New comments through "message TxInfo { ... }"

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ghubstan 2022-02-20 20:20:33 -03:00
parent 5acef133ab
commit 8271920943
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GPG key ID: E35592D6800A861E

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@ -47,11 +47,11 @@ service Help {
message GetMethodHelpRequest {
string methodName = 1; // CLI command name.
string methodName = 1; // The CLI command name.
message GetMethodHelpReply {
string methodHelp = 1; // Man page for CLI command.
string methodHelp = 1; // The man page for the CLI command.
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ service Offers {
// Edit an open offer.
rpc EditOffer (EditOfferRequest) returns (EditOfferReply) {
// Cancel (remove) an open offer.
// Cancel an open offer; remove it from the offer book.
rpc CancelOffer (CancelOfferRequest) returns (CancelOfferReply) {
@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ message GetOfferCategoryRequest {
message GetOfferCategoryReply {
enum OfferCategory {
FIAT = 1;
UNKNOWN = 0; // An invalid offer category probably indicates a software bug.
FIAT = 1; // Indicates offer is to BUY or SELL BTC with a fiat currency.
ALTCOIN = 2; // Indicates offer is to BUY or SELL BTC with an altcoin.
BSQ_SWAP = 3; // Indicates offer is to swap BTC for BSQ.
OfferCategory offerCategory = 1;
@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ message AvailabilityResultWithDescription {
* The PaymentAccounts service provides rpc methods for creating fiat and crypto currency payment accounts.
service PaymentAccounts {
// Create a fiat payment account, providing details in a json form.
// Create a fiat payment account, providing details in a json form generated by rpc method GetPaymentAccountForm.
rpc CreatePaymentAccount (CreatePaymentAccountRequest) returns (CreatePaymentAccountReply) {
// Get list of all saved fiat payment accounts.
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ service PaymentAccounts {
// Get list of all supported Bisq payment methods.
rpc GetPaymentMethods (GetPaymentMethodsRequest) returns (GetPaymentMethodsReply) {
// Get a json template file for a supported Bisq payment method.
// Get a json template file for a supported Bisq payment method. Fill in the form and call rpc method CreatePaymentAccount.
rpc GetPaymentAccountForm (GetPaymentAccountFormRequest) returns (GetPaymentAccountFormReply) {
// Create a crypto currency (altcoin) payment account.
@ -382,51 +382,52 @@ service PaymentAccounts {
message CreatePaymentAccountRequest {
string paymentAccountForm = 1;
string paymentAccountForm = 1; // File path of filled json payment account form.
message CreatePaymentAccountReply {
PaymentAccount paymentAccount = 1;
PaymentAccount paymentAccount = 1; // The new payment account.
message GetPaymentAccountsRequest {
message GetPaymentAccountsReply {
repeated PaymentAccount paymentAccounts = 1;
repeated PaymentAccount paymentAccounts = 1; // All user's saved payment accounts.
message GetPaymentMethodsRequest {
message GetPaymentMethodsReply {
repeated PaymentMethod paymentMethods = 1;
repeated PaymentMethod paymentMethods = 1; // Ids of all supported Bisq fiat payment methods.
message GetPaymentAccountFormRequest {
string paymentMethodId = 1;
string paymentMethodId = 1; // Payment method id determining content of the requested payment account form.
message GetPaymentAccountFormReply {
// An empty payment account json form to be filled out and passed to rpc method CreatePaymentAccount.
string paymentAccountFormJson = 1;
message CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest {
string accountName = 1;
string currencyCode = 2;
string address = 3;
bool tradeInstant = 4;
string accountName = 1; // The name of the altcoin payment account. Uniqueness is not enforced.
string currencyCode = 2; // The altcoin currency code.
string address = 3; // The altcoin receiving address.
bool tradeInstant = 4; // Whether the altcoin payment account is an instant account or not.
message CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply {
PaymentAccount paymentAccount = 1;
PaymentAccount paymentAccount = 1; // The new altcoin payment account.
message GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest {
message GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply {
repeated PaymentMethod paymentMethods = 1;
repeated PaymentMethod paymentMethods = 1; // Ids of all supported Bisq altcoin payment methods.
service Price {
@ -436,11 +437,11 @@ service Price {
message MarketPriceRequest {
string currencyCode = 1;
string currencyCode = 1; // The three letter currency code.
message MarketPriceReply {
double price = 1;
double price = 1; // The most recently available market price.
@ -476,22 +477,22 @@ message StopReply {
* The Trades service provides rpc methods for taking, executing, and listing trades.
service Trades {
// Get an open trade with a trade-id.
// Get a currently open trade.
rpc GetTrade (GetTradeRequest) returns (GetTradeReply) {
// Get all open or historical trades.
// Get currently open, or historical trades (closed or failed).
rpc GetTrades (GetTradesRequest) returns (GetTradesReply) {
// Take an open offer.
rpc TakeOffer (TakeOfferRequest) returns (TakeOfferReply) {
// Send a 'payment started' message to a trading peer (seller).
// Send a 'payment started' message to a trading peer (the BTC seller).
rpc ConfirmPaymentStarted (ConfirmPaymentStartedRequest) returns (ConfirmPaymentStartedReply) {
// Send a 'payment received' message to a trading peer (buyer).
// Send a 'payment received' message to a trading peer (the BTC buyer).
rpc ConfirmPaymentReceived (ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest) returns (ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply) {
// Close a completed trade (moves it to trade history).
// Close a completed trade; move it to trade history.
rpc CloseTrade (CloseTradeRequest) returns (CloseTradeReply) {
// Fail an open trade.
@ -506,173 +507,204 @@ service Trades {
message TakeOfferRequest {
string offerId = 1;
string paymentAccountId = 2;
string takerFeeCurrencyCode = 3;
string offerId = 1; // The unique identifier of the offer being taken.
string paymentAccountId = 2; // The unique identifier of the payment account used to take offer..
string takerFeeCurrencyCode = 3; // The code of the currency (BSQ or BTC) used to pay the taker's Bisq trade fee.
message TakeOfferReply {
TradeInfo trade = 1;
AvailabilityResultWithDescription failureReason = 2;
TradeInfo trade = 1; // The new trade.
AvailabilityResultWithDescription failureReason = 2; // The reason the offer could not be taken.
message ConfirmPaymentStartedRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
string tradeId = 1; // The unique identifier of the open trade.
message ConfirmPaymentStartedReply {
message ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
string tradeId = 1; // The unique identifier of the open trade.
message ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply {
message GetTradeRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
string tradeId = 1; // The unique identifier of the trade.
message GetTradeReply {
TradeInfo trade = 1;
TradeInfo trade = 1; // The unique identifier of the trade.
message GetTradesRequest {
// Rpc method GetTrades parameter determining what category of trade list is is being requested.
enum Category {
OPEN = 0;
OPEN = 0; // Get all currently open trades.
CLOSED = 1; // Get all completed trades.
FAILED = 2; // Get all failed trades.
Category category = 1;
message GetTradesReply {
repeated TradeInfo trades = 1;
repeated TradeInfo trades = 1; // All trades for GetTradesRequest.Category.
message CloseTradeRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
string tradeId = 1; // The unique identifier of the trade.
message CloseTradeReply {
message FailTradeRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
string tradeId = 1; // The unique identifier of the trade.
message FailTradeReply {
message UnFailTradeRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
string tradeId = 1; // The unique identifier of the trade.
message UnFailTradeReply {
message WithdrawFundsRequest {
string tradeId = 1;
string address = 2;
string memo = 3;
string tradeId = 1; // The unique identifier of the trade.
string address = 2; // The receiver's bitcoin wallet address.
string memo = 3; // An optional memo saved with the sent btc transaction.
message WithdrawFundsReply {
message TradeInfo {
// The original offer.
OfferInfo offer = 1;
// The unique identifier of the trade.
string tradeId = 2;
// An abbreviation of unique identifier of the trade. It cannot be used as parameter to rpc methods GetTrade,
// ConfirmPaymentStarted, CloseTrade, etc., but it may be useful while interacting with support or trading peers.
string shortId = 3;
// The creation date of the trade as a long: the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970.
uint64 date = 4;
// A brief description of the user's role in the trade, i.e., an offer maker or taker, a BTC buyer or seller.
string role = 5;
// Whether the offer taker's Bisq trade fee was paid in BTC or not (BSQ).
bool isCurrencyForTakerFeeBtc = 6;
// The bitcoin miner transaction fee in satoshis.
uint64 txFeeAsLong = 7;
// The offer taker's Bisq trade fee in satoshis.
uint64 takerFeeAsLong = 8;
// The bitcoin transaction id for offer taker's Bisq trade fee.
string takerFeeTxId = 9;
// The bitcoin transaction id for the offer taker's security deposit.
string depositTxId = 10;
// The bitcoin transaction id for trade payout.
string payoutTxId = 11;
// The trade payout amount in satoshis.
uint64 tradeAmountAsLong = 12;
// For fiat trades: the fiat price for 1 BTC to 4 decimal places, e.g., 41000.50 EUR is "41000.5000".
// For altcoin trades: the altcoin price for 1 BTC to 8 decimal places, e.g., 0.5 BTC is "0.50000000".
string tradePrice = 13;
// The trading peer's node address.
string tradingPeerNodeAddress = 14;
// The internal state of the trade. (TODO Needs more explanation.)
string state = 15;
// The internal phase of the trade. (TODO Needs more explanation.)
string phase = 16;
// How much of the trade protocol's time limit has elapsed. (TODO Needs more explanation.)
string tradePeriodState = 17;
// Whether the trade's security deposit bitcoin transaction has been broadcast, or not.
bool isDepositPublished = 18;
// Whether the trade's security deposit bitcoin transaction has been confirmed at least once, or not.
bool isDepositConfirmed = 19;
// Whether the trade's 'start payment' message has been sent by the BTC buyer, or not.
// (TODO Rename field to isPaymentSent because payment could be made in altcoin.)
bool isFiatSent = 20;
// Whether the trade's 'payment received' message has been sent by the BTC seller, or not.
// (TODO Rename field to isPaymentReceived because payment could be made in altcoin.)
bool isFiatReceived = 21;
// Whether the trade's payout bitcoin transaction has been confirmed at least once, or not.
bool isPayoutPublished = 22;
// Whether the trade's payout has been completed and the trade is now closed, or not.
// (TODO Rename field to isClosed, or isCompleted because payment could be made in altcoin.)
bool isWithdrawn = 23;
// The entire trade contract as a json string.
string contractAsJson = 24;
// The summary of the trade contract.
ContractInfo contract = 25;
// The volume of currency traded for BTC.
string tradeVolume = 26;
// The details specific to the BSQ swap trade. If the trade is not a BSQ swap, this field should be ignored.
BsqSwapTradeInfo bsqSwapTradeInfo = 28;
// Needed by open/closed/failed trade list items.
string closingStatus = 29;
message ContractInfo {
string buyerNodeAddress = 1;
string sellerNodeAddress = 2;
string mediatorNodeAddress = 3;
string refundAgentNodeAddress = 4;
bool isBuyerMakerAndSellerTaker = 5;
string makerAccountId = 6;
string takerAccountId = 7;
PaymentAccountPayloadInfo makerPaymentAccountPayload = 8;
PaymentAccountPayloadInfo takerPaymentAccountPayload = 9;
string makerPayoutAddressString = 10;
string takerPayoutAddressString = 11;
uint64 lockTime = 12;
string buyerNodeAddress = 1; // The BTC buyer peer's node address.
string sellerNodeAddress = 2; // The BTC seller peer's node address.
string mediatorNodeAddress = 3; // If the trade was disputed, the Bisq mediator's node address.
string refundAgentNodeAddress = 4; // If a trade refund was requested, the Bisq refund agent's node address.
bool isBuyerMakerAndSellerTaker = 5; // Whether the BTC buyer created the original offer, or not.
string makerAccountId = 6; // The offer maker's payment account id.
string takerAccountId = 7; // The offer taker's payment account id.
PaymentAccountPayloadInfo makerPaymentAccountPayload = 8; // A summary of the offer maker's payment account.
PaymentAccountPayloadInfo takerPaymentAccountPayload = 9; // A summary of the offer taker's payment account.
string makerPayoutAddressString = 10; // The offer maker's BTC payout address.
string takerPayoutAddressString = 11; // The offer taker's BTC payout address.
uint64 lockTime = 12; // TODO
* BSQ Swap protocol specific fields not common to Bisq v1 trade protocol fields.
message BsqSwapTradeInfo {
string txId = 1;
uint64 bsqTradeAmount = 2;
uint64 btcTradeAmount = 3;
uint64 bsqMakerTradeFee = 4;
uint64 bsqTakerTradeFee = 5;
uint64 txFeePerVbyte = 6;
string makerBsqAddress = 7;
string makerBtcAddress = 8;
string takerBsqAddress = 9;
string takerBtcAddress = 10;
uint64 numConfirmations = 11;
string errorMessage = 12;
uint64 payout = 13;
uint64 swapPeerPayout = 14;
string txId = 1; // The BSQ swap's bitcoin transaction id.
uint64 bsqTradeAmount = 2; // The amount of BSQ swapped in satoshis.
uint64 btcTradeAmount = 3; // The amount of BTC swapped in satoshis.
uint64 bsqMakerTradeFee = 4; // The swap offer maker's BSQ trade fee.
uint64 bsqTakerTradeFee = 5; // The swap offer taker's BSQ trade fee.
uint64 txFeePerVbyte = 6; // The swap transaction's bitcoin transaction id.
string makerBsqAddress = 7; // The swap offer maker's BSQ wallet address.
string makerBtcAddress = 8; // The swap offer maker's BTC wallet address.
string takerBsqAddress = 9; // The swap offer taker's BSQ wallet address.
string takerBtcAddress = 10; // The swap offer taker's BTC wallet address.
uint64 numConfirmations = 11; // The confirmations count for the completed swap's bitcoin transaction.
string errorMessage = 12; // An explanation for a failure to complete the swap.
uint64 payout = 13; // The amount of the user's payout in satoshis. (TODO explanation about miner fee vs trade fee)
uint64 swapPeerPayout = 14; // The amount of the peer's payout in satoshis. (TODO explanation about miner fee vs trade fee)
message PaymentAccountPayloadInfo {
string id = 1;
string paymentMethodId = 2;
string address = 3;
string id = 1; // The unique identifier of the payment account.
string paymentMethodId = 2; // The unique identifier of the payment method.
string address = 3; // The optional altcoin wallet address associated with the (altcoin) payment account.
message TxFeeRateInfo {
bool useCustomTxFeeRate = 1;
uint64 customTxFeeRate = 2;
uint64 feeServiceRate = 3;
bool useCustomTxFeeRate = 1; // Whether the daemon's custom btc transaction fee rate preference is set, or not.
uint64 customTxFeeRate = 2; // The daemon's custom btc transaction fee rate preference, in sats/byte.
uint64 feeServiceRate = 3; // The Bisq network's most recently available btc transaction fee rate, in sats/byte.
// The date of the most recent Bisq network fee rate request as a long: the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970.
uint64 lastFeeServiceRequestTs = 4;
uint64 minFeeServiceRate = 5;
uint64 minFeeServiceRate = 5; // The Bisq network's minimum btc transaction fee rate, in sats/byte.
message TxInfo {
string txId = 1;
uint64 inputSum = 2;
uint64 outputSum = 3;
uint64 fee = 4;
int32 size = 5;
bool isPending = 6;
string memo = 7;
string txId = 1; // The bitcoin transaction id.
uint64 inputSum = 2; // The sum of the bitcoin transactions input values in satoshis.
uint64 outputSum = 3; // The sum of the bitcoin transactions output values in satoshis.
uint64 fee = 4; // The bitcoin transaction's miner fee in satoshis.
int32 size = 5; // The bitcoin transaction's size in bytes.
bool isPending = 6; // Whether the bitcoin transaction has been confirmed at least one time, or not.
string memo = 7; // An optional memo associated with the bitcoin transaction.