mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 23:18:17 +01:00
Update translations for v1.9.5
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 430 additions and 205 deletions
@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ shared.readMore=Přečíst více
shared.openHelp=Otevřít nápovědu
shared.closeAnywayDanger=Shut down anyway (DANGER!)
shared.okWait=Ok I'll wait
shared.closeAnywayDanger=Stejně vypnout (NEBEZPEČNÉ!)
shared.okWait=Dobře, počkám
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.continueAnyway=Přesto pokračovat
shared.reportBug=Nahlásit chybu na GitHubu
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=Neodstraňovat nabídku
shared.editOffer=Upravit nabídku
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplikovat nabídku
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Otevřít velké okno s QR kódem
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Vybrat obchodní účet
shared.faq=Navštívit stránku FAQ
shared.yesCancel=Ano, zrušit
shared.nextStep=Další krok
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Odesíláno: {0}\nZ adresy: {1}\nNa přijímací
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq zjistil, že tato transakce by vytvořila drobné mince, které jsou pod limitem drobných mincí (a není to povoleno pravidly pro bitcoinový konsenzus). Místo toho budou tyto drobné mince ({0} satoshi {1}) přidány k poplatku za těžbu.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Kopírovat do schránky
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
shared.copiedToClipboard=Zkopírováno do schránky!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Potvrdit a ukončit
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ shared.iConfirm=Potvrzuji
shared.openURL=Otevřené {0}
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.otherAssets=ostatní aktiva
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ shared.unconfirmedTransactionsLimitReached=Momentálně máte příliš mnoho ne
shared.numItemsLabel=Počet položek: {0}
@ -237,8 +237,8 @@ shared.me=Me
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Ztratili jste připojení ke všem {0
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Ztratili jste připojení k Bitcoinovému localhost nodu.\nRestartujte aplikaci Bisq a připojte se k jiným Bitcoinovým nodům nebo restartujte Bitcoinový localhost node.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Váš počítač byl uspán {0} sekund. Režim spánku může způsobovat selhání obchodů. Aby Bisq fungoval správně, je potřeba v nastavení počítače deaktivovat automatické přecházení do režimu spánku.
mainView.version.update=(Dostupná aktualizace)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -340,10 +340,10 @@ offerbook.offerersBankName=Jméno banky tvůrce: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Sídlo banky tvůrce: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Přijatá sídla bank (příjemce): Všechny země Eura
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Přijatá sídla bank (příjemce):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Koupit {0} za {1}
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Prodat {0} za {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Vybrat měnu
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Vybrat způsob platby
offerbook.matchingOffers=Nabídky odpovídající mým účtům
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informace o účtu
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=podepsán rozhodcem a může podepisovat účty partnerů
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
offerbook.deposit=Kauce BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Kauce zaplacená každým obchodníkem k zajištění obchodu. Bude vrácena po dokončení obchodu.
offerbook.createNewOffer=Create new offer to {0} {1}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Vytvořit novou nabídku na {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=V jednom okamžiku můžete vytvořit pouze jednu nabídku
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Využijte nabídku {0}
@ -384,10 +384,10 @@ offerbook.removeOffer.success=Odebrání nabídky bylo úspěšné.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Odebrání nabídky selhalo:\n{0}
offerbook.deactivateOffer.failed=Deaktivace nabídky se nezdařila:\n{0}
offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Zveřejnění nabídky se nezdařilo:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Nabídka byla odstraněna. Na tuto nabídku již nejsou vyhrazeny finanční prostředky. Dostupné prostředky můžete odeslat do externí peněženky na obrazovce {0}.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Žádný platební účet pro vybranou měnu
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=Pro vybranou měnu nemáte nastavený platební účet.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Žádný odpovídající platební účet.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Tato nabídka používá platební metodu, kterou jste dosud nenastavili.\n\nChcete nyní založit nový platební účet?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=Tato nabídka používá BSQ jako platební metodu, kterou jste ještě nenastavili. \n\nChcete si nyní automaticky vytvořit účet?
@ -434,12 +434,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Vložte množství v BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Zadejte cenu
createOffer.volume.prompt=Vložte množství v {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Množství BTC, které chcete {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Částka v BTC, kterou chcete utratit
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Částka v BTC, kterou chcete obdržet
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Částka v {0}, kterou utratíte
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Částka v {0}, kterou přijmete
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Částka v {0} k prodeji
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Částka v {0} k nákupu
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimální množství BTC
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Financujte svou nabídku
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Obchodní poplatky se platí pro financování B
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Přehled: Umístěte nabídku {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Přehled: Umístěte nabídku na {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financujte svou nabídku
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Výše obchodu: {0}\n
@ -510,8 +510,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Vytváření proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Vložte množství v BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Množství BTC na prodej
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Množství BTC k nákupu
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Částka BTC, kterou chcete utratit
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Částka BTC, kterou chcete obdržet
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Cena za bitcoin v {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Možný rozsah množství
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Částka, kterou jste zadali, přesahuje počet povolených desetinných míst.\nČástka byla upravena na 4 desetinná místa.
@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Dokud váš obchod nebude zahrnut v bitcoin bloku
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Přehled: Využijte nabídku {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Přehled: Využijte nabídku na {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Tuto nabídku nemůžete vzít, protože používá procentuální cenu založenou na tržní ceně, ale není k dispozici žádný zdroj cen.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financujte svůj obchod
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Kontaktujte prodejce BTC prostřednictvím pos
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Zahajte platbu pomocí {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Příjemci {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Částka k převodu
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress={0} adresa prodejce
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Použijte svůj platební účet
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Platba zahájena
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Odeslat z BSQ peněženky
@ -928,25 +928,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Transakční poplatek musí být alespoň {0} satoshi/
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Váš vstup je nad jakoukoli rozumnou hodnotou (>5000 satoshi/vbyte). Transakční poplatek se obvykle pohybuje v rozmezí 50-400 satoshi/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=V otevřených nabídkách nejsou rezervovány žádné finanční prostředky
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.reserved.reserved=Rezervováno v lokální peněžence
funds.locked.noFunds=V obchodech nejsou zamčeny žádné prostředky
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.locked.locked=Uzamčeno v multisignu
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Odesláno na:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Přijato z:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Z Genesis tx:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Poplatek za těžbu za BSQ tx
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Poplatky tvůrce a tx
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Poplatky příjemce a tx
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Vklad na multisig adresu
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Výběr z multisig adresy
funds.tx.disputePayout=Výběr ze sporu
funds.tx.disputeLost=Prohraný spor
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.unknown=Neznámý důvod
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Žádná náhrada ze sporu
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Přijaté prostředky
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Výběr z peněženky
@ -964,7 +964,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Tato transakce odesílá do vaší peněženky velmi
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Koupil BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Prodal BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swapový obchod
@ -1026,26 +1026,26 @@ support.state=Stav
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.sendLogFiles=Odesílání souborů protokolu
support.uploadTraderChat=Nahrát chat obchodníka
support.buyerOfferer=Kupující BTC/Tvůrce
support.sellerOfferer=Prodejce BTC/Tvůrce
support.buyerTaker=Kupující BTC/Příjemce
support.sellerTaker=Prodávající BTC/Příjemce
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Odesílání souborů protokolu
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Nahrání archivovaných dat protokolu
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.stopped=Přenos zastaven
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.finished=Přenos dokončen!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq není společnost, takže spory řeší jinak.\n\nObchodníci mohou v rámci aplikace komunikovat prostřednictvím zabezpečeného chatu na obrazovce otevřených obchodů a zkusit řešení sporů sami. Pokud to nestačí, může jim pomoci mediátor. Mediátor vyhodnotí situaci a navrhne vyúčtování obchodních prostředků. Pokud oba obchodníci přijmou tento návrh, je výplata dokončena a obchod je uzavřen. Pokud jeden nebo oba obchodníci nesouhlasí s výplatou navrhovanou mediátorem, mohou požádat o rozhodčí řízení. Rozhodce přehodnotí situaci a v odůvodněných případech vrátí osobně prostředky obchodníkovi zpět a požádá o vrácení této platby od Bisq DAO.
@ -1313,9 +1313,9 @@ account.altcoin.popup.upx.msg=Obchodování s UPX na Bisq vyžaduje, abyste poch
account.altcoin.popup.arq.msg=Obchodování ARQ na Bisq vyžaduje, abyste pochopili a splnili následující požadavky:\n\nK odeslání ARQ musíte použít buď oficiální peněženku ArQmA GUI nebo peněženku ArQmA CLI s povoleným příznakem store-tx-info (výchozí hodnota v nových verzích). Ujistěte se, že máte přístup ke klíči tx, který může být vyžadován v případě sporu.\narqma-wallet-cli (použijte příkaz get_tx_key)\narqma-wallet-gui (přejděte na kartu historie a pro potvrzení platby klikněte na tlačítko (P))\n\nV normálním blok exploreru není přenos ověřitelný.\n\nV případě sporu musíte mediátorovi nebo rozhodci poskytnout následující údaje:\n- Soukromý klíč tx\n- Hash transakce\n- Veřejnou adresu příjemce\n\nPokud neposkytnete výše uvedená data nebo použijete nekompatibilní peněženku, dojde ke prohrání sporu. Odesílatel ARQ odpovídá za zajištění ověření převodu ARQ mediátorovi nebo rozhodci v případě sporu.\n\nNení požadováno žádné platební ID, pouze normální veřejná adresa.\nPokud si nejste jisti tímto procesem, navštivte discord kanál ArQmA (https://discord.gg/s9BQpJT) nebo fórum ArQmA (https://labs.arqma.com).
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.xmr.msg=Trading XMR on Bisq requires that you understand the following requirement.\n\nIf selling XMR, you must be able to provide the following information to a mediator or arbitrator in case of a dispute:\n- the transaction key (Tx Key, Tx Secret Key or Tx Private Key)\n- the transaction ID (Tx ID or Tx Hash)\n- the destination address (recipient's address)\n\nSee the wiki for details on where to find this information on popular Monero wallets [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Proving_payments].\nFailure to provide the required transaction data will result in losing disputes.\n\nAlso note that Bisq now offers automatic confirming for XMR transactions to make trades quicker, but you need to enable it in Settings.\n\nSee the wiki for more information about the auto-confirm feature: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades].\n\nPlease be aware that when changing the Bisq data directory you must change the Monero wallet and address to avoid vulnerabilities related to transaction key re-use. More details can be found here: [HYPERLINK:https://www.getmonero.org/2018/09/25/a-post-mortum-of-the-burning-bug.html].
account.altcoin.popup.xmr.dataDirWarningHeadline=Security recommendation for Monero traders
account.altcoin.popup.xmr.dataDirWarningHeadline=Bezpečnostní doporučení pro obchodníky s měnou Monero
account.altcoin.popup.xmr.dataDirWarning=With v1.9.3 subaddress [HYPERLINK:https://monerodocs.org/public-address/subaddress] support has been added to Bisq.\n\nIt is recommended to create a new XMR account using subaddresses. This creates a new subaddress at each trade.\n\nIf changing the Bisq data directory you need to ensure to not re-use the address due known vulnerabilities [HYPERLINK:https://www.getmonero.org/2018/09/25/a-post-mortum-of-the-burning-bug.html].\nBest way to achieve that, is by using a different Monero wallet for each Bisq instance. Otherwise, make sure to increment the highest ever used subaddress index or use a new mainaddress or account index.
account.altcoin.popup.xmr.subAddressHeadline=Monero Subaddresses
account.altcoin.popup.xmr.subAddressHeadline=Podadresy měny Monero
account.altcoin.popup.xmr.subAddressInfo=Information about monero subaddresses can be found here: [HYPERLINK:https://monerodocs.org/public-address/subaddress]\n\nYour main XMR wallet address and View Key [HYPERLINK:https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/view_only.html] are needed for Bisq to derive a new subaddress per trade.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.msr.msg=Obchodování MSR na Bisq vyžaduje, abyste pochopili a splnili následující požadavky:\n\nK odeslání MSR musíte použít buď oficiální peněženku Masari GUI, peněženku Masari CLI s povoleným příznakem store-tx-info (ve výchozím nastavení povoleno) nebo webovou peněženku Masari (https://wallet.getmasari.org). Ujistěte se, že máte přístup ke klíči tx, který může být vyžadován v případě sporu.\nmasari-wallet-cli (použijte příkaz get_tx_key)\nmasari-wallet-gui (přejděte na kartu historie a klikněte na tlačítko (P) pro potvrzení platby)\n\nWebová peněženka Masari (jděte do Účet -> Historie transakcí a zobrazte podrobností o odeslané transakci)\n\nOvěření lze provést v peněžence.\nmasari-wallet-cli: pomocí příkazu (check_tx_key).\nmasari-wallet-gui: na stránce Pokročilé > Dokázat/Ověřit.\nOvěření lze provést v block exploreru\nOtevřete Block explorer (https://explorer.getmasari.org), použijte vyhledávací lištu k nalezení hash transakce.\nJakmile je transakce nalezena, přejděte dolů do oblasti „Prokázat odesílání“ a podle potřeby vyplňte podrobnosti.\nV případě sporu musíte zprostředkovateli nebo rozhodci poskytnout následující údaje:\n- Soukromý klíč tx\n- Hash transakce\n- Veřejnou adresu příjemce\n\nPokud neposkytnete výše uvedená data nebo použijete nekompatibilní peněženku, dojde ke ztrátě sporu. Odesílatel MSR odpovídá za zajištění ověření přenosu MSR mediátorovi nebo rozhodci v případě sporu.\n\nNení požadováno žádné platební ID, pouze normální veřejná adresa.\nPokud si nejste jisti tímto procesem, požádejte o pomoc oficiální Masari Discord (https://discord.gg/sMCwMqs).
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=Chcete-li obchodovat s burnt blackcoiny, mus
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Obchodování s L-BTC na Bisq vyžaduje, abyste pochopili následující skutečnosti:\n\nKdyž přijímáte L-BTC za obchod na Bisq, nemůžete použít mobilní peněženku Green od Blockstreamu ani jinou custodial peněženku nebo peněženku na burze. L-BTC musíte přijmout pouze do peněženky Liquid Elements Core nebo do jiné L-BTC peněženky, která vám umožní získat slepý klíč pro vaši slepou adresu L-BTC.\n\nV případě, že je nutné zprostředkování, nebo pokud dojde k obchodnímu sporu, musíte zprostředkujícímu mediátorovi Bisq nebo agentovi, který vrací peníze zaslat slepý klíč pro vaši L-BTC adresu, aby mohli ověřit podrobnosti vaší důvěrné transakce na svém vlastním Elements Core full-nodu.\n\nNeposkytnutí požadovaných informací zprostředkovateli nebo agentovi pro vrácení peněz povede ke prohrání sporu. Ve všech sporných případech nese příjemce L-BTC 100% břemeno odpovědnosti za poskytnutí kryptografického důkazu zprostředkovateli nebo agentovi pro vrácení peněz.\n\nPokud těmto požadavkům nerozumíte, neobchodujte s L-BTC na Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Vaše účty v národní měně
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Zálohujte peněženku
account.backup.location=Umístění zálohy
account.backup.selectLocation=Zvolte umístění zálohy
@ -1769,8 +1772,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Datum
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Podepsat zprávu klíčem z transakce
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Ověření zprávy pomocí klíče z transakce
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Zkopírujte podpis do schránky
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=Vydaných BSQ vs. Spálených BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=Vydáno BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Žádosti o odměnu
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Žádosti o vyrovnání
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ vydané při první (genesis) transakci
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BSQ vydáno na žádosti o odměnu
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ vydáno na žádosti o vyrovnání
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Celkem vydáno BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Celkem spáleno BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Celková zásoba BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Změna zásoby BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=Spálených BSQ
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Odemykání BSQ z úpisů
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=Odemčené BSQ z úpisů
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=Konfiskované BSQ z úpisů
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ poplatky
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Důkaz spálení
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Genesis transakce
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Výška počátečního (genesis) bloku
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=ID genesis transakce
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Stažení se nezdařilo.\nStáhněte
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Nelze určit správný instalační program. Stáhněte a ručně ověřte na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Ověření se nezdařilo.\nStáhněte a ručně ověřte na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Nová verze byla úspěšně stažena a podpis ověřen.\n\nOtevřete adresář ke stažení, vypněte aplikaci a nainstalujte novou verzi.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Otevřít adresář ke stažení
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Datum otevření úkolu
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Potvrzuji, že mohu provést vklad
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq se vypíná, ale existují otevřené nabídky.\n\nTyto nabídky nebudou dostupné v síti P2P, pokud bude Bisq vypnutý, ale budou znovu publikovány do sítě P2P při příštím spuštění Bisq.\n\nChcete-li zachovat své nabídky online, udržujte Bisq spuštěný a ujistěte se, že tento počítač zůstává online (tj. Ujistěte se, že nepřejde do pohotovostního režimu...pohotovostní režim monitoru není problém).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Zdá se, že používáte Bisq na Qubes OS.\n\nUjistěte se, že je vaše Bisq qube nastaveno podle našeho průvodce nastavením na [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade z verze {0} na verzi {1} není podporován. Použijte prosím nejnovější verzi Bisq.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Došlo k problému při synchronizaci stavu DAO. Pro nápravu prosím restartujte aplikaci.
@ -2617,7 +2632,7 @@ confidence.seen=Viděno {0} partnery / 0 potvrzení
confidence.confirmed=Potvrzeno v {0} blocích
confidence.invalid=Transakce je neplatná
peerInfo.title=Info o obchodním partnerovi
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Počet dokončených obchodů
@ -2778,12 +2793,12 @@ payment.altcoin.address=Altcoin adresa
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Obchodujte ihned s tímto altcoinem (do 1 hodiny)
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=Pro okamžité obchodování je nutné, aby oba obchodní partneři byli online, aby mohli obchod dokončit za méně než 1 hodinu.\n\nPokud máte otevřené nabídky a nejste k dispozici, deaktivujte je na obrazovce „Portfolio“.
payment.altcoin.useSubAddresses=Use subaddresses
payment.altcoin.xmrAccountIndex=Account Index
payment.altcoin.initialXmrSubAddressIndex=Initial Subaddress Index
payment.altcoin.xmrSubAddressesUsed=Subaddresses used in trades
payment.altcoin.xmrMainAddress=Main address
payment.altcoin.privateViewKey=Private view key
payment.altcoin.xmrMainAddress=Hlavní adresa
payment.altcoin.privateViewKey=Soukromý klíč pro zobrazení
payment.altcoin.usedSubaddressList=Index: {0} Subaddress: {1} Used in trade: {2}
@ -2990,8 +3005,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Město pro setkání „tváří v tvář“
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Město se zobrazí s nabídkou
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Volitelné další informace
payment.shared.extraInfo=Dodatečné informace
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Definujte jakékoli zvláštní podmínky nebo podrobnosti, které chcete zobrazit u nabídek pro tento platební účet (uživatelé tyto informace uvidí před přijetím nabídky). Toto pole NELZE použít k tomu, aby vás mohl kontaktovat partner mimo službu Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Uveďte prosím ve svých nabídkách: \n\nZemě, ve které se nacházíte (např. Francie); \nZemě / regiony, ze kterých byste přijímali obchody (např. Francie, EU nebo jakákoli evropská země); \nJakékoli zvláštní podmínky; \nJakékoli další údaje. \nToto pole NELZE použít k tomu, aby vás mohl kontaktovat partner mimo službu Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Přečtěte si prosím podmínky tvůrce nabídky.\nPokud tyto požadavky nesplňujete, neakceptujte tento obchod.
payment.f2f.info=Obchody „tváří v tvář“ mají různá pravidla a přicházejí s jinými riziky než online transakce.\n\nHlavní rozdíly jsou:\n● Obchodní partneři si musí vyměňovat informace o místě a čase schůzky pomocí poskytnutých kontaktních údajů.\n● Obchodní partneři musí přinést své notebooky a na místě setkání potvrdit „platba odeslána“ a „platba přijata“.\n● Pokud má tvůrce speciální „podmínky“, musí uvést podmínky v textovém poli „Dodatečné informace“ na účtu.\n● Přijetím nabídky zadavatel souhlasí s uvedenými „podmínkami a podmínkami“ tvůrce.\n● V případě sporu nemůže být mediátor nebo rozhodce příliš nápomocný, protože je obvykle obtížné získat důkazy o tom, co se na schůzce stalo. V takových případech mohou být prostředky BTC uzamčeny na dobu neurčitou nebo dokud se obchodní partneři nedohodnou.\n\nAbyste si byli jisti, že plně rozumíte rozdílům v obchodech „tváří v tvář“, přečtěte si pokyny a doporučení na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Otevřít webovou stránku
@ -3288,7 +3303,7 @@ validation.bic.letters=Banka a kód země musí být písmena
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC obsahuje neplatný location kód
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC obsahuje neplatný kód pobočky
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Účty Revolut Sepa nejsou podporovány.
validation.gbp.revolutBranch=Revolut Branch accounts are not supported.
validation.gbp.revolutBranch=Účty Revolut Branch nejsou podporovány.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Neplatný formát bitcoinové adresy.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Neplatný formát BSQ adresy.
validation.email.invalidAddress=Neplatná adresa
@ -3297,7 +3312,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Kontrolní součet musí být číselný
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Byl zjištěn nealfanumerický znak
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Kontrolní součet IBAN je neplatný
validation.iban.invalidLength=Číslo musí mít délku 15 až 34 znaků.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA není v této zemi podporována
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Non-kanadské směrové číslo oblasti
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Zadejte platné 11místné telefonní číslo (např. 1-123-456-7890) nebo e-mailovou adresu
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Musí obsahovat pouze písmena, čísla, mezery a/nebo symboly ' _ , . ? -
@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ shared.readMore=Weiterlesen
shared.openHelp=Hilfe öffnen
shared.closeAnywayDanger=Shut down anyway (DANGER!)
shared.okWait=Ok I'll wait
shared.closeAnywayDanger=Dennoch herunterfahren (GEFÄHRLICH!)
shared.okWait=Ok, ich warte
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Sie haben die Verbindung zu allen {0}
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Sie haben die Verbindung zum localhost Bitcoinknoten verloren.\nBitte starten Sie die Bisq Anwendung neu, um mit anderen Bitcoinknoten zu verbinden oder starten Sie den localhost Bitcoinknoten neu.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Ihr Computer war für {0} Sekunden im Ruhezustand. Der Standby-Modus hat in der Vergangenheit schon fehlgeschlagene Trades verursacht. Damit Bisq korrekt funktioniert, muss der Standby-Modus in den Einstellungen Ihres Computers deaktiviert werden.
mainView.version.update=(Update verfügbar)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Bitte kontaktieren Sie den BTC-Verkäufer, mit
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Zahlung per {0} beginnen
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Empfänger {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Zu überweisender Betrag
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress={0}-Adresse des Verkäufers
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Ihr zu verwendendes Zahlungskonto
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Zahlung begonnen
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Vom BSQ-Wallet zahlen
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=Um "Burnt Blackcoins" zu handeln, müssen Si
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Das Trading mit L-BTC auf Bisq setzt voraus, dass Sie Folgendes verstehen:\n\nWenn Sie L-BTC für einen Trade auf Bisq erhalten, können Sie nicht die mobile Blockstream Green Wallet App oder eine Custodial/Exchange Wallet verwenden. Sie dürfen L-BTC nur in der Liquid Elements Core Wallet oder eine andere L-BTC-Wallet erhalten, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, den Blinding Key für Ihre verdeckte L-BTC-Adresse zu erhalten.\n\nFalls eine Mediation erforderlich ist oder ein Trade-Konflikt entsteht, müssen Sie den Blinding Key für Ihre L-BTC-Empfangsadresse dem Bisq-Mediator oder dem Refund Agent mitteilen, damit dieser die Details Ihrer vertraulichen Transaktion auf seinem eigenen Elements Core Full Node überprüfen kann.\n\nWenn Sie dem Mediator oder Refund Agent die erforderlichen Informationen nicht zur Verfügung stellen, führt dies dazu, dass Sie den Streitfall verlieren. In allen Streitfällen trägt der L-BTC-Empfänger 100 % der Verantwortung für die Bereitstellung kryptographischer Beweise an den Mediator oder den Refund Agent.\n\nWenn Sie diese Anforderungen nicht verstehen, sollten Sie nicht mit L-BTC auf Bisq traden.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Ihre Nationalen Währungskonten
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Backup der Wallet erstellen
account.backup.location=Speicherort des Backups
account.backup.selectLocation=Speicherort des Backups wählen
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=Ausgestellte BSQ v. verbrannte BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=Ausgestellte BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=Ausgestellte BSQ in Genesis-Transaktion
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=Ausgestellte BSQ für Entlohnungsanträge
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=Ausgestellte BSQ für Rückerstattungsanträge
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Gesamt ausgegebene BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Gesamt verbrannte BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=Verbrannte BSQ (Gebühren und Proof-of-Burn)
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=BSQ von Pfand auslösen
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=BSQ von Pfand ausgelöst
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=Konfiszierte BSQ von Pfänden
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Handelsgebühren
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Nachweis der Verbrennung
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download fehlgeschlagen.\nBitte down
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unfähig den richtigen Installer zu bestimmen. Bitte downloaden und verifizieren Sie manuell unter [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verifikation fehlgeschlagen.\nBitte downloaden Sie und verifizieren Sie manuell unter [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Die neue Version wurde erfolgreich heruntergeladen und die Signatur überprüft.\n\nBitte öffnen Sie das Downloadverzeichnis, schließen die Anwendung und installieren die neue Version.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Downloadverzeichnis öffnen
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Erstellungsdatum des Tickets
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Ich bestätige, dass ich die Kaution zahlen k
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq wird heruntergefahren, aber Sie haben offene Angebote verfügbar.\n\nDiese Angebote sind nach dem Herunterfahren nicht mehr verfügbar und werden erneut im P2P-Netzwerk veröffentlicht wenn Sie das nächste Mal Bisq starten.\n\nLassen Sie Bisq weiter laufen und stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Computer online bleibt, um Ihre Angebote verfügbar zu halten (z.B.: verhindern Sie den Standby-Modus... der Standby-Modus des Monitors stellt kein Problem dar).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Es scheint so als ob Sie Bisq auf Qubes OS laufen haben.\n\nBitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Bisq qube nach unserem Setup Guide eingerichtet wurde: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade von Version {0} auf Version {1} wird nicht unterstützt. Bitte nutzen Sie die aktuelle Bisq Version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Es gab ein Problem mit der Synchronisierung des DAO-Zustands. Sie müssen die Anwendung neu starten, um das Problem zu beheben.
@ -2992,7 +3007,7 @@ payment.shared.optionalExtra=Freiwillige zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.extraInfo=Zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und Konditionen des Erstellers.\nWenn Sie die Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, nehmen Sie diesen Handel nicht an.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und Konditionen des Erstellers.\nWenn Sie die Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, nehmen Sie diesen Handel nicht an.
payment.f2f.info=Persönliche Händel "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') haben andere Regeln und andere Risiken als Online-Händel.\n\nDie Hauptunterschiede sind:\n● Die Handelspartner müssen Informationen über den Ort und die Uhrzeit des Treffens unter Verwendung ihrer angegebenen Kontaktdaten austauschen.\n● Die Handelspartner müssen ihre Laptops mitbringen und die Bestätigung "Zahlung gesendet" und "Zahlung erhalten" am Treffpunkt vornehmen.\n● Wenn der Ersteller eines Angebots spezielle "Geschäftsbedingungen" hat, muss er diese in seinem Konto unter dem Textfeld "Zusatzinformationen" angeben.\n● Mit der Annahme eines Angebots erklärt sich der Käufer mit den vom Ersteller angegebenen "Geschäftsbedingungen" einverstanden.\n● Im Konfliktfall kann der Vermittler oder die Schiedsperson nicht viel tun, da es in der Regel schwierig ist herauszubekommen, was bei dem Treffen wirklich passiert ist. In solchen Fällen bleiben die BTC auf unbestimmte Zeit gesperrt, oder bis die Handelspartner zu einer Einigung kommen.\n\nUm sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Besonderheiten der persönlichen "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') Händel vollständig verstehen, lesen Sie bitte die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Webseite öffnen
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Land und Stadt: {0} / {1}
@ -3318,7 +3333,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Zahlenformat Ausnahme {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=Eingabe darf nicht negativ sein
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Es wird eine zweistellige Ländervorwahl benötigt, um die Telefonnummer zu bestätigen
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Telefonnummer {0} enthält ungültige Zeichen
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Das ist keine gültige Telefonnummer. Sie habe nicht genügend Stellen angegeben.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Das ist keine gültige Telefonnummer. Sie habe nicht genügend Stellen angegeben.
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Es sind zu viele Ziffern in {0} um eine gültige Telefonnummer zu sein.
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Die Ländervorwahl in der Nummer {0} ist für das Land {1} ungültig. Die richtige Vorwahl ist {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Muss eine kommagetrennte Liste der gültigen Adressen sein
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Perdió la conexión a todos los {0}
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Perdió la conexión al nodo Bitcoin localhost.\nPor favor reinicie la aplicación Bisq para conectarse a otros nodos Bitcoin o reinice el nodo Bitcoin localhost.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Su ordenador entró en reposo por {0} segundos. El modo standby causa que los intercambios fallen. Para operar correctamente Bisq requiere que se deshabilite el modo standby en la configuración de su ordenador.
mainView.version.update=(Actualización disponible)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Por favor contacte al vendedor de BTC con el c
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Comenzar pago utilizando {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Receptores {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Cantidad a transferir
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Dirección {0} del vendedor
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Su cuenta de pago para ser usada
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Pago iniciado
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pagar desde el monedero BSQ
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=Para intercambiar blackcoins quemados. usted
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Comerciar L-BTC en Bisq requiere que entienda lo siguiente:\n\nAl recibir L-BTC de un intercambio en Bisq, no puede usar la app de monedero móvil Blockstream Green Wallet o un exchange/monedero que custodie sus fondos. Solo debe recibir L-BTC en el monedero Liquid Elements Core, u otro monedero L-BTC que le permita obtener la clave cegadora para su dirección L-BTC cegada.\n\nEn caso de ser necesaria mediación, o si se lleva a cabo una disputa, debe entregar la clave cegadora para su dirección receptora de L-BTC al mediador o agente de devolución de fondos Bisq para que verifique los detalles de su Transacción Confidencial en su nodo completo Elements Core.\n\nSi no entrega la información requerida al mediador o al agente de devolución de fondos se resolverá en una pérdida del caso en disputa. En todos los casos de disputa, el receptor de L-BTC es responsable del 100% de la carga de aportar la prueba criptográfica al mediador o agente de devolución de fondos.\n\nSi no entiende estos requerimientos, no intercambio L-BTC en Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Sus cuentas de moneda nacional:
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Copia de seguridad del monedero
account.backup.location=Ubicación de la copia de seguridad
account.backup.selectLocation=Seleccionar localización de la copia de seguridad
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=BSQ emitidos v. BSQ quemados
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ emitidos
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Solicitudes de compensación
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Solicitudes de reembolso
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ emitidos en la transacción génesis
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BSQ emitidos para solicitudes de compensación
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ emitidos para solicitudes de reembolso
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=BSQ totales emitidos
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=BSQ totales quemados
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ quemados
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Desbloqueando BSQ de garantías
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=BSQ desbloqueados de garantías
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=BSQ confiscados de garantías
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=Tasas de intercambio en BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Prueba de quemado
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Transacción génesis
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Altura de bloque génesis
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=ID transacción génesis
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Descarga fallida.\nPor favor descarg
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=No se puede determinar el instalador correcto. Por favor, descargue y verifique manualmente en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verificación fallida.\nPor favor descargue y verifique manualmente en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=La nueva versión ha sido descargada con éxito y la firma verificada.\n\nPor favor abra el directorio de descargas, cierre la aplicación e instale la nueva versión.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Abrir directorio de descargas
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Fecha de apertura de ticket
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Confirmo que puedo hacer el depósito
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq se está cerrando, pero hay ofertas abiertas.\n\nEstas ofertas no estarán disponibles en la red P2P mientras Bisq esté cerrado, pero serán re-publicadas a la red P2P la próxima vez que inicie Bisq.\n\nPara mantener sus ofertas en línea, mantenga Bisq ejecutándose y asegúrese de que la computadora permanece en línea también (Ej. asegúrese de que no se pone en modo standby... el monitor en espera no es un problema).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Parece que está ejecutando Bisq en Qubes OS\n\nAsegúrese de que su Bisq qube esté configurado de acuerdo con nuestra Guía de configuración en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes]
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=Parece que esta máquina bloquea conexiones Tor entrantes. Esto puede suceder en entornos VM como Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix.\n\nPor favor configure su entorno para aceptar conexiones entrantes Tor, de otra forma nadie podrá tomar sus ofertas.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Degradar desde la versión {0} a la versión {1} no está soportado. Por favor use la última versión de Bisq.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Hubo un problema sincronizando el estado de la DAO. Tiene que reiniciar la aplicación para solucionar el problema.
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=اتصال شما به تمام {0}
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=اتصال شما به Node لوکال هاست بیتکوین قطع شد.\nلطفاً به منظور اتصال به سایر Nodeهای بیتکوین، برنامهی Bisq یا Node لوکال هاست بیتکوین را مجددا راه اندازی کنید.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(به روز رسانی موجود است)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=لطفا با استفاده از راهه
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=آغاز پرداخت با استفاده از {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Recipients {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=مبلغ انتقال
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=آدرس {0} فروشنده
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=حساب پرداخت مورد استفاده
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=پرداخت آغاز شد
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=To trade burnt blackcoins, you need to know
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Trading L-BTC on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\nWhen receiving L-BTC for a trade on Bisq, you cannot use the mobile Blockstream Green Wallet app or a custodial/exchange wallet. You must only receive L-BTC into the Liquid Elements Core wallet, or another L-BTC wallet which allows you to obtain the blinding key for your blinded L-BTC address.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if a trade dispute arises, you must disclose the blinding key for your receiving L-BTC address to the Bisq mediator or refund agent so they can verify the details of your Confidential Transaction on their own Elements Core full node.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or refund agent will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the L-BTC receiver bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing cryptographic proof to the mediator or refund agent.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade L-BTC on Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=حسابهای ارزهای ملی شما
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=کیف پول پشتیبان
account.backup.location=محل پشتیبانگیری
account.backup.selectLocation=انتخاب محل پشتیبان گیری
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=BSQ issued v. BSQ burnt
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ issued
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=درخواست های خسارت
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ صادر شده در تراکنش پیدایش
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BSQ صادر شده برای درخواستهای مصادره
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ صادر شده برای درخواستهای بازپرداخت
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ burnt
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=رها کردن BSQ از ضما
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=BSQ رها شده از ضمانتها
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=BSQ مصادره شده از ضمانتها
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=تراکنش پیدایش
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=طول بلاک پیدایش
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=شناسه تراکنش پیدایش
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download an
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=نسخه ی جدید به طور موفقیت آمیز دانلود و امضا تأیید شد.\n\nلطفاً راهنمای دانلود را باز کرده، برنامه را ببندید و نسخه ی جدید را نصب نمایید.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=باز کردن راهنمای دانلود
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=تاریخ ایجاد تیکت
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=تأیید می کنم که می توانم
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq در حال خاموش شدن است ولی پیشنهاداتی وجود دارند که باز هستند.\n\nزمانی که Bisq بسته باشد این پیشنهادات در شبکه P2P در دسترس نخواهند بود، ولی هر وقت دوباره Bisq را باز کنید این پیشنهادات دوباره در شبکه P2P منتشر خواهند شد.\n\n برای اینکه پیشنهادات شما برخط بمانند، بگذارید Bisq در حال اجرابماند و همچنین مطمئن شوید که این کامپیوتر به اینترنت متصل است. (به عنوان مثال مطمئن شوید که به حالت آماده باش نمیرود.. البته حالت آماده باش برای نمایشگر ایرادی ندارد).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Vous avez perdu la connexion avec tou
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Vous avez perdu la connexion avec le localhost Bitcoin node.\nVeuillez redémarrer l'application Bisq pour vous connecter à d'autres Bitcoin nodes ou redémarrer le localhost Bitcoin node.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Votre ordinateur a été en veille durant {0} secondes. Le mode veille est connu pour causer des problèmes aux échanges. Pour fonctionner correctement Bisq requiert que le mode veille soit désactivé dans les paramètres de votre ordinateur.
mainView.version.update=(Mise à jour disponible)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Veuillez s''il vous plaît contacter le vendeu
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Initier le paiement en utilisant {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Destinataires {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Montant à transférer
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Adresse {0} du vendeur
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Votre compte de paiement à utiliser
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Paiement initié
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Payer depuis le portefeuille BSQ
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=Pour échanger les blackcoins brûlés, vous
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Le trading de L-BTC sur Bisq requière que vous comprenez les éléments suivants: \n\nLorsque vous recevez des L-BTC pour une transaction sur Bisq, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser l'application mobile Blockstream Green Wallet ou un portefeuille custodial/d'une plateforme d'échange. Vous devez uniquement recevoir des L-BTC dans le porte-monnaie Liquid Elements Core, ou dans un autre porte-monnaie L-BTC qui vous permet d'obtenir la blinding clé pour votre blinded adresse L-BTC .\n\nSi les informations requises ne sont pas fournies au médiateur ou au médiateur, le litige sera perdu. Dans tous les cas de litige, le destinataire du L-BTC assume 100% de la charge de la responsabilité de fournir la preuve cryptographique au médiateur ou à l'agent de remboursement.\n\nSi vous ne comprenez pas ces exigences, n'échangez pas de L-BTC sur Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Vos comptes en devise nationale
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Sauvegarder le portefeuille
account.backup.location=Emplacement de la sauvegarde
account.backup.selectLocation=Sélectionner l'emplacement de sauvegarde
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=BSQ émis v. BSQ brûlé
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ émis
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Requêtes de compensation
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Demandes de remboursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ émis lors de la transaction genesis
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BSQ émis pour les demandes de compensation
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ émis pour les demandes de remboursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total des BSQ émis
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total des BSQ brûlés
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ précédemment burn
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Déverrouillage des BSQ en bonds
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=BSQ déverrouillés des bonds
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=BSQ confisqués en bonds
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=Frais de trade en BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Preuve du Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Transaction genesis
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Hauteur de bloc du bloc genesis
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=ID de la transaction genesis
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Échec du téléchargement. Veuillez
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Impossible de déterminer le bon programme d'installation. Veuillez télécharger et vérifier manuellement via [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads] .
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Échec de la vérification \nVeuillez télécharger et vérifier manuellement via [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=La nouvelle version a été téléchargée avec succès et la signature vérifiée.\n\nVeuillez ouvrir le répertoire de téléchargement, fermer l'application et installer la nouvelle version.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Ouvrir le répertoire de téléchargement
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Date d'ouverture du ticket
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Je confirme que je peux effectuer le dépôt.
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq est en cours de fermeture, mais des ordres sont en attente.\n\nCes ordres ne seront pas disponibles sur le réseau P2P si Bisq est éteint, mais ils seront republiés sur le réseau P2P la prochaine fois que vous lancerez Bisq.\n\nPour garder vos ordres en ligne, laissez Bisq en marche et assurez-vous que cet ordinateur reste aussi en ligne (pour cela, assurez-vous qu'il ne passe pas en mode veille...la veille du moniteur ne pose aucun problème).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Il semble que vous exécutez Bisq sous Qubes OS.\n\nVeuillez vous assurer que votre Bisq qube est mis en place de la manière expliquée dans notre guide sur [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=La rétrogradation depuis la version {0} vers la version {1} n'est pas supportée. Veuillez utiliser la dernière version de Bisq.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Il y a eu un problème lors de la synchronisation de l'état du DAO. Vous devez redémarrer l'application pour résoudre ce problème.
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Hai perso la connessione a tutti i {0
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Hai perso la connessione al nodo Bitcoin in localhost.\nRiavvia l'applicazione Bisq per connetterti ad altri nodi Bitcoin o riavvia il nodo Bitcoin in localhost.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Aggiornamento disponibile)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Contatta il venditore BTC tramite il contatto
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Inizia il pagamento utilizzando {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Recipients {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Importo da trasferire
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Indirizzo {0} del venditore
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Il tuo conto di pagamento da utilizzare
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Il pagamento è iniziato
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=To trade burnt blackcoins, you need to know
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Il trading di L-BTC su Bisq richiede la comprensione di quanto segue:\n\nQuando ricevi L-BTC per uno scambio su Bisq, non puoi utilizzare l'applicazione mobile Blockstream Green Wallet o un portafoglio di custodia/scambio. Devi ricevere L-BTC solo nel portafoglio Liquid Elements Core o in un altro portafoglio L-BTC che ti consenta di ottenere la chiave per il tuo indirizzo L-BTC.\n\nNel caso in cui sia necessaria la mediazione o in caso di disputa nello scambio, è necessario divulgare la chiave di ricezione per il proprio indirizzo L-BTC al mediatore Bisq o all'agente di rimborso in modo che possano verificare i dettagli della propria Transazione riservata sul proprio full node Elements Core.\n\nLa mancata fornitura delle informazioni richieste dal mediatore o dall'agente di rimborso comporterà la perdita della disputa. In tutti i casi di disputa, il ricevente L-BTC si assume al 100% l'onere della responsabilità nel fornire prove crittografiche al mediatore o all'agente di rimborso.\n\nSe non comprendi i sopracitati requisiti, non scambiare L-BTC su Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=I tuoi conti in valuta nazionale
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Portafoglio di backup
account.backup.location=Posizione di backup
account.backup.selectLocation=Seleziona la posizione di backup
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=BSQ emessi v. BSQ bruciati
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ coniati
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Compensation requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ coniati nella trasazione di genesi
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BSQ coniati per le richieste di compensazione
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ coniati per le richieste di rimborso
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ bruciati
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Sbloccando i BSQ dai vincoli
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=BSQ sbloccati dalle obbligazioni
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=BSQ confiscati dalle obbligazioni
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Transazione genesi
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Altezza del blocco genesi
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=ID transazione genesi
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download an
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=La nuova versione è stata scaricata correttamente e la firma è stata verificata.\n\nAprire la cartella di download, chiudere l'applicazione e installare la nuova versione.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Apri la cartella di download
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Data di apertura del ticket
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Confermo di poter effettuare il deposito
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq viene chiuso, ma ci sono offerte aperte.\n\nQueste offerte non saranno disponibili sulla rete P2P mentre Bisq rimane chiuso, ma verranno ripubblicate sulla rete P2P al prossimo avvio di Bisq.\n\nPer mantenere le tue offerte attive è necessario che Bisq rimanga in funzione ed il computer online (assicurati che non vada in modalità standby. Il solo monitor in standby non è un problema).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2491,7 +2506,7 @@ popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Disponibili più conti di pagamento
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Hai più account di pagamento disponibili per questa offerta. Assicurati di aver scelto quello giusto.
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.headline=Seleziona conti di pagamento
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.description=In base al metodo di pagamento e al momento in cui verranno selezionati tutti i conti di pagamento collegati a una controversia in cui si è verificato un pagamento
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.description=In base al metodo di pagamento e al momento in cui verranno selezionati tutti i conti di pagamento collegati a una controversia in cui si è verificato un pagamento
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.signAll=Firma tutti i metodi di pagamento
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.datePicker=Seleziona il momento in cui verranno firmati gli account
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=全ての{0}のネットワークピ
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=このパソコンが {0} 秒間にスリープモードに入りました。待機モードがトレード失敗を起こすことが知られています。Bisqを正しく実行するには、パソコンの設定にスリープモードを無効にする必要があります。
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ market.spread.expanded=拡張された表示
# TradesChartsView
market.trades.nrOfTrades=取引: {0}
market.trades.tooltip.volumeBar=取引量: {0} / {1}\n取引数: {2}\n日付: {3}
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=提供された連絡先でBTCの売り手に
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=受領者 {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=送信 to:
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@ support.input.prompt=メッセージを入力...
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ settings.net.onionAddressLabel=私のonionアドレス
settings.net.bitcoinNodesLabel=接続するBitcoin Coreノード:
settings.net.bitcoinNodesLabel=接続するBitcoin Coreノード:
settings.net.useProvidedNodesRadio=提供されたBitcoin Core ノードを使う
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=To trade burnt blackcoins, you need to know
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=BisqでL-BTCをトレードするには、以下を理解する必要があります:\n\nBisqでのトレードにL-BTCを受け取る場合、モバイル用「Blockstream Green」ウォレットアプリそれとも取引場などの第三者によって保管されるウォレットの利用は不可能です。「Liquid Elements Core」ウォレット、あるいは機密L-BTCアドレスの「blindingキー」が入手可能のウォレットのみにL-BTCを受け取って下さい。\n\n調停が必要になる場合、あるいはトレード係争が開始される場合、調停者や調停人が「Elements Core」フルノードで機密トランザクションを検証できるように、受取アドレスのblindingキーを明かす必要があります。\n\n調停者や調停人に必要な情報を提供しなければ、係争で不利な裁定を下されます。全ての係争には、調停者や調停人に暗号証明を提供するのは100%受信者の責任です。\n\n以上の条件を理解しない場合、BisqでL-BTCのトレードをしないで下さい。
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=発行されたBSQ v. バーンされ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Compensation requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=担保からアンロック中
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=ダウンロード失敗。\n[HYPERL
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=正しいインストーラーを判別できません。 [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads] から手動でダウンロードして検証してください。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=検証失敗。\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads] から手動でダウンロードして確認してください。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
@ -2437,7 +2450,7 @@ popup.warning.bsqChangeBelowDustException=このトランザクションは、
popup.warning.btcChangeBelowDustException=このトランザクションは、ダスト制限(546 Satoshi)を下回るBSQおつりアウトプットを作成し、ビットコインネットワークによって拒否されます。\n\nダストアウトプットを生成しないように、あなたの送金額にダスト額を追加する必要があります。\n\nダストアウトプットは{0}。
popup.warning.insufficientBsqFundsForBtcFeePayment=このトランザクションにはBSQが足りません。ビットコインプロトコルのダスト制限によると、ウォレットから最後の5.46BSQはトレード手数料に使われることができません。\n\nもっとBSQを買うか、BTCでトレード手数料を支払うことができます。\n\n不足している資金: {0}
popup.warning.messageTooLong=メッセージが許容サイズ上限を超えています。いくつかに分けて送信するか、 https://pastebin.com のようなサービスにアップロードしてください。
popup.warning.lockedUpFunds=失敗したトレードから残高をロックしました。\nロックされた残高: {0} \nデポジットtxアドレス: {1} \nトレードID: {2}。\n\nオープントレード画面でこのトレードを選択し、「alt + o」または「option + o」を押してサポートチケットを開いてください。
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=デポジットを作成できるか確認し
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Qubes OS内でBisqを実行しているようです。\n\nBisqのqubeはセットアップガイドに従って設定されていることを確かめて下さい: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes]
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
@ -3066,7 +3081,7 @@ WECHAT_PAY=WeChat Pay
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -3310,7 +3325,7 @@ validation.length=長さは{0}から{1}の間である必要があります
validation.fixedLength=Length must be {0}
validation.pattern=入力は次の形式である必要があります: {0}
validation.advancedCash.invalidFormat=有効なメールアドレスか次のウォレットID形式である必要があります: X000000000000
validation.advancedCash.invalidFormat=有効なメールアドレスか次のウォレットID形式である必要があります: X000000000000
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Straciłeś połączenie ze wszystkim
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Straciłeś połączenie z lokalnym hostem węzła Bitcoin
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Aktualizacja dostępna)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Skontaktuj się ze sprzedawcą BTC poprzez zap
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Zacznij płatność używając {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Odbiorcy {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Kwota do przesłania
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Adres {0} sprzedawcy
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Twój rachunek bankowy do użycia
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Płatność rozpoczęta
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Zapłać z porfela BSQ
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=Aby dokonać transakcji burnt blackcoins mus
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Aby dokonać transakcji L-BTC na Bisq musisz potwierdzić i zgodzić się na następujące warunki:\n\nPodczas otrzymywania L-BTC w transakcji na Bisq nie możesz użyć aplikacji mobilnej portfela Blockstream Green lub portfel na giełdzie. Możesz otrzymać L-BTC jedynie w portfelu Liquid Elements Core lub innym portfelu L-BTC który pozwala abyś otrzymał ślepy klucz dla Twojego ślepego adresu L-BTC.\n\nW przypadku kiedy konieczna jest mediacja lub jeśli nastąpi spór musisz ujawnić ślepy klucz do Twojego adresu odbiorczego L-BTC mediatorowi Bisq lub agentowi refundacji tak aby mogli oni zweryfikować szczegóły poufności transakcji i ich własnym węźle Elements Core.\n\nNie stosując się do powyższych informacji oraz do zapewnienia odpowiednich danych mediatorowi lub agentowi refundacji będzie skutowało przegraniem sporu. W przypadku wszystkich spraw sporu otrzymujący L-BTC ponowsi 100 % odpowiedzialności w zapewnieniu kryptograficznego dowodu mediatorowi lub agentowi refundacji.\n\nJeśli nie rozumiesz tych wymagań nie handluj L-BTC na Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Konta Twoich walut krajowych
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Kopia zapasowa portfela
account.backup.location=Kopia zapasowa lokalizacji
account.backup.selectLocation=wybierz lokalizację kopii zapasowej
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=Wyemitowane BSQ w stosunku do wypaloneg
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=Wyemitowane BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Prośba o rekompensatę
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Prośba o refundację
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=Wyemitowane BSQ podczas transakcji początkowej
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=Wyemitowane BSQ z powodu prośby o rekompensatę
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=Wyemitowane BSQ z powodu prośby o refundację
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Całkowita ilość wyemitowanych BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Całkowita ilość wypalonych BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=Wypalone BSQ
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Odblokowywanie BSQ z zobowiąza
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=Odblokowano BSQ z zobowiązań
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=Skonfiskowane BSQ z obligacji
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=Opłata za dokonanie transakcji BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Dowód wypalenia
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Transakcja początkowa
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Wysokość bloku Genesis
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=ID transakcji Genesis
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Pobieranie nie powiodło się.\nPros
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Brak możliwości ustalenia poprawnego instalatora. Prosimy o pobranie i weryfikację reczną na [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Weryfikacja nie powiodła się.\nProsimy o pobranie i weryfikację reczną na [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Nowa wersja została z powodzeniem pobrana i sygnatura zweryfikowana. \n\nProsimy o otwarcie katalogu pobierania, zamknięcie aplikacji i zainstalowanie nowej wersji.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Otwórz katalog pobierania
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Data otwarcia sprawy
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Potwierdzam, że mogę dokonać depozytu
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq jest właśnie zamykany, ale są wciąż otwarte oferty.\n\nTe oferty nie bedą ważne w sieci P2P podczas gdy Bisq jest zamknięty, ale zostaną opublikowane ponownie jak tylko ponownie włączysz aplikację.\n\nAby Twoje oferty pozostały online, pozostaw Bisq otwarty i upewnij się że jesteś online (np.:, upewnij się że nie przejdzie w tryb czuwania...tryb czuwania monitora jest w porządku).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Wygląda na to że Bisq jest zainstalowany na systemie operacyjnym Qubes.\n\nProsimy o upewnienie się że Bisq jest skonfigurowany zgodnie z instrukcją na [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Zdeklasowanie z wersji {0} do wersji {1} nie jest wspierane. Prosimy o użycie najnowszej wersji Bisq.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Wystąpił problem z synchronizacją stanu DAO. Musisz ponownie uruchomić aplikację aby naprawić problem.
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Você perdeu sua conexão com todos o
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Você perdeu a conexão ao nó Bitcoin do localhost.\nPor favor, reinicie o aplicativo Bisq para conectar-se a outros nós Bitcoin ou reinicie o nó Bitcoin do localhost.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Atualização disponível)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Por favor, entre em contato com o vendedor de
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Iniciar pagamento usando {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Recipients {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Quantia a ser transferida
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Endereço {0} do vendedor
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=A sua conta de pagamento a ser usada
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Pagamento iniciado
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ setting.preferences.dao.fullModeDaoMonitor.popup=If full-mode DAO state monitori
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=Nome de usuário de RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=Senha de RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Bloquear porta de notificação
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=Para executar o Bisq como nó completo da DAO você precisa ter Bitcoin Core em rodando localmente e RPC ativado. Todos os requisitos estão documentados em '' {0} ''.
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=Para executar o Bisq como nó completo da DAO você precisa ter Bitcoin Core em rodando localmente e RPC ativado. Todos os requisitos estão documentados em '' {0} ''.
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.ok=Abrir página de documentos
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.cancel=Não, eu fico com o modo nó lite
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.headline=Explorer Settings
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=To trade burnt blackcoins, you need to know
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Para negociar com L-BTC na Bisq é preciso entender o seguinte:\n\nQuando se recebe L-BTC de uma negociação na Bisq, você não pode usar a carteira móvel Blockstream Green ou uma carteira de exchange. Você só pode receber L-BTC numa carteira Liquid Elements Core, ou outra carteira L-BTC que lhe permita obter a blinding key para o seu endereço blinded de L-BTC.\n\nNo caso de mediação ou se uma disputa acontecer, você precisa divulgar ao mediador, ou agente de reembolsos, a blinding key do seu endereço receptor de L-BTC para que ele possa verificar os detalhes da sua Transação Confidencial no node próprio deles.\n\nCaso essa informação não seja fornecida ao mediador ou agente de reembolsos você corre o risco de perder a disputa. Em todos os casos de disputa o recebedor de L-BTC tem 100% de responsabilidade em fornecer a prova criptográfica ao mediador ou agente de reembolsos.\n\nSe você não entendeu esses requisitos, por favor não negocie L-BTC na Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Suas contas de moeda nacional
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Backup da carteira
account.backup.location=Local de backup
account.backup.selectLocation=Selecione local para backup
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=BSQ emitido vs. BSQ queimado
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ emitido
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Pedidos de compensação
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ emitido na transação genesis
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BDQ emitido para pedidos de compensação
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ emitido para pedidos de reembolso
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ destruído
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Desbloqueando BSQ de vínculos
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=BSQ desbloqueado de vínculos
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=BSQ confiscado de vínculos
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Transação gênesis
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Altura do bloco gênese
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=ID da transação gênese
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download an
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=A nova versão foi baixada com sucesso e teve a sua assinatura verificada.\n\nPara usá-la, abra a pasta de downloads, feche o programa e instale a nova versão.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Abrir pasta de download
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Data da abertura do ticket
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Eu confirmo que posso fazer o depósito
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=O Bisq está desligando, mas há ofertas abertas.\n\nEstas ofertas não ficarão disponíveis na rede P2P enquanto o Bisq estiver desligado, mas elas serão republicadas na rede assim que você reiniciar o programa.\n\nPara manter suas ofertas online, mantenha o Bisq aberto e certifique-se de que o seu computador continua online (ex: certifique-se de que o computador não está entrando em modo de hibernação).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Você perdeu a conexão com todos os
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Perdeu a conexão ao nó Bitcoin do localhost.\nPor favor recomeçar o programa do Bisq para conectar à outros nós Bitcoin ou recomeçar o nó Bitcoin do localhost.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Atualização disponível)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Por favor contacte o vendedor de BTC pelo cont
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Iniciar pagamento usando {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Recipients {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Quantia a transferir
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Endereço {0} do vendedor
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=A sua conta de pagamento a ser usada
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Pagamento iniciado
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -1131,7 +1131,7 @@ setting.preferences.dao.fullModeDaoMonitor.popup=If full-mode DAO state monitori
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=Nome de usuário de RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=Senha de RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Bloquear porta de notificação
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=Para executar o Bisq como nó completo da OAD você precisa ter Bitcoin Core em execução local e RPC ativado. Todos os requerimentos estão documentados em '' {0} ''.
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=Para executar o Bisq como nó completo da OAD você precisa ter Bitcoin Core em execução local e RPC ativado. Todos os requerimentos estão documentados em '' {0} ''.
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.ok=Abrir página de documentos
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.cancel=Não, eu fico com o modo nó lite
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.headline=Explorer Settings
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=Para negociar blackcoins queimados, você pr
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=A negociação de L-BTC no Bisq exige que você entenda o seguinte:\n\nAo receber L-BTC para um negócio no Bisq, você não pode usar a aplicação móvel Blockstream Green Wallet ou uma carteira de custódia / exchange. Você só deve receber o L-BTC na carteira Liquid Elements Core ou em outra carteira L-BTC que permita obter a chave ofuscante para o seu endereço L-BTC cego.\n\nNo caso de ser necessária mediação, ou se surgir uma disputa de negócio, você deve divulgar a chave ofuscante do seu endereço L-BTC de recebimento ao mediador ou agente de reembolso Bisq, para que eles possam verificar os detalhes da sua Transação Confidencial no seu próprio Elements Core full node.\n\nO não fornecimento das informações necessárias ao mediador ou ao agente de reembolso resultará na perda do caso de disputa. Em todos os casos de disputa, o recipiente de L-BTC suporta 100% da responsabilidade ao fornecer prova criptográfica ao mediador ou ao agente de reembolso.\n\nSe você não entender esses requerimentos, não negocie o L-BTC no Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=A sua conta de moeda nacional
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Carteira de backup
account.backup.location=Localizacao do backup
account.backup.selectLocation=Selecione localização para backup
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=BSQ emitido v. BSQ queimado
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ emitido
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Pedidos de compensação
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ emitido na transação genesis
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BDQ emitido para pedidos de compensação
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ emitido para pedidos de reembolso
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ destruído
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Desbloqueando BSQ de vínculos
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=BSQ desbloqueado de vínculos
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=BSQ confiscado de vínculos
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Transação gênesis
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Altura do bloco genesis
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=ID da transação genesis
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download an
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=A nova versão foi descarregada com sucesso e a assinatura foi verificada.\n\nPor favor, abra o diretório de download, desligue o programa e instale a nova versão.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Abrir diretório de download
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Data de abertura do bilhete
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Eu confirmo que eu posso fazer o depósito
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq está sendo fechado, mas há ofertas abertas. \n\nEstas ofertas não estarão disponíveis na rede P2P enquanto o Bisq estiver desligado, mas elas serão publicadas novamente na rede P2P na próxima vez que você iniciar o Bisq.\n\nPara manter suas ofertas on-line, mantenha o Bisq em execução e certifique-se de que este computador também permaneça online (ou seja, certifique-se de que ele não entra no modo de espera... o modo de espera do monitor não causa problema).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -3321,6 +3336,6 @@ validation.phone.invalidCharacters=O número de telfone {0} contém carácteres
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Deve ser um lista de endereços válidos separados por vírgulas
validation.invalidAddressList=Deve ser um lista de endereços válidos separados por vírgulas
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Сбой соединения со в
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Сбой соединения с локальным узлом Биткойн.\nПерезапустите приложение для подключения к другим узлам Биткойн или перезапустите свой локальный узел Биткойн.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Имеется обновление)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Свяжитесь с продавцом BTC
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Начать оплату, используя {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Recipients {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Сумма для перевода
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress={0}-адрес продавца
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Используемый платёжный счет
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Платёж начат
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=To trade burnt blackcoins, you need to know
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Trading L-BTC on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\nWhen receiving L-BTC for a trade on Bisq, you cannot use the mobile Blockstream Green Wallet app or a custodial/exchange wallet. You must only receive L-BTC into the Liquid Elements Core wallet, or another L-BTC wallet which allows you to obtain the blinding key for your blinded L-BTC address.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if a trade dispute arises, you must disclose the blinding key for your receiving L-BTC address to the Bisq mediator or refund agent so they can verify the details of your Confidential Transaction on their own Elements Core full node.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or refund agent will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the L-BTC receiver bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing cryptographic proof to the mediator or refund agent.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade L-BTC on Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Ваши счета в нац. валюте
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Резервный кошелёк
account.backup.location=Место хранения резервной копии
account.backup.selectLocation=Выбрать место сохранения резервной копии
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=BSQ issued v. BSQ burnt
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=Эмиссия BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Запросы компенсации
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=Эмиссия BSQ в первичной транзакции
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=Эмиссия BSQ в качестве компенсации
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=Эмиссия BSQ в качестве возмещения затрат
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=Выведено из обращения BSQ
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Разблокировка BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=Разблокировано BSQ из гарантийных депозитов
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=Конфисковано BSQ из гарантийных депозитов
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Первичная транзакция
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Номер первичного блока
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=Идент. первичной транзакции
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download an
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Новая версия загружена, а её подпись проверена.\n\nОткройте директорию загрузки, закройте приложение и установите новую версию.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Открыть директорию загрузки
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Дата обращения за поддержкой
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Я подтверждаю, что могу в
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq закрывается, но у вас есть открытые предложения.\n\nЭти предложения будут недоступны в сети P2P, пока приложение Bisq закрыто, но будут повторно опубликованы в сети P2P при следующем запуске Bisq.\n\nЧтобы ваши предложения были доступны в сети, компьютер и приложение должны быть включены и подключены к сети (убедитесь, что компьютер не перешёл в режим ожидания; переход монитора в спящий режим не влияет на работу приложения).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2580,7 +2595,7 @@ guiUtil.accountExport.exportFailed=Экспорт в CSV не удался из-
guiUtil.accountExport.selectExportPath=Выбрать директорию для экспорта
guiUtil.accountImport.imported=Торговый счёт импортирован из:\n{0}\n\nИмпортированные счета:\n{1}
guiUtil.accountImport.noAccountsFound=Экспортированные торговые счета не найдены в: {0}.\nИмя файла {1}.
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.warning=Вы собираетесь открыть веб-страницу в веб-браузере.\nСделать это сейчас? \n\nЕсли вы не используете \«Tor\» в качестве веб-браузера по умолчанию, вы откроете веб-страницу в клирнете.\n\nURL: \«{0}\»
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.warning=Вы собираетесь открыть веб-страницу в веб-браузере.\nСделать это сейчас? \n\nЕсли вы не используете \«Tor\» в качестве веб-браузера по умолчанию, вы откроете веб-страницу в клирнете.\n\nURL: \«{0}\»
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.doOpen=Открыть веб-страницу и не спрашивать снова
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.copyUrl=Скопировать URL и отменить
guiUtil.ofTradeAmount=от суммы сделки
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=คุณสูญเสียกา
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=คุณสูญเสียการเชื่อมต่อไปยังโหนดเครือข่าย Bitcoin localhost (แม่ข่ายเฉพาะที่)\nโปรดรีสตาร์ทแอ็พพลิเคชัน Bisq เพื่อเชื่อมต่อโหนด Bitcoin อื่นหรือรีสตาร์ทโหนด Bitcoin localhost
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ createOffer.placeOfferButton=รีวิว: ใส่ข้อเสนอไ
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- ปริมาณการซื้อขาย: {0}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- ปริมาณการซื้อขาย: {0}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to make this offer.\n\nThose funds are reserved in your local wallet and will get locked into the multisig deposit address once someone takes your offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Mining fee: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
# only first part "An error occurred when placing the offer:" has been used before. We added now the rest (need update in existing translations!)
@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=คุณไม่สามารถรับข้อเสนอดังกล่าวเนื่องจากใช้ราคาร้อยละตามราคาตลาด แต่ไม่มีฟีดราคาที่พร้อมใช้งาน
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- ปริมาณการซื้อขาย: {0}
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- ปริมาณการซื้อขาย: {0}
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=หากคุณได้ชำระเงินแล้วคุณสามารถถอนเงินออกได้ในหน้าจอ \"เงิน / ส่งเงิน \"
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=กรุณาติดต่อผู้ข
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=เริ่มต้นการชำระเงินโดยใช้ {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Recipients {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=ที่อยู่ของผู้ขาย {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=To trade burnt blackcoins, you need to know
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Trading L-BTC on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\nWhen receiving L-BTC for a trade on Bisq, you cannot use the mobile Blockstream Green Wallet app or a custodial/exchange wallet. You must only receive L-BTC into the Liquid Elements Core wallet, or another L-BTC wallet which allows you to obtain the blinding key for your blinded L-BTC address.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if a trade dispute arises, you must disclose the blinding key for your receiving L-BTC address to the Bisq mediator or refund agent so they can verify the details of your Confidential Transaction on their own Elements Core full node.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or refund agent will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the L-BTC receiver bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing cryptographic proof to the mediator or refund agent.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade L-BTC on Bisq.
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=สำรองข้อมูล wallet
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=BSQ issued v. BSQ burnt
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ issued
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=BSQ ที่ได้ดำเนินการในส่วนธุรกรรมทั่วไป
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=BSQ ที่ได้ดำเนินการสำหรับการเรียกร้องค่าชดเชย
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=BSQ ที่ได้ดำเนินการสำหรับการเรียกร้องการชำระเงินคืน
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ burnt
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=การปลดล็อค B
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=ปลดล็อค BSQ จากการประกันไว้แล้ว
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=ยึด BSQ จากการประกันไว้แล้ว
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=ความสูงของบล็อกต้นกำเนิด (Genesis block)
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=ID การทำธุรกรรมต้นกำเนิด
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download an
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=ดาวน์โหลดเวอร์ชั่นใหม่เรียบร้อยแล้วและได้รับการยืนยันลายเซ็นแล้ว\n\nโปรดเปิดสารบบดาวน์โหลด หลังจากนั้นปิดโปรแกรมและติดตั้งเวอร์ชั่นใหม่
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=ฉันยืนยันว่าฉัน
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq คือกำลังจะปิดลง แต่ยังคงมีการเปิดขายข้อเสนอปกติ\nข้อเสนอเหล่านี้จะไม่ใข้งานได้บนเครือข่าย P2P network ในขณะที่ Bisq ปิดตัวลง แต่จะมีการเผยแพร่บนเครือข่าย P2P ครั้งถัดไปเมื่อคุณมีการเริ่มใช้งาน Bisq.\n\nในการคงสถานะข้อเสนอแบบออนไลน์ คือเปิดใข้งาน Bisq และทำให้มั่นใจว่าคอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องนี้กำลังออนไลน์อยู่ด้วยเช่นกัน (เช่น ตรวจสอบว่าคอมพิวเตอร์ไม่ได้อยู่ในโหมดแสตนบายด์...หน้าจอแสตนบายด์ไม่มีปัญหา)
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2886,7 +2901,7 @@ payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *thr
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=เมื่อมีการใช้งาน HalCash ผู้ซื้อ BTC จำเป็นต้องส่งรหัส Halcash ให้กับผู้ขายทางข้อความโทรศัพท์มือถือ\n\nโปรดตรวจสอบว่าไม่เกินจำนวนเงินสูงสุดที่ธนาคารของคุณอนุญาตให้คุณส่งด้วย HalCash จำนวนเงินขั้นต่ำในการเบิกถอนคือ 10 EUR และสูงสุดในจำนวนเงิน 600 EUR สำหรับการถอนซ้ำเป็น 3000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อวัน และ 6000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อเดือน โปรดตรวจสอบข้อจำกัดจากทางธนาคารคุณเพื่อให้มั่นใจได้ว่าทางธนาคารได้มีการใช้มาตรฐานข้อกำหนดเดียวกันกับดังที่ระบุไว้ ณ ที่นี่\n\nจำนวนเงินที่ถอนจะต้องเป็นจำนวนเงินหลาย 10 EUR เนื่องจากคุณไม่สามารถถอนเงินอื่น ๆ ออกจากตู้เอทีเอ็มได้ UI ในหน้าจอสร้างข้อเสนอและรับข้อเสนอจะปรับจำนวนเงิน BTC เพื่อให้จำนวนเงิน EUR ถูกต้อง คุณไม่สามารถใช้ราคาตลาดเป็นจำนวนเงิน EUR ซึ่งจะเปลี่ยนแปลงไปตามราคาที่มีการปรับเปลี่ยน\n\nในกรณีที่มีข้อพิพาทผู้ซื้อ BTC ต้องแสดงหลักฐานว่าได้ส่ง EUR แล้ว
payment.halCash.info=เมื่อมีการใช้งาน HalCash ผู้ซื้อ BTC จำเป็นต้องส่งรหัส Halcash ให้กับผู้ขายทางข้อความโทรศัพท์มือถือ\n\nโปรดตรวจสอบว่าไม่เกินจำนวนเงินสูงสุดที่ธนาคารของคุณอนุญาตให้คุณส่งด้วย HalCash จำนวนเงินขั้นต่ำในการเบิกถอนคือ 10 EUR และสูงสุดในจำนวนเงิน 600 EUR สำหรับการถอนซ้ำเป็น 3000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อวัน และ 6000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อเดือน โปรดตรวจสอบข้อจำกัดจากทางธนาคารคุณเพื่อให้มั่นใจได้ว่าทางธนาคารได้มีการใช้มาตรฐานข้อกำหนดเดียวกันกับดังที่ระบุไว้ ณ ที่นี่\n\nจำนวนเงินที่ถอนจะต้องเป็นจำนวนเงินหลาย 10 EUR เนื่องจากคุณไม่สามารถถอนเงินอื่น ๆ ออกจากตู้เอทีเอ็มได้ UI ในหน้าจอสร้างข้อเสนอและรับข้อเสนอจะปรับจำนวนเงิน BTC เพื่อให้จำนวนเงิน EUR ถูกต้อง คุณไม่สามารถใช้ราคาตลาดเป็นจำนวนเงิน EUR ซึ่งจะเปลี่ยนแปลงไปตามราคาที่มีการปรับเปลี่ยน\n\nในกรณีที่มีข้อพิพาทผู้ซื้อ BTC ต้องแสดงหลักฐานว่าได้ส่ง EUR แล้ว
# suppress inspection "UnusedMessageFormatParameter"
payment.limits.info=Please be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk. To mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on the estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used.\n\nFor this payment method, your per-trade limit for buying and selling is {2}.\n\nThis limit only applies to the size of a single trade—you can place as many trades as you like.\n\nSee more details on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits].
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Mất kết nối tới tất cả m
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Mất kết nối tới nút Bitcoin máy chủ nội bộ.\nVui lòng khởi động lại ứng dụng Bisq để nối với nút Bitcoin khác hoặc khởi động lại nút Bitcoin máy chủ nội bộ.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Có cập nhật)
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=Vui lòng liên hệ người bán BTC và cun
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=Thanh toán bắt đầu sử dụng {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=Recipients {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.amountToTransfer=Số tiền chuyển
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=Địa chỉ của người bán {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.buyerAccount=Tài khoản thanh toán sẽ sử dụng
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.paymentStarted=Bắt đầu thanh toán
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ funds.tx.daoTxFee=Phí đào cho giao dịch BSQ
funds.tx.reimbursementRequestTxFee=Yêu cầu bồi hoàn
funds.tx.compensationRequestTxFee=Yêu cầu bồi thường
funds.tx.dustAttackTx=Số dư nhỏ đã nhận
funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Giao dịch này đang gửi một lượng BTC rất nhỏ vào ví của bạn và có thể đây là cách các công ty phân tích chuỗi đang tìm cách theo dõi ví của bạn.\nNếu bạn sử dụng đầu ra giao dịch đó cho một giao dịch chi tiêu, họ sẽ phát hiện ra rằng rất có thể bạn cũng là người sở hửu cái ví kia (nhập coin). \n\nĐể bảo vệ quyền riêng tư của bạn, ví Bisq sẽ bỏ qua các đầu ra có số dư nhỏ dành cho mục đích chi tiêu cũng như hiển thị số dư. Bạn có thể thiết lập ngưỡng khi một đầu ra được cho là có số dư nhỏ trong phần cài đặt.
funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Giao dịch này đang gửi một lượng BTC rất nhỏ vào ví của bạn và có thể đây là cách các công ty phân tích chuỗi đang tìm cách theo dõi ví của bạn.\nNếu bạn sử dụng đầu ra giao dịch đó cho một giao dịch chi tiêu, họ sẽ phát hiện ra rằng rất có thể bạn cũng là người sở hửu cái ví kia (nhập coin). \n\nĐể bảo vệ quyền riêng tư của bạn, ví Bisq sẽ bỏ qua các đầu ra có số dư nhỏ dành cho mục đích chi tiêu cũng như hiển thị số dư. Bạn có thể thiết lập ngưỡng khi một đầu ra được cho là có số dư nhỏ trong phần cài đặt.
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
@ -1336,7 +1336,7 @@ account.altcoin.popup.XZC.msg=When using Zcoin you can only use the transparent
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.grin.msg=GRIN requires an interactive process between the sender and receiver to create the transaction. Be sure to follow the instructions from the GRIN project web page [HYPERLINK:https://grin.mw] to reliably send and receive GRIN. More information on transacting GRIN can be found here [HYPERLINK:https://docs.grin.mw/about-grin/transactions/].\n\nThe GRIN sender is required to provide proof that they have sent GRIN successfully. If the wallet cannot provide that proof, a potential dispute will be resolved in favor of the GRIN receiver. Please be sure that you use the latest GRIN software which supports the transaction proof and that you understand the process of transferring and receiving GRIN as well as how to create the proof. \n\nSee [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_GRIN] for more information about trading GRIN on Bisq.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.beam.msg=BEAM yêu cầu một quá trình tương tác giữa người gửi và người nhận để thực hiện một giao dịch. \n\nVui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn từ trang web của dự án BEAM để gửi và nhận BEAM đúng cách. (người nhận cần phải trực tuyến hoặc ít nhất là trực tuyến trong một khung thời gian nhất định).\n\nNgười gửi BEAM phải cung cấp bằng chứng là họ đã gửi BEAM thành công. Vui lòng đảm bảo là bạn sử dụng phần mềm ví có thể tạo ra một bằng chứng như vậy. Nếu ví không thể cung cấp bằng chứng đó, nếu có tranh chấp thì sẽ được giải quyết theo hướng có lợi cho người nhận BEAM.
account.altcoin.popup.beam.msg=BEAM yêu cầu một quá trình tương tác giữa người gửi và người nhận để thực hiện một giao dịch. \n\nVui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn từ trang web của dự án BEAM để gửi và nhận BEAM đúng cách. (người nhận cần phải trực tuyến hoặc ít nhất là trực tuyến trong một khung thời gian nhất định).\n\nNgười gửi BEAM phải cung cấp bằng chứng là họ đã gửi BEAM thành công. Vui lòng đảm bảo là bạn sử dụng phần mềm ví có thể tạo ra một bằng chứng như vậy. Nếu ví không thể cung cấp bằng chứng đó, nếu có tranh chấp thì sẽ được giải quyết theo hướng có lợi cho người nhận BEAM.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.pars.msg=Trading ParsiCoin on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send PARS you must use the official ParsiCoin Wallet version 3.0.0 or higher. \n\nYou can Check your Transaction Hash and Transaction Key on Transactions Section on your GUI Wallet (ParsiPay) You need to right Click on the Transaction and then click on show details. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an mediator or arbitrator: 1) the Transaction Hash, 2) the Transaction Key, and 3) the recipient's PARS address. The mediator or arbitrator will then verify the PARS transfer using the ParsiCoin Block Explorer (http://explorer.parsicoin.net/#check_payment).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the ParsiCoin sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an mediator or arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the ParsiCoin Discord (https://discord.gg/c7qmFNh).
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=To trade burnt blackcoins, you need to know
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Trading L-BTC on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\nWhen receiving L-BTC for a trade on Bisq, you cannot use the mobile Blockstream Green Wallet app or a custodial/exchange wallet. You must only receive L-BTC into the Liquid Elements Core wallet, or another L-BTC wallet which allows you to obtain the blinding key for your blinded L-BTC address.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if a trade dispute arises, you must disclose the blinding key for your receiving L-BTC address to the Bisq mediator or refund agent so they can verify the details of your Confidential Transaction on their own Elements Core full node.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or refund agent will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the L-BTC receiver bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing cryptographic proof to the mediator or refund agent.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade L-BTC on Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Các tài khoản tiền tệ quốc gia của bạn
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.backup.title=Ví dự phòng
account.backup.location=Vị trí sao lưu
account.backup.selectLocation=Chọn vị trí dự phòng
@ -1370,7 +1373,7 @@ account.seed.backup.warning=Please note that the seed words are NOT a replacemen
account.seed.warn.noPw.msg=Bạn đã tạo mật khẩu ví để bảo vệ tránh hiển thị Seed words.\n\nBạn có muốn hiển thị Seed words?
account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Có và không hỏi lại
account.seed.enterPw=Nhập mật khẩu để xem seed words
account.seed.restore.info=Vui lòng tạo sao lưu dự phòng trước khi tiến hành khôi phục ví từ các từ khởi tạo. Phải hiểu rằng việc khôi phục ví chỉ nên thực hiện trong các trường hợp khẩn cấp và có thể gây sự cố với cơ sở dữ liệu ví bên trong.\nĐây không phải là một cách sao lưu dự phòng! Vui lòng sử dụng sao lưu dự phòng từ thư mục dữ liệu của ứng dụng để khôi phục trạng thái ban đầu của ứng dụng.\n\nSau khi khôi phục ứng dụng sẽ tự động tắt. Sau khi bạn khởi động lại, ứng dụng sẽ tái đồng bộ với mạng Bitcoin. Quá trình này có thể mất một lúc và tiêu tốn khá nhiều CPU, đặc biệt là khi ví đã cũ và có nhiều giao dịch. Vui lòng không làm gián đoạn quá trình này, nếu không bạn có thể sẽ phảỉ xóa file chuỗi SPV một lần nữa hoặc lặp lại quy trình khôi phục.
account.seed.restore.info=Vui lòng tạo sao lưu dự phòng trước khi tiến hành khôi phục ví từ các từ khởi tạo. Phải hiểu rằng việc khôi phục ví chỉ nên thực hiện trong các trường hợp khẩn cấp và có thể gây sự cố với cơ sở dữ liệu ví bên trong.\nĐây không phải là một cách sao lưu dự phòng! Vui lòng sử dụng sao lưu dự phòng từ thư mục dữ liệu của ứng dụng để khôi phục trạng thái ban đầu của ứng dụng.\n\nSau khi khôi phục ứng dụng sẽ tự động tắt. Sau khi bạn khởi động lại, ứng dụng sẽ tái đồng bộ với mạng Bitcoin. Quá trình này có thể mất một lúc và tiêu tốn khá nhiều CPU, đặc biệt là khi ví đã cũ và có nhiều giao dịch. Vui lòng không làm gián đoạn quá trình này, nếu không bạn có thể sẽ phảỉ xóa file chuỗi SPV một lần nữa hoặc lặp lại quy trình khôi phục.
account.seed.restore.ok=Được, hãy thực hiện khôi phục và tắt ứng dụng Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
@ -1996,7 +1999,7 @@ dao.feeTx.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nMining fee: {2} ({3} Satoshis/vbyte)\nTr
dao.feeTx.issuanceProposal.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nBTC needed for BSQ issuance: {2} ({3} Satoshis/BSQ)\nMining fee: {4} ({5} Satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {6} vKb\n\nIf your request is approved, you will receive the amount you requested net of the 2 BSQ proposal fee.\n\nAre you sure you want to publish the {7} transaction?
dao.news.bisqDAO.title=DAO BISQ
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Vì BIsq là sàn giao dịch phi tập trung và không bị kiểm duyệt, bởi vậy mô hình vận hành của nó, DAO Bisq và đồng BSQ là công cụ giúp điều này trở thành hiện thực.
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Vì BIsq là sàn giao dịch phi tập trung và không bị kiểm duyệt, bởi vậy mô hình vận hành của nó, DAO Bisq và đồng BSQ là công cụ giúp điều này trở thành hiện thực.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Tìm hiểu thêm về DAO Bisq
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
@ -2006,9 +2009,9 @@ dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Kiếm BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Yêu cầu BSQ trên Slack hoặc Mua BSQ trên Bisq
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Tham gia một vòng bỏ phiếu
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.content=Tạo đề xuất và bỏ phiếu cho đề xuất để thanh đổi nhiều khía cạnh của Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.content=Tạo đề xuất và bỏ phiếu cho đề xuất để thanh đổi nhiều khía cạnh của Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.title=4. Tìm hiểu về BSQ Block Explorer
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.content=Vì BSQ chỉa là bitcoin, bạn có thể thấy các giao dịch BSQ trên trình duyện bitcoin Block Explorer của chúng tôi.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.content=Vì BSQ chỉa là bitcoin, bạn có thể thấy các giao dịch BSQ trên trình duyện bitcoin Block Explorer của chúng tôi.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.readMoreLink=Đọc tài liệu đầy đủ
dao.monitor.daoState=Trạng thái DAO
@ -2029,7 +2032,7 @@ dao.monitor.table.seedPeers=Seed node: {0}
dao.monitor.daoState.headline=Trạng thái DAO
dao.monitor.daoState.table.headline=Chuỗi Hash trạng thái DAO
dao.monitor.daoState.table.blockHeight=Chiều cao khối
dao.monitor.daoState.table.blockHeight=Chiều cao khối
dao.monitor.daoState.table.hash=Hash của trạng thái DAO
dao.monitor.daoState.table.prev=Hash trước đó
dao.monitor.daoState.conflictTable.headline=Hash trạng thái DAO từ đối tác đang trong xung dột
@ -2047,7 +2050,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.hash=Hash trạng thái đề xuất
dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Hash trước đó
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Số đề xuất
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Dữ liệu trên máy bạn không đồng bộ với ít nhất một seed node. Vui lòng đồng bộ lại trạng thái DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Dữ liệu trên máy bạn không đồng bộ với ít nhất một seed node. Vui lòng đồng bộ lại trạng thái DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Node trên máy tính của bạn đang dồng bộ với mạng
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=BSQ issued v. BSQ burnt
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=BSQ đã phát hành
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Các yêu cầu bồi thường
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=Lượng BSQ phát hành tại giao dịch Genesis
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=Lượng BSQ phát hành dành cho yêu cầu bồi thường
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=Lượng BSQ phát hành dành cho yêu cầu bồi hoàn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ đã đốt
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=Đang mở khóa BSQ từ tài s
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=BSQ đã được mở khóa từ tài sản đảm bảo
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=Lượng BSQ đã tịch thu từ tài sản đảm bảo
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesis=Giao dịch chung
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisBlockHeight=Chiều cao khối Genesis
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=ID giao dịch Genesis
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=Download failed.\nPlease download an
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=Unable to determine the correct installer. Please download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=Verification failed.\nPlease download and verify manually at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads]
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=Phiên bản mới đã được download thành công và chữ ký đã được xác minh.\n\nVui lòng mở thư mục download, tắt ứng dụng và cài đặt phiên bản mới.
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Mở thư mục download
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
disputeSummaryWindow.title=Tóm tắt
disputeSummaryWindow.openDate=Ngày mở đơn
@ -2454,7 +2467,7 @@ popup.warning.mandatoryUpdate.trading=Please update to the latest Bisq version.
popup.warning.mandatoryUpdate.dao=Please update to the latest Bisq version. A mandatory update was released which disables the Bisq DAO and BSQ for old versions. Please check out the Bisq Forum for more information.
popup.warning.disable.dao=The Bisq DAO and BSQ are temporary disabled. Please check out the Bisq Forum for more information.
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Không thể thực hiện giao dịch, vì phí đào {0} vượt quá số lượng {1} cần chuyển. Vui lòng chờ tới khi phí đào thấp xuống hoặc khi bạn tích lũy đủ BTC để chuyển.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Không thể thực hiện giao dịch, vì phí đào {0} vượt quá số lượng {1} cần chuyển. Vui lòng chờ tới khi phí đào thấp xuống hoặc khi bạn tích lũy đủ BTC để chuyển.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Tôi xác nhận tôi đã gửi tiền
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq đang đóng, nhưng vẫn có các chào giá đang mở. \n\nNhững chào giá này sẽ không có tại mạng P2P khi Bisq đang đóng, nhưng chúng sẽ được công bố lại trên mạng P2P vào lần tiếp theo bạn khởi động Bisq.\nĐể giữ các chào giá luôn trực tuyến, vui lòng để Bisq chạy và đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn cũng đang trực tuyến(có nghĩa là đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn không chuyển về chế độ chờ...nếu màn hình về chế độ chờ thì không sao).
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=您失去了所有与 {0} 网络节
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=您丢失了与本地主机比特币节点的连接。\n请重启 Bisq 应用程序连接到其他比特币节点或重新启动主机比特币节点。
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=请通过提供的联系人与 BTC 卖家联
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=使用 {0} 开始付款
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=接受 {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=卖家的 {0} 地址
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.headline=发送授权编号和
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.msg=请通过电邮发送授权编号和照片给 BTC 卖家。\n收据必须清楚地向卖家写明您的全名、城市、国家或地区、数量。卖方的电子邮件是:{0}。\n\n您把授权编号和合同发给卖方了吗?
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.headline=发送 MTCN 和收据
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.msg=请通过电邮发送 MTCN(追踪号码)和照片给 BTC 卖家。\n收据必须清楚地向卖家写明您的全名、城市、国家或地区、数量。卖方的电子邮件是:{0}。\n\n您把 MTCN 和合同发给卖方了吗?
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.headline=请发送 HalCash 代码
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.headline=请发送 HalCash 代码
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.msg=您需要向 BTC 卖家发送带有 HalCash 代码和交易 ID({0})的文本消息。\n\n卖方的手机号码是 {1} 。\n\n您是否已经将代码发送至卖家?
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fasterPaymentsHolderNameInfo=有些银行可能会要求接收方的姓名。在较旧的 Bisq 客户端创建的快速支付帐户没有提供收款人的姓名,所以请使用交易聊天来获得收款人姓名(如果需要)。
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=要交易烧毁的货币,你需要知道
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=在 Bisq 上交易 L-BTC 你必须理解下述条款:\n\n当你在 Bisq 上接受 L-BTC 交易时,你不能使用手机 Blockstream Green Wallet 或者是一个托管/交易钱包。你必须只接收 L-BTC 到 Liquid Elements Core 钱包,或另一个 L-BTC 钱包且允许你获得匿名的 L-BTC 地址以及密钥。\n\n在需要进行调解的情况下,或者如果发生了交易纠纷,您必须将接收 L-BTC地址的安全密钥披露给 Bisq 调解员或退款代理,以便他们能够在他们自己的 Elements Core 全节点上验证您的匿名交易的细节。\n\n如果你不了解或了解这些要求,不要在 Bisq 上交易 L-BTC。
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
@ -2067,7 +2070,7 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgPrice30=30天平均 BSQ/BTC 交易价格
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgUSDPrice90=90 days volume weighted average BSQ/USD price
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgUSDPrice30=30 days volume weighted average BSQ/USD price
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketCap=Market capitalisation (based on 30 days average BSQ/USD price)
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.availableAmount=总共可用的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.availableAmount=总共可用的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.volumeUsd=Total trade volume in USD
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.volumeBtc=Total trade volume in BTC
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.averageBsqUsdPriceFromSelection=Average BSQ/USD trade price from selected time period in chart
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=已发放的 BSQ 已销毁的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=已发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=在初始交易中心有问题的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=报偿申请发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=退还申请发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=报偿申请发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=退还申请发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ 烧毁总量
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=正在从担保解锁 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=已从担保解锁 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=已从担保没收 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=初始交易 ID
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=下载失败。\n请到 https://bisq
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=无法确定正确的安装程序。请通过 https://bisq.network/downloads 手动下载和验证。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=验证失败。\n请到 https://bisq.io/downloads 手动下载和验证。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=新版本成功下载并验证验证 。\n\n请打开下载目录,关闭应用程序并安装最新版本。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=我确认我可以支付保证金
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq 正在被关闭,但仍有公开的报价。\n\n当 Bisq 关闭时,这些提供将不能在 P2P 网络上使用,但是它们将在您下次启动 Bisq 时重新发布到 P2P 网络上。\n\n为了让您的报价在线,保持 Bisq 运行,并确保这台计算机也在线(即,确保它不会进入待机模式…显示器待机不是问题)。
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=你似乎好像在 Qubes OS 上运行 Bisq。\n\n请确保您的 Bisq qube 是参考设置指南的说明设置的 https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=不支持从 {0} 版本降级到 {1} 版本。请使用最新的 Bisq 版本。
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=在同步 DAO 状态时发生问题。你需要重启应用以修复此问题。
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=您失去了所有與 {0} 網絡節
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=您丟失了與本地主機比特幣節點的連接。\n請重啟 Bisq 應用程序連接到其他比特幣節點或重新啟動主機比特幣節點。
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.status.connections=Inbound connections: {0}\nOutbound connections: {1}
# MarketView
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.f2f=請通過提供的聯繫人與 BTC 賣家聯
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPaymentUsing=使用 {0} 開始付款
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.recipientsAccountData=接受 {0}
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.sellersAddress=賣家的 {0} 地址
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin.address={0} Buyer''s address
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fillInBsqWallet=Pay from BSQ wallet
@ -1347,7 +1347,10 @@ account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=要交易燒燬的貨幣,你需要知道
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=在 Bisq 上交易 L-BTC 你必須理解下述條款:\n\n當你在 Bisq 上接受 L-BTC 交易時,你不能使用手機 Blockstream Green Wallet 或者是一個託管/交易錢包。你必須只接收 L-BTC 到 Liquid Elements Core 錢包,或另一個 L-BTC 錢包且允許你獲得匿名的 L-BTC 地址以及密鑰。\n\n在需要進行調解的情況下,或者如果發生了交易糾紛,您必須將接收 L-BTC地址的安全密鑰披露給 Bisq 調解員或退款代理,以便他們能夠在他們自己的 Elements Core 全節點上驗證您的匿名交易的細節。\n\n如果你不瞭解或瞭解這些要求,不要在 Bisq 上交易 L-BTC。
account.fiat.exportAccountAge=Export account age for Bisq 2
account.fiat.exportAccountAge.popup=Your 'account age' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
account.fiat.signedWitness=Export signed witness for Bisq 2
account.fiat.signedWitness.popup=Your 'signed account age witness' and Bisq 2 profile ID got signed and the data is copied to the clipboard.\n\n\This is the data in json format:\n\n\{0}\n\nGo back to Bisq 2 and follow the instructions there.
@ -2078,12 +2081,18 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issuedVsBurnt=已發放的 BSQ 已銷燬的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=已發放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compReq=Compensation requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAfterTagging=Reimbursement requests (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=在初始交易中心有問題的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=報償申請發放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=退還申請發放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued.tooltip=Total issued BSQ is the sum of compensation requests and reimbursement requests.\nFirst reimbursement requests started in Oct 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBsqSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned.tooltip=Total burned BSQ is the sum of BSQ trade fees and all 'Proof of Burn' transactions.\n'Proof of Burn' transactions started in Dec 2019.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply=Total BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalSupply.tooltip=Total BSQ supply is 'Change of BSQ supply' + genesis issuance
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange=Change of BSQ supply
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.supplyChange.tooltip=Change of BSQ supply reflects the change of all issued BSQ (compensation requests + reimbursement requests)\nminus all burned BSQ (BSQ trade fees, Burned BSQ from BTC trade fees, burned BSQ from arbitration cases).
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.burnt=BSQ 燒燬總量
@ -2101,11 +2110,15 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockingAmount=正在從擔保解鎖 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalUnlockedAmount=已從擔保解鎖 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalConfiscatedAmount=已從擔保沒收 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees=Total trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalTradeFees.tooltip=Total trade fees is sum of BSQ trade fees and burned BSQ from BTC trade fees.\nTagging burned BSQ from BTC trade fees started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFee=BSQ Trade fees
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.bsqTradeFeeAfterTagging=BSQ Trade fees (post tagging)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.btcFees=BTC trade fees (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn))
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitration=From arbitration (proof of Burn)
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurn=Proof of Burn
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.proofOfBurnReimbursementDiff=Diff total burned-reimbursement
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff=Reimbursement costs
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.arbitrationDiff.tooltip=Reimbursement requests minus burned BSQ from arbitration cases.\nShould tend to zero long term. As there is considerable time delays between reimbursement requests and burn intervals \nthe chart data make more sense for months interval. If it is not zero it can be a result of exchange rate gains or losses.\nTagging burned BSQ from arbitration cases started in Nov 2021, therefor we don't show older data.
dao.factsAndFigures.transactions.genesisTxId=初始交易 ID
@ -2152,7 +2165,7 @@ displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.failed=下載失敗。\n請到 https://bisq
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.installer.failed=無法確定正確的安裝程序。請通過 https://bisq.network/downloads 手動下載和驗證。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.verify.failed=驗證失敗。\n請到 https://bisq.io/downloads 手動下載和驗證。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.success=新版本成功下載並驗證驗證 。\n\n請打開下載目錄,關閉應用程序並安裝最新版本。
displayUpdateDownloadWindow.download.openDir=Open download directory and shut down
@ -2471,7 +2484,9 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=我確認我可以支付保證金
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq 正在被關閉,但仍有公開的報價。\n\n當 Bisq 關閉時,這些提供將不能在 P2P 網絡上使用,但是它們將在您下次啟動 Bisq 時重新發布到 P2P 網絡上。\n\n為了讓您的報價在線,保持 Bisq 運行,並確保這台計算機也在線(即,確保它不會進入待機模式…顯示器待機不是問題)。
popup.info.shutDownWithTradeInit={0}\nThis trade has not finished initializing; shutting down now will probably make it corrupted. Please wait a minute and try again.
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=你似乎好像在 Qubes OS 上運行 Bisq。\n\n請確保您的 Bisq qube 是參考設置指南的説明設置的 https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.red={0}\n\nYour node has no connection to the P2P network. Bisq cannot operate in this state. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.yellow={0}\n\nYour node has no inbound Tor connections. Bisq will function ok, but if this state persists for several hours it may be an indication of connectivity problems. See [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator] for more information.
popup.info.p2pStatusIndicator.green={0}\n\nGood news, your P2P connection state looks healthy! [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Network_status_indicator]
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=不支持從 {0} 版本降級到 {1} 版本。請使用最新的 Bisq 版本。
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
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