diff --git a/proto/src/main/proto/grpc.proto b/proto/src/main/proto/grpc.proto index 41ce5a5663..1246b9fd5a 100644 --- a/proto/src/main/proto/grpc.proto +++ b/proto/src/main/proto/grpc.proto @@ -516,6 +516,10 @@ message TakeOfferRequest { string offer_id = 1; // The unique identifier of the offer being taken. string payment_account_id = 2; // The unique identifier of the payment account used to take offer. string taker_fee_currency_code = 3; // The code of the currency (BSQ or BTC) used to pay the taker's Bisq trade fee. + // The trade's intended BTC amount in satoshis. Ten million satoshis is represented as 10000000. + // If set, the takeoffer amount value must be >= offer.min_amount and <= offer.amount. + // If not set (0 default), the taken offer's (max) amount becomes the intended trade amount. + uint64 amount = 4; } message TakeOfferReply {