mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 11:09:10 +01:00
Merge pull request #6194 from bisq-network/release/v1.9.1
This commit is contained in:
40 changed files with 1009 additions and 883 deletions
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ configure(project(':desktop')) {
modules = ['javafx.controls', 'javafx.fxml']
modules = ['javafx.controls', 'javafx.fxml']
version = '1.8.4-SNAPSHOT'
version = '1.9.1-SNAPSHOT'
"Implementation-Title": project.name,
"Implementation-Title": project.name,
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class Version {
// VERSION = 0.5.0 introduces proto buffer for the P2P network and local DB and is a not backward compatible update
// VERSION = 0.5.0 introduces proto buffer for the P2P network and local DB and is a not backward compatible update
// Therefore all sub versions start again with 1
// Therefore all sub versions start again with 1
// We use semantic versioning with major, minor and patch
// We use semantic versioning with major, minor and patch
public static final String VERSION = "1.8.4";
public static final String VERSION = "1.9.1";
* Holds a list of the tagged resource files for optimizing the getData requests.
* Holds a list of the tagged resource files for optimizing the getData requests.
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public class Version {
* historical data stores.
* historical data stores.
public static final List<String> HISTORICAL_RESOURCE_FILE_VERSION_TAGS = Arrays.asList("1.4.0", "1.5.0", "1.5.2",
public static final List<String> HISTORICAL_RESOURCE_FILE_VERSION_TAGS = Arrays.asList("1.4.0", "1.5.0", "1.5.2",
"1.5.5", "1.5.7", "1.6.0", "1.6.3", "1.6.5", "1.7.2", "1.7.4", "1.8.0", "1.8.1", "1.8.3");
"1.5.5", "1.5.7", "1.6.0", "1.6.3", "1.6.5", "1.7.2", "1.7.4", "1.8.0", "1.8.1", "1.8.3", "1.9.0");
public static int getMajorVersion(String version) {
public static int getMajorVersion(String version) {
return getSubVersion(version, 0);
return getSubVersion(version, 0);
Normal file → Executable file
Normal file → Executable file
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
host = https://www.transifex.com
host = https://www.transifex.com
file_filter = translations/bisq-desktop.displaystringsproperties/<lang>.properties
file_filter = translations/bisq-desktop.displaystringsproperties/<lang>.properties
source_file = translations/bisq-desktop.displaystringsproperties/en.properties
source_lang = en
source_lang = en
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=Neodstraňovat nabídku
shared.editOffer=Upravit nabídku
shared.editOffer=Upravit nabídku
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplikovat nabídku
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplikovat nabídku
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Otevřít velké okno s QR kódem
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Otevřít velké okno s QR kódem
shared.tradingAccount=Obchodní účet
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=Navštívit stránku FAQ
shared.faq=Navštívit stránku FAQ
shared.yesCancel=Ano, zrušit
shared.yesCancel=Ano, zrušit
shared.nextStep=Další krok
shared.nextStep=Další krok
shared.selectTradingAccount=Vyberte obchodní účet
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Přesunout finance z Bisq peněženky
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Přesunout finance z Bisq peněženky
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Otevřít vaši externí peněženku pro financování
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Otevřít vaši externí peněženku pro financování
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Nepodařilo se otevřít aplikaci bitcoinové peněženky. Jste si jisti, že máte nějakou nainstalovanou?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Nepodařilo se otevřít aplikaci bitcoinové peněženky. Jste si jisti, že máte nějakou nainstalovanou?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Odesíláno: {0}\nZ adresy: {1}\nNa přijímací
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq zjistil, že tato transakce by vytvořila drobné mince, které jsou pod limitem drobných mincí (a není to povoleno pravidly pro bitcoinový konsenzus). Místo toho budou tyto drobné mince ({0} satoshi {1}) přidány k poplatku za těžbu.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq zjistil, že tato transakce by vytvořila drobné mince, které jsou pod limitem drobných mincí (a není to povoleno pravidly pro bitcoinový konsenzus). Místo toho budou tyto drobné mince ({0} satoshi {1}) přidány k poplatku za těžbu.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Kopírovat do schránky
shared.copyToClipboard=Kopírovat do schránky
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Potvrdit a ukončit
shared.applyAndShutDown=Potvrdit a ukončit
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Potvrzuji
shared.openURL=Otevřené {0}
shared.openURL=Otevřené {0}
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.advancedOptions=Pokročilé možnosti
shared.advancedOptions=Pokročilé možnosti
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Aktivní
mainView.menu.buyBtc=Koupit BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=Prodat BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Nabídky podle způsobů platby
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Koupit {0} (prodat {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Prodat {0} (koupit {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Koupit {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Prodat {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Prodat {0} kupujícímu
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Prodat {0} kupujícímu
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Koupit {0} od prodejce
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Koupit {0} od prodejce
market.offerBook.buy=Chci koupit bitcoin
market.offerBook.buy=Chci koupit bitcoin
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Zobrazit objem v USD
offerbook.createOffer=Vytvořit nabídku
offerbook.createOffer=Vytvořit nabídku
offerbook.takeOffer=Přijmout nabídku
offerbook.takeOffer=Přijmout nabídku
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Vytvořit účet a přijmout nabídku
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Vytvořit účet a přijmout nabídku
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Přijmout nabídku na nákup {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Přijmout nabídku k prodeji {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID banky tvůrce (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID banky tvůrce (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Jméno banky tvůrce: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Jméno banky tvůrce: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Sídlo banky tvůrce: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Sídlo banky tvůrce: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Přijatá sídla bank (příjemce): Všechny země Eura
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Přijatá sídla bank (příjemce): Všechny země Eura
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Přijatá sídla bank (příjemce):\n {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Přijatá sídla bank (příjemce):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Dostupné nabídky
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrovat podle měny
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrovat podle platební metody
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Nabídky odpovídající mým účtům
offerbook.matchingOffers=Nabídky odpovídající mým účtům
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informace o účtu
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informace o účtu
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=podepsán rozhodcem a může podepisovat účty partnerů
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=podepsán rozhodcem a může podepisovat účty partnerů
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
offerbook.deposit=Kauce BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Kauce BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Kauce zaplacená každým obchodníkem k zajištění obchodu. Bude vrácena po dokončení obchodu.
offerbook.deposit.help=Kauce zaplacená každým obchodníkem k zajištění obchodu. Bude vrácena po dokončení obchodu.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Vytvořit novou nabídku k nákupu {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Create new offer to {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Vytvořit novou nabídku k prodeji {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Vytvořit novou nabídku k nákupu {0} za {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Vytvořit novou nabídku k prodeji {0} za {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Vytvořit novou nabídku k prodeji {0} (koupit {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Vytvořit novou nabídku na nákup {0} (prodat {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=V jednom okamžiku můžete vytvořit pouze jednu nabídku
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=V jednom okamžiku můžete vytvořit pouze jednu nabídku
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Využijte nabídku {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Využijte nabídku {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Ano, vytvořit nabídku
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Založit nový obchodní účet
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Založit nový obchodní účet
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Odebrání nabídky bylo úspěšné.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Odebrání nabídky bylo úspěšné.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Odebrání nabídky selhalo:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Odebrání nabídky selhalo:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Zveřejnění nabídky se nezdařilo:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Žádný platební účet pro vybranou měnu
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Žádný platební účet pro vybranou měnu
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=Pro vybranou měnu nemáte nastavený platební účet.\n\nChcete místo toho vytvořit nabídku pro jinou měnu?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Žádný odpovídající platební účet.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Žádný odpovídající platební účet.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Tato nabídka používá platební metodu, kterou jste dosud nenastavili.\n\nChcete nyní založit nový platební účet?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Tato nabídka používá platební metodu, kterou jste dosud nenastavili.\n\nChcete nyní založit nový platební účet?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=Tato nabídka používá BSQ jako platební metodu, kterou jste ještě nenastavili. \n\nChcete si nyní automaticky vytvořit účet?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=Tato nabídka používá BSQ jako platební metodu, kterou jste ještě nenastavili. \n\nChcete si nyní automaticky vytvořit účet?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Získáte o {0} více, než je aktuální tr
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Platíte o {0} méně, než je aktuální tržní cena (aktualizováno každou minutu).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Platíte o {0} méně, než je aktuální tržní cena (aktualizováno každou minutu).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Budete nakupovat za tuto pevnou cenu.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Budete nakupovat za tuto pevnou cenu.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Budete prodávat za tuto pevnou cenu.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Budete prodávat za tuto pevnou cenu.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=V případě sporu mějte na paměti, že arbitráž pro tuto nabídku bude řešit {0}. Jazyk je aktuálně nastaven na {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Částka byla zaokrouhlena, aby se zvýšilo soukromí vašeho obchodu.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Částka byla zaokrouhlena, aby se zvýšilo soukromí vašeho obchodu.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=Právě jste úspěšně vytvořili platební účet BSQ.\nSvůj účet najdete v části Účet > Altcoinové účty > {0} a peněženku BSQ v části DAO > BSQ peněženka.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=Právě jste úspěšně vytvořili platební účet BSQ.\nSvůj účet najdete v části Účet > Altcoinové účty > {0} a peněženku BSQ v části DAO > BSQ peněženka.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Vložte množství v BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Zadejte cenu
createOffer.price.prompt=Zadejte cenu
createOffer.volume.prompt=Vložte množství v {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=Vložte množství v {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Množství BTC, které chcete {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Množství BTC, které chcete {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Částka v {0}, kterou utratíte
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Částka v {0}, kterou utratíte
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Částka v {0}, kterou přijmete
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Částka v {0}, kterou přijmete
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimální množství BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimální množství BTC
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Financujte svou nabídku
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Financujte svou nabídku
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Obchodní poplatky se platí pro financování B
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Přehled: Umístěte nabídku {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Přehled: Umístěte nabídku {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financujte svou nabídku
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financujte svou nabídku
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Výše obchodu: {0}\n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Výše obchodu: {0}\n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Vytváření proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Vložte množství v BTC
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Vložte množství v BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Množství BTC na prodej
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Množství BTC na prodej
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Množství BTC k nákupu
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Množství BTC k nákupu
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Cena za bitcoin v {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Cena za bitcoin v {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Možný rozsah množství
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Možný rozsah množství
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Částka, kterou jste zadali, přesahuje počet povolených desetinných míst.\nČástka byla upravena na 4 desetinná místa.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Částka, kterou jste zadali, přesahuje počet povolených desetinných míst.\nČástka byla upravena na 4 desetinná místa.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Dokud váš obchod nebude zahrnut v bitcoin bloku
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Přehled: Využijte nabídku {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Přehled: Využijte nabídku {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Tuto nabídku nemůžete vzít, protože používá procentuální cenu založenou na tržní ceně, ale není k dispozici žádný zdroj cen.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Tuto nabídku nemůžete vzít, protože používá procentuální cenu založenou na tržní ceně, ale není k dispozici žádný zdroj cen.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financujte svůj obchod
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financujte svůj obchod
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Výše obchodu: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Výše obchodu: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Abyste mohli tuto nabídku využít, musíte vložit {0}.\n\nČástka je součtem:\n{1} - Vaší kauce: {2}\n- Obchodního poplatku: {3}\n- Celkového poplatku za těžbu: {4}\n\nPři financování obchodu si můžete vybrat ze dvou možností:\n- Použijte svou peněženku Bisq (pohodlné, ale transakce mohou být propojitelné) NEBO\n- Platba z externí peněženky (potenciálně více soukromé)\n\nPo uzavření tohoto vyskakovacího okna se zobrazí všechny možnosti a podrobnosti financování.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Abyste mohli tuto nabídku využít, musíte vložit {0}.\n\nČástka je součtem:\n{1} - Vaší kauce: {2}\n- Obchodního poplatku: {3}\n- Celkového poplatku za těžbu: {4}\n\nPři financování obchodu si můžete vybrat ze dvou možností:\n- Použijte svou peněženku Bisq (pohodlné, ale transakce mohou být propojitelné) NEBO\n- Platba z externí peněženky (potenciálně více soukromé)\n\nPo uzavření tohoto vyskakovacího okna se zobrazí všechny možnosti a podrobnosti financování.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Pokud jste již prostředky zaplatili, můžete je vybrat na obrazovce \"Prostředky/Odeslat prostředky\".
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Pokud jste již prostředky zaplatili, můžete je vybrat na obrazovce \"Prostředky/Odeslat prostředky\".
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Informace o platbě
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Nastavit částku
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Nastavit částku
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Tuto nabídku jste již financovali.\nPokud ji nyní zrušíte, budou vaše prostředky přesunuty do lokální peněženky Bisq a jsou k dispozici pro výběr na obrazovce \"Prostředky/Odeslat prostředky\".\nOpravdu ji chcete zrušit?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Tuto nabídku jste již financovali.\nPokud ji nyní zrušíte, budou vaše prostředky přesunuty do lokální peněženky Bisq a jsou k dispozici pro výběr na obrazovce \"Prostředky/Odeslat prostředky\".\nOpravdu ji chcete zrušit?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Žádost o nabídku se nezdařila, protože nabídka již není k dispozici. Možná, že mezitím nabídku přijal jiný obchodník.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Žádost o nabídku se nezdařila, protože nabídka již není k dispozici. Možná, že mezitím nabídku přijal jiný obchodník.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Transakční poplatek musí být alespoň {0} satoshi/
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Váš vstup je nad jakoukoli rozumnou hodnotou (>5000 satoshi/vbyte). Transakční poplatek se obvykle pohybuje v rozmezí 50-400 satoshi/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Váš vstup je nad jakoukoli rozumnou hodnotou (>5000 satoshi/vbyte). Transakční poplatek se obvykle pohybuje v rozmezí 50-400 satoshi/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=V otevřených nabídkách nejsou rezervovány žádné finanční prostředky
funds.reserved.noFunds=V otevřených nabídkách nejsou rezervovány žádné finanční prostředky
funds.reserved.reserved=Rezervováno v místní peněžence pro nabídku s ID: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=V obchodech nejsou zamčeny žádné prostředky
funds.locked.noFunds=V obchodech nejsou zamčeny žádné prostředky
funds.locked.locked=Uzamčeno v multisig adrese pro obchodování s ID: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Odesláno na:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Odesláno na:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Přijato z:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Přijato z:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Z Genesis tx:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Z Genesis tx:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Poplatek za těžbu za BSQ tx
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Poplatek za těžbu za BSQ tx
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Poplatky tvůrce a tx: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Poplatky příjemce a tx: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Vklad na multisig adresu: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Výběr z multisig adresy: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Výběr ze sporu: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Prohraných sporů: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Zástava na vrácení peněz: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Časově uzamčená výplata tx: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Vrácení peněz z rozhodčího řízení: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Neznámý důvod: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Žádná náhrada ze sporu
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Žádná náhrada ze sporu
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Přijaté prostředky
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Přijaté prostředky
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Výběr z peněženky
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Výběr z peněženky
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Tato transakce odesílá do vaší peněženky velmi
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Koupil BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Koupil BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Prodal BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Prodal BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ swap obchod: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=Stav
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=Kupující BTC/Tvůrce
support.buyerOfferer=Kupující BTC/Tvůrce
support.sellerOfferer=Prodejce BTC/Tvůrce
support.sellerOfferer=Prodejce BTC/Tvůrce
support.buyerTaker=Kupující BTC/Příjemce
support.buyerTaker=Kupující BTC/Příjemce
support.sellerTaker=Prodávající BTC/Příjemce
support.sellerTaker=Prodávající BTC/Příjemce
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Preferovaná měna
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Zobrazit národní měny
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Zobrazit národní měny
setting.preferences.noFiat=Nejsou vybrány žádné národní měny
setting.preferences.noFiat=Nejsou vybrány žádné národní měny
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Vybranou zobrazovanou měnu nelze odebrat.
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Vybranou zobrazovanou měnu nelze odebrat.
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Zobrazit altcoiny
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Zobrazit altcoiny
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Nejsou vybrány žádné altcoiny
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Nejsou vybrány žádné altcoiny
setting.preferences.addFiat=Přidejte národní měnu
setting.preferences.addFiat=Přidejte národní měnu
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transakční URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Adresa URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Adresa URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Bitcoinová síť
settings.net.btcHeader=Bitcoinová síť
settings.net.p2pHeader=Síť Bisq
settings.net.p2pHeader=Síť Bisq
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Předchozí hash
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Počet návrhů
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Počet návrhů
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Vaše lokální data nesouhlasí s alespoň jedním seed nodem. Synchronizujte znovu stav DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Vaše lokální data nesouhlasí s alespoň jedním seed nodem. Synchronizujte znovu stav DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Jeden z vašich peerů není v konsenzu se sítí, ale váš node je synchronizován se seed nody.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Váš DAO state chain není propojen s novými daty. Znovu synchronizujte stav DAO.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Váš DAO state chain není propojen s novými daty. Znovu synchronizujte stav DAO.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Váš lokální node je v konsenzu se sítí
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Váš lokální node je v konsenzu se sítí
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Zavřít úkol
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket uzavřen {0}\n{1} adresa uzlu: {2}\n\nSouhrn:\nObchodní ID: {3}\nMěna: {4}\nVýše obchodu: {5}\nVýplatní částka pro kupujícího BTC: {6}\nVýplatní částka pro prodejce BTC: {7}\n\nDůvod sporu: {8}\n\nSouhrnné poznámky:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Závazek
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Pravidla a podmínky
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Pravidla a podmínky
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Potvrďte: Umístit nabídku {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Potvrďte: Umístit nabídku {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Potvrďte: Využít nabídku {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Potvrďte: Využít nabídku {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Datum vzniku
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Datum vzniku
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Onion adresa tvůrce
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Onion adresa tvůrce
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Ujistěte se, že ve své oblasti máte pobočku bank
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Potvrzuji, že mohu provést vklad
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Potvrzuji, že mohu provést vklad
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq se vypíná, ale existují otevřené nabídky.\n\nTyto nabídky nebudou dostupné v síti P2P, pokud bude Bisq vypnutý, ale budou znovu publikovány do sítě P2P při příštím spuštění Bisq.\n\nChcete-li zachovat své nabídky online, udržujte Bisq spuštěný a ujistěte se, že tento počítač zůstává online (tj. Ujistěte se, že nepřejde do pohotovostního režimu...pohotovostní režim monitoru není problém).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq se vypíná, ale existují otevřené nabídky.\n\nTyto nabídky nebudou dostupné v síti P2P, pokud bude Bisq vypnutý, ale budou znovu publikovány do sítě P2P při příštím spuštění Bisq.\n\nChcete-li zachovat své nabídky online, udržujte Bisq spuštěný a ujistěte se, že tento počítač zůstává online (tj. Ujistěte se, že nepřejde do pohotovostního režimu...pohotovostní režim monitoru není problém).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Zdá se, že používáte Bisq na Qubes OS.\n\nUjistěte se, že je vaše Bisq qube nastaveno podle našeho průvodce nastavením na [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Zdá se, že používáte Bisq na Qubes OS.\n\nUjistěte se, že je vaše Bisq qube nastaveno podle našeho průvodce nastavením na [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade z verze {0} na verzi {1} není podporován. Použijte prosím nejnovější verzi Bisq.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade z verze {0} na verzi {1} není podporován. Použijte prosím nejnovější verzi Bisq.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Došlo k problému při synchronizaci stavu DAO. Pro nápravu prosím restartujte aplikaci.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Došlo k problému při synchronizaci stavu DAO. Pro nápravu prosím restartujte aplikaci.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap dokončen
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Vaše nabídka s ID ''{0}'' byla přijata.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Vaše nabídka s ID ''{0}'' byla přijata.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=Potvrzení swapové transakce BSQ
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=Potvrzení swapové transakce BSQ
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=Swapová transakce BSQ pro obchod s ID ''{0}'' je potvrzena.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=Swapová transakce BSQ pro obchod s ID ''{0}'' je potvrzena.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Město pro setkání „tváří v tvář“
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Město se zobrazí s nabídkou
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Město se zobrazí s nabídkou
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Volitelné další informace
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Volitelné další informace
payment.shared.extraInfo=Dodatečné informace
payment.shared.extraInfo=Dodatečné informace
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Uveďte jakékoli speciální požadavky, podmínky a detaily, které chcete zobrazit u vašich nabídek s tímto platebním účtem. (Uživatelé uvidí tyto informace předtím, než akceptují vaši nabídku.)
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Uveďte prosím ve svých nabídkách:\n\nZemi, ve které se nacházíte (např. Francie);\nZemě / regiony protistran, se kterými jste ochotni obchodovat (např. Francie, EU nebo jakákoli evropská země);\nJakékoli zvláštní podmínky;\nJakékoli další podrobnosti.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Přečtěte si prosím podmínky tvůrce nabídky.\nPokud tyto požadavky nesplňujete, neakceptujte tento obchod.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Přečtěte si prosím podmínky tvůrce nabídky.\nPokud tyto požadavky nesplňujete, neakceptujte tento obchod.
payment.f2f.info=Obchody „tváří v tvář“ mají různá pravidla a přicházejí s jinými riziky než online transakce.\n\nHlavní rozdíly jsou:\n● Obchodní partneři si musí vyměňovat informace o místě a čase schůzky pomocí poskytnutých kontaktních údajů.\n● Obchodní partneři musí přinést své notebooky a na místě setkání potvrdit „platba odeslána“ a „platba přijata“.\n● Pokud má tvůrce speciální „podmínky“, musí uvést podmínky v textovém poli „Dodatečné informace“ na účtu.\n● Přijetím nabídky zadavatel souhlasí s uvedenými „podmínkami a podmínkami“ tvůrce.\n● V případě sporu nemůže být mediátor nebo rozhodce příliš nápomocný, protože je obvykle obtížné získat důkazy o tom, co se na schůzce stalo. V takových případech mohou být prostředky BTC uzamčeny na dobu neurčitou nebo dokud se obchodní partneři nedohodnou.\n\nAbyste si byli jisti, že plně rozumíte rozdílům v obchodech „tváří v tvář“, přečtěte si pokyny a doporučení na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info=Obchody „tváří v tvář“ mají různá pravidla a přicházejí s jinými riziky než online transakce.\n\nHlavní rozdíly jsou:\n● Obchodní partneři si musí vyměňovat informace o místě a čase schůzky pomocí poskytnutých kontaktních údajů.\n● Obchodní partneři musí přinést své notebooky a na místě setkání potvrdit „platba odeslána“ a „platba přijata“.\n● Pokud má tvůrce speciální „podmínky“, musí uvést podmínky v textovém poli „Dodatečné informace“ na účtu.\n● Přijetím nabídky zadavatel souhlasí s uvedenými „podmínkami a podmínkami“ tvůrce.\n● V případě sporu nemůže být mediátor nebo rozhodce příliš nápomocný, protože je obvykle obtížné získat důkazy o tom, co se na schůzce stalo. V takových případech mohou být prostředky BTC uzamčeny na dobu neurčitou nebo dokud se obchodní partneři nedohodnou.\n\nAbyste si byli jisti, že plně rozumíte rozdílům v obchodech „tváří v tvář“, přečtěte si pokyny a doporučení na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Otevřít webovou stránku
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Otevřít webovou stránku
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Kontrolní součet musí být číselný
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Byl zjištěn nealfanumerický znak
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Byl zjištěn nealfanumerický znak
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Kontrolní součet IBAN je neplatný
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Kontrolní součet IBAN je neplatný
validation.iban.invalidLength=Číslo musí mít délku 15 až 34 znaků.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Číslo musí mít délku 15 až 34 znaků.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Non-kanadské směrové číslo oblasti
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Non-kanadské směrové číslo oblasti
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Zadejte platné 11místné telefonní číslo (např. 1-123-456-7890) nebo e-mailovou adresu
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Zadejte platné 11místné telefonní číslo (např. 1-123-456-7890) nebo e-mailovou adresu
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Musí obsahovat pouze písmena, čísla, mezery a/nebo symboly ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Musí obsahovat pouze písmena, čísla, mezery a/nebo symboly ' _ , . ? -
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.iUnderstand=Ich verstehe
shared.iUnderstand=Ich verstehe
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.continueAnyway=Trotzdem fortfahren
shared.reportBug=Fehler auf GitHub melden
shared.reportBug=Fehler auf GitHub melden
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ shared.buyingCurrency=kaufe {0} (verkaufe BTC)
shared.sellingCurrency=verkaufe {0} (kaufe BTC)
shared.sellingCurrency=verkaufe {0} (kaufe BTC)
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=Angebot nicht entfernen
shared.editOffer=Angebot bearbeiten
shared.editOffer=Angebot bearbeiten
shared.duplicateOffer=Angebot kopieren
shared.duplicateOffer=Angebot kopieren
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Großes QR-Code Fenster öffnen
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Großes QR-Code Fenster öffnen
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Handelskonto auswählen
shared.faq=Zur FAQ Seite
shared.faq=Zur FAQ Seite
shared.yesCancel=Ja, abbrechen
shared.yesCancel=Ja, abbrechen
shared.nextStep=Nächster Schritt
shared.nextStep=Nächster Schritt
shared.selectTradingAccount=Handelskonto auswählen
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Gelder aus Bisq-Wallet überweisen
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Gelder aus Bisq-Wallet überweisen
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Ihre externe Wallet zum Finanzieren öffnen
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Ihre externe Wallet zum Finanzieren öffnen
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Das Öffnen des Standardprogramms für Bitcoin-Wallets ist fehlgeschlagen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie eines installiert haben?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Das Öffnen des Standardprogramms für Bitcoin-Wallets ist fehlgeschlagen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie eines installiert haben?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Gesendet: {0}\nVon Adresse: {1}\nAn Empfangsadres
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Diese Transaktion würde ein Wechselgeld erzeugen das unterhalb des Dust-Grenzwerts liegt (und daher von den Bitcoin-Konsensregeln nicht erlaubt wäre). Stattdessen wird dieser Dust ({0} Satoshi{1}) der Mining-Gebühr hinzugefügt.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Diese Transaktion würde ein Wechselgeld erzeugen das unterhalb des Dust-Grenzwerts liegt (und daher von den Bitcoin-Konsensregeln nicht erlaubt wäre). Stattdessen wird dieser Dust ({0} Satoshi{1}) der Mining-Gebühr hinzugefügt.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=In Zwischenablage kopieren
shared.copyToClipboard=In Zwischenablage kopieren
shared.copiedToClipboard=In die Zwischenablage kopiert!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Anwenden und herunterfahren
shared.applyAndShutDown=Anwenden und herunterfahren
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Ich bestätige
shared.openURL=Öffne {0}
shared.openURL=Öffne {0}
shared.otherAssets=andere Assets
shared.advancedOptions=Erweiterte Optionen
shared.advancedOptions=Erweiterte Optionen
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Aktiviert
mainView.menu.buyBtc=BTC kaufen
mainView.menu.sellBtc=BTC verkaufen
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Angebote nach Zahlungsmethode
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin={0} kaufen ({1} verkaufen)
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin={0} verkaufen ({1} kaufen)
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat={0} kaufen
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat={0} verkaufen
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Verkaufe {0} an
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Verkaufe {0} an
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Kaufe {0} von
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Kaufe {0} von
market.offerBook.buy=Ich möchte Bitcoins kaufen
market.offerBook.buy=Ich möchte Bitcoins kaufen
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Volumen in USD anzeigen
offerbook.createOffer=Angebot erstellen
offerbook.createOffer=Angebot erstellen
offerbook.takeOffer=Angebot annehmen
offerbook.takeOffer=Angebot annehmen
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Account erstellen und Angebot annehmen
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Account erstellen und Angebot annehmen
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Angebot annehmen {0} zu kaufen
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Angebot annehmen {0} zu verkaufen
offerbook.offerersBankId=Bankkennung des Erstellers (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=Bankkennung des Erstellers (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Bankname des Erstellers: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Bankname des Erstellers: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Banksitz-Land des Erstellers: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Banksitz-Land des Erstellers: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Als Banksitz akzeptierte Länder (Abnehmer): Alle Euroländer
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Als Banksitz akzeptierte Länder (Abnehmer): Alle Euroländer
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Als Banksitz akzeptierte Länder (Abnehmer):\n{0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Als Banksitz akzeptierte Länder (Abnehmer):\n{0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Verfügbare Angebote
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy={0} mit {1} kaufen
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Nach Währung filtern
offerbook.availableOffersToSell={0} für {1} verkaufen
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Nach Zahlungsmethode filtern
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Währung auswählen
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Zahlungsmethode auswählen
offerbook.matchingOffers=Angebote die meinen Zahlungskonten entsprechen
offerbook.matchingOffers=Angebote die meinen Zahlungskonten entsprechen
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informationen zum Zahlungskonto
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informationen zum Zahlungskonto
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=von einem Vermittler unterzeichnet und kann Partner-Konten unterzeichnen
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=von einem Vermittler unterzeichnet und kann Partner-Konten unterzeichnen
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
offerbook.deposit=Kaution BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Kaution BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Kaution die von beiden Handelspartnern bezahlt werden muss, um den Handel abzusichern. Wird zurückgezahlt, wenn der Handel erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde.
offerbook.deposit.help=Kaution die von beiden Handelspartnern bezahlt werden muss, um den Handel abzusichern. Wird zurückgezahlt, wenn der Handel erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Neues Angebot erstellen, um {0} zu kaufen
offerbook.createNewOffer=Neues Angebot erstellen um {1} zu {0}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Neues Angebot erstellen, um {0} zu verkaufen
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Neues Angebot erstellen, um {0} mit {1} zu kaufen
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Neues Angebot erstellen, um {0} für {1} zu verkaufen
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Angebot erstellen, um {0} zu verkaufen ({1} kaufen)
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Angebot erstellen, um {0} zu kaufen ({1} verkaufen)
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=Sie können nur ein Angebot gleichzeitig erstellen
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=Sie können nur ein Angebot gleichzeitig erstellen
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Angebot annehmen für {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Angebot annehmen für {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Ja, Angebot erstellen
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Neues Handelskonto einrichten
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Neues Handelskonto einrichten
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Das Entfernen des Angebots war erfolgreich.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Das Entfernen des Angebots war erfolgreich.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Entfernen des Angebots ist fehlgeschlagen:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Entfernen des Angebots ist fehlgeschlagen:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Veröffentlichung des Angebots fehlgeschlagen:\n{
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Kein Zahlungskonto für die gewählte Währung
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Kein Zahlungskonto für die gewählte Währung
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=Sie haben kein Zahlungskonto für die gewählte Währung eingerichtet.\n\nWollen Sie stattdessen ein Handelsangebot für eine andere Währung erstellen?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=Sie haben kein Zahlungskonto für die gewählte Währung eingerichtet.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Kein passendes Zahlungskonto.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Kein passendes Zahlungskonto.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Dieses Angebot verwendet eine Zahlungsmethode die Sie noch nicht eingerichtet haben.\n\nWollen Sie jetzt ein neues Zahlungskonto einrichten?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Dieses Angebot verwendet eine Zahlungsmethode die Sie noch nicht eingerichtet haben.\n\nWollen Sie jetzt ein neues Zahlungskonto einrichten?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=Dieses Angebot benötigt eine Zahlungsmethode die Sie noch nicht eingerichtet haben.\n\nMöchten Sie jetzt automatisch ein Konto erstellen?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=Dieses Angebot benötigt eine Zahlungsmethode die Sie noch nicht eingerichtet haben.\n\nMöchten Sie jetzt automatisch ein Konto erstellen?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Sie bekommen {0} mehr verglichen zum aktuell
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Sie zahlen {0} weniger verglichen zum aktuellen Marktpreis (jede Minute aktualisiert).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Sie zahlen {0} weniger verglichen zum aktuellen Marktpreis (jede Minute aktualisiert).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Sie kaufen zu diesem Festpreis.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Sie kaufen zu diesem Festpreis.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Sie verkaufen zu diesem Festpreis.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Sie verkaufen zu diesem Festpreis.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=Im Konflikt ist zu beachten, dass die Vermittlung für dieses Angebot in {0} abgewickelt wird. Die Sprache ist derzeit auf {1} eingestellt.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Der Betrag wurde gerundet, um die Privatsphäre Ihres Handels zu erhöhen.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Der Betrag wurde gerundet, um die Privatsphäre Ihres Handels zu erhöhen.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=Sie haben soeben erfolgreich ein BSQ-Zahlungskonto erstellt.\nIhr Konto finden Sie unter Konto > Altcoin-Konten > {0} und Ihre BSQ-Wallet unter DAO > BSQ-Wallet.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=Sie haben soeben erfolgreich ein BSQ-Zahlungskonto erstellt.\nIhr Konto finden Sie unter Konto > Altcoin-Konten > {0} und Ihre BSQ-Wallet unter DAO > BSQ-Wallet.
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Betrag in BTC eingeben
createOffer.price.prompt=Preis eingeben
createOffer.price.prompt=Preis eingeben
createOffer.volume.prompt=Betrag in {0} eingeben
createOffer.volume.prompt=Betrag in {0} eingeben
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Betrag in BTC zu {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Betrag in BTC zu {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Auszugebender Betrag in BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Zu erhaltender Betrag in BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Auszugebender Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Auszugebender Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Zu erhaltender Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Zu erhaltender Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Zu verkaufender Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Zu kaufender Betrag in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimaler Betrag in BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimaler Betrag in BTC
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Ihr Angebot finanzieren
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Ihr Angebot finanzieren
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Die Handelsgebühren werden zur Finanzierung der
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Überprüfung: Anbieten Bitcoins zu {0}
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Überprüfung: Anbieten Bitcoins zu {0}
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Überprüfung: Anbieten {1} zu {0}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Ihr Angebot finanzieren
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Ihr Angebot finanzieren
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Handelsbetrag: {0} \n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Handelsbetrag: {0} \n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Proof of work erstellen...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Betrag in BTC eingeben
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Betrag in BTC eingeben
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Betrag in BTC zu verkaufen
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Betrag in BTC zu verkaufen
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Betrag in BTC zu kaufen
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Betrag in BTC zu kaufen
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Auszugebender Betrag in BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Zu erhaltender Betrag in BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Preis pro Bitcoin in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Preis pro Bitcoin in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Mögliche Betragsspanne
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Mögliche Betragsspanne
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag besitzt zu viele Nachkommastellen.\nDer Betrag wurde auf 4 Nachkommastellen angepasst.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Der eingegebene Betrag besitzt zu viele Nachkommastellen.\nDer Betrag wurde auf 4 Nachkommastellen angepasst.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Bis Ihr Trade in einem Block aufgenommen wird, k
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Überprüfung: Angebot annehmen Bitcoins zu {0}
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Überprüfung: Angebot annehmen Bitcoins zu {0}
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Überprüfung: Angebot annehmen {1} zu {0}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Sie können dieses Angebot nicht annehmen, da es auf einem Prozentsatz vom Marktpreis basiert, jedoch keiner verfügbar ist.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Sie können dieses Angebot nicht annehmen, da es auf einem Prozentsatz vom Marktpreis basiert, jedoch keiner verfügbar ist.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Ihren Handel finanzieren
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Ihren Handel finanzieren
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Handelsbetrag: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Handelsbetrag: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Um dieses Angebot anzunehmen müssen Sie {0} einzahlen.\n\nDer Betrag ist die Summe aus:\n{1}- Ihre Sicherheitskaution: {2}\n- Handelsgebühr: {3}\n- Mining-Gebühren: {4}\n\nSie können zwischen zwei Methoden wählen um Ihren Handel zu finanzieren:\n- Nutzen Sie Ihre Bisq-Wallet (bequem, aber Transaktionen könnten nachverfolgbar sein) ODER\n- Überweisen Sie von einer externen Wallet (möglicherweise mehr Privatsphäre)\n\nSie werden alle Einzahlungsmöglichkeiten und Details nach dem Schließen dieses Dialogs sehen.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Um dieses Angebot anzunehmen müssen Sie {0} einzahlen.\n\nDer Betrag ist die Summe aus:\n{1}- Ihre Sicherheitskaution: {2}\n- Handelsgebühr: {3}\n- Mining-Gebühren: {4}\n\nSie können zwischen zwei Methoden wählen um Ihren Handel zu finanzieren:\n- Nutzen Sie Ihre Bisq-Wallet (bequem, aber Transaktionen könnten nachverfolgbar sein) ODER\n- Überweisen Sie von einer externen Wallet (möglicherweise mehr Privatsphäre)\n\nSie werden alle Einzahlungsmöglichkeiten und Details nach dem Schließen dieses Dialogs sehen.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Wenn Sie bereits Gelder gezahlt haben, können Sie diese unter \"Gelder/Gelder senden\" abheben.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Wenn Sie bereits Gelder gezahlt haben, können Sie diese unter \"Gelder/Gelder senden\" abheben.
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Betrag festlegen
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Betrag festlegen
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Sie haben das Angebot bereits finanziert.\nWenn Sie jetzt abbrechen, werden Ihre Gelder in Ihre lokale Bisq-Wallet verschoben und können unter \"Gelder/Gelder senden\" abgehoben werden.\nSind Sie sicher, dass Sie abbrechen wollen?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Sie haben das Angebot bereits finanziert.\nWenn Sie jetzt abbrechen, werden Ihre Gelder in Ihre lokale Bisq-Wallet verschoben und können unter \"Gelder/Gelder senden\" abgehoben werden.\nSind Sie sicher, dass Sie abbrechen wollen?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Die Annahme des Angebots ist fehlgeschlagen, da das Angebot nicht mehr verfügbar ist. Möglicherweise hat zwischenzeitlich ein anderer Händler das Angebot angenommen.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Die Annahme des Angebots ist fehlgeschlagen, da das Angebot nicht mehr verfügbar ist. Möglicherweise hat zwischenzeitlich ein anderer Händler das Angebot angenommen.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Die Transaktionsgebühr muss mindestens {0} satoshis/v
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Ihre Eingabe ist höher als jeder sinnvolle Wert (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaktionsgebühren sind normalerweise zwischen 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Ihre Eingabe ist höher als jeder sinnvolle Wert (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaktionsgebühren sind normalerweise zwischen 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=Es sind keine Gelder in offenen Angeboten reserviert
funds.reserved.noFunds=Es sind keine Gelder in offenen Angeboten reserviert
funds.reserved.reserved=In lokaler Wallet für das Angebot mit dieser ID reserviert: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=Es sind keine Gelder in Trades gesperrt
funds.locked.noFunds=Es sind keine Gelder in Trades gesperrt
funds.locked.locked=Für den Handel mit dieser ID in MultiSig eingesperrt: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Gesendet nach:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Gesendet nach:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Erhalten mit:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Erhalten mit:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Aus Ursprungs-Tx:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Aus Ursprungs-Tx:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Mining-Gebühr für BSQ-Tx
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Mining-Gebühr für BSQ-Tx
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Ersteller- und Tx-Gebühr: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Abnehmer- und Tx-Gebühr: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=MultiSig-Kaution: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=MultiSig-Auszahlung: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Konfliktauszahlung: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Verlorener Konflikt: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Sicherheiten für die Rückerstattung: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Zeitgesperrte Auszahlung tx: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Erstattung aus dem Vermittlungsverfahren: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Unbekannter Grund: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Keine Rückzahlung vom Konflikt
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Keine Rückzahlung vom Konflikt
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Gelder erhalten
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Gelder erhalten
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Von Wallet abgehoben
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Von Wallet abgehoben
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Diese Transaktion sendet einen sehr kleinen BTC Betr
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=BTC gekauft:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=BTC gekauft:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=BTC verkauft:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=BTC verkauft:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap Trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=Status
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Bevorzugte Währung
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Nationale Währungen anzeigen
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Nationale Währungen anzeigen
setting.preferences.noFiat=Es wurden keine nationalen Währungen ausgewählt
setting.preferences.noFiat=Es wurden keine nationalen Währungen ausgewählt
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Sie können Ihre ausgewählte bevorzugte Anzeigewährung nicht entfernen
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Sie können Ihre ausgewählte bevorzugte Anzeigewährung nicht entfernen
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Altcoins anzeigen
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Altcoins anzeigen
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Es sind keine Altcoins ausgewählt
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Es sind keine Altcoins ausgewählt
setting.preferences.addFiat=Nationale Währung hinzufügen
setting.preferences.addFiat=Nationale Währung hinzufügen
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaktions-URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Vorheriger Hash
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Keine Vorschläge
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Keine Vorschläge
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Deine lokalen Daten stimmen mit mindestens einem Seed-Knoten nicht überein. Bitte synchronisiere den DAO-Status neu.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Deine lokalen Daten stimmen mit mindestens einem Seed-Knoten nicht überein. Bitte synchronisiere den DAO-Status neu.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Einer deiner Peers is nicht im Konsens mit dem Netzwerk, aber dein Knoten ist synchron mit den Seed-Knoten.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Ihr DAO-Zustand ist nicht mit den neuen Daten verbunden. Bitte synchronisieren Sie den DAO-Status erneut.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Ihr DAO-Zustand ist nicht mit den neuen Daten verbunden. Bitte synchronisieren Sie den DAO-Status erneut.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Dein lokaler Knoten ist in Konsens mit dem Netzwerk
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Dein lokaler Knoten ist in Konsens mit dem Netzwerk
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Ticket schließen
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket geschlossen am {0}\n{1}Node Adresse: {2}\n\nZusammenfassung:\nTrade ID: {3}\nWährung: {4}\nTrade-Betrag: {5}\nAuszahlungsbetrag für den BTC Käufer: {6}\nAuszahlungsbetrag für den BTC Verkäufer: {7}\n\nGrund für den Konflikt: {8}\n\nWeitere Hinweise:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Verpflichtung
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Ich stimme zu
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Ich stimme zu
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Bestätigen: Anbieten Bitcoin zu {0}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Bestätigen: Anbieten Bitcoin zu {0}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Überprüfung: Anbieten {1} zu {0}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Bestätigen: Angebot annehmen Bitcoin zu {0}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Bestätigen: Angebot annehmen Bitcoin zu {0}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Überprüfung: Angebot annehmen {1} zu {0}
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Onion-Adresse des Erstellers
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Onion-Adresse des Erstellers
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Stellen Sie sicher, dass eine Bank-Filiale in Ihrer N
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Ich bestätige, dass ich die Kaution zahlen kann
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Ich bestätige, dass ich die Kaution zahlen kann
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq wird heruntergefahren, aber Sie haben offene Angebote verfügbar.\n\nDiese Angebote sind nach dem Herunterfahren nicht mehr verfügbar und werden erneut im P2P-Netzwerk veröffentlicht wenn Sie das nächste Mal Bisq starten.\n\nLassen Sie Bisq weiter laufen und stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Computer online bleibt, um Ihre Angebote verfügbar zu halten (z.B.: verhindern Sie den Standby-Modus... der Standby-Modus des Monitors stellt kein Problem dar).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq wird heruntergefahren, aber Sie haben offene Angebote verfügbar.\n\nDiese Angebote sind nach dem Herunterfahren nicht mehr verfügbar und werden erneut im P2P-Netzwerk veröffentlicht wenn Sie das nächste Mal Bisq starten.\n\nLassen Sie Bisq weiter laufen und stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr Computer online bleibt, um Ihre Angebote verfügbar zu halten (z.B.: verhindern Sie den Standby-Modus... der Standby-Modus des Monitors stellt kein Problem dar).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Es scheint so als ob Sie Bisq auf Qubes OS laufen haben.\n\nBitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Bisq qube nach unserem Setup Guide eingerichtet wurde: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Es scheint so als ob Sie Bisq auf Qubes OS laufen haben.\n\nBitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Bisq qube nach unserem Setup Guide eingerichtet wurde: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade von Version {0} auf Version {1} wird nicht unterstützt. Bitte nutzen Sie die aktuelle Bisq Version.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade von Version {0} auf Version {1} wird nicht unterstützt. Bitte nutzen Sie die aktuelle Bisq Version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Es gab ein Problem mit der Synchronisierung des DAO-Zustands. Sie müssen die Anwendung neu starten, um das Problem zu beheben.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Es gab ein Problem mit der Synchronisierung des DAO-Zustands. Sie müssen die Anwendung neu starten, um das Problem zu beheben.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ Swap abgeschlossen
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Dein Angebot mit der ID "{0}" wurde akzeptiert.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Dein Angebot mit der ID "{0}" wurde akzeptiert.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ Swap Transaktion bestätigt
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ Swap Transaktion bestätigt
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=Die BSQ Swap-Transaktion für den Trade mit der ID ''{0}'' wurde bestätigt.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=Die BSQ Swap-Transaktion für den Trade mit der ID ''{0}'' wurde bestätigt.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Stadt für ein "Angesicht zu Angesicht" Treffen
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Die Stadt wird mit dem Angebot angezeigt
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Die Stadt wird mit dem Angebot angezeigt
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Freiwillige zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Freiwillige zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.extraInfo=Zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.extraInfo=Zusätzliche Informationen
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Gib spezielle Bedingungen, Abmachungen oder Details die bei ihren Angeboten unter diesem Zahlungskonto angezeigt werden sollen an. Nutzer werden diese Informationen vor der Annahme des Angebots sehen.
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Bitte geben Sie bei Ihren Angeboten folgendes an (möglichst in Englisch):\n\nLand, in dem Sie sich befinden (z. B. France); \nLänder / Regionen, aus denen Sie Händel akzeptieren würden (z. B. France, EU, oder any European country); \nAlle besonderen Bedingungen/Konditionen;\nSonstige Details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und Konditionen des Erstellers.\nWenn Sie die Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, nehmen Sie diesen Handel nicht an.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Überprüfen Sie die Bedingungen und Konditionen des Erstellers.\nWenn Sie die Anforderungen nicht erfüllen, nehmen Sie diesen Handel nicht an.
payment.f2f.info=Persönliche Händel "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') haben andere Regeln und andere Risiken als Online-Händel.\n\nDie Hauptunterschiede sind:\n● Die Handelspartner müssen Informationen über den Ort und die Uhrzeit des Treffens unter Verwendung ihrer angegebenen Kontaktdaten austauschen.\n● Die Handelspartner müssen ihre Laptops mitbringen und die Bestätigung "Zahlung gesendet" und "Zahlung erhalten" am Treffpunkt vornehmen.\n● Wenn der Ersteller eines Angebots spezielle "Geschäftsbedingungen" hat, muss er diese in seinem Konto unter dem Textfeld "Zusatzinformationen" angeben.\n● Mit der Annahme eines Angebots erklärt sich der Käufer mit den vom Ersteller angegebenen "Geschäftsbedingungen" einverstanden.\n● Im Konfliktfall kann der Vermittler oder die Schiedsperson nicht viel tun, da es in der Regel schwierig ist herauszubekommen, was bei dem Treffen wirklich passiert ist. In solchen Fällen bleiben die BTC auf unbestimmte Zeit gesperrt, oder bis die Handelspartner zu einer Einigung kommen.\n\nUm sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Besonderheiten der persönlichen "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') Händel vollständig verstehen, lesen Sie bitte die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info=Persönliche Händel "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') haben andere Regeln und andere Risiken als Online-Händel.\n\nDie Hauptunterschiede sind:\n● Die Handelspartner müssen Informationen über den Ort und die Uhrzeit des Treffens unter Verwendung ihrer angegebenen Kontaktdaten austauschen.\n● Die Handelspartner müssen ihre Laptops mitbringen und die Bestätigung "Zahlung gesendet" und "Zahlung erhalten" am Treffpunkt vornehmen.\n● Wenn der Ersteller eines Angebots spezielle "Geschäftsbedingungen" hat, muss er diese in seinem Konto unter dem Textfeld "Zusatzinformationen" angeben.\n● Mit der Annahme eines Angebots erklärt sich der Käufer mit den vom Ersteller angegebenen "Geschäftsbedingungen" einverstanden.\n● Im Konfliktfall kann der Vermittler oder die Schiedsperson nicht viel tun, da es in der Regel schwierig ist herauszubekommen, was bei dem Treffen wirklich passiert ist. In solchen Fällen bleiben die BTC auf unbestimmte Zeit gesperrt, oder bis die Handelspartner zu einer Einigung kommen.\n\nUm sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Besonderheiten der persönlichen "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Face') Händel vollständig verstehen, lesen Sie bitte die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Webseite öffnen
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Webseite öffnen
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Die Prüfsumme muss numerisch sein
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Nicht-alphanumerisches Zeichen entdeckt
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Nicht-alphanumerisches Zeichen entdeckt
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Die IBAN-Prüfsumme ist ungültig
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Die IBAN-Prüfsumme ist ungültig
validation.iban.invalidLength=Die Zahl muss zwischen 15 und 34 Zeichen lang sein.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Die Zahl muss zwischen 15 und 34 Zeichen lang sein.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Nicht-kanadische Postleitzahl
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Nicht-kanadische Postleitzahl
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Bitte geben Sie eine gültige 11-stellige Telefonnummer (ex:1-123-456-7890) oder eine E-Mail Adresse an
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Bitte geben Sie eine gültige 11-stellige Telefonnummer (ex:1-123-456-7890) oder eine E-Mail Adresse an
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Leerzeichen und/oder die Symbole _ , . ? - sind erlaubt
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Leerzeichen und/oder die Symbole _ , . ? - sind erlaubt
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=Ok
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.continueAnyway=Continuar de todos modos
shared.na=No disponible
shared.na=No disponible
shared.reportBug=Reportar error de software en Github
shared.reportBug=Reportar error de software en Github
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=No eliminar oferta
shared.editOffer=Editar oferta
shared.editOffer=Editar oferta
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicar oferta
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicar oferta
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Abrir código QR en ventana grande
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Abrir código QR en ventana grande
shared.tradingAccount=Cuenta de intercambio
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Elija cuenta de intercambio
shared.faq=Visitar web preguntas frecuentes
shared.faq=Visitar web preguntas frecuentes
shared.yesCancel=Sí, cancelar
shared.yesCancel=Sí, cancelar
shared.nextStep=Siguiente paso
shared.nextStep=Siguiente paso
shared.selectTradingAccount=Selecionar cuenta de intercambio
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transferir fondos desde la cartera Bisq
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transferir fondos desde la cartera Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Abrir su monedero externo para agregar fondos
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Abrir su monedero externo para agregar fondos
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Fallo al abrir la aplicación de cartera predeterminada. ¿Tal vez no tenga una instalada?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Fallo al abrir la aplicación de cartera predeterminada. ¿Tal vez no tenga una instalada?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Enviando: {0}\nDesde la dirección: {1}\nA la dir
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detectó que esta transacción crearía una salida que está por debajo del umbral mínimo considerada polvo (y no está permitida por las reglas de consenso en Bitcoin). En cambio, esta transacción polvo ({0} satoshi {1}) se agregará a la tarifa de minería.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detectó que esta transacción crearía una salida que está por debajo del umbral mínimo considerada polvo (y no está permitida por las reglas de consenso en Bitcoin). En cambio, esta transacción polvo ({0} satoshi {1}) se agregará a la tarifa de minería.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Copiar al portapapeles
shared.copyToClipboard=Copiar al portapapeles
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copiado al portapapeles!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Aplicar y cerrar
shared.applyAndShutDown=Aplicar y cerrar
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Confirmo
shared.openURL=Abrir {0}
shared.openURL=Abrir {0}
shared.otherAssets=otros activos
shared.advancedOptions=Opciones avanzadas
shared.advancedOptions=Opciones avanzadas
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Habilitado
mainView.menu.buyBtc=Comprar BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=Vender BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Ofertas según método de pago
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Comprar {0} (vender {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Vender {0} (comprar {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Comprar {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Vender {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vender {0} a
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vender {0} a
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Comprar {0} de
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Comprar {0} de
market.offerBook.buy=Quiero comprar bitcoin
market.offerBook.buy=Quiero comprar bitcoin
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Mostrar volumen en USD
offerbook.createOffer=Crear oferta
offerbook.createOffer=Crear oferta
offerbook.takeOffer=Tomar oferta
offerbook.takeOffer=Tomar oferta
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Crear cuenta y tomar la oferta
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Crear cuenta y tomar la oferta
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Tomar oferta de compra de {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Tomar oferta de venta de {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID del banco del creador (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID del banco del creador (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nombre del banco del creador: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nombre del banco del creador: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=País de establecimiento del banco del creador: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=País de establecimiento del banco del creador: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=País de establecimiento del banco aceptado (tomador): Todos los países Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=País de establecimiento del banco aceptado (tomador): Todos los países Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Países de sede de banco aceptados (tomador):\n {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Países de sede de banco aceptados (tomador):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Ofertas disponibles
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Comprar {0} con {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrar por moneda
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Vender {0} por {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrar por método de pago
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Elija moneda
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Elija método de pago
offerbook.matchingOffers=Ofertas que concuerden con mis cuentas
offerbook.matchingOffers=Ofertas que concuerden con mis cuentas
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Información de la cuenta
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Información de la cuenta
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=firmada por un árbitro y puede firmar cuentas de pares
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=firmada por un árbitro y puede firmar cuentas de pares
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
offerbook.deposit=Depósito en BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Depósito en BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Depósito pagado por cada comerciante para garantizar el intercambio. Será devuelto al acabar el intercambio.
offerbook.deposit.help=Depósito pagado por cada comerciante para garantizar el intercambio. Será devuelto al acabar el intercambio.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Crear nueva oferta para comprar {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Crear nueva oferta a {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Crear nueva oferta para vender {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Crear nueva oferta para comprar {0} con {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Crear nueva oferta para vender {0} por {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Crear nueva oferta para vender {0} (comprar {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Crear nueva oferta para comprar {0} (vender {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=Solo puede crear una oferta cada vez
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=Solo puede crear una oferta cada vez
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Tomar oferta {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Tomar oferta {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Sí, crear oferta
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Configurar una nueva cuenta de intercambio
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Configurar una nueva cuenta de intercambio
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Oferta eliminada con éxito.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Oferta eliminada con éxito.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Fallo en la eliminación de oferta:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Fallo en la eliminación de oferta:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Fallo en la publicación de la oferta:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=La oferta ha sido eliminada. Los fondos ya no están reservados para esta oferta. Puede enviar los fondos Disponibles a un monedero externo en la pantalla {0}.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=La oferta ha sido eliminada. Los fondos ya no están reservados para esta oferta. Puede enviar los fondos Disponibles a un monedero externo en la pantalla {0}.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No hay cuenta de intercambio para la moneda seleccionada
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No hay cuenta de intercambio para la moneda seleccionada
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=No tiene una cuenta de pago para la moneda seleccionada.\n¿Desea crear una oferta con otra moneda en su lugar?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=No tiene una cuenta de pago establecida para la moneda seleccionada.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No La cuenta de pago no concuerda.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No La cuenta de pago no concuerda.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Esta oferta usa un método de pago que no tiene configurado.\n\n¿Quiere configurar un nuevo método de pago ahora?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Esta oferta usa un método de pago que no tiene configurado.\n\n¿Quiere configurar un nuevo método de pago ahora?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=Esta oferta utiliza BSQ como método de pago, que aún no ha establecido .\n\nQuiere crear una cuenta automáticamente?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=Esta oferta utiliza BSQ como método de pago, que aún no ha establecido .\n\nQuiere crear una cuenta automáticamente?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Recibirá {0} más que el precio de mercado
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Pagará {0} menos que el precio de mercado actual (actualizado cada minuto)
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Pagará {0} menos que el precio de mercado actual (actualizado cada minuto)
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Comprará a este precio fijo.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Comprará a este precio fijo.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Venderá a este precio fijo.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Venderá a este precio fijo.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=En caso de disputa, tenga en cuenta que el arbitraje para esta oferta se manejará en {0}. El idioma actualmente está configurado en {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=La cantidad se redondeó para incrementar la privacidad de su intercambio.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=La cantidad se redondeó para incrementar la privacidad de su intercambio.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=Ha creado una cuenta de pago BSQ satisfactoriamente.\nsu cuenta puede encontrarse en Cuenta > Cuentas de altcoin > {0} y su monedero BSQ en DAO > Monedero BSQ.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=Ha creado una cuenta de pago BSQ satisfactoriamente.\nsu cuenta puede encontrarse en Cuenta > Cuentas de altcoin > {0} y su monedero BSQ en DAO > Monedero BSQ.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Introducir cantidad en BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Introducir precio
createOffer.price.prompt=Introducir precio
createOffer.volume.prompt=Introducir cantidad en {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=Introducir cantidad en {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Cantidad de BTC a {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Cantidad de BTC a {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Cantidad en BTC a gastar
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Cantidad en BTC a recibir
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Cantidad a gastar en {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Cantidad a gastar en {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Cantidad a recibir en {0}.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Cantidad a recibir en {0}.
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Cantidad en {0} a recibir
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Cantidad en {0} a comprar
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Cantidad mínima de BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Cantidad mínima de BTC
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depósito de seguridad
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depósito de seguridad
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Dote de fondos su oferta.
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Dote de fondos su oferta.
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Las tasas de intercambio se pagan para costear e
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Revisar: Poner oferta para {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Revisar: Poner oferta para {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Revisar: Poner oferta para {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Dote de fondos su trato.
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Dote de fondos su trato.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Cantidad a intercambiar: {0}\n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Cantidad a intercambiar: {0}\n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creando prueba de trabajo...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Introducir la cantidad en BTC
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Introducir la cantidad en BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Cantidad de BTC a vender
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Cantidad de BTC a vender
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Cantidad de BTC a comprar
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Cantidad de BTC a comprar
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Cantidad de BTC a gastar
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Cantidad de BTC a recibir
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Precio por bitcoin en {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Precio por bitcoin en {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Rango de cantidad posible.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Rango de cantidad posible.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=La cantidad introducida excede el número de decimales permitidos.\nLa cantidad ha sido ajustada a 4 decimales.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=La cantidad introducida excede el número de decimales permitidos.\nLa cantidad ha sido ajustada a 4 decimales.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Hasta que su intercambio se incluya en un bloque,
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Revisión: Tomar oferta a {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Revisión: Tomar oferta a {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Revisar: Tomar oferta para {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=No puede tomar esta oferta porque utiliza un precio porcentual basado en el precio de mercado y no hay fuentes de precio disponibles.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=No puede tomar esta oferta porque utiliza un precio porcentual basado en el precio de mercado y no hay fuentes de precio disponibles.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Dotar de fondos su intercambio
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Dotar de fondos su intercambio
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Cantidad a intercambiar: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Cantidad a intercambiar: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Necesita depositar {0} para tomar esta oferta.\n\nLa cantidad es la suma de:\n{1} - Su depósito de seguridad: {2}\n- Comisión de intercambio: {3}\n- Comisiones de minado totales: {4}\n\nPuede elegir entre dos opciones al depositar fondos para realizar su intercambio:\n- Usar su cartera Bisq (conveniente, pero las transacciones pueden ser trazables) O también\n- Transferir desde una cartera externa (potencialmente con mayor privacidad)\n\nVerá todos los detalles y opciones para depositar fondos al cerrar esta ventana.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Necesita depositar {0} para tomar esta oferta.\n\nLa cantidad es la suma de:\n{1} - Su depósito de seguridad: {2}\n- Comisión de intercambio: {3}\n- Comisiones de minado totales: {4}\n\nPuede elegir entre dos opciones al depositar fondos para realizar su intercambio:\n- Usar su cartera Bisq (conveniente, pero las transacciones pueden ser trazables) O también\n- Transferir desde una cartera externa (potencialmente con mayor privacidad)\n\nVerá todos los detalles y opciones para depositar fondos al cerrar esta ventana.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Si ya ha depositado puede retirarlo en la pantalla \"Fondos/Disponible para retirar\".
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Si ya ha depositado puede retirarlo en la pantalla \"Fondos/Disponible para retirar\".
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Información de pago
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Establecer cantidad
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Establecer cantidad
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Ya ha destinado fondos para esta oferta.\nSi cancela ahora, sus fondos serán transferidos a su cartera Bisq local y estarán disponibles para retirar en la pantalla \"Fondos/Enviar fondos\".\n¿Está seguro que quiere cancelar?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Ya ha destinado fondos para esta oferta.\nSi cancela ahora, sus fondos serán transferidos a su cartera Bisq local y estarán disponibles para retirar en la pantalla \"Fondos/Enviar fondos\".\n¿Está seguro que quiere cancelar?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Falló la solicitud de toma de oferta porque la oferta ya no está disponible. Tal vez otro comerciante la haya tomado en su lugar.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Falló la solicitud de toma de oferta porque la oferta ya no está disponible. Tal vez otro comerciante la haya tomado en su lugar.
@ -610,7 +607,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Desviación porcentual de precio de mercad
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=Hay un problema con una transacción inválida o no encontrada.\n\nPor faovr NO envíe el pago de fiat o altcoins.\n\nAbra un ticket de soporte para obtener asistencia de un mediador.\n\nMensaje de error: {0}
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=Hay un problema con una transacción inválida o no encontrada.\n\nPor faovr NO envíe el pago de fiat o altcoins.\n\nAbra un ticket de soporte para obtener asistencia de un mediador.\n\nMensaje de error: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=El depósito de seguridad en el intercambio {0} aún no se ha confirmado después de {1} horas. Compruebe la transacción de depósito en un explorador de bloques; si ha sido confirmado pero Bisq no lo muestra como tal: \n● Haga una copia de seguridad [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Resincronice el archivo SPV. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContacte con el soporte de Bisq [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] si tiene dudas o el problema persiste.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Esperar a la confirmación en la cadena de bloques
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Esperar a la confirmación en la cadena de bloques
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Comenzar pago
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Comenzar pago
@ -811,17 +808,17 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Después de la primera confirmación en la cad
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Si el periodo se excede ambos comerciantes pueden abrir una disputa.
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Si el periodo se excede ambos comerciantes pueden abrir una disputa.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Intercambio no completado a tiempo(hasta {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Intercambio no completado a tiempo(hasta {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Proceso de intercambio
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Proceso de intercambio
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=Si su problema persiste, puede solicitar soporte en nuestro [chat de Matrix ](https://bisq.chat).\n\nVea también las [reglas de intercambio](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) y [resolución de disputas](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) como referencia.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Si no está seguro de que el mensaje al mediador o árbitro llegó (Ej. si no ha tenido respuesta después de 1 día), siéntase libre de abrir una disputa de nuevo con Cmd/Ctrl+o. También puede pedir ayuda adicional en el forum de Bisq en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Si no está seguro de que el mensaje al mediador o árbitro llegó (Ej. si no ha tenido respuesta después de 1 día), siéntase libre de abrir una disputa de nuevo con Cmd/Ctrl+o. También puede pedir ayuda adicional en el forum de Bisq en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Abrir disputa de nuevo
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Abrir disputa de nuevo
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Abrir ticket de soporte
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Abrir ticket de soporte
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Por favor use esta función solo en caso de emergencia si no se muestra el botón \"Abrir soporte\" o \"Abrir disputa\".\n\nCuando abra un ticket de soporte el intercambio se interrumpirá y será manejado por un mediador o un árbitro.
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Por favor use esta función solo en caso de emergencia si no se muestra el botón \"Abrir soporte\" o \"Abrir disputa\".\n\nCuando abra un ticket de soporte el intercambio se interrumpirá y será manejado por un mediador o un árbitro.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Tiene hasta ≈{0} ({1} bloques más) antes de que pueda abrir una disputa de arbitraje.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Tiene hasta ≈{0} ({1} bloques más) antes de que pueda abrir una disputa de arbitraje.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=La transacción de depósito es inválida. No puede abrir una disputa sin una transacción de depósito válida. Por favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\n\nPara obtener ayuda contacte con el equipo de soporte en el canal Bisq de Matrix.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=La transacción de depósito es nula. Puede mover la transacción a operaciones fallidas.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=La transacción de depósito es nula. Puede mover la transacción a operaciones fallidas.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=La transacción de pago demorado es nula. Puede mover la transacción a operaciones fallidas.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=La transacción de pago demorado es nula. Puede mover la transacción a operaciones fallidas.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=El depósito de transacción no se ha confirmado. No puede abrir una disputa de arbitraje con una transacción de depósito no confirmada. Por favor espere a que se confirme o vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\n\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte en el canal Bisq de Matrix.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=¿Necesita ayuda?
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=¿Necesita ayuda?
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Abrir chat de intercambio
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Abrir chat de intercambio
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=La tasa de transacción debe ser al menos de {0} sat/v
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=El valor introducido está muy por encima de lo razonable (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). La tasa de transacción normalmente está en el rango de 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=El valor introducido está muy por encima de lo razonable (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). La tasa de transacción normalmente está en el rango de 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=No hay fondos reservados en las ofertas abiertas
funds.reserved.noFunds=No hay fondos reservados en las ofertas abiertas
funds.reserved.reserved=Reservados en el monedero local para la oferta con ID: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reservado en un monedero local
funds.locked.noFunds=No hay fondos bloqueados en intercambios
funds.locked.noFunds=No hay fondos bloqueados en intercambios
funds.locked.locked=Bloqueado en Multifirma para el intercambio con ID: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Bloqueado en multifirma
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Enviado a:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Enviado a:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Recibido con:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Recibido con:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Desde la transacción Génesis:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Desde la transacción Génesis:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Comisión de minería para la tx BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Comisión de minería para la tx BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Creador y comisión de transacción: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Tasa de creador y de tx
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Tomador y comisión de transacción: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Tasa de tomador y tx
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Depósito Multifirma: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Depósito multifirma
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Pago Multifirma: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Pago multifirma
funds.tx.disputePayout=Pago disputa:{0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Pago de disputa
funds.tx.disputeLost=Caso de pérdida de disputa: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Caso de disputa perdido
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Colateral para devolución de fondos: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Devolución de colateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Pago de transacción bloqueada en tiempo: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=timelock de tx de pago
funds.tx.refund=Devolución de fondos de arbitraje: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Devolución de fondos desde arbitraje
funds.tx.unknown=Razón desconocida: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Razón desconocida
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Sin devolución de disputa
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Sin devolución de disputa
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fondos recibidos
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fondos recibidos
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Retirar desde el monedero
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Retirar desde el monedero
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Esta transacción está enviando una cantidad de BTC
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=BTC comprados:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=BTC comprados:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=BTC vendidos:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=BTC vendidos:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=Intercambio swap BSQ: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=Intercambio swap BSQ
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=Estado
support.sendLogFiles=Enviar archivos de registro
support.sendLogFiles=Enviar archivos de registro
support.uploadTraderChat=Subir chat de intercambio
support.buyerOfferer= comprador/creador BTC
support.buyerOfferer= comprador/creador BTC
support.sellerOfferer=vendedor/creador BTC
support.sellerOfferer=vendedor/creador BTC
support.buyerTaker=comprador/Tomador BTC
support.buyerTaker=comprador/Tomador BTC
support.sellerTaker=vendedor/Tomador BTC
support.sellerTaker=vendedor/Tomador BTC
support.sendLogs.title=Enviar archivos de registro
support.sendLogs.title=Enviar archivos de registro
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=Cuando encuentre algún bug, los mediadores y agentes de soporte a menudo solicitarán copias de los archivos de registro para diagnosticar el problema\n\n\ Presionando 'enviar', sus archivos de registro se comprimirán y enviarán directamente al mediador.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=Cuando encuentre algún bug, los mediadores y agentes de soporte a menudo solicitarán copias de los archivos de registro para diagnosticar el problema\n\nPresionando 'enviar', sus archivos de registro se comprimirán y enviarán directamente al mediador.
support.sendLogs.step1=Crear archivo Zip de archivos de registro
support.sendLogs.step1=Crear archivo Zip de archivos de registro
support.sendLogs.step2=Solicitud de conexión con el mediador
support.sendLogs.step2=Solicitud de conexión con el mediador
support.sendLogs.step3=Subir datos de registro archivados
support.sendLogs.step3=Subir datos de registro archivados
@ -1048,8 +1047,8 @@ support.sendLogs.command=Pulse 'Enviar' para reintentar, o 'Parar' para abortar
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq no es una compañía, por ello maneja las disputas de una forma diferente.\n\nLos compradores y vendedores pueden comunicarse a través de la aplicación por un chat seguro en la pantalla de intercambios abiertos para intentar resolver una disputa por su cuenta. Si eso no es suficiente, un mediador puede intervenir para ayudar. El mediador evaluará la situación y dará una recomendación para el pago de los fondos de la transacción. Si ambos aceptan esta sugerencia, la transacción del pago se completa y el intercambio se cierra. Si uno o ambos no están de acuerdo con el pago recomendado por el mediador, pueden solicitar arbitraje. El árbitro re-evaluará la situación y, si es necesario, hará el pago personalmente y solicitará un reembolso de este pago a la DAO de Bisq.
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq no es una compañía, por ello maneja las disputas de una forma diferente.\n\nLos compradores y vendedores pueden comunicarse a través de la aplicación por un chat seguro en la pantalla de intercambios abiertos para intentar resolver una disputa por su cuenta. Si eso no es suficiente, un mediador puede intervenir para ayudar. El mediador evaluará la situación y dará una recomendación para el pago de los fondos de la transacción. Si ambos aceptan esta sugerencia, la transacción del pago se completa y el intercambio se cierra. Si uno o ambos no están de acuerdo con el pago recomendado por el mediador, pueden solicitar arbitraje. El árbitro re-evaluará la situación y, si es necesario, hará el pago personalmente y solicitará un reembolso de este pago a la DAO de Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Por favor, introduzca una descripción de su problema en el campo de texto inferior. Añada tanta información como sea posible para acelerar el tiempo de resolución de la disputa.\n\nAquí tiene una lista de la información que debería proveer:\n\t● Si es comprador BTC: Ha realizado la transferencia fiat o altcoin?Si es así, ha hecho click en el botón 'pago iniciado' en la aplicación?\n\t● Si es el vendedor BTC: Recibió el pago fiat o altcoin? Si es así, ha hecho click en 'pago recibido' de la aplicación?\n\t● Qué versión de Bisq está usando?\n\t● Qué sistema operativo está usando?\n\t● Si ha encontrado un problema con las transacciones fallidas por favor considere cambiar a un nuevo directorio de datos.\n\t A veces el directorio de datos se corrompe y lleva a errores extraños. \n\t Vea: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPor favor familiarícese con las reglas básicas del proceso de disputa:\n\t● tiene que responde a las solicitudes del {0} en 2 días.\n\t● {1}\n\t● El período máximo de una disputa es 14 días.\n\t● Necesita cooperar con el {2} y entregar toda la información que solicite para su caso.\n\t● Ha aceptado las reglas descritas en el documento de disputa en el acuerdo de usuario la primera vez que inició la aplicación\n\nPuede leer más acerca del proceso de disputa en: {3}
support.initialInfo=Por favor, introduzca una descripción de su problema en el campo de texto inferior. Añada tanta información como sea posible para acelerar el tiempo de resolución de la disputa.\n\nAquí tiene una lista de la información que debería proveer:\n\t● Si es comprador BTC: Ha realizado la transferencia fiat o altcoin?Si es así, ha hecho click en el botón 'pago iniciado' en la aplicación?\n\t● Si es el vendedor BTC: Recibió el pago fiat o altcoin? Si es así, ha hecho click en 'pago recibido' de la aplicación?\n\t● Qué versión de Bisq está usando?\n\t● Qué sistema operativo está usando?\n\t● Si ha encontrado un problema con las transacciones fallidas por favor considere cambiar a un nuevo directorio de datos.\n\t A veces el directorio de datos se corrompe y lleva a errores extraños. \n\t Vea: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPor favor familiarícese con las reglas básicas del proceso de disputa:\n\t● tiene que responde a las solicitudes del {0} en 2 días.\n\t● {1}\n\t● El período máximo de una disputa es 14 días.\n\t● Necesita cooperar con el {2} y entregar toda la información que solicite para su caso.\n\t● Ha aceptado las reglas descritas en el documento de disputa en el acuerdo de usuario la primera vez que inició la aplicación\n\nPuede leer más acerca del proceso de disputa en: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Los mediadores normalmente contestarán en unas 24h.\n\t SI no ha obtenido respuesta después de 48h por favor contacte con su mediador en Matrix.\n\t Los nombres de usuario de los mediadores son los mismos que en la aplicación de Bisq.\n\t Su mediador es: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Los árbitros generalmente contestarán en 5 díás.\n\t Si no ha obtenido respuesta después de 7 días puede contactar con el árbitro a través de Matrix.\n\t Los nombres de los árbitros en Matrix son los mismos que su usuario en la aplicación Bisq.\n\t Su árbitro es: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensaje de sistema: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensaje de sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Ha abierto una solicitud de soporte.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedTicket=Ha abierto una solicitud de soporte.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Ha abierto una solicitud de disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Ha abierto una solicitud de disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
@ -1091,12 +1090,13 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=La tasa de transacción debe ser al menos de {0} sa
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=El valor introducido está muy por encima de lo razonable (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). La tasa de transacción normalmente está en el rango de 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=El valor introducido está muy por encima de lo razonable (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). La tasa de transacción normalmente está en el rango de 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Pares ignorados [dirección onion:puerto]
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Pares ignorados [dirección onion:puerto]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Valor mínimo de output que no sea dust
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Valor mínimo de output que no sea dust
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Limpiar datos sensibles después de (días)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Monedas en lista para precio de mercado
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Monedas en lista para precio de mercado
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Moneda preferida
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Moneda preferida
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Mostrar monedas nacionales
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Mostrar monedas nacionales
setting.preferences.noFiat=No hay monedas nacionales seleccionadas
setting.preferences.noFiat=No hay monedas nacionales seleccionadas
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=No puede eliminar su moneda preferida para mostrar seleccionada
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=No puede eliminar su moneda preferida para mostrar seleccionada
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=No puede eliminar esta moneda altcoin principal
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Mostrar altcoins
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Mostrar altcoins
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=No hay altcoins seleccionadas
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=No hay altcoins seleccionadas
setting.preferences.addFiat=Añadir moneda nacional
setting.preferences.addFiat=Añadir moneda nacional
@ -1139,8 +1139,8 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Nombre
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=URL de transacción
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=URL de transacción
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=URL de la dirección
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=URL de la dirección
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=Nueva función de privacidad de datos
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=Para proteger la privacidad de usted y otros comerciantes, Bisq pretende eliminar los detalles de cuentas de pago de intercambios antiguos. Esto es particularmente importante para intercambios fiat que pueden incluir detalles de cuentas bancarias. Lea más en privacidad [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nEl umbral de eliminación de datos puede configurarse en esta pantalla a través del campo "limpiar datos sensibles después de (días)". Se recomienda establecerlo tan bajo como sea posible, por ejemplo 60 días. Esto implica que inttercambios con más de 60 días tendrán los detalles de cuenta de pago limpiados, siempre y cuando hayan finalizado. Los intercambios finalizados son aquellos que se encuentran en la pestaña Portafolio / Historial.
settings.net.btcHeader=Red Bitcoin
settings.net.btcHeader=Red Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Red Bisq
settings.net.p2pHeader=Red Bisq
@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Sí, y no preguntar de nuevo
account.seed.enterPw=Introducir contraseña para ver las palabras semilla
account.seed.enterPw=Introducir contraseña para ver las palabras semilla
account.seed.restore.info=Por favor haga una copia de seguridad antes de aplicar la restauración desde las palabras semilla. Tenga en cuenta que la restauración de cartera solo es para casos de emergencia y puede causar problemas con la base de datos interna del monedero.\nNo es el modo de aplicar una restauración de copia de seguridad! Por favor use una copia de seguridad desde el archivo de directorio de la aplicación para restaurar un estado de aplicación anterior.\n\nDespués de restaurar la aplicación se cerrará automáticamente. Después de reiniciar la aplicacion se resincronizará con la red Bitcoin. Esto puede llevar un tiempo y consumir mucha CPU, especialemente si la cartera es antigua y tiene muchas transacciones. Por favor evite interrumpir este proceso, o podría tener que borrar el archivo de la cadena SPV de nuevo o repetir el proceso de restauración.
account.seed.restore.info=Por favor haga una copia de seguridad antes de aplicar la restauración desde las palabras semilla. Tenga en cuenta que la restauración de cartera solo es para casos de emergencia y puede causar problemas con la base de datos interna del monedero.\nNo es el modo de aplicar una restauración de copia de seguridad! Por favor use una copia de seguridad desde el archivo de directorio de la aplicación para restaurar un estado de aplicación anterior.\n\nDespués de restaurar la aplicación se cerrará automáticamente. Después de reiniciar la aplicacion se resincronizará con la red Bitcoin. Esto puede llevar un tiempo y consumir mucha CPU, especialemente si la cartera es antigua y tiene muchas transacciones. Por favor evite interrumpir este proceso, o podría tener que borrar el archivo de la cadena SPV de nuevo o repetir el proceso de restauración.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, adelante con la restauración y el apagado de Bisq.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, adelante con la restauración y el apagado de Bisq.
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Por favor tenga en cuenta que las claves privadas del monedero son datos financieros muy sensibles.\n\n● NO debe entregar estas claves a ningún individuo que pregunte por ellas, a menos que esté completamente seguro de que se puede confiar en que maneje su dinero! \n\n● NO debe copiar copiar datos de clave privada en el portapapeles a menos que esté completamente seguro de que ejecuta un entorno de computación seguro y que no tiene riesgos de malware.\n\nMuchas personas han perdido sus Bitcoin de este modo. Si tiene CUALQUIER duda, cierre esta ventana inmediatamente y busque asistencia de alguien que entienda.
# Mobile notifications
# Mobile notifications
@ -1761,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Fecha
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Firmar un mensaje con una clave de transacción
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verificar un mensaje con una clave de transacción
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copiar firma al portapapeles
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copiar firma al portapapeles
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Hash previo
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=No. de propuestas
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=No. de propuestas
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Sus datos locales no están en consenso con al menos un nodo semilla. Por favor resincronice el estado DAO
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Sus datos locales no están en consenso con al menos un nodo semilla. Por favor resincronice el estado DAO
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Uno o más de sus pares no está en consenso con la red pero su nodo está en sincronía con la los nodos semilla.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Su nodo no está en consenso con los nodos semilla. Algunos de sus pares no están en consenso.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Su estado de cadena DAO no está conectando con los nuevos datos. Por favor reinicie el estado DAO.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Su estado de cadena DAO no está conectando con los nuevos datos. Por favor reinicie el estado DAO.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Su nodo local está en consenso con la red.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Su nodo local está en consenso con la red.
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Cerrar ticket
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket cerrado el {0}\n{1} dirección de nodo: {2}\n\nResumen:\nID de intercambio: {3}\nMoneda: {4}\nCantidad del intercambio: {5}\nCantidad de pago para el comprador de BTC: {6}\nCantidad de pago para el vendedor de BTC: {7}\n\nMotivo de la disputa: {8}\n\nNotas resumidas:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket cerrado en {0}\n{1} dirección de nodo {2}\n\nResumen:\nID de intercambio: {3}\nMoneda: {4}\nRazón para la disputa: {5}\nSugerencia de pago: {6}\nCantidad de intercambio: {7}\nCantidad de pago del comprador BTC: {8}\nCantidad de pago del vendedor de BTC: {9}\n\nNotas de resumen:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2228,8 +2228,8 @@ enterPrivKeyWindow.headline=Introduzca la clave privada para registrarse
filterWindow.headline=Editar lista de filtro
filterWindow.headline=Editar lista de filtro
filterWindow.offers=Ofertas filtradas (separadas por coma)
filterWindow.offers=Ofertas filtradas (separadas por coma)
filterWindow.onions=Banned from trading addresses (comma sep.)
filterWindow.onions=Direcciones restringidas de intercambio (separadas por coma)
filterWindow.bannedFromNetwork=Banned from network addresses (comma sep.)
filterWindow.bannedFromNetwork=Direcciones restringidas de la red (separadas por coma)
filterWindow.accounts=Cuentas de intercambio filtradas:\nFormato: lista de [ID método de pago | campo de datos | valor] separada por coma.
filterWindow.accounts=Cuentas de intercambio filtradas:\nFormato: lista de [ID método de pago | campo de datos | valor] separada por coma.
filterWindow.bannedCurrencies=Códigos de moneda filtrados (separados por coma)
filterWindow.bannedCurrencies=Códigos de moneda filtrados (separados por coma)
filterWindow.bannedPaymentMethods=ID's de métodos de pago filtrados (separados por coma)
filterWindow.bannedPaymentMethods=ID's de métodos de pago filtrados (separados por coma)
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Compromiso
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Estoy de acuerdo
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Estoy de acuerdo
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Términos y condiciones:
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Términos y condiciones:
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Confirmar: Poner oferta para {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Confirmar: Poner oferta para {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirmar: Poner oferta para {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirmar: Tomar oferta {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirmar: Tomar oferta {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirmar: Tomar oferta para {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Fecha de creación
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Fecha de creación
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Dirección onion del creador
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Dirección onion del creador
@ -2443,13 +2445,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=El DAO Bisq y BSQ estén temporalmente deshabilitados.
popup.warning.noFilter=No hemos recibido un objeto de filtro desde los nodos semilla. Esta situación no se esperaba. Por favor, informe a los desarrolladores Bisq.
popup.warning.noFilter=No hemos recibido un objeto de filtro desde los nodos semilla. Esta situación no se esperaba. Por favor, informe a los desarrolladores Bisq.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Esta transacción no es posible, ya que las comisiones de minado de {0} excederían la cantidad a transferir de {1}. Por favor, espere a que las comisiones de minado bajen o hasta que haya acumulado más BTC para transferir.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Esta transacción no es posible, ya que las comisiones de minado de {0} excederían la cantidad a transferir de {1}. Por favor, espere a que las comisiones de minado bajen o hasta que haya acumulado más BTC para transferir.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=La transacción de tasa de tomador para la oferta con ID {0} se rechazó por la red Bitcoin.\nID de transacción={1}\nLa oferta se ha eliminado para evitar futuros problemas.\nPor favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte de Bisq en el canal de Bisq en Matrix.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=tasa de intercambio
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=tasa de intercambio
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=La transacción {0} para el intercambio con ID {1} se rechazó por la red Bitcoin.\nID de transacción={2}\nEl intercambio se movió a intercambios fallidos.\nPor favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte de Bisq en el canal de Bisq en Matrix.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=La transacción de tasa de creador para la oferta con ID {0} es inválida.\nID de transacción={1}.\nPor favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte de Bisq en el canal de Bisq de Matrix.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Para asegurarse de que ambos comerciantes siguen el protocolo de intercambio, ambos necesitan pagar un depósito de seguridad.\n\nEl depósito se guarda en su monedero de intercambio hasta que el intercambio se complete, y entonces se devuelve.\n\nPor favor, tenga en cuenta que al crear una nueva oferta, Bisq necesita estar en ejecución para que otro comerciante la tome. Para mantener sus ofertas en línea, mantenga Bisq funcionando y asegúrese de que su computadora está en línea también (Ej. asegúrese de que no pasa a modo standby...el monitor en standby no es problema!)
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Para asegurarse de que ambos comerciantes siguen el protocolo de intercambio, ambos necesitan pagar un depósito de seguridad.\n\nEl depósito se guarda en su monedero de intercambio hasta que el intercambio se complete, y entonces se devuelve.\n\nPor favor, tenga en cuenta que al crear una nueva oferta, Bisq necesita estar en ejecución para que otro comerciante la tome. Para mantener sus ofertas en línea, mantenga Bisq funcionando y asegúrese de que su computadora está en línea también (Ej. asegúrese de que no pasa a modo standby...el monitor en standby no es problema!)
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Por favor asegúrese de que tiene una oficina bancari
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Confirmo que puedo hacer el depósito
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Confirmo que puedo hacer el depósito
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq se está cerrando, pero hay ofertas abiertas.\n\nEstas ofertas no estarán disponibles en la red P2P mientras Bisq esté cerrado, pero serán re-publicadas a la red P2P la próxima vez que inicie Bisq.\n\nPara mantener sus ofertas en línea, mantenga Bisq ejecutándose y asegúrese de que la computadora permanece en línea también (Ej. asegúrese de que no se pone en modo standby... el monitor en espera no es un problema).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq se está cerrando, pero hay ofertas abiertas.\n\nEstas ofertas no estarán disponibles en la red P2P mientras Bisq esté cerrado, pero serán re-publicadas a la red P2P la próxima vez que inicie Bisq.\n\nPara mantener sus ofertas en línea, mantenga Bisq ejecutándose y asegúrese de que la computadora permanece en línea también (Ej. asegúrese de que no se pone en modo standby... el monitor en espera no es un problema).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Parece que está ejecutando Bisq en Qubes OS\n\nAsegúrese de que su Bisq qube esté configurado de acuerdo con nuestra Guía de configuración en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes]
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Parece que está ejecutando Bisq en Qubes OS\n\nAsegúrese de que su Bisq qube esté configurado de acuerdo con nuestra Guía de configuración en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes]
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=Parece que esta máquina bloquea conexiones Tor entrantes. Esto puede suceder en entornos VM como Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix.\n\nPor favor configure su entorno para aceptar conexiones entrantes Tor, de otra forma nadie podrá tomar sus ofertas.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Degradar desde la versión {0} a la versión {1} no está soportado. Por favor use la última versión de Bisq.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Degradar desde la versión {0} a la versión {1} no está soportado. Por favor use la última versión de Bisq.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Hubo un problema sincronizando el estado de la DAO. Tiene que reiniciar la aplicación para solucionar el problema.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Hubo un problema sincronizando el estado de la DAO. Tiene que reiniciar la aplicación para solucionar el problema.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=Swap BSQ completado
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Su oferta con ID "{0}" ha sido tomada
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Su oferta con ID "{0}" ha sido tomada
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=Transacción de swap BSQ confirmada
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=Transacción de swap BSQ confirmada
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=La transacción de swap BSQ con ID de intercambio "{0}" se ha confirmado.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=La transacción de swap BSQ con ID de intercambio "{0}" se ha confirmado.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nEs raro que haya fallos en intercambios swaps BSQ, en casos como este vale la pena comprobar si:\n● su estado de DAO está sincronizado sin errores.\n● su monedero SPV funciona correctamente.\n\nEl estado DAO puede verse navegando a DAO -> Monitor de red -> Estado de DAO. Puede resincronizar pulsando el botón "Reconstruir el Estado de la DAO desde recursos" en "Configuración - > Preferencias.\n\nEl estado SPV es más complicado de determinar, normalmente resincronizar es necesario cuando tenga problemas haciendo transacciones en la cadena de bloques. Más info en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2600,7 +2605,7 @@ confidence.seen=Visto por {0} par/es / 0 confirmaciones
confidence.confirmed=Confirmado en {0} bloque/s
confidence.confirmed=Confirmado en {0} bloque/s
confidence.invalid=La transacción es inválida
confidence.invalid=La transacción es inválida
peerInfo.title=Información del par
peerInfo.title=Información del par
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Número de intercambios completados
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Número de intercambios completados
@ -2704,7 +2709,7 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivar clave desde contraseña
password.walletDecrypted=El monedero se desencriptó con éxito y se eliminó la protección por contraseña.
password.walletDecrypted=El monedero se desencriptó con éxito y se eliminó la protección por contraseña.
password.wrongPw=Ha introducido la contraseña incorrecta.\n\nPor favor, introduzca nuevamente la contraseña, evitando errores.
password.wrongPw=Ha introducido la contraseña incorrecta.\n\nPor favor, introduzca nuevamente la contraseña, evitando errores.
password.walletEncrypted=El monedero se encriptó con éxito y se activó la protección por contraseña.
password.walletEncrypted=El monedero se encriptó con éxito y se activó la protección por contraseña.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=No se pudo establecer la contraseña de de la cartera. Puede haber importado palabras semilla que no corresponden a la base de datos del monedero. Por favor contacte con los desarrolladores en Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Las 2 contraseñas introducidas no coinciden.
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Las 2 contraseñas introducidas no coinciden.
password.forgotPassword=¿Ha olvidado la contraseña?
password.forgotPassword=¿Ha olvidado la contraseña?
password.backupReminder=Por favor, al establecer una contraseña para la cartera, tenga en cuenta que todas las copias de seguridad creadas de la cartera no encriptada serán borradas automáticamente
password.backupReminder=Por favor, al establecer una contraseña para la cartera, tenga en cuenta que todas las copias de seguridad creadas de la cartera no encriptada serán borradas automáticamente
@ -2904,11 +2909,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.account=Por favor, asegúrese de incluir su número de teléfono asociado con su cuenta Nequi.\n\nCuando nuevos usuarios configuran una cuenta Nequi los límites de pago se establecen en un máximo de ~7.000.000 COP que pueden gastarse al mes.\n\nSi quiere intercambiar más de 7.000.000 COP por intercambio necesitará completar KYC con Bancocolombia y pagar una casa de alrededor de 15.000 COP. Después de esto todas las transacciones tendrán una tasa de 0.4%. Por favor asegúrese de que está al tanto de las últimas tasas.\n\nLos usuarios deben estar atentos también a los límites de cuenta. Si intercambia por encima de los límites, su intercambio podría ser cancelado y podría haber una penalización.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Por favor envíe el pago solo al número de teléfono proporcionado por la cuenta del vendedor de BTC en Bisq.\n\nCuando los usuarios configuran una cuenta Nequi, los límites de pago se establecen en un máximo de ~7.000.000 COP que se puede enviar por mes.\n\nSi intenta hacer un pago por encima de 7.000.000 COP por intercambio necesitará completar KYC con Bancocolombia y pagar una tasa de alrededor de 15.000 COP. Después de esto todas las transacciones tendrán una tasa de 0.4%. Por favor asegúrese de que conoce las últimas tasas.\n\nLos usuarios deben conocer estos límites de cuenta. Si intercambia por encima de los límites, su intercambio puede ser cancelado y podría haber una penalización.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Por favor compruebe que el pago recibido concuerda con el número de teléfono en la cuenta Bisq del comprador de BTC.\n\nCuando los usuarios configuran una cuenta Nequi, los límites de pago se establecen en un máximo de ~7.000.000 COP a enviar por mes.\n\nSi intenta intercambiar una cantidad por encima de 7.000.000 COP por intercambio tendrá que completar el KYC con Bancocolombia y pagar una tasa de alrededor de 15.000 COP. Después de esto todas las transacciones incurirán en una tasa de 0.4%. Por favor asegúrese de que está al tanto de las tasas recientes.\n\nLos también deben estar al tanto de los límites de cuenta. Si intercambia por encima de los límites, su intercambio puede ser cancelado y podría haber una penalización.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=Para usar Bizum necesita una cuenta bancaria (IBAN) en España y debe registrarse para el servicio.\n\nBizum puede usarse para intercambios entre 0.5€ y 1.000€.\n\nLa cantidad máxima de transacciones que se pueden enviar/recibir usando Bizum es de 2.000 eur/día.\n\nLos usuarios de Bizum pueden tener un máximo de 150 operaciones al mes.\n\nCada banco puede establecer sus propios límites, dentro de los límites anteriores, para sus clientes.\n\nLos comerciantes en Bisq deben estar al tanto de los límite de cuenta. Si intercambia por encima de los límites intercambio su intercambio se podría cancelar y podría haber una penalización.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Por favor, envíe el pago solo al número de télefono móvil del vendedor de BTC proporcionado en Bisq.\n\nel tamaño máximo de intercambio es 1.000€ por pago. La cantidad máxima de transacciones que puede enviar usando Bizum es de 2.000€ al día.\n\nSi su intercambio está por encima de estos límites su intercambio podría cancelarse y haber una penalización.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Por favor, envíe el pago solo al número de télefono móvil del vendedor de BTC proporcionado en Bisq.\n\nel tamaño máximo de intercambio es 1.000€ por pago. La cantidad máxima de transacciones que puede enviar usando Bizum es de 2.000€ al día.\n\nSi su intercambio está por encima de estos límites su intercambio podría cancelarse y haber una penalización.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Por favor asegúrese de que su pago se recibe desde el número de teléfono móvil del comprador de BTC proporcionado en Bisq.\n\nLa cantidad máxima de intercambio es de 1.000€ por pago. El tamaño máximo de transacciones a recibir usando Bizum es de 2.000€ al día.\n\nSi su intercambio está por encima de estos límites su intercambio podría ser cancelado y haber una penalización.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Por favor asegúrese de que su pago se recibe desde el número de teléfono móvil del comprador de BTC proporcionado en Bisq.\n\nLa cantidad máxima de intercambio es de 1.000€ por pago. El tamaño máximo de transacciones a recibir usando Bizum es de 2.000€ al día.\n\nSi su intercambio está por encima de estos límites su intercambio podría ser cancelado y haber una penalización.
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Ciudad para la reunión 'cara a cara'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=La ciudad se mostrará con la oferta
payment.f2f.city.prompt=La ciudad se mostrará con la oferta
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Información adicional opcional
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Información adicional opcional
payment.shared.extraInfo=Información adicional
payment.shared.extraInfo=Información adicional
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Defina cualquier término especial, condiciones o detalles que quiera mostrar junto a sus ofertas para esta cuenta de pago (otros usuarios podrán ver esta información antes de aceptar las ofertas).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Defina cualquier término especial, condiciones o detalles que quiera mostrar junto a sus ofertas para esta cuenta de pago (otros usuarios podrán ver esta información antes de aceptar las ofertas). Este campo NO DEBE ser usado para mostrar una manera de contactar a su par fuera de Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Por favor indique en sus ofertas:\n\nEl país en el que se encuentra (p.ej. Francia);\nPaíses / regiones desde las que acepta intercambios (p.ej. Francia, EU o cualquier país europeo);\nCaulquier término o condición especial;\nCualquier otros detalles.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Por favor indique en sus ofertas:\n\nEl país en el que se encuentra (p.ej. Francia);\nPaíses / regiones desde las que acepta intercambios (p.ej. Francia, EU o cualquier país europeo);\nCualquier término o condición especial;\nOtros detalles.\nEste campo NO DEBE ser usado para mostrar una manera de contactar a su par fuera de Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Por favor revise los términos y condiciones del creador de la oferta.\nSi no cumple con los requerimientos, no la tome.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Por favor revise los términos y condiciones del creador de la oferta.\nSi no cumple con los requerimientos, no la tome.
payment.f2f.info=Los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' tienen diferentes reglas y riesgos que las transacciones en línea.\n\nLas principales diferencias son:\n● Los pares de intercambio necesitan intercambiar información acerca del punto de reunión y la hora usando los detalles de contacto proporcionados.\n● Los pares de intercambio tienen que traer sus portátiles y hacer la confirmación de 'pago enviado' y 'pago recibido' en el lugar de reunión.\n● Si un creador tiene 'términos y condiciones' especiales necesita declararlos en el campo de texto 'información adicional' en la cuenta.\n● Tomando una oferta el tomador está de acuerdo con los 'términos y condiciones' declarados por el creador.\n● En caso de disputa el árbitro no puede ayudar mucho ya que normalmente es complicado obtener evidencias no manipulables de lo que ha pasado en una reunión. En estos casos los fondos BTC pueden bloquearse indefinidamente o hasta que los pares lleguen a un acuerdo.\n\nPara asegurarse de que comprende las diferencias con los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' por favor lea las instrucciones y recomendaciones en: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info=Los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' tienen diferentes reglas y riesgos que las transacciones en línea.\n\nLas principales diferencias son:\n● Los pares de intercambio necesitan intercambiar información acerca del punto de reunión y la hora usando los detalles de contacto proporcionados.\n● Los pares de intercambio tienen que traer sus portátiles y hacer la confirmación de 'pago enviado' y 'pago recibido' en el lugar de reunión.\n● Si un creador tiene 'términos y condiciones' especiales necesita declararlos en el campo de texto 'información adicional' en la cuenta.\n● Tomando una oferta el tomador está de acuerdo con los 'términos y condiciones' declarados por el creador.\n● En caso de disputa el árbitro no puede ayudar mucho ya que normalmente es complicado obtener evidencias no manipulables de lo que ha pasado en una reunión. En estos casos los fondos BTC pueden bloquearse indefinidamente o hasta que los pares lleguen a un acuerdo.\n\nPara asegurarse de que comprende las diferencias con los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' por favor lea las instrucciones y recomendaciones en: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir paǵina web
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir paǵina web
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=El checksum debe ser numérico
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Detectado carácter no alfanumérico
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Detectado carácter no alfanumérico
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=El checksum de IBAN es inválido
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=El checksum de IBAN es inválido
validation.iban.invalidLength=El número debe tener una longitud de 15 a 34 caracteres.
validation.iban.invalidLength=El número debe tener una longitud de 15 a 34 caracteres.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA no está soportado en este país
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Código de area no canadiense
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Código de area no canadiense
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Por favor introduzca un número de teléfono de 11 dígitos (p.ej. 1-123-456-7890) o una dirección email.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Por favor introduzca un número de teléfono de 11 dígitos (p.ej. 1-123-456-7890) o una dirección email.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Debe contener solamente letras, números, espacios y/o símbolos ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Debe contener solamente letras, números, espacios y/o símbolos ' _ , . ? -
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=پیشنهاد را حذف نکنید
shared.editOffer=ویرایش پیشنهاد
shared.editOffer=ویرایش پیشنهاد
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.tradingAccount=حساب معاملات
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.yesCancel=بله، لغو شود
shared.yesCancel=بله، لغو شود
shared.nextStep=گام بعدی
shared.nextStep=گام بعدی
shared.selectTradingAccount=حساب معاملات را انتخاب کنید
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=انتقال وجه از کیف Bisq
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=انتقال وجه از کیف Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=برای تهیه پول، کیف پول بیرونی خود را باز کنید
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=برای تهیه پول، کیف پول بیرونی خود را باز کنید
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=کپی در کلیپبورد
shared.copyToClipboard=کپی در کلیپبورد
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
shared.applyAndShutDown=اعمال و خاموش کردن
shared.applyAndShutDown=اعمال و خاموش کردن
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=تایید میکنم
shared.openURL=باز {0}
shared.openURL=باز {0}
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.advancedOptions=گزینههای پیشرفته
shared.advancedOptions=گزینههای پیشرفته
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Enabled
mainView.menu.buyBtc=خرید بیتکوین
mainView.menu.sellBtc=فروش بیتکوین
mainView.menu.portfolio=سبد سرمایه
mainView.menu.portfolio=سبد سرمایه
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offers by Payment Method
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=خرید {0} (فروش {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=فروش {1} (خرید {0})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=خرید {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=فروش {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=فروش {0} به
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=فروش {0} به
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=خرید {0} از
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=خرید {0} از
market.offerBook.buy=میخواهم بیتکوین بخرم.
market.offerBook.buy=میخواهم بیتکوین بخرم.
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Show volume in USD
offerbook.createOffer=ایجاد پیشنهاد
offerbook.createOffer=ایجاد پیشنهاد
offerbook.takeOffer=برداشتن پیشنهاد
offerbook.takeOffer=برداشتن پیشنهاد
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=پیشنهاد خرید {0} را بردار
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=پیشنهاد فروش {0} را بردار
offerbook.offerersBankId=شناسه بانک سفارشگذار (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=شناسه بانک سفارشگذار (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=نام بانک سفارشگذار : {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=نام بانک سفارشگذار : {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=کشور بانک سفارشگذار: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=کشور بانک سفارشگذار: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=بانکهای کشورهای پذیرفته شده (پذیرنده): تمام کشورهای یورو
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=بانکهای کشورهای پذیرفته شده (پذیرنده): تمام کشورهای یورو
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=بانکهای کشورهای پذیرفته شده (پذیرنده): \n{0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=بانکهای کشورهای پذیرفته شده (پذیرنده): \n{0}
offerbook.availableOffers=پیشنهادهای موجود
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=فیلتر بر اساس ارز
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=فیلتر بر اساس روش پرداخت
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (حداقل - حداکثر)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=پیشنهاد جدید برای خرید {0} ایجاد کن
offerbook.createNewOffer=پیشنهاد جدیدی برای {0} {1} ایجاد کنید
offerbook.createOfferToSell=پیشنهاد جدید برای فروش {0} ایجاد کن
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=پیشنهاد جدید برای خرید {0} با {1} ایجاد کن
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=پیشنهاد جدید برای فروش {0} به ازای {1} ایجاد کن
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=پیشنهاد جدید برای فروش {0} (خرید {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=پیشنهاد جدید برای خرید {0} (فروش {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=پیشنهاد را برای {0} بردار
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=پیشنهاد را برای {0} بردار
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=بلی، ایجاد پیشنهاد
offerbook.setupNewAccount=تنظیم یک حساب معاملات جدید
offerbook.setupNewAccount=تنظیم یک حساب معاملات جدید
offerbook.removeOffer.success=حذف پیشنهاد موفقیت آمیز بود.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=حذف پیشنهاد موفقیت آمیز بود.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=حذف پیشنهاد ناموفق بود:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=حذف پیشنهاد ناموفق بود:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=انتشار پیشنهاد ناموفق بود:\
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.\n\nWould you like to create an offer for another currency instead?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice={0} بیشتر از قیمت روز فعلی
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice={0} کمتر از قیمت روز فعلی بازار، پرداخت خواهید کرد (به روز رسانی در هر دقیقه).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice={0} کمتر از قیمت روز فعلی بازار، پرداخت خواهید کرد (به روز رسانی در هر دقیقه).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=با این قیمت مقطوع خرید خواهید کرد.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=با این قیمت مقطوع خرید خواهید کرد.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=با این قیمت مقطوع، خواهید فروخت.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=با این قیمت مقطوع، خواهید فروخت.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=در صورت اختلاف، لطفا توجه داشته باشید که داوری برای این پیشنهاد در {0} مدیریت خواهد شد. زبان در حال حاضر {1} تنظیم شده است.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=مقدار برای حفظ حریم خصوصی شما گرد شده است.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=مقدار برای حفظ حریم خصوصی شما گرد شده است.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=مقدار را به بیتکوین وارد کنید.
createOffer.price.prompt=قیمت را وارد کنید
createOffer.price.prompt=قیمت را وارد کنید
createOffer.volume.prompt=مقدار را در {0} وارد کنید
createOffer.volume.prompt=مقدار را در {0} وارد کنید
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=مقدار BTC برای {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=مقدار BTC برای {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=مقدار در {0} به منظور خرج کردن
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=مقدار در {0} به منظور خرج کردن
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=مقدار در {0} به منظور دریافت نمودن
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=مقدار در {0} به منظور دریافت نمودن
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=حداقل مقدار بیتکوین
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=حداقل مقدار بیتکوین
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=سپردهی اطمینان
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=سپردهی اطمینان
createOffer.fundsBox.title=پیشنهاد خود را تامین وجه نمایید
createOffer.fundsBox.title=پیشنهاد خود را تامین وجه نمایید
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=بررسی: پیشنهاد را برای {0} بیتکوین بگذارید
createOffer.placeOfferButton=بررسی: پیشنهاد را برای {0} بیتکوین بگذارید
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=پیشنهاد خود را تامین وجه نمایید
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=پیشنهاد خود را تامین وجه نمایید
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=مقدار معامله:{0}\n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=مقدار معامله:{0}\n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=مقدار را به بیتکوین وارد کنید.
takeOffer.amount.prompt=مقدار را به بیتکوین وارد کنید.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=مقدار بیتکوین به منظور فروش
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=مقدار بیتکوین به منظور فروش
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=مقدار بیتکوین به منظور خرید
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=مقدار بیتکوین به منظور خرید
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=قیمت به ازای هر بیتکوین در {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=قیمت به ازای هر بیتکوین در {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=محدودهی مقدار ممکن
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=محدودهی مقدار ممکن
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=مقداری که شما وارد کردهاید، از تعداد عددهای اعشاری مجاز فراتر رفته است.\nمقدار به 4 عدد اعشاری تنظیم شده است.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=مقداری که شما وارد کردهاید، از تعداد عددهای اعشاری مجاز فراتر رفته است.\nمقدار به 4 عدد اعشاری تنظیم شده است.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=بررسی: برای {0} بیتکوین پیشنهاد بگذارید.
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=بررسی: برای {0} بیتکوین پیشنهاد بگذارید.
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=امکان پذیرفتن پیشنهاد وجود ندارد. پیشنهاد از قیمت درصدی مبتنی بر قیمت روز بازار استفاده میکند و قیمتهای بازار هماکنون در دسترس نیست.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=امکان پذیرفتن پیشنهاد وجود ندارد. پیشنهاد از قیمت درصدی مبتنی بر قیمت روز بازار استفاده میکند و قیمتهای بازار هماکنون در دسترس نیست.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=معامله خود را تأمین وجه نمایید
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=معامله خود را تأمین وجه نمایید
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=مقدار معامله: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=مقدار معامله: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=اگر شما در حال حاضر در وجوه، پرداختی داشته اید، می توانید آن را در صفحه ی \"وجوه/ارسال وجوه\" برداشت کنید.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=اگر شما در حال حاضر در وجوه، پرداختی داشته اید، می توانید آن را در صفحه ی \"وجوه/ارسال وجوه\" برداشت کنید.
takeOffer.paymentInfo=اطلاعات پرداخت
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=تنظیم مقدار
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=تنظیم مقدار
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=شما در حال حاضر، آن پیشنهاد را تامین وجه کردهاید.\nاگر اکنون لغو کنید، وجوه شما به کیف پول محلی Bisq منتقل خواهد شد و برای برداشت در صفحه ی \"وجوه/ارسال وجوه\" در درسترس است.\nآیا شما مطمئن هستید که میخواهید لغو کنید؟
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=شما در حال حاضر، آن پیشنهاد را تامین وجه کردهاید.\nاگر اکنون لغو کنید، وجوه شما به کیف پول محلی Bisq منتقل خواهد شد و برای برداشت در صفحه ی \"وجوه/ارسال وجوه\" در درسترس است.\nآیا شما مطمئن هستید که میخواهید لغو کنید؟
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=درخواست پذیرفتن پیشنهاد ناموفق بود، چون پیشنهاد دیگر در دسترس نیست. شاید معاملهگر دیگری همزمان پیشنهاد را برداشته است.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=درخواست پذیرفتن پیشنهاد ناموفق بود، چون پیشنهاد دیگر در دسترس نیست. شاید معاملهگر دیگری همزمان پیشنهاد را برداشته است.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=هیچ وجهی در پیشنهادهای باز اندوخته نشده است.
funds.reserved.noFunds=هیچ وجهی در پیشنهادهای باز اندوخته نشده است.
funds.reserved.reserved=اندوختهی کیف پول محلی برای پیشنهاد با شناسه: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=هیچ وجهی در معاملات قفل نشده است
funds.locked.noFunds=هیچ وجهی در معاملات قفل نشده است
funds.locked.locked=قفل شده به صورت چند امضایی برای معامله با شناسهی {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=ارسال به:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=ارسال به:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=دریافت با:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=دریافت با:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=از تراکنش پیدایش:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=از تراکنش پیدایش:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=کارمزد استخراج برای تراکنش BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=کارمزد استخراج برای تراکنش BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=سفارشگذار و هزینه تراکنش: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=پذیرنده و هزینه تراکنش: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=سپرده چند امضایی: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=پرداخت چند امضایی: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=پرداخت مناقشه: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=مورد مناقشهی شکست خورده: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=دلیل ناشناخته: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=عدم بازپرداخت از مناقشه
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=عدم بازپرداخت از مناقشه
funds.tx.receivedFunds=وجوه دریافت شده
funds.tx.receivedFunds=وجوه دریافت شده
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=برداشت شده از کیف پول
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=برداشت شده از کیف پول
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=This transaction is sending a very small BTC amount
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=حالت
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=خریدار/سفارش گذار بیتکوین
support.buyerOfferer=خریدار/سفارش گذار بیتکوین
support.sellerOfferer=فروشنده/سفارش گذار بیتکوین
support.sellerOfferer=فروشنده/سفارش گذار بیتکوین
support.buyerTaker=خریدار/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.buyerTaker=خریدار/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.sellerTaker=فروشنده/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.sellerTaker=فروشنده/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=ارز مطلوب
setting.preferences.displayFiat=نمایش ارزهای ملی
setting.preferences.displayFiat=نمایش ارزهای ملی
setting.preferences.noFiat=هیچ ارز ملی انتخاب نشده است
setting.preferences.noFiat=هیچ ارز ملی انتخاب نشده است
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=شما نمیتوانید ارز مطلوب انتخاب شدهی خود را حذف کنید
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=شما نمیتوانید ارز مطلوب انتخاب شدهی خود را حذف کنید
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=نمایش آلتکوینها
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=نمایش آلتکوینها
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=هیچ آلتکوینی انتخاب نشده است
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=هیچ آلتکوینی انتخاب نشده است
setting.preferences.addFiat=افزودن ارز ملی
setting.preferences.addFiat=افزودن ارز ملی
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=شبکه بیتکوین
settings.net.btcHeader=شبکه بیتکوین
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=هش قبلی
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=تعداد پروپوزال ها
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=تعداد پروپوزال ها
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=داده های محلی شما حداقل با یک گره Seed در اشتراک نیستند. لطفا مجددا وضعیت DAO را همگام سازی کنید.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=داده های محلی شما حداقل با یک گره Seed در اشتراک نیستند. لطفا مجددا وضعیت DAO را همگام سازی کنید.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=یکی از همتایان شما با شبکه در اشتراک نیست، اما گره شما با گره های Seed همگام است.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=گره محلی شما با شبکه در اشتراک است.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=گره محلی شما با شبکه در اشتراک است.
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=بستن تیکت
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nTrade amount: {5}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {6}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {7}\n\nReason for dispute: {8}\n\nSummary notes:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=تعهد
offerDetailsWindow.agree=من موافقم
offerDetailsWindow.agree=من موافقم
offerDetailsWindow.tac=شرایط و الزامات
offerDetailsWindow.tac=شرایط و الزامات
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=تأیید: پیشنهاد را به {0} بگذارید
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=تأیید: پیشنهاد را به {0} بگذارید
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=تأیید: پیشنهاد را به {0} بپذیرید
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=تأیید: پیشنهاد را به {0} بپذیرید
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=تاریخ ایجاد
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=تاریخ ایجاد
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=آدرس Onion سفارش گذار
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=آدرس Onion سفارش گذار
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=لطفا مطمئن شوید که شما یک شعب
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=تأیید می کنم که می توانم سپرده را ایجاد کنم
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=تأیید می کنم که می توانم سپرده را ایجاد کنم
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq در حال خاموش شدن است ولی پیشنهاداتی وجود دارند که باز هستند.\n\nزمانی که Bisq بسته باشد این پیشنهادات در شبکه P2P در دسترس نخواهند بود، ولی هر وقت دوباره Bisq را باز کنید این پیشنهادات دوباره در شبکه P2P منتشر خواهند شد.\n\n برای اینکه پیشنهادات شما برخط بمانند، بگذارید Bisq در حال اجرابماند و همچنین مطمئن شوید که این کامپیوتر به اینترنت متصل است. (به عنوان مثال مطمئن شوید که به حالت آماده باش نمیرود.. البته حالت آماده باش برای نمایشگر ایرادی ندارد).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq در حال خاموش شدن است ولی پیشنهاداتی وجود دارند که باز هستند.\n\nزمانی که Bisq بسته باشد این پیشنهادات در شبکه P2P در دسترس نخواهند بود، ولی هر وقت دوباره Bisq را باز کنید این پیشنهادات دوباره در شبکه P2P منتشر خواهند شد.\n\n برای اینکه پیشنهادات شما برخط بمانند، بگذارید Bisq در حال اجرابماند و همچنین مطمئن شوید که این کامپیوتر به اینترنت متصل است. (به عنوان مثال مطمئن شوید که به حالت آماده باش نمیرود.. البته حالت آماده باش برای نمایشگر ایرادی ندارد).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=شهر جهت ملاقات 'رو در رو'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=نام شهر به همراه پیشنهاد نمایش داده خواهد شد
payment.f2f.city.prompt=نام شهر به همراه پیشنهاد نمایش داده خواهد شد
payment.shared.optionalExtra=اطلاعات اضافی اختیاری
payment.shared.optionalExtra=اطلاعات اضافی اختیاری
payment.shared.extraInfo=اطلاعات اضافی
payment.shared.extraInfo=اطلاعات اضافی
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=باز کردن صفحه وب
payment.f2f.info.openURL=باز کردن صفحه وب
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=سرجمع باید عددی باشد
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=کاراکتر غیر الفبایی و غیر عددی شناسایی شد
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=کاراکتر غیر الفبایی و غیر عددی شناسایی شد
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=سرجمع IBAN نامعتبر است
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=سرجمع IBAN نامعتبر است
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=کد ناحیه غیر کانادایی
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=کد ناحیه غیر کانادایی
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=باید فقط شامل حروف، اعداد، فاصله و یا نمادهای ' _ , . ? - باشد
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=باید فقط شامل حروف، اعداد، فاصله و یا نمادهای ' _ , . ? - باشد
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.iUnderstand=Je comprends
shared.iUnderstand=Je comprends
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.continueAnyway=Continuer quand même
shared.reportBug= Signaler le bug sur Github
shared.reportBug= Signaler le bug sur Github
@ -98,13 +98,12 @@ shared.BTCMinMax=BTC (min - max)
shared.removeOffer=Retirer l'ordre
shared.removeOffer=Retirer l'ordre
shared.dontRemoveOffer=Ne pas retirer l'ordre
shared.dontRemoveOffer=Ne pas retirer l'ordre
shared.editOffer=Éditer l'ordre
shared.editOffer=Éditer l'ordre
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Doublon d'offre
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Ouvrir une grande fenêtre pour le QR code
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Ouvrir une grande fenêtre pour le QR code
shared.tradingAccount=Compte de trading
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=Visitez la page FAQ
shared.faq=Visitez la page FAQ
shared.yesCancel=Oui, annuler
shared.yesCancel=Oui, annuler
shared.nextStep=Étape suivante
shared.nextStep=Étape suivante
shared.selectTradingAccount=Sélectionner le compte de trading
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transférer des fonds depuis le portefeuille Bisq
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transférer des fonds depuis le portefeuille Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Ouvrez votre portefeuille externe pour provisionner
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Ouvrez votre portefeuille externe pour provisionner
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=L'ouverture de l'application de portefeuille Bitcoin par défaut a échoué. Êtes-vous sûr de l'avoir installée?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=L'ouverture de l'application de portefeuille Bitcoin par défaut a échoué. Êtes-vous sûr de l'avoir installée?
@ -126,10 +125,11 @@ shared.noDateAvailable=Pas de date disponible
shared.noDetailsAvailable=Pas de détails disponibles
shared.noDetailsAvailable=Pas de détails disponibles
shared.notUsedYet=Pas encore utilisé
shared.notUsedYet=Pas encore utilisé
shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving address: {2}\nRequired mining fee is: {3} ({4} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {5} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {6}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw this amount?
shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Envoi: {0}\nDepuis l'adresse: {1}\nVers l'adresse de réception: {2}\nLes frais de minage requis sont : {3} ({4} satoshis/byte)\nVsize de la transaction: {5} vKb\n\nLe destinataire recevra: {6}\n\nÊtes-vous certain de vouloir retirer ce montant?
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust= Bisq détecte que la transaction produira une sortie inférieure au seuil de fraction minimum (non autorisé par les règles de consensus Bitcoin). Au lieu de cela, ces fractions ({0} satoshi {1}) seront ajoutées aux frais de minage.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust= Bisq détecte que la transaction produira une sortie inférieure au seuil de fraction minimum (non autorisé par les règles de consensus Bitcoin). Au lieu de cela, ces fractions ({0} satoshi {1}) seront ajoutées aux frais de minage.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Copier dans le presse-papiers
shared.copyToClipboard=Copier dans le presse-papiers
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copié dans le presse-papiers!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Appliquer et éteindre
shared.applyAndShutDown=Appliquer et éteindre
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Je confirme
shared.openURL=Ouvert {0}
shared.openURL=Ouvert {0}
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.advancedOptions=Options avancées
shared.advancedOptions=Options avancées
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Activé
mainView.menu.buyBtc=Achat BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=Vendre des BTC
@ -283,7 +285,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=Le réseau a rejeté une tran
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Vous avez perdu la connexion avec tous les {0} pairs du réseau.\nVous avez peut-être perdu votre connexion Internet ou votre ordinateur était passé en mode veille.
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Vous avez perdu la connexion avec tous les {0} pairs du réseau.\nVous avez peut-être perdu votre connexion Internet ou votre ordinateur était passé en mode veille.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Vous avez perdu la connexion avec le localhost Bitcoin node.\nVeuillez redémarrer l'application Bisq pour vous connecter à d'autres Bitcoin nodes ou redémarrer le localhost Bitcoin node.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Vous avez perdu la connexion avec le localhost Bitcoin node.\nVeuillez redémarrer l'application Bisq pour vous connecter à d'autres Bitcoin nodes ou redémarrer le localhost Bitcoin node.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Votre ordinateur a été en veille durant {0} secondes. Le mode veille est connu pour causer des problèmes aux échanges. Pour fonctionner correctement Bisq requiert que le mode veille soit désactivé dans les paramètres de votre ordinateur.
mainView.version.update=(Mise à jour disponible)
mainView.version.update=(Mise à jour disponible)
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offres selon le mode de paiement
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Achat {0} (vente {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Vente {0} (achat {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Achat {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Vente {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vendre des {0} à
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vendre des {0} à
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Acheter des {0} à
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Acheter des {0} à
market.offerBook.buy=Je veux acheter des Bitcoins
market.offerBook.buy=Je veux acheter des Bitcoins
@ -332,18 +330,17 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Afficher le volume en USD
offerbook.createOffer=Créer un ordre
offerbook.createOffer=Créer un ordre
offerbook.takeOffer=Accepter un ordre
offerbook.takeOffer=Accepter un ordre
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Créer un compte et accepter l'offre
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Accepter l''ordre d''achat {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Accepter l''ordre de vente {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID de la banque du maker (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID de la banque du maker (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nom de la banque du maker: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nom de la banque du maker: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Pays du siège de la banque du maker: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Pays du siège de la banque du maker: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Pays acceptés où se situe le siège de la banque (taker): tout les pays de la zone euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Pays acceptés où se situe le siège de la banque (taker): tout les pays de la zone euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Pays acceptés où se situe le siège de la banque (taker)\n{0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Pays acceptés où se situe le siège de la banque (taker)\n{0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Ordres disponibles
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrer par devise
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrer par mode de paiement
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offres correspondantes à mes comptes
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offres correspondantes à mes comptes
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informations du compte
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informations du compte
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signé par un arbitre et pouvant signer des comptes pairs
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signé par un arbitre et pouvant signer des comptes pairs
@ -353,13 +350,13 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=signé par un pair et pouvant signer des
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=Ce compte a été banni
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=Ce compte a été banni
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} jours
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} jours
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} depuis la signature
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} depuis la signature
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Limite du compte: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Limites du compte retirées
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=Ce compte n'a pas encore été signé
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=Ce compte n'a pas encore été signé
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=Ce compte a été signé
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=Ce compte a été signé et peut signé les comptes des pairs
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=acheter du BTC depuis un compte signé
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=attendez au minimum {0} jours
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=En savoir plus
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=En savoir plus
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Est-ce-que la confirmation automatique est activée
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Est-ce-que la confirmation automatique est activée
@ -375,32 +372,26 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
offerbook.deposit=Déposer BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Déposer BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Dépôt versé par chaque trader pour garantir la transaction. Il sera restitué lorsque l'échange sera terminé.
offerbook.deposit.help=Dépôt versé par chaque trader pour garantir la transaction. Il sera restitué lorsque l'échange sera terminé.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Créer un nouvel ordre d''achat pour {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Créer une nouvelle offre pour {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Créer un nouvel ordre de vente pour {0}
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=Vous pouvez uniquement créer une offre à la fois
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat= Créer un nouvel ordre d''achat pour {0} avec {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Créer un nouvel ordre de vente pour {0} for {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Créer un nouvel ordre de vente pour {0} (achat{1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Créer un nouvel ordre d''achat pour {0} (vente{1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Accepter un ordre pour {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Accepter un ordre pour {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Oui, créer un ordre
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Configurer un nouveau compte de change
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Configurer un nouveau compte de change
offerbook.removeOffer.success=L'ordre a bien été retiré.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=L'ordre a bien été retiré.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Le retrait de l''ordre a échoué:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Le retrait de l''ordre a échoué:\n{0}
offerbook.deactivateOffer.failed=La désactivation de l''ordre a échoué:\n{0}
offerbook.deactivateOffer.failed=La désactivation de l''ordre a échoué:\n{0}
offerbook.activateOffer.failed=La publication de l''ordre a échoué:\n{0}
offerbook.activateOffer.failed=La publication de l''ordre a échoué:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Cette offre a été retirée. Les fonds ne sont plus réservés pour cette offre. Vous pouvez envoyer les fonds disponibles vers un portefeuille extérieur sur l'écran {0}
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Aucun compte de paiement pour la devise sélectionnée
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Aucun compte de paiement pour la devise sélectionnée
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=Vous n'avez pas de compte de paiement configuré pour la devise sélectionnée.\n\nSouhaitez-vous créer une offre pour une autre devise à la place?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Pas de compte de paiement correspondant
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Pas de compte de paiement correspondant
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Cette offre utilise un mode de paiement que vous n'avez pas créé. \n\nVoulez-vous créer un nouveau compte de paiement maintenant?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Cette offre utilise un mode de paiement que vous n'avez pas créé. \n\nVoulez-vous créer un nouveau compte de paiement maintenant?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=Cette offre utilise le BSQ comme moyen de paiement, vous ne l'avez pas mis en place pour l'instant.\n\nVoudriez-vous créer un compte automatique maintenant ?
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Cette offre ne peut être acceptée en raison de restrictions d'échange imposées par les contreparties
offerbook.warning.counterpartyTradeRestrictions=Cette offre ne peut être acceptée en raison de restrictions d'échange imposées par les contreparties
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=With this version of the software, trading peers can verify and sign each others' payment accounts to create a network of trusted payment accounts.\n\nAfter successfully trading with a peer with a verified payment account, your payment account will be signed and trading limits will be lifted after a certain time interval (length of this interval is based on the verification method).\n\nFor more information on account signing, please see the documentation at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits#Account_signing].
offerbook.warning.newVersionAnnouncement=Avec cette version du logiciel, les pairs commerciaux peuvent vérifier et signer les comptes de paiement de chacun pour créer un réseau de comptes de paiement de confiance.\n\nUne fois la transaction effectuée avec un pair possédant un compte de paiement vérifié, votre compte de paiement sera vérifié et les restrictions d'échange seront levées après une certaine période de temps (cette durée est basée sur la méthode de vérification).\n\nPour plus d'informations sur la vérification de votre compte, veuillez consulter le document sur [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits#Account_signing].
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Le compte de l''acheteur n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature du compte de l''acheteur est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Le compte de l''acheteur n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature du compte de l''acheteur est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Votre compte n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature de votre compte est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Le montant de transaction autorisé est limité à {0} en raison des restrictions de sécurité basées sur les critères suivants:\n- Votre compte n''a pas été signé par un arbitre ou par un pair\n- Le délai depuis la signature de votre compte est inférieur à 30 jours\n- Le mode de paiement pour cette offre est considéré comme présentant un risque de rétrofacturation bancaire\n\n{1}
@ -413,7 +404,7 @@ offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Le mode de paiement utilisé pour cet ordr
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=L'adresse onion de ce trader a été bloquée par les développeurs de Bisq.\nIl s'agit peut être d'un bug qui cause des problèmes lors de l'acceptation de cet ordre.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=L'adresse onion de ce trader a été bloquée par les développeurs de Bisq.\nIl s'agit peut être d'un bug qui cause des problèmes lors de l'acceptation de cet ordre.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Votre version de Bisq n'est plus compatible avec le trading.\nVeuillez mettre à jour la dernière version de Bisq à l'adresse suivante [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Votre version de Bisq n'est plus compatible avec le trading.\nVeuillez mettre à jour la dernière version de Bisq à l'adresse suivante [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=Vous ne pouvez pas accepter cette offre car vous l'avez déjà acceptée auparavant. Il se peut que votre précédente tentative d'offre d'achat se soit soldée par un échec.
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=Vous ne pouvez pas accepter cette offre car vous l'avez déjà acceptée auparavant. Il se peut que votre précédente tentative d'offre d'achat se soit soldée par un échec.
offerbook.warning.hideBsqSwapsDueDaoDeactivated=You cannot take this offer because you have deactivated the DAO
offerbook.warning.hideBsqSwapsDueDaoDeactivated=Vous ne pouvez pas accepter cette offre car vous avez désactivé le DAO
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Vous vendrez au prix du marché (mis à jour chaque minute).
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Vous vendrez au prix du marché (mis à jour chaque minute).
offerbook.info.buyAtMarketPrice=Vous achèterez au prix du marché (mis à jour chaque minute).
offerbook.info.buyAtMarketPrice=Vous achèterez au prix du marché (mis à jour chaque minute).
@ -423,10 +414,9 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Vous obtiendrez {0} de plus que le prix actu
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Vous paierez {0} de moins que le prix actuel du marché (mis à jour chaque minute).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Vous paierez {0} de moins que le prix actuel du marché (mis à jour chaque minute).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Vous achèterez à ce prix déterminé.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Vous achèterez à ce prix déterminé.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Vous vendrez à ce prix déterminé.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Vous vendrez à ce prix déterminé.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=En cas de litige, veuillez noter que l''arbitrage de cet ordre sera traité par {0}. La langue est actuellement définie sur {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Le montant a été arrondi pour accroître la confidentialité de votre transaction.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Le montant a été arrondi pour accroître la confidentialité de votre transaction.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=Vous avez créé votre compte de paiement BSQ avec succès.\nVotre compte peut être trouvé dans Compte > Compte Altcoins > {0} et votre portefeuille BSQ dans DAO > Portefeuille BSQ\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.tradeInstant=You've chosen to take a BSQ instant offer, so a BSQ instant payment account was created for you. Be aware that instant trades are meant to be completed within 1 hour, so you should be online and available for the next 1 hour.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.tradeInstant=You've chosen to take a BSQ instant offer, so a BSQ instant payment account was created for you. Be aware that instant trades are meant to be completed within 1 hour, so you should be online and available for the next 1 hour.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.takeOffer=You can now proceed to take this offer after closing this popup.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.takeOffer=You can now proceed to take this offer after closing this popup.
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Entrer le montant en BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Entrer le prix
createOffer.price.prompt=Entrer le prix
createOffer.volume.prompt=Entrer le montant en {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=Entrer le montant en {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Somme en Bitcoin à {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Somme en Bitcoin à {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Somme en {0} à envoyer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Somme en {0} à envoyer
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Montant en {0} à recevoir
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Montant en {0} à recevoir
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Montant minimum de BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Montant minimum de BTC
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Dépôt de garantie
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Dépôt de garantie
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Financer votre ordre
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Financer votre ordre
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Review: Placer un ordre de {0} Bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Review: Placer un ordre de {0} Bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financer votre ordre
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financer votre ordre
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=Montant du trade: {0}\n\n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=Montant du trade: {0}\n\n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Entrez le montant en BTC
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Entrez le montant en BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Montant en BTC à vendre
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Montant en BTC à vendre
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Montant de BTC à acheter
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Montant de BTC à acheter
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Prix par Bitcoin en {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Prix par Bitcoin en {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Fourchette du montant possible
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Fourchette du montant possible
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Le montant que vous avez saisi dépasse le nombre maximum de décimales autorisées.\nLe montant a été défini à 4 décimales près.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Le montant que vous avez saisi dépasse le nombre maximum de décimales autorisées.\nLe montant a été défini à 4 décimales près.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Vérifier: Accepter l''ordre de {0} Bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Vérifier: Accepter l''ordre de {0} Bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Vous ne pouvez pas accepter cet ordre, car celui-ci utilise un prix en pourcentage basé sur le prix du marché, mais il n'y a pas de prix de référence de disponible.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Vous ne pouvez pas accepter cet ordre, car celui-ci utilise un prix en pourcentage basé sur le prix du marché, mais il n'y a pas de prix de référence de disponible.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Provisionner votre trade
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Provisionner votre trade
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Montant du trade: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Montant du trade: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Si vous avez déjà provisionner des fonds vous pouvez les retirer dans l'onglet \"Fonds/Envoyer des fonds\".
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Si vous avez déjà provisionner des fonds vous pouvez les retirer dans l'onglet \"Fonds/Envoyer des fonds\".
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Informations de paiement
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Définir le montant
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Définir le montant
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Vous avez déjà provisionner cet ordre.\nSi vous annulez maintenant, vos fonds seront envoyés dans votre portefeuille bisq local et seront disponible pour retrait dans l'onglet \"Fonds/Envoyer des fonds\".\nVoulez vous vraiment annuler?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Vous avez déjà provisionner cet ordre.\nSi vous annulez maintenant, vos fonds seront envoyés dans votre portefeuille bisq local et seront disponible pour retrait dans l'onglet \"Fonds/Envoyer des fonds\".\nVoulez vous vraiment annuler?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=La demande de prise d'ordre a échoué car l'ordre n'est plus disponible. Peut-être qu'un autre trader a accepté l'ordre entre-temps.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=La demande de prise d'ordre a échoué car l'ordre n'est plus disponible. Peut-être qu'un autre trader a accepté l'ordre entre-temps.
@ -602,7 +599,7 @@ portfolio.tab.history=Historique
portfolio.tab.bsqSwap=Unconfirmed BSQ swaps
portfolio.tab.bsqSwap=Unconfirmed BSQ swaps
portfolio.tab.editOpenOffer=Éditer l'ordre
portfolio.tab.editOpenOffer=Éditer l'ordre
portfolio.tab.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
portfolio.tab.duplicateOffer=Doublon d'offre
portfolio.context.offerLikeThis=Create new offer like this...
portfolio.context.offerLikeThis=Create new offer like this...
portfolio.context.notYourOffer=You can only duplicate offers where you were the maker.
portfolio.context.notYourOffer=You can only duplicate offers where you were the maker.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Les frais de transaction doivent être d'au moins {0}
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Votre saisie est au-delà de toute valeur raisonnable (plus de 5000 satoshis/vBit). Les frais de transaction sont habituellement de l'ordre de 50-400 satoshis/vBit.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Votre saisie est au-delà de toute valeur raisonnable (plus de 5000 satoshis/vBit). Les frais de transaction sont habituellement de l'ordre de 50-400 satoshis/vBit.
funds.reserved.noFunds=Aucun fonds n'est réservé pour les ordres en cours
funds.reserved.noFunds=Aucun fonds n'est réservé pour les ordres en cours
funds.reserved.reserved=Réversé dans votre portefeuille local pour l''ordre avec l''ID: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=Aucun fonds n'est verrouillé dans les trades
funds.locked.noFunds=Aucun fonds n'est verrouillé dans les trades
funds.locked.locked=Vérouillé en multisig pour le trade avec l''ID: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Envoyer à:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Envoyer à:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Reçu depuis:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Reçu depuis:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Depuis le tx Genesis:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Depuis le tx Genesis:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Frais de minage du tx BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Frais de minage du tx BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Frais du maker et du tx: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Frais du taker et du tx: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Dépôt multisig: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Versement Multisig: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Versement du litige: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Cas de litige perdu: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Remboursement du dépôt de garantie: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Tx de paiement verrouillée dans le temps: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Remboursement venant de l''arbitrage: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Raison inconnue: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Aucun remboursement en cas de litige
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Aucun remboursement en cas de litige
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fonds reçus
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fonds reçus
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Retiré depuis le portefeuille
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Retiré depuis le portefeuille
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Cette transaction va envoyer un faible montant en BT
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=État
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=Acheteur BTC/Maker
support.buyerOfferer=Acheteur BTC/Maker
support.sellerOfferer=Vendeur BTC/Maker
support.sellerOfferer=Vendeur BTC/Maker
support.buyerTaker=Acheteur BTC/Taker
support.buyerTaker=Acheteur BTC/Taker
support.sellerTaker=Vendeur BTC/Taker
support.sellerTaker=Vendeur BTC/Taker
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Devise privilégiée
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Afficher les monnaies nationales
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Afficher les monnaies nationales
setting.preferences.noFiat=Il n'y a pas de devise nationale sélectionnée
setting.preferences.noFiat=Il n'y a pas de devise nationale sélectionnée
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Vous ne pouvez pas enlever la devise choisie pour l'affichage.
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Vous ne pouvez pas enlever la devise choisie pour l'affichage.
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Afficher les altcoins
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Afficher les altcoins
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Il n'y a pas d'altcoins sélectionnés
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Il n'y a pas d'altcoins sélectionnés
setting.preferences.addFiat=Ajouter une devise nationale
setting.preferences.addFiat=Ajouter une devise nationale
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=URL de la transaction
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Adresse URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Adresse URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Réseau Bitcoin
settings.net.btcHeader=Réseau Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Le réseau Bisq
settings.net.p2pHeader=Le réseau Bisq
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Hash précédent
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Nombre de propositions
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Nombre de propositions
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Vos données locales ne font pas consensus avec au moins un nœud de la seed . Veuillez resynchroniser la DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Vos données locales ne font pas consensus avec au moins un nœud de la seed . Veuillez resynchroniser la DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=L'un de vos pairs n'est pas en consensus avec le réseau, mais votre nœud est synchronisé avec les nœuds de la seed.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Votre nœud local est en consensus avec le réseau
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Votre nœud local est en consensus avec le réseau
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Fermer le ticket
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Le ticket a été fermé le {0}\n{1} Adresse du nœud: {2} \n\nRésumé: \nID de transaction: {3} \nDevise: {4} \nMontant de la transaction: {5} \nMontant du paiement de l'acheteur BTC: {6} \nMontant du paiement du vendeur BTC: {7} \n\nRaison du litige: {8} \n\nSynthèse: {9} \n\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Engagement
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Conditions d'utilisation
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Conditions d'utilisation
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Confirmer: Placer un ordre de {0} Bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Confirmer: Placer un ordre de {0} Bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirmer: Acceptez l''ordre de {0} Bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirmer: Acceptez l''ordre de {0} Bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Date de création
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Date de création
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Adresse onion du maker
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Adresse onion du maker
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Veuillez vous assurer d''avoir une succursale de l''
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Je confirme que je peux effectuer le dépôt.
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Je confirme que je peux effectuer le dépôt.
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq est en cours de fermeture, mais des ordres sont en attente.\n\nCes ordres ne seront pas disponibles sur le réseau P2P si Bisq est éteint, mais ils seront republiés sur le réseau P2P la prochaine fois que vous lancerez Bisq.\n\nPour garder vos ordres en ligne, laissez Bisq en marche et assurez-vous que cet ordinateur reste aussi en ligne (pour cela, assurez-vous qu'il ne passe pas en mode veille...la veille du moniteur ne pose aucun problème).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq est en cours de fermeture, mais des ordres sont en attente.\n\nCes ordres ne seront pas disponibles sur le réseau P2P si Bisq est éteint, mais ils seront republiés sur le réseau P2P la prochaine fois que vous lancerez Bisq.\n\nPour garder vos ordres en ligne, laissez Bisq en marche et assurez-vous que cet ordinateur reste aussi en ligne (pour cela, assurez-vous qu'il ne passe pas en mode veille...la veille du moniteur ne pose aucun problème).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Il semble que vous exécutez Bisq sous Qubes OS.\n\nVeuillez vous assurer que votre Bisq qube est mis en place de la manière expliquée dans notre guide sur [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Il semble que vous exécutez Bisq sous Qubes OS.\n\nVeuillez vous assurer que votre Bisq qube est mis en place de la manière expliquée dans notre guide sur [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=La rétrogradation depuis la version {0} vers la version {1} n'est pas supportée. Veuillez utiliser la dernière version de Bisq.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=La rétrogradation depuis la version {0} vers la version {1} n'est pas supportée. Veuillez utiliser la dernière version de Bisq.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Il y a eu un problème lors de la synchronisation de l'état du DAO. Vous devez redémarrer l'application pour résoudre ce problème.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Il y a eu un problème lors de la synchronisation de l'état du DAO. Vous devez redémarrer l'application pour résoudre ce problème.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Ville pour la rencontre en face à face
payment.f2f.city.prompt=La ville sera affichée en même temps que l'ordre
payment.f2f.city.prompt=La ville sera affichée en même temps que l'ordre
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Informations complémentaires facultatives
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Informations complémentaires facultatives
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informations complémentaires
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informations complémentaires
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Définissez n'importe quels termes spécifiques, conditions, ou détails que vous souhaiteriez voir affichés avec vos offres pour ce compte de paiement (les utilisateurs verront ces informations avant d'accepter les offres).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Ouvrir la page web
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Ouvrir la page web
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=La checksum doit être numérique
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Caractère non-alphanumérique détecté
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Caractère non-alphanumérique détecté
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=La checksum de l'IBAN n'est pas valide
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=La checksum de l'IBAN n'est pas valide
validation.iban.invalidLength=Le nombre doit avoir une longueur de 15 à 34 caractères.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Le nombre doit avoir une longueur de 15 à 34 caractères.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Indicatif régional non Canadien
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Indicatif régional non Canadien
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Veuillez entrer un numéro de téléphone valide à 11 chiffres (par exemple 1-123-456-7890) ou une adresse e-mail
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Veuillez entrer un numéro de téléphone valide à 11 chiffres (par exemple 1-123-456-7890) ou une adresse e-mail
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Ne doit contenir que des lettres, des chiffres, des espaces et/ou les symboles ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Ne doit contenir que des lettres, des chiffres, des espaces et/ou les symboles ' _ , . ? -
@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.continueAnyway=Continua comunque
shared.reportBug=Report bug on GitHub
shared.reportBug=Segnala un bug su GitHub
shared.buyBitcoin=Acquista bitcoin
shared.buyBitcoin=Acquista bitcoin
shared.sellBitcoin=Vendi bitcoin
shared.sellBitcoin=Vendi bitcoin
shared.buyCurrency=Acquista {0}
shared.buyCurrency=Acquista {0}
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ shared.P2P=P2P
shared.offerVolumeCode={0} Offer Volume
shared.offerVolumeCode={0} Volume di offerta
shared.openOffers=offerte aperte
shared.openOffers=offerte aperte
@ -65,21 +65,21 @@ shared.priceInCurForCur=Prezzo in {0} per 1 {1}
shared.fixedPriceInCurForCur=Prezzo fissato in {0} per 1 {1}
shared.fixedPriceInCurForCur=Prezzo fissato in {0} per 1 {1}
shared.txFee=Commissioni di Transazione
shared.txFee=Commissioni di Transazione
shared.tradeFee=Trade Fee
shared.tradeFee=Commissione di scambio
shared.buyerSecurityDeposit=Deposito Acquirente
shared.buyerSecurityDeposit=Deposito Acquirente
shared.sellerSecurityDeposit=Deposito Venditore
shared.sellerSecurityDeposit=Deposito Venditore
shared.amountWithCur=Importo in {0}
shared.amountWithCur=Importo in {0}
shared.volumeWithCur=Volume in {0}
shared.volumeWithCur=Volume in {0}
shared.paymentMethod=Metodo di pagamento
shared.paymentMethod=Metodo di pagamento
shared.tradeCurrency=Valuta di scambio
shared.tradeCurrency=Valuta di scambio
shared.offerType=Tipo di offerta
shared.offerType=Tipo di offerta
shared.balanceWithCur=Saldo in {0}
shared.balanceWithCur=Saldo in {0}
shared.utxo=Unspent transaction output
shared.utxo=Output della transazione non speso
shared.txId=ID Transazione
shared.txId=ID Transazione
shared.revert=Storno Tx
shared.revert=Storno Tx
@ -98,45 +98,45 @@ shared.BTCMinMax=BTC (min - max)
shared.removeOffer=Rimuovi offerta
shared.removeOffer=Rimuovi offerta
shared.dontRemoveOffer=Non rimuovere offerta
shared.dontRemoveOffer=Non rimuovere offerta
shared.editOffer=Modifica offerta
shared.editOffer=Modifica offerta
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Offerta duplicata
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Apri una finestra grande del codice QR
shared.tradingAccount=Account di scambio
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Scegli il conto di trading
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.faq=Visita la pagina delle FAQ
shared.yesCancel=Si, annulla
shared.yesCancel=Si, annulla
shared.nextStep=Passo successivo
shared.nextStep=Passo successivo
shared.selectTradingAccount=Seleziona conto di trading
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Trasferisci fondi dal portafoglio Bisq
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Trasferisci fondi dal portafoglio Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Apri il tuo portafoglio esterno per aggiungere fondi
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Apri il tuo portafoglio esterno per aggiungere fondi
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Impossibile aprire un'applicazione di portafoglio Bitcoin.\nSei sicuro di averne uno installato?
shared.belowInPercent=Sotto % del prezzo di mercato
shared.belowInPercent=Sotto % del prezzo di mercato
shared.aboveInPercent=Sopra % del prezzo di mercato
shared.aboveInPercent=Sopra % del prezzo di mercato
shared.enterPercentageValue=Immetti il valore %
shared.enterPercentageValue=Immetti il valore %
shared.notEnoughFunds=You don''t have enough funds in your Bisq wallet for this transaction—{0} is needed but only {1} is available.\n\nPlease add funds from an external wallet, or fund your Bisq wallet at Funds > Receive Funds.
shared.notEnoughFunds=Non hai abbastanza fondi nel tuo portafoglio Bisq.\nHai bisogno di {0} ma hai solo {1} nel tuo portafoglio Bisq.\n\nEffettua lo scambio da un portafoglio Bitcoin esterno o ricarica il tuo portafoglio Bisq in \"Fondi/Ricevi fondi\".
shared.waitingForFunds=In attesa dei fondi...
shared.waitingForFunds=In attesa dei fondi...
shared.depositTransactionId=ID transazione di deposito
shared.depositTransactionId=ID transazione di deposito
shared.TheBTCBuyer=L'acquirente di BTC
shared.TheBTCBuyer=L'acquirente di BTC
shared.sendingConfirmation=Invio della conferma in corso...
shared.sendingConfirmation=Invio della conferma in corso...
shared.sendingConfirmationAgain=Invia nuovamente la conferma
shared.sendingConfirmationAgain=Invia nuovamente la conferma
shared.exportCSV=Export to CSV
shared.exportCSV=Esporta in formato csv
shared.exportJSON=Esporta in JSON
shared.exportJSON=Esporta in JSON
shared.summary=Show summary
shared.summary=Mostra riepilogo
shared.noDateAvailable=Nessuna data disponibile
shared.noDateAvailable=Nessuna data disponibile
shared.noDetailsAvailable=Dettagli non disponibili
shared.noDetailsAvailable=Dettagli non disponibili
shared.notUsedYet=Non ancora usato
shared.notUsedYet=Non ancora usato
shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving address: {2}\nRequired mining fee is: {3} ({4} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {5} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {6}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw this amount?
shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Invio: {0}\nDall'indirizzo: {1}\nAll'indirizzo di ricezione: {2}.\nLa commissione di transazione richiesta è: {3} ({4} satoshi/byte)\nDimensione della transazione: {5} Kb\n\nIl destinatario riceverà: {6}\n\nSei sicuro di voler inviare questo importo?
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq ha rilevato che questa transazione creerebbe un output di modifica inferiore alla soglia minima di polvere (e quindi non consentito dalle regole di consenso di Bitcoin). Invece, questa polvere ({0} satoshi{1}) verrà aggiunta alla tariffa di mining.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Copia negli appunti
shared.copyToClipboard=Copia negli appunti
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copiato negli appunti!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Applica e chiudi
shared.applyAndShutDown=Applica e chiudi
shared.selectPaymentMethod=Seleziona il metodo di pagamento
shared.selectPaymentMethod=Seleziona il metodo di pagamento
shared.accountNameAlreadyUsed=That account name is already used for another saved account.\nPlease choose another name.
shared.accountNameAlreadyUsed=Quel nome account è già usato in un altro account.\nScegli un altro nome.
shared.askConfirmDeleteAccount=Vuoi davvero cancellare l'account selezionato?
shared.askConfirmDeleteAccount=Vuoi davvero cancellare l'account selezionato?
shared.cannotDeleteAccount=You cannot delete that account because it is being used in an open offer (or in an open trade).
shared.cannotDeleteAccount=Non puoi eliminare quell'account perché è utilizzato in un'offerta aperta (o in una transazione aperta).
shared.noAccountsSetupYet=Non ci sono ancora account impostati
shared.noAccountsSetupYet=Non ci sono ancora account impostati
shared.manageAccounts=Gestisci gli account
shared.manageAccounts=Gestisci gli account
shared.addNewAccount=Aggiungi nuovo account
shared.addNewAccount=Aggiungi nuovo account
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Confermo
shared.openURL=Aperti {0}
shared.openURL=Aperti {0}
shared.otherAssets=altre attività
shared.advancedOptions=Opzioni avanzate
shared.advancedOptions=Opzioni avanzate
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Enabled
mainView.menu.buyBtc=Compra BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=Vendi BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offers by Payment Method
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Compra {0} (vendi {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Vendi {0} (compra {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Acquista {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Vendi {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vendi {0} a
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vendi {0} a
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Compra {0} da
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Compra {0} da
market.offerBook.buy=Voglio comprare bitcoin
market.offerBook.buy=Voglio comprare bitcoin
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Show volume in USD
offerbook.createOffer=Crea offerta
offerbook.createOffer=Crea offerta
offerbook.takeOffer=Accetta offerta
offerbook.takeOffer=Accetta offerta
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Accetta l'offerta per acquistare {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Accetta l'offerta per vendere {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID banca del Maker (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID banca del Maker (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nome della banca del Maker: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nome della banca del Maker: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Sede del paese bancario del Maker: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Sede del paese bancario del Maker: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Sede accettata dei paesi della banca (acquirente): tutti i paesi dell'Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Sede accettata dei paesi della banca (acquirente): tutti i paesi dell'Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Sede accettata dei paesi bancari (acquirente):\n {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Sede accettata dei paesi bancari (acquirente):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Offerte disponibili
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtra per valuta
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtra per metodo di pagamento
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=firmato da un arbitro e può firmare account peer
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=firmato da un arbitro e può firmare account peer
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Crea una nuova offerta per comprare {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Crea nuova offerta a {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Crea una nuova offerta per vendere {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Crea una nuova offerta per acquistare {0} con {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Crea una nuova offerta per vendere {0} per {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Crea una nuova offerta per vendere {0} (acquista {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Crea una nuova offerta per acquistare {0} (vendi {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Accetta offera per {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Accetta offera per {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Sì, crea offerta
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Imposta un nuovo account di scambio
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Imposta un nuovo account di scambio
offerbook.removeOffer.success=L'offerta è stata rimossa con successo.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=L'offerta è stata rimossa con successo.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Rimozione offerta fallita:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Rimozione offerta fallita:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Pubblicazione dell'offerta fallita:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.\n\nWould you like to create an offer for another currency instead?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Otterrai {0} in più rispetto all'attuale pr
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Pagherai {0} in meno del prezzo di mercato corrente (aggiornato ogni minuto).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Pagherai {0} in meno del prezzo di mercato corrente (aggiornato ogni minuto).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Comprerai a questo prezzo fisso.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Comprerai a questo prezzo fisso.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Venderai a questo prezzo fisso.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Venderai a questo prezzo fisso.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=In caso di disputa, si ricorda che l'arbitrato per questa offerta verrà gestito in {0}. La lingua è attualmente impostata su {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=L'importo è stato arrotondato per aumentare la privacy del tuo scambio.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=L'importo è stato arrotondato per aumentare la privacy del tuo scambio.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Inserisci quantità in BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Inserisci prezzo
createOffer.price.prompt=Inserisci prezzo
createOffer.volume.prompt=Inserisci importo in {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=Inserisci importo in {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Quantità di BTC a {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Quantità di BTC a {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Quantità in {0} da spendere
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Quantità in {0} da spendere
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Quantità in {0} da ricevere
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Quantità in {0} da ricevere
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Quantità minima di BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Quantità minima di BTC
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Deposito di sicurezza
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Deposito di sicurezza
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Finanzia la tua offerta
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Finanzia la tua offerta
@ -469,10 +463,11 @@ createOffer.triggerPrice.tooltip=As protection against drastic price movements y
createOffer.triggerPrice.invalid.tooLow=Value must be higher than {0}
createOffer.triggerPrice.invalid.tooLow=Value must be higher than {0}
createOffer.triggerPrice.invalid.tooHigh=Value must be lower than {0}
createOffer.triggerPrice.invalid.tooHigh=Value must be lower than {0}
createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees can be paid in BSQ or BTC.\n\nBSQ fees directly help fund Bisq's development, so Bisq encourages traders to use BSQ by offering a 50% discount on trading fees. This discount varies as the BSQ/BTC rate fluctuates. To maintain the 50% discount target, trading fees are updated every cycle as necessary.\n\nFor more about fees, see [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_fees]. For more about trading BSQ, see [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_BSQ]. For more about the Bisq DAO, see [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Introduction_to_the_DAO#The_Bisq_DAO].
createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Le commissioni di trading vengono pagate per finanziare il Bisq DAO. Le commissioni possono essere pagate in BSQ o BTC.\n\nLe commissioni BSQ aiutano direttamente a finanziare lo sviluppo di Bisq, quindi Bisq incoraggia i trader a utilizzare BSQ offrendo uno sconto del 50% sulle commissioni di trading. Questo sconto varia al variare del tasso BSQ/BTC. Per mantenere l'obiettivo di sconto del 50%, le commissioni di trading vengono aggiornate ad ogni ciclo, se necessario.\n\nPer ulteriori informazioni sulle commissioni, vedere [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_fees]. Per ulteriori informazioni sul trading di BSQ, vedere [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_BSQ]. Per ulteriori informazioni su Bisq DAO, vedere [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Introduction_to_the_DAO#The_Bisq_DAO].
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Revisione: piazza l'offerta a {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Revisione: piazza l'offerta a {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Revisione: Inserisci l'offerta a {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finanzia la tua offerta
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finanzia la tua offerta
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Importo di scambio: {0} \n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Importo di scambio: {0} \n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Inserisci importo in BTC
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Inserisci importo in BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Importo di BTC da vendere
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Importo di BTC da vendere
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Importo di BTC da acquistare
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Importo di BTC da acquistare
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Prezzo per bitcoin in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Prezzo per bitcoin in {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Range di importo possibile
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Range di importo possibile
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=L'importo che hai inserito supera il numero di decimali permessi.\nL'importo è stato regolato a 4 decimali.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=L'importo che hai inserito supera il numero di decimali permessi.\nL'importo è stato regolato a 4 decimali.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Rivedi: Accetta l'offerta per {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Rivedi: Accetta l'offerta per {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Non puoi accettare questa offerta poiché utilizza un prezzo in percentuale basato sul prezzo di mercato ma non è disponibile alcun feed di prezzi.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Non puoi accettare questa offerta poiché utilizza un prezzo in percentuale basato sul prezzo di mercato ma non è disponibile alcun feed di prezzi.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finanzia il tuo scambio
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Finanzia il tuo scambio
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Importo di scambio: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Importo di scambio: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Se hai già pagato in fondi puoi effettuare il ritiro nella schermata \"Fondi/Invia fondi\".
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Se hai già pagato in fondi puoi effettuare il ritiro nella schermata \"Fondi/Invia fondi\".
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Informazioni sul pagamento
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Importo stabilito
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Importo stabilito
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Hai già finanziato questa offerta.\nSe annulli ora, i tuoi fondi verranno spostati sul tuo portafoglio Bisq locale e saranno disponibili per il prelievo nella schermata "Fondi/Invia fondi".\nSei sicuro di voler annullare?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Hai già finanziato questa offerta.\nSe annulli ora, i tuoi fondi verranno spostati sul tuo portafoglio Bisq locale e saranno disponibili per il prelievo nella schermata "Fondi/Invia fondi".\nSei sicuro di voler annullare?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Accettazione dell'offerta non riuscita perché l'offerta non è più disponibile. Nel frattempo, un altro trader potrebbe aver già accettato l'offerta.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Accettazione dell'offerta non riuscita perché l'offerta non è più disponibile. Nel frattempo, un altro trader potrebbe aver già accettato l'offerta.
@ -602,7 +599,7 @@ portfolio.tab.history=Storia
portfolio.tab.bsqSwap=Unconfirmed BSQ swaps
portfolio.tab.bsqSwap=Unconfirmed BSQ swaps
portfolio.tab.editOpenOffer=Modifica offerta
portfolio.tab.editOpenOffer=Modifica offerta
portfolio.tab.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
portfolio.tab.duplicateOffer=Offerta duplicata
portfolio.context.offerLikeThis=Create new offer like this...
portfolio.context.offerLikeThis=Create new offer like this...
portfolio.context.notYourOffer=You can only duplicate offers where you were the maker.
portfolio.context.notYourOffer=You can only duplicate offers where you were the maker.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=Nessun fondo è riservato nelle offerte aperte
funds.reserved.noFunds=Nessun fondo è riservato nelle offerte aperte
funds.reserved.reserved=Riservato nel portafoglio locale per l'offerta con ID: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=Nessun fondo è bloccato nelle negoziazioni
funds.locked.noFunds=Nessun fondo è bloccato nelle negoziazioni
funds.locked.locked=Bloccato in multisig per lo scambio con ID: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Inviato a:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Inviato a:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Ricevuto con:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Ricevuto con:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Da tx Genesi:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Da tx Genesi:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Commissione di mining per transazioni BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Commissione di mining per transazioni BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Commissione per maker e tx: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Commissione per taker e tx: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Deposito multisig: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Pagamento Multisig: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Pagamento disputa: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Caso di disputa persa : {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Garanzia di rimborso: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Tx di pagamento bloccata: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Rimborso dell'arbitrato: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Motivo sconosciuto: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Nessun rimborso dalla controversia
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Nessun rimborso dalla controversia
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fondi ricevuti
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fondi ricevuti
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Prelevato dal portafoglio
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Prelevato dal portafoglio
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Questa transazione sta inviando un importo BTC molto
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=Stato
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=Acquirente/Maker BTC
support.buyerOfferer=Acquirente/Maker BTC
support.sellerOfferer=Venditore/Maker BTC
support.sellerOfferer=Venditore/Maker BTC
support.buyerTaker=Acquirente/Taker BTC
support.buyerTaker=Acquirente/Taker BTC
support.sellerTaker=Venditore/Taker BTC
support.sellerTaker=Venditore/Taker BTC
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Valuta preferita
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Mostra valute nazionali
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Mostra valute nazionali
setting.preferences.noFiat=Non ci sono valute nazionali selezionate
setting.preferences.noFiat=Non ci sono valute nazionali selezionate
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Non è possibile rimuovere la valuta di visualizzazione preferita selezionata
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Non è possibile rimuovere la valuta di visualizzazione preferita selezionata
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Visualizza altcoin
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Visualizza altcoin
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Non ci sono altcoin selezionate
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Non ci sono altcoin selezionate
setting.preferences.addFiat=Aggiungi valuta nazionale
setting.preferences.addFiat=Aggiungi valuta nazionale
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Network Bitcoin
settings.net.btcHeader=Network Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Rete Bisq
settings.net.p2pHeader=Rete Bisq
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Hash precedente
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=N. di proposte
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=N. di proposte
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=I dati locali non sono in accordo con almeno un nodo seme. Risincronizzare nuovamente lo stato DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=I dati locali non sono in accordo con almeno un nodo seme. Risincronizzare nuovamente lo stato DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Uno dei tuoi peer non è d'accordo con la rete ma il tuo nodo è sincronizzato con i nodi seed.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Il nodo locale è in accordo con la rete
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Il nodo locale è in accordo con la rete
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Chiudi ticket
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nTrade amount: {5}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {6}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {7}\n\nReason for dispute: {8}\n\nSummary notes:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Impegno
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Termini e condizioni
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Termini e condizioni
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Conferma: Piazza l'offerta a {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Conferma: Piazza l'offerta a {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Conferma: Accetta l'offerta a {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Conferma: Accetta l'offerta a {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Data di creazione
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Data di creazione
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Indirizzo .onion del maker
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Indirizzo .onion del maker
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Assicurati di avere una filiale bancaria nella tua zo
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Confermo di poter effettuare il deposito
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Confermo di poter effettuare il deposito
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq viene chiuso, ma ci sono offerte aperte.\n\nQueste offerte non saranno disponibili sulla rete P2P mentre Bisq rimane chiuso, ma verranno ripubblicate sulla rete P2P al prossimo avvio di Bisq.\n\nPer mantenere le tue offerte attive è necessario che Bisq rimanga in funzione ed il computer online (assicurati che non vada in modalità standby. Il solo monitor in standby non è un problema).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq viene chiuso, ma ci sono offerte aperte.\n\nQueste offerte non saranno disponibili sulla rete P2P mentre Bisq rimane chiuso, ma verranno ripubblicate sulla rete P2P al prossimo avvio di Bisq.\n\nPer mantenere le tue offerte attive è necessario che Bisq rimanga in funzione ed il computer online (assicurati che non vada in modalità standby. Il solo monitor in standby non è un problema).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Città per l'incontro 'Faccia a faccia'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=La città verrà visualizzata con l'offerta
payment.f2f.city.prompt=La città verrà visualizzata con l'offerta
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Ulteriori informazioni opzionali
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Ulteriori informazioni opzionali
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informazioni aggiuntive
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informazioni aggiuntive
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Apri sito web
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Apri sito web
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Il checksum deve essere numerico
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Rilevato carattere non alfanumerico
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Rilevato carattere non alfanumerico
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Il checksum IBAN non è valido
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Il checksum IBAN non è valido
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Prefisso non canadese
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Prefisso non canadese
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Deve contenere solo lettere, numeri, spazi e / o i simboli ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Deve contenere solo lettere, numeri, spazi e / o i simboli ' _ , . ? -
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=オファー取り消さない
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=送金中: {0}\n送金元アドレス: {1}\n入
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisqがこのトランザクションはダストの最小閾値以下のおつりアウトプットを生じることを検出しました(それにしたがって、ビットコインのコンセンサス・ルールによって許されない)。代わりに、その ({0} satoshi{1}) のダストはマイニング手数料に追加されます。\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisqがこのトランザクションはダストの最小閾値以下のおつりアウトプットを生じることを検出しました(それにしたがって、ビットコインのコンセンサス・ルールによって許されない)。代わりに、その ({0} satoshi{1}) のダストはマイニング手数料に追加されます。\n\n\n
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=確認します
shared.openURL={0} をオープン
shared.openURL={0} をオープン
shared.otherAssets=other assets
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=有効されました
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=支払い方法別のオファー
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=米ドル建ての貿易量を表示
offerbook.offerersBankId=メイカーの銀行ID (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=メイカーの銀行ID (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=メーカーの銀行名: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=メーカーの銀行名: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=メーカーの銀行の国名: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=メーカーの銀行の国名: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=利用可能な銀行の国名(テイカー): 全ユーロ諸国
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=利用可能な銀行の国名(テイカー): 全ユーロ諸国
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (下限 - 上限)
offerbook.createOfferToBuy={0} を購入するオファーを作成
offerbook.createNewOffer=Create new offer to {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell={0} を売却するオファーを作成
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat={1} で {0} を購入するオファーを作成
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat={1} で {0} を売却するオファーを作成
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto={0} を売却する({1}購入)オファーを作成
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto={0} を購入する({1}売却)オファーを作成
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip={0} のオファーを受ける
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip={0} のオファーを受ける
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=オファー公開に失敗:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=現在の市場価格よりも{0}以上で
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=係争が発生した場合、このオファーの仲裁は{0}で処理されます。 言語は現在{1}に設定されています。
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=BTCの金額を入力
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=再確認: ビットコインを{0}オファーを出す
createOffer.placeOfferButton=再確認: ビットコインを{0}オファーを出す
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount= - 取引額: {0}\n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount= - 取引額: {0}\n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=再確認: ビットコインを{0}オファーを申し込む
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=再確認: ビットコインを{0}オファーを申し込む
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount= - 取引額: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount= - 取引額: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=オファーが利用できなくなったため、オファー受け入れに失敗しました。 この間に別のトレーダーがオファーを受けた可能性があります。
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=オファーが利用できなくなったため、オファー受け入れに失敗しました。 この間に別のトレーダーがオファーを受けた可能性があります。
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=トランザクション手数料は少なくとも{0}
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=あなたの入力は妥当な値(> 5000 satoshis / vbyte)を超えています。トランザクション手数料は通常 50-400 satoshis/vbyteの範囲です。
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=あなたの入力は妥当な値(> 5000 satoshis / vbyte)を超えています。トランザクション手数料は通常 50-400 satoshis/vbyteの範囲です。
funds.reserved.reserved=次のIDとのオファーはローカルウォレットで予約されています: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.locked=次のIDとのトレードはマルチシグでロック中です: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=送信 to:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=送信 to:
funds.tx.createOfferFee=メイカーとTXの手数料: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=テイカーとTXの手数料: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=マルチシグデポジット: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=マルチシグ支払い: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=係争の支払い: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=係争事案が消失: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=担保の払い戻し: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=時間ロック支払いtx: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=仲裁からの払い戻し: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=不明な理由: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=このトランザクションはごくわずかなB
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=状態
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=BTC 買い手/メイカー
support.buyerOfferer=BTC 買い手/メイカー
support.sellerOfferer=BTC 売り手/メイカー
support.sellerOfferer=BTC 売り手/メイカー
support.buyerTaker=BTC 買い手/テイカー
support.buyerTaker=BTC 買い手/テイカー
support.sellerTaker=BTC 売り手/テイカー
support.sellerTaker=BTC 売り手/テイカー
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=希望する通貨
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=トランザクションURL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=前のハッシュ
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=ローカルデータが、少なくとも1つのシードノードと一致していません。 DAO状態を再同期してください。
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=ローカルデータが、少なくとも1つのシードノードと一致していません。 DAO状態を再同期してください。
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=チケットを閉じる
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=チケットは {0} に閉じられました\n{1} ノードアドレス: {2}\n\nまとめ\nトレードID: {3}\n通貨: {4}\nトレード金額: {5}\n買い手のBTC支払額: {6}\n売り手のBTC支払額 {7}\n\n係争の理由: {8}\n\n概要ノート:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=約束
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=承認: ビットコインを{0}オファーを出す
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=承認: ビットコインを{0}オファーを出す
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=承認: ビットコインを{0}オファーを受ける
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=承認: ビットコインを{0}オファーを受ける
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=あなたの地域の銀行支店が現金デポジ
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Qubes OS内でBisqを実行しているようです。\n\nBisqのqubeはセットアップガイドに従って設定されていることを確かめて下さい: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes]
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Qubes OS内でBisqを実行しているようです。\n\nBisqのqubeはセットアップガイドに従って設定されていることを確かめて下さい: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes]
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2869,9 +2874,9 @@ payment.revolut.info=以前の場合と違って、Revolutは電話番号やメ
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n現在の「Revolut」アカウント({1})には「ユーザ名」がありません。 \nアカウントデータを更新するのにRevolutの「ユーザ名」を入力して下さい。\nアカウント年齢署名状況に影響を及ぼしません。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n現在の「Revolut」アカウント({1})には「ユーザ名」がありません。 \nアカウントデータを更新するのにRevolutの「ユーザ名」を入力して下さい。\nアカウント年齢署名状況に影響を及ぼしません。
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the country to be specified.
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=「対面」で会うための市区町村
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
@ -2978,7 +2983,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=名義
payment.payid.info=銀行、信用金庫、あるいは住宅金融組合アカウントと安全に繋がれるPayIDとして使われる電話番号、Eメールアドレス、それともオーストラリア企業番号(ABN)。すでにオーストラリアの金融機関とPayIDを作った必要があります。送金と受取の金融機関は両方PayIDをサポートする必要があります。詳しくは以下を訪れて下さい [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.payid.info=銀行、信用金庫、あるいは住宅金融組合アカウントと安全に繋がれるPayIDとして使われる電話番号、Eメールアドレス、それともオーストラリア企業番号(ABN)。すでにオーストラリアの金融機関とPayIDを作った必要があります。送金と受取の金融機関は両方PayIDをサポートする必要があります。詳しくは以下を訪れて下さい [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Amazonギフト券で支払うには、Amazonアカウントを使ってギフト券をBTC売り手に送る必要があります。 \n\n最良の慣行について詳しくはWikiを参照して下さい:[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] \n\n3つの注意点:\n- 可能であれば、100米ドル価格以下のeGiftカードを送って下さい。それ以上の価格はアマゾンに不正な取引というフラグが立てられることがあります\n- ギフト券のメッセージフィールドに、信ぴょう性のあるメッセージを入力して下さい。(例えば「隆さん、お誕生日おめでとう!」)。そして確認のため、取引者チャットでトレードピアにメッセージの内容を伝えて下さい\n- Amazonギフト券は買われたサイトのみに交換できます(例えば、amazon.co.jpから買われたカードはamazon.co.jpのみに交換できます)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=チェックサムは数値でなければな
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=文字、数字、スペースおよび/または記号 ' _ , . ? - だけを含める必要があります
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=文字、数字、スペースおよび/または記号 ' _ , . ? - だけを含める必要があります
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=Nie usuwaj oferty
shared.editOffer=Edytuj ofertę
shared.editOffer=Edytuj ofertę
shared.duplicateOffer=Powiel ofertę
shared.duplicateOffer=Powiel ofertę
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Otwórz okno z kodem QR
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Otwórz okno z kodem QR
shared.tradingAccount=Rachunek transakcyjny
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=Odwiedź zakładkę Pomocy
shared.faq=Odwiedź zakładkę Pomocy
shared.yesCancel=Tak, anuluj
shared.yesCancel=Tak, anuluj
shared.nextStep=Następny krok
shared.nextStep=Następny krok
shared.selectTradingAccount=Wybierz rachunek transakcyjny
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Przenieś środki z portfela Bisq
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Przenieś środki z portfela Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Otwórz swój zewnętrzny portfel do zasilenia
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Otwórz swój zewnętrzny portfel do zasilenia
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Nieudana próba otwarcia aplikacji portfela Bitcoin. Czy jesteś pewnien, że jest zainstalowana ?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Nieudana próba otwarcia aplikacji portfela Bitcoin. Czy jesteś pewnien, że jest zainstalowana ?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq wykrył, że wychodząca transakcja jest poniżej ustalonego limitu dust(i z tego względu niedozwolona przez porozumienie Bitcoina). W zamian, ilość({0} satoshi{1}) będzie dodana do opłaty eksploatacyjnej. \n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq wykrył, że wychodząca transakcja jest poniżej ustalonego limitu dust(i z tego względu niedozwolona przez porozumienie Bitcoina). W zamian, ilość({0} satoshi{1}) będzie dodana do opłaty eksploatacyjnej. \n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Skopiuj do schowka
shared.copyToClipboard=Skopiuj do schowka
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Zastosuj i zamknij
shared.applyAndShutDown=Zastosuj i zamknij
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Potwierdzam
shared.openURL=Otwórz {0}
shared.openURL=Otwórz {0}
shared.fiat=Pieniądz fiducjarny
shared.fiat=Pieniądz fiducjarny
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.advancedOptions=Zaawansowane ustawienia
shared.advancedOptions=Zaawansowane ustawienia
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Aktywny
mainView.menu.buyBtc=Kup BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=Sprzedaj BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Oferty posortowane według metody płatności
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Kup {0} (sprzedaj {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Sprzedaj {0} (kup {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Kup {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Sprzedaj {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Sprzedaj {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Sprzedaj {0}
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Kup {0} od
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Kup {0} od
market.offerBook.buy=Chcę kupić Bitcoin
market.offerBook.buy=Chcę kupić Bitcoin
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Pokaż wolumen w USD
offerbook.createOffer=Stwćrz ofertę
offerbook.createOffer=Stwćrz ofertę
offerbook.takeOffer=Kup tę ofertę
offerbook.takeOffer=Kup tę ofertę
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Skorzystaj z oferty aby kupić {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Skorzystaj z oferty aby sprzedać {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=Dane banku twórcy oferty (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=Dane banku twórcy oferty (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nazwa banku twórcy oferty: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nazwa banku twórcy oferty: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Siedziby krajów banku Twórcy: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Siedziby krajów banku Twórcy: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Zaakceptowane siedziby krajów banku (odbiorca): Wszystkie kraje Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Zaakceptowane siedziby krajów banku (odbiorca): Wszystkie kraje Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Zaakceptowane siedziby krajów banku (odbiorca):\n{0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Zaakceptowane siedziby krajów banku (odbiorca):\n{0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Dostępne oferty
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtruj walutę
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtruj metody płatności
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Oferty dopasowane do mojego konta
offerbook.matchingOffers=Oferty dopasowane do mojego konta
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Dane konta
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Dane konta
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=Podpisane przez arbitera i może podpisywać konta innych członków sieci
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=Podpisane przez arbitera i może podpisywać konta innych członków sieci
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
offerbook.deposit=Depozyt BTC(%)
offerbook.deposit=Depozyt BTC(%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Dezpoyt wpłacony przez każdego z inwestorów aby zagwarantować transakcję. Zostanie zwrócony kiedy transakcja zostanie zakończona.
offerbook.deposit.help=Dezpoyt wpłacony przez każdego z inwestorów aby zagwarantować transakcję. Zostanie zwrócony kiedy transakcja zostanie zakończona.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Stwórz nową ofertę aby kupić {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Złóż nową ofertę dla {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Stwórz nową ofertę aby sprzedać {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Stwórz nową ofertę aby kupić {0} za {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Stwórz nową ofertę aby sprzedać {0} za {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Stwórz nową ofertę aby sprzedać {0} (kupić {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Stwórz nową ofertę aby kupić {0} (sprzedać {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Złóż ofertę na {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Złóż ofertę na {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Tak, utwórz ofertę
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Załóż nowe konto
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Załóż nowe konto
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Oferta usunięta z powodzeniem.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Oferta usunięta z powodzeniem.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Niepowodzenie usunięcia oferty:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Niepowodzenie usunięcia oferty:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Publikacja oferty nie powiodła się:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Brak konta dla wybranej waluty
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=Brak konta dla wybranej waluty
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=Nie masz stworzonego konta do wybranej waluty.\n\nCzy chcesz stworzyć ofertę dla innej waluty ?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Brak pasującego konta do płatności.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=Brak pasującego konta do płatności.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Ta oferta używa rodzaju płatności, który nie jest u Ciebie ustawiony. \n\nCzy chcesz ustalić nowy rodzaj płatności teraz ?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=Ta oferta używa rodzaju płatności, który nie jest u Ciebie ustawiony. \n\nCzy chcesz ustalić nowy rodzaj płatności teraz ?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Dostaniesz {0} więcej niż obecna cena rynk
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Zapłacisz {0} mniej niż obecna cena rynkowa (aktualizacja co minutę).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Zapłacisz {0} mniej niż obecna cena rynkowa (aktualizacja co minutę).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Kupisz po tej stałej cenie.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Kupisz po tej stałej cenie.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Sprzedaż po tej stałej cenie.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Sprzedaż po tej stałej cenie.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=W przypadku sporu, miej na uwadze, że postępowanie arbitrażowe dla tej oferty będzie obsługiwane w {0}. Język jest obecnie ustawiony na {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Kwota została zaokrąglona aby zapewnić prywatność Twojej transakcji.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Kwota została zaokrąglona aby zapewnić prywatność Twojej transakcji.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Wprowadź ilość w BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Wprowadź cenę
createOffer.price.prompt=Wprowadź cenę
createOffer.volume.prompt=Wprowadź ilość w {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=Wprowadź ilość w {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Kwota BTC w {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Kwota BTC w {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Kwota w {0} do wydania
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Kwota w {0} do wydania
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Kwota w {0} do otrzymania
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Kwota w {0} do otrzymania
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimalna ilość BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Minimalna ilość BTC
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depozyt bezpieczeństwa
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depozyt bezpieczeństwa
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Sfinansuj swoją ofertę
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Sfinansuj swoją ofertę
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Przegląd: Umieść ofertę {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Przegląd: Umieść ofertę {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Sfinansuj swoją ofertę
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Sfinansuj swoją ofertę
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=-Ilość transakcji: {0}\n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=-Ilość transakcji: {0}\n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Wprowadź ilość w BTC
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Wprowadź ilość w BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Kwota BTC do sprzedaży
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Kwota BTC do sprzedaży
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Kwota BTC do kupna
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Kwota BTC do kupna
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Cena za bitcoin {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Cena za bitcoin {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Możliwy przedział kwotowy
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Możliwy przedział kwotowy
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Kwota jaką wprowadzono przekroczyła liczbę miejsc dziesiętnych.\nIlość została dostosowana do 4 miejsc po przecinku.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Kwota jaką wprowadzono przekroczyła liczbę miejsc dziesiętnych.\nIlość została dostosowana do 4 miejsc po przecinku.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Przegląd: Weź ofertę aby kupić {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Przegląd: Weź ofertę aby kupić {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Nie możesz skorzystać z tej oferty jako że używa ona procenta ceny bazującej na cenie rynkowej ale nie ma dostępnego źródła cen.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Nie możesz skorzystać z tej oferty jako że używa ona procenta ceny bazującej na cenie rynkowej ale nie ma dostępnego źródła cen.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Sfinansuj swoją transakcję
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Sfinansuj swoją transakcję
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=-Ilość transakcji: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=-Ilość transakcji: {0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Musisz złożyć w depozycie {0} aby skorzystać z tej oferty.\n\nKwota sumy składa się z:\n{1}- Twojego depozytu bezpieczeństwa: {2}\n- Opłaty transakcyjnej: {3}\n-Opłaty eksploatacyjnej: {4}\n\nMożesz wybrać z dwóch opcji podczas zasilania swojego portfela:\n-Użyć portfela Bisq (wygodne, ale transakcje mogą być skorelowane) LUB\n-Przenieśc pieniądze z zewnętrznego porfela (potencjalnie bardziej prywatne)\n\nZobaczysz wszystkie opcje i szczegóły po zamknięciu tego okna.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=Musisz złożyć w depozycie {0} aby skorzystać z tej oferty.\n\nKwota sumy składa się z:\n{1}- Twojego depozytu bezpieczeństwa: {2}\n- Opłaty transakcyjnej: {3}\n-Opłaty eksploatacyjnej: {4}\n\nMożesz wybrać z dwóch opcji podczas zasilania swojego portfela:\n-Użyć portfela Bisq (wygodne, ale transakcje mogą być skorelowane) LUB\n-Przenieśc pieniądze z zewnętrznego porfela (potencjalnie bardziej prywatne)\n\nZobaczysz wszystkie opcje i szczegóły po zamknięciu tego okna.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Jeśli już zapłaciłeś środki możesz wypłacić w oknie \"Fundusze/Wyślij fundusze\".
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Jeśli już zapłaciłeś środki możesz wypłacić w oknie \"Fundusze/Wyślij fundusze\".
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Informacja o płatności
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Ustaw ilość
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Ustaw ilość
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Już sfinansowałeś tą ofertę. \nJeśli teraz anulujesz, Twoje fundusze zostaną przeniesione do Twojego lokalnego portfela Bisq i są dostępne do wypłaty w \"Fundusze/Wyślij fundusze\" \nJesteś pewien że chcesz anulować ?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Już sfinansowałeś tą ofertę. \nJeśli teraz anulujesz, Twoje fundusze zostaną przeniesione do Twojego lokalnego portfela Bisq i są dostępne do wypłaty w \"Fundusze/Wyślij fundusze\" \nJesteś pewien że chcesz anulować ?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Żądanie oferty nie powiodło się, oferta nie jest już aktywna. Prawdopodobnie ktoś już wziął tą ofertę.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Żądanie oferty nie powiodło się, oferta nie jest już aktywna. Prawdopodobnie ktoś już wziął tą ofertę.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Opłata transakcyjna musi wynosić przynajmniej {0} sa
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Wprowadzone dane wejściowe są poza odpowiednią rozsądną wartością ( >5000 satoshi/vbyte). Opłata transakcyjna zwykle mieści się w przedziale 50-400 satoshi/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Wprowadzone dane wejściowe są poza odpowiednią rozsądną wartością ( >5000 satoshi/vbyte). Opłata transakcyjna zwykle mieści się w przedziale 50-400 satoshi/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=Żadne fundusze nie są zablokowane w otwartych ofertach
funds.reserved.noFunds=Żadne fundusze nie są zablokowane w otwartych ofertach
funds.reserved.reserved=Otrzymane w lokalnym portfelu z oferty ID: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=Żadne środki nie są zablokowane w transakcjach
funds.locked.noFunds=Żadne środki nie są zablokowane w transakcjach
funds.locked.locked=Zablokowane w transakcji wielopodpisowej o ID: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Wysłano do:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Wysłano do:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Otrzymano z:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Otrzymano z:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Z transakcji Genesis:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Z transakcji Genesis:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Opłata eksploatacyjna za transakcję BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Opłata eksploatacyjna za transakcję BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Twórca i opłata transakcyjna: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Odbiorca i opłata transakcyjna: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Depozyt transakcji wielopodpisowej: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Wypłata transakcji wielopodpisowej: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Wypłata po sporze: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Przegrane spory: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Zwrot zabezpieczenia: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Transakcja wypłaty zablokowana czasowo: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Zwrot z arbitracji: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Nieznany powód: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Brak zwrotu za spór
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Brak zwrotu za spór
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Otrzymane środki
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Otrzymane środki
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Wypłacone z portfela
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Wypłacone z portfela
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Ta transakcja wysyła bardzo małą ilość BTC do T
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=Stan
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=Kupujący BTC
support.buyerOfferer=Kupujący BTC
support.sellerOfferer=Sprzedający BTC
support.sellerOfferer=Sprzedający BTC
support.buyerTaker=Kupujący BTC
support.buyerTaker=Kupujący BTC
support.sellerTaker=Sprzedający BTC
support.sellerTaker=Sprzedający BTC
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Preferowana waluta
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Wyświetl waluty krajowe
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Wyświetl waluty krajowe
setting.preferences.noFiat=Nie wybrano żadnych krajowych walut
setting.preferences.noFiat=Nie wybrano żadnych krajowych walut
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Nie możesz usunąć wybranego preferowanego widoku walut
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Nie możesz usunąć wybranego preferowanego widoku walut
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Wyświetl altcoiny
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Wyświetl altcoiny
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Nie wybrano altcoinów
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Nie wybrano altcoinów
setting.preferences.addFiat=Dodaj walutę krajową
setting.preferences.addFiat=Dodaj walutę krajową
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=URL transakcji
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Adres URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Adres URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Sieć Bitcoin
settings.net.btcHeader=Sieć Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Sieć Bisq
settings.net.p2pHeader=Sieć Bisq
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Poprzedni hash
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Liczba propozycji
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Liczba propozycji
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Twoje lokalne dane nie są zgodne przynajmniej z jednym seed node. Prosimy o ponowną synchronizację stanu DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Twoje lokalne dane nie są zgodne przynajmniej z jednym seed node. Prosimy o ponowną synchronizację stanu DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Jeden z użytkowników nie jest w konsensusie z siecią ale Twój węzeł jest w synchronizacji z seed nodes.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Twój lokalny węzeł nie jest w porozumieniu z siecią.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Twój lokalny węzeł nie jest w porozumieniu z siecią.
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Zamknij sprawę
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Sprawa zamknięta {0}\n{1} adres węzła: {2}\n\nPodsumowanie:\nID transakcji: {3}\nWaluta: {4}\nKwota transakcji: {5}\nKwota wypłaty kupującemu BTC: {6}\nKwota wypłaty sprzedawcy BTC: {7}\n\nPowód sporu: {8}\n\nNotatki podsumowujące:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Zobowiązanie
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Zgadzam się
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Zgadzam się
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Zasady i warunki
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Zasady i warunki
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Potwierdź : Umieść ofertę dla {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Potwierdź : Umieść ofertę dla {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Potwierdź: Przyjmij ofertę dla {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Potwierdź: Przyjmij ofertę dla {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Data stworzenia
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Data stworzenia
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Adres onion twórcy
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Adres onion twórcy
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Upewnij się że masz oddział banku w Twojej okolicy
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Potwierdzam, że mogę dokonać depozytu
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Potwierdzam, że mogę dokonać depozytu
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq jest właśnie zamykany, ale są wciąż otwarte oferty.\n\nTe oferty nie bedą ważne w sieci P2P podczas gdy Bisq jest zamknięty, ale zostaną opublikowane ponownie jak tylko ponownie włączysz aplikację.\n\nAby Twoje oferty pozostały online, pozostaw Bisq otwarty i upewnij się że jesteś online (np.:, upewnij się że nie przejdzie w tryb czuwania...tryb czuwania monitora jest w porządku).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq jest właśnie zamykany, ale są wciąż otwarte oferty.\n\nTe oferty nie bedą ważne w sieci P2P podczas gdy Bisq jest zamknięty, ale zostaną opublikowane ponownie jak tylko ponownie włączysz aplikację.\n\nAby Twoje oferty pozostały online, pozostaw Bisq otwarty i upewnij się że jesteś online (np.:, upewnij się że nie przejdzie w tryb czuwania...tryb czuwania monitora jest w porządku).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Wygląda na to że Bisq jest zainstalowany na systemie operacyjnym Qubes.\n\nProsimy o upewnienie się że Bisq jest skonfigurowany zgodnie z instrukcją na [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=Wygląda na to że Bisq jest zainstalowany na systemie operacyjnym Qubes.\n\nProsimy o upewnienie się że Bisq jest skonfigurowany zgodnie z instrukcją na [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Zdeklasowanie z wersji {0} do wersji {1} nie jest wspierane. Prosimy o użycie najnowszej wersji Bisq.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Zdeklasowanie z wersji {0} do wersji {1} nie jest wspierane. Prosimy o użycie najnowszej wersji Bisq.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Wystąpił problem z synchronizacją stanu DAO. Musisz ponownie uruchomić aplikację aby naprawić problem.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=Wystąpił problem z synchronizacją stanu DAO. Musisz ponownie uruchomić aplikację aby naprawić problem.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Miasto do spotkania 'Face to face'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Miasto zostanie pokazane wraz z ofertą
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Miasto zostanie pokazane wraz z ofertą
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Opcjonalnie dodatkowe informacje
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Opcjonalnie dodatkowe informacje
payment.shared.extraInfo=Dodatkowe informacje
payment.shared.extraInfo=Dodatkowe informacje
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Zdefiniuj jakiekolwiek specjalne warunki, zasady lub szczegóły które chciałbyś aby były wyświetlone wraz z ofertą dla tej metody płatności (użytkownicy będą mogli zobaczyć te informacje przed zaakceptowaniem oferty).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Prosimy o wpisanie na swoich ofertach:\n\nKraj pobytu (np Francja);\nKraje/regiony z których akceptujesz transakcje (np Francja, EU, lub inny kraj Europejski);\nJakiekolwiek specjalne warunki, zasady;\nJakiekolwiek inne szczegóły.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Prosimy o weryfikację zasad i warunków twórcy.\nJeśli nie spełniasz wymagań nie korzystaj z tej oferty.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Prosimy o weryfikację zasad i warunków twórcy.\nJeśli nie spełniasz wymagań nie korzystaj z tej oferty.
payment.f2f.info=Transakcje 'Face to Face' mają inne zasady i inne ryzyka niż transakcje online.\n\nGłówne różnice to:\n●Obie strony transakcji musza wymienić informacje na temat miejsca spotkania i czasu używając dostępnych danych kontaktowych.\n●Obie strony muszą przynieść swoje laptopy i potwierdzić wysłanie transakcji i jej otrzymanie na miejscu spotkania.\n●Jeśli twórca ma specjalne warunki i zasady musi je wpisać w polu konta 'Dodatkowe informacje'/\n●Zgadzając się na tą ofertę odbiorca zgadza się na warunki i zasady zapisane przez Twórcę oferty.\n●W przypadku sporu mediator lub arbiter nie mogą za bardzo pomóc jako że zwykle jest trudno znaleść bezsporny dowód tego co się stało podczas spotkania. W takich przypadkach fundusze BTC mogą zostać zablokowane na zawsze lub do czasu aż obie strony transakcji dojdą do porozumienia.\n\nAby być pewnym że rozumiesz różnice transakcji 'Face to Face' prosimy o przeczytanie instrukcji i zaleceń na: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info=Transakcje 'Face to Face' mają inne zasady i inne ryzyka niż transakcje online.\n\nGłówne różnice to:\n●Obie strony transakcji musza wymienić informacje na temat miejsca spotkania i czasu używając dostępnych danych kontaktowych.\n●Obie strony muszą przynieść swoje laptopy i potwierdzić wysłanie transakcji i jej otrzymanie na miejscu spotkania.\n●Jeśli twórca ma specjalne warunki i zasady musi je wpisać w polu konta 'Dodatkowe informacje'/\n●Zgadzając się na tą ofertę odbiorca zgadza się na warunki i zasady zapisane przez Twórcę oferty.\n●W przypadku sporu mediator lub arbiter nie mogą za bardzo pomóc jako że zwykle jest trudno znaleść bezsporny dowód tego co się stało podczas spotkania. W takich przypadkach fundusze BTC mogą zostać zablokowane na zawsze lub do czasu aż obie strony transakcji dojdą do porozumienia.\n\nAby być pewnym że rozumiesz różnice transakcji 'Face to Face' prosimy o przeczytanie instrukcji i zaleceń na: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Otwórz stronę internetową
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Otwórz stronę internetową
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Suma kontrolna musi być liczbą
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Znak niealfanumeryczny został wykryty
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Znak niealfanumeryczny został wykryty
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Suma kontrolna IBAN jest nieprawidłowa
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Suma kontrolna IBAN jest nieprawidłowa
validation.iban.invalidLength=Numer musi mieć długość między 15 a 34 znaki.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Numer musi mieć długość między 15 a 34 znaki.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Pozakanadyjski kod lokalny
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Pozakanadyjski kod lokalny
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Prosimy o wpisanie poprawnego 11 cyfrowego numeru telefonu (np.: 1-123-456-7890) lub adresu email
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Prosimy o wpisanie poprawnego 11 cyfrowego numeru telefonu (np.: 1-123-456-7890) lub adresu email
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Musi zawierać jedynie cyfry, liczby, spacje i/lub symbole ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Musi zawierać jedynie cyfry, liczby, spacje i/lub symbole ' _ , . ? -
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=Não remover a oferta
shared.editOffer=Editar oferta
shared.editOffer=Editar oferta
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.tradingAccount=Conta de negociação
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.yesCancel=Sim, cancelar
shared.yesCancel=Sim, cancelar
shared.nextStep=Próximo passo
shared.nextStep=Próximo passo
shared.selectTradingAccount=Selecionar conta de negociação
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transferir fundos da carteira Bisq
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transferir fundos da carteira Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Abrir sua carteira externa para prover fundos
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Abrir sua carteira externa para prover fundos
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Copiar para área de transferência
shared.copyToClipboard=Copiar para área de transferência
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Aplicar e desligar
shared.applyAndShutDown=Aplicar e desligar
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Eu confirmo
shared.openURL=Aberto {0}
shared.openURL=Aberto {0}
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.advancedOptions=Opções avançadas
shared.advancedOptions=Opções avançadas
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Enabled
mainView.menu.buyBtc=Comprar BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=Vender BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offers by Payment Method
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Comprar {0} (vender {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Vender {0} (comprar {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Comprar {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Vender {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vender {0} para
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vender {0} para
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Comprar {0} de
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Comprar {0} de
market.offerBook.buy=Eu quero comprar bitcoin
market.offerBook.buy=Eu quero comprar bitcoin
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Show volume in USD
offerbook.createOffer=Criar oferta
offerbook.createOffer=Criar oferta
offerbook.takeOffer=Aceitar oferta
offerbook.takeOffer=Aceitar oferta
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Comprar {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Vender {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID do banco do ofertante (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID do banco do ofertante (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nome do banco do ofertante: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nome do banco do ofertante: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=País da sede do banco do ofertante: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=País da sede do banco do ofertante: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Países sedes aceitos pelo banco (tomador): Todos os países da zona do Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Países sedes aceitos pelo banco (tomador): Todos os países da zona do Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Países aceitos como sede bancária (tomador):\n{0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Países aceitos como sede bancária (tomador):\n{0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Ofertas disponíveis
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrar por moeda
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrar por método de pagamento
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=assinada por um árbitro e pode assinar contas de pares
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=assinada por um árbitro e pode assinar contas de pares
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (mín. - máx.)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Criar oferta para comprar {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Criar oferta para {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Criar oferta para vender {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Criar nova oferta para comprar {0} com {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Criar nova oferta para vender {0} por {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Criar oferta para vender {0} (comprar {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Criar oferta para comprar {0} (vender {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Aceitar oferta {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Aceitar oferta {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Sim, criar oferta
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Configurar uma nova conta de negociação
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Configurar uma nova conta de negociação
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Remoção de oferta bem sucedida
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Remoção de oferta bem sucedida
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Remoção da oferta falhou:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Remoção da oferta falhou:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Erro ao publicar oferta:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.\n\nWould you like to create an offer for another currency instead?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Você irá receber {0} a mais do que o atual
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Você irá pagar {0} a menos do que o atual preço de mercado (atualizado a cada minuto).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Você irá pagar {0} a menos do que o atual preço de mercado (atualizado a cada minuto).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Você irá comprar nesse preço fixo.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Você irá comprar nesse preço fixo.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Você irá vender neste preço fixo.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Você irá vender neste preço fixo.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=Em caso de disputa, a arbitragem para essa oferta será realizada em {0}. O idioma atualmente está definido como {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=O valor foi arredondado para aumentar a privacidade da sua negociação.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=O valor foi arredondado para aumentar a privacidade da sua negociação.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Insira o valor em BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Insira o preço
createOffer.price.prompt=Insira o preço
createOffer.volume.prompt=Insira o valor em {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=Insira o valor em {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Quantia em BTC para {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Quantia em BTC para {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Valor em {0} a ser gasto
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Valor em {0} a ser gasto
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Valor em {0} a ser recebido
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Valor em {0} a ser recebido
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Quantia mínima de BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Quantia mínima de BTC
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depósito de segurança
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depósito de segurança
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Financie sua oferta
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Financie sua oferta
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Revisar: Criar oferta para {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Revisar: Criar oferta para {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financiar sua oferta
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financiar sua oferta
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Quantia da negociação: {0} \n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Quantia da negociação: {0} \n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Insira a quantia em BTC
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Insira a quantia em BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC para vender
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC para vender
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC para comprar
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC para comprar
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Preço por bitcoin em {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Preço por bitcoin em {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Quantias permitidas
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Quantias permitidas
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=A quantia que você inseriu excede o número máximo de casas decimais permitida.\nA quantia foi ajustada para 4 casas decimais.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=A quantia que você inseriu excede o número máximo de casas decimais permitida.\nA quantia foi ajustada para 4 casas decimais.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Revisar: Aceitar oferta para {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Revisar: Aceitar oferta para {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Você não pode aceitar essa oferta pois ela usa uma porcentagem do preço baseada no preço de mercado, mas o canal de preços está indisponível no momento.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Você não pode aceitar essa oferta pois ela usa uma porcentagem do preço baseada no preço de mercado, mas o canal de preços está indisponível no momento.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financiar sua negociação
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financiar sua negociação
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Quantia a negociar: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Quantia a negociar: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Se você já pagou por essa oferta, você pode retirar seus fundos na seção \"Fundos/Enviar fundos\".
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Se você já pagou por essa oferta, você pode retirar seus fundos na seção \"Fundos/Enviar fundos\".
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Informações de pagamento
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Definir quantia
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Definir quantia
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Você já financiou essa oferta.\nSe cancelar agora, seus fundos serão movidos para sua carteira Bisq local e estarão disponíveis para retirada na janela \"Fundos/Enviar fundos\".\nTem certeza que deseja cancelar?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Você já financiou essa oferta.\nSe cancelar agora, seus fundos serão movidos para sua carteira Bisq local e estarão disponíveis para retirada na janela \"Fundos/Enviar fundos\".\nTem certeza que deseja cancelar?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Pedido de aceitar oferta de negociação falhou pois a oferta não está mais disponível. Talvez outro negociador tenha aceitado a oferta neste período.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Pedido de aceitar oferta de negociação falhou pois a oferta não está mais disponível. Talvez outro negociador tenha aceitado a oferta neste período.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=Não há fundos reservados em ofertas abertas
funds.reserved.noFunds=Não há fundos reservados em ofertas abertas
funds.reserved.reserved=Reservado na carteira local para oferta com ID: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=Não há fundos travados em negociações
funds.locked.noFunds=Não há fundos travados em negociações
funds.locked.locked=Travado em multisig para negociação com ID: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Enviado para:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Enviado para:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Recebido com:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Recebido com:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Da transação gênese:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Da transação gênese:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Taxa de mineração para transação de BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Taxa de mineração para transação de BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Taxa de oferta e transação: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taxa de aceitação e transação: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Depósito Multisig: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Pagamento Multisig: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Pagamento de disputa: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Caso com disputa perdida: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Colateral de reembolso: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=transação de pagamento com trava temporal: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Reembolso de árbitro: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Razão desconhecida: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Nenhum reembolso de disputa
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Nenhum reembolso de disputa
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fundos recebidos
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fundos recebidos
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Retirado da carteira
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Retirado da carteira
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Esta transação está enviando uma quantia muito pe
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=Estado
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=Comprador de BTC / Ofetante
support.buyerOfferer=Comprador de BTC / Ofetante
support.sellerOfferer=Vendedor de BTC / Ofertante
support.sellerOfferer=Vendedor de BTC / Ofertante
support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Moeda de preferência
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Exibir moedas nacionais
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Exibir moedas nacionais
setting.preferences.noFiat=Não há moedas nacionais selecionadas
setting.preferences.noFiat=Não há moedas nacionais selecionadas
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Você não pode remover a moeda preferencial de exibição selecionada
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Você não pode remover a moeda preferencial de exibição selecionada
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Exibir altcoins
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Exibir altcoins
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Não há altcoins selecionadas
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Não há altcoins selecionadas
setting.preferences.addFiat=Adicionar moeda nacional
setting.preferences.addFiat=Adicionar moeda nacional
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Rede Bitcoin
settings.net.btcHeader=Rede Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Rede Bisq
settings.net.p2pHeader=Rede Bisq
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Hash anterior
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Nº de propostas
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Nº de propostas
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Os seus dados locais não estão em consenso com pelo menos um nó semente. Por favor, re-sincronizar o estado da DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Os seus dados locais não estão em consenso com pelo menos um nó semente. Por favor, re-sincronizar o estado da DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Um dos seus pares não está em consenso com a rede, mas o seu nó está em sincronia com os nós semente.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Seu nó local está em consenso com a rede
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Seu nó local está em consenso com a rede
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Fechar ticket
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nTrade amount: {5}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {6}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {7}\n\nReason for dispute: {8}\n\nSummary notes:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Compromisso
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Eu concordo
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Eu concordo
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Termos e condições
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Termos e condições
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Criar oferta para {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Criar oferta para {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirmar: Aceitar oferta de {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirmar: Aceitar oferta de {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Criada em
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Criada em
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Endereço onion do ofertante
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Endereço onion do ofertante
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Certifique-se de que você possui uma agência bancá
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Eu confirmo que posso fazer o depósito
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Eu confirmo que posso fazer o depósito
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=O Bisq está desligando, mas há ofertas abertas.\n\nEstas ofertas não ficarão disponíveis na rede P2P enquanto o Bisq estiver desligado, mas elas serão republicadas na rede assim que você reiniciar o programa.\n\nPara manter suas ofertas online, mantenha o Bisq aberto e certifique-se de que o seu computador continua online (ex: certifique-se de que o computador não está entrando em modo de hibernação).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=O Bisq está desligando, mas há ofertas abertas.\n\nEstas ofertas não ficarão disponíveis na rede P2P enquanto o Bisq estiver desligado, mas elas serão republicadas na rede assim que você reiniciar o programa.\n\nPara manter suas ofertas online, mantenha o Bisq aberto e certifique-se de que o seu computador continua online (ex: certifique-se de que o computador não está entrando em modo de hibernação).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Cidade para se encontrar 'Cara-a-cara'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=A cidade será exibida na oferta
payment.f2f.city.prompt=A cidade será exibida na oferta
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Informações adicionais opcionais
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Informações adicionais opcionais
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informações adicionais
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informações adicionais
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir site
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir site
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Código verificador deve ser numérico
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Caractere não alfanumérico detectado
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Caractere não alfanumérico detectado
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Código de verificação IBAN é inválido
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Código de verificação IBAN é inválido
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Código de área não é canadense.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Código de área não é canadense.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Deve conter somente letras, números, espaços e/ou os símbolos ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Deve conter somente letras, números, espaços e/ou os símbolos ' _ , . ? -
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=Não remover a oferta
shared.editOffer=Editar oferta
shared.editOffer=Editar oferta
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Abrir QR-Code em janela grande
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Abrir QR-Code em janela grande
shared.tradingAccount=Conta de negociação
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.yesCancel=Sim, cancelar
shared.yesCancel=Sim, cancelar
shared.nextStep=Próximo passo
shared.nextStep=Próximo passo
shared.selectTradingAccount=Selecionar conta de negociação
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transferir fundos da carteira Bisq
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Transferir fundos da carteira Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Abrir sua carteira externa para o financiamento
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Abrir sua carteira externa para o financiamento
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Copiar para área de transferência
shared.copyToClipboard=Copiar para área de transferência
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Aplicar e desligar
shared.applyAndShutDown=Aplicar e desligar
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Eu confirmo
shared.openURL=Abrir {0}
shared.openURL=Abrir {0}
shared.fiat=Moeda fiduciária
shared.fiat=Moeda fiduciária
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.advancedOptions=Opções avançadas
shared.advancedOptions=Opções avançadas
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Enabled
mainView.menu.buyBtc=Comprar BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=Vender BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offers by Payment Method
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Eu quero comprar {0} (vender {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Eu quero vender {0} (comprar {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Comprar {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Vender {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vender {0} para
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Vender {0} para
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Comprar {0} de
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Comprar {0} de
market.offerBook.buy=Eu quero comprar bitcoin
market.offerBook.buy=Eu quero comprar bitcoin
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Show volume in USD
offerbook.createOffer=Criar oferta
offerbook.createOffer=Criar oferta
offerbook.takeOffer=Aceitar oferta
offerbook.takeOffer=Aceitar oferta
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Aceitar oferta para comprar {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Aceitar oferta para vender {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID do banco do ofertante (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID do banco do ofertante (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nome do banco do ofertante: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Nome do banco do ofertante: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Sede do banco do ofertante: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Sede do banco do ofertante: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Sedes do banco aceites (aceitador): Todos os países do Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Sedes do banco aceites (aceitador): Todos os países do Euro
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Sede do banco aceite (aceitador):\n {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Sede do banco aceite (aceitador):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Ofertas disponíveis
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrar por moeda
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrar por método de pagamento
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=assinada pelo árbitro e pode assinar contas de pares
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=assinada pelo árbitro e pode assinar contas de pares
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (mín - máx)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Criar nova oferta para comprar {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Criar nova oferta para {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Criar nova oferta para vender {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Criar nova oferta para comprar {0} com {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Criar nova oferta para vender {0} por {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Criar nova oferta para vender {0} (comprar {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Criar nova oferta para comprar {0} (vender {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Aceitar oferta por {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Aceitar oferta por {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Sim, criar oferta
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Configurar uma nova conta de negociação
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Configurar uma nova conta de negociação
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Remoção da oferta bem sucedida
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Remoção da oferta bem sucedida
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Remoção da oferta falhou:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Remoção da oferta falhou:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=A publicação da oferta falhou:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.\n\nWould you like to create an offer for another currency instead?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Receberá mais {0} do que o atual preço do
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Pagará menos {0} do que o atual preço do mercado (atualizado à cada minuto).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Pagará menos {0} do que o atual preço do mercado (atualizado à cada minuto).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Comprará à este preço fixo.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Comprará à este preço fixo.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Venderá à este preço fixo.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Venderá à este preço fixo.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=Em caso de disputa, saiba que a arbitragem para esta oferta será tratada em {0}. O idioma está atualmente definido para {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=A quantia foi arredondada para aumentar a privacidade do seu negócio.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=A quantia foi arredondada para aumentar a privacidade do seu negócio.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Escreva a quantia em BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Escreva o preço
createOffer.price.prompt=Escreva o preço
createOffer.volume.prompt=Escreva a quantia em {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=Escreva a quantia em {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC para {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC para {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Quantia em {0} a ser gasto
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Quantia em {0} a ser gasto
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Quantia em {0} a ser recebido
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Quantia em {0} a ser recebido
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Quantia mínima de BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Quantia mínima de BTC
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depósito de segurança
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Depósito de segurança
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Financiar sua oferta
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Financiar sua oferta
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Rever: Colocar oferta para {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Rever: Colocar oferta para {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financiar sua oferta
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financiar sua oferta
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Quantia de negócio: {0} \n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Quantia de negócio: {0} \n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Insira a quantia de BTC
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Insira a quantia de BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC a vender
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC a vender
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC a comprar
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Quantia de BTC a comprar
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Preço por bitcoin em {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Preço por bitcoin em {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Intervalo de quantia possível
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Intervalo de quantia possível
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=A quantia introduzida excede o número de casas décimas permitido.\nA quantia foi ajustada para 4 casas decimais.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=A quantia introduzida excede o número de casas décimas permitido.\nA quantia foi ajustada para 4 casas decimais.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Rever: Colocar oferta para {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Rever: Colocar oferta para {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Você não pode aceitar aquela oferta pois ela utiliza uma percentagem do preço baseada no preço de mercado, mas o feed de preços está indisponível no momento.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Você não pode aceitar aquela oferta pois ela utiliza uma percentagem do preço baseada no preço de mercado, mas o feed de preços está indisponível no momento.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financiar seu negócio
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Financiar seu negócio
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Quantia de negócio: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Quantia de negócio: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Se você já pagou com seus fundos você pode levantá-los na janela \"Fundos/Enviar fundos\".
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Se você já pagou com seus fundos você pode levantá-los na janela \"Fundos/Enviar fundos\".
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Informações de pagamento
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Definir quantia
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Definir quantia
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Você já financiou essa oferta.\nSe você cancelar agora, seus fundos serão transferidos para sua carteira Bisq local e estarão disponíveis para levantamento no ecrã \"Fundos/Enviar fundos\".\nVocê tem certeza que deseja cancelar?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Você já financiou essa oferta.\nSe você cancelar agora, seus fundos serão transferidos para sua carteira Bisq local e estarão disponíveis para levantamento no ecrã \"Fundos/Enviar fundos\".\nVocê tem certeza que deseja cancelar?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Pedido para aceitar oferta falhou porque a oferta já não está disponível. Talvez um outro negociador aceitou a oferta entretanto.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Pedido para aceitar oferta falhou porque a oferta já não está disponível. Talvez um outro negociador aceitou a oferta entretanto.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=Não há fundos reservados em ofertas abertas
funds.reserved.noFunds=Não há fundos reservados em ofertas abertas
funds.reserved.reserved=Reservado na carteira local par a oferte com o ID: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=Não há fundos bloqueados em negócios
funds.locked.noFunds=Não há fundos bloqueados em negócios
funds.locked.locked=Bloqueado em transação multi-assinatura para o negócio com o ID: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Enviado para:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Enviado para:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Recebido com:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Recebido com:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Da tx Genesis:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Da tx Genesis:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Taxa do mineiro para tx de BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Taxa do mineiro para tx de BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Taxa do ofertante e da tx: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taxa do aceitador e da tx: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Depósito multi-assinatura: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Pagamento multi-assinatura: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Pagamento de disputa: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Caso de disputa perdido: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Colateral do reembolso: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Tx de pagamento com trava temporal: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Reembolso da arbitragem: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Razão desconhecida: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Nenhum reembolso de disputa
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Nenhum reembolso de disputa
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fundos recebidos
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Fundos recebidos
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Levantado da carteira
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Levantado da carteira
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Esta transação está enviando uma quantia muito pe
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=Estado
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=Comprador de BTC/Ofertante
support.buyerOfferer=Comprador de BTC/Ofertante
support.sellerOfferer=Vendedor de BTC/Ofertante
support.sellerOfferer=Vendedor de BTC/Ofertante
support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC/Aceitador
support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC/Aceitador
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC/Aceitador
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC/Aceitador
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Moeda preferrida
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Mostrar moedas nacionais
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Mostrar moedas nacionais
setting.preferences.noFiat=Não há moedas nacionais selecionadas
setting.preferences.noFiat=Não há moedas nacionais selecionadas
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Você não pode remover a moeda preferida de exibição selecionada
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Você não pode remover a moeda preferida de exibição selecionada
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Mostrar altcoins
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Mostrar altcoins
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Não há altcoins selecionadas
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Não há altcoins selecionadas
setting.preferences.addFiat=Adicionar moeda nacional
setting.preferences.addFiat=Adicionar moeda nacional
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Rede Bitcoin
settings.net.btcHeader=Rede Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Rede do Bisq
settings.net.p2pHeader=Rede do Bisq
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Hash anterior
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Nº de propostas
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Nº de propostas
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Os seus dados locais não estão em consenso com pelo menos um nó semente. Por favor, re-sincronizar o estado da OAD.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Os seus dados locais não estão em consenso com pelo menos um nó semente. Por favor, re-sincronizar o estado da OAD.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Um dos seus pares não está em consenso com a rede, mas o seu nó está em sincronia com os nós semente.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Seu nó local está em consenso com a rede
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Seu nó local está em consenso com a rede
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Fechar bilhete
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nTrade amount: {5}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {6}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {7}\n\nReason for dispute: {8}\n\nSummary notes:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Compromisso
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Eu concordo
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Eu concordo
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Termos e condições
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Termos e condições
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Confirmar: Criar oferta para {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Confirmar: Criar oferta para {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirmar: Aceitar oferta de {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Confirmar: Aceitar oferta de {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Data de criação
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Data de criação
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Endereço onion do ofertante
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Endereço onion do ofertante
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Por favor, certifique-se de que você tem uma agênci
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Eu confirmo que eu posso fazer o depósito
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Eu confirmo que eu posso fazer o depósito
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq está sendo fechado, mas há ofertas abertas. \n\nEstas ofertas não estarão disponíveis na rede P2P enquanto o Bisq estiver desligado, mas elas serão publicadas novamente na rede P2P na próxima vez que você iniciar o Bisq.\n\nPara manter suas ofertas on-line, mantenha o Bisq em execução e certifique-se de que este computador também permaneça online (ou seja, certifique-se de que ele não entra no modo de espera... o modo de espera do monitor não causa problema).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq está sendo fechado, mas há ofertas abertas. \n\nEstas ofertas não estarão disponíveis na rede P2P enquanto o Bisq estiver desligado, mas elas serão publicadas novamente na rede P2P na próxima vez que você iniciar o Bisq.\n\nPara manter suas ofertas on-line, mantenha o Bisq em execução e certifique-se de que este computador também permaneça online (ou seja, certifique-se de que ele não entra no modo de espera... o modo de espera do monitor não causa problema).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Cidade para o encontro 'Face à face'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=A cidade será exibida com a oferta
payment.f2f.city.prompt=A cidade será exibida com a oferta
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Informação adicional opcional
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Informação adicional opcional
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informação adicional
payment.shared.extraInfo=Informação adicional
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir página web
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir página web
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Soma de verificação deve ser numérica
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Carácter não alfanumérico detectado
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Carácter não alfanumérico detectado
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Soma de verificação dp IBAN é inválida
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Soma de verificação dp IBAN é inválida
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Código de área não é canadense.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Código de área não é canadense.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Deve conter apenas letras, números, espaços e/ou símbolos ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Deve conter apenas letras, números, espaços e/ou símbolos ' _ , . ? -
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=Не удалять предложение
shared.editOffer=Изменить предложение
shared.editOffer=Изменить предложение
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.tradingAccount=Торговый счёт
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.yesCancel=Да, отменить
shared.yesCancel=Да, отменить
shared.selectTradingAccount=Выбрать торговый счёт
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Перевести средства с кошелька Bisq
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Перевести средства с кошелька Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Открыть внешний кошелёк для пополнения
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Открыть внешний кошелёк для пополнения
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Скопировать в буфер
shared.copyToClipboard=Скопировать в буфер
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
shared.applyAndShutDown=Применить и закрыть приложение
shared.applyAndShutDown=Применить и закрыть приложение
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Подтверждаю
shared.openURL=Открыть {0}
shared.openURL=Открыть {0}
shared.fiat=Нац. валюта
shared.fiat=Нац. валюта
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.advancedOptions=Дополнительные настройки
shared.advancedOptions=Дополнительные настройки
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Enabled
mainView.menu.buyBtc=Купить BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=Продать BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offers by Payment Method
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Хочу купить {0} (продать {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Хочу продать {0} (купить {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Купить {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Продать {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Продать {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Продать {0}
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Купить {0}
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Купить {0}
market.offerBook.buy=Хочу купить биткойн
market.offerBook.buy=Хочу купить биткойн
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Show volume in USD
offerbook.createOffer=Создать предложение
offerbook.createOffer=Создать предложение
offerbook.takeOffer=Принять предложение
offerbook.takeOffer=Принять предложение
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Принять предложение купить {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Принять предложение продать {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=Идент. банка (BIC/SWIFT) мейкера: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=Идент. банка (BIC/SWIFT) мейкера: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Название банка мейкера: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Название банка мейкера: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Местоположение банка мейкера: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Местоположение банка мейкера: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Допустимые страны банка тейкера: все страны еврозоны
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Допустимые страны банка тейкера: все страны еврозоны
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Допустимые страны банка тейкера:\n {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Допустимые страны банка тейкера:\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Доступные предложения
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Фильтровать по валюте
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Фильтровать по способу оплаты
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (мин. — макс.)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Создать новое предложение на покупку {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Создать новое предложение {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Создать новое предложение на продажу {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Создать новое предложение: купить {0} за {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Создать новое предложение: продать {0} за {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Создать новое предложение: продать {0} (купить {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Создать новое предложение: купить {0} (продать {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Принять предложение {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Принять предложение {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Да, создать предложение
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Создать новый торговый счёт
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Создать новый торговый счёт
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Предложение удалено.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Предложение удалено.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Не удалось удалить предложение:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Не удалось удалить предложение:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Не удалось опубликовать пр
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.\n\nWould you like to create an offer for another currency instead?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Вы получите на {0} больше
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Вы заплатите на {0} меньше текущего рыночного курса (обновляется ежеминутно).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Вы заплатите на {0} меньше текущего рыночного курса (обновляется ежеминутно).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Вы купите по этому фиксированному курсу.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Вы купите по этому фиксированному курсу.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Вы продадите по этому фиксированному курсу.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Вы продадите по этому фиксированному курсу.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=В случае возникновения спора он будет рассматриваться арбитром на другом языке ({0}). Текущий язык: {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Сумма округлена, чтобы повысить конфиденциальность сделки.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Сумма округлена, чтобы повысить конфиденциальность сделки.
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Введите сумму в ВТС
createOffer.price.prompt=Введите курс
createOffer.price.prompt=Введите курс
createOffer.volume.prompt=Введите сумму в {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=Введите сумму в {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Количество BTC для {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Количество BTC для {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Сумма затрат в {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Сумма затрат в {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Сумма в {0} к получению
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Сумма в {0} к получению
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Мин. количество ВТС
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Мин. количество ВТС
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Обеспечить своё предложение
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Обеспечить своё предложение
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Проверка: разместить предложение {0} биткойн
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Проверка: разместить предложение {0} биткойн
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Обеспечить своё предложение
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Обеспечить своё предложение
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Сумма сделки: {0} \n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Сумма сделки: {0} \n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Введите сумму в ВТС
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Введите сумму в ВТС
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Сумма BTC для продажи
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Сумма BTC для продажи
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Сумма BTC для покупки
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Сумма BTC для покупки
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Цена за биткойн в {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Цена за биткойн в {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Возможный диапазон суммы
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Возможный диапазон суммы
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Слишком много знаков после запятой.\nКоличество знаков скорректировано до 4.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Слишком много знаков после запятой.\nКоличество знаков скорректировано до 4.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Проверка: принять предложение {0} биткойн
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Проверка: принять предложение {0} биткойн
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Нельзя принять это предложение, поскольку в нем используется процентный курс на основе рыночного курса, источник которого недоступен.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Нельзя принять это предложение, поскольку в нем используется процентный курс на основе рыночного курса, источник которого недоступен.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Обеспечьте свою сделку
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Обеспечьте свою сделку
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Сумма сделки: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Сумма сделки: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Если вы уже внесли средства, их можно вывести в разделе \«Средства/Отправить средства\».
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Если вы уже внесли средства, их можно вывести в разделе \«Средства/Отправить средства\».
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Информация о платеже
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Задайте сумму
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Задайте сумму
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Вы уже обеспечили это предложение.\nВ случае его отмены ваши средства переместятся в ваш локальный кошелёк Bisq и будут доступны для вывода в разделе \«Средства/Отправить средства\».\nОтменить?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Вы уже обеспечили это предложение.\nВ случае его отмены ваши средства переместятся в ваш локальный кошелёк Bisq и будут доступны для вывода в разделе \«Средства/Отправить средства\».\nОтменить?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Запрос принять предложение отменён, так как предложение больше недоступно. Возможно, его уже принял другой трейдер.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Запрос принять предложение отменён, так как предложение больше недоступно. Возможно, его уже принял другой трейдер.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=Не выделено средств для текущих предложений
funds.reserved.noFunds=Не выделено средств для текущих предложений
funds.reserved.reserved=Выделено в локальном кошельке на предложение с идент.: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=Средства в сделках не используются
funds.locked.noFunds=Средства в сделках не используются
funds.locked.locked=Заблокировано в multisig-адресе для сделки с идентификатором: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Из первичной транзакции:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Из первичной транзакции:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Комиссия майнера за транзакцию в BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Комиссия майнера за транзакцию в BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Комиссия мейкера и плата за сделку: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Комиссия тейкера и плата за сделку: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Депозит на multisig-адрес: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Выплата с multisig-адреса: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Выплата по спору: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Проигранный спор: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Неизвестная причина: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Без возмещения по спору
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=Без возмещения по спору
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Полученные средства
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Полученные средства
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Выведено из кошелька
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=Выведено из кошелька
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Вы получили очень маленькую
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=Состояние
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=Покупатель ВТС/мейкер
support.buyerOfferer=Покупатель ВТС/мейкер
support.sellerOfferer=Продавец ВТС/мейкер
support.sellerOfferer=Продавец ВТС/мейкер
support.buyerTaker=Покупатель ВТС/тейкер
support.buyerTaker=Покупатель ВТС/тейкер
support.sellerTaker=Продавец BTC/тейкер
support.sellerTaker=Продавец BTC/тейкер
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Предпочитаемая валюта
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Показать нац. валюты
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Показать нац. валюты
setting.preferences.noFiat=Национальные валюты не выбраны
setting.preferences.noFiat=Национальные валюты не выбраны
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Нельзя удалить выбранную предпочитаемую валюту
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Нельзя удалить выбранную предпочитаемую валюту
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Показать альткойны
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Показать альткойны
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Альткойны не выбраны
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Альткойны не выбраны
setting.preferences.addFiat=Добавить национальную валюту
setting.preferences.addFiat=Добавить национальную валюту
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Сеть Биткойн
settings.net.btcHeader=Сеть Биткойн
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Предыдущий хеш
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Кол-во предложений
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Кол-во предложений
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Данные на вашем компьютере не достигли состояния консенсуса по крайней мере с одним исходным узлом. Необходима повторная синхронизация состояния ДАО.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Данные на вашем компьютере не достигли состояния консенсуса по крайней мере с одним исходным узлом. Необходима повторная синхронизация состояния ДАО.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Один из ваших пиров не достиг состояния консенсуса с сетью, однако ваш узел синхронизирован с исходными узлами.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Узел на вашем компьютере находится в состоянии консенсуса с сетью
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Узел на вашем компьютере находится в состоянии консенсуса с сетью
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Закрыть обращение
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nTrade amount: {5}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {6}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {7}\n\nReason for dispute: {8}\n\nSummary notes:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Обязательство
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Пользовательское соглашение
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Пользовательское соглашение
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Подтвердите: разместить предложение {0} биткойн
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Подтвердите: разместить предложение {0} биткойн
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Подтвердите: принять предложение {0} биткойн
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Подтвердите: принять предложение {0} биткойн
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Дата создания
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Дата создания
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Onion-адрес мейкера
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Onion-адрес мейкера
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Убедитесь, что в вашем районе
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Я подтверждаю, что могу внести оплату
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Я подтверждаю, что могу внести оплату
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq закрывается, но у вас есть открытые предложения.\n\nЭти предложения будут недоступны в сети P2P, пока приложение Bisq закрыто, но будут повторно опубликованы в сети P2P при следующем запуске Bisq.\n\nЧтобы ваши предложения были доступны в сети, компьютер и приложение должны быть включены и подключены к сети (убедитесь, что компьютер не перешёл в режим ожидания; переход монитора в спящий режим не влияет на работу приложения).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq закрывается, но у вас есть открытые предложения.\n\nЭти предложения будут недоступны в сети P2P, пока приложение Bisq закрыто, но будут повторно опубликованы в сети P2P при следующем запуске Bisq.\n\nЧтобы ваши предложения были доступны в сети, компьютер и приложение должны быть включены и подключены к сети (убедитесь, что компьютер не перешёл в режим ожидания; переход монитора в спящий режим не влияет на работу приложения).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Город для личной встречи
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Город будет указан в предложении
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Город будет указан в предложении
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Дополнительная необязательная информация
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Дополнительная необязательная информация
payment.shared.extraInfo=Дополнительная информация
payment.shared.extraInfo=Дополнительная информация
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Открыть веб-страницу
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Открыть веб-страницу
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Контрольная сумма должн
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Введен не буквенно-цифровой знак
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Введен не буквенно-цифровой знак
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Контрольная сумма IBAN недействительна
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Контрольная сумма IBAN недействительна
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Код не канадского региона
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Код не канадского региона
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Должен содержать только буквы, цифры, пробелы и/или символы ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Должен содержать только буквы, цифры, пробелы и/или символы ' _ , . ? -
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=ห้ามลบข้อเสนอ
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.yesCancel=ใช่ ยกเลิก
shared.yesCancel=ใช่ ยกเลิก
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=โอนเงินจาก Bisq wallet
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=โอนเงินจาก Bisq wallet
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=ฉันยืนยัน
shared.openURL=เปิด {0}
shared.openURL=เปิด {0}
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.other=อื่น ๆ
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Enabled
mainView.menu.buyBtc=ซื้อ BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=ขาย BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offers by Payment Method
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=ซื้อ {0} (ขาย {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=ขาย {0} (ซื้อ {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=ซื้อ {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=ขาย {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=ขาย {0} ไปยัง
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=ขาย {0} ไปยัง
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=ซื้อ {0} จาก
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=ซื้อ {0} จาก
market.offerBook.buy=ฉันต้องการจะซื้อ bitcoin
market.offerBook.buy=ฉันต้องการจะซื้อ bitcoin
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Show volume in USD
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Take offer to buy {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Take offer to sell {0}
offerbook.trader=Trader (เทรดเดอร์)
offerbook.trader=Trader (เทรดเดอร์)
offerbook.offerersBankId=รหัสธนาคารของผู้สร้าง (BIC / SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=รหัสธนาคารของผู้สร้าง (BIC / SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=ชื่อธนาคารของผู้สร้าง: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=ชื่อธนาคารของผู้สร้าง: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=ตำแหน่งประเทศของธนาคารของผู้สร้าง: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=ตำแหน่งประเทศของธนาคารของผู้สร้าง: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=ยอมรับตำแหน่งประเทศของธนาคาร (ผู้รับ): ทุกประเทศในทวีปยูโร
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=ยอมรับตำแหน่งประเทศของธนาคาร (ผู้รับ): ทุกประเทศในทวีปยูโร
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=ยอมรับตำแหน่งประเทศของธนาคาร (ผู้รับ):\n {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=ยอมรับตำแหน่งประเทศของธนาคาร (ผู้รับ):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (ต่ำสุด - สูงสุด)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Create new offer to buy {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=สร้างข้อเสนอใหม่ไปยัง {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Create new offer to sell {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Create new offer to buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Create new offer to sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Create new offer to sell {0} (buy {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Create new offer to buy {0} (sell {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=รับข้อเสนอเพื่อ {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=รับข้อเสนอเพื่อ {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=ใช่ สร้างข้อเสนอ
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=การเผยแพร่ข้อเสน
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.\n\nWould you like to create an offer for another currency instead?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=คุณจะได้รับ {0} มา
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=คุณจะจ่าย {0} น้อยกว่าราคาตลาดในปัจจุบัน (อัปเดตทุกนาที)
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=คุณจะจ่าย {0} น้อยกว่าราคาตลาดในปัจจุบัน (อัปเดตทุกนาที)
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=ในกรณีที่มีข้อพิพาท โปรดทราบว่ากระบวนการไกล่เกลี่ยสำหรับข้อเสนอนี้จะได้รับการจัดการ {0} ภาษาที่มีการตั้งค่าในปัจจุบัน {1}
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=ป้อนจำนวนเงินใน BTC
createOffer.volume.prompt=ป้อนจำนวนเงินใน {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=ป้อนจำนวนเงินใน {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=ยอดจำนวน BTC ถึง {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=ยอดจำนวน BTC ถึง {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=ยอดจำนวน {0} ที่ต้องจ่าย
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=ยอดจำนวน {0} ที่ต้องจ่าย
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=จำนวนเงิน {0} ที่ได้รับ
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=จำนวนเงิน {0} ที่ได้รับ
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=จำนวนเงินขั้นต่ำของ BTC
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=จำนวนเงินขั้นต่ำของ BTC
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=รีวิว: ใส่ข้อเสนอไปยัง {0} บิตคอย
createOffer.placeOfferButton=รีวิว: ใส่ข้อเสนอไปยัง {0} บิตคอย
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- ปริมาณการซื้อขาย: {0}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- ปริมาณการซื้อขาย: {0}
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=ป้อนจำนวนเงินใน BTC
takeOffer.amount.prompt=ป้อนจำนวนเงินใน BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=จำนวน BTC ที่จะขาย
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=จำนวน BTC ที่จะขาย
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=จำนวน BTC ที่จะซื้อ
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=จำนวน BTC ที่จะซื้อ
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=ราคาต่อ bitcoin ใน {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=ราคาต่อ bitcoin ใน {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=จำนวนเงินที่คุณป้อนเกินจำนวนตำแหน่งทศนิยมที่อนุญาต\nจำนวนเงินได้รับการปรับเป็นตำแหน่งทศนิยม 4 ตำแหน่ง
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=จำนวนเงินที่คุณป้อนเกินจำนวนตำแหน่งทศนิยมที่อนุญาต\nจำนวนเงินได้รับการปรับเป็นตำแหน่งทศนิยม 4 ตำแหน่ง
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=รีวิว: รับข้อเสนอจาก {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=รีวิว: รับข้อเสนอจาก {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=คุณไม่สามารถรับข้อเสนอดังกล่าวเนื่องจากใช้ราคาร้อยละตามราคาตลาด แต่ไม่มีฟีดราคาที่พร้อมใช้งาน
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=คุณไม่สามารถรับข้อเสนอดังกล่าวเนื่องจากใช้ราคาร้อยละตามราคาตลาด แต่ไม่มีฟีดราคาที่พร้อมใช้งาน
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- ปริมาณการซื้อขาย: {0}
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- ปริมาณการซื้อขาย: {0}
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=หากคุณได้ชำระเงินแล้วคุณสามารถถอนเงินออกได้ในหน้าจอ \"เงิน / ส่งเงิน \"
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=หากคุณได้ชำระเงินแล้วคุณสามารถถอนเงินออกได้ในหน้าจอ \"เงิน / ส่งเงิน \"
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=คุณได้รับเงินจากข้อเสนอนั้นแล้ว\nหากคุณยกเลิกตอนนี้เงินของคุณจะถูกย้ายไปที่กระเป๋าสตางค์ Bisq ในประเทศของคุณและพร้อมสำหรับการถอนเงินโดยไปที่หน้า \"เงิน / ส่งเงิน \"\nคุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการยกเลิก
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=คุณได้รับเงินจากข้อเสนอนั้นแล้ว\nหากคุณยกเลิกตอนนี้เงินของคุณจะถูกย้ายไปที่กระเป๋าสตางค์ Bisq ในประเทศของคุณและพร้อมสำหรับการถอนเงินโดยไปที่หน้า \"เงิน / ส่งเงิน \"\nคุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการยกเลิก
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=การขอข้อเสนอล้มเหลวเนื่องจากข้อเสนอไม่พร้อมใช้งานอีกต่อไป บางทีผู้ค้ารายอื่นอาจรับข้อเสนอนี้ไปแล้ว
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=การขอข้อเสนอล้มเหลวเนื่องจากข้อเสนอไม่พร้อมใช้งานอีกต่อไป บางทีผู้ค้ารายอื่นอาจรับข้อเสนอนี้ไปแล้ว
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.reserved.reserved=สำรองใน wallet ท้องถิ่นเพื่อข้อเสนอด้วย ID: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.locked=ถูกล็อคใน multisig สำหรับการซื้อขายด้วย ID: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=จากการทำธุรกรรมทั่วไป :
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=จากการทำธุรกรรมทั่วไป :
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=ค่าธรรมเนียมของนักขุดบิทคอยน์สำหรับการทำธุรกรรม BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=ค่าธรรมเนียมของนักขุดบิทคอยน์สำหรับการทำธุรกรรม BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=ผู้สร้างและค่าธรรมเนียมการทำธุรกรรม: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=ค่าธรรมเนียมของผู้รับและการทำธุรกรรม: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=เงินฝาก Multisig (การรองรับหลายลายเซ็น): {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=การจ่ายเงิน Multisig (การรองรับหลายลายเซ็น): {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=การจ่ายเงินข้อพิพาท: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=กรณีการสูญเสียข้อพิพาท: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=เหตุผลที่ไม่ระบุ: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=ถอนออกจาก wallet
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=ถอนออกจาก wallet
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=This transaction is sending a very small BTC amount
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=สถานะ
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=BTC ผู้ซื้อ / ผู้สร้าง
support.buyerOfferer=BTC ผู้ซื้อ / ผู้สร้าง
support.sellerOfferer= BTC ผู้ขาย/ ผู้สร้าง
support.sellerOfferer= BTC ผู้ขาย/ ผู้สร้าง
support.buyerTaker=BTC ผู้ซื้อ / ผู้รับ
support.buyerTaker=BTC ผู้ซื้อ / ผู้รับ
support.sellerTaker=BTC ผู้ขาย / ผู้รับ
support.sellerTaker=BTC ผู้ขาย / ผู้รับ
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=สกุลเงินที่ต้อง
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=แสดง altcoins
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=แสดง altcoins
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=ไม่มี altcoins ที่เลือก
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=ไม่มี altcoins ที่เลือก
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=เครือข่าย Bitcoin
settings.net.btcHeader=เครือข่าย Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Previous hash
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=No. proposals
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=No. proposals
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Your local data is not in consensus with at least one seed node. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Your local data is not in consensus with at least one seed node. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=One of your peers is not in consensus with the network but your node is in sync with the seed nodes.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Your local node is in consensus with the network
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Your local node is in consensus with the network
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=ปิดการยื่นคำขอแ
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nTrade amount: {5}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {6}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {7}\n\nReason for dispute: {8}\n\nSummary notes:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=ข้อผูกมัด
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=ยืนยัน: ยื่นข้อเสนอไปยัง{0} บิทคอยน์
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=ยืนยัน: ยื่นข้อเสนอไปยัง{0} บิทคอยน์
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=ยืนยัน: รับข้อเสนอไปยัง {0} บิทคอยน์
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=ยืนยัน: รับข้อเสนอไปยัง {0} บิทคอยน์
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=ที่อยู่ onion ของผู้สร้าง
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=ที่อยู่ onion ของผู้สร้าง
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=โปรดตรวจสอบว่าคุณ
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq คือกำลังจะปิดลง แต่ยังคงมีการเปิดขายข้อเสนอปกติ\nข้อเสนอเหล่านี้จะไม่ใข้งานได้บนเครือข่าย P2P network ในขณะที่ Bisq ปิดตัวลง แต่จะมีการเผยแพร่บนเครือข่าย P2P ครั้งถัดไปเมื่อคุณมีการเริ่มใช้งาน Bisq.\n\nในการคงสถานะข้อเสนอแบบออนไลน์ คือเปิดใข้งาน Bisq และทำให้มั่นใจว่าคอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องนี้กำลังออนไลน์อยู่ด้วยเช่นกัน (เช่น ตรวจสอบว่าคอมพิวเตอร์ไม่ได้อยู่ในโหมดแสตนบายด์...หน้าจอแสตนบายด์ไม่มีปัญหา)
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq คือกำลังจะปิดลง แต่ยังคงมีการเปิดขายข้อเสนอปกติ\nข้อเสนอเหล่านี้จะไม่ใข้งานได้บนเครือข่าย P2P network ในขณะที่ Bisq ปิดตัวลง แต่จะมีการเผยแพร่บนเครือข่าย P2P ครั้งถัดไปเมื่อคุณมีการเริ่มใช้งาน Bisq.\n\nในการคงสถานะข้อเสนอแบบออนไลน์ คือเปิดใข้งาน Bisq และทำให้มั่นใจว่าคอมพิวเตอร์เครื่องนี้กำลังออนไลน์อยู่ด้วยเช่นกัน (เช่น ตรวจสอบว่าคอมพิวเตอร์ไม่ได้อยู่ในโหมดแสตนบายด์...หน้าจอแสตนบายด์ไม่มีปัญหา)
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=เมืองสำหรับการประชุมแ
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Checksum ต้องเป็นตัวเ
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=การตรวจสอบ IBAN ไม่ถูกต้อง
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=การตรวจสอบ IBAN ไม่ถูกต้อง
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=ต้องประกอบด้วยตัวอักษร ตัวเลข เว้นวรรค และ/หรือ สัญลักษณ์ ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=ต้องประกอบด้วยตัวอักษร ตัวเลข เว้นวรรค และ/หรือ สัญลักษณ์ ' _ , . ? -
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=Không được bỏ chào giá
shared.editOffer=Chỉnh sửa chào giá
shared.editOffer=Chỉnh sửa chào giá
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.openLargeQRWindow=Open large QR code window
shared.tradingAccount=Tài khoản giao dịch
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.faq=Visit FAQ page
shared.yesCancel=Có, hủy
shared.yesCancel=Có, hủy
shared.nextStep=Bước tiếp theo
shared.nextStep=Bước tiếp theo
shared.selectTradingAccount=Chọn tài khoản giao dịch
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Chuyển tiền từ Ví Bisq
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Chuyển tiền từ Ví Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Mở ví ngoài để nộp tiền
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Mở ví ngoài để nộp tiền
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Failed to open a Bitcoin wallet application. Are you sure you have one installed?
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq detected that this transaction would create a change output which is below the minimum dust threshold (and therefore not allowed by Bitcoin consensus rules). Instead, this dust ({0} satoshi{1}) will be added to the mining fee.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=Sao chép đến clipboard
shared.copyToClipboard=Sao chép đến clipboard
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
shared.language=Ngôn ngữ
shared.language=Ngôn ngữ
shared.country=Quốc gia
shared.country=Quốc gia
shared.applyAndShutDown=Áp dụng và tắt
shared.applyAndShutDown=Áp dụng và tắt
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=Tôi xác nhận
shared.openURL=Mở {0}
shared.openURL=Mở {0}
shared.fiat=Tiền pháp định
shared.fiat=Tiền pháp định
shared.crypto=Tiền mã hóa
shared.crypto=Tiền mã hóa
shared.otherAssets=other assets
shared.all=Tất cả
shared.all=Tất cả
shared.edit=Chỉnh sửa
shared.edit=Chỉnh sửa
shared.advancedOptions=Tùy chọn nâng cao
shared.advancedOptions=Tùy chọn nâng cao
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=Enabled
mainView.menu.market=Thị trường
mainView.menu.market=Thị trường
mainView.menu.buyBtc=Mua BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=Bán BTC
mainView.menu.portfolio=Danh Mục
mainView.menu.portfolio=Danh Mục
mainView.menu.funds=Số tiền
mainView.menu.funds=Số tiền
mainView.menu.support=Hỗ trợ
mainView.menu.support=Hỗ trợ
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offers by Payment Method
market.tabs.trades=Các giao dịch
market.tabs.trades=Các giao dịch
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=Mua {0} (bán {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Bán {0} (mua {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Mua {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Bán {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Bán {0} cho
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Bán {0} cho
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Mua {0} từ
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Mua {0} từ
market.offerBook.buy=Tôi muốn mua bitcoin
market.offerBook.buy=Tôi muốn mua bitcoin
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Show volume in USD
offerbook.createOffer=Tạo chào giá
offerbook.createOffer=Tạo chào giá
offerbook.takeOffer=Nhận chào giá
offerbook.takeOffer=Nhận chào giá
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=Nhận chào giá mua {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=Nhận chào giá bán {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID ngân hàng của người tạo (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=ID ngân hàng của người tạo (BIC/SWIFT): {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Tên ngân hàng của người tạo: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankName=Tên ngân hàng của người tạo: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Quốc gia có ngân hàng của người tạo: {0}
offerbook.offerersBankSeat=Quốc gia có ngân hàng của người tạo: {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Các quốc gia có ngân hàng được chấp thuận (người nhận): Tất cả các nước Châu Âu
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeatsEuro=Các quốc gia có ngân hàng được chấp thuận (người nhận): Tất cả các nước Châu Âu
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Các quốc gia có ngân hàng được chấp thuận (người nhận):\n {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Các quốc gia có ngân hàng được chấp thuận (người nhận):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffers=Các chào giá hiện có
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Lọc theo tiền tệ
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Lọc theo phương thức thanh toán
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit=Deposit BTC (%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.deposit.help=Deposit paid by each trader to guarantee the trade. Will be returned when the trade is completed.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Tạo chào giá mua mới {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Tạo chào giá mới cho {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Tạo chào giá bán mới {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=Tạo chào giá mua {0} bằng {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=Tạo chào giá bán {0} lấy {1}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=Tạo chào giá bán {0} (mua {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=Tạo chào giá mua {0} (bán {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Nhận chào giá cho {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Nhận chào giá cho {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Vâng, tạo lệnh
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Thiết lập tài khoản giao dịch mới
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Thiết lập tài khoản giao dịch mới
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Xoá nh thành công.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Xoá nh thành công.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Xoá lệnh không thành công:\n{0}
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Xoá lệnh không thành công:\n{0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Công bố lệnh không thành công:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.headline=No payment account for selected currency
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.\n\nWould you like to create an offer for another currency instead?
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.headline=No matching payment account.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingAccount.msg=This offer uses a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to set up a new payment account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Bạn sẽ nhận {0} cao hơn so với giá
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Bạn sẽ trả {0} thấp hơn so với giá thị trường hiện tại (cập nhật mỗi phút).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Bạn sẽ trả {0} thấp hơn so với giá thị trường hiện tại (cập nhật mỗi phút).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Bạn sẽ mua với giá cố định này.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Bạn sẽ mua với giá cố định này.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Bạn sẽ bán với giá cố định này.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Bạn sẽ bán với giá cố định này.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=Trong trường hợp có tranh chấp, xin lưu ý rằng việc xử lý tranh chấp sẽ được thực hiện bằng tiếng{0}. Ngôn ngữ hiện tại là tiếng{1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Số lượng đã được làm tròn để tăng tính bảo mật cho giao dịch
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Số lượng đã được làm tròn để tăng tính bảo mật cho giao dịch
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=Nhập số tiền bằng BTC
createOffer.price.prompt=Nhập giá
createOffer.price.prompt=Nhập giá
createOffer.volume.prompt=Nhập số tiền bằng {0}
createOffer.volume.prompt=Nhập số tiền bằng {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Số tiền BTC đến {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=Số tiền BTC đến {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Số tiền {0} để chi trả
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=Số tiền {0} để chi trả
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Số tiền {0} để nhận
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=Số tiền {0} để nhận
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Số tiền BTC nhỏ nhất
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=Số tiền BTC nhỏ nhất
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Tiền đặt cọc
createOffer.securityDeposit.prompt=Tiền đặt cọc
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Nộp tiền cho chào giá của bạn
createOffer.fundsBox.title=Nộp tiền cho chào giá của bạn
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Kiểm tra:: Đặt báo giá cho {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButton=Kiểm tra:: Đặt báo giá cho {0} bitcoin
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Nộp tiền cho báo giá của bạn
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Nộp tiền cho báo giá của bạn
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Khoản tiền giao dịch: {0} \n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Khoản tiền giao dịch: {0} \n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Nhập giá trị bằng BTC
takeOffer.amount.prompt=Nhập giá trị bằng BTC
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Số lượng BTC bán
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Số lượng BTC bán
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Số lượng BTC mua
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Số lượng BTC mua
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Giá mỗi bitcoin bằng {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Giá mỗi bitcoin bằng {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Số lượng khả dụng
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Số lượng khả dụng
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Giá trị bạn vừa nhập vượt quá số ký tự thập phân cho phép.\nGiá trị phải được điều chỉnh về 4 số thập phân.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Giá trị bạn vừa nhập vượt quá số ký tự thập phân cho phép.\nGiá trị phải được điều chỉnh về 4 số thập phân.
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Rà soát: Nhận báo giá cho {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=Rà soát: Nhận báo giá cho {0} bitcoin
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Bạn không thể nhận báo giá này do sử dụng giá phần trăm dựa trên giá thị trường nhưng không có giá cung cấp.
takeOffer.noPriceFeedAvailable=Bạn không thể nhận báo giá này do sử dụng giá phần trăm dựa trên giá thị trường nhưng không có giá cung cấp.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Nộp tiền cho giao dịch của bạn
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.headline=Nộp tiền cho giao dịch của bạn
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Giá trị giao dịch: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- Giá trị giao dịch: {0} \n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Bạn đã thanh toán, bạn có thể rút số tiền này tại màn hình \"Vốn/Gửi vốn\".
takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Bạn đã thanh toán, bạn có thể rút số tiền này tại màn hình \"Vốn/Gửi vốn\".
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Thông tin thanh toán
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Cài đặt số tiền
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Cài đặt số tiền
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Bạn đã nộp tiền cho chào giá này.\nNếu bạn hủy bây giờ, số tiền của bạn sẽ được chuyển sang ví Bisq nội bộ của bạn và sẵn sàng để rút tại màn hình Màn hình \"Vốn/Gửi vốn\".\nBạn có chắc muốn hủy?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Bạn đã nộp tiền cho chào giá này.\nNếu bạn hủy bây giờ, số tiền của bạn sẽ được chuyển sang ví Bisq nội bộ của bạn và sẵn sàng để rút tại màn hình Màn hình \"Vốn/Gửi vốn\".\nBạn có chắc muốn hủy?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Nhận yêu cầu chào giá không thành công do chào giá không còn tồn tại. Có thể trong lúc chờ đợi, Thương gia khác đã nhận chào giá này.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Nhận yêu cầu chào giá không thành công do chào giá không còn tồn tại. Có thể trong lúc chờ đợi, Thương gia khác đã nhận chào giá này.
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
funds.reserved.noFunds=Không có tiền dự trữ trong báo giá mở
funds.reserved.noFunds=Không có tiền dự trữ trong báo giá mở
funds.reserved.reserved=Dự trữ trong ví nội bộ để chào giá với ID: {0}
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.noFunds=Không có tiền bị khóa trong giao dịch
funds.locked.noFunds=Không có tiền bị khóa trong giao dịch
funds.locked.locked=Khóa trong multisig để giao dịch với ID: {0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Gửi đến:
funds.tx.direction.sentTo=Gửi đến:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Nhận với:
funds.tx.direction.receivedWith=Nhận với:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Từ giao dịch gốc:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=Từ giao dịch gốc:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Phí đào cho giao dịch BSQ
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=Phí đào cho giao dịch BSQ
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Người tạo và phí tx: {0}
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Người nhận và phí tx: {0}
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Tiền gửi Multisig: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Tiền trả Multisig: {0}
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Tiền trả khiếu nại: {0}
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Vụ khiếu nại bị thua: {0}
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral: {0}
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration: {0}
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Không rõ lý do: {0}
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=KHÔNG HOÀN LẠI từ khiếu nại
funds.tx.noFundsFromDispute=KHÔNG HOÀN LẠI từ khiếu nại
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Vốn đã nhận
funds.tx.receivedFunds=Vốn đã nhận
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=rút từ ví
funds.tx.withdrawnFromWallet=rút từ ví
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Giao dịch này đang gửi một lượng BTC rấ
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=Trạng thái
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=Người mua BTC/Người tạo
support.buyerOfferer=Người mua BTC/Người tạo
support.sellerOfferer=Người bán BTC/Người tạo
support.sellerOfferer=Người bán BTC/Người tạo
support.buyerTaker=Người mua BTC/Người nhận
support.buyerTaker=Người mua BTC/Người nhận
support.sellerTaker=Người bán BTC/Người nhận
support.sellerTaker=Người bán BTC/Người nhận
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Tiền tệ ưu tiên
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Hiển thị tiền tệ các nước
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Hiển thị tiền tệ các nước
setting.preferences.noFiat=Không có tiền tệ nước nào được chọn
setting.preferences.noFiat=Không có tiền tệ nước nào được chọn
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Bạn không thể gỡ bỏ tiền tệ ưu tiên được chọn
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Bạn không thể gỡ bỏ tiền tệ ưu tiên được chọn
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Hiển thị altcoin
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Hiển thị altcoin
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Không có altcoin nào được chọn
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Không có altcoin nào được chọn
setting.preferences.addFiat=Bổ sung tiền tệ các nước
setting.preferences.addFiat=Bổ sung tiền tệ các nước
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Mạng Bitcoin
settings.net.btcHeader=Mạng Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Hash trước đó
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Số đề xuất
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Số đề xuất
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Dữ liệu trên máy bạn không đồng bộ với ít nhất một seed node. Vui lòng đồng bộ lại trạng thái DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Dữ liệu trên máy bạn không đồng bộ với ít nhất một seed node. Vui lòng đồng bộ lại trạng thái DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Một trong các đối tác của bạn không đồng bộ với mạng nhưng node của bạn vẫn đang đồng bộ với các seed node.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Node trên máy tính của bạn đang dồng bộ với mạng
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Node trên máy tính của bạn đang dồng bộ với mạng
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=Đóng đơn
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nTrade amount: {5}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {6}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {7}\n\nReason for dispute: {8}\n\nSummary notes:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=Cam kết
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Tôi đồng ý
offerDetailsWindow.agree=Tôi đồng ý
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Điều khoản và điều kiện
offerDetailsWindow.tac=Điều khoản và điều kiện
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Xác nhận: Đặt chào giá cho {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=Xác nhận: Đặt chào giá cho {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Xác nhận: Nhận chào giáo cho {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=Xác nhận: Nhận chào giáo cho {0} bitcoin
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Ngày tạo
offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Ngày tạo
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Địa chỉ onion của người tạo
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Địa chỉ onion của người tạo
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=Chắc chắn rằng khu vực của bạn có chi nh
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Tôi xác nhận tôi đã gửi tiền
popup.info.cashDepositInfo.confirm=Tôi xác nhận tôi đã gửi tiền
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq đang đóng, nhưng vẫn có các chào giá đang mở. \n\nNhững chào giá này sẽ không có tại mạng P2P khi Bisq đang đóng, nhưng chúng sẽ được công bố lại trên mạng P2P vào lần tiếp theo bạn khởi động Bisq.\nĐể giữ các chào giá luôn trực tuyến, vui lòng để Bisq chạy và đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn cũng đang trực tuyến(có nghĩa là đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn không chuyển về chế độ chờ...nếu màn hình về chế độ chờ thì không sao).
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq đang đóng, nhưng vẫn có các chào giá đang mở. \n\nNhững chào giá này sẽ không có tại mạng P2P khi Bisq đang đóng, nhưng chúng sẽ được công bố lại trên mạng P2P vào lần tiếp theo bạn khởi động Bisq.\nĐể giữ các chào giá luôn trực tuyến, vui lòng để Bisq chạy và đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn cũng đang trực tuyến(có nghĩa là đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn không chuyển về chế độ chờ...nếu màn hình về chế độ chờ thì không sao).
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=It appears you are running Bisq on Qubes OS. \n\nPlease make sure your Bisq qube is setup according to our Setup Guide at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes].
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=Downgrade from version {0} to version {1} is not supported. Please use the latest Bisq version.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=Thành phố để gặp mặt trực tiếp
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Thành phố sẽ được hiển thị cùng báo giá
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Thành phố sẽ được hiển thị cùng báo giá
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Thông tin thêm tuỳ chọn.
payment.shared.optionalExtra=Thông tin thêm tuỳ chọn.
payment.shared.extraInfo=thông tin thêm
payment.shared.extraInfo=thông tin thêm
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Mở trang web
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Mở trang web
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Mã kiểm tra phải là số
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Phát hiện ký tự không phải kiểu chữ-số
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Phát hiện ký tự không phải kiểu chữ-số
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Mã kiểm tra IBAN không hợp lệ
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Mã kiểm tra IBAN không hợp lệ
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Mã vùng không phải Canada
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Mã vùng không phải Canada
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Chỉ được chứa chữ cái, số, khoảng trắng, và/hoặc các ký tự ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Chỉ được chứa chữ cái, số, khoảng trắng, và/hoặc các ký tự ' _ , . ? -
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=不要移除报价
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=访问 FAQ 页面
shared.faq=访问 FAQ 页面
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=从 Bisq 钱包资金划转
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=从 Bisq 钱包资金划转
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq 检测到,该交易将产生一个低于最低零头阈值的输出(不被比特币共识规则所允许)。相反,这些零头({0}satoshi{1})将被添加到挖矿手续费中。
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq 检测到,该交易将产生一个低于最低零头阈值的输出(不被比特币共识规则所允许)。相反,这些零头({0}satoshi{1})将被添加到挖矿手续费中。
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=我确认
shared.openURL=打开 {0}
shared.openURL=打开 {0}
shared.otherAssets=other assets
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=启用
mainView.menu.buyBtc=买入 BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=卖出 BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offers by Payment Method
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=我想要买入 {0}(卖出 {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=我想要卖出 {0}(买入 {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=购买 {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=出售 {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=出售 {0} 到
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=出售 {0} 到
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=购买 {0} 以
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=购买 {0} 以
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Show volume in USD
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=接受报价来收购 {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=接受报价来出售 {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=卖家的银行 ID(BIC/SWIFT):{0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=卖家的银行 ID(BIC/SWIFT):{0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=接受的银行所在国家(买家):\n {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=接受的银行所在国家(买家):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0}(最小 - 最大)
offerbook.deposit=BTC 保证金(%)
offerbook.deposit=BTC 保证金(%)
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=创建新的报价来买入 {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=创建新的委托 {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=创建新的报价来卖出 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=创建新的报价用 {1} 购买 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=创建新的报价以 {1} 出售 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=创建新的卖出报价 {0} (买入 {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=创建新的买入报价 {0}(卖出 {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=下单买入 {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=下单买入 {0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=报价发布失败:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=您将以高于市场价 {0} 的价格进行
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=您将以低于市场价 {0} 的价格进行支付(每分钟更新)
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=您将以低于市场价 {0} 的价格进行支付(每分钟更新)
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=如有任何争议,请注意此报价的仲裁将在 {0} 内处理。语言目前设置为{1}。
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=输入 BTC 数量
createOffer.volume.prompt=输入 {0} 金额
createOffer.volume.prompt=输入 {0} 金额
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=比特币数量 {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=比特币数量 {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=花费 {0} 数量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=花费 {0} 数量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=接收 {0} 数量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=接收 {0} 数量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=最小 BTC 数量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=最小 BTC 数量
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=复审:报价挂单 {0} 比特币
createOffer.placeOfferButton=复审:报价挂单 {0} 比特币
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- 交易数量:{0}\n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- 交易数量:{0}\n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=输入 BTC 数量
takeOffer.amount.prompt=输入 BTC 数量
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=每个比特币的 {0} 价格
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=每个比特币的 {0} 价格
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=复审:报价下单 {0} 比特币
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=复审:报价下单 {0} 比特币
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- 交易数量:{0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- 交易数量:{0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=您已经为该报价充值了。\n如果您想立即取消,您的资金将划转到您的本地 Bisq 钱包并在“资金/提现”界面可以提现。\n您确定要取消吗?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=您已经为该报价充值了。\n如果您想立即取消,您的资金将划转到您的本地 Bisq 钱包并在“资金/提现”界面可以提现。\n您确定要取消吗?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=请求失败,由于报价不再可用。 也许有交易者在此期间已经下单。
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=请求失败,由于报价不再可用。 也许有交易者在此期间已经下单。
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=交易手续费必须至少为{0} 聪/字节
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=您输入的数额超过可接受值(>5000 聪/字节)。交易手续费一般在 50-400 聪/字节、
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=您输入的数额超过可接受值(>5000 聪/字节)。交易手续费一般在 50-400 聪/字节、
funds.reserved.reserved=报价 ID:{0} 接收在本地钱包中
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.locked=多重验证冻结交易 ID:{0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=从初始 tx:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=从初始 tx:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=BSQ tx 的矿工手续费支付
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=BSQ tx 的矿工手续费支付
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=距锁定锁定支付 tx 的时间: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=这笔交易是发送一个非常小的比特币金
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=状态
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=BTC 买家/挂单者
support.buyerOfferer=BTC 买家/挂单者
support.sellerOfferer=BTC 卖家/挂单者
support.sellerOfferer=BTC 卖家/挂单者
support.buyerTaker=BTC 买家/买单者
support.buyerTaker=BTC 买家/买单者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 卖家/买单者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 卖家/买单者
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=首选货币
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=交易 URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=地址 URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=地址 URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq 网络
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq 网络
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=以前的哈希
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=您的本地数据与至少一个种子节点不一致。请重新同步 DAO 状态。
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=您的本地数据与至少一个种子节点不一致。请重新同步 DAO 状态。
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=关闭话题
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=工单已关闭{0}\n{1} 节点地址:{12}\n\n总结:\n交易 ID:{3}\n货币:{4}\n交易金额:{5}\nBTC 买家支付金额:{6}\nBTC 卖家支付金额:{7}\n\n纠纷原因:{8}\n\n总结:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=承诺
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=确定:发布报价 {0} 比特币
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=确定:发布报价 {0} 比特币
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=确定:下单买入 {0} 比特币
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=确定:下单买入 {0} 比特币
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=请确保您在您的地区有一个银行分行,
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq 正在被关闭,但仍有公开的报价。\n\n当 Bisq 关闭时,这些提供将不能在 P2P 网络上使用,但是它们将在您下次启动 Bisq 时重新发布到 P2P 网络上。\n\n为了让您的报价在线,保持 Bisq 运行,并确保这台计算机也在线(即,确保它不会进入待机模式…显示器待机不是问题)。
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq 正在被关闭,但仍有公开的报价。\n\n当 Bisq 关闭时,这些提供将不能在 P2P 网络上使用,但是它们将在您下次启动 Bisq 时重新发布到 P2P 网络上。\n\n为了让您的报价在线,保持 Bisq 运行,并确保这台计算机也在线(即,确保它不会进入待机模式…显示器待机不是问题)。
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=你似乎好像在 Qubes OS 上运行 Bisq。\n\n请确保您的 Bisq qube 是参考设置指南的说明设置的 https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=你似乎好像在 Qubes OS 上运行 Bisq。\n\n请确保您的 Bisq qube 是参考设置指南的说明设置的 https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=不支持从 {0} 版本降级到 {1} 版本。请使用最新的 Bisq 版本。
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=不支持从 {0} 版本降级到 {1} 版本。请使用最新的 Bisq 版本。
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=在同步 DAO 状态时发生问题。你需要重启应用以修复此问题。
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=在同步 DAO 状态时发生问题。你需要重启应用以修复此问题。
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=“面对面”会议的城市
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=校验必须是数字
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=IBAN 校验无效
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=IBAN 校验无效
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=请输入可用的 11 为电话号码(例如 1-123-456-7890)或邮箱地址
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=请输入可用的 11 为电话号码(例如 1-123-456-7890)或邮箱地址
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=必须只包含字母、数字、空格和/或符号“_ , . ? -”
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=必须只包含字母、数字、空格和/或符号“_ , . ? -”
@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ shared.dontRemoveOffer=不要移除報價
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.duplicateOffer=Duplicate offer
shared.chooseTradingAccount=Choose trading account
shared.faq=訪問 FAQ 頁面
shared.faq=訪問 FAQ 頁面
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=從 Bisq 錢包資金劃轉
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=從 Bisq 錢包資金劃轉
@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving add
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq 檢測到,該交易將產生一個低於最低零頭閾值的輸出(不被比特幣共識規則所允許)。相反,這些零頭({0}satoshi{1})將被添加到挖礦手續費中。
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Bisq 檢測到,該交易將產生一個低於最低零頭閾值的輸出(不被比特幣共識規則所允許)。相反,這些零頭({0}satoshi{1})將被添加到挖礦手續費中。
shared.copiedToClipboard=Copied to clipboard!
@ -197,6 +197,8 @@ shared.iConfirm=我確認
shared.openURL=打開 {0}
shared.openURL=打開 {0}
shared.otherAssets=other assets
@ -232,8 +234,8 @@ shared.enabled=啟用
mainView.menu.buyBtc=買入 BTC
mainView.menu.sellBtc=賣出 BTC
@ -297,10 +299,6 @@ market.tabs.spreadPayment=Offers by Payment Method
# OfferBookChartView
# OfferBookChartView
market.offerBook.buyAltcoin=我想要買入 {0}(賣出 {1})
market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=我想要賣出 {0}(買入 {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=購買 {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=出售 {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=出售 {0} 到
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=出售 {0} 到
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=購買 {0} 以
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=購買 {0} 以
@ -333,17 +331,16 @@ market.trades.showVolumeInUSD=Show volume in USD
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOffer.createAccount=Create account and take offer
offerbook.takeOfferToBuy=接受報價來收購 {0}
offerbook.takeOfferToSell=接受報價來出售 {0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=賣家的銀行 ID(BIC/SWIFT):{0}
offerbook.offerersBankId=賣家的銀行 ID(BIC/SWIFT):{0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=接受的銀行所在國家(買家):\n {0}
offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=接受的銀行所在國家(買家):\n {0}
offerbook.availableOffersToBuy=Buy {0} with {1}
offerbook.availableOffersToSell=Sell {0} for {1}
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Choose currency
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Choose payment method
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
@ -375,16 +372,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0}(最小 - 最大)
offerbook.deposit=BTC 保證金(%)
offerbook.deposit=BTC 保證金(%)
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=創建新的報價來買入 {0}
offerbook.createNewOffer=Create new offer to {0} {1}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=創建新的報價來賣出 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=創建新的報價用 {1} 購買 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=創建新的報價以 {1} 出售 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=創建新的賣出報價 {0} (買入 {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=創建新的買入報價 {0}(賣出 {1})
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=下單買入 {0}
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=下單買入 {0}
@ -393,7 +384,7 @@ offerbook.activateOffer.failed=報價發佈失敗:\n{0}
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.withdrawFundsHint=Offer has been removed. Funds are not reserved for this offer anymore. You can send Available funds to an external wallet at the {0} screen.
offerbook.warning.noTradingAccountForCurrency.msg=You don't have a payment account set up for the selected currency.
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
offerbook.warning.noMatchingBsqAccount.msg=This offer uses BSQ as a payment method you haven't set up yet. \n\nWould you like to automatically create an account now?
@ -423,7 +414,6 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=您將以高於市場價 {0} 的價格進行
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=您將以低於市場價 {0} 的價格進行支付(每分鐘更新)
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=您將以低於市場價 {0} 的價格進行支付(每分鐘更新)
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=如有任何爭議,請注意此報價的仲裁將在 {0} 內處理。語言目前設置為{1}。
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
offerbook.info.accountCreated.message=You''ve just successfully created a BSQ payment account.\nYour account can be found under Account > Altcoins Accounts > {0} and your BSQ wallet under DAO > BSQ Wallet.\n\n
@ -441,8 +431,12 @@ createOffer.amount.prompt=輸入 BTC 數量
createOffer.volume.prompt=輸入 {0} 金額
createOffer.volume.prompt=輸入 {0} 金額
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=比特幣數量 {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.amountDescription=比特幣數量 {0}
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to spend
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in BTC to receive
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=花費 {0} 數量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescription=花費 {0} 數量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=接收 {0} 數量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescription=接收 {0} 數量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to sell
createOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.volumeDescriptionAltcoin=Amount in {0} to buy
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=最小 BTC 數量
createOffer.amountPriceBox.minAmountDescription=最小 BTC 數量
@ -473,6 +467,7 @@ createOffer.buyBsq.popupMessage=Trading fees are paid to fund the Bisq DAO. Fees
# new entries
# new entries
createOffer.placeOfferButton=複審:報價掛單 {0} 比特幣
createOffer.placeOfferButton=複審:報價掛單 {0} 比特幣
createOffer.placeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Place offer to {0} {1}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- 交易數量:{0}\n
createOffer.createOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- 交易數量:{0}\n
@ -512,6 +507,8 @@ createOffer.bsqSwap.mintingPow=Creating proof of work...
takeOffer.amount.prompt=輸入 BTC 數量
takeOffer.amount.prompt=輸入 BTC 數量
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to spend
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescriptionAltcoin=Amount of BTC to receive
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=每個比特幣的 {0} 價格
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=每個比特幣的 {0} 價格
@ -535,13 +532,13 @@ takeOffer.bsqSwap.success.info=Until your trade is included in a block you can s
# new entries
# new entries
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=複審:報價下單 {0} 比特幣
takeOffer.takeOfferButton=複審:報價下單 {0} 比特幣
takeOffer.takeOfferButtonAltcoin=Review: Take offer to {0} {1}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- 交易數量:{0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.tradeAmount=- 交易數量:{0}\n
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.takeOfferFundWalletInfo.msg=You need to deposit {0} to take this offer.\n\nThe amount is the sum of:\n{1}- Your security deposit: {2}\n- Trading fee: {3}\n- Total mining fees: {4}\n\nYou can choose between two options when funding your trade:\n- Use your Bisq wallet (convenient, but transactions may be linkable) OR\n- Transfer from an external wallet (potentially more private)\n\nYou will see all funding options and details after closing this popup.
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=您已經為該報價充值了。\n如果您想立即取消,您的資金將劃轉到您的本地 Bisq 錢包並在“資金/提現”界面可以提現。\n您確定要取消嗎?
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=您已經為該報價充值了。\n如果您想立即取消,您的資金將劃轉到您的本地 Bisq 錢包並在“資金/提現”界面可以提現。\n您確定要取消嗎?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=請求失敗,由於報價不再可用。 也許有交易者在此期間已經下單。
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=請求失敗,由於報價不再可用。 也許有交易者在此期間已經下單。
@ -928,25 +925,25 @@ funds.withdrawal.txFeeMin=交易手續費必須至少為{0} 聰/字節
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=您輸入的數額超過可接受值(>5000 聰/字節)。交易手續費一般在 50-400 聰/字節、
funds.withdrawal.txFeeTooLarge=您輸入的數額超過可接受值(>5000 聰/字節)。交易手續費一般在 50-400 聰/字節、
funds.reserved.reserved=報價 ID:{0} 接收在本地錢包中
funds.reserved.reserved=Reserved in local wallet
funds.locked.locked=多重驗證凍結交易 ID:{0}
funds.locked.locked=Locked in multisig
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=從初始 tx:
funds.tx.direction.genesisTx=從初始 tx:
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=BSQ tx 的礦工手續費支付
funds.tx.txFeePaymentForBsqTx=BSQ tx 的礦工手續費支付
funds.tx.createOfferFee=Maker and tx fee
funds.tx.takeOfferFee=Taker and tx fee
funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=Multisig deposit
funds.tx.multiSigPayout=Multisig payout
funds.tx.disputePayout=Dispute payout
funds.tx.disputeLost=Lost dispute case
funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=距鎖定鎖定支付 tx 的時間: {0}
funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Time locked payout tx
funds.tx.refund=Refund from arbitration
funds.tx.unknown=Unknown reason
@ -964,7 +961,7 @@ funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=這筆交易是發送一個非常小的比特幣金
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapBuy=Bought BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapSell=Sold BTC:
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade: {0}
funds.tx.bsqSwapTx=BSQ Swap trade
@ -1026,14 +1023,16 @@ support.state=狀態
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.uploadTraderChat=Upload Trader Chat
support.buyerOfferer=BTC 買家/掛單者
support.buyerOfferer=BTC 買家/掛單者
support.sellerOfferer=BTC 賣家/掛單者
support.sellerOfferer=BTC 賣家/掛單者
support.buyerTaker=BTC 買家/買單者
support.buyerTaker=BTC 買家/買單者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 賣家/買單者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 賣家/買單者
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\nUpon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
@ -1097,6 +1096,7 @@ setting.preferences.prefCurrency=首選貨幣
setting.preferences.cannotRemoveMainAltcoinCurrency=You cannot remove this main altcoin currency
@ -1140,7 +1140,7 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=交易 URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=地址 URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=地址 URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 60 days. That means trades from more than 60 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq 網絡
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq 網絡
@ -2040,7 +2040,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=以前的哈希
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=您的本地數據與至少一個種子節點不一致。請重新同步 DAO 狀態。
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=您的本地數據與至少一個種子節點不一致。請重新同步 DAO 狀態。
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Your node is in consensus with the seed nodes. Some of your peers are not in consensus.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.button=關閉話題
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=工單已關閉{0}\n{1} 節點地址:{12}\n\n總結:\n交易 ID:{3}\n貨幣:{4}\n交易金額:{5}\nBTC 買家支付金額:{6}\nBTC 賣家支付金額:{7}\n\n糾紛原因:{8}\n\n總結:\n{9}\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n{1} node address: {2}\n\nSummary:\nTrade ID: {3}\nCurrency: {4}\nReason for dispute: {5}\nPayout suggestion: {6}\nTrade amount: {7}\nPayout amount for BTC buyer: {8}\nPayout amount for BTC seller: {9}\n\nSummary notes:\n{10}\n
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
# Do no change any line break or order of tokens as the structure is used for signature verification
@ -2270,7 +2270,9 @@ offerDetailsWindow.commitment=承諾
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=確定:發佈報價 {0} 比特幣
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.maker=確定:發佈報價 {0} 比特幣
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.makerAltcoin=Confirm: Place offer to {0} {1}
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=確定:下單買入 {0} 比特幣
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.taker=確定:下單買入 {0} 比特幣
offerDetailsWindow.confirm.takerAltcoin=Confirm: Take offer to {0} {1}
@ -2457,6 +2459,7 @@ popup.info.cashDepositInfo=請確保您在您的地區有一個銀行分行,
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq 正在被關閉,但仍有公開的報價。\n\n當 Bisq 關閉時,這些提供將不能在 P2P 網絡上使用,但是它們將在您下次啟動 Bisq 時重新發布到 P2P 網絡上。\n\n為了讓您的報價在線,保持 Bisq 運行,並確保這台計算機也在線(即,確保它不會進入待機模式…顯示器待機不是問題)。
popup.info.shutDownWithOpenOffers=Bisq 正在被關閉,但仍有公開的報價。\n\n當 Bisq 關閉時,這些提供將不能在 P2P 網絡上使用,但是它們將在您下次啟動 Bisq 時重新發布到 P2P 網絡上。\n\n為了讓您的報價在線,保持 Bisq 運行,並確保這台計算機也在線(即,確保它不會進入待機模式…顯示器待機不是問題)。
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=你似乎好像在 Qubes OS 上運行 Bisq。\n\n請確保您的 Bisq qube 是參考設置指南的説明設置的 https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes
popup.info.qubesOSSetupInfo=你似乎好像在 Qubes OS 上運行 Bisq。\n\n請確保您的 Bisq qube 是參考設置指南的説明設置的 https://bisq.wiki/Running_Bisq_on_Qubes
popup.info.firewallSetupInfo=It appears this machine blocks incoming Tor connections. This can happen in VM environments such as Qubes/VirtualBox/Whonix. \n\nPlease set up your environment to accept incoming Tor connections, otherwise no-one will be able to take your offers.
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=不支持從 {0} 版本降級到 {1} 版本。請使用最新的 Bisq 版本。
popup.warn.downGradePrevention=不支持從 {0} 版本降級到 {1} 版本。請使用最新的 Bisq 版本。
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
popup.warn.daoRequiresRestart=There was a problem with synchronizing the DAO state. You have to restart the application to fix the issue.
@ -2534,6 +2537,8 @@ notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.bsqSwap.errorHelp=\n\nTrade failures with BSQ swaps are rare, in cases like this it is worthwhile checking if:\n● your DAO state is synced without error.\n● your SPV wallet is functioning well.\n\nDAO state can be checked by navigating to DAO -> Network Monitor -> DAO State. It can be resynced by pressing the button "Rebuild DAO State From Resources" under Settings -> Preferences.\n\nSPV status is harder to determine, usually a resync is necessary whenever you experience problems transacting on the blockchain. More info at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
# System Tray
# System Tray
@ -2961,8 +2966,8 @@ payment.f2f.city=“面對面”會議的城市
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers).
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Define any special terms, conditions, or details you would like to be displayed with your offers for this payment account (users will see this info before accepting offers). This field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details.
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Please state on your offers: \n\nCountry you are located (eg France); \nCountries / regions you would accept trades from (eg France, EU, or any European country); \nAny special terms/conditions; \nAny other details. \nThis field can NOT be used to provide a way for a peer to contact you outside of Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Please review the maker's terms and conditions.\nIf you do not meet the requirements do not take this trade.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
@ -3267,6 +3272,7 @@ validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=校驗必須是數字
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=IBAN 校驗無效
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=IBAN 校驗無效
validation.iban.sepaNotSupported=SEPA is not supported in this country
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=請輸入可用的 11 為電話號碼(例如 1-123-456-7890)或郵箱地址
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=請輸入可用的 11 為電話號碼(例如 1-123-456-7890)或郵箱地址
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=必須只包含字母、數字、空格和/或符號“_ , . ? -”
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=必須只包含字母、數字、空格和/或符號“_ , . ? -”
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -359,3 +359,8 @@ JgWl0Fc4/Nn+a9kbAArroAQAQCCpohVQfZ0fO2W1O3oZPcBN6cXTIQ1oBAAAAAAAAAAAAFzaGLaDJbBC
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# pull base image
# pull base image
FROM openjdk:8-jdk
FROM openjdk:8-jdk
ENV version 1.8.4-SNAPSHOT
ENV version 1.9.1-SNAPSHOT
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openjfx && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* &&
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openjfx && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* &&
apt-get install -y vim fakeroot
apt-get install -y vim fakeroot
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
<!-- See: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html -->
<!-- See: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html -->
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
# Set BISQ_DIR as environment var to the path of your locally synced Bisq data directory e.g. BISQ_DIR=~/Library/Application\ Support/Bisq
# Set BISQ_DIR as environment var to the path of your locally synced Bisq data directory e.g. BISQ_DIR=~/Library/Application\ Support/Bisq
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd ../../
cd ../../
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
find . -type f \( -name "finalize.sh" \
find . -type f \( -name "finalize.sh" \
-o -name "create_app.sh" \
-o -name "create_app.sh" \
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../.
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../.
find . -type f \( -name "finalize.sh" \
find . -type f \( -name "finalize.sh" \
-o -name "create_app.sh" \
-o -name "create_app.sh" \
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(Stored with Git LFS)
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(Stored with Git LFS)
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(Stored with Git LFS)
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(Stored with Git LFS)
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@ -1 +1 @@
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
public class SeedNodeMain extends ExecutableForAppWithP2p {
public class SeedNodeMain extends ExecutableForAppWithP2p {
private static final long CHECK_CONNECTION_LOSS_SEC = 30;
private static final long CHECK_CONNECTION_LOSS_SEC = 30;
private static final String VERSION = "1.8.4";
private static final String VERSION = "1.9.1";
private SeedNode seedNode;
private SeedNode seedNode;
private Timer checkConnectionLossTime;
private Timer checkConnectionLossTime;
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