offer in progress ...
takeOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
takeOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
takeOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
takeOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
takeOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
takeOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
takeOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
takeOffer.advancedBox.info=These are the offer restrictions your trading partner has defined in his offer. \
Your settings match those constraints and you are able to trade with him.
takeOffer.success.headline=You have successfully taken an offer.
takeOffer.success.info=You can see the status of your trade at the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"Open trades\".
takeOffer.error.message=An error occurred when taking the offer.\n\n{0}
@ -179,7 +289,7 @@ disputesView.tab.support=Support tickets
# Settings
settings.tab.network=Network info
@ -277,6 +387,11 @@ shared.goTo=Go to {0}
shared.BTCMinMax=BTC (min - max)
shared.removeOffer=Remove offer
shared.dontRemoveOffer=Don't remove offer
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR-Code window
shared.tradingAccount=Trading account
shared.faq=Visit FAQ web page
shared.yesCancel=Yes, cancel
shared.nextStep=Next step
# Component specific
@ -304,6 +419,11 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.notTraded=Offerer's onion address: {0}
navigation.arbitratorSelection=\"Arbitrator selection\"
navigation.funds.availableForWithdrawal=\"Fund/Available for withdrawal\"
navigation.portfolio.myOpenOffers=\"Portfolio/My open offers\"
navigation.funds.depositFunds=\"Funds/Deposit funds\"
@ -436,7 +556,12 @@ validation.accountNr=Account number must consist of {0} numbers.
validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
# Notifications
notification.walletUpdate.headline=Trading wallet update
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Your trading wallet is sufficiently funded.\nAmount: {0}
# Popups
@ -468,6 +593,15 @@ popup.warning.oldOffers.msg=You have open offers which have been created with an
popup.warning.oldOffers.buttonText=Remove outdated offer(s)
popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the half of the max. allowed trading period and is still not completed.\n\nThe trade period ends on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade state at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for further information.
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the max. allowed trading period and is not completed.\n\nThe trade period ended on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for contacting the arbitrator.
popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.headline=You have not setup a trading account
popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.msg=You need to setup a national currency or altcoin account before you can create an offer.\nDo you want to setup an account?
popup.warning.noArbitratorSelected.headline=You don't have an arbitrator selected.
popup.warning.noArbitratorSelected.msg=You need to setup at least one arbitrator to be able to trade.\nDo you want to do this now?
popup.warning.notFullyConnected=You need to wait until you are fully connected to the network.\nThat might take up to about 2 minutes at startup.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Are you sure you want to remove that offer?\nThe offer fee of {0} will be lost if you remove that offer.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=You cannot set a percentage of 100% or larger.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Please enter a percentage number like \"5.4\" for 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=There is no price feed available for that currency. You cannot use a percent based price.\nPlease select the fixed price.
popup.privateNotification.headline=Important private notification!
@ -481,122 +615,3 @@ popup.shutDownInProgress.msg=Shutting down application can take a few seconds.\n
# Offerbook / Create offer
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Security deposit in BTC
createOffer.securityDepositBox.description=Customize security deposit
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Offerbook / Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
takeOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
takeOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
takeOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Take offer
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.subTitle=Buy bitcoin
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to sell
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to buy
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Price per bitcoin in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Receiving amount in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.securityDepositBox.description=Security deposit for offer
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmountMinusFee=That input amount would create dust change for the BTC seller.
takeOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your trade
takeOffer.fundsBox.isOfferAvailable=Check if offer is available ...
takeOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
takeOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
takeOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
takeOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
takeOffer.fundsBox.buy.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. \
Those funds will be paid in to a locked deposit address. At the end of a successful trade you will get back your security deposit and the bitcoin amount you sold will be transferred \
to the BTC buyer.
takeOffer.fundsBox.sell.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. \
Those funds will be paid into a locked deposit address. At the end of a successful trade you will get back your security deposit.
takeOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Amount to sell:
takeOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
takeOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Take offer fee:
takeOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fees (3x):
takeOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
takeOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
takeOffer.fundsBox.takeOffer=Take offer
takeOffer.fundsBox.takeOfferSpinnerInfo=Take offer in progress ...
takeOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
takeOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
takeOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
takeOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
takeOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
takeOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
takeOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
takeOffer.advancedBox.info=These are the offer restrictions your trading partner has defined in his offer. \
Your settings match those constraints and you are able to trade with him.
takeOffer.success.headline=You have successfully taken an offer.
takeOffer.success.info=You can see the status of your trade at the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"Open trades\".
takeOffer.error.message=An error occurred when taking the offer.\n\n{0}
@ -96,52 +96,44 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Kontonummer muss aus {0} Zeichen bestehen
createOffer.amount.prompt=Betrag in BTC eingeben
createOffer.price.prompt=Preis eingeben
createOffer.volume.prompt=Betrag in {0} eingeben
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Min. Betrag eingeben
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Min. Betrag eingeben
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Erstellen Sie Ihr Angebot
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Erstellen Sie Ihr Angebot
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Menge an Bitcoin zu {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Festpreis pro {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Auszugebender Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Zu erhaltener Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Mindestbetrag in Bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Definieren Sie einen Preis, für den Sie Bitcoin kaufen möchten und geben Sie entweder den Betrag oder das Handelsvolumen ein. Mit dem minimalen Betrag können Sie mehr potenzielle Händler gewinnen, indem sie ihnen mehr Flexibilität gewähren. Aber beachten Sie, dass es keine automatische Erstellung eines neuen Angebots für den Restbetrag gibt, in dem Fall, dass ein Händler Ihr Angebot mit einem niedrigeren Betrag, wie im Betragsfeld definiert, annimmt. Ihr Angebot wird aus der Angebotsliste entfernt, sobald ein Händler Ihr Angebot angenommen hat.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Definieren Sie einen Preis, für den Sie Bitcoin verkaufen möchten und geben Sie entweder den Betrag oder das Handelsvolumen ein. Mit dem minimalen Betrag können Sie mehr potenzielle Händler gewinnen, indem sie ihnen mehr Flexibilität gewähren. Aber beachten Sie, dass es keine automatische Erstellung eines neuen Angebots für den Restbetrag gibt, in dem Fall, dass ein Händler Ihr Angebot mit einem niedrigeren Betrag, wie im Betragsfeld definiert, annimmt. Ihr Angebot wird aus der Angebotsliste entfernt, sobald ein Händler Ihr Angebot angenommen hat.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Nächster Schritt
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde auf 4 Dezimalstellen reduziert.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde angepasst.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=Das eingegebene Gesamtvolumen führt zu ungültigen fraktionalen Bitcoinbeträgen. Der Betrag wurde angepasst und daraus ein neues Gesamtvolumen berechnet.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Mindestbetrag in Bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Definieren Sie einen Preis, für den Sie Bitcoin kaufen möchten und geben Sie entweder den Betrag oder das Handelsvolumen ein. Mit dem minimalen Betrag können Sie mehr potenzielle Händler gewinnen, indem sie ihnen mehr Flexibilität gewähren. Aber beachten Sie, dass es keine automatische Erstellung eines neuen Angebots für den Restbetrag gibt, in dem Fall, dass ein Händler Ihr Angebot mit einem niedrigeren Betrag, wie im Betragsfeld definiert, annimmt. Ihr Angebot wird aus der Angebotsliste entfernt, sobald ein Händler Ihr Angebot angenommen hat.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Definieren Sie einen Preis, für den Sie Bitcoin verkaufen möchten und geben Sie entweder den Betrag oder das Handelsvolumen ein. Mit dem minimalen Betrag können Sie mehr potenzielle Händler gewinnen, indem sie ihnen mehr Flexibilität gewähren. Aber beachten Sie, dass es keine automatische Erstellung eines neuen Angebots für den Restbetrag gibt, in dem Fall, dass ein Händler Ihr Angebot mit einem niedrigeren Betrag, wie im Betragsfeld definiert, annimmt. Ihr Angebot wird aus der Angebotsliste entfernt, sobald ein Händler Ihr Angebot angenommen hat.
shared.nextStep=Nächster Schritt
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde auf 4 Dezimalstellen reduziert.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde angepasst.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=Das eingegebene Gesamtvolumen führt zu ungültigen fraktionalen Bitcoinbeträgen. Der Betrag wurde angepasst und daraus ein neues Gesamtvolumen berechnet.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=Bei der Angebotsabgabe ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Der Betrag darf nicht kleiner als der Mindestbetrag sein.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Der Mindestbetrag darf nicht größer sein als der Betrag.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Der Betrag darf nicht kleiner als der Mindestbetrag sein.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Der Mindestbetrag darf nicht größer sein als der Betrag.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Finanzieren Sie Ihr Angebot
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Benötigte Mittel:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Wird aus der oben eingegebenen Bitcoin-Menge berechnet
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade Wallet Adresse:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade Wallet Kontostand:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=Für jedes Angebot gibt es eine eigene Trade Wallet. Sie müssen diese Trade Wallet mit der erforderlichen Bitcoin-Menge finanzieren. Diese Mittel sind reserviert und werden verwendet, wenn Ihr Angebot angenommen wird. Wenn Sie Ihr Angebot stornieren, können Sie Ihr Geld von dieser Trading Wallet abheben. Die einzige Zahlung, die bei der Abgabe eines Angebots erfolgt, ist die Zahlung der Angebotsgebühr. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=Für jedes Angebot gibt es eine eigene Trade Wallet. Sie müssen diese Trade Wallet mit der erforderlichen Bitcoin-Menge finanzieren. Diese Mittel sind reserviert und werden verwendet, wenn Ihr Angebot angenommen wird. Wenn Sie Ihr Angebot stornieren, können Sie Ihr Geld von dieser Trading Wallet abheben. Die einzige Zahlung, die bei der Abgabe eines Angebots erfolgt, ist die Zahlung der Angebotsgebühr. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Angebot erstellen Gebühr:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining Gebühr:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Erweiterte Einstellungen anzeigen
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Erweiterte Einstellungen ausblenden
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Angebot platzieren
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Erweiterte Einstellungen anzeigen
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Erweiterte Einstellungen ausblenden
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Angebot platzieren
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Angebot wird veröffentlicht...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare Trade mit ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Erweiterte Einstellungen
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Akzeptierte Länder:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Akzeptierte Sprachen:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Akzeptierte Schiedsrichter:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Land des Zahlungskontos:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Ihre Handelspartner müssen Ihre Angebotsbeschränkungen erfüllen. Sie können die akzeptierten Länder, Sprachen und Schiedsrichter in den Einstellungen bearbeiten. Die Zahlungskonto-Details werden von Ihrem aktuellen ausgewählten Zahlungskonto (wenn Sie mehrere Zahlungskonten haben) verwendet.
createOffer.success.headline=Ihr Angebot wurde veröffentlicht
createOffer.success.info=Sie können Ihre offenen Angebote im \"Portfolio\" Bildschirm unter \"Meine offenen Angebote"\ verwalten.
createOffer.error.message=Bei der Angebotsabgabe ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n\n{0}
createOffer.success.info=Sie können Ihre offenen Angebote im \"Portfolio\" Bildschirm unter \"Meine offenen Angebote\" verwalten.
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=Bei der Angebotsabgabe ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
@ -160,7 +152,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Auszugebender Betrag in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Möglicher Betragsbereich
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Geben Sie die Menge an Bitcoins ein, die Sie verkaufen möchten. Sie können einen Betrag zwischen dem Mindestbetrag und dem Betrag auswählen.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Geben Sie die Menge an Bitcoins ein, die Sie kaufen möchten. Sie können einen Betrag zwischen dem Mindestbetrag und dem Betrag auswählen.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Nächster Schritt
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Nächster Schritt
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde auf 4 Dezimalstellen reduziert.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Der Betrag darf nicht kleiner sein als der im Angebot definierte Mindestbetrag.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Der eingegebene Betrag darf nicht höher sein als der im Angebot definierte Betrag.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,53 +97,53 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Kontonummer muss aus {0} Zeichen bestehen
createOffer.amount.prompt=Betrag in BTC eingeben
createOffer.price.prompt=Preis eingeben
createOffer.volume.prompt=Betrag in {0} eingeben
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Min. Betrag eingeben
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Min. Betrag eingeben
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Erstellen Sie Ihr Angebot
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Erstellen Sie Ihr Angebot
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Menge an Bitcoin zu {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Festpreis pro {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Auszugebender Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Zu erhaltener Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Mindestbetrag in Bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Definieren Sie einen Preis, für den Sie Bitcoin kaufen möchten und geben Sie entweder den Betrag oder das Handelsvolumen ein. Mit dem minimalen Betrag können Sie mehr potenzielle Händler gewinnen, indem sie ihnen mehr Flexibilität gewähren. Aber beachten Sie, dass es keine automatische Erstellung eines neuen Angebots für den Restbetrag gibt, in dem Fall, dass ein Händler Ihr Angebot mit einem niedrigeren Betrag, wie im Betragsfeld definiert, annimmt. Ihr Angebot wird aus der Angebotsliste entfernt, sobald ein Händler Ihr Angebot angenommen hat.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Definieren Sie einen Preis, für den Sie Bitcoin verkaufen möchten und geben Sie entweder den Betrag oder das Handelsvolumen ein. Mit dem minimalen Betrag können Sie mehr potenzielle Händler gewinnen, indem sie ihnen mehr Flexibilität gewähren. Aber beachten Sie, dass es keine automatische Erstellung eines neuen Angebots für den Restbetrag gibt, in dem Fall, dass ein Händler Ihr Angebot mit einem niedrigeren Betrag, wie im Betragsfeld definiert, annimmt. Ihr Angebot wird aus der Angebotsliste entfernt, sobald ein Händler Ihr Angebot angenommen hat.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Nächster Schritt
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde auf 4 Dezimalstellen reduziert.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde angepasst.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=Das eingegebene Gesamtvolumen führt zu ungültigen fraktionalen Bitcoinbeträgen. Der Betrag wurde angepasst und daraus ein neues Gesamtvolumen berechnet.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Mindestbetrag in Bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Definieren Sie einen Preis, für den Sie Bitcoin kaufen möchten und geben Sie entweder den Betrag oder das Handelsvolumen ein. Mit dem minimalen Betrag können Sie mehr potenzielle Händler gewinnen, indem sie ihnen mehr Flexibilität gewähren. Aber beachten Sie, dass es keine automatische Erstellung eines neuen Angebots für den Restbetrag gibt, in dem Fall, dass ein Händler Ihr Angebot mit einem niedrigeren Betrag, wie im Betragsfeld definiert, annimmt. Ihr Angebot wird aus der Angebotsliste entfernt, sobald ein Händler Ihr Angebot angenommen hat.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Definieren Sie einen Preis, für den Sie Bitcoin verkaufen möchten und geben Sie entweder den Betrag oder das Handelsvolumen ein. Mit dem minimalen Betrag können Sie mehr potenzielle Händler gewinnen, indem sie ihnen mehr Flexibilität gewähren. Aber beachten Sie, dass es keine automatische Erstellung eines neuen Angebots für den Restbetrag gibt, in dem Fall, dass ein Händler Ihr Angebot mit einem niedrigeren Betrag, wie im Betragsfeld definiert, annimmt. Ihr Angebot wird aus der Angebotsliste entfernt, sobald ein Händler Ihr Angebot angenommen hat.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Nächster Schritt
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde auf 4 Dezimalstellen reduziert.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde angepasst.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=Das eingegebene Gesamtvolumen führt zu ungültigen fraktionalen Bitcoinbeträgen. Der Betrag wurde angepasst und daraus ein neues Gesamtvolumen berechnet.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=Bei der Angebotsabgabe ist ein Fehler aufgetreten:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Der Betrag darf nicht kleiner als der Mindestbetrag sein.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Der Mindestbetrag darf nicht größer sein als der Betrag.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Der Betrag darf nicht kleiner als der Mindestbetrag sein.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Der Mindestbetrag darf nicht größer sein als der Betrag.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Finanzieren Sie Ihr Angebot
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Benötigte Mittel:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Wird aus der oben eingegebenen Bitcoin-Menge berechnet
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade Wallet Adresse:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade Wallet Kontostand:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=Für jedes Angebot gibt es eine eigene Trade Wallet. Sie müssen diese Trade Wallet mit der erforderlichen Bitcoin-Menge finanzieren. Diese Mittel sind reserviert und werden verwendet, wenn Ihr Angebot angenommen wird. Wenn Sie Ihr Angebot stornieren, können Sie Ihr Geld von dieser Trading Wallet abheben. Die einzige Zahlung, die bei der Abgabe eines Angebots erfolgt, ist die Zahlung der Angebotsgebühr. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=Für jedes Angebot gibt es eine eigene Trade Wallet. Sie müssen diese Trade Wallet mit der erforderlichen Bitcoin-Menge finanzieren. Diese Mittel sind reserviert und werden verwendet, wenn Ihr Angebot angenommen wird. Wenn Sie Ihr Angebot stornieren, können Sie Ihr Geld von dieser Trading Wallet abheben. Die einzige Zahlung, die bei der Abgabe eines Angebots erfolgt, ist die Zahlung der Angebotsgebühr. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Angebot erstellen Gebühr:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining Gebühr:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Erweiterte Einstellungen anzeigen
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Erweiterte Einstellungen ausblenden
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Angebot platzieren
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Erweiterte Einstellungen anzeigen
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Erweiterte Einstellungen ausblenden
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Angebot platzieren
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Angebot wird veröffentlicht...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare Trade mit ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Erweiterte Einstellungen
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Akzeptierte Länder:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Akzeptierte Sprachen:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Akzeptierte Schiedsrichter:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Erweiterte Einstellungen
# TODO # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Akzeptierte Länder:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Akzeptierte Sprachen:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Akzeptierte Schiedsrichter:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Zahlungsmethode:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Land des Zahlungskontos:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Ihre Handelspartner müssen Ihre Angebotsbeschränkungen erfüllen. Sie können die akzeptierten Länder, Sprachen und Schiedsrichter in den Einstellungen bearbeiten. Die Zahlungskonto-Details werden von Ihrem aktuellen ausgewählten Zahlungskonto (wenn Sie mehrere Zahlungskonten haben) verwendet.
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Land des Zahlungskontos:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Ihre Handelspartner müssen Ihre Angebotsbeschränkungen erfüllen. Sie können die akzeptierten Länder, Sprachen und Schiedsrichter in den Einstellungen bearbeiten. Die Zahlungskonto-Details werden von Ihrem aktuellen ausgewählten Zahlungskonto (wenn Sie mehrere Zahlungskonten haben) verwendet.
createOffer.success.headline=Ihr Angebot wurde veröffentlicht
createOffer.success.info=Sie können Ihre offenen Angebote im \"Portfolio\" Bildschirm unter \"Meine offenen Angebote"\ verwalten.
createOffer.error.message=Bei der Angebotsabgabe ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=Bei der Angebotsabgabe ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Auszugebender Betrag in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Möglicher Betragsbereich
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Geben Sie die Menge an Bitcoins ein, die Sie verkaufen möchten. Sie können einen Betrag zwischen dem Mindestbetrag und dem Betrag auswählen.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Geben Sie die Menge an Bitcoins ein, die Sie kaufen möchten. Sie können einen Betrag zwischen dem Mindestbetrag und dem Betrag auswählen.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Nächster Schritt
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Nächster Schritt
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag überschreitet die Anzahl der erlaubten Dezimalstellen.\nDer Betrag wurde auf 4 Dezimalstellen reduziert.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Der Betrag darf nicht kleiner sein als der im Angebot definierte Mindestbetrag.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Der eingegebene Betrag darf nicht höher sein als der im Angebot definierte Betrag.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -95,54 +95,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=El número de cuenta debe consistir en {0} caracteres.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Introducir cantidad en BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Introducir precio
createOffer.volume.prompt=Introducir cantidad en {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Introducir cantidad mínima
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Introducir cantidad mínima
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Cree su oferta
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Cree su oferta
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Cantidad de bitcoin a {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Precio fijado a {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Cantidad en {0} a gastar.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Cantidad en {0} a recibir
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Cantidad mínima de bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Pon un precio por el cual quieras comprar bitcoins y la cantidad o volumen de comercio. Con la cantidad mínima podrás atraer más clientes al darles más flexibilidad. Considere que no se creará una nueva orden si no eligen el importe máximo. Su oferta será eliminada del libro de ofertas una vez que un comerciante acepte la orden.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Pon un precio por el cual quieras vender bitcoins y la cantidad o volumen de comercio. Con la cantidad mínima podrás atraer más clientes al darles más flexibilidad. Considere que no se creará una nueva orden si no eligen el importe máximo. Su oferta será eliminada del libro de ofertas una vez que un comerciante acepte la orden.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Siguiente paso
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=La cantidad introducda excede el número de decimales.\nLa cantidad se ha ajustado a 4 decimales.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=La cantidad introducda excede el número de decimales.\nLa cantidad ha sido ajustada.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=El volumen total introducido lleva a cantidades inválidas de fracciones de bitcoin. La cantidad ha sido ajustada y un nuevo volumen total calculado de ahí.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Cantidad mínima de bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Pon un precio por el cual quieras comprar bitcoins y la cantidad o volumen de comercio. Con la cantidad mínima podrás atraer más clientes al darles más flexibilidad. Considere que no se creará una nueva orden si no eligen el importe máximo. Su oferta será eliminada del libro de ofertas una vez que un comerciante acepte la orden.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Pon un precio por el cual quieras vender bitcoins y la cantidad o volumen de comercio. Con la cantidad mínima podrás atraer más clientes al darles más flexibilidad. Considere que no se creará una nueva orden si no eligen el importe máximo. Su oferta será eliminada del libro de ofertas una vez que un comerciante acepte la orden.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Siguiente paso
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=La cantidad introducda excede el número de decimales.\nLa cantidad se ha ajustado a 4 decimales.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=La cantidad introducda excede el número de decimales.\nLa cantidad ha sido ajustada.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=El volumen total introducido lleva a cantidades inválidas de fracciones de bitcoin. La cantidad ha sido ajustada y un nuevo volumen total calculado de ahí.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=Se produjo un error poniendo la orden:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=La cantidad no puede ser más pequeña que la cantidad mínima.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=La cantidad mínima no puede ser mayor que la cantidad.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=La cantidad no puede ser más pequeña que la cantidad mínima.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=La cantidad mínima no puede ser mayor que la cantidad.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Paga tu oferta con fondos
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Fondos necesitados:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Serán calculados desde la cantidad de bitcoin introducida arriba.
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Dirección del monedero del trato:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Balance del monedero del trato:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=Por cada oferta hay un monedero dedicado. Tiene que introducir fondos al monedero del trato con la cantidad necesaria de bitcoins. Esos fondos son guardan y se usarán si su oferta se ejecuta. Si cancela su oferta puede extraer los fondos desde el monedero de comercio. El único pago cuando se pone una oferta es la tasa oferta. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=Por cada oferta hay un monedero dedicado. Tiene que introducir fondos al monedero del trato con la cantidad necesaria de bitcoins. Esos fondos son guardan y se usarán si su oferta se ejecuta. Si cancela su oferta puede extraer los fondos desde el monedero de comercio. El único pago cuando se pone una oferta es la tasa oferta. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Cantidad a comerciar:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Depósito de seguridad:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Crear tasa de oferta:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Tasa de minado:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Mostrar configuraciones avanzadas
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Ocultar configuraciones avanzadas
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Poner oferta
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Mostrar configuraciones avanzadas
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Ocultar configuraciones avanzadas
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Poner oferta
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Publicación de oferta en curso...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Trato de Bitsquare con ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Configuraciones avanzadas
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Países aceptados:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Idiomas aceptados:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Árbitros aceptados:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Métodos de pago:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Configuraciones avanzadas
# TODO # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Países aceptados:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Idiomas aceptados:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Árbitros aceptados:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Métodos de pago:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=País de pago:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Los socios comerciales deben cumplir las restricciones de su oferta. Puede editar los países aceptados, idiomas y árbitros en las configuraciones. Los detalles de cuentas de pago son usados desde su cuenta de pago actualmente seleccionada (si tiene múltiples cuentas de pago).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=País de pago:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Los socios comerciales deben cumplir las restricciones de su oferta. Puede editar los países aceptados, idiomas y árbitros en las configuraciones. Los detalles de cuentas de pago son usados desde su cuenta de pago actualmente seleccionada (si tiene múltiples cuentas de pago).
createOffer.success.headline=Su oferta ha sido publicada.
createOffer.success.info=Puede establecer sus ofertas abiertas la ventana \"Portafolio\" bajo \"Mis ofertas abiertas\".
createOffer.error.message=Ocurrió un error al publicar la orden.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=Ocurrió un error al publicar la orden.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Cantidad en {0} a gastar
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Rango de cantidad posible.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Introduzca la cantidad de bitcoin que quiera vender. Puede elegir entre la cantidad mínima o máxima.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Introduzca la cantidad de bitcoin que quiera comprar. Puede elgir entre la cantidad mínima o máxima.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Siguiente paso
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Siguiente paso
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=La cantidad introducida excede los decimales permitidos.\nLa cantidad ha sido ajustada a 4 decimales.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=La cantidad no puede ser menor que el mínimo definido en la oferta.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=La cantidad no puede ser mayor que el máximo definido en la oferta.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -95,54 +95,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Broj računa se mora sastojati od {0} znakova
createOffer.amount.prompt=Unesite iznos BTC-a
createOffer.price.prompt=Unesite cijenu
createOffer.volume.prompt=Unesite iznos u {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Unesite minimalni iznos
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Unesite minimalni iznos
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Napravi svoju ponudu
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Napravi svoju ponudu
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Broj bitcoina za {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fiksna cijena po {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Iznos u {0} za potrošiti
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Iznos u {0} za primiti
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Najmanji iznos bitcoina
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Odredite cijenu za koju želite kupiti bitcoine te unesite ili iznos ili količinu prodaje. Minimalnim iznosom možete privući veći broj potencijalnih trgovaca tako što im dajete više fleksibilnosti. No primjetite da ne postoji automatsko kreiranje nove ponude za preostali iznos u slučaju da trgovac prhvati vašu ponudu sa manjim iznosom nego što je definirano u polju za iznos. Vaša ponuda biti će uklonjena iz kjinge ponuda čim trgovac prihvati vašu ponudu.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Odredite cijenu za koju želite kupiti bitcoine te unesite ili iznos ili količinu prodaje. Minimalnim iznosom možete privući veći broj potencijalnih trgovaca tako što im dajete više fleksibilnosti. No primjetite da ne postoji automatsko kreiranje nove ponude za preostali iznos u slučaju da trgovac prhvati vašu ponudu sa manjim iznosom nego što je definirano u polju za iznos. Vaša ponuda biti će uklonjena iz kjinge ponuda čim trgovac prihvati vašu ponudu.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Sljedeći korak
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Iznos koji ste unijeli premašuje broj dozvoljenih decimalnih mjesta.\nIznos je prilagođen na 4 decimalna mjesta.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=Iznos koji ste unijeli premašuje broj dozvoljenih decimalnih mjesta.\nIznos je prilagođen.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=Ukupna količina koju ste unijeli vodi do nepotpunih iznosa bitcoina. Iznos je podešen i nova ukupna količina se izračunava iz njega.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Najmanji iznos bitcoina
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Odredite cijenu za koju želite kupiti bitcoine te unesite ili iznos ili količinu prodaje. Minimalnim iznosom možete privući veći broj potencijalnih trgovaca tako što im dajete više fleksibilnosti. No primjetite da ne postoji automatsko kreiranje nove ponude za preostali iznos u slučaju da trgovac prhvati vašu ponudu sa manjim iznosom nego što je definirano u polju za iznos. Vaša ponuda biti će uklonjena iz kjinge ponuda čim trgovac prihvati vašu ponudu.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Odredite cijenu za koju želite kupiti bitcoine te unesite ili iznos ili količinu prodaje. Minimalnim iznosom možete privući veći broj potencijalnih trgovaca tako što im dajete više fleksibilnosti. No primjetite da ne postoji automatsko kreiranje nove ponude za preostali iznos u slučaju da trgovac prhvati vašu ponudu sa manjim iznosom nego što je definirano u polju za iznos. Vaša ponuda biti će uklonjena iz kjinge ponuda čim trgovac prihvati vašu ponudu.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Sljedeći korak
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Iznos koji ste unijeli premašuje broj dozvoljenih decimalnih mjesta.\nIznos je prilagođen na 4 decimalna mjesta.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=Iznos koji ste unijeli premašuje broj dozvoljenih decimalnih mjesta.\nIznos je prilagođen.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=Ukupna količina koju ste unijeli vodi do nepotpunih iznosa bitcoina. Iznos je podešen i nova ukupna količina se izračunava iz njega.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=Dogodila se greška prilikom postavljanja ponude:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Račun ne može biti manji od najmanjeg računa.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Najmanji iznos ne može biti veći od iznosa.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Račun ne može biti manji od najmanjeg računa.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Najmanji iznos ne može biti veći od iznosa.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Uplati sredstva za ponudu
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Potrebna sredstva:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Biti će izračunata iz iznosa bitcoina koje ste unijeli iznad
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Adresa novčanika za razmjenu:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Stanje novčanika za razmjenu:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=Svaka ponuda koristi zasebni novčanik za razmjenu. Morate napuniti taj novčanik potrebnim iznosom bitcoina. Ta su sredstva rezervirana te će se koristiti u slučaju da ponuda bude prihvaćena. U slučaju da otkažete svoju ponudu možete povući svoja sredstva iz tog novčanika. Jedina uplata koja će biti izvršena prilikom postavljanja ponude je sama naknada za postavljanje ponude. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=Svaka ponuda koristi zasebni novčanik za razmjenu. Morate napuniti taj novčanik potrebnim iznosom bitcoina. Ta su sredstva rezervirana te će se koristiti u slučaju da ponuda bude prihvaćena. U slučaju da otkažete svoju ponudu možete povući svoja sredstva iz tog novčanika. Jedina uplata koja će biti izvršena prilikom postavljanja ponude je sama naknada za postavljanje ponude. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Iznos razmjene:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Sigurnosni depozit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Naknada za izradu ponude:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Naknada za rudarenje:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Prikaži napredne postavke
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Sakrij napredne postavke
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Postavi ponudu
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Prikaži napredne postavke
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Sakrij napredne postavke
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Postavi ponudu
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Objava ponude je u toku...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare razmjena sa ID-om {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Napredne postavke
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Prihvaćene zemlje:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Prihvaćeni jezici:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Prihvaćeni arbitri:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Metoda plaćanja:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Napredne postavke
# TODO # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Prihvaćene zemlje:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Prihvaćeni jezici:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Prihvaćeni arbitri:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Metoda plaćanja:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Zemlja računa za plaćanja:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Vaš trgovinski partner mora ispunjavati uvjete vaše ponude. Možete promijeniti prihvaćene zemlje, jezike, arbitre u postavkama. Detalji računa za plaćanja preuzeti su iz vašeg trenutno odabranog računa za plaćanja(ako imate više računa za plaćanja).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Zemlja računa za plaćanja:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Vaš trgovinski partner mora ispunjavati uvjete vaše ponude. Možete promijeniti prihvaćene zemlje, jezike, arbitre u postavkama. Detalji računa za plaćanja preuzeti su iz vašeg trenutno odabranog računa za plaćanja(ako imate više računa za plaćanja).
createOffer.success.headline=Vaša ponuda je objavljena
createOffer.success.info=Možete upravljati otvorenim ponudama u \"Portfelj\" ekranu pod \"Moje otvorene ponude\".
createOffer.error.message=Dogodila se greška prilikom objave ponude.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=Dogodila se greška prilikom objave ponude.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Iznos u {0} za potrošiti
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Mogući raspon iznosa
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Unesite iznos bitcoina koji želite prodati. Izaberite iznos između najmanjeg iznosa i iznosa.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Unesite iznos bitcoina koji želite kupiti. Izaberite iznos između najmanjeg iznosa i iznosa.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Sljedeći korak
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Sljedeći korak
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Unos koji ste unijeli premašuje broj dozvoljenih decimalnih mjesta. \nIznos je prilagođen na 4 decimalna mjesta.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Iznos ne može biti manji od najmanjeg iznosa definiranog u ponudi.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Iznos unosa ne može biti veći od iznosa definiranog u ponudi.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Il numero dell'account deve consistere in {0} caratter
createOffer.amount.prompt=Inserire l'importo in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Inserire prezzo
createOffer.volume.prompt=Inserire prezzo in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Inserire importo min.
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Inserire importo min.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Crea nuova offerta
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Crea nuova offerta
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Importo di bitcoin a {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Prezzo fisso per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Importo in {0} da spendere
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Imoorto in {0} da ricevere
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimo importo di bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Definisci un prezzo per il quale vuoi comprare bitcoin e immettere la quantità o il volume di scambio. Con una quantità minima puoi attrarre più potenziali trader dando loro maggiore flessibilità. Ma da notare però che non c'è una creazione automatica di una nuova offerta per la quantità rimanente nel caso in cui un trader prenda la tua offerta con per un importo minore rispetto a quello definito nel campo dell'importo. La tua offerta sarà rimossa dalla lista delle offerte una volta che il trader avrà preso la tua offerta.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Definisci un prezzo per il quale vuoi vendere bitcoin e immettere la quantità o il volume di scambio. Con una quantità minima puoi attrarre più potenziali trader dando loro maggiore flessibilità. Ma da notare però che non c'è una creazione automatica di una nuova offerta per la quantità rimanente nel caso in cui un trader prenda la tua offerta con per un importo minore rispetto a quello definito nel campo dell'importo. La tua offerta sarà rimossa dalla lista delle offerte una volta che il trader avrà preso la tua offerta.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Prossimo passo
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=L'importo che hai inserito supera il numero di spazi di decimali permessi.\nL'importo è stato regolato a 4 spazi di decimali.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=L'importo che hai inserito supera il numero di spazi di decimali permessi.\nL'importo è stato regolato.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=Il volume totale che hai inseirito porta ad importi frazionari non validi. L'importo è stato regolato e un nuovo volume totale è stato calcolato da esso.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimo importo di bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Definisci un prezzo per il quale vuoi comprare bitcoin e immettere la quantità o il volume di scambio. Con una quantità minima puoi attrarre più potenziali trader dando loro maggiore flessibilità. Ma da notare però che non c'è una creazione automatica di una nuova offerta per la quantità rimanente nel caso in cui un trader prenda la tua offerta con per un importo minore rispetto a quello definito nel campo dell'importo. La tua offerta sarà rimossa dalla lista delle offerte una volta che il trader avrà preso la tua offerta.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Definisci un prezzo per il quale vuoi vendere bitcoin e immettere la quantità o il volume di scambio. Con una quantità minima puoi attrarre più potenziali trader dando loro maggiore flessibilità. Ma da notare però che non c'è una creazione automatica di una nuova offerta per la quantità rimanente nel caso in cui un trader prenda la tua offerta con per un importo minore rispetto a quello definito nel campo dell'importo. La tua offerta sarà rimossa dalla lista delle offerte una volta che il trader avrà preso la tua offerta.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Prossimo passo
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=L'importo che hai inserito supera il numero di spazi di decimali permessi.\nL'importo è stato regolato a 4 spazi di decimali.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=L'importo che hai inserito supera il numero di spazi di decimali permessi.\nL'importo è stato regolato.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=Il volume totale che hai inseirito porta ad importi frazionari non validi. L'importo è stato regolato e un nuovo volume totale è stato calcolato da esso.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=Si è verificato un errore durante l'immissione dell'offerta:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=L'importo non può essere più piccolo dell'importo minimo.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=L'importo minimo non può essere più grande dell'importo.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=L'importo non può essere più piccolo dell'importo minimo.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=L'importo minimo non può essere più grande dell'importo.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Finanzia il tuo offerta
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Fondi richiesti:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Indirizzo portafoglio per lo scambio:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Saldo portafoglio per lo scambio:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=Per ogni offerta c'è un portamonete di scambio dedicato. Devi finanziare il portamonete di scambio con la quantità di bitcoin necessaria. Questi fondi sono riservati e saranno utilizzati nel caso in cui la tua offerta venga eseguita. Se cancelli la tua offerta puoi ritirare i fondi da quel portamonete di scambio. L'unico pagamento eseguito quando disponi un'offerta è la commissione di pagamento per offerta. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=Per ogni offerta c'è un portamonete di scambio dedicato. Devi finanziare il portamonete di scambio con la quantità di bitcoin necessaria. Questi fondi sono riservati e saranno utilizzati nel caso in cui la tua offerta venga eseguita. Se cancelli la tua offerta puoi ritirare i fondi da quel portamonete di scambio. L'unico pagamento eseguito quando disponi un'offerta è la commissione di pagamento per offerta. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Importo per lo scambio:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Deposito di sicurezza:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Crea commissione di offerta:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Commissione mining:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Mostra impostazioni avanzate
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Nascondi impostazioni avanzate
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Posiziona offerta
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Mostra impostazioni avanzate
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Nascondi impostazioni avanzate
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Posiziona offerta
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Pubblicazione dell'offerta in corso ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Scambi Bitsquare con ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Impostazioni avanzate
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Paesi accettati:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Lingue accettate:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Arbitri accettati:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Metodi di pagamento:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Impostazioni avanzate
# TODO # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Paesi accettati:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Lingue accettate:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Arbitri accettati:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Metodi di pagamento:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Paese conto pagamenti:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=I tuoi partner di compravendita devono soddisfare le ristrizzioni della tua offerta. Nelle impostazioni puoi modificare i paesi accettati, lingue e arbitri. I dettagli usati per account di pagamenti provengono dai tuoi attuali account di pagamenti selezionati (se hai più account di pagamenti).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Paese conto pagamenti:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=I tuoi partner di compravendita devono soddisfare le ristrizzioni della tua offerta. Nelle impostazioni puoi modificare i paesi accettati, lingue e arbitri. I dettagli usati per account di pagamenti provengono dai tuoi attuali account di pagamenti selezionati (se hai più account di pagamenti).
createOffer.success.headline=La tua offerta è stata pubblicata
createOffer.success.info=Puoi gestire le tue offerte perte nella schermata \"Portfolio\" sotto a \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=Si è verificato un errore durante l'immissione dell'offerta.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=Si è verificato un errore durante l'immissione dell'offerta.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Inserire importo in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Importo in {0} da spendere
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Raggio di importo possibile
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Inserire l'importo di bitcoin che vuoi vendere. Puoi scegliere un importo fra il minimo importo e l'importo.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Inserire l'importo di bitcoin che vuoi comprare. Puoi scegliere un importo fra il minimo importo e l'importo.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Prossimo passo
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Prossimo passo
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=L'importo che hai inserito supera il numero di spazio di decimali permesso.\nL'importo è stato regolato a 4 decimali.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=L'importo non può essere più piccola dell'importo minimo definito nell'offerta.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=L'importo inserito non può essere più alto dell'importo definito nell'offerta.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -44,54 +44,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=O número de conta tem de ser constituído por {0} car
createOffer.amount.prompt=Introduza o montante de BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Introduza o preço
createOffer.volume.prompt=Introduza o montante em {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Introduza o montante mínimo
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Introduza o montante mínimo
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Crie o seu anúncio
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Crie o seu anúncio
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Montante de bitcoin para {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Preço fixo por {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Montante em {0} para gastar
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Montante em {0} para receber
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Montante mínimo em bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Defina um preço pelo qual deseja comprar bitcoin e introduza o montante ou a quantidade da troca. Com o montante mínimo pode atrair mais utilizadores ao dar-lhes maior flexibilidade. Mas note que não há a criação automática de uma nova oferta para o montante que resta no caso em que um utilizador aceite a sua oferta por um montante inferior ao definido no campo do montante. A sua oferta será removida da listagem assim que um utilizador a aceite.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Defina um preço pelo qual deseja vender bitcoin e introduza o montante ou a quantidade da troca. Com o montante mínimo pode atrair mais utilizadores ao dar-lhes maior flexibilidade. Mas note que não há a criação automática de uma nova oferta para o montante que resta no caso em que um utilizador aceite a sua oferta por um montante inferior ao definido no campo do montante. A sua oferta será removida da listagem assim que um utilizador a aceite.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=O montante que introduziu excede o número de casas decimais permitido.\nO montante foi ajustado para 4 casas decimais.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=O montante que introduziu excede o número de casas decimais permitido.\nO montante foi ajustado.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=O volume total que introduziu leva a montantes fracionais de bitcoin inválidos. O montante foi ajustado e um novo volume total foi calculado a partir dele.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Montante mínimo em bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Defina um preço pelo qual deseja comprar bitcoin e introduza o montante ou a quantidade da troca. Com o montante mínimo pode atrair mais utilizadores ao dar-lhes maior flexibilidade. Mas note que não há a criação automática de uma nova oferta para o montante que resta no caso em que um utilizador aceite a sua oferta por um montante inferior ao definido no campo do montante. A sua oferta será removida da listagem assim que um utilizador a aceite.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Defina um preço pelo qual deseja vender bitcoin e introduza o montante ou a quantidade da troca. Com o montante mínimo pode atrair mais utilizadores ao dar-lhes maior flexibilidade. Mas note que não há a criação automática de uma nova oferta para o montante que resta no caso em que um utilizador aceite a sua oferta por um montante inferior ao definido no campo do montante. A sua oferta será removida da listagem assim que um utilizador a aceite.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Próximo
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=O montante que introduziu excede o número de casas decimais permitido.\nO montante foi ajustado para 4 casas decimais.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=O montante que introduziu excede o número de casas decimais permitido.\nO montante foi ajustado.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=O volume total que introduziu leva a montantes fracionais de bitcoin inválidos. O montante foi ajustado e um novo volume total foi calculado a partir dele.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=Ocorreu um erro ao colocar a oferta:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=O montante não pode ser inferior ao montante mínimo.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=O montante mínimo não pode ser maior que o montante.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=O montante não pode ser inferior ao montante mínimo.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=O montante mínimo não pode ser maior que o montante.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Provisione a sua oferta
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Fundos necessários:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Será calculado pelos montantes de bitcoin introduzidos acima
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Endereço da carteira da troca:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Saldo da carteira da troca:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=Para cada oferta há uma carteira de troca dedicada. Precisa de provisionar essa carteira da troca com o montante de bitcoin necessário. Esses fundos serão reservados e usados no caso de a oferta ser executada. Se cancelar a sua oferta pode levantar os seus fundos dessa carteira de troca. O único pagamento feito ao criar uma oferta é o pagamento da taxa da oferta. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=Para cada oferta há uma carteira de troca dedicada. Precisa de provisionar essa carteira da troca com o montante de bitcoin necessário. Esses fundos serão reservados e usados no caso de a oferta ser executada. Se cancelar a sua oferta pode levantar os seus fundos dessa carteira de troca. O único pagamento feito ao criar uma oferta é o pagamento da taxa da oferta. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Montante da troca:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Depósito de segurança:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Taxa de criação de oferta:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Taxa de mineração:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Mostrar opções avançadas
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Esconder opções avançadas
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Criar oferta
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Mostrar opções avançadas
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Esconder opções avançadas
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Criar oferta
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=A publicação da oferta está a decorrer...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Troca Bitsquare com o ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Opções avançadas
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Países aceites:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Línguas aceites:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Mediadores aceites:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Método de pagamento:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Opções avançadas
# TODO # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Países aceites:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Línguas aceites:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Mediadores aceites:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Método de pagamento:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=País da conta de pagamento:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Os seus parceiros na troca terão que obedecer às restrições da sua oferta. Você pode editar os países aceites, línguas e mediadores nas opções. Serão usados os detalhes da conta de pagamento selecionada (caso tenha várias contas de pagamento).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=País da conta de pagamento:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Os seus parceiros na troca terão que obedecer às restrições da sua oferta. Você pode editar os países aceites, línguas e mediadores nas opções. Serão usados os detalhes da conta de pagamento selecionada (caso tenha várias contas de pagamento).
createOffer.success.headline=A sua oferta foi criada
createOffer.success.info=Você pode gerir as suas ofertas no \"Portfolio\" por baixo das \"Minhas ofertas abertas\".
createOffer.error.message=Um erro ocorreu ao criar a oferta.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=Um erro ocorreu ao criar a oferta.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Montante a gastar em {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possível diferença no montante
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Introduza o montante de bitcoin que pretende vender. Pode escolher qualquer montante entre o montante mínimo e o montante acima.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Introduza o montante de bitcoin que pretende comprar. Pode escolher qualquer montante entre o montante mínimo e o montante acima.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Próximo passo
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Próximo passo
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=O montante que introduziu excede o número permitido de casas decimais.\nO montante foi ajustado para 4 casas decimais.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=O montante não pode ser inferior ao montante mínimo definido na oferta.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=O montante introduzido não pode ser maior do que o montante definido na oferta.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
@ -97,54 +97,54 @@ validation.accountNrChars=Account number must consist of {0} characters.
createOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Enter price
createOffer.volume.prompt=Enter amount in {0}
createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
# TODO remove createOffer.minAmount.prompt=Enter min. amount
createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.title=Create your offer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Amount of bitcoin to {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescriptionFiat=Fixed price per {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimum amount of bitcoin
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Define a price for which you want to buy bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Define a price for which you want to sell bitcoin and either enter the amount or the trade volume. With the minimum amount you can attract more potential traders by giving them more flexibility. But note that there is no automatic creation of a new offer for the remaining amount in the case that a trader takes your offer with a lower amount as defined in the amount field. Your offer will be removed from the offerbook once a trader has taken your offer.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidFiatDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted.
# TODO remove createOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.adjustedVolume=The total volume you have entered leads to invalid fractional bitcoin amounts. The amount has been adjusted and a new total volume be calculated from it.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer:\n\n{0}
createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount.
# TODO remove createOffer.validation.minAmountLargerThanAmount=Minimum amount cannot be larger than amount.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Fund your offer
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded=Funds needed:
createOffer.fundsBox.totalsNeeded.prompt=Will be calculated from the bitcoin amount entered above
createOffer.fundsBox.address=Trade wallet address:
createOffer.fundsBox.balance=Trade wallet balance:
createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.info=For every offer there is a dedicated trade wallet. You need to fund that trade wallet with the necessary bitcoin amount. Those funds are reserved and will be used in the case that your offer gets executed. If you cancel your offer you can withdraw your funds from that trading wallet. The only payment made when placing an offer is the offer fee payment. https://bitsquare.io/faq/#6
createOffer.fundsBox.tradeAmount=Trade amount:
createOffer.fundsBox.securityDeposit=Security deposit:
createOffer.fundsBox.offerFee=Create offer fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Mining fee:
createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.showAdvanced=Show advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.hideAdvanced=Hide advanced settings
# TODO remove createOffer.fundsBox.placeOffer=Place offer
createOffer.fundsBox.placeOfferSpinnerInfo=Offer publishing is in progress ...
createOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Bitsquare trade with ID {0}
createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.title=Advanced settings
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.countries=Accepted countries:
# TODO remove # TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.languages=Accepted languages:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.arbitrators=Accepted arbitrators:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.txType=Payments method:
createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.county=Payments account country:
# TODO remove createOffer.advancedBox.info=Your trading partners must fulfill your offer restrictions. You can edit the accepted countries, languages and arbitrators in the settings. The payments account details are used from your current selected payments account (if you have multiple payments accounts).
createOffer.success.headline=Your offer has been published
createOffer.success.info=You can manage your open offers in the \"Portfolio\" screen under \"My open offers\".
createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# TODO remove createOffer.error.message=An error occurred when placing the offer.\n\n{0}
# Take offer
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Enter amount in BTC
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Amount in {0} to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Possible amount range
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to sell. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.info=Enter the amount of bitcoin you want to buy. You can choose an amount between the minimum amount and the amount.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
# TODO remove takeOffer.amountPriceBox.next=Next step
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=The amount you have entered exceeds the number of allowed decimal places.\nThe amount has been adjusted to 4 decimal places.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Amount cannot be smaller than minimum amount defined in the offer.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Input amount cannot be higher than the amount defined in the offer.
Add table
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