mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 23:18:17 +01:00
Update translations for v1.8.3
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 1144 additions and 859 deletions
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug=Nahlásit chybu na GitHubu
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Zůstatek obchodní peněženky
shared.makerTxFee=Tvůrce: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Příjemce: {0}
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Otevřené {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=NOVÝ
shared.blindVoteTxId=ID transakce se slepým hlasováním
shared.learnMore=Zjistit více
shared.selectedArbitrator=Zvolený rozhodce
shared.selectedMediator=Zvolený mediátor
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Zvolený rozhodce
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrovat podle měny
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrovat podle platební metody
offerbook.matchingOffers=Nabídky odpovídající mým účtům
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informace o účtu
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=Tento účet byl ověřen a {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=podepsán rozhodcem a může podepisovat účty partnerů
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=podepsáno partnerem, nyní čeká ještě %d dnů na zrušení limitů
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=podepsán partnerem a limity byly zrušeny
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Když úspěšně dokončíte obchod s uživatel
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Dosud nepodepsáno
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} dní
shared.notSigned=Tento účet ještě nebyl podepsán a byl vytvořen před {0} dny
shared.notSigned.noNeed=Tento typ účtu nevyžaduje podepisování
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=Tento typ účtu nevyžaduje podepisování a byl vytvořen před {0} dny
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Altcoinové účty neprocházejí kontrolou podpisu a stáří
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=Ano, použijte moji nižší hodnotu
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Cena, kterou jste zadali, je mimo max. povolenou odchylku od tržní ceny.\nMax. povolená odchylka je {0} a lze ji upravit v preferencích.
createOffer.changePrice=Změnit cenu
createOffer.tac=Publikováním této nabídky souhlasím s obchodováním s jakýmkoli obchodníkem, který splňuje podmínky definované na této obrazovce.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Obchodní poplatek
createOffer.setDeposit=Nastavit kauci kupujícího (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Nastavit mou kauci jako kupujícího (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Nastavit kauci obou obchodníků (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Procentuální odchylka od tržní ceny
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=Došlo k problému s chybějící nebo neplatnou transakcí.\n\nProsím neposílejte fiat nebo altcoin platby.\n\nOtevřete úkol pro podporu, některý z mediátorů vám pomůže.\n\nChybová zpráva: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Kauční transakce k obchodu {0} je nepotvrzená i po {1} hodinách. Zkontrolujte stav této transakce v blockchain exploreru; pokud již byla potvrzena, ale v Bisq je stále zobrazena jako nepotvrzená,: \n● Zazálohujte svá data [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Proveďte resynchronizaci SPV. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nKontaktujte podporu Bisq [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] pokud si nevíte rady nebo pokud problém přetrvává.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Počkejte na potvrzení na blockchainu
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Zahajte platbu
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Ano, obdržel(a) js
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=DŮLEŽITÉ: Potvrzením přijetí platby ověřujete také účet protistrany a odpovídajícím způsobem jej podepisujete. Protože účet protistrany dosud nebyl podepsán, měli byste odložit potvrzení platby co nejdéle, abyste snížili riziko zpětného zúčtování.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Shrnutí dokončeného obchodu
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Obchodní poplatek
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Poplatek za těžbu
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Celkové poplatky za těžbu
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Vrácená kauce
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Vyberte své bitcoiny
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Částka k výběru
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Adresa výběru
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Uchovat prostředky v peněžence Bisq
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Vybrat do externí peněženky
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Vaše finanční prostředky již byly vybrány.\nZkontrolujte historii transakcí.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Potvrďte žádost o výběr
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Částka k převodu je nižší než transakční poplatek a min. možná hodnota tx (drobné).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Výběr byl dokončen
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Vaše dokončené obchody jsou uloženy na \"Portfolio/Historie\".\nVšechny své bitcoinové transakce si můžete prohlédnout v sekci \"Prostředky/Transakce\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=Obchod dokončen
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Vaše dokončené obchody jsou uloženy na \"Portfolio/Historie\".\nVšechny své bitcoinové transakce si můžete prohlédnout v sekci \"Prostředky/Transakce\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=Koupili jste
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=Zaplatili jste
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Po prvním potvrzení na blockchainu začíná
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Pokud je tato lhůta překročena, mohou oba obchodníci zahájit spor.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Obchod nebyl dokončen včas (do {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Obchodní proces
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Pokud si nejste jisti, že zpráva pro mediátora nebo rozhodce dorazila (např. Pokud jste nedostali odpověď po 1 dni), neváhejte znovu zahájit spor s Cmd/Ctrl+o. Můžete také požádat o další pomoc na fóru Bisq na adrese [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Otevřete spor znovu
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Otevřít úkol pro podporu
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Použijte tuto funkci pouze v naléhavých případech, pokud nevidíte tlačítko \"Otevřít podporu\" nebo \"Otevřít spor\".\n\nKdyž otevřete dotaz podporu, obchod bude přerušen a zpracován mediátorem nebo rozhodcem.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Než budete moci zahájit rozhodčí spor, musíte počkat do ≈{0} ({1} dalších bloků).
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=Vkladová operace je nulová. Nemůžete otevřít spor bez platné vkladové transakce. Přejděte do \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte resynchronizaci SPV.\n\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=Vkladová transakce je nulová. Obchod můžete přesunout do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=Odložená výplatní transakce je nulová. Obchod můžete přesunout do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=Vkladová transakce není potvrzena. Nemůžete zahájit rozhodčí spor s nepotvrzenou vkladovou transakcí. Počkejte prosím, až bude potvrzena, nebo přejděte do \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte resynchronizaci SPV.\n\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Potřebujete pomoc?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=Pokud máte nějaké problémy, můžete zkusit kontaktovat obchodníka v obchodním chatu nebo požádat komunitu Bisq na adrese https://bisq.community. Pokud váš problém stále není vyřešen, můžete požádat mediátora o další pomoc.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Otevřít obchodní chat
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Zkontrolujte platbu
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=Obchodní období skončilo
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=Stav
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=Kupující BTC/Tvůrce
support.sellerOfferer=Prodejce BTC/Tvůrce
support.buyerTaker=Kupující BTC/Příjemce
support.sellerTaker=Prodávající BTC/Příjemce
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq není společnost, takže spory řeší jinak.\n\nObchodníci mohou v rámci aplikace komunikovat prostřednictvím zabezpečeného chatu na obrazovce otevřených obchodů a zkusit řešení sporů sami. Pokud to nestačí, může jim pomoci mediátor. Mediátor vyhodnotí situaci a navrhne vyúčtování obchodních prostředků. Pokud oba obchodníci přijmou tento návrh, je výplata dokončena a obchod je uzavřen. Pokud jeden nebo oba obchodníci nesouhlasí s výplatou navrhovanou mediátorem, mohou požádat o rozhodčí řízení. Rozhodce přehodnotí situaci a v odůvodněných případech vrátí osobně prostředky obchodníkovi zpět a požádá o vrácení této platby od Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Do níže uvedeného textového pole zadejte popis problému. Přidejte co nejvíce informací k urychlení doby řešení sporu.\n\nZde je kontrolní seznam informací, které byste měli poskytnout:\n\t● Pokud kupujete BTC: Provedli jste převod Fiat nebo Altcoinu? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba zahájena“?\n\t● Pokud jste prodejcem BTC: Obdrželi jste platbu Fiat nebo Altcoinu? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba přijata“?\n\t● Kterou verzi Bisq používáte?\n\t● Jaký operační systém používáte?\n\t● Pokud se vyskytl problém s neúspěšnými transakcemi, zvažte přechod na nový datový adresář.\n\t Někdy dojde k poškození datového adresáře a vede to k podivným chybám.\n\tViz: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nSeznamte se prosím se základními pravidly procesu sporu:\n\t● Musíte odpovědět na požadavky {0} do 2 dnů.\n\t● {1}\n\t● Maximální trvání sporu je 14 dní.\n\t● Musíte spolupracovat s {2} a poskytnout informace, které požaduje, aby jste obhájili svou pozici.\n\t● Při prvním spuštění aplikace jste přijali pravidla uvedena v dokumentu sporu v uživatelské smlouvě.\n\nDalší informace o procesu sporu naleznete na: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediátoři vám obvykle odpoví do 24 hodin.\n\t Pokud jste do 48 hodin nedostali odpověď, neváhejte se obrátit na svého mediátora na Keybase.\n\t Uživatelská jména mediátorů na Keybase jsou stejná jako jejich uživatelská jména v aplikaci Bisq.\n\t Váš mediátor je: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Rozhodci vám obvykle odpoví do 5 dnů.\n\t Pokud jste do 7 dnů nedostali odpověď, neváhejte se obrátit na svého rozhodce na Keybase.\n\t Uživatelská jména rozhodců na Keybase jsou stejná jako jejich uživatelská jména v aplikaci Bisq.\n\t Váš rozhodce je: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Systémová zpráva: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Otevřeli jste žádost o podporu.\n\n{0}\n\nVerze Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Otevřeli jste žádost o spor.\n\n{0}\n\nVerze Bisq: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Váš obchodní partner požádal o podporu kvůli tech
support.peerOpenedDispute=Váš obchodní partner požádal o spor.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq verze: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Váš obchodní partner požádal o mediaci.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq verze: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=Systémová zpráva: Shrnutí sporu mediátora:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Adresa uzlu mediátora: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=Odložená výplatní transakce použila neplatnou adresu příjemce. Neshoduje se s žádnou z hodnot parametrů DAO pro platné dárcovské adresy.\n\nMůže to být pokus o podvod. Informujte prosím vývojáře o tomto incidentu a neuzavírejte tento případ, dokud nebude situace vyřešena!\n\nAdresa použitá ve sporu: {0}\n\nVšechny parametry pro darovací adresy DAO: {1}\n\nObchodní ID: {2} {3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nStále chcete spor uzavřít?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Transakční poplatek musí být alespoň {0} satos
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Váš vstup je nad jakoukoli rozumnou hodnotou (>5000 satoshi/vbyte). Transakční poplatek se obvykle pohybuje v rozmezí 50-400 satoshi/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Ignorované peer uzly [onion addresa:port]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Min. hodnota výstupu bez drobných
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Měny v seznamu zdrojů tržních cen
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Preferovaná měna
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Zobrazit národní měny
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Jméno
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transakční URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Adresa URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Bitcoinová síť
settings.net.p2pHeader=Síť Bisq
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=Moje onion adresa
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Ano, a už se mě znovu nezeptat
account.seed.enterPw=Chcete-li zobrazit seed slova, zadejte heslo
account.seed.restore.info=Před použitím obnovení ze seed slov si vytvořte zálohu. Uvědomte si, že obnova peněženky je pouze pro naléhavé případy a může způsobit problémy s interní databází peněženky.\nNení to způsob, jak použít zálohu! K obnovení předchozího stavu aplikace použijte zálohu z adresáře dat aplikace.\n\nPo obnovení se aplikace automaticky vypne. Po restartování aplikace se bude znovu synchronizovat s bitcoinovou sítí. To může chvíli trvat a může spotřebovat hodně CPU, zejména pokud byla peněženka starší a měla mnoho transakcí. Vyhněte se přerušování tohoto procesu, jinak budete možná muset znovu odstranit soubor řetězu SPV nebo opakovat proces obnovy.
account.seed.restore.ok=Dobře, proveďte obnovu a vypněte Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Datum
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Podepište zprávu klíčem z transakce dokazující spálení
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Ověřte zprávu pomocí klíče z transakce dokazující spálení
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Zkopírujte podpis do schránky
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Zastaralé soubory Tor byly úspěš
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Je Tor blokovaný?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Pokud je Tor zablokován vaším internetovým poskytovatelem nebo vaší zemí, můžete zkusit použít Tor mosty (bridges).\nNavštivte webovou stránku Tor na adrese: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges, kde se dozvíte více o mostech a připojitelných přepravách.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Vyberte měnu pro platbu obchodního poplatku
feeOptionWindow.info=Můžete si vybrat, zda chcete zaplatit obchodní poplatek v BSQ nebo v BTC. Pokud zvolíte BSQ, oceníte zlevněný obchodní poplatek.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Vyberte měnu pro platbu obchodního poplatku
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Použít BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=Bisq DAO a BSQ jsou dočasně deaktivovány. Další i
popup.warning.noFilter="We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes." Toto je neočekávaná situace. Prosím upozorněte vývojáře Bisq.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Tato transakce není možná, protože poplatky za těžbu {0} by přesáhly částku převodu {1}. Počkejte prosím, dokud nebudou poplatky za těžbu opět nízké nebo dokud nenahromadíte více BTC k převodu.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=Transakce s poplatkem tvůrce za nabídku s ID {0} byl bitcoinovou sítí odmítnut.\nID transakce = {1}.\nNabídka byla odstraněna, aby se předešlo dalším problémům.\nPřejděte do \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte synchronizaci SPV.\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=obchodní poplatek
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=Bitcoinová síť odmítla {0} transakci pro obchod s ID {1}.\nID transakce = {2}\nObchod byl přesunut do neúspěšných obchodů.\nPřejděte do části \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte synchronizaci SPV.\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=Transakce s poplatkem tvůrce za nabídku s ID {0} je neplatný.\nID transakce = {1}.\nPřejděte do \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte synchronizaci SPV.\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Aby oba obchodníci dodržovali obchodní protokol, musí oba obchodníci zaplatit kauci.\n\nTento vklad je uložen ve vaší obchodní peněžence, dokud nebude váš obchod úspěšně dokončen a poté vám bude vrácen.\n\nPoznámka: Pokud vytváříte novou nabídku, musí program Bisq běžet, aby ji převzal jiný obchodník. Chcete-li zachovat své nabídky online, udržujte Bisq spuštěný a ujistěte se, že tento počítač zůstává online (tj. Zkontrolujte, zda se nepřepne do pohotovostního režimu...pohotovostní režim monitoru je v pořádku).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Aktualizace obchodní peněženky
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Vaše obchodní peněženka má dostatečné finanční prostředky.\nČástka: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Vaše obchodní peněženka již byla dostatečně financována z předchozího pokusu o nabídku.\nČástka: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Obchod dokončen
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Prostředky můžete nyní vybrat do své externí bitcoinové peněženky nebo je převést do peněženky Bisq.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap dokončen
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Vaše nabídka s ID ''{0}'' byla přijata.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=Potvrzení swapové transakce BSQ
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=Viděno {0} partnery / 0 potvrzení
confidence.confirmed=Potvrzeno v {0} blocích
confidence.invalid=Transakce je neplatná
peerInfo.title=Info o obchodním partnerovi
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Počet dokončených obchodů
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=Odvozuji klíč z hesla
password.walletDecrypted=Peněženka úspěšně dešifrována a ochrana heslem byla odstraněna.
password.wrongPw=Zadali jste nesprávné heslo.\n\nZkuste prosím zadat heslo znovu a pečlivě zkontrolujte překlepy nebo pravopisné chyby.
password.walletEncrypted=Peněženka úspěšně šifrována a ochrana heslem povolena.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Heslo peněženky nelze nastavit. Možná jste importovali počáteční slova, která neodpovídají databázi peněženky. Kontaktujte vývojáře na Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Zadaná 2 hesla se neshodují.
password.forgotPassword=Zapomněli jste heslo?
password.backupReminder=Pamatujte, že při nastavování hesla do peněženky budou odstraněny všechny automaticky vytvořené zálohy z nezašifrované peněženky.\n\nPřed nastavením hesla se důrazně doporučuje provést zálohu adresáře aplikace a zapsat si počáteční slova!
password.backupWasDone=Už jsem provedl zálohu
password.setPassword=Nastavit heslo (Už jsem provedl zálohu)
password.makeBackup=Provést zálohu
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=Mezinárodní převod SWIFT
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Banka příjemce
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Zprostředkující banka (kliknutím rozbalíte)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Země banky příjemce
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Země zprostředkující banky
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Kód SWIFT banky příjemce
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Kód SWIFT zprostředkující banky
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Jméno banky příjemce
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Jméno zprostředkující banky
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Pobočka banky příjemce
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Pobočka zprostředkující banky
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Adresa banky příjemce
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Adresa zprostředkující banky
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Adresa příjemce
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Telefonní číslo příjemce
payment.swift.account=Číslo účtu (nebo IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Použít zprostředkující banku
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Platbu prosím zasílejte pouze na e-mailovou adresu u
payment.celpay.info.seller=Prodejci BTC by měli očekávat, že obdrží platbu prostřednictvím zabezpečeného platebního odkazu. Ujistěte se, že e-mailový platební odkaz obsahuje e-mailovou adresu, kterou uvedl kupující BTC.\n\nUživatelé CelPay jsou omezeni na odeslání 2 500 USD (nebo jiného ekvivalentu měny/kryptoměny) za 24 hodin.\n\nObchody nad limity účtu CelPay se pravděpodobně budou muset uskutečnit v průběhu více než jednoho dne, nebo budou zrušeny.\n\nCelPay podporuje více stablecoinů:\n\n● USD stablecoiny: DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20).\n● CAD stablecoiny; TrueCAD\n● GBP stablecoiny; TrueGBP\n● HKD stablecoiny; TrueHKD\n● AUD stablecoiny; TrueAUD\n\nProdávající BTC by měli očekávat, že od kupujícího BTC obdrží libovolnou odpovídající stablecoin měnu. Je možné, aby kupující BTC zaslal libovolnou odpovídající stablecoin měnu.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Podporované měny (Upozornění: všechny níže uvedené měny jsou v aplikaci Celcius podporovány jako stablecoiny. Obchody se týkají stablecoinů, nikoli fiatu.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Nezapomeňte uvést své telefonní číslo, které je spojeno s vaším účtem Nequi.\n\nPři zakládání účtu Nequi jsou platební limity nastaveny na maximální počet ~ 7 000 000 COP, které lze měsíčně odeslat.\n\nPokud máte v úmyslu obchodovat s částkou vyšší než 7 000 000 COP za obchod, budete muset u Bancolombia provést KYC a zaplatit poplatek ve výši přibližně 15 000 COP. Poté budou všechny transakce zatíženy 0,4% daní. Ujistěte se prosím, že znáte aktuální výši daní.\n\nUživatelé by si také měli být vědomi limitů na účtu. Obchody nad limity účtu Nequi budou muset být pravděpodobně zrušeny.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Platbu prosím zasílejte pouze na telefonní číslo uvedené v účtu Bisq prodávajícího BTC.\n\nKdyž si uživatelé zřizují účet Nequi, jsou limity plateb nastaveny na maximálně ~ 7 000 000 COP, které lze měsíčně odeslat.\n\nPokud máte v úmyslu obchodovat s částkou vyšší než 7 000 000 COP za obchod, budete muset u Bancolombia provést KYC a zaplatit poplatek ve výši přibližně 15 000 COP. Poté budou všechny transakce zatíženy 0,4% daní. Ujistěte se prosím, že znáte aktuální výši daní.\n\nUživatelé by si také měli být vědomi limitů na účtu. Obchody nad limity účtu Nequi budou muset být pravděpodobně zrušeny.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Zkontrolujte, zda se přijatá platba shoduje s telefonním číslem uvedeným v účtu Bisq kupujícího BTC.\n\nKdyž si uživatelé zřizují účet Nequi, jsou limity plateb nastaveny na maximálně ~ 7 000 000 COP, které lze měsíčně odeslat.\n\nPokud máte v úmyslu obchodovat s částkou vyšší než 7 000 000 COP za obchod, budete muset u Bancolombia provést KYC a zaplatit poplatek ve výši přibližně 15 000 COP. Poté budou všechny transakce zatíženy 0,4% daní. Ujistěte se prosím, že znáte aktuální výši daní.\n\nUživatelé by si také měli být vědomi limitů na účtu. Obchody nad limity účtu Nequi budou muset být pravděpodobně zrušeny.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=K využívání služby Bizum potřebujete bankovní účet (IBAN) ve Španělsku a být zaregistrováni pro tuto službu.\n\nSlužbu Bizum lze používat pro obchody v rozmezí od 0,50 do 1 000 EUR.\n\nMaximální částka transakcí, které můžete prostřednictvím služby Bizum odeslat/přijmout, je 2 000 eur denně.\n\nUživatelé služby Bizum mohou mít maximálně 150 operací měsíčně.\n\nKaždá banka však může pro své klienty stanovit vlastní limity v rámci výše uvedených limitů.\n\nObchodníci na Bizumu by si měli být svých limitů vědomi. Pokud obchodujete nad výše uvedené limity, může být váš obchod zrušen a může vám být uložena pokuta.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Platbu prosím zasílejte pouze na mobilní telefonní číslo prodávajícího BTC uvedené v systému Bisq.\n\nMaximální velikost obchodu je 1 000 EUR na jednu platbu. Maximální výše transakcí, které můžete odeslat pomocí služby Bizum, je 2 000 EUR za den.\n\nPokud obchodujete nad výše uvedené limity, může být váš obchod zrušen a může vám být uložena pokuta.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Ujistěte se, že platba byla přijata z mobilního telefonního čísla kupujícího BTC uvedeného v systému Bisq.\n\nMaximální velikost obchodu je 1 000 EUR na jednu platbu. Maximální výše transakcí, které můžete přijmout pomocí služby Bizum, je 2 000 EUR za den.\n\nPokud obchodujete nad výše uvedené limity, může být váš obchod zrušen a může vám být uložena pokuta.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese je bankovní aplikace pro uživatele GBP, EUR
payment.monese.info.buyer=Platbu prosím zasílejte pouze na telefonní číslo, které prodejce BTC uvedl ve svém účtu Bisq. Popis platby prosím ponechte prázdný.
payment.monese.info.seller=Prodávající BTC by měli očekávat, že obdrží platbu z telefonního čísla/jména uvedeného v Bisq účtu kupujícího BTC.
payment.satispay.info.account=K používání služby Satispay potřebujete bankovní účet (IBAN) v Itálii a registraci pro tuto službu.\n\nLimity účtu Satispay jsou nastavovány individuálně. Pokud chcete obchodovat se zvýšenými částkami, musíte se obrátit na podporu Satispay, aby vám limity zvýšila. Obchodníci na Bisq by si měli být vědomi svých limitů. Pokud budete obchodovat nad výše uvedené limity, může být váš obchod zrušen a může vám být uložena pokuta.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Platbu prosím zasílejte pouze na mobilní telefonní číslo prodávajícího BTC uvedené v aplikaci Bisq.\n\nLimity účtu Satispay jsou nastavovány individuálně. Pokud chcete obchodovat se zvýšenými částkami, musíte se obrátit na podporu Satispay, aby vám limity zvýšila. Obchodníci na Bisq by si měli být vědomi svých limitů. Pokud budete obchodovat nad výše uvedené limity, může být váš obchod zrušen a může vám být uložena pokuta.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Ujistěte se prosím, že platba byla přijata z mobilního telefonního čísla / jména kupujícího BTC uvedeného v aplikaci Bisq.\n\nLimity účtu Satispay jsou nastavovány individuálně. Pokud chcete obchodovat se zvýšenými částkami, musíte se obrátit na podporu Satispay, aby vám limity zvýšila. Obchodníci na Bisq by si měli být vědomi svých limitů. Pokud budete obchodovat nad výše uvedené limity, může být váš obchod zrušen a může vám být uložena pokuta.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse je způsob platby ve více měnách, který umožňuje odesílat a přijímat platby v EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nPři nastavování účtu Verse v aplikaci Bisq nezapomeňte uvést uživatelské jméno, které odpovídá vašemu uživatelskému jménu v účtu Verse. Tím zajistíte, že se při odesílání peněz zobrazí ze správného účtu a při přijímání peněz budou připsány na váš účet.\n\nUživatelé služby Verse jsou omezeni na odeslání nebo přijetí 10 000 EUR ročně (nebo ekvivalentní částky v cizí měně) za kumulované platby provedené z jejich platebního účtu nebo přijaté na jejich platební účet. Tuto částku může Verse na požádání zvýšit.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Platbu prosím zasílejte pouze na uživatelské jméno, které prodejce BTC uvedl ve svém účtu Bisq. Popis platby prosím ponechte prázdný.\n\nUživatelé služby Verse jsou omezeni na odeslání nebo přijetí 10 000 EUR ročně (nebo ekvivalentní částky v cizí měně) za kumulované platby provedené z jejich platebního účtu nebo přijaté na jejich platební účet. Tuto částku může Verse na požádání zvýšit.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.iUnderstand=Ich verstehe
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug=Fehler auf GitHub melden
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Guthaben der Handels-Wallet
shared.makerTxFee=Ersteller: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Abnehmer: {0}
shared.iConfirm=Ich bestätige
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Öffne {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=NEU
shared.blindVoteTxId=Geheime Wahl-Transaktion ID
shared.learnMore=Mehr erfahren
shared.selectedArbitrator=Gewählte Vermittler
shared.selectedMediator=Gewählter Vermittler
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Gewählter Vermittler
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=Nach Währung filtern
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Nach Zahlungsmethode filtern
offerbook.matchingOffers=Angebote die meinen Zahlungskonten entsprechen
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informationen zum Zahlungskonto
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=Dieses Konto wurde verifiziert und {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=von einem Vermittler unterzeichnet und kann Partner-Konten unterzeichnen
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=von einem Handelspartner unterzeichnet, es muss noch %d Tage warten bis alle Beschränkungen aufgehoben werden
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=von einem Partner unterzeichnet und Limits wurden aufgehoben
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Wenn Sie einen Trade mit einem Partner erfolgrei
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Noch nicht unterzeichnet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} Tage
shared.notSigned=Dieses Konto wurde noch nicht unterzeichnet. Es wurde vor {0} Tag(en) erstellt
shared.notSigned.noNeed=Konten dieses Typs benötigen keine Unterzeichnung
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=Konten dieses Typs benötigen keine Unterzeichnung. Es wurde vor {0} Tag(en) erstellt
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Altcoin Konten haben keine Merkmale wie Unterzeichnung oder Alter
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=Ja, meinen niedrigeren Wert nutzen
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Der eingegebene Preis liegt außerhalb der maximal zulässigen Abweichung vom Marktpreis.\nDie maximale Abweichung ist {0} und kann in den Voreinstellungen angepasst werden.
createOffer.changePrice=Preis ändern
createOffer.tac=Mit der Erstellung dieses Angebots stimme ich zu, mit jedem Händler zu handeln, der die oben festgelegten Bedingungen erfüllt.
createOffer.setDeposit=Kaution des Käufers festlegen (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Meine Kaution als Käufer festlegen (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Legen Sie die Kaution für beide Handelspartner fest (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Prozentuale Preisabweichung vom Markt
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=Es gibt ein Problem mit einer fehlenden oder ungültigen Transaktion.\n\nBitte schicken Sie KEINE Geld (Fiat) oder Altcoin Zahlung.\n\nErstellen Sie ein Support-Ticket um Hilfe durch einen Vermittler zu erhalten.\n\nFehlermeldung:{0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Die Sicherheitskaution für Trade {0} ist nach {1} noch immer nicht bestätigt. Überprüfe die Einzahlungstransaktion in einem Blockchain Explorer; Wenn Sie bereits bestätigt wurde aber bei Bisq noch nicht als bestätigt angezeigt wird:\n● Machen Sie ein Backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Machen Sie einen SPV Resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nWenn Sie Zweifel haben oder das Problem weiterhin bestehen bleibt, kontaktieren Sie den Bisq Support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq].
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Auf Blockchain-Bestätigung warten
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Zahlung beginnen
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Ja, ich habe die Za
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=WICHTIG: Mit der Bestätigung des Zahlungseingangs verifizieren Sie auch das Konto der Gegenpartei und unterzeichnen es entsprechend. Da das Konto der Gegenpartei noch nicht unterzeichnet ist, sollten Sie die Bestätigung der Zahlung so lange wie möglich hinauszögern, um das Risiko einer Rückbelastung zu reduzieren.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Zusammenfassung des abgeschlossenen Handels
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Gesamte Mining-Gebühr
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Rückerstattete Kaution
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Ihre Bitcoins abheben
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Abzuhebender Betrag
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=An diese Adresse abheben
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Gelder in der Bisq Wallet aufbewahren
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=An externe Wallet abheben
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Ihre Gelder wurden bereits abgehoben.\nBitte überprüfen Sie den Transaktionsverlauf.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Anfrage zum Abheben bestätigen
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Der zu überweisende Betrag ist kleiner als die Transaktionsgebühr und der minimale Tx-Wert (Staub).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Abheben abgeschlossen
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Ihre abgeschlossenen Trades sind unter \"Portfolio/Verlauf\" gespeichert.\nSie können all Ihre Bitcoin-Transaktionen unter \"Gelder/Transaktionen\" einsehen
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=Handel abgeschlossen
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Ihre abgeschlossenen Trades sind unter \"Portfolio/Verlauf\" gespeichert.\nSie können all Ihre Bitcoin-Transaktionen unter \"Gelder/Transaktionen\" einsehen
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=Sie haben gekauft
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=Sie haben gezahlt
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Die Handelsdauer beginnt mit der ersten Blockc
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Wird die Dauer überschritten, können beide Händler einen Konflikt öffnen.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Maximale Handelsdauer wurde überschritten (bis {0})
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, ob die Nachricht an den Vermittler oder die Schiedsperson angekommen ist (z. B., wenn Sie nach einem Tag noch keine Antwort erhalten haben), können Sie mit Cmd/Strg+o einen weiteren Konfliktfall eröffnen. Sie können auch im Bisq Forum nach Hilfe fragen [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Konflikt erneut öffnen
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Support-Ticket öffnen
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Bitte verwenden Sie diese Funktion nur in Notfällen, wenn Sie keinen \"Open support\" oder \"Open dispute\" Button sehen.\n\nWenn Sie ein Support-Ticket öffnen, wird der Trade unterbrochen und von einem Mediator oder Vermittler bearbeitet.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Sie müssen ≈{0} ({1} weitere Blöcke) warten, bevor Sie einen Vermittlungskonflikt eröffnen können.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=Die Einzahlungstransaktion ist null. Sie können einen Streitfall nicht ohne eine gültige Einzahlungstransaktion eröffnen. Bitte gehen Sie zu \"Einstellungen/Netzwerkinformationen\" und führen Sie eine SPV-Resynchronisierung durch.\n\nFür weitere Hilfe wenden Sie sich bitte an den Bisq-Support-Kanal des Bisq Keybase Teams.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=Die Einzahlungstransaktion ist ungültig. Sie können den Handel zu den fehlgeschlagenen Händeln verschieben.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=Die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion ist ungültig. Sie können den Handel zu den fehlgeschlagenen Händeln verschieben.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=Die Einzahlungstransaktion ist nicht bestätigt. Sie können einen Streitfall nicht ohne eine bestätigte Einzahlungstransaktion eröffnen. Bitte warten Sie, bis diese bestätigt ist, oder gehen Sie zu \"Einstellungen/Netzwerkinformationen\" und führen Sie eine SPV-Resynchronisierung durch.\n\nFür weitere Hilfe wenden Sie sich bitte an den Bisq-Support-Kanal des Bisq Keybase Teams.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Brauchen Sie Hilfe?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=Wenn Sie irgendwelche Probleme haben, können Sie versuchen, den Trade-Partner im Trade-Chat zu kontaktieren oder die Bisq-Community unter https://bisq.community zu fragen. Wenn Ihr Problem immer noch nicht gelöst ist, können Sie weitere Hilfe von einem Mediator anfordern.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Trader Chat öffnen
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Zahlung überprüfen
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=Die Handelsdauer ist abgelaufen
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=Status
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq ist kein Unternehmen, daher behandelt es Konflikte unterschiedlich.\n\nTrader können innerhalb der Anwendung über einen sicheren Chat auf dem Bildschirm für offene Trades kommunizieren, um zu versuchen, Konflikte selbst zu lösen. Wenn das nicht ausreicht, kann ein Mediator einschreiten und helfen. Der Mediator wird die Situation bewerten und eine Auszahlung von Trade Funds vorschlagen. Wenn beide Trader diesen Vorschlag annehmen, ist die Auszahlungstransaktion abgeschlossen und der Trade geschlossen. Wenn ein oder beide Trader mit der vom Mediator vorgeschlagenen Auszahlung nicht einverstanden sind, können sie ein Vermittlungsverfahren beantragen, bei dem der Vermittler die Situation neu bewertet und, falls gerechtfertigt, dem Trader persönlich eine Rückerstattung leistet und die Rückerstattung dieser Zahlung vom Bisq DAO verlangt.
support.initialInfo=Bitte geben Sie eine Beschreibung Ihres Problems in das untenstehende Textfeld ein. Fügen Sie so viele Informationen wie möglich hinzu, um die Zeit für die Konfliktlösung zu verkürzen.\n\nHier ist eine Checkliste der Informationen die Sie angeben sollten:\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Käufer sind: Haben Sie die Geld- (Fiat-) oder Altcoin-Überweisung vorgenommen? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung gestartet" geklickt?\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Verkäufer sind: Haben Sie die Geld- (Fiat-) oder Altcoin-Zahlung erhalten? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung erhalten" geklickt?\n\t● Welche Version von Bisq verwenden Sie?\n\t● Welches Betriebssystem verwenden Sie?\n\t● Wenn Sie ein Problem mit fehlgeschlagenen Transaktionen hatten, erwägen Sie bitte zu einem neuen Datei-Verzeichnis zu wechseln.\n\t Manchmal wird das Datei-Verzeichnis beschädigt was zu seltsamen Fehlern führt. \n\t Siehe: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nBitte machen Sie sich mit den Grundregeln der Konfliktlösung vertraut:\n\t● Sie müssen auf die {0}. Anfrage innerhalb von 2 Tagen antworten.\n\t● {1}\n\t● Die maximale Zeitspanne für eine Konfliktlösung beträgt 14 Tage.\n\t● Sie müssen mit dem/der {2} zusammenarbeiten und die Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, die sie anfordern, um Ihren Fall zu bearbeiten.\n\t● Sie haben die in der Benutzervereinbarung aufgeführten Regeln zur Konfliktlösung akzeptiert, als Sie die Anwendung zum ersten Mal gestartet haben.\n\nSie können hier weitere Informationen zur Konfliktlösung finden: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediatoren antworten in der Regel innerhalb von 24 Stunden.\n\tFalls Sie nach 48 Stunden noch keine eine Antwort erhalten haben, versuchen Sie bitte ihren Mediator auf Keybase zu kontaktieren.\n\tDie Benutzernamen der Mediatoren auf Keybase sind die gleichen wie ihre Benutzernamen in der Bisq App.\n\tIhr Mediator ist: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Vermittler antworten in der Regel innerhalb von 5 Tagen.\n\tFalls sie nach 7 Tagen noch keine Antwort erhalten haben, versuchen Sie bitte ihren Vermittler auf Keybase zu kontaktieren.\n\tDie Benutzernamen der Vermittler auf Keybase sind die gleichen wie ihre Benutzernamen in der Bisq App.\n\tIhr Vermittler ist: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Systemnachricht: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Sie haben eine Anfrage auf Support geöffnet.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq-Version: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Sie haben eine Anfrage für einen Konflikt geöffnet.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq-version: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Ihr Trading-Partner hat aufgrund technischer Probleme U
support.peerOpenedDispute=Ihr Trading-Partner hat einen Konflikt eröffnet.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq-Version: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Ihr Trading-Partner hat eine Mediation beantragt.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq-Version: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=Systemnachricht: Konflikt-Zusammenfassung des Mediators:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Node-Adresse des Mediators: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=Die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion hat eine ungültige Empfängeradresse verwendet. Sie stimmt mit keinem der DAO-Parameter für die gültigen Spendenadressen überein.\n\nDies könnte ein Betrugsversuch sein. Bitte informieren Sie die Entwickler über diesen Vorfall und schließen Sie den Fall nicht ab, bevor die Situation geklärt ist!\n\nIn dem Konflikt verwendete Adresse: {0}\n\nAlle DAO-Param-Spendenadressen: {1}\n\nHandels-ID: {2}{3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nWollen Sie den Konflikt trotzdem schließen?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Die Transaktionsgebühr muss mindestens {0} satoshi
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Ihre Eingabe ist höher als jeder sinnvolle Wert (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaktionsgebühren sind normalerweise zwischen 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Ignorierte Peers [Onion Adresse:Port]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Min. nicht-dust Ausgabewert
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Währungen in Liste der Marktpreise
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Bevorzugte Währung
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Nationale Währungen anzeigen
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Name
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=Meine Onion-Adresse
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Ja, und nicht erneut fragen
account.seed.enterPw=Geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein um die Seed-Wörter zu sehen
account.seed.restore.info=Bitte erstellen Sie vor dem Wiederherstellen durch Keimwörter ein Backup. Beachten Sie auch, dass Wallet-Wiederherstellung nur für Notfälle ist und Probleme mit der internen Wallet-Datenbank verursachen kann.\nEs ist kein Weg ein Backup anzuwenden! Bitte nutzen Sie ein Backup des Anwendungsdatenordner um eine vorherigen Zustand wiederherzustellen. \n\nNach der Wiederherstellung wird die Anwendung herunterfahren. Nachdem Sie die Anwendung wieder gestartet haben, wird sie wieder mit dem Bitcoin-Netzwerk synchronisieren. Dies kann lange dauern und die CPU stark beanspruchen, vor allem, wenn die Wallet alt und viele Transaktionen hatte. Bitte unterbreche Sie diesen Prozess nicht, sonst müssen Sie vielleicht die SPV Kettendatei löschen und den Wiederherstellungsprozess wiederholen.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, mache die Wiederherstellung und fahre Bisq herunter
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Datum
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Unterzeichnen einer Nachricht mit Schlüssel vom Nachweis der Verbrennung
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verifizieren einer Nachricht mit Schlüssel vom Nachweis der Verbrennung
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Signatur in Zwischenablage kopieren
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Veraltete Tor-Dateien erfolgreich ge
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Ist Tor blockiert?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Falls Tor von Ihrem Provider oder in Ihrem Land blockiert wird, können Sie versuchen Tor-Bridges zu nutzen.\nBesuchen Sie die Tor-Webseite unter: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges um mehr über Bridges und pluggable transposrts zu lernen.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Währung für Handelsgebührzahlung auswählen
feeOptionWindow.info=Sie können wählen, die Gebühr in BSQ oder BTC zu zahlen. Wählen Sie BSQ, erhalten Sie eine vergünstigte Handelsgebühr.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Währung für Handelsgebührzahlung auswählen
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=BTC nutzen
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=Der Bisq DAO und BSQ sind temporär deaktiviert. Bitte
popup.warning.noFilter=Wir haben kein Filterobjekt von den Seed Nodes erhalten. Diese Situation ist unerwartet. Bitte informieren Sie die Bisq Entwickler.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Die Transaktion ist nicht möglich, da die Mininggebühren von {0} den übertragenen Betrag von {1} überschreiten würden. Bitte warten Sie, bis die Gebühren wieder niedrig sind, oder Sie mehr BTC zum übertragen angesammelt haben.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=Die Verkäufergebühren-Transaktion für das Angebot mit der ID {0} wurde vom Bitcoin-Netzwerk abgelehnt.\nTransaktions-ID={1}.\nDas Angebot wurde entfernt, um weitere Probleme zu vermeiden.\nBitte gehen Sie zu \"Einstellungen/Netzwerkinformationen\" und führen Sie eine SPV-Resynchronisierung durch.\nFür weitere Hilfe wenden Sie sich bitte an den Bisq-Support-Kanal des Bisq Keybase Teams.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=Die {0} Transaktion des Handels mit der ID {1} wurde vom Bitcoin-Netzwerk abgelehnt.\nTransaktions-ID={2}\nDer Handel wurde zu den gescheiterten Händeln verschoben.\nBitte gehen Sie zu \"Einstellungen/Netzwerkinformationen\" und führen Sie einen SPV Resync durch.\nFür weitere Hilfe wenden Sie sich bitte an den Bisq-Support-Kanal des Bisq Keybase Teams.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=Die Verkäufergebühren-Transaktion für das Angebot mit der ID {0} ist ungültig.\nTransaktions-ID={1}.\nBitte gehen Sie zu \"Einstellungen/Netzwerkinformationen\" und führen Sie eine SPV-Resynchronisierung durch.\nFür weitere Hilfe wenden Sie sich bitte an den Bisq-Support-Kanal des Bisq Keybase Teams.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Um sicherzustellen, dass beide Händler dem Handelsprotokoll folgen, müssen diese eine Kaution zahlen.\n\nDie Kaution bleibt in Ihrer lokalen Wallet, bis das Angebot von einem anderen Händler angenommen wurde.\nSie wird Ihnen zurückerstattet, nachdem der Handel erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde.\n\nBitte beachten Sie, dass Sie die Anwendung laufen lassen müssen, wenn Sie ein offenes Angebot haben.\nWenn ein anderer Händler Ihr Angebot annehmen möchte ist es notwendig, dass Ihre Anwendung online ist und reagieren kann.\nStellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Ruhezustand deaktiviert haben, da dieser Ihren Client vom Netzwerk trennen würde (Der Ruhezustand des Monitors ist kein Problem).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Update der Handels-Wallets
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Ihre Handels-Wallet ist ausreichend finanziert.\nBetrag: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Ihre Handels-Wallet wurde bereits durch eine früher versuchte Angebotsannahme ausreichend finanziert.\nBetrag: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Handel abgeschlossen
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Sie können Ihre Gelder jetzt auf eine externe Bitcoin-Wallet abheben oder an die Bisq-Wallet überweisen.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ Swap abgeschlossen
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Dein Angebot mit der ID "{0}" wurde akzeptiert.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ Swap Transaktion bestätigt
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=Von {0} Peer(s) gesehen / 0 Bestätigungen
confidence.confirmed=In {0} Blöcken(Block) bestätigt
confidence.invalid=Die Transaktion ist ungültig
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Anzahl abgeschlossener Trades
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=Schlüssel aus Passwort ableiten
password.walletDecrypted=Die Wallet wurde erfolgreich entschlüsselt und der Passwortschutz entfernt.
password.wrongPw=Sie haben das falsche Passwort eingegeben.\n\nVersuchen Sie bitte Ihr Passwort erneut einzugeben, wobei Sie dies vorsichtig auf Tipp- und Rechtschreibfehler überprüfen sollten.
password.walletEncrypted=Die Wallet wurde erfolgreich verschlüsselt und der Passwortschutz aktiviert.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet Passwort konnte nicht eingerichtet werden. Sie haben vielleicht Seed-Wörter importiert, die nicht mit der Wallet-Datenbank übereinstimmen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie die Entwickler auf Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Die 2 eingegebenen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.
password.forgotPassword=Passwort vergessen?
password.backupReminder=Beachten Sie, dass wenn Sie ein Passwort setzen, alle automatisch erstellten Backups der unverschlüsselten Wallet gelöscht werden.\n\nEs wird dringend empfohlen ein Backup des Anwendungsverzeichnisses zu erstellen und die Seed-Wörter aufzuschreiben, bevor Sie ein Passwort erstellen!
password.backupWasDone=Ich habe bereits ein Backup erstellt
password.setPassword=Passwort hinzufügen (Ich habe schon ein Backup erstellt)
password.makeBackup=Backup erstellen
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtuelle Zahlungsadresse
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=Internationale SWIFT Banküberweisung
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Empfangene Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediärbank (zum Vergrößern anklicken)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Land der empfangenen Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Land der Intermediärbank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=SWIFT Code der empfangenen Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=SWIFT Code der Intermediärbank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Name der empfangenen Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Name der Intermediärbank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Branche der empfangenen Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Branche der Intermediärbank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Adresse der empfangenen Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Adresse der Intermediärbank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Adresse des Empfängers
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Telefonnummer des Empfängers
payment.swift.account=Kontonummer (oder IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Intermediärbank verwenden
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Bitte senden Sie die Zahlung nur an die vom BTC-Verkä
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC-Verkäufer sollten erwarten, dass sie die Zahlung über einen sicheren Zahlungslink erhalten. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass der E-Mail-Zahlungslink die vom BTC-Käufer angegebene E-Mail-Adresse enthält.\n\nCelPay-Nutzer können innerhalb von 24 Stunden maximal $2.500 (oder den Gegenwert einer anderen Währung/Kryptowährung) senden.\n\nTrades, die die CelPay-Kontolimits überschreiten, müssen wahrscheinlich über mehr als einen Tag stattfinden oder werden storniert.\n\nCelPay unterstützt mehrere Stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC-Verkäufer sollten damit rechnen, vom BTC-Käufer Stablecoins in der entsprechenden Währung zu erhalten. Es ist möglich, dass der BTC-Käufer eine beliebige passende Währung Stablecoin sendet.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Unterstützte Währungen (bitte beachten Sie: alle unten aufgeführten Währungen sind unterstützte Stablecoins innerhalb der Celcius-App. Trades sind für Stablecoins, nicht für Fiat).
payment.nequi.info.account=Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihre Telefonnummer angeben, die mit Ihrem Nequi-Konto verbunden ist.\n\nWenn Benutzer ein Nequi-Konto einrichten, sind die Zahlungslimits auf ein Maximum von 7.000.000 COP pro Monat festgelegt.\n\nWenn Sie beabsichtigen, einen Betrag von mehr als 7.000.000 COP pro Transaktion zu handeln, müssen Sie eine KYC-Prüfung bei Bancolombia durchführen und eine Gebühr von etwa 15.000 COP bezahlen. Danach wird auf alle Transaktionen eine Steuer von 0,4 % erhoben. Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie über die aktuellen Steuern informiert sind.\n\nBenutzer sollten sich auch über die Kontolimits informieren. Trades, die über die Kontolimits von Nequi hinausgehen, müssen wahrscheinlich abgebrochen werden.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Bitte senden Sie Zahlungen nur an die im Bisq-Konto des BTC-Verkäufers angegebene Telefonnummer.\n\nWenn Benutzer ein Nequi-Konto einrichten, sind die Zahlungslimits auf ein Maximum von 7.000.000 COP pro Monat festgelegt.\n\nWenn Sie beabsichtigen, einen Betrag von mehr als 7.000.000 COP pro Transaktion zu handeln, müssen Sie eine KYC-Prüfung bei Bancolombia durchführen und eine Gebühr von etwa 15.000 COP bezahlen. Danach wird auf alle Transaktionen eine Steuer von 0,4 % erhoben. Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie über die aktuellen Steuern informiert sind.\n\nBenutzer sollten sich auch der Kontolimits bewusst sein. Trades, die über die Kontolimits von Nequi hinausgehen, müssen wahrscheinlich abgebrochen werden.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Bitte überprüfen Sie, ob die erhaltene Zahlung mit der im Bisq-Konto des BTC-Käufers angegebenen Telefonnummer übereinstimmt.\n\nWenn Benutzer ein Nequi-Konto einrichten, sind die Zahlungslimits auf ein Maximum von 7.000.000 COP pro Monat festgelegt.\n\nWenn Sie beabsichtigen, einen Betrag von mehr als 7.000.000 COP pro Transaktion zu handeln, müssen Sie eine KYC-Prüfung bei Bancolombia durchführen und eine Gebühr von etwa 15.000 COP bezahlen. Danach wird auf alle Transaktionen eine Steuer von 0,4 % erhoben. Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass Sie über die aktuellen Steuern informiert sind.\n\nBenutzer sollten sich auch der Kontolimits bewusst sein. Trades, die über die Kontolimits von Nequi hinausgehen, müssen wahrscheinlich abgebrochen werden.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=Um Bizum zu nutzen, benötigen Sie ein Bankkonto (IBAN) in Spanien und müssen für den Service registriert sein.\n\nBizum kann für Transaktionen zwischen 0,50 € und 1.000 € genutzt werden.\n\nDer Höchstbetrag der Transaktionen, die Sie mit Bizum senden/empfangen können, beträgt 2.000 Euro pro Tag.\n\nBizum-Nutzer können maximal 150 Transaktionen pro Monat durchführen.\n\nJede Bank kann jedoch innerhalb der oben genannten Grenzen ihre eigenen Limits für ihre Kunden festlegen.\n\nHändler auf Bisq sollten sich über ihre Limits im Klaren sein. Wenn Sie über die oben genannten Grenzen hinaus handeln, kann Ihr Handel abgebrochen werden und es kann eine Strafe anfallen.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Bitte senden Sie Zahlungen nur an die in Bisq angegebene Mobiltelefonnummer des BTC-Verkäufers.\n\nDie maximale Handelsgröße beträgt 1.000 € pro Zahlung. Der maximale Betrag an Transaktionen, den Sie mit Bizum senden können, beträgt 2.000 Euro pro Tag.\n\nWenn Sie über die oben genannten Limits hinaus handeln, kann Ihr Handel abgebrochen werden und es kann eine Strafe anfallen.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Zahlung von der in Bisq angegebenen Handynummer des BTC-Käufers empfangen wird.\n\nDie maximale Handelsgröße beträgt 1.000 € pro Zahlung. Die maximale Anzahl an Transaktionen, die Sie mit Bizum erhalten können, beträgt 2.000 Euro pro Tag.\n\nWenn Sie über die oben genannten Limits hinaus handeln, kann Ihr Handel abgebrochen werden und es kann eine Strafe anfallen.\n\n
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese ist eine Bank-App für Nutzer von GBP, EUR un
payment.monese.info.buyer=Bitte senden Sie die Zahlung nur an die Telefonnummer, die der BTC-Verkäufer in seinem Bisq-Konto angegeben hat. Bitte lassen Sie die Zahlungsreferenz leer.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC-Verkäufer sollten erwarten, dass sie die Zahlung von der Telefonnummer/dem Namen erhalten, die/der im Bisq-Konto des BTC-Käufers angegeben ist.
payment.satispay.info.account=Um Satispay nutzen zu können, benötigen Sie ein Bankkonto (IBAN) in Italien und müssen für den Dienst registriert sein.\n\nDie Kontolimits von Satispay werden individuell festgelegt. Wenn Sie höhere Beträge handeln möchten, müssen Sie sich an den Satispay-Support wenden, um Ihre Limits zu erhöhen. Händler auf Bisq sollten sich über ihre Limits im Klaren sein. Wenn Sie über die oben genannten Limits hinaus handeln, kann Ihr Handel abgebrochen werden und es kann eine Strafe anfallen.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Bitte senden Sie Zahlungen nur an die in Bisq angegebene Handynummer des BTC-Verkäufers.\n\nDie Kontolimits von Satispay werden individuell festgelegt. Wenn Sie höhere Beträge handeln möchten, müssen Sie sich an den Satispay-Support wenden, um Ihre Limits zu erhöhen. Händler auf Bisq sollten sich über ihre Limits im Klaren sein. Wenn Sie über die oben genannten Limits hinaus handeln, kann Ihr Handel abgebrochen werden und es kann eine Strafe anfallen.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Bitte vergewissern Sie sich, dass Ihre Zahlung von der Handynummer / dem Namen des BTC-Käufers, wie in Bisq angegeben, empfangen wird.\n\nDie Kontolimits von Satispay werden individuell festgelegt. Wenn Sie höhere Beträge handeln möchten, müssen Sie sich an den Satispay-Support wenden, um Ihre Limits zu erhöhen. Händler auf Bisq sollten sich über ihre Limits im Klaren sein. Wenn Sie über die oben genannten Limits hinaus handeln, kann Ihr Handel storniert werden und es kann eine Strafe anfallen.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=Um Tikkie zu nutzen, benötigen Sie ein Bankkonto (IBAN) in den Niederlanden und müssen für den Service registriert sein.\n\nWenn Sie eine Tikkie-Zahlungsanforderung an eine einzelne Person senden, können Sie maximal 750 € pro Tikkie-Anforderung anfordern. Der Höchstbetrag, den Sie innerhalb von 24 Stunden anfordern können, beträgt 2.500 € pro Tikkie-Konto.\n\nJede Bank kann jedoch für ihre Kunden eigene Höchstbeträge innerhalb dieser Grenzen festlegen.\n\nTrader auf Bisq sollten sich über ihre Limits im Klaren sein. Wenn Sie über die oben genannten Limits hinaus handeln, kann Ihr Handel abgebrochen werden und es kann eine Strafe anfallen.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Bitte fordern Sie im Händler-Chat einen Zahlungslink vom BTC-Verkäufer an. Sobald der BTC-Verkäufer Ihnen einen Zahlungslink geschickt hat, der dem korrekten Betrag für den Handel entspricht, fahren Sie bitte mit der Zahlung fort.\n\nWenn der BTC-Verkäufer eine Tikkie-Zahlung anfordert, kann er maximal €750 pro Tikkie-Anforderung erhalten. Wenn der Handel diesen Betrag übersteigt, muss der BTC-Verkäufer mehrere Anträge stellen, um den gesamten Handelsbetrag zu erhalten. Der Höchstbetrag, den Sie an einem Tag anfordern können, beträgt 2.500 €.\n\nJede Bank kann jedoch für ihre Kunden eigene Höchstbeträge innerhalb dieser Grenzen festlegen.\n\nHändler auf Bisq sollten sich über ihre Limits im Klaren sein. Wenn Sie über die oben genannten Limits hinaus handeln, kann Ihr Handel abgebrochen werden und es kann eine Strafe anfallen.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Bitte senden Sie dem BTC-Verkäufer im Händler-Chat einen Zahlungslink. Sobald der BTC-Käufer Ihnen die Zahlung gesendet hat, überprüfen Sie bitte, ob die IBAN mit der IBAN in Bisq übereinstimmt.\n\nWenn der BTC-Verkäufer eine Tikkie-Zahlung anfordert, kann er maximal €750 pro Tikkie-Anforderung erhalten. Wenn der Handel diesen Betrag übersteigt, muss der BTC-Verkäufer mehrere Anträge stellen, um den gesamten Handelsbetrag zu erhalten. Der Höchstbetrag, den Sie an einem Tag anfordern können, beträgt 2.500 €.\n\nJede Bank kann jedoch für ihre Kunden eigene Höchstbeträge innerhalb dieser Grenzen festlegen.\n\nHändler auf Bisq sollten sich über ihre Limits im Klaren sein. Wenn Sie über die oben genannten Limits hinaus handeln, kann Ihr Handel abgebrochen werden und es kann eine Strafe anfallen.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse ist eine Zahlungsmethode mit vielen unterschiedlichen Währungen, mit der Sie Zahlungen in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK und PLN senden und empfangen können.\n\nWenn Sie Ihr Verse-Konto in Bisq einrichten, achten Sie bitte darauf, dass der Benutzername mit Ihrem Benutzernamen in Ihrem Verse-Konto übereinstimmt. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass beim Senden von Geldbeträgen das richtige Konto angegeben wird und beim Empfangen von Geldbeträgen diese Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben werden.\n\nVerse-Benutzer können pro Jahr maximal 10.000 € (oder den entsprechenden Betrag in einer Fremdwährung) für kumulierte Zahlungen, die von ihrem Zahlungskonto aus getätigt oder auf ihr Konto eingegangen sind, senden oder empfangen. Dieser Betrag kann auf Anfrage von Verse erhöht werden.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Bitte senden Sie die Zahlung nur an den Benutzernamen, den der BTC-Verkäufer in seinem Bisq-Konto angegeben hat. Bitte lassen Sie die Zahlungsreferenz leer.\n\nVerse-Benutzer können pro Jahr maximal 10.000 € (oder den umgerechneten Betrag in einer Fremdwährung) für kumulierte Zahlungen, die von ihrem Zahlungskonto aus getätigt oder auf ihr Konto eingegangen sind, senden oder empfangen. Dieser Betrag kann auf Anfrage von Verse erhöht werden.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=Ok
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.na=No disponible
shared.reportBug=Reportar error de software en Github
@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ shared.tradeVolume=Volumen de intercambio
shared.invalidKey=La clave que ha introducido no es correcta.
shared.enterPrivKey=Introducir clave privada para desbloquear
shared.makerFeeTxId=ID de transacción de comisión del creador
shared.takerFeeTxId=ID de transacción de comisión del tomador
shared.takerFeeTxId=ID de transacción de comisión del tomador
shared.payoutTxId=ID de transacción de pago
shared.contractAsJson=Contrato en formato JSON
shared.viewContractAsJson=Ver contrato en formato JSON
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Saldo de la cartera de intercambio
shared.makerTxFee=Creador: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Tomador: {0}
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Abrir {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=NUEVO
shared.blindVoteTxId=ID de la transacción de voto secreto
shared.learnMore=Aprender más
shared.selectedArbitrator=Árbitro seleccionado
shared.selectedMediator=Mediador seleccionado
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Árbitro seleccionado
@ -346,15 +344,14 @@ offerbook.offerersAcceptedBankSeats=Países de sede de banco aceptados (tomador)
offerbook.availableOffers=Ofertas disponibles
offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrar por moneda
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrar por método de pago
offerbook.matchingOffers=Ofertas que concuerden con mis cuentas
offerbook.matchingOffers=Ofertas que concuerden con mis cuentas
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Información de la cuenta
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=Esta cuenta fue verificada y {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=firmada por un árbitro y puede firmar cuentas de pares
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=firmado por un par, esperando %d días para aumentar límites
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=firmador por un par y los límites se elevaron
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=firmado por un par y puede firmar cuentas de pares (límites elevados)
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=La cuenta fue bloqueada
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} días
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning= {0} días
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} desde el firmado
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Límite de cuenta: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Límite de cuentat elevado
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Cuando complete con éxito un intercambio con un
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=No firmada aún
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} días
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=No disponible
shared.notSigned=Esta cuenta no ha sido firmada aún y fue creada hace {0} días
shared.notSigned.noNeed=Este tipo de cuenta no necesita firmado
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=Este tipo de cuenta no necesita firmado y fue creada hace {0} días
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Las cuentas de altcoin no necesitan firmado o edad
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=Sí, usar mi valor más bajo
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=El precio que ha introducido está fuera de la máxima desviación permitida en relación al precio de mercado.\nLa desviación máxima permitida es {0} y puede ajustarse en las preferencias.
createOffer.changePrice=Cambiar precio
createOffer.tac=Al colocar esta oferta estoy de acuerdo en comerciar con cualquier comerciante que cumpla con las condiciones definidas anteriormente.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Tasa de transacción
createOffer.setDeposit=Establecer depósito de seguridad para el comprador (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Establecer mi depósito de seguridad como comprador (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Establecer el depósito de seguridad para los comerciantes (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Desviación porcentual de precio de mercad
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=Hay un problema con una transacción inválida o no encontrada.\n\nPor faovr NO envíe el pago de fiat o altcoins.\n\nAbra un ticket de soporte para obtener asistencia de un mediador.\n\nMensaje de error: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=El depósito de seguridad en el intercambio{0} aún no se ha confirmado después de {1} horas. Compruebe la transacción de depósito en un explorador de bloques; si ha sido confirmado pero Bisq no lo muestra como tal: \n● Haga una copia de seguridad [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Resincronice el archivo SPV. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContacte con el soporte de Bisq [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] si tiene dudas o el problema persiste.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Esperar a la confirmación en la cadena de bloques
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Comenzar pago
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Sí, he recibido el
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=IMPORTANTE: Confirmando el recibo de pago, está también verificando la cuenta de la contraparte y firmándola en consecuencia. Como la cuenta de la contraparte no ha sido firmada aún, debería retrasar la confirmación de pago tanto como sea posible para reducir el riesgo de devolución de cargo.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Resumen de el intercambio completado
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=Este intercambio se resolvió por mediación
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=Este intercambio se resolvió por arbitraje
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Comisión de transacción
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Comisión de minado
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Comisiones de minado totales
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Depósito de seguridad devuelto
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Retirar bitcoins
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Cantidad a retirar
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Retirar a la dirección
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Mantener fondos en el monedero de Bisq
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Retirar al monedero externo
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Sus fondos ya han sido retirados.\nPor favor, compruebe el historial de transacciones.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Confirme la petición de retiro
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=La cantidad a transferir es inferior a la tasa de transacción y el mínimo valor de transacción posible (polvo - dust).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Retiro completado
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Sus intercambios completados están almacenados en \"Portfolio/Historial\".\nPuede revisar todas las transacciones de bitcoin en \"Fondos/Transacciones\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=Intercambio completado
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Sus intercambios completados están almacenados en \"Portfolio/Historial\".\nPuede revisar todas las transacciones de bitcoin en \"Fondos/Transacciones\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=Ha comprado
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=Ha pagado
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Después de la primera confirmación en la cad
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Si el periodo se excede ambos comerciantes pueden abrir una disputa.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Intercambio no completado a tiempo(hasta {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Proceso de intercambio
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Si no está seguro de que el mensaje al mediador o árbitro llegó (Ej. si no ha tenido respuesta después de 1 día), siéntase libre de abrir una disputa de nuevo con Cmd/Ctrl+o. También puede pedir ayuda adicional en el forum de Bisq en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Abrir disputa de nuevo
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Abrir ticket de soporte
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Por favor use esta función solo en caso de emergencia si no se muestra el botón \"Abrir soporte\" o \"Abrir disputa\".\n\nCuando abra un ticket de soporte el intercambio se interrumpirá y será manejado por un mediador o un árbitro.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Tiene hasta ≈{0} ({1} bloques más) antes de que pueda abrir una disputa de arbitraje.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=La transacción de depósito es inválida. No puede abrir una disputa sin una transacción de depósito válida. Por favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\n\nPara obtener ayuda contacte con el equipo de soporte en el canal Bisq de Keybase.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=La transacción de depósito es nula. Puede mover la transacción a operaciones fallidas.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=La transacción de pago demorado es nula. Puede mover la transacción a operaciones fallidas.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=El depósito de transacción no se ha confirmado. No puede abrir una disputa de arbitraje con una transacción de depósito no confirmada. Por favor espere a que se confirme o vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\n\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte en el canal Bisq de Keybase.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=¿Necesita ayuda?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=Si tiene algún problema puede intentar contactar al par de intercambio en el chat o preguntar en la la comunidad Bisq en https://bisq.comunnity. Si su problema no se resuelve, puede abrir una disputa con un mediador.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Abrir chat de intercambio
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Comprobar pago
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=El periodo de intercambio se acabó
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=Estado
support.sendLogFiles=Enviar archivos de registro
support.buyerOfferer=comprador/creador BTC
support.buyerOfferer= comprador/creador BTC
support.sellerOfferer=vendedor/creador BTC
support.buyerTaker=comprador/Tomador BTC
support.sellerTaker=vendedor/Tomador BTC
support.sendLogs.title=Enviar archivos de registro
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=Cuando encuentre algún bug, los mediadores y agentes de soporte a menudo solicitarán copias de los archivos de registro para diagnosticar el problema\n\n\ Presionando 'enviar', sus archivos de registro se comprimirán y enviarán directamente al mediador.
support.sendLogs.step1=Crear archivo Zip de archivos de registro
support.sendLogs.step2=Solicitud de conexión con el mediador
support.sendLogs.step3=Subir datos de registro archivados
support.sendLogs.retry=Reintentar envío
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transferencia detenida
support.sendLogs.progress=Progreso de la transferencia: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transferencia completada!
support.sendLogs.command=Pulse 'Enviar' para reintentar, o 'Parar' para abortar
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq no es una compañía, por ello maneja las disputas de una forma diferente.\n\nLos compradores y vendedores pueden comunicarse a través de la aplicación por un chat seguro en la pantalla de intercambios abiertos para intentar resolver una disputa por su cuenta. Si eso no es suficiente, un mediador puede intervenir para ayudar. El mediador evaluará la situación y dará una recomendación para el pago de los fondos de la transacción. Si ambos aceptan esta sugerencia, la transacción del pago se completa y el intercambio se cierra. Si uno o ambos no están de acuerdo con el pago recomendado por el mediador, pueden solicitar arbitraje. El árbitro re-evaluará la situación y, si es necesario, hará el pago personalmente y solicitará un reembolso de este pago a la DAO de Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Por favor, introduzca una descripción de su problema en el campo de texto inferior. Añada tanta información como sea posible para acelerar el tiempo de resolución de la disputa.\n\nAquí tiene una lista de la información que debería proveer:\n\t● Si es comprador BTC: Ha realizado la transferencia fiat o altcoin?Si es así, ha hecho click en el botón 'pago iniciado' en la aplicación?\n\t● Si es el vendedor BTC: Recibió el pago fiat o altcoin? Si es así, ha hecho click en 'pago recibido' de la aplicación?\n\t● Qué versión de Bisq está usando?\n\t● Qué sistema operativo está usando?\n\t● Si ha encontrado un problema con las transacciones fallidas por favor considere cambiar a un nuevo directorio de datos.\n\t A veces el directorio de datos se corrompe y lleva a errores extraños. \n\t Vea: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPor favor familiarícese con las reglas básicas del proceso de disputa:\n\t● tiene que responde a las solicitudes del {0} en 2 días.\n\t● {1}\n\t● El período máximo de una disputa es 14 días.\n\t● Necesita cooperar con el {2} y entregar toda la información que solicite para su caso.\n\t● Ha aceptado las reglas descritas en el documento de disputa en el acuerdo de usuario la primera vez que inició la aplicación\n\nPuede leer más acerca del proceso de disputa en: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Los mediadores normalmente contestarán en unas 24h.\n\t SI no ha obtenido respuesta después de 48h por favor contacte con su mediador en Keybase.\n\t Los nombres de usuario de los mediadores son los mismos que en la aplicación de Bisq.\n\t Su mediador es: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Los árbitros generalmente contestarán en 5 díás.\n\t Si no ha obtenido respuesta después de 7 días por favor siéntase libre de contactar con el árbitro a través de Keybase.\n\t Los nombres de usuario en Keybase son los mismos que su usuario en la aplicación Bisq.\n\t Su árbitro es: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensaje de sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Ha abierto una solicitud de soporte.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Ha abierto una solicitud de disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Su par de intercambio ha solicitado soporte debido a pr
support.peerOpenedDispute=Su pareja de intercambio ha solicitado una disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Su par de intercambio ha solicitado mediación.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=Mensaje de sistema: Resumen de la disputa del mediador: {0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=Mensaje de sistema: El mediador ha recibido los registros: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Dirección del nodo del mediador: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=La transacción de pago demorado utilizó una dirección de receptor inválida. No coincide con ninguno de los valores de parámetro de la DAO para las direcciones de donación válidas.\n\nEsto podría ser un intento de estafa. Informe a los desarrolladores sobre ese incidente y no cierre ese caso antes de que se resuelva la situación.\n\nDirección utilizada en la disputa: {0}\n\nTodas las direcciones de donación en los parámetros de la DAO: {1}\n\nIdentificación comercial: {2} {3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\n¿Aún quiere cerrar la disputa?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=La tasa de transacción debe ser al menos de {0} sa
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=El valor introducido está muy por encima de lo razonable (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). La tasa de transacción normalmente está en el rango de 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Pares ignorados [dirección onion:puerto]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Valor mínimo de output que no sea dust
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Monedas en lista para precio de mercado
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Moneda preferida
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Mostrar monedas nacionales
@ -1117,7 +1122,7 @@ setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Ejecutar Bisq como nodo completo de la DAO
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activada
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=El cambio se aplicará después del reinicio
setting.preferences.dao.fullModeDaoMonitor=Estado de monitorización de DAO en modo completo
setting.preferences.dao.fullModeDaoMonitor=Estado de monitorización de DAO en modo completo
setting.preferences.dao.fullModeDaoMonitor.popup=Si el estado de monitorización DAO en modo completo se activa los hashes del estado de DAO se crean durante el parsing de los bloques BSQ. Esto tiene considerables costes de rendimiento en al inicio de la sincronización DAO.\n\nPara usuarios que regularmente usen Bisq esto no debería ser un problema porque no hay muchos bloques para hacer parsing, aunque para usuarios que solo usen Bisq de vez en cuando crear los hashes del estado de DAO para cientos o miles de bloques degrada mucho la experiencia de usuario.\n\nEn caso de que se desactive el modo completo (por defecto) los hashes de estado de DAO son requeridos de los nodos de red y los hash del estado de DAO basados en el bloque más reciente serán creados por el usuario. Como todos los hashes están conectados en referencia a el hash previo, un hash correcto al final de la cadena significa que todos los hashes pasados también son correctos. La principal funcionalidad de la monitorización del estado de la DAO (detectar si el estado local de la DAO está desincronizado con el resto de la red) por tanto se aún se cumple.
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=nombre de usuario RPC
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Nombre
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=URL de transacción
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=URL de la dirección
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Red Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Red Bisq
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=Mi dirección onion
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Sí, y no preguntar de nuevo
account.seed.enterPw=Introducir contraseña para ver las palabras semilla
account.seed.restore.info=Por favor haga una copia de seguridad antes de aplicar la restauración desde las palabras semilla. Tenga en cuenta que la restauración de cartera solo es para casos de emergencia y puede causar problemas con la base de datos interna del monedero.\nNo es el modo de aplicar una restauración de copia de seguridad! Por favor use una copia de seguridad desde el archivo de directorio de la aplicación para restaurar un estado de aplicación anterior.\n\nDespués de restaurar la aplicación se cerrará automáticamente. Después de reiniciar la aplicacion se resincronizará con la red Bitcoin. Esto puede llevar un tiempo y consumir mucha CPU, especialemente si la cartera es antigua y tiene muchas transacciones. Por favor evite interrumpir este proceso, o podría tener que borrar el archivo de la cadena SPV de nuevo o repetir el proceso de restauración.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, adelante con la restauración y el apagado de Bisq.
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Fecha
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Firmar un mensaje con clave de transacción de quemado
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verificar un mensaje con clave de transacción de quemado.
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copiar firma al portapapeles
@ -2047,9 +2055,9 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.menuItem.supply=Oferta BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.menuItem.transactions=Transacciones BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgPrice90=Medía de 90 días del precio de intercambio BSQ/BTC
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgPrice30=Medía de 30 días del precio de intercambio BSQ/BTC
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgUSDPrice90=Precio medio de BSQ/USD a 90 días ponderado por volumen
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgUSDPrice30=Precio medio de BSQ/USD a 30 días ponderado por volumen
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgPrice30=Medía de 30 días del precio de intercambio BSQ/BTC
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgUSDPrice90=Precio medio de BSQ/USD a 90 días ponderado por volumen
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgUSDPrice30=Precio medio de BSQ/USD a 30 días ponderado por volumen
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketCap=Capitalización de mercado (basada en precio medio de BSQ/USD a 30 días)
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.availableAmount=BSQ totales disponibles
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.volumeUsd=Volumen de intercambio total en USD
@ -2244,13 +2252,13 @@ filterWindow.remove=Eliminar filtro
filterWindow.btcFeeReceiverAddresses=Direcciones de recepción de la tasa BTC
filterWindow.disableApi=Deshabilitar API
filterWindow.disableMempoolValidation=Deshabilitar validación de Mempool
filterWindow.disablePowMessage=Disable messages requiring Proof of Work
filterWindow.powDifficulty=Proof of work difficulty (BSQ swap offers)
filterWindow.enabledPowVersions=Enabled proof of work versions (comma sep. integers)
filterWindow.makerFeeBtc=Min. BTC maker fee (e.g. 0.001)
filterWindow.takerFeeBtc=Min. BTC taker fee (e.g. 0.007)
filterWindow.makerFeeBsq=Min. BSQ maker fee (e.g. 15.14)
filterWindow.takerFeeBsq=Min. BSQ taker fee (e.g. 105.97)
filterWindow.disablePowMessage=Deshabilitar mensajes requiriendo Prueba de Trabajo
filterWindow.powDifficulty=Dificultad de prueba de trabajo (ofertas de swap BSQ)
filterWindow.enabledPowVersions=Versiones de prueba de trabajo habilitadas (integers separados por coma)
filterWindow.makerFeeBtc=Mínima tasa de intercambio BTC (p.ej. 0.001)
filterWindow.takerFeeBtc=Mínima tasa de tomador BTC (p.ej. 0.007)
filterWindow.makerFeeBsq=Mínima tasa de tomador BSQ (p.ej. 15.14)
filterWindow.takerFeeBsq=Tasa de tomador mínima BSQ (p.ej 105.97)
offerDetailsWindow.minBtcAmount=Cantidad mínima BTC
offerDetailsWindow.min=(mínimo {0})
@ -2314,8 +2322,8 @@ tradeDetailsWindow.tradeState=Estado del intercambio
tradeDetailsWindow.detailData=Detalle de datos
tradeDetailsWindow.bsqSwap.txId=BSQ swap transaction ID
tradeDetailsWindow.bsqSwap.headline=BSQ swap trade
tradeDetailsWindow.bsqSwap.txId=ID de transacción swap BSQ
tradeDetailsWindow.bsqSwap.headline=Intercambio swap BSQ
txDetailsWindow.headline=Detalles de transacción
txDetailsWindow.btc.note=Ha enviado BTC
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Archivos Tor desactualizados borrado
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=¿Está Tor bloqueado?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Si Tor está bloqueado por su proveedor de internet o por su país puede intentar usar puentes Tor.\nVisite la página web Tor en https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges para saber más acerca de los puentes y transportes conectables.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Elija la moneda para el pago de la comisiones de intercambio
feeOptionWindow.info=Puede elegir pagar la tasa de intercambio en BSQ o BTC. Si elige BSQ apreciará la comisión de intercambio descontada.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Elija moneda para el pago de comisiones de intercambio
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Usar BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2385,7 +2390,7 @@ popup.reportError.log=Abrir archivo de registro
popup.reportError.gitHub=Reportar al rastreador de problemas de Github
popup.reportError={0}\n\nPara ayudarnos a mejorar el software por favor reporte el fallo en nuestro rastreador de fallos en https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/issues.\nEl mensaje de error será copiado al portapapeles cuando haga clic en cualquiera de los botones inferiores.\nHará el depurado de fallos más fácil si puede adjuntar el archivo bisq.log presionando "Abrir archivo de log", guardando una copia y adjuntándola en su informe de errores.
popup.error.tryRestart=Please restart your application and check your network connection to see if you can resolve the issue.
popup.error.tryRestart=Por favor reinicie su aplicación y compruebe su conexión a la red para ver si puede resolver el asunto.
popup.error.takeOfferRequestFailed=Un error ocurrió cuando alguien intentó tomar una de sus ofertas:\n{0}
error.spvFileCorrupted=Ocurrió un error al leer el archivo de cadena SPV.\nPuede ser que el archivo de cadena SPV se haya corrompido.\n\nMensaje de error: {0}\n\n¿Quiere borrarlo y comenzar una resincronización?
@ -2407,9 +2412,9 @@ popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Necesita esperar hasta que esté completamente c
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Necesita esperar hasta que tenga al menos {0} conexiones a la red Bitcoin.
popup.warning.downloadNotComplete=Tiene que esperar hasta que finalice la descarga de los bloques Bitcoin que faltan.
popup.warning.chainNotSynced=La cadena de bloques del monedero Bisq no está sincronizada correctamente. Si ha iniciado la aplicación recientemente, espere a que se haya publicado al menos un bloque Bitcoin.\n\nPuede comprobar la altura de la cadena de bloques en Configuración/Información de red. Si se encuentra más de un bloque y el problema persiste podría estar estancado, en cuyo caso deberá hacer una resincronización SPV.\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Your Bisq DAO state needs to be resynced.\n\nPlease navigate to DAO Network Monitor menu and follow the prompts to resync the DAO state.
popup.warning.removeOffer=Are you sure you want to remove this offer?\nThe maker fee of {0} will be lost if you remove this offer.
popup.warning.removeNoFeeOffer=Are you sure you want to remove this offer?\nNo maker fee will be lost if you remove this offer.
popup.warning.daoNeedsResync=Su estado de DAO Bisq necesita reiniciarse.\n\nPor favor navegue al menú de monitor de red DAO y siga las indicaciones para resincronizar el estado DAO
popup.warning.removeOffer=Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta oferta?\nLa tasa de tomador de {0} se perderá si elimina esta oferta.
popup.warning.removeNoFeeOffer=Está seguro de que quiere eliminar esta oferta?\nNo se perderá ninguna tasa de tomador si elimina esta oferta.
popup.warning.tooLargePercentageValue=No puede establecer un porcentaje del 100% o superior.
popup.warning.examplePercentageValue=Por favor, introduzca un número de porcentaje como \"5.4\" para 5.4%
popup.warning.noPriceFeedAvailable=No hay una fuente de precios disponible para esta moneda. No puede utilizar un precio basado en porcentaje.\nPor favor, seleccione un precio fijo.
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=El DAO Bisq y BSQ estén temporalmente deshabilitados.
popup.warning.noFilter=No hemos recibido un objeto de filtro desde los nodos semilla. Esta situación no se esperaba. Por favor, informe a los desarrolladores Bisq.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Esta transacción no es posible, ya que las comisiones de minado de {0} excederían la cantidad a transferir de {1}. Por favor, espere a que las comisiones de minado bajen o hasta que haya acumulado más BTC para transferir.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=La tasa de transacción para la oferta con ID {0} se rechazó por la red Bitcoin.\nID de transacción={1}\nLa oferta se ha eliminado para evitar futuros problemas.\nPor favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte de Bisq en el canal de Bisq en Keybase.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=tasa de intercambio
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=La transacción {0} para el intercambio con ID {1} se rechazó por la red Bitcoin.\nID de transacción={2}\nEl intercambio se movió a intercambios fallidos.\nPor favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte de Bisq en el canal de Bisq en Keybase.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=La transacción de tasa de creador para la oferta con ID {0} es inválida.\nID de transacción={1}.\nPor favor vaya a \"Configuración/Información de red\" y haga una resincronización SPV.\nPara más ayuda por favor contacte con el equipo de soporte de Bisq en el canal de Bisq de Keybase.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Para asegurarse de que ambos comerciantes siguen el protocolo de intercambio, ambos necesitan pagar un depósito de seguridad.\n\nEl depósito se guarda en su monedero de intercambio hasta que el intercambio se complete, y entonces se devuelve.\n\nPor favor, tenga en cuenta que al crear una nueva oferta, Bisq necesita estar en ejecución para que otro comerciante la tome. Para mantener sus ofertas en línea, mantenga Bisq funcionando y asegúrese de que su computadora está en línea también (Ej. asegúrese de que no pasa a modo standby...el monitor en standby no es problema!)
@ -2478,7 +2483,7 @@ popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.datePicker=Seleccione momento de tiempo hast
popup.accountSigning.confirmSelectedAccounts.headline=Confirmar cuentas de pago seleccionadas
popup.accountSigning.confirmSelectedAccounts.description=Basado en su valor introducido, {0} cuentas de pago serán seleccionadas.
popup.accountSigning.confirmSelectedAccounts.button=Confirmar cuentas de pago
popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.headline=Confirmar firma de cuentas de pago
popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.headline=Confirmar firma de cuentas de pago
popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.description=Según su selección, se firmarán {0} cuentas de pago.
popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.button=Firmar cuentas de pago
popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey=Introduzca clave privada del árbitro
@ -2524,11 +2529,11 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Actualizar monedero de intercambio.
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Su monedero de intercambio tiene fondos suficientes.\nCantidad: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Su monedero de intercambio ya tiene fondos suficientes de un intento de toma de oferta anterior.\nCantidad: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Intercambio completado
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Ahora puede retirar sus fondos a una billetera externa de Bitcoin o transferirlos a la billetera Bisq.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=The BSQ swap transaction for trade with ID ''{0}'' is confirmed.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Puede retirar sus fondos ahora a el monedero Bitcoin externo desde Fondos > Enviar fondos
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=Swap BSQ completado
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Su oferta con ID "{0}" ha sido tomada
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=Transacción de swap BSQ confirmada
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.text=La transacción de swap BSQ con ID de intercambio "{0}" se ha confirmado.
# System Tray
@ -2583,7 +2588,7 @@ peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.traded={0} dirección onion: {1}\nYa ha intercambiado
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.trade.notTraded=Dirección onion: {0}\nNo ha intercambiado con esta persona.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.age=Cuenta de pago creada hace {0}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.unknownAge=Edad de cuenta de pago no conocida.
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNumber of disputes: {1}.\n{2}
peerInfoIcon.tooltip.dispute={0}\nNúmero de disputas: {1}.\n{2}
tooltip.openPopupForDetails=Abrir popup para detalles
tooltip.invalidTradeState.warning=Esta transacción está en un estado inválido. Abra la ventana de detalles para obtener más información
@ -2594,7 +2599,8 @@ confidence.unknown=Estado de transacción desconocido
confidence.seen=Visto por {0} par/es / 0 confirmaciones
confidence.confirmed=Confirmado en {0} bloque/s
confidence.invalid=La transacción es inválida
peerInfo.title=Información del par
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Número de intercambios completados
@ -2610,8 +2616,8 @@ addressTextField.addressCopiedToClipboard=La dirección se ha copiado al portapa
addressTextField.openWallet.failed=Fallo al abrir la cartera Bitcoin predeterminada. ¿Tal vez no tenga una instalada?
explorerAddressTextField.copyToClipboard=Copiar dirección al portapapeles
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Open a blockchain explorer with this address
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Missing required address
explorerAddressTextField.blockExplorerIcon.tooltip=Abrir un explorador de bloques con esta dirección
explorerAddressTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Direcciones requeridas necesarias
peerInfoIcon.tooltip={0}\nEtiqueta: {1}
@ -2625,20 +2631,20 @@ txIdTextField.missingTx.warning.tooltip=Falta la transacción requerida
navigation.account.backup=\"Cuenta/Copia de Seguridad\"
navigation.funds.availableForWithdrawal=\"Fondos/Enviar fondos"\"
navigation.portfolio.myOpenOffers=\"Portafolio/Mis ofertas abiertas\"
navigation.portfolio.pending=\"Portafolio/Intercambios abiertos\"
navigation.portfolio.bsqSwapTrades=\"Portfolio/Unconfirmed BSQ Swaps\"
navigation.portfolio.bsqSwapTrades.short=\"Unconfirmed BSQ Swaps\"
navigation.portfolio.bsqSwapTrades=\"Portafolio/Swaps BSQ no confirmados\"
navigation.portfolio.bsqSwapTrades.short=\"Swaps BSQ no confirmados\"
navigation.funds.depositFunds=\"Fondos/Recibir fondos\"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
navigation.dao.wallet.receive=\"DAO/Monedero BSQ/Recibir\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\"DAO Network Monitor\"
navigation.dao.networkMonitor=\" Monitor de red DAO\"
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivar clave desde contraseña
password.walletDecrypted=El monedero se desencriptó con éxito y se eliminó la protección por contraseña.
password.wrongPw=Ha introducido la contraseña incorrecta.\n\nPor favor, introduzca nuevamente la contraseña, evitando errores.
password.walletEncrypted=El monedero se encriptó con éxito y se activó la protección por contraseña.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=No se pudo establecer la contraseña de de la cartera. Puede haber importado palabras semilla que no corresponden a la base de datos del monedero. Por favor contacte con los desarrolladores en Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Las 2 contraseñas introducidas no coinciden.
password.forgotPassword=¿Ha olvidado la contraseña?
password.backupReminder=Por favor, al establecer una contraseña para la cartera, tenga en cuenta que todas las copias de seguridad creadas de la cartera no encriptada serán borradas automáticamente
password.backupWasDone=Ya he hecho una copia de seguridad
password.setPassword=Establecer password (ya tengo una copia de seguridad)
password.makeBackup=Hacer copia de seguridad
@ -2755,35 +2760,49 @@ payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Intercambio instantáneo (en una hora) con
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=Para intercambios instantáneos se requiere que ambos pares estén en linea para poder completar el intercambio en menos de 1 hora.\n\nSi tiene ofertas abiertas y no está disponible, por favor deshabilite esas ofertas en la pantalla 'Portafolio'.
payment.select.altcoin=Seleccionar o buscar altcoin
payment.select.altcoin.bsq.warning=You can also trade BSQ with the new BSQ Swap protocol.\n\nThis has many benefits compared to the normal Bisq protocol for altcoins. For example: trades are instant, riskless, cheaper, and there is no account setup needed.\n\nSee more about BSQ swaps in documentation [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/BSQ_swaps].
payment.select.altcoin.bsq.warning=También puede intercambiar BSQ con el nuevo protocolo BSQ swap.\n\nEsto tiene muchos beneficios comparado con el protocolo Bisq normal para altcoins. Por ejemplo: los intercambios son instantáneos, sin riesgo, más baratos y no requieren configurar la cuenta\n\nVea más acerca de los intercambios BSQ en la documentación [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/BSQ_swaps].
payment.secret=Pregunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID de cartera:
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
payment.capitual.cap=Código CAP
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Dirección de Pago Virtual
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
payment.swift.showPaymentInfo=Show Payment Information...
payment.account.owner.address=Account owner address
payment.transferwiseUsd.address=(must be US-based, consider using bank address)
payment.swift.headline=Transferencia bancaria internacional SWIFT
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Banco receptor
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Banco intermediario (click para expandir)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=País de banco receptor
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=País de banco intermediario
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Recibiendo código bancario SWIFT
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Código SWIFT de banco intermediario
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Nombre de banco receptor
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Nombre de banco intermediario
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Sucursal de banco receptor
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Sucursal de banco intermediario
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Dirección de banco receptor
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Dirección de banco intermediario
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Dirección del beneficiario
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Número de teléfono del beneficiario
payment.swift.account=Número de cuenta (o IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Usar banco intermediario
payment.swift.showPaymentInfo=Mostrar información de pago...
payment.account.owner.address=Dirección de propietario de cuenta
payment.transferwiseUsd.address=(debe ser establecido-en-USA, considere usar una dirección de banco)
payment.amazon.site=Compre una tarjeta regalo en
payment.ask=Pregunte en el Chat de Intercambio
@ -2827,13 +2846,13 @@ payment.branchNr=Número de sucursal
payment.branchNrOptional=Número de sucursal (opcional)
payment.accountNrLabel=Número de cuenta (IBAN)
payment.tikkie.iban=IBAN used for Bisq trading on Tikkie
payment.tikkie.iban=IBAN utitlizado para intercambios Bisq en tikkie
payment.accountType=Tipo de cuenta
payment.personalId=ID personal:
payment.makeOfferToUnsignedAccount.warning=Tras el reciente incremento del precio de BTC, tenga en cuenta que vender 0.01BTC o menos incurre en un mayor riesgo que antes.\n\nEs altamente recomendado que:\n- haga ofertas >0.01BTC de tal modo que solo intercambie con comerciantes firmados/de confianza\n- mantenga las ofertas para vender <0.01BTC alrededor de ~100USD, ya que este valor históricamente no es atractivo para estafadores\n\nLos desarrolladores de Bisq están trabajando en mejores maneras de asegurar que el modelo de cuenta de pago para estos intercambios menores. Únase a la discusión en: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=Con el reciente aumento del precio de BTC, tenga en cuenta que vender 0.01BTC o menos incurre en un mayor riesgo.\n\nSe recomienda:\n- tomar ofertas solo de compradores firmados\n- hacer intercambios con pares no firmados de alrededor de 100USD de valor, ya que históricamente ha evitado a los estafadores.\n\nLos desarrolladores de Bisq están trabajando en mejorar la seguridad de los métodos de pago en estos intercambios. Únase a la discusión aquí: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.takeOfferFromUnsignedAccount.warning=Con el reciente aumento del precio de BTC, tenga en cuenta que vender 0.01BTC o menos incurre en un mayor riesgo.\n\nSe recomienda:\n- tomar ofertas solo de compradores firmados\n- hacer intercambios con pares no firmados de alrededor de 100USD de valor, ya que históricamente ha evitado a los estafadores.\n\nLos desarrolladores de Bisq están trabajando en mejorar la seguridad de los métodos de pago en estos intercambios. Únase a la discusión aquí: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/bisq/discussions/5339].
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle es un servicio de transmisión de dinero que funciona mejor *a través* de otro banco..\n\n1. Compruebe esta página para ver si (y cómo) trabaja su banco con Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Preste atención a los límites de transferencia -límites de envío- que varían entre bancos, y que los bancos especifican a menudo diferentes límites diarios, semanales y mensuales..\n\n3. Si su banco no trabaja con Zelle, aún puede usarlo a través de la app móvil de Zelle, pero sus límites de transferencia serán mucho menores.\n\n4. El nombre especificado en su cuenta Bisq DEBE ser igual que el nombre en su cuenta de Zelle/bancaria. \n\nSi no puede completar una transacción Zelle tal como se especifica en el contrato, puede perder algo (o todo) el depósito de seguridad!\n\nDebido a que Zelle tiene cierto riesgo de reversión de pago, se aconseja que los vendedores contacten con los compradores no firmados a través de email o SMS para verificar que el comprador realmente tiene la cuenta de Zelle especificada en Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Algunos bancos han comenzado a verificar el nombre completo del receptor para las transferencias Faster Payments. Su cuenta actual Faster Payments no especifica un nombre completo.\n\nConsidere recrear su cuenta Faster Payments en Bisq para proporcionarle a los futuros compradores {0} un nombre completo.\n\nCuando vuelva a crear la cuenta, asegúrese de copiar el UK Short Code de forma precisa , el número de cuenta y los valores salt de la cuenta anterior a su cuenta nueva para la verificación de edad. Esto asegurará que la edad de su cuenta existente y el estado de la firma se conserven.
payment.moneyGram.info=Al utilizar MoneyGram, el comprador de BTC tiene que enviar el número de autorización y una foto del recibo al vendedor de BTC por correo electrónico. El recibo debe mostrar claramente el nobre completo del vendedor, país, estado y cantidad. El email del vendedor se mostrará al comprador durante el proceso de intercambio.
@ -2854,14 +2873,14 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=El método de pago Tarjetas regalo Amazon requier
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nSu cuenta actual de Tarjeta regalo Amazon ({1}) no tiene un País especificado.\nPor favor introduzca el país de su Tarjeta regalo Amazon para actualizar sus datos de cuenta.\nEsto no afectará el estatus de edad de su cuenta.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Actualizar cuenta Tarjeta regalo Amazon
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Revise cuidadosamente las directrices básicas para usar SWIFT en Bisq:\n\n- rellene todos los campos completa y meticulosamente \n- el comprador debe enviar el pago en la moneda especificada por el creador de la oferta\n- el comprador debe utilizar el modelo de tasas compartidas (SHA) \n- comprador y vendedor podrían incurrir en el pago de tasas, con lo que deben comprobar la lista de tarifas de su banco de antemano. \n\nSWIFT es más sofisticado que otros métodos de pago, así que por favor tómese un momento para revisar la guía completa en la wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=Para comprar con SWIFT, debe:\n\n- enviar el pago en la moneda especificada por el creador de la oferta \n- usar el modelo de tasas compartidas (SHA) para enviar el pago\n\nPor favor repase la guía en la wiki para evitar penalizaciones y asegurar un intercambio fluido [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=Los emisores SWIFT requieren usar ele modelo de tasas compartidas (SHA) para enviar pagos.\n\nSi recibe un pago SWIFT que no use SHA, abra un ticket de mediación.\n\nPor favor repase la guía en la wiki para evitar penalizaciones y asegurar un intercambio fluido [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.account=Por favor asegúrese de incluir su:\n\n● Nombre completo de propietario de cuenta\n● Número de cuenta\n● Número IFSC\n\nEstos detalles deben concordar con los de la cuenta bancaria que utilizará para enviar / recibir pagos.\n\nPor favor tenga en cuenta que hay un máximo de Rs 200.000 que pueden enviarse por transacción. Si su intercambio supera esta cantidad, se necesitarán varias transacciones. El máximo para enviar diariamente es de Rs 1.000.000\n\nAlgunos bancos tienen diferentes límites para sus clientes.
payment.imps.info.buyer=The maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
@ -2885,13 +2904,13 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Por favor, envíe el pago solo al número de télefono móvil del vendedor de BTC proporcionado en Bisq.\n\nel tamaño máximo de intercambio es 1.000€ por pago. La cantidad máxima de transacciones que puede enviar usando Bizum es de 2.000€ al día.\n\nSi su intercambio está por encima de estos límites su intercambio podría cancelarse y haber una penalización.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Por favor asegúrese de que su pago se recibe desde el número de teléfono móvil del comprador de BTC proporcionado en Bisq.\n\nLa cantidad máxima de intercambio es de 1.000€ por pago. El tamaño máximo de transacciones a recibir usando Bizum es de 2.000€ al día.\n\nSi su intercambio está por encima de estos límites su intercambio podría ser cancelado y haber una penalización.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
@ -2902,17 +2921,17 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse es un método de pago de múltiples monedas que puede enviar y recibir pagos en EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK y PLN.\n\nAl configurar su cuenta Verse en Bisq por favor asegúrese de que incluye el nombre de usuario que coincida con el nombre de usuario en su cuenta Verse. Esto asegurará que cuando envíe fondos se muestren desde la cuenta correcta y cuando reciba fondos se envíen a su cuenta.\n\nLos usuarios de Verse tienen limites de envío y recepción de 10.000€ al año (o el equivalente en otras monedas) para pagos acumulados hechos desde o recibidos en su cuenta de pago. Esto puede incrementarse por Verse bajo solicitud.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Por favor envíe el pago solo a el nombre de usuario proporcionado por el vendedor BTC en su cuenta Bisq. Por favor deje la descripción de pago en blanco.\n\nLos usuarios de Verse están limitados a enviar o recibir 10.000€ al año (o el equivalente en otras monedas) para pagos acumulados hechos o recibidos en su cuenta de pago. Esto puede incrementarse por Verse bajo solicitud.
payment.verse.info.seller=Los vendedores de BTC deben recibir el pago desde el nombre de usuario mostrado en la cuenta de Bisq del comprador de BTC.\n\nLos usuarios de Verse están limitados a recibir 10.000€ al año ( o el equivalente en otras monedas) para pagos acumulados hechos o recibidos en su cuenta de pago. Esto puede incrementarse por Verse bajo solicitud.
payment.achTransfer.info.account=When adding ACH as a payment method in Bisq users should make sure they are aware what it will cost to send and receive an ACH transfer.
payment.achTransfer.info.buyer=Please ensure you are aware of what it will cost you to send an ACH transfer.\n\nWhen paying, send only to the payment details provided in the BTC Seller's account using ACH transfer.
@ -2922,13 +2941,13 @@ payment.domesticWire.info.account=When adding Domestic Wire Transfer as a paymen
payment.domesticWire.info.buyer=Please ensure you are aware of what it will cost you to send a wire transfer.\n\nWhen paying, send only to the payment details provided in the BTC Seller's account.
payment.domesticWire.info.seller=Please ensure you are aware of what it will cost you to receive a wire transfer.\n\nWhen receiving payment, please check that it is received from the BTC Buyer's account.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.account=Por favor, asegúrese de incluir su nombre de usuario en Strike\n\nEn Bisq, Strike se usa solo para pagos fiat a fiat\n\nPor favor, asegúrese de conocer los límites en Strike:\n\nUsuarios que solo se hayan registrado con su email, , nombre y número de teléfono tienen los siguientes límites:\n\n● $100 máximo por depósito\n● $1,000 máximo total de depósitots por semana\n● $100 máximo por pago\n\nLos usuarios pueden incrementar estos límites entregando a Strike más información. Estos usuarios tienen los siguientes límites:\n\n● $1,000 máximo por depósito\n● $1,000 máximo total de depósitos a la semana\n● $1,000 máximo por pago\n\nSi intercambia por encima de estos límites su intercambio puede ser cancelado y podría haber una penalización.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Por favor, envíe el pago solo al nombre de usuario proporcionado en Bisq.\nEl tamaño máximo de intercambio es 1$.000 por pago.\nSi su intercambio está por encima de estos límites, su intercambio podría cancelarse y haber una penalización.\n
payment.strike.info.seller=Por favor asegúrese de que su pago se ha recibido desde el nombre de usuario de Strike del comprador de BTC proporcionado en Bisq.\n\nEl tamaño máximo de intercambio es de $1.000 por pago.\n\nSi su intercambio está por encima de estos límites, su intercambio podría cancelarse y haber una penalización.
payment.transferwiseUsd.info.account=Due US banking regulation, sending and receiving USD payments has more restrictions than most other currencies. For this reason USD was not added to Bisq TransferWise payment method.\n\nThe TransferWise-USD payment method allows Bisq users to trade in USD.\n\nAnyone with a Wise, formally TransferWise account, can add TransferWise-USD as a payment method in Bisq. This will allow them to buy and sell BTC with USD.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq BTC Buyers should not use any reference for reason for payment. If reason for payment is required they should only use the full name of the TransferWise-USD account owner.
payment.transferwiseUsd.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address in the BTC Seller's Bisq TransferWise-USD account.
payment.transferwiseUsd.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the BTC Buyer's name of the TransferWise-USD account in Bisq.
payment.transferwiseUsd.info.account=Debido a la regulación bancaria en USA, enviar y recibir pagos en USD tiene más restricciones que muchas otras divisas. Por esta razón USD no se añadió al método de pago TransferWise de Bisq.\n\nEl método de pago TransferWise-USD permite a los usuarios de Bisq intercambiar en USD.\n\nCualquiera con una cuenta Wise, anteriormente TransferWise, puede añadir TransferWise-USD como método de pago en Bisq. Esto les permitirá comprar y vender BTC en USD.\n\nAl intercambiar en Bisq los compradores de BTCno deben usar ninguna referencia para la razón de pago. Si la razón de pago se requiere, deben usar solo el nombre completo del propietario de la cuenta TransferWise-USD.
payment.transferwiseUsd.info.buyer=Por favor envíe el pago solo a la dirección email en la cuenta del vendedor de BTC TransfeWise-USD en Bisq.
payment.transferwiseUsd.info.seller=Por favor compruebe que el pago recibido concuerda con el nombre del comprador de BTC en la cuenta TransferWise-USD en Bisq.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Los intercambios usando US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) en Bisq requiere que entienda lo siguiente:\n\n- Los compradores de BTC deben escribir la dirección del vendedor en los campos de "Payer" y "Payee" y tomar una foto en alta resolución de la USPMO y del sobre con la prueba de seguimiento antes de enviar.\n- Los compradores de BTC deben enviar la USPMO con confirmación de entrega.\n\nEn caso de que sea necesaria la mediación, se requerirá al comprador que entregue las fotos al mediador o agente de devolución de fondos, junto con el número de serie de la USPMO, número de oficina postal, y la cantidad de USD, para que puedan verificar los detalles en la web de US Post Office.\n\nNo entregar la información requerida al Mediador o Árbitro resultará en pérdida del caso de disputa. \n\nEn todos los casos de disputa, el emisor de la USPMO tiene el 100% de responsabilidad en aportar la evidencia al Mediador o Árbitro.\n\nSi no entiende estos requerimientos, no comercie usando USPMO en Bisq.
@ -2949,8 +2968,8 @@ payment.f2f.info=Los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' tienen diferentes reglas y riesg
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir paǵina web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País y ciudad: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Información adicional: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
payment.ifsc=Código IFS
payment.ifsc.validation=Formato IFSC: XXXX0999999
@ -2959,7 +2978,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nombre
payment.payid=PayID conectado a una institución financiera. Como la dirección email o el número de móvil.
payment.payid.info=Un PayID como un número de teléfono, dirección email o Australian Business Number (ABN), que puede conectar con seguridad a su banco, unión de crédito o cuenta de construcción de sociedad. Necesita haber creado una PayID con su institución financiera australiana. Tanto para enviar y recibir las instituciones financieras deben soportar PayID. Para más información por favor compruebe [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Para pagar con Tarjeta eGift Amazon. necesitará enviar una Tarjeta eGift Amazon al vendedor BTC a través de su cuenta Amazon.\n\nPor favor vea la wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] para más detalles y mejores prácticas.\n\nTres puntos a considerar:\n- Pruebe a enviar las tarjetas regalo en cantidades de 100USD o menores, ya que Amazon está señalando tarjetas regalo mayores como fraudulentas.\n- Pruebe a usar textos creativos y creíbles para el mensaje de la tarjeta regalo (p.ej. Feliz cumpleaños!) y usar el chat de intercambio para comentar a su par de intercambio el texto de referencia elegido de tal modo que pueda verificar su pago.\n- Las tarjetas Amazon eGift pueden ser redimidas únicamente en la web de Amazon en la que se compraron (por ejemplo, una tarjeta comprada en amazon.it solo puede ser redimida en amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -3080,13 +3099,13 @@ VERSE=Verse
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
SWIFT=Transferencia bancaria internacional SWIFT
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
DOMESTIC_WIRE_TRANSFER=Transferencia bancaria doméstica
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -3180,9 +3199,9 @@ SWIFT_SHORT=SWIFT
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
DOMESTIC_WIRE_TRANSFER_SHORT=Transferencia doméstica
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -3234,7 +3253,7 @@ validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=Las direcciones ZEC deben empezar con
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=La dirección no es una dirección {0} válida! {1}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Direcciones de segwit nativas (las que empiezan con 'lq') no son compatibles.
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Direcciones de segwit nativas (las que empiezan con 'lq') no son compatibles.
validation.bic.invalidLength=La longitud del valor introducido debe ser 8 u 11.
validation.bic.letters=El código de banco y país deben ser letras
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC contiene un código de localización inválido
@ -3279,5 +3298,5 @@ validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX
# News
news.bsqSwap.title=New trade protocol: BSQ SWAPS
news.bsqSwap.description=BSQ swaps is a new trade protocol for atomically swapping BSQ and BTC in a single transaction.\n\nThis saves miner fees, allows instant trades, removes counterparty risk, and does not require mediation or arbitration support. No account setup is required either.\n\nSee more about BSQ swaps in documentation [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/BSQ_swaps].
news.bsqSwap.title=Nuevo protocolo de intercambio: SWAPS BSQ
news.bsqSwap.description=Los swaps BSQ son un nuevo protocolo de intercambio para cambiar BSQ y BTC en una sola transacción.\n\nEsto ahorra tasas de minado, permite intercambios instantáneos, elimina riesgo de contraparte y no requiere mediación o arbitraje. Tampoco requiere configurar una cuenta.\n\nVea más acerca de los swaps BSQ en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/BSQ_swaps].
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=باشه
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.na=بدون پاسخ
shared.reportBug=گزارش باگ در GitHub
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=موجودی کیفپول معاملات
shared.makerTxFee=سفارش گذار: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=پذیرنده سفارش: {0}
shared.iConfirm=تایید میکنم
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=باز {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=جدید
shared.blindVoteTxId=شناسه تراکنش رای ناشناس
shared.learnMore=بیشتر بدانید
shared.dismiss=رد کردن
shared.selectedArbitrator=داور انتخاب شده
shared.selectedMediator=Selected mediator
shared.selectedRefundAgent=داور انتخاب شده
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=فیلتر بر اساس ارز
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=فیلتر بر اساس روش پرداخت
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=This account was verified and {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=signed by a peer, waiting %d days for limits to be lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=signed by a peer and limits were lifted
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=When you successfully complete a trade with a pe
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} روز
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=بدون پاسخ
shared.notSigned=This account has not been signed yet and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type does not require signing
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=This account type does not require signing and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Altcoin accounts do not feature signing or aging
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=بلی، استفاده از ارزش پایین تر
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=قیمتی که شما وارد کرده اید، بیشتر از حداکثر انحراف مجاز از قیمت روز بازار است.\nحداکثر انحراف مجاز، {0} است و می تواند در اولویت ها، تنظیم شود.
createOffer.changePrice=تغییر قیمت
createOffer.tac=با انتشار این پیشنهاد، میپذیرم که با هر معامله گری که شرایط تعیین شده در این صفحه را دارا میباشد، معامله کنم.
createOffer.currencyForFee=هزینهی معامله
createOffer.setDeposit=تنظیم سپردهی اطمینان خریدار (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=تنظیم سپردهی اطمینان من به عنوان خریدار (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Set both traders' security deposit (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Percentage price deviation from market
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=برای تأییدیه بلاک چین منتظر باشید
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=آغاز پرداخت
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=بله وجه را
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=IMPORTANT: By confirming receipt of payment, you are also verifying the account of the counterparty and signing it accordingly. Since the account of the counterparty hasn't been signed yet, you should delay confirmation of the payment as long as possible to reduce the risk of a chargeback.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=خلاصهای از معاملهی کامل شده
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=کارمزد معامله
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=کارمزد استخراج
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=کل کارمزد استخراج
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=سپرده اطمینان مسترد شده
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=برداشت بیتکوین شما
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=مبلغ قابل برداشت
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=برداشت به آدرس
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Keep funds in Bisq wallet
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=برداشت به کیف پول خارجی
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=وجوه شما در حال حاضر برداشت شده است.\nلطفاً تاریخچهی تراکنش را بررسی کنید.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=تأیید درخواست برداشت
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=مقدار مورد انتقال کمتر از هزینه تراکنش و حداقل ارزش tx (dust) است.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=برداشت تکمیل شد
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=معاملات تکمیل شدهی شما در \"سبد سهام/تاریخچه\" ذخیره شده است.\nشما میتوانید تمام تراکنشهای بیتکوین خود را در \"وجوه/تراکنشها\" مرور کنید.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=معامله تکمیل شد
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=معاملات تکمیل شدهی شما در \"سبد سهام/تاریخچه\" ذخیره شده است.\nشما میتوانید تمام تراکنشهای بیتکوین خود را در \"وجوه/تراکنشها\" مرور کنید.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=شما خریدهاید
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid= پرداخت کردهاید
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=پس از تأییدیه بلاکچین اول
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=اگر مهلت به پایان برسد، هر دو معامله گر می توانند یک مناقشه را باز کنند.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=معامله به موقع (تا {0}) تکمیل نشد
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=فرآیند معامله
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the mediator or arbitrator arrived (e.g. if you did not get a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again with Cmd/Ctrl+o. You can also ask for additional help on the Bisq forum at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=باز کردن مجدد مناقشه
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=باز کردن تیکت پشتیبانی
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Please use this function only in emergency cases if you don't see a \"Open support\" or \"Open dispute\" button.\n\nWhen you open a support ticket the trade will be interrupted and handled by a mediator or arbitrator.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=You have to wait until ≈{0} ({1} more blocks) before you can open an arbitration dispute.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=The delayed payout transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Need help?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=If you have any problems you can try to contact the trade peer in the trade chat or ask the Bisq community at https://bisq.community. If your issue still isn't resolved, you can request more help from a mediator.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Open Trader Chat
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Check payment
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=Trade period is over
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=حالت
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=خریدار/سفارش گذار بیتکوین
support.sellerOfferer=فروشنده/سفارش گذار بیتکوین
support.buyerTaker=خریدار/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.sellerTaker=فروشنده/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=پیغام سیستم: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=شما یک درخواست برای پشتیبانی باز کردید.\n\n{0}\n\nنسخه Bisq شما: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=شما یک درخواست برای یک اختلاف باز کردید.\n\n{0}\n\nنسخه Bisq شما: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Your trading peer has requested support due to technica
support.peerOpenedDispute=Your trading peer has requested a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Your trading peer has requested mediation.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=System message: Mediator''s dispute summary:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Mediator''s node address: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transaction has used an invalid receiver address. It does not match any of the DAO parameter values for the valid donation addresses.\n\nThis might be a scam attempt. Please inform the developers about that incident and do not close that case before the situation is resolved!\n\nAddress used in the dispute: {0}\n\nAll DAO param donation addresses: {1}\n\nTrade ID: {2}{3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Ignored peers [onion address:port]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Min. non-dust output value
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=ارزها در لیست قیمت روز بازار
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=ارز مطلوب
setting.preferences.displayFiat=نمایش ارزهای ملی
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=نام
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=شبکه بیتکوین
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=آدرس onion من
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=بلی، و دوباره از من نپرس
account.seed.enterPw=وارد کردن رمز عبور به منظور مشاهده ی کلمات رمز خصوصی
account.seed.restore.info=لطفا قبل از درخواست بازیابی، از کلماتSeed ، یک نسخه پشتیبان تهیه کنید. توجه داشته باشید که بازیابی کیف پول تنها در موارد اضطراری صورت می گیرد و ممکن است منجر به بروز مسائلی در رابطه با پایگاه داده کیف پول داخلی شود.\n این روش، راه مناسبی برای درخواست یک پشتیبان نیست! لطفا از یک پشتیبان دایرکتوری داده برنامه برای بازیابی وضعیت قبلی استفاده کنید.\n\nپس از بازیابی، برنامه به صورت خودکار متوقف می شود. بعد از اینکه مجددا برنامه را اجرا کنید، این برنامه دوباره با شبکه بیت کوین همگام سازی خواهد شد. این کار زمانبر خواهد بود و همچنین تا حد زیادی پردازنده را به کار خواهد گرفت، مخصوصا اگر کیف پول، قدیمی بوده و شامل تراکنش های زیادی باشد. لطفا از ایجاد وقفه برای فرآیند اجتناب کنید. در غیر اینصورت ممکن است که مجددا نیاز به حذف فایل زنجیره SPV و یا تکرار فرآیند بازیابی شوید.
account.seed.restore.ok=بسیار خب، Bisq را بازیابی و خاموش نمایید.
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=تاریخ
dao.proofOfBurn.pubKey=کلید عمومی
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=امضاء یک پیغام با کلیدی از اثبات سوختن تراکنش
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=تائید یک پیغام با کلیدی از اثبات سوختن تراکنش
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=کپی کردن امضا به حافظه موقت
dao.proofOfBurn.sign=امضا کردن
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=حذف فایل های قدیمی To
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=آیا Tor مسدود شده است؟
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=اگر Tor توسط ارائه دهنده اینترنت شما یا توسط کشور شما مسدود شده است، شما می توانید از پل های Tor استفاده کنید.\nاز صفحه وب Tor در https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges دیدن کنید تا مطالب بیشتری در مورد پل ها و نقل و انتقالات قابل اتصال یاد بگیرید.
feeOptionWindow.headline=انتخاب ارز برای پرداخت هزینه معامله
feeOptionWindow.info=شما می توانید انتخاب کنید که هزینه معامله را در BSQ یا در BTC بپردازید. اگر BSQ را انتخاب می کنید، از تخفیف هزینه معامله برخوردار می شوید.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=انتخاب ارز برای پرداخت کارمزد معامله
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=استفاده از BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=The Bisq DAO and BSQ are temporary disabled. Please ch
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=This transaction is not possible, as the mining fees of {0} would exceed the amount to transfer of {1}. Please wait until the mining fees are low again or until you''ve accumulated more BTC to transfer.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=trade fee
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=برای اطمینان از اینکه هر دو معامله گر پروتکل معامله را رعایت میکنند، هر دو معامله گر باید مبلغی را تحت عنوان سپرده اطمینان پرداخت کنند.\n\nاین سپرده در کیفپول معامله شما نگهداری میشود و زمانی که معامله شما با موفقیت انجام شد به خود شما بازگردانده خواهد شد.\n\nلطفا توجه کنید: اگر میخواهید یک پیشنهاد جدید ایجاد کنید، Bisq باید برای در سمت معامله دیگر اجرا باشد تا بتوانند آن را بپذیرد. برای اینکه پیشنهادات شما برخط بمانند، بگذارید Bisq در حال اجرابماند و همچنین مطمئن شوید که این کامپیوتر به اینترنت متصل است. (به عنوان مثال مطمئن شوید که به حالت آماده باش نمیرود.. البته حالت آماده باش برای نمایشگر ایرادی ندارد).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=به روز رسانی کیف پول معام
notification.walletUpdate.msg=کیف پول معاملاتی شما به میزان کافی تأمین وجه شده است.\nمبلغ: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=کیف پول معاملاتی شما قبلاً از یک تلاش اخذ پیشنهاد، تأمین وجه شده است.\nمبلغ: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=معامله تکمیل شد
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=شما اکنون می توانید وجوه خود را به کیف پول بیتکوین خارجی خود برداشت کنید یا آن را به کیف پول Bisq منتقل نمایید.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=دیده شده توسط {0} همتا (s) / تأیید 0
confidence.confirmed=تأیید شده در {0} بلاک(s)
confidence.invalid=تراکنش نامعتبر است
peerInfo.title=اطلاعات همتا
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=تعداد معاملات انجام شده
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=کلید را از رمز عبور استنتاج کنید
password.walletDecrypted=کیف پول با موفقیت رمزگشایی شد و حفاظت با رمز عبور حذف شد.
password.wrongPw=شما رمز عبور را اشتباه وارد کرده اید.\n\n لطفا سعی کنید رمز عبور خود را وارد کنید و با دقت خطاها و اشتباهات املایی را بررسی کنید.
password.walletEncrypted=کیف پول به طور موفقیت آمیز کدگذاری و حفاظت کیف پول فعال شد.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=2 رمز عبوری که وارد نموده اید باهم مطابقت ندارند.
password.forgotPassword=رمز عبور را فراموش کرده اید؟
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.iUnderstand=Je comprends
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug= Signaler le bug sur Github
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Solde du portefeuille de trading
shared.makerTxFee=Maker: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Taker: {0}
shared.iConfirm=Je confirme
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Ouvert {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=NOUVEAU
shared.blindVoteTxId=ID de la transaction du vote caché
shared.learnMore=En savoir plus
shared.selectedArbitrator=Arbitre sélectionné
shared.selectedMediator=Médiateur sélectionné
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Arbitre sélectionné
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrer par devise
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrer par mode de paiement
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offres correspondantes à mes comptes
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Informations du compte
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=Ce compte a été vérifié et {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signé par un arbitre et pouvant signer des comptes pairs
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=Signé par un pair, attendre %d jours pour que les limites soient levées
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=signé par un pair et les limites ont été levées
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Lorsque vous effectuez avec succès une transact
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Pas encore signé
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} jours
shared.notSigned=Ce compte n'a pas encore été signé et a été créé il y a {0} jours
shared.notSigned.noNeed=Ce type de compte ne nécessite pas de signature
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=Ce type de compte ne nécessite pas de signature et a été créé il y'a {0} jours
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Les comptes pour altcoin ne supportent pas la signature ou le vieillissement
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=Oui, utiliser ma valeur la plus basse
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Le prix que vous avez fixé est en dehors de l''écart max. du prix du marché autorisé\nL''écart maximum autorisé est {0} et peut être ajusté dans les préférences.
createOffer.changePrice=Modifier le prix
createOffer.tac=En plaçant cet ordre vous acceptez d'effectuer des transactions avec n'importe quel trader remplissant les conditions affichées à l'écran.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Frais de transaction
createOffer.setDeposit=Etablir le dépôt de garantie de l'acheteur (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Définir mon dépôt de garantie en tant qu'acheteur (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Définir le dépôt de sécurité des deux traders (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Pourcentage de déviation du prix par rapp
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=Il y a un problème avec une transaction manquante ou invalide.\n\nVeuillez NE PAS envoyer le paiement Fiat ou altcoin.\n\nOuvrez un ticket de support pour obtenir l'aide d'un médiateur.\n\nMessage d'erreur: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Attendre la confirmation de la blockchain
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Initier le paiement
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Oui, j'ai reçu le
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=IMPORTANT : En confirmant la réception du paiement, vous vérifiez également le compte de la contrepartie et le signez en conséquence. Comme le compte de la contrepartie n'a pas encore été signé, vous devriez retarder la confirmation du paiement le plus longtemps possible afin de réduire le risque de rétrofacturation.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Résumé de l'opération réalisée
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Frais de transaction
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Frais de minage
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Total des frais de minage
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Dépôt de garantie remboursé
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Retirer vos Bitcoins
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Montant à retirer
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Retirer vers l'adresse
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Garder les fonds dans le portefeuille Bisq
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Retrait vers un portefeuille externe
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Vos fonds ont déjà été retirés. Merci de vérifier votre historique de transactions.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Confirmer la demande de retrait
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Le montant à transférer est inférieur aux frais de transaction et à la valeur min. possible du tx (dust).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Retrait effectué
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Vos transactions terminées sont stockées sous /"Historique du portefeuille\".\nVous pouvez voir toutes vos transactions en bitcoin dans \"Fonds/Transactions\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=Le trade est terminé
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Vos transactions terminées sont stockées sous /"Historique du portefeuille\".\nVous pouvez voir toutes vos transactions en bitcoin dans \"Fonds/Transactions\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=Vous avez acheté
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=Vous avez payé
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Après la première confirmation de la blockch
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Si le délai est dépassé, l'es deux participants du trade peuvent ouvrir un litige.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Trade inachevé dans le temps imparti (jusqu''à {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Processus de transaction
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Si vous n'êtes pas certain que le message adressé au médiateur ou à l'arbitre soit arrivé (par exemple si vous n'avez pas reçu de réponse dans un délai de 1 jour), n'hésitez pas à ré-ouvrir un litige avec Cmd/ctrl+O. Vous pouvez aussi demander de l'aide en complément sur le forum bisq à [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Ouvrir à nouveau le litige
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Ouvrir un ticket d'assistance
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=S'il vous plaît n'utilisez seulement cette fonction qu'en cas d'urgence si vous ne pouvez pas voir le bouton \"Open support\" ou \"Ouvrir un litige\.\n\nLorsque vous ouvrez un ticket de support, l'échange sera interrompu et pris en charge par le médiateur ou par l'arbitre.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Vous devez patienter jusqu''au ≈{0} ({1} blocs de plus) avant de pouvoir ouvrir ouvrir un arbitrage pour le litige.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=La transaction de dépôt est nulle. Vous ne pouvez pas ouvrir un litige sans une transaction de dépôt valide. Allez sur \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nPour obtenir une aide supplémentaire veuillez contacter le canal Bisq de support sur le Keybase Bisq de l'équipe.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=La transaction de dépôt est nulle. Vous pouvez déplacer le trade vers les trades n'ayant pas réussi.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=Le paiement de la transaction retardée est nul. Vous pouvez déplacer ce trade vers les trades échoués.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=La transaction de dépôt n'est pas confirmée. Vous ne pouvez pas ouvrir un arbitrage pour le litige avec une transaction de dépôt non confirmée. Veuillez patienter jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit confirmée ou allez à \"Paramètres/Info sur le réseau réseau\" et faites une resynchronisation SPV.\n\nPour obtenir de l'aide, le canal support de l'équipe Bisq est disponible sur la team Keybase Bisq.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Besoin d'aide ?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, vous pouvez essayer de contacter votre pair de trading dans le chat de l'échange ou demander à la communauté Bisq sur https://bisq.community. Si votre problème n'est toujours pas résolu, vous pouvez demander l'aide d'un médiateur.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Ouvrir le chat de trade
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Vérifier le paiement
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=Le délai alloué pour ce trade est écoulé.
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=État
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=Acheteur BTC/Maker
support.sellerOfferer=Vendeur BTC/Maker
support.buyerTaker=Acheteur BTC/Taker
support.sellerTaker=Vendeur BTC/Taker
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq n'est pas une entreprise, donc elle traite les litiges différemment.\n\nLes traders peuvent communiquer au sein de l'application via un chat sécurisé sur l'écran des transactions ouvertes pour essayer de résoudre les litiges par eux-mêmes. Si cela ne suffit pas, un médiateur peut intervenir pour les aider. Le médiateur évaluera la situation et suggérera un paiement des fonds de transaction. Si les deux traders acceptent cette suggestion, la transaction de paiement est réalisée et l'échange est clos. Si un ou les deux traders n'acceptent pas le paiement suggéré par le médiateur, ils peuvent demander un arbitrage. L'arbitre réévaluera la situation et, si cela est justifié, remboursera personnellement le négociateur et demandera le remboursement de ce paiement à la DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Message du système: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Vous avez ouvert une demande de support.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Vous avez ouvert une demande de litige.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Votre pair de trading a demandé une assistance en rais
support.peerOpenedDispute=Votre pair de trading a fait une demande de litige.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Votre pair de trading a demandé une médiation.\n\n{0}\n\nVersion de Bisq: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=Message système: Synthèse du litige par le médiateur:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Adresse du nœud du médiateur: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=La transaction de paiement retardé a été utilisée pour une adresse de destinataire indisponible. Il ne correspond au aucun des paramètres de la DAO pour des adresses de donation valides. \n\nCela peut être une escroquerie. Veuillez informer le développeur et ne fermez pas le dossier jusqu'à ce que le problème soit résolu! \n\nAdresse pour les litiges: {0} \n\nAdresse de donation dans tous les paramètres de la DAO: {1} \n\nID du trade: {2} {3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nVoulez-vous toujours fermer le litige?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Les frais de transaction doivent être d'au moins {
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Votre saisie est au-delà de toute valeur raisonnable (plus de 5000 satoshis/vBit). Les frais de transaction sont habituellement de l'ordre de 50-400 satoshis/vBit.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Pairs ignorés [adresse onion:port]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Valeur de l'output considérée comme "non-dust" minimale
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Devises disponibles dans le flux de cotation du marché
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Devise privilégiée
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Afficher les monnaies nationales
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Nom
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=URL de la transaction
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Adresse URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Réseau Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Le réseau Bisq
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=Mon adresse onion
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Oui, et ne me le demander plus à l'avenir
account.seed.enterPw=Entrer le mot de passe afficher les mots composant la seed
account.seed.restore.info=Veuillez effectuer une sauvegarde avant de procéder à une restauration à partir du mot de passe. Sachez que la restauration d'un portefeuille n'est a faire qu'en cas d'urgence et qu'elle peut causer des problèmes avec la base de données interne du portefeuille.\nCe n'est pas une façon de faire une sauvegarde ! Veuillez utiliser une sauvegarde à partir du répertoire de données de l'application pour restaurer l'état antérieur de l'application.\n\nAprès la restauration, l'application s'arrêtera automatiquement. Après le redémarrage de l'application, elle sera resynchronisée avec le réseau Bitcoin. Cela peut prendre un certain temps et peut consommer beaucoup de puissance sur le CPU, surtout si le portefeuille était plus vieux et contient beaucoup de transactions. Veuillez éviter d'interrompre ce processus, sinon vous devrez peut-être supprimer à nouveau le fichier de chaîne SPV ou répéter le processus de restauration.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, effectuer la restauration et arrêter Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Date
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Signer un message avec la clé provenant de la transaction de burn
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Vérifier un message avec la clé provenant de la preuve de la transaction de burn
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copier la signature dans le presse-papiers
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Fichiers Tor obsolètes supprimés a
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Tor est-il bloqué?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Si Tor est bloqué par votre fournisseur Internet ou dans votre pays, vous pouvez essayer d'utiliser les passerelles Tor.\nVisitez la page web de Tor sur: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges pour en savoir plus sur les bridges et les pluggable transports.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Choisissez la devise pour le paiement des frais de transaction
feeOptionWindow.info=Vous pouvez choisir de payer les frais de transaction en BSQ ou en BTC. Si vous choisissez BSQ, vous bénéficierez de frais de transaction réduits.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Choisissez la devise pour le paiement des frais de transaction
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Utiliser BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=La DAO de Bisq et BSQ sont désactivés temporairement
popup.warning.noFilter=Nous n'avons pas reçu d'object de filtre de la part des noeuds de la seed. Ceci n'est pas une situation attendue. Veuillez informer les développeurs de Bisq.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Cette transaction n''est pas possible, car les frais de minage de {0} dépasseraient le montant à transférer de {1}. Veuillez patienter jusqu''à ce que les frais de minage soient de nouveau bas ou jusqu''à ce que vous ayez accumulé plus de BTC à transférer.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=La transaction de frais de maker pour l''offre avec ID {0} a été rejetée par le réseau Bitcoin.\nID de transaction={1}.\nL''offre a été retirée pour éviter d''autres problèmes.\nAllez dans \"Paramètres/Info sur le réseau réseau\" et faites une resynchronisation SPV.\nPour obtenir de l''aide, le canal support de l''équipe Bisq disposible sur Keybase.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=frais de transaction
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=La transaction {0} pour le trade qui a pour ID {1} a été rejetée par le réseau Bitcoin.\nID de transaction={2}.\nLe trade a été déplacé vers les échanges échoués.\nAllez dans \"Paramètres/Info sur le réseau\" et effectuez une resynchronisation SPV.\nPour obtenir de l'aide, le canal de support de l'équipe Bisq est disponible sur le Keybase de Bisq.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=La transaction de frais de maker pour l''offre avec ID {0} n''est pas valide.\nID de transaction={1}.\nAllez dans \"Paramètres/Info sur le réseau réseau\" et faites une resynchronisation SPV.\nPour obtenir de l''aide, le canal support de l''équipe Bisq est disponible sur Keybase.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Afin de s'assurer que les deux traders suivent le protocole de trading, les deux traders doivent payer un dépôt de garantie.\n\nCe dépôt est conservé dans votre portefeuille d'échange jusqu'à ce que votre transaction soit terminée avec succès, et ensuite il vous sera restitué.\n\nRemarque : si vous créez un nouvel ordre, Bisq doit être en cours d'exécution pour qu'un autre trader puisse l'accepter. Pour garder vos ordres en ligne, laissez Bisq en marche et assurez-vous que cet ordinateur reste en ligne aussi (pour cela, assurez-vous qu'il ne passe pas en mode veille....le mode veille du moniteur ne pose aucun problème).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Mise à jour du portefeuille de trading
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Votre portefeuille de trading est suffisamment approvisionné.\nMontant: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Votre portefeuille de trading était déjà suffisamment approvisionné à la suite d''une précédente tentative d''achat de l'ordre.\nMontant: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Le trade est terminé
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Vous pouvez maintenant retirer vos fonds vers votre portefeuille Bitcoin externe ou les transférer vers le portefeuille Bisq.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=Vu par {0} pair(s) / 0 confirmations
confidence.confirmed=Confirmé par {0} bloc(s)
confidence.invalid=La transaction est invalide
peerInfo.title=info sur le pair
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Nombre d'opérations effectuées
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=Récupérer la clé à partir du mot de passe
password.walletDecrypted=Portefeuille décrypté avec succès et protection par mot de passe désactivée.
password.wrongPw=Vous avez entré un mot de passe incorrect.\n\nVeuillez réessayer d'entrer votre mot de passe, en vérifiant soigneusement qu'il ne contient pas de fautes de frappe ou d'orthographe.
password.walletEncrypted=Portefeuille crypté avec succès et protection par mot de passe activée.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Le mot de passe du portefeuille n'a pas pu être défini. Il est possible que vous ayez importé des mots sources qui ne correspondent pas à la base de données du portefeuille. Veuillez contacter les développeurs sur Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Les 2 mots de passe entrés ne correspondent pas.
password.forgotPassword=Mot de passe oublié?
password.backupReminder=Veuillez noter que lors de la définition d'un mot de passe de portefeuille, toutes les sauvegardes créées automatiquement à partir du portefeuille non crypté seront supprimées.\n\nIl est fortement recommandé de faire une sauvegarde du répertoire de l'application et d'écrire les mots de la seed avant de définir un mot de passe!
password.backupWasDone=J'ai déjà effectué une sauvegarde
password.setPassword=Saisir le mot de passe (J'ai déjà effectué une sauvegarde)
password.makeBackup=Effectuer une sauvegarde
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug=Report bug on GitHub
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Saldo del portafogli per gli scambi
shared.makerTxFee=Maker: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Taker: {0}
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Aperti {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=NUOVO
shared.blindVoteTxId=ID transazione voto cieco
shared.learnMore=Leggi di più
shared.selectedArbitrator=Arbitro selezionato
shared.selectedMediator=Mediatore selezionato
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Arbitro selezionato
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtra per valuta
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtra per metodo di pagamento
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=Questo account è stato verificato e {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=firmato da un arbitro e può firmare account peer
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=signed by a peer, waiting %d days for limits to be lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=firmato da un peer e i limiti sono stati alzati
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Quando completi correttamente un'operazione con
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Non ancora firmato
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} giorni
shared.notSigned=This account has not been signed yet and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type does not require signing
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=This account type does not require signing and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Altcoin accounts do not feature signing or aging
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=Sì, usa il mio valore più basso
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Il prezzo che hai inserito è al di fuori del massimo consentito dalla deviazione dal prezzo di mercato.\nIl massimo consentito per la deviazione è {0} e può essere regolato nelle preferenze.
createOffer.changePrice=Cambia prezzo
createOffer.tac=Con la pubblicazione di questa offerta, accetto di negoziare con qualsiasi operatore che soddisfi le condizioni definite in questa schermata.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Commissione di scambio
createOffer.setDeposit=Imposta il deposito cauzionale dell'acquirente (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Imposta il mio deposito cauzionale come acquirente (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Set both traders' security deposit (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Percentage price deviation from market
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Attendi la conferma della blockchain
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Inizia il pagamento
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Si, ho ricevuto il
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=IMPORTANTE: confermando la ricezione del pagamento, stai anche verificando il conto della controparte e, di conseguenza, lo stai firmando. Poiché il conto della controparte non è stato ancora firmato, è necessario ritardare la conferma del pagamento il più a lungo possibile per ridurre il rischio di uno storno di addebito.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Riepilogo degli scambi completati
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Commissione di scambio
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Commissione di mining
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Totale commissioni di mining
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Deposito di sicurezza rimborsato
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Preleva i tuoi bitcoin
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Importo da prelevare
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Ritirare all'indirizzo
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Keep funds in Bisq wallet
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Ritira verso un portafoglio esterno
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=I tuoi fondi sono già stati ritirati.\nSi prega di controllare la cronologia delle transazioni.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Conferma richiesta di prelievo
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=L'importo da trasferire è inferiore alla commissione di transazione e al min. valore tx possibile (polvere).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Prelievo completato
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Gli scambi completati vengono archiviati in \"Portafoglio/Storia\".\nPuoi rivedere tutte le tue transazioni bitcoin in \"Fondi/Transazioni\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=Scambio completato
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Gli scambi completati vengono archiviati in \"Portafoglio/Storia\".\nPuoi rivedere tutte le tue transazioni bitcoin in \"Fondi/Transazioni\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=Hai acquistato
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=Hai pagato
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Dopo la prima conferma della blockchain, inizi
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Se il periodo viene superato, entrambi i trader possono aprire una disputa.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Scambio non completato in tempo (fino a {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Processo dello scambio
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the mediator or arbitrator arrived (e.g. if you did not get a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again with Cmd/Ctrl+o. You can also ask for additional help on the Bisq forum at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Apri nuovamente la disputa
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Apri ticket di supporto
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Utilizza questa funzione solo in caso di emergenza se non viene visualizzato il pulsante \"Apri supporto\" o \"Apri disputa\".\n\nQuando apri un ticket di supporto, lo scambio verrà interrotto e gestito da un mediatore o da un arbitro.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Devi aspettare fino a ≈ {0} ({1} più blocchi) prima di poter aprire una controversia arbitrale.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=La transazione di deposito è nulla. Non è possibile aprire una disputa senza una transazione di deposito valida. Vai su \"Impostazioni/Informazioni di rete\" ed esegui una risincronizzazione SPV.\n\nPer ulteriore assistenza, contatta il canale di supporto Bisq nel team di Bisq Keybase.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=The delayed payout transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=La transazione di deposito non è confermata. Non è possibile aprire una disputa arbitrale con una transazione di deposito non confermata. Attendi fino alla conferma o vai su \"Impostazioni/Informazioni di rete\" ed esegui una risincronizzazione SPV.\n\nPer ulteriore assistenza, contatta il canale di supporto Bisq nel team di Bisq Keybase.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Ho bisogno di aiuto?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=In caso di problemi, puoi provare a contattare il peer di scambio tramite la chat oppure puoi chiedere aiuto alla comunità Bisq all'indirizzo https://bisq.community. Se il problema persiste, puoi richiedere ulteriore aiuto ad un mediatore.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Apri la chat dello scambio
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Controlla il pagamento
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=Il periodo di scambio è finito
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=Stato
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=Acquirente/Maker BTC
support.sellerOfferer=Venditore/Maker BTC
support.buyerTaker=Acquirente/Taker BTC
support.sellerTaker=Venditore/Taker BTC
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq non è una società, quindi gestisce le controversie in modo diverso.\n\nI trader possono comunicare all'interno dell'applicazione tramite chat sicura nella schermata degli scambi aperti per provare a risolvere le controversie da soli. Se ciò non è sufficiente, un mediatore può intervenire per aiutare. Il mediatore valuterà la situazione e suggerirà un pagamento di fondi commerciali. Se entrambi i trader accettano questo suggerimento, la transazione di pagamento è completata e lo scambio è chiuso. Se uno o entrambi i trader non accettano il pagamento suggerito dal mediatore, possono richiedere l'arbitrato. L'arbitro rivaluterà la situazione e, se garantito, ripagherà personalmente il trader e chiederà il rimborso per questo pagamento dal DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Messaggio di sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Hai aperto una richiesta di supporto.\n\n{0}\n\nVersione Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Hai aperto una richiesta per una controversia.\n\n{0}\n\nVersione Bisq: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Il tuo peer di trading ha richiesto supporto a causa di
support.peerOpenedDispute=Il tuo peer di trading ha richiesto una controversia.\n\n{0}\n\nVersione Bisq: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Il tuo peer di trading ha richiesto la mediazione.\n\n{0}\n\nVersione Bisq: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=System message: Mediator''s dispute summary:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Indirizzo nodo del mediatore: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transaction has used an invalid receiver address. It does not match any of the DAO parameter values for the valid donation addresses.\n\nThis might be a scam attempt. Please inform the developers about that incident and do not close that case before the situation is resolved!\n\nAddress used in the dispute: {0}\n\nAll DAO param donation addresses: {1}\n\nTrade ID: {2}{3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Peer ignorati [indirizzo:porta onion]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Valore minimo di output non-dust
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Valute nell'elenco dei feed dei prezzi di mercato
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Valuta preferita
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Mostra valute nazionali
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Nome
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Network Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Rete Bisq
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=Il mio indirizzo onion
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Sì, e non chiedermelo più
account.seed.enterPw=Immettere la password per visualizzare le parole chiave
account.seed.restore.info=Effettuare un backup prima di cominciare il ripristino dalle parole del seed. Tenere presente che il ripristino del portafoglio è solo per casi di emergenza e potrebbe causare problemi con il database del portafoglio interno.\nNon è un modo per effettuare un backup! Utilizzare un backup della directory dei dati dell'applicazione per ripristinare uno stato dell'applicazione precedente.\n\nDopo aver ripristinato, l'applicazione si spegnerà automaticamente. Dopo aver riavviato l'applicazione, si risincronizzerà con la rete Bitcoin. Questo può richiedere del tempo e può consumare molta CPU, soprattutto se il portafoglio era vecchio e aveva molte transazioni. Evita di interrompere tale processo, altrimenti potrebbe essere necessario eliminare nuovamente il file della catena SPV o ripetere il processo di ripristino.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, fai il ripristino e spegni Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Data
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Firma un messaggio con la chiave dalla transazione proof of burn
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verifica un messaggio con la chiave dalla transazione proof of burn
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copia la firma negli appunti
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=File obsoleti di Tor eliminati con s
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Tor è bloccato?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Se Tor è bloccato dal tuo provider di servizi Internet o dal tuo paese, puoi provare a utilizzare i bridge Tor.\nVisitare la pagina Web Tor all'indirizzo: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges per ulteriori informazioni sui bridge e sui trasporti collegabili.\n
feeOptionWindow.headline=Scegli la valuta per il pagamento delle commissioni commerciali
feeOptionWindow.info=Puoi scegliere di pagare la commissione commerciale in BSQ o in BTC. Se scegli BSQ approfitti della commissione commerciale scontata.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Scegli la valuta per il pagamento delle commissioni commerciali
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Usa BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=Bisq DAO e BSQ sono temporaneamente disabilitati. Per
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Questa transazione non è possibile, poiché le commissioni di mining di {0} supererebbero l'importo da trasferire di {1}. Attendi fino a quando le commissioni di mining non saranno nuovamente basse o fino a quando non avrai accumulato più BTC da trasferire.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=La commissione della transazione del creatore dell'offerta con ID {0} è stata rifiutata dalla rete Bitcoin.\nTransazione ID={1}.\nL'offerta è stata rimossa per evitare ulteriori problemi.\nVai su \"Impostazioni/Informazioni di rete\" ed esegui una risincronizzazione SPV.\nPer ulteriore assistenza, contattare il canale di supporto Bisq nel team di Bisq Keybase.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=commissione di scambio
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=La commissione della transazione del creatore dell'offerta con ID {0} non è valida.\nTransazione ID={1}.\nVai su \"Impostazioni/Informazioni di rete\" ed esegui una risincronizzazione SPV.\nPer ulteriore assistenza, contattare il canale di supporto Bisq nel team di Bisq Keybase.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Per garantire che i trader seguano il protocollo di scambio, entrambi devono pagare un deposito cauzionale.\n\nQuesto deposito viene conservato nel tuo portafoglio di scambio fino a quando la tua transazione non è stata completata con successo, quindi ti viene rimborsato.\n\nNota: se stai creando una nuova offerta, Bisq deve essere in esecuzione per essere accettato da un altro trader. Per mantenere le tue offerte online, mantieni Bisq in funzione e assicurati che anche questo computer rimanga online (ad esempio, assicurati che non passi alla modalità standby ... monitor standby va bene).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Aggiornamento del portafoglio di trading
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Il tuo portafoglio di trading è sufficientemente finanziato.\nImporto: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Il tuo portafoglio di trading era già sufficientemente finanziato da un precedente tentativo di offerta.\nImporto: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Scambio completato
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Puoi ritirare i tuoi fondi sul tuo portafoglio Bitcoin esterno o trasferirlo sul portafoglio Bisq.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=Visto da {0} conferme peer / 0
confidence.confirmed=Confermato in {0} blocco (chi)
confidence.invalid=La transazione non è valida
peerInfo.title=Info peer
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Numero di scambi effettuati
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=Deriva la chiave dalla password
password.walletDecrypted=Portafoglio decodificato correttamente e protezione con password rimossa.
password.wrongPw=Hai inserito la password errata.\n\nProva a inserire nuovamente la password, verificando attentamente errori di battitura o errori di ortografia.
password.walletEncrypted=Portafoglio crittografato correttamente e protezione con password abilitata.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Le 2 password inserite non corrispondono.
password.forgotPassword=Password dimenticata?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=トレードウォレット残高
shared.makerTxFee=メイカー: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=テイカー: {0}
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL={0} をオープン
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=新
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=通貨でフィルター
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=署名された支払いアカウントを持っ
shared.notSigned=このアカウントはまだ署名されていない。{0} 日間前に作成されました
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=この種類のアカウントは署名を必要しません。{0} 日間前に作成されました
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=はい、私の低い値を使用します
createOffer.setDeposit=買い手のセキュリティデポジット (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=購入時のセキュリティデポジット (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=市場からの割合価格偏差
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=はい、支払い
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=最初のブロックチェーンの確認後
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=調停人や調停者へのメッセージが到着したことに確信が持てない場合(例えば、1日経っても返事がない場合)、「command/ctrl+o」で再度係争を申し立てる、あるいは [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community] でBisq掲示板からさらにサポートを受けることができます。
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=この機能を \"サポートをオープン\" や \"係争を開始\" ボタンが表示されていない緊急の場合のみに利用して下さい。\n\nサポートチケットをオープンすると、トレードは割り込まれ調停人や調停者によって扱われます。
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=係争仲裁を開始するには、≈{0} ({1} ブロック) 確認まで待たなければなりません。
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=入金トランザクションは無効とされました。有効な入金トランザクションがなければ、係争を開始できません。\"設定/ネットワーク情報\"を開いてSPV再同期を行って下さい。\n\nさらにサポートを受けるため、Bisq Keybaseチームのサポートチャンネルに連絡して下さい。
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=入金トランザクションは承認されていません。非確認された入金トランザクションで係争を開始できません。承認まで待つか、\"設定/ネットワーク情報\"を開いてSPV再同期を行って下さい。\n\nさらにサポートを受けるため、Bisq Keybaseチームのサポートチャンネルに連絡して下さい。
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=問題があれば、トレードチャットにトレードピアと連絡してみるか、 https://bisq.community でBisqコミュニティーから助けを求めることができます。それでも問題は解決されない場合、調停者からさらに助けを求めることもできます。
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=状態
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=BTC 買い手/メイカー
support.sellerOfferer=BTC 売り手/メイカー
support.buyerTaker=BTC 買い手/テイカー
support.sellerTaker=BTC 売り手/テイカー
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=システムメッセージ: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=サポートのリクエスト開始しました。\n\n{0}\n\nBisqバージョン: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=係争のリクエスト開始しました。\n\n{0}\n\nBisqバージョン: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=トレードピアは技術的な問題によるサポ
support.peerOpenedDispute=トレードピアは係争を求めました。\n\n{0}\n\nBisqバージョン: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=トレードピアは調停を求めました。\n\n{0}\n\nBisqバージョン: {1}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=調停人のノードアドレス: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=遅延支払いトランザクションは無効な受信アドレスを利用しました。有効な寄付アドレスに対するDAOパラメーターと合っていません。\n\n詐欺の未遂かもしれません。開発者に報告して、問題が解決される前に事件を閉じないで下さい!\n\nこの係争に利用されたアドレス: {0}\n\nDAOパラメーターに合う寄付アドレス: {1}\n\nトレードID: {2}{3}
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=トランザクション手数料は少なくとも
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=あなたの入力は妥当な値(> 5000 satoshis / vbyte)を超えています。トランザクション手数料は通常 50-400 satoshis/vbyteの範囲です。
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=無視されたピア [onion アドレス:ポート]
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=名義
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=はい、そして次回から確認しないで下
account.seed.restore.info=シードワードから復元を適用する前に、バックアップを作成してください。ウォレットの復元は緊急時のみであり、内部ウォレットデータベースに問題を引き起こす可能性があることに注意してください。 \nこれはバックアップを適用する方法ではありません!以前のアプリケーションの状態を復元するには、アプリケーションデータディレクトリのバックアップを使用してください。\n\nアプリケーションを復元すると、自動的にシャットダウンします。アプリケーションを再起動すると、ビットコインネットワークと再同期します。特にウォレットが古く、多くのトランザクションがあった場合、これには時間がかかり、CPUを多く消費する可能性があります。このプロセスは中断しないでください。さもなければ、SPVチェーンファイルを再度削除するか、復元プロセスを繰り返す必要があります。
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=日付
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Torの古いファイルの削除に
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Torがあなたのインターネットプロバイダや国にブロックされている場合、Torブリッジによる接続を試みることができます。\nTorのWebページ https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges にアクセスして、ブリッジとプラガブル転送について学べます
feeOptionWindow.info=あなたは取引手数料の支払いにBSQまたはBTCを選択できます。 BSQを選択した場合は、割引された取引手数料に気付くでしょう。
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=Bisq DAOとBSQは一時的に無効になっていま
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=ID{0}で識別されるオファーのためのメイカー手数料トランザクションがビットコインネットワークに拒否されました。\nトランザクションID= {1} 。\n更なる問題を避けるため、そのオファーは削除されました。\n\"設定/ネットワーク情報\"を開いてSPV再同期を行って下さい。\nさらにサポートを受けるため、Bisq Keybaseチームのサポートチャンネルに連絡して下さい。
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=ID{1}で識別されるトレードのための{0}トランザクションがビットコインネットワークに拒否されました。\nトランザクションID= {2} \nトレードは「失敗トレード」へ送られました。\n\"設定/ネットワーク情報\"を開いてSPV再同期を行って下さい。\nさらにサポートを受けるため、Bisq Keybaseチームのサポートチャンネルに連絡して下さい。
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=ID{0}で識別されるオファーのためのメイカー手数料トランザクションが無効とされました。\nトランザクションID= {1} 。\n更なる問題を避けるため、そのオファーは削除されました。\n\"設定/ネットワーク情報\"を開いてSPV再同期を行って下さい。\nさらにサポートを受けるため、Bisq Keybaseチームのサポートチャンネルに連絡して下さい。
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=トレードウォレット更新
notification.walletUpdate.msg=あなたのトレードウォレットは十分に入金されています。\n金額: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=あなたのトレードウォレットは、以前のオファー受け入れの試みからすでに十分な資金を得ています。\n金額: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen={0} 人のピアに見られた / 0 承認
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=パスワードから鍵を引き出す
password.walletEncryptionFailed=ウォレットのパスワードを設定できませんでした。ウォレットデータベースと一致しないシードワードをインポートした可能性があります。Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]) で開発者と連絡して下さい。
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.na=nie dotyczy
shared.reportBug=Zgłoś błąd na GitHub
@ -107,8 +108,8 @@ shared.selectTradingAccount=Wybierz rachunek transakcyjny
shared.fundFromSavingsWalletButton=Przenieś środki z portfela Bisq
shared.fundFromExternalWalletButton=Otwórz swój zewnętrzny portfel do zasilenia
shared.openDefaultWalletFailed=Nieudana próba otwarcia aplikacji portfela Bitcoin. Czy jesteś pewnien, że jest zainstalowana ?
shared.belowInPercent=% mniej od ceny rynkowej
shared.aboveInPercent=% więcej od ceny rynkowej
shared.belowInPercent= % mniej od ceny rynkowej
shared.aboveInPercent= % więcej od ceny rynkowej
shared.enterPercentageValue=Wprowadź % wartość
shared.notEnoughFunds=Nie masz wystarczającej ilości środków w portfelu Bisq na tą transakcję--{0} jest wymagane ale tylko {1} jest dostępne. \nProsimy o wprowadzenie funduszy z zewnętrznego porfela, lub zasilenie portfela Bisq w zakładce Fundusze > Przyjmij fundusze.
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ shared.depositTransactionId=ID depozytu transakcji
shared.TheBTCBuyer=Kupiec BTC
shared.sendingConfirmation=Wysyłanie potwierdzenia...
shared.sendingConfirmationAgain=Proszę przesłać potwierdzenie ponownie.
shared.sendingConfirmationAgain=Proszę przesłać potwierdzenie ponownie.
shared.exportCSV=Eksportuj do pliku CSV
shared.exportJSON=Eksportuj do pliku JSON
shared.summary=Pokaż podsumowanie
@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ shared.applyAndShutDown=Zastosuj i zamknij
shared.selectPaymentMethod=Wybierz metodę płatności
shared.accountNameAlreadyUsed=Wybrana nazwa konta jest już zajęta przez innego użytkownika.\nProszę wybrać inną nazwę.
shared.askConfirmDeleteAccount=Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć wybrane konto?
shared.cannotDeleteAccount=Nie możesz usunąć wybranego konta, ponieważ jest w nim otwarta ofera(lub otwarta transakcja).
shared.cannotDeleteAccount=Nie możesz usunąć wybranego konta, ponieważ jest w nim otwarta ofera(lub otwarta transakcja).
shared.noAccountsSetupYet=Nie ma jeszcze ustawionych kont.
shared.manageAccounts=Zarządzaj kontami
shared.addNewAccount=Dodaj nowe konto
@ -193,9 +194,8 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Saldo portfela transakcyjnego
shared.makerTxFee=Twórca: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Odbiorca: {0}
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Otwórz {0}
shared.fiat=Pieniądz fiducjarny
shared.fiat= Pieniądz fiducjarny
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=NOWY
shared.blindVoteTxId=ID transakcji głosowania w ciemno
shared.learnMore=Dowiedz się więcej
shared.selectedArbitrator=Wybrany arbiter
shared.selectedMediator=Wybrany mediator
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Wybrany arbiter
@ -218,9 +216,9 @@ shared.arbitrator=Arbiter
shared.refundAgentForSupportStaff=Agent refundacyjny
shared.delayedPayoutTxId=ID transakcji opóźnionej wypłaty
shared.delayedPayoutTxReceiverAddress=Opóźniona transakcja z wypłatą wysłana do
shared.delayedPayoutTxReceiverAddress=Opóźniona transakcja z wypłatą wysłana do
shared.unconfirmedTransactionsLimitReached=Masz zbyt wiele niepotwierdzonych transakcji. Proszę spróbować później.
shared.numItemsLabel=Ilość wejść: {0}
shared.numItemsLabel= Ilość wejść: {0}
@ -256,15 +254,15 @@ mainView.balance.locked.short=Zablokowane
mainView.footer.usingTor=(przez Tor)
mainView.footer.btcInfo={0} {1}
mainView.footer.btcFeeRate=Opłata transakcyjna: {0} sat/vB
mainView.footer.btcFeeRate=Opłata transakcyjna: {0} sat/vB
mainView.footer.btcInfo.initializing=Łączenie z siecią Bitcoin
mainView.footer.bsqInfo.synchronizing=Synchronizacja DAO
mainView.footer.btcInfo.synchronizingWith=Synchronizacja z {0} blok: {1} / {2}
mainView.footer.btcInfo.synchronizedWith=Zsynchronizowane z {0} blok {1}
mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectingTo=Łączenie z
mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectionFailed=Połączenie nie powiodło się z
mainView.footer.btcInfo.connectionFailed=Połączenie nie powiodło się z
mainView.footer.p2pInfo=Członkowie sieci Bitcoin: {0} / Członkowie sieci Bisq: {1}
mainView.footer.daoFullNode=DAO pełny węzeł
mainView.footer.daoFullNode=DAO pełny węzeł
mainView.bootstrapState.connectionToTorNetwork=(1/4) Łączenie z siecią Tor...
mainView.bootstrapState.torNodeCreated=(2/4) Węzeł Tor utworzony
@ -284,7 +282,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.connectionError=Połączenie z siecią Bitcoin ni
mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=Transakcja została odrzucona z sieci.\n\n{0}
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Straciłeś połączenie ze wszystkimi użytkownikami {0}.\nByć może straciłeś połącenie z internetem lub twój komputer przeszedł w tryb uśpienia.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Straciłeś połączenie z lokalnym hostem węzła Bitcoin
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Straciłeś połączenie z lokalnym hostem węzła Bitcoin
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Aktualizacja dostępna)
@ -304,7 +302,7 @@ market.offerBook.sellAltcoin=Sprzedaj {0} (kup {1})
market.offerBook.buyWithFiat=Kup {0}
market.offerBook.sellWithFiat=Sprzedaj {0}
market.offerBook.sellOffersHeaderLabel=Sprzedaj {0}
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Kup {0} od
market.offerBook.buyOffersHeaderLabel=Kup {0} od
market.offerBook.buy=Chcę kupić Bitcoin
market.offerBook.sell=Chcę sprzedać Bitcoin
@ -348,8 +346,7 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtruj walutę
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtruj metody płatności
offerbook.matchingOffers=Oferty dopasowane do mojego konta
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Dane konta
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=To konto zostało zweryfikowane i {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=Podpisane przez arbitera i może podpisywać konta innych członków sieci
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=Podpisane przez arbitera i może podpisywać konta innych członków sieci
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=Podpisane przez członka sieci, oczekiwanie 1%d dni na zniesienie limitów
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=Podpisane przez członka sieci i limity zostały zniesione
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=Podpisane przez członka sieci i może podpisywać inne konta (limity zniesione)
@ -370,15 +367,13 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Kiedy z sukcesem zakończysz transakcję z czło
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Jeszcze nie podpisane
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} dni
shared.notSigned=To konto nie zostało jeszcze podpisane i zostało stworzone {0} dni temu
shared.notSigned.noNeed=To konto nie wymaga podpisu
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=To konto nie wymaga podpisu i zostało stworzone {0} dni temu
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Konta altcoinów nie mają podpisów lub wieku
offerbook.nrOffers=Liczba ofert: {0}
offerbook.volume={0} (min - max)
offerbook.deposit=Depozyt BTC(%)
offerbook.deposit.help=Dezpoyt wpłacony przez każdego z inwestorów aby zagwarantować transakcję. Zostanie zwrócony kiedy transakcja zostanie zakończona.
offerbook.deposit.help=Dezpoyt wpłacony przez każdego z inwestorów aby zagwarantować transakcję. Zostanie zwrócony kiedy transakcja zostanie zakończona.
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=Stwórz nową ofertę aby kupić {0}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=Stwórz nową ofertę aby sprzedać {0}
@ -391,7 +386,7 @@ offerbook.createOfferDisabled.tooltip=You can only create one offer at a time
offerbook.takeOfferButton.tooltip=Złóż ofertę na {0}
offerbook.yesCreateOffer=Tak, utwórz ofertę
offerbook.setupNewAccount=Załóż nowe konto
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Oferta usunięta z powodzeniem.
offerbook.removeOffer.success=Oferta usunięta z powodzeniem.
offerbook.removeOffer.failed=Niepowodzenie usunięcia oferty:\n{0}
offerbook.deactivateOffer.failed=Dezaktywowanie ofery nie powiodło się:\n{0}
offerbook.activateOffer.failed=Publikacja oferty nie powiodła się:\n{0}
@ -411,13 +406,13 @@ popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.seller=Dozwolona ilość obrotu
popup.warning.tradeLimitDueAccountAgeRestriction.buyer=Dozwolona ilość obrotu jest ograniczona do {0} przez obostrzenia bezpieczeństwa na podstawie następujących kryteriów:\n- Konto kupującego nie zostało podpisane prze arbitera lub członka sieci\n- Czas od momentu podpisania konta kupującego jest krótszy niż 30 dni\n-Metoda płatności dla tej oferty jest uważana za ryzykowną ze względu na obciążenie zwrotne\n\n{1}
offerbook.warning.wrongTradeProtocol=Ta oferta wymaga innej wersji protokołu niż ten używany w obecnej wersji programu. \n\nSprawdź czy masz najnowszą wersję zainstalowaną, w innym przypadku użytkownik, który stworzył tą ofertę korzystał ze starszej wersji. \n\nUżytkownicy nie mogą handlować z niezgodną wersją protokołu
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Dodałeś adres onion użytkownika do listy ignorowanych.
offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Ta oferta została zablokowana przez developerów Bisq. \nPrawdopodobnie jest jeszcze nie naprawiony błąd, powodujący problemy podczas korzystania z tej oferty.
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=Waluta użyta w tej ofercie została zablokowana przez developerów Bisq. \nOdwiedź Forum Bisq po więcej informacji.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Metoda płatności użyta w tej ofercie została zablokowana przez developerów Bisq. \nOdwiedź Forum Bisq po więcej informacji.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=Adres onion tego inwerstora został zablokowany przez developerów Bisq. \nPrawdopodobnie jest jeszcze nie naprawiony błąd, powodujący problemy podczas korzystania z oferty tego inwestora.
offerbook.warning.userIgnored=Dodałeś adres onion użytkownika do listy ignorowanych.
offerbook.warning.offerBlocked=Ta oferta została zablokowana przez developerów Bisq. \nPrawdopodobnie jest jeszcze nie naprawiony błąd, powodujący problemy podczas korzystania z tej oferty.
offerbook.warning.currencyBanned=Waluta użyta w tej ofercie została zablokowana przez developerów Bisq. \nOdwiedź Forum Bisq po więcej informacji.
offerbook.warning.paymentMethodBanned=Metoda płatności użyta w tej ofercie została zablokowana przez developerów Bisq. \nOdwiedź Forum Bisq po więcej informacji.
offerbook.warning.nodeBlocked=Adres onion tego inwerstora został zablokowany przez developerów Bisq. \nPrawdopodobnie jest jeszcze nie naprawiony błąd, powodujący problemy podczas korzystania z oferty tego inwestora.
offerbook.warning.requireUpdateToNewVersion=Wersja Bisq którą posiadasz nie jest kompatybilna aby handlować. \nZaktualizuj do najnowszej wersji Bisq [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.network/downloads].
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=Nie możesz skorzystać z tej oferty, gdyż skorzystałeś z niej już wcześniej. Może być tak, że Twoja poprzednia próba skorzystania z tej oferty skutkowała nieudaną transakcją.
offerbook.warning.offerWasAlreadyUsedInTrade=Nie możesz skorzystać z tej oferty, gdyż skorzystałeś z niej już wcześniej. Może być tak, że Twoja poprzednia próba skorzystania z tej oferty skutkowała nieudaną transakcją.
offerbook.warning.hideBsqSwapsDueDaoDeactivated=You cannot take this offer because you have deactivated the DAO
offerbook.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Sprzedaż po cenie rynkowej ( aktualizacja co minutę).
@ -426,8 +421,8 @@ offerbook.info.sellBelowMarketPrice=Dostaniesz {0} mniej niż obecna cena rynkow
offerbook.info.buyAboveMarketPrice=Zapłacisz {0} więcej niż obecna cena rynkowa (aktualizacja co minutę).
offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Dostaniesz {0} więcej niż obecna cena rynkowa (aktualizacja co minutę).
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Zapłacisz {0} mniej niż obecna cena rynkowa (aktualizacja co minutę).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Kupisz po tej stałej cenie.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Sprzedaż po tej stałej cenie.
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Kupisz po tej stałej cenie.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Sprzedaż po tej stałej cenie.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=W przypadku sporu, miej na uwadze, że postępowanie arbitrażowe dla tej oferty będzie obsługiwane w {0}. Język jest obecnie ustawiony na {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=Kwota została zaokrąglona aby zapewnić prywatność Twojej transakcji.
@ -459,12 +454,12 @@ createOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} depozyt bezpieczeństwa, {1} opłata tr
createOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure.BSQ=({0} depozyt bezpieczeństwa, {1} opłata eksploatacyjna) + {2} opłata transakcyjna
createOffer.success.headline=Twoja oferta została opublikowana
createOffer.success.info=Możesz zarządzać swoimi otwartymi ofertami na \"Portfolio/Moje otwarte oferty\".
createOffer.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Zawsze sprzedasz po cenie rynkowej, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.info.sellAtMarketPrice=Zawsze sprzedasz po cenie rynkowej, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.info.buyAtMarketPrice=Zawsze kupisz po cenie rynkowej, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Zawsze dostaniesz {0}% więcej niż obecna cena rynkowa, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Zawsze zapłacisz {0}% mniej niż obecna cena rynkowa, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Zawsze dostaniesz {0}% więcej niż obecna cena rynkowa, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Zawsze zapłacisz {0}% mniej niż obecna cena rynkowa, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.warning.sellBelowMarketPrice=Zawsze dostaniesz {0}% mniej niż obecna cena rynkowa, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.warning.buyAboveMarketPrice=Zawsze zapłacisz {0}% więcej niż obecna cena rynkowa, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.warning.buyAboveMarketPrice=Zawsze zapłacisz {0}% więcej niż obecna cena rynkowa, jako że cena Twojej oferty będzie ciągle aktualizowana.
createOffer.tradeFee.descriptionBTCOnly=Opłata za dokonanie transakcji
createOffer.tradeFee.descriptionBSQEnabled=Wybierz walutę opłaty transakcyjnej
@ -488,16 +483,15 @@ createOffer.amountPriceBox.error.message=Pojawił się błąd podczas składania
createOffer.setAmountPrice=Ustaw ilość i cenę
createOffer.warnCancelOffer=Już sfinansowałeś tą ofertę. \nJeśli teraz anulujesz, Twoje fundusze zostaną przeniesione do Twojego lokalnego portfela Bisq i są dostępne do wypłaty w \"Fundusze/Wyślij fundusze\"okno.\nJesteś pewien że chcesz anulować ?
createOffer.timeoutAtPublishing=Przekroczono limit czasu połączenia podczas publikowania tej oferty.
createOffer.errorInfo=\n\nOpłata twórcy już została zapłacona. W najgorszym przypadku kwota ta została utracona. \nSpróbuj uruchomić ponownie aplikację i sprawdź połączenie z internetem aby zweryfikować czy udało się rozwiązać problem.
createOffer.errorInfo=\n\nOpłata twórcy już została zapłacona. W najgorszym przypadku kwota ta została utracona. \nSpróbuj uruchomić ponownie aplikację i sprawdź połączenie z internetem aby zweryfikować czy udało się rozwiązać problem.
createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.warning=Ustalony przez Ciebie depozyt bezpieczeństwa jest niższy niż zalecana wartość w wysokości {0}.\nCzy jesteś pewien że chcesz użyć niższej kwoty depozytu bezpieczeństwa ?
createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsSeller=Daje Ci to mniej bezpieczeństwa w przypadku gdy drugi członek w tym handlu nie będzie przestrzegał protokołu transakcji.
createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsBuyer=Twój partner w transakcji ma mniejszą ochronę, pewność że będziesz postępować zgodnie z protokołem jeśli masz niską kwotę depozytu. Inni użytkownicy mogą wybrać oferty innych ponad Twoje.
createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsSeller=Daje Ci to mniej bezpieczeństwa w przypadku gdy drugi członek w tym handlu nie będzie przestrzegał protokołu transakcji.
createOffer.tooLowSecDeposit.makerIsBuyer=Twój partner w transakcji ma mniejszą ochronę, pewność że będziesz postępować zgodnie z protokołem jeśli masz niską kwotę depozytu. Inni użytkownicy mogą wybrać oferty innych ponad Twoje.
createOffer.resetToDefault=Nie, zresetuj do domyślnej wartości
createOffer.useLowerValue=Tak, użyj mojej niższej kwoty.
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Kwota którą wprowadziłeś jest powyżej maksimum odchylenia od ceny rynkowej. \nMaksymalna kwota odchylenia wynosi {0} i może być dopasowana w preferencjach.
createOffer.useLowerValue=Tak, użyj mojej niższej kwoty.
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Kwota którą wprowadziłeś jest powyżej maksimum odchylenia od ceny rynkowej. \nMaksymalna kwota odchylenia wynosi {0} i może być dopasowana w preferencjach.
createOffer.changePrice=Zmień cenę
createOffer.tac=Wraz z publikacją tej oferty zgadzam się dokonać transakcji z każdym kto spełni warunki zdefniowane w tym oknie.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Opłata za dokonanie transakcji
createOffer.tac=Wraz z publikacją tej oferty zgadzam się dokonać transakcji z każdym kto spełni warunki zdefniowane w tym oknie.
createOffer.setDeposit=Ustal wysokość depozytu bezpieczeństwa kupującego (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Ustal moją wysokość depozytu bezpieczeństwa jako kupującego (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Ustal wysokość depozytu bezpieczeństwa obu handlarzy (%)
@ -520,9 +514,9 @@ takeOffer.amountPriceBox.buy.amountDescription=Kwota BTC do sprzedaży
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.sell.amountDescription=Kwota BTC do kupna
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.priceDescription=Cena za bitcoin {0}
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.amountRangeDescription=Możliwy przedział kwotowy
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Kwota jaką wprowadzono przekroczyła liczbę miejsc dziesiętnych.\nIlość została dostosowana do 4 miejsc po przecinku.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Kwota nie może być mniejsza niż minimalna ilość zdefiniowana w ofercie.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Kwota nie może być większa niż ilość zdefiniowana w ofercie.
takeOffer.amountPriceBox.warning.invalidBtcDecimalPlaces=Kwota jaką wprowadzono przekroczyła liczbę miejsc dziesiętnych.\nIlość została dostosowana do 4 miejsc po przecinku.
takeOffer.validation.amountSmallerThanMinAmount=Kwota nie może być mniejsza niż minimalna ilość zdefiniowana w ofercie.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmount=Kwota nie może być większa niż ilość zdefiniowana w ofercie.
takeOffer.validation.amountLargerThanOfferAmountMinusFee=Ta kwota stworzyłaby resztę dust dla sprzedawcy BTC.
takeOffer.fundsBox.title=Sfinansuj swoją transakcję
takeOffer.fundsBox.isOfferAvailable=Sprawdzanie czy oferta jest wciąż aktywna ...
@ -532,7 +526,7 @@ takeOffer.fundsBox.networkFee=Całkowita kwota opłaty eksploatacyjnej
takeOffer.fundsBox.takeOfferSpinnerInfo=Przyjmowanie oferty w toku
takeOffer.fundsBox.paymentLabel=Transakcja Bisq z ID {0}
takeOffer.fundsBox.fundsStructure=({0} depozyt bezpieczeństwa, {1} opłata transakcyjna, {2} opłata eksploatacyjna)
takeOffer.success.headline=Z sukcesem przyjąłeś ofertę.
takeOffer.success.headline=Z sukcesem przyjąłeś ofertę.
takeOffer.success.info=Możesz sprawdzić status swojej transakcji w \"Portfolio/Otwarte transakcje\".
takeOffer.error.message=Podczas przyjmowania oferty pojawił się błąd.\n\n{0}
@ -550,19 +544,19 @@ takeOffer.alreadyPaidInFunds=Jeśli już zapłaciłeś środki możesz wypłaci
takeOffer.paymentInfo=Informacja o płatności
takeOffer.setAmountPrice=Ustaw ilość
takeOffer.alreadyFunded.askCancel=Już sfinansowałeś tą ofertę. \nJeśli teraz anulujesz, Twoje fundusze zostaną przeniesione do Twojego lokalnego portfela Bisq i są dostępne do wypłaty w \"Fundusze/Wyślij fundusze\" \nJesteś pewien że chcesz anulować ?
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Żądanie oferty nie powiodło się, oferta nie jest już aktywna. Prawdopodobnie ktoś już wziął tą ofertę.
takeOffer.failed.offerTaken=Nie możesz skorzystać z tej oferty gdyż została już wzięta przez inną osobę.
takeOffer.failed.offerRemoved=Nie możesz skorzystać z tej oferty gdyż została usunięta.
takeOffer.failed.offerNotAvailable=Żądanie oferty nie powiodło się, oferta nie jest już aktywna. Prawdopodobnie ktoś już wziął tą ofertę.
takeOffer.failed.offerTaken=Nie możesz skorzystać z tej oferty gdyż została już wzięta przez inną osobę.
takeOffer.failed.offerRemoved=Nie możesz skorzystać z tej oferty gdyż została usunięta.
takeOffer.failed.offererNotOnline=Prośba o wzięcie oferty nie powiodła się ponieważ twórca nie jest już online.
takeOffer.failed.offererOffline=Nie możesz skorzystać z tej oferty ponieważ jej twórca jest offline.
takeOffer.warning.connectionToPeerLost=Straciłeś połączenie z twórcą. \nDruga strona mogła przejść w tryb offline lub zamknąć połączonenie do Ciebie ze względu na zbyt wiele otwartych połączeń.\n\nJeśli wciąż możesz zobaczyć oferty które chciałeś zakupić na liście możesz spróbować ponownie wziąć tą ofertę.
takeOffer.error.noFundsLost=\n\nŻadne fundusze jeszcze nie opuściły Twojego portfela. \nSpróbuj zrestartować aplikację i sprawdź połączenie z internetem a następnie sprawdź czy udało się rozwiązać problem.
takeOffer.error.noFundsLost=\n\nŻadne fundusze jeszcze nie opuściły Twojego portfela. \nSpróbuj zrestartować aplikację i sprawdź połączenie z internetem a następnie sprawdź czy udało się rozwiązać problem.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
takeOffer.error.depositPublished=\n\nTransakcja z depozytem jest już opublikowana.\nSpróbuj zrestartować aplikację i sprawdź połączenie z internetem a następnie sprawdź czy udało się rozwiązać problem. \nJeśli problem nadal występuje skontaktuj się z deweloperem po wsparcie.
takeOffer.error.payoutPublished=\n\nTransakcja wypłaty jest już opublikowana. \nSpróbuj zrestartować aplikację i sprawdź połączenie z internetem a następnie sprawdź czy udało się rozwiązać problem. \nJeśli problem nadal występuje skontaktuj się z deweloperem po wsparcie.
takeOffer.tac=Zawierając tą ofertę zgadzam się z warunkami handlu zdefiniowanymi w tym oknie.
takeOffer.tac=Zawierając tą ofertę zgadzam się z warunkami handlu zdefiniowanymi w tym oknie.
@ -579,8 +573,8 @@ editOffer.setPrice=Ustal cenę
editOffer.confirmEdit=Potwierdź: Zmień ofertę
editOffer.publishOffer=Publikacja Twojej oferty.
editOffer.failed=Zmiana oferty nie powiodła się:\n{0}
editOffer.success=Twoja oferta została zmieniona z powodzeniem.
editOffer.invalidDeposit=Depozyt bezpieczeństwa kupującego nie jest ograniczony przez DAO Bisq i nie może być edytowany.
editOffer.success=Twoja oferta została zmieniona z powodzeniem.
editOffer.invalidDeposit=Depozyt bezpieczeństwa kupującego nie jest ograniczony przez DAO Bisq i nie może być edytowany.
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Odchylenie procentowe od ceny rynkowej
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=Jest problem z brakującą lub nieprawidłową transakcją.\n\nProsimy aby NIE wysyłać pieniądza fiducjarnego lub płatności altcoin.\n\nOtwórz zgłoszenie serwisowe aby otrzymać pomoc od mediatora.\n\nBłąd wiadomości: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Transakcja depozytu bezpieczeństwa do transakcji {0} jest wciąż niepotwierdzona po {1} godzinach. Sprawdź transakcję depozytową na przeglądarce blockchaina, jeśli została potwierdzona ale nie jest widoczna jako potwierdzona na Bisq:\n● Stwórz kopię zapasową [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Dokonaj ponownej synchronizacji SPV [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nSkontaktuj się z wsparciem Bisq [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] jeśli masz wątpliwości lub jeśli problem nie ustąpi.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Poczekaj na zatwierdzenie blockchaina
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Rozpocznij płatność
@ -625,53 +619,53 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.waitPaymentArrived=Czekaj na otrzymanie płatnośc
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceived=Potwierdź odbiór płatności
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.autoConf.status.label=Automatyczne potwierdzenie statusu.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.autoConf.status.label=Automatyczne potwierdzenie statusu.
portfolio.pending.autoConf=Automatycznie potwierdzenie
portfolio.pending.autoConf.blocks=Potwierdzenia XMR: {0} / Wymagane: {1}
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.xmr.txKeyReused=Klucz do transakcji ponownie użyty. Proszę otworzyć spór.
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.xmr.txKeyReused=Klucz do transakcji ponownie użyty. Proszę otworzyć spór.
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.confirmations=Potwierdzenia XMR: {0}/{1}
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.txNotFound=Transakcja nie jest jeszcze widoczna w mempool
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.txKeyOrTxIdInvalid=Brak właściwego ID transakcji / klucza do transakcji
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.filterDisabledFeature=Wyłączone przez deweloperów.
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.filterDisabledFeature=Wyłączone przez deweloperów.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FEATURE_DISABLED=Funkcja automatycznego potwierdzenia jest wyłączona. {0}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.TRADE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED=Wysokość obrotu przekracza automatycznie potwierdzony limit
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.TRADE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED=Wysokość obrotu przekracza automatycznie potwierdzony limit
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.INVALID_DATA=Członek sieci zapewnił nieprawidłowe dane. {0}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Transakcja wypłacająca została już opublikowana.
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PAYOUT_TX_ALREADY_PUBLISHED=Transakcja wypłacająca została już opublikowana.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.DISPUTE_OPENED=Spór został otwarty. Automatycznie potwierdzenie jest zdezaktywowane dla tej transakcji.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Żądanie o dowód zapłaty rozpoczęło się.
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.REQUESTS_STARTED=Żądanie o dowód zapłaty rozpoczęło się.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.PENDING=Sukces wynika z: {0}/{1}; {2}
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.COMPLETED=Dowód sukcesu wszystkich usług
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=Podczas żądania usługi pojawił się błąd. Automatyczne potwierdzanie nie jest możliwe.
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.ERROR=Podczas żądania usługi pojawił się błąd. Automatyczne potwierdzanie nie jest możliwe.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=Usługa została zwrócona z błędęm. Automatyczne potwierdzanie nie jest możliwe.
portfolio.pending.autoConf.state.FAILED=Usługa została zwrócona z błędęm. Automatyczne potwierdzanie nie jest możliwe.
portfolio.pending.step1.info=Transakcja depozytowa została opublikowana.\n{0} Musisz zaczekać na przynajmniej jedno potwierdzenie na blockchainie zanim rozpoczniesz płatność.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=Transakcja z depozytem wciąż nie jest potwierdzona. Zdarza się to czasami gdy opłata transakcyjna podczas zasilania portfela Bisq z zewnątrz,aby dokonać depozytu i tym samym transakcji, jest zbyt niska.
portfolio.pending.step1.warn=Transakcja z depozytem wciąż nie jest potwierdzona. Zdarza się to czasami gdy opłata transakcyjna podczas zasilania portfela Bisq z zewnątrz,aby dokonać depozytu i tym samym transakcji, jest zbyt niska.
portfolio.pending.step1.openForDispute=Transakcja depozytowa jest wciąż niepotwierdzona. Możesz zaczekać dłużej lub skontaktować się z mediatorem po pomoc.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2.confReached=Twoja transakcja osiągnęła przynajmniej jedno potwierdzenie na blockchainie.\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=Ważne: podczas dokonywania transakcji, zostaw pole \"powód płatności\" puste. NIE wpisuj ID transakcji lub cokolwiek związanego jak 'bitcoin', 'BTC' czy 'Bisq'. Możesz przedyskutować z partnerem w transakcji na czacie czy zastępczy \"powód płatności\" odpowiada wam obu.
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=Ważne: podczas dokonywania transakcji, zostaw pole \"powód płatności\" puste. NIE wpisuj ID transakcji lub cokolwiek związanego jak 'bitcoin', 'BTC' czy 'Bisq'. Możesz przedyskutować z partnerem w transakcji na czacie czy zastępczy \"powód płatności\" odpowiada wam obu.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=Jeśli Twój bank pobierze jakiekolwiek opłaty aby dokonać transakcji, jesteś zobowiązany aby je zapłacić.
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=Jeśli Twój bank pobierze jakiekolwiek opłaty aby dokonać transakcji, jesteś zobowiązany aby je zapłacić.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees.swift=Make sure to use the SHA (shared fee model) to send the SWIFT payment. See more details at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option].
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin=Przenieś ze swojego zewnętrzenego portfela {0} \n{1} dla sprzedawcy BTC.\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.cash=Wpłać w banku {0} dla sprzedawcy BTC.\n\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.cash.extra=WAŻNY WARUNEK:\nPo zakończeniu transakcji napisz na pokwitowaniu rachunku: BRAK REFUNDACJI.\nPotem rozerwij dokument na 2 części, zrób zdjęcie i wyślij to na adres email sprzedawcy BTC.
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.cash.extra=WAŻNY WARUNEK:\nPo zakończeniu transakcji napisz na pokwitowaniu rachunku: BRAK REFUNDACJI.\nPotem rozerwij dokument na 2 części, zrób zdjęcie i wyślij to na adres email sprzedawcy BTC.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGram=Zapłać {0} sprzedawcy BTC używając MoneyGram.\n
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGram.extra=WAŻNY WARUNEK:\nPo zakończeniu transakcji wyślij numer potwierdzenia i zdjęcie pokwitowania sprzedawcy BTC na email.\nPokwitowanie musi wyraźnie pokazać pełne imię i nazwisko sprzedawcy, kraj, stan i kwotę. Adres email sprzedawcy to: {0}.
@ -735,34 +729,34 @@ message.state.ACKNOWLEDGED=Odbiorca potwierdził otrzymanie wiadomości.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
message.state.FAILED=Wysłanie wiadomości nie powiodło się.
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.headline=Zaczekaj aż sprzedawca BTC potwierdzi płatność.
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.info=Oczekiwanie na potwierdzenie otrzymania płatności {0} przez sprzedawcę BTC
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.headline=Zaczekaj aż sprzedawca BTC potwierdzi płatność.
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.info=Oczekiwanie na potwierdzenie otrzymania płatności {0} przez sprzedawcę BTC
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.wait.msgStateInfo.label=Status wiadomości płatność rozpoczęta
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1a=w blockchainie {0}
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part1b=u operatora płatności (np. bank)
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part2=Sprzedawca BTC nie potwierdził płatności. Sprawdź {0} czy płatność została wysłana.
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.openForDispute=Sprzedawca BTC nie potwierdził płatności. Maksymalny okres czasu transakcji upłynął. Możesz zaczekać dłużej i dać drugiej stronie więcej czasu lub skontaktować się z mediatorem po pomoc.
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.warn.part2=Sprzedawca BTC nie potwierdził płatności. Sprawdź {0} czy płatność została wysłana.
portfolio.pending.step3_buyer.openForDispute=Sprzedawca BTC nie potwierdził płatności. Maksymalny okres czasu transakcji upłynął. Możesz zaczekać dłużej i dać drugiej stronie więcej czasu lub skontaktować się z mediatorem po pomoc.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.part=Twój partner w transakcji potwierdził, że rozpoczął {0} płatność. \n\n
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin.explorer=Na Twoim ulubionym {0} block explorerze
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin.wallet=na Twoim {0} potrfelu
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin={0} Sprawdź {1} czy transakcja do Twojego adresu\n{2}\nma już wystarczająco dużo potwierdzeń na blockchain.\nKwota płatności ma wynosić {3}\n\nMożesz skopiować & wkleić Twój {4} adres z ekranu głównego po zamknięciu tego okna.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.postal={0} Sprawdź czy otrzymałeś {1} z \"US przekaz pocztowy\" od kupującego BTC.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.altcoin={0} Sprawdź {1} czy transakcja do Twojego adresu\n{2}\nma już wystarczająco dużo potwierdzeń na blockchain.\nKwota płatności ma wynosić {3}\n\nMożesz skopiować & wkleić Twój {4} adres z ekranu głównego po zamknięciu tego okna.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.postal={0} Sprawdź czy otrzymałeś {1} z \"US przekaz pocztowy\" od kupującego BTC.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.cashByMail={0} Sprawdź czy otrzymałeś {1} z \"Pieniądze przez email\" od kupującego BTC.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.cashByMail={0} Sprawdź czy otrzymałeś {1} z \"Pieniądze przez email\" od kupującego BTC.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bank=Twój partner w transakcji potwierdził, że rozpoczął {0} płatność. \n\nSprawdź na stronie banku czy otrzymałeś {1} od kupującego BTC.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bank=Twój partner w transakcji potwierdził, że rozpoczął {0} płatność. \n\nSprawdź na stronie banku czy otrzymałeś {1} od kupującego BTC.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.cash=Ponieważ płatność jest wykonywana przez Depozyt Gotówkowy kupujący BTC musi napisać \"BRAK REFUNDACJI\" na pokwitowaniu, rozerwać to na 2 części i wysłać zdjęcie na Twój email.\n\nAby uniknąć obciążenia zwrotnego, potwierdź tylko jeśli otrzymałeś email i jeśli jesteś pewien że pokwitowanie jest prawidłowe. \nJeśli nie jesteś pewien, {0}
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.moneyGram=Kupujący musi Ci wysłać numer autoryzacyjny i zdjęcie pokwitowania na email.\nPokwitowanie musi wyraźnie pokazywać Twoje imię i nazwisko, kraj, stan i kwotę. Sprawdź Twój email czy otrzymałeś numer autoryzacyjny.\n\nPo zamknięciu tego okna zobaczysz nazwę sprzedawcy BTC i adres do odebrania pieniędzy z MoneyGram.\n\nPotwierdź tylko jeśli z sukcesem odebrałeś pieniądze !
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.westernUnion=Kupujący wysłał Ci MTCN(numer śledzący) i zdjęcie potwierdzenia na email.\nPotwierdzenie musi wyraźnie pokazywać Twoje pełne imię, miasto, kraj i kwotę. Prosimy o sprawdzenie emaila czy otrzymałeś MTCN.\n\nPo zamknięciu tego okna zobaczysz imię kupującego BTC i adres do odebrana od Western Union.\n\nPotwierdź tylko jeśli z sukcesem odebrałeś pieniądze!
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.halCash=Kupujący musi wysłać Ci kod HalCash jako wiadomość tekstową. Poza tym otrzymasz wiadomość od HalCash z wymaganymi informacjami aby wypłacić pieniądze z bankomatu ATM wspierającego HalCash. \n\nPo tym jak odbierzesz pieniądze z ATM potwierdź tutaj odbiór płatności !
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.amazonGiftCard=Kupujący wysłał Ci kartę Amazon eGift przez email lub jako wiadomość tekstową na Twój telefon. Wykorzystać kartę eGift na swoim koncie Amazon i gdy będzie zaakceptowana potwierdź otrzymanie płatności.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.amazonGiftCard=Kupujący wysłał Ci kartę Amazon eGift przez email lub jako wiadomość tekstową na Twój telefon. Wykorzystać kartę eGift na swoim koncie Amazon i gdy będzie zaakceptowana potwierdź otrzymanie płatności.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.bankCheck=\n\nZweryfikuj nazwę wysyłającego wyszczególnioną kontrakcie transakcji odpowiada nazwie na wyciągu z konta bankowego:\nNazwa wysyłającego, na jeden kontrakt: {0}\n\nJeśli nazwy nie są dokładnie takie same, {1}
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openDispute=nie potwierdzaj otrzymania wiadomości. Zamiast, otwórz spór przez \"alt + o\" lub \"opcja + o\".\n
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.confirmPaymentReceipt=Potwierdź otrzymanie pokwitowania
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.amountToReceive=Kwota do otrzymania
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.amountToReceive=Kwota do otrzymania
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAddress=Twój {0} adres
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyersAddress=Adres {0} kupującego
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.yourAccount=Twoje konto do handlu
@ -776,8 +770,8 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment.altcoin=Sprawdź potwierdzeni
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.buyerStartedPayment.fiat=Sprawdź na swoim koncie (np. koncie bankowym) i potwierdź, gdy otrzymasz środki.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1a=w blockchainie {0}
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part1b=u operatora płatności (np. bank)
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part2=Wciąż nie potwierdziłeś otrzymania płatności. Sprawdź {0} czy otrzymałeś płatność.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openForDispute=Nie potwierdziłeś otrzymania płatności !\nMaksymalna okres transakcji upłynął.\nPotwierdź otrzymanie płatności lub poproś o pomoc mediatora.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.warn.part2=Wciąż nie potwierdziłeś otrzymania płatności. Sprawdź {0} czy otrzymałeś płatność.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.openForDispute=Nie potwierdziłeś otrzymania płatności !\nMaksymalna okres transakcji upłynął.\nPotwierdź otrzymanie płatności lub poproś o pomoc mediatora.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.part1=Czy otrzymałeś {0} płatność od partnera w transakcji ? \n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -786,24 +780,19 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.name=Zweryfikuj nazwę wysyłaj
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.note=Zwróć uwagę, że jak tylko potwierdzisz otrzymanie płatności, zablokowana kwota transakcji będzie wydana kupującemu BTC i depozyt bezpieczeństwa zostanie zwrócony. \n\n
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.headline=Potwierdź otrzymanie płatności
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Tak, otrzymałem płatność
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=WAŻNE: Poprzez potwierdzenie otrzymania płatności, potwierdzasz również konto drugiej strony transakcji i podpisujesz je. Jako że to konto drugiej strony nie zostało jeszcze podpisane, powinieneś opóźnić potwierdzenie płatności tak długo jak to możliwe aby zmniejszyć ryzyko obciążenia zwrotnego.
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=WAŻNE: Poprzez potwierdzenie otrzymania płatności, potwierdzasz również konto drugiej strony transakcji i podpisujesz je. Jako że to konto drugiej strony nie zostało jeszcze podpisane, powinieneś opóźnić potwierdzenie płatności tak długo jak to możliwe aby zmniejszyć ryzyko obciążenia zwrotnego.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Podsumowanie zakończonych transakcji
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Opłata za dokonanie transakcji
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Opłata eksploatacyjna
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Całkowita kwota opłaty eksploatacyjnej
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Zrefundowane koszty depozytu bezpieczeństwa
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Wypłać swoje bitcoiny
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Kwota do wypłaty
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Wypłać na adres
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Zatrzymaj fundusze w portfelu Bisq
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Wypłać na zewnętrzny portfel
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Twoje środki już zostały wypłacone. \nProszę sprawdź historię transakcji.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Potwierdź operację wypłaty
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Kwota do wypłaty jest niższa niż opłata transakcyjna i minimalna możliwa opłata eksploatacyjna (dust).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Wypłata zakończona
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Twoje zakończone transakcje są przechowywane w \"Portfolio/Historia\".\nMożesz przejrzeć wszystkie transakcje bitcoina pod \"Fundusze/Transakcje\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Kwota do wypłaty jest niższa niż opłata transakcyjna i minimalna możliwa opłata eksploatacyjna (dust).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=Transakcja ukończona
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Twoje zakończone transakcje są przechowywane w \"Portfolio/Historia\".\nMożesz przejrzeć wszystkie transakcje bitcoina pod \"Fundusze/Transakcje\"
@ -818,23 +807,23 @@ portfolio.pending.role=Moja funkcja
portfolio.pending.tradeInformation=Informacja o transakcji
portfolio.pending.remainingTime=Pozostały czas
portfolio.pending.remainingTimeDetail={0} (do {1})
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Po pierwszym potwierdzeniu na blockchain, rozpoczyna się okres transakcyjny. Bazując na wybranym rodzaju płatności, zostanie przeznaczony różny maksymalny okres transakcji.
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Jeśli okres transakcyjny zostanie przekroczony obie strony mogą rozpocząć spór.
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Po pierwszym potwierdzeniu na blockchain, rozpoczyna się okres transakcyjny. Bazując na wybranym rodzaju płatności, zostanie przeznaczony różny maksymalny okres transakcji.
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Jeśli okres transakcyjny zostanie przekroczony obie strony mogą rozpocząć spór.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Transakcja nie wykonana w czasie ( do {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Proces transakcyjny
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=Jeśli nie jesteś pewny czy wiadomość do mediatora lub arbitrora dotarła ( np.: jeśli nie otrzymałeś odpowiedzi w ciągu 1 dnia) otwórz spór ponownie poprzez Cmd/Ctrl+o . Możesz też poprosić o dodatkową pomoc na forum Bisq pod adresem [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Otwórz spór ponownie
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Otwórz formularz do zgłoszenia serwisowego
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Prosimy o użycie tej funkcji jedynie w nagłych przypadkach jeśli nie widzisz \Otwórz pomoc\" lub \"Otwórz spór\".\n\nKiedy otworzysz zgłoszenie serwisowe transakcja zostanie przerwana i będzie prowadzona przez mediatora lub arbitratora.
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Prosimy o użycie tej funkcji jedynie w nagłych przypadkach jeśli nie widzisz \Otwórz pomoc\" lub \"Otwórz spór\".\n\nKiedy otworzysz zgłoszenie serwisowe transakcja zostanie przerwana i będzie prowadzona przez mediatora lub arbitratora.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Musisz zaczekać aż ≈{0} ({1} bloków ) zanim będzie można otworzyć spór.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=Depozyt transakcji wynosi zero. Nie możesz otworzyć sporu bez prawidłowego depozytu transakcji. Wejdź w \"Ustawienia/Informacja o sieci\" i dokonać synchronizacji SPV. \n\nPo dalszą pomoc skontaktuj się z zespołem pomocy Bisq przez kanał na Keybase.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=Transakcja z depozytem wynosi zero. Możesz przenieś obecną transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=Opóźniona transakcja wypłacająca wynosi zero. Możesz przenieść transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=Transakcja z depozytem nie jest potwierdzona. Możesz otworzyć pomoc arbitrora z niepotwierdzoną transakcją depozytową. Prosimy o zaczekanie do jej potwierdzenia lub przejście do \"Ustawienia/Informacje o sieci\" i dokonanie synchronizacji SPV. \n\nPo dalszą pomoc skontaktuj się z zespołem pomocy Bisq przez kanał na Keybase.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Musisz zaczekać aż ≈{0} ({1} bloków ) zanim będzie można otworzyć spór.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=Transakcja z depozytem wynosi zero. Możesz przenieś obecną transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=Opóźniona transakcja wypłacająca wynosi zero. Możesz przenieść transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Potrzebujesz pomocy ?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek problemy możesz się skontakować z drugą stroną transakcji na czacie lub ze społecznością Bisq na https://bisq.community. Jeśli Twój problem jest wciąż nierozwiązany możesz poprosić o pomoc mediatora.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Otwórz chat transakcji
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Sprawdź płatność
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=Czas transakcji się zakończył
@ -851,7 +840,7 @@ portfolio.pending.noReceiverAddressDefined=Nie zdefiniowano adresu odbiorcy
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.headline=Sugerowana wypłata od mediacji
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.noneAccepted=Ukończ transakcję poprzez akceptację sugesti mediatora co do wypłaty w transakcji.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.selfAccepted=Zaakceptowałeś sugestię mediatora. Oczekiwanie na akceptację drugiej strony transakcji.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.selfAccepted=Zaakceptowałeś sugestię mediatora. Oczekiwanie na akceptację drugiej strony transakcji.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.info.peerAccepted=Twój partner w transakcji zaakceptował sugestie mediatora. Czy również je akceptujesz ?
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.button=Obejrzyj zaproponowane rozwiązanie
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Wynik mediacji dla transakcji z ID: {0}
@ -861,9 +850,9 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Zaakceptowałe
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Odrzuć i poproś o arbitera
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Już zaakceptowałeś
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Brakuje opłaty za transakcję drugiej strony.\n\nBez tego, cała transakcja nie może zostać ukończona. Żadne fundusze nie zostały zablokowane ani żadna opłata za dokonanie transakcji nie została jeszcze pobrana. Możesz przenieść tą transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Brakuje opłaty za transakcję drugiej strony.\n\nBez tego, cała transakcja nie może zostać ukończona. Żadne fundusze nie zostały zablokowane. Twoja oferta jest wciąż widoczna dla innych potencjanych kupców, więc nie straciłeś opłaty za stworzenie oferty. Możesz przenieść tą transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Brakuje opłaty depozytu ( 2-2 wielopodpisowej transakcji).\n\nBez tego, cała transakcja nie może zostać ukończona. Żadne fundusze nie zostały zablokowane ale Twoja opłata za dokonanie transakcji została już pobrana. Możesz poprosić o zwrot tej kwoty tutaj: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nMożesz przenieść tą transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Brakuje opłaty za transakcję drugiej strony.\n\nBez tego, cała transakcja nie może zostać ukończona. Żadne fundusze nie zostały zablokowane ani żadna opłata za dokonanie transakcji nie została jeszcze pobrana. Możesz przenieść tą transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Brakuje opłaty za transakcję drugiej strony.\n\nBez tego, cała transakcja nie może zostać ukończona. Żadne fundusze nie zostały zablokowane. Twoja oferta jest wciąż widoczna dla innych potencjanych kupców, więc nie straciłeś opłaty za stworzenie oferty. Możesz przenieść tą transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Brakuje opłaty depozytu ( 2-2 wielopodpisowej transakcji).\n\nBez tego, cała transakcja nie może zostać ukończona. Żadne fundusze nie zostały zablokowane ale Twoja opłata za dokonanie transakcji została już pobrana. Możesz poprosić o zwrot tej kwoty tutaj: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nMożesz przenieść tą transakcję do działu transakcji nieudanych.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Brakuje opóźnionej opłaty transakcyjnej, ale fundusze zostały już zablokowane w depozycie. \n\nJeśli brakuje opóźnionej opłaty transakcyjnej u kupującego, pojawi się wtedy instrukcja aby NIE wysyłać płatności i poprosić o pomoc mediatora. Powienieneś również poprosić o pomoc mediatora poprzez Cmd/Ctrl+o.\n\nJeśli kupujący nie wysłał jeszcze płatności, mediator powinien zasugerować aby obie strony otrzymały z powrotem pełną kwotę depozytu bezpieczeństwa ( ze sprzedawcą otrzymującym pełną kwotę przeznaczoną na sprzedaż). W przeciwnym przypadku kwota do sprzedaży będzie przekazana kupującemu.\n\nMożesz poprosić o zwrot opłaty za dokonanie transakcji tutaj:\n[HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Wystąpił błąd poczas wykonywana protokołu transakcji. \n\nBłąd: {0}\n\nMoże być tak, że nie jest to błąd krytyczny i transakcja może zostać zakończona normalnie. Jeśli nie jesteś pewien, poproś o pomoc mediatora Bisq aby otrzymać poradę w tej sytuacji. \n\nJeśli błąd był krytyczny i transakcja nie może zostać zakończona, mogłeś utracić opłata za dokonanie transakcji. Poproś o zwrot tej kwoty tutaj: \n[HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=Stan
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=Kupujący BTC
support.sellerOfferer=Sprzedający BTC
support.buyerTaker=Kupujący BTC
support.sellerTaker=Sprzedający BTC
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq nie jest firmą, więc zajmuje się sporami inaczej.\n\nDwie strony transakcji mogą się komunikować w aplikacji poprzez zaszyfrowane wiadomości na czacie i próbować rozwiązać problem. Jeśli to nie wystarczy, mediator może pomóc. Zweryfikuje on sytuację i zasugeruje wypłatę. Jeśli obie strony zaakceptują jego sugestie, nastąpi wypłata uzgodnionych kwot i transakcja zostanie zamknięta. Jeśli jedna lub obie strony nie zgodzą się na propozycję mediatora, mogą oni poprosić o arbitera. Zajmie się on ponowną weryfikacją całej sprawy, jeśli będzie to uzasadnione osobiście wypłaci środki stronie transakcji i poprosi o zwrot płatności ze strony DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Wiadomość systemowa: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Poprosiłeś o wsparcie.\n\n{0}\n\nWersja Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Stworzono prośbę o otwarcie sporu.\n\n{0}\n\nWersja Bisq: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Twój partner w transakcji poprosił o pomoc ze względ
support.peerOpenedDispute=Twój partner w transakcji stworzył prośbę o otwarcie sporu.\n\n{0}\n\nWersja Bisq: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Twój partner w transakcji poprosił o mediację.\n\n{0}\n\nWersja Bisq: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=Wiadomość systemowa: Podsumowanie sporu przed mediatora:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Adres węzła mediatora: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=Opóźniona transakcja wypłaty użyła nieprawidłowego adresu odbiorcy. Nie pasuje do żadnej wartości parametru DAO dla właściwego adresu przekazania środków.\n\nMoże to być próba wyłudzenia. Prosimy o poinformowanie deweloperów o tym zdarzeniu i nie zamykanie sprawy przed tym jak sytuacja zostanie rozwiązana!\n\nAdres użyty w sporze: {0}\n\nWszystkie parametry adresów DAO do przekazania środków: {1}\n\nID transakcji: {2}{3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nCzy wciąż chcesz zamknąć spór ?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Opłata transakcyjna musi wynosić przynajmniej {0}
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Wprowadzone dane wejściowe są poza odpowiednią rozsądną wartością ( >5000 satoshi/vbyte). Opłata transakcyjna zwykle mieści się w przedziale 50-400 satoshi/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Zignorowana jednostka [ adres onion: port]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Minimalna wartość która nie jest dust
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Lista walut zależnie od źródła ceny
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Preferowana waluta
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Wyświetl waluty krajowe
@ -1094,7 +1099,7 @@ setting.preferences.noFiat=Nie wybrano żadnych krajowych walut
setting.preferences.cannotRemovePrefCurrency=Nie możesz usunąć wybranego preferowanego widoku walut
setting.preferences.displayAltcoins=Wyświetl altcoiny
setting.preferences.noAltcoins=Nie wybrano altcoinów
setting.preferences.addFiat=Dodaj walutę krajową
setting.preferences.addFiat=Dodaj walutę krajową
setting.preferences.addAltcoin=Dodaj altcoin
setting.preferences.displayOptions=Wyświetl opcje
setting.preferences.showOwnOffers=Pokaż moje oferty na liście ofert
@ -1134,13 +1139,16 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Nazwa
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=URL transakcji
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Adres URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Sieć Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Sieć Bisq
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=Mój adres onion
settings.net.btcNodesLabel=Użyj indywidualnych węzłów Bitcoin Core
settings.net.bitcoinPeersLabel=Połączone jednostki
settings.net.useTorForBtcJLabel=Użyj Tor do sieci Bitcoin
settings.net.bitcoinNodesLabel=Węzły Bitcoin Core połaczone z
settings.net.bitcoinNodesLabel=Węzły Bitcoin Core połaczone z
settings.net.useProvidedNodesRadio=Użyj dostarczonych węzłów Bicoin Core
settings.net.usePublicNodesRadio=Użyj publicznej sieci Bitcoin
settings.net.useCustomNodesRadio=Użyj indywidualnych węzłów Bitcoin Core
@ -1182,7 +1190,7 @@ settings.net.outbound=wychodzący
settings.net.reSyncSPVChainLabel=Ponownie zsynchronizuj łańcuch SPV
settings.net.reSyncSPVChainButton=Usuń plik SPV i ponownie zsynchronizuj
settings.net.reSyncSPVSuccess=Czy jesteś pewien że chcesz dokonać ponownej synchronizacji SPV ? Jeśli tak, plik łańcucha SPV zostanie usunięty przy ponownym uruchomieniu.\n\nPo restarcie aplikacji uruchomienie i synchronizacja z siecią może trochę potrwać, zobaczysz wszystkie transakcje jak tylko synchronizacja zostanie ukończona.\n\nZależnie od ilości transakcji i wieku Twojego portfela ponowna synchronizacja może potrwać do kilku godzin i zająć 100 % mocy CPU. Nie przerywaj tego procesu, jeśli jednak to nastąpi będzie konieczna ponowna synchronizacja.
settings.net.reSyncSPVAfterRestart=Plik łańcucha SPV został usunięty. Prosimy o cierpliwość. Synchronizacja z siecią może potrwać.
settings.net.reSyncSPVAfterRestart=Plik łańcucha SPV został usunięty. Prosimy o cierpliwość. Synchronizacja z siecią może potrwać.
settings.net.reSyncSPVAfterRestartCompleted=Synchronizacja została ukończona. Prosimy o restart aplikacji.
settings.net.reSyncSPVFailed=Nie można usunąć pliku łańcucha SPV.\nBłąd: {0}
setting.about.aboutBisq=O Bisq
@ -1261,7 +1269,7 @@ account.tab.mediatorRegistration=Rejestracja mediatora
account.tab.refundAgentRegistration=Rejestracja agenta refundacyjnego
account.info.headline=Witamy na koncie Bisq
account.info.msg=Możesz tutaj dodać konta do dokonywania transakcji w walutach krajowych & elektronicznych i stworzyć kopię zapasową portfela & danych konta. \n\nNowy portfel Bitcoina został stworzony gdy po raz pierwszy uruchomiłeś Bisq. \n\nAbsolutnie zalecamy aby zapisać seed mogące odtworzyć portfel Bisq ( zobacz kartę na górze ) i rozważyć dodanie hasła przed przelaniem funduszy. Depozyty Bitcoina i wypłaty są zarządzane w sekcji \"Fundusze\".\n\n Nota bezpieczeństwa & prywatności: ponieważ Bisq jest zdecentralizowaną giełdą, wszystkie dane są przechowywane na Twoim komputerze. Nie ma żadnych serwerów, więc nie mamy żadnego dostępu do Twoich prywatnych informacji, funduszy, czy nawet adresu IP. Dane takie jak numer konta banku, adresy walut elektronicznych & Bitcoina itp. są jedynie przesyłane do drugiej strony transakcji aby dokończyć wymianę ( w przypadku sporu mediator lub arbiter zobaczy te same dane co druga strona z którą bierzesz udział w wymianie).
account.info.msg=Możesz tutaj dodać konta do dokonywania transakcji w walutach krajowych & elektronicznych i stworzyć kopię zapasową portfela & danych konta. \n\nNowy portfel Bitcoina został stworzony gdy po raz pierwszy uruchomiłeś Bisq. \n\nAbsolutnie zalecamy aby zapisać seed mogące odtworzyć portfel Bisq ( zobacz kartę na górze ) i rozważyć dodanie hasła przed przelaniem funduszy. Depozyty Bitcoina i wypłaty są zarządzane w sekcji \"Fundusze\".\n\n Nota bezpieczeństwa & prywatności: ponieważ Bisq jest zdecentralizowaną giełdą, wszystkie dane są przechowywane na Twoim komputerze. Nie ma żadnych serwerów, więc nie mamy żadnego dostępu do Twoich prywatnych informacji, funduszy, czy nawet adresu IP. Dane takie jak numer konta banku, adresy walut elektronicznych & Bitcoina itp. są jedynie przesyłane do drugiej strony transakcji aby dokończyć wymianę ( w przypadku sporu mediator lub arbiter zobaczy te same dane co druga strona z którą bierzesz udział w wymianie).
account.menu.paymentAccount=Konta walut krajowych
account.menu.altCoinsAccountView=Konta walut elektronicznych
@ -1286,7 +1294,7 @@ account.arbitratorRegistration.register=Zarejestruj
account.arbitratorRegistration.registration={0} rejestracja
account.arbitratorRegistration.info.msg=Zauważ że potrzebuje być dostępny przez 15 dni po cofnięciu jako że mogą być transakcje który używają Ciebie jako {0}. Maksymalny dostępny czas na transakcję wynosi 8 dni i proces sportu może trwać do 7 dni.
account.arbitratorRegistration.warn.min1Language=Musisz wybrać przynajmniej 1 język.\nDodaliśmy język domyślny dla Ciebie.
account.arbitratorRegistration.warn.min1Language=Musisz wybrać przynajmniej 1 język.\nDodaliśmy język domyślny dla Ciebie.
account.arbitratorRegistration.removedSuccess=Z sukcesem usunięto Twoją rejestrację w sieci Bisq.
account.arbitratorRegistration.removedFailed=Nie można usunąć rejestracji.{0}
account.arbitratorRegistration.registerSuccess=Z sukcesem zostałeś zarejestrowany do sieci Bisq.
@ -1314,13 +1322,13 @@ account.altcoin.popup.qwertycoin.msg=Transakcja Qwertycoin na Bisq wymaga potwie
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.drgl.msg=Transakcja Dragonglass na Bisq wymaga potwierdzenia i Twojej zgody na następujące warunki:\n\nZe względu na prywatność którą oferuje Dragonglass, transakcja nie jest weryfikowana na publicznym łańcuchu. Jeśli wymagane, możesz udowodnić dokonanie transakcji poprzez użycie prywatnego klucza TXN. \nPrywatny klucz TXN jest jednorazowy, automatycznie generowany przy każdej transakcji i może być uzyskany jedynie poprzez Twój portfel DRGL.\nAlbo przez GUI portfela DRGL (w oknie szczegółów transakcji) lub przez simplewallet CLI Dragonglass (używając polecenia "get_tx_key").\n\nWersja DRGL 'Oathkeeper' i wyższe są WYMAGANE dla obu. \n\nW przypadku sporu musisz zapewnić następujące informacje dla mediatora lub arbitera: \n- prywatny klucz transakcji TXN \n-hash transakcji \n-adres publiczny odbiorcy. \n\nWeryfikacja płatności może być dokonana używając danych powyżej jako danych wejściowych na (http://drgl.info/#check_txn).\n\nNie stosując się do powyższych informacji lub korzystając z nieodpowiedniego portfela oraz do zapewniania odpowiednich danych mediatorowi lub arbiterowi będzie skutkowało przegraniem sporu. W przypadku wszystkich spraw. Wysyłający Dragonglass ponosi 100 % odpowiedzialności w zweryfikowaniu transakcji DRGL i przekazaniu odpowiednich informacji mediatorowi lub arbiterowi w przypadku sporu. Użycie ID płatności nie jest wymagane.\n\nJeśli nie jesteś pewien procesu transakcji odwiedź kanał Dragonglass na discordzie (http://discord.drgl.info) po pomoc.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.ZEC.msg=Używając Zcash może użyć jedynie jawnych adresów ( zaczynając od t), nie adresów z (prywatnych), ponieważ mediator lub arbiter nie będzie w stanie zweryfikować transakcji z adresem z.
account.altcoin.popup.ZEC.msg=Używając Zcash może użyć jedynie jawnych adresów ( zaczynając od t), nie adresów z (prywatnych), ponieważ mediator lub arbiter nie będzie w stanie zweryfikować transakcji z adresem z.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.XZC.msg=Używając Zcoin możesz użyć jednie jawnych ( identyfikowalnych) adresów, nie adresów niemożliwych do zweryfikowania, ponieważ mediator lub arbiter nie będzie w stanie potwierdzić transakcji z niemożliwym do zidentyfikowania adresem na przeglądarce łańcucha.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.grin.msg=GRIN requires an interactive process between the sender and receiver to create the transaction. Be sure to follow the instructions from the GRIN project web page [HYPERLINK:https://grin.mw] to reliably send and receive GRIN. More information on transacting GRIN can be found here [HYPERLINK:https://docs.grin.mw/about-grin/transactions/].\n\nThe GRIN sender is required to provide proof that they have sent GRIN successfully. If the wallet cannot provide that proof, a potential dispute will be resolved in favor of the GRIN receiver. Please be sure that you use the latest GRIN software which supports the transaction proof and that you understand the process of transferring and receiving GRIN as well as how to create the proof. \n\nSee [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_GRIN] for more information about trading GRIN on Bisq.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.beam.msg=BEAM wymaga interaktywnego procesu pomiędzy wysyłającym a odbiorcą do stworzenia transakcji.\n\n Postępuj według instrukcji ze strony internetowej BEAM aby pewnie wysyłać i odbierać BEAM ( odbiorca musi być dostępny online , lub przynajmniej online w pewnym oknie czasowym). \n\nWysyłający BEAM jest zobligowany do wysłania dowodu przesłania BEAM z sukcesem. Upewnij się że masz najnowsze oprogramowanie portfela wspierające otrzymanie dowodu transakcji. Jeśli portfel nie może zapewnić dowodu, potencjalny spór zostanie zakończony z korzyścią dla odbiorcy BEAM.
account.altcoin.popup.beam.msg=BEAM wymaga interaktywnego procesu pomiędzy wysyłającym a odbiorcą do stworzenia transakcji.\n\n Postępuj według instrukcji ze strony internetowej BEAM aby pewnie wysyłać i odbierać BEAM ( odbiorca musi być dostępny online , lub przynajmniej online w pewnym oknie czasowym). \n\nWysyłający BEAM jest zobligowany do wysłania dowodu przesłania BEAM z sukcesem. Upewnij się że masz najnowsze oprogramowanie portfela wspierające otrzymanie dowodu transakcji. Jeśli portfel nie może zapewnić dowodu, potencjalny spór zostanie zakończony z korzyścią dla odbiorcy BEAM.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.pars.msg=Transakcja ParsiCoin na Bisq wymaga potwierdzenia i Twojej zgody na następujące warunki:\n\nDo wysłania PARS potrzebujesz użyć oficjalnego portfela ParsiCoin wersji 3.0.0 lub wyższej.\n\nMożesz sprawdzić hash oraz klucz transakcji w sekcji Transakcje na portfelu GUI (ParsiPay) Musisz kliknąć prawym przyciskiem myszy na transakcję i wtedy kliknąć pokaż szczegóły. \n\nW przypadku sporu musisz zapewnić następujące informacje dla mediatora lub arbitera: 1) hash transakcji, 2) klucz transakcji, 3) adres PARS odbiorcy. Mediator lub arbiter zweryfikuje wtedy transakcję PARS używając przeglądarki ParsiCoin (http://explorer.parsicoin.net/#check_payment).\n\nNie stosując się do powyższych informacji oraz do zapewniania odpowiednich danych mediatorowi lub arbiterowi będzie skutkowało przegraniem sporu. W przypadku wszystkich spraw , wysyłający ParsiCoin ponosi 100 % odpowiedzialności w zweryfikowaniu i przekazaniu odpowiednich informacji mediatorowi lub arbiterowi.\n\nJeśli nie rozumiesz tych wymagań, nie dokonuj transakcji na Bisq. Najpierw poszukaj pomocy na discordzie ParsiCoin (https://discord.gg/c7qmFNh).
@ -1328,7 +1336,7 @@ account.altcoin.popup.pars.msg=Transakcja ParsiCoin na Bisq wymaga potwierdzenia
account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=Aby dokonać transakcji burnt blackcoins musisz potwierdzić i zgodzić się na następujące warunki:\n\nBurnt blackcoins nie mogą być sprzedane. Aby nimi handlować na Bisq, skrypty wychodzące muszą być w formacie: OP_RETURN OP_PUSHDATA , a po nich przez powiązane dane bajtów, które po rozkodowaniu szestnastkowym, ustanowią adresy. Na przykład burnt blackcoins z adresem 666f6f ("foo" w UTF-8) będzie miało następujący skrypt:\n\nOP_RETURN OP_PUSHDATA 666f6f\n\nAby stworzyć burnt blackcoins można użyć polecenia "wypal" RPC dostępnego w niektórych portfelach.\n\nInne możliwości można sprawdzić na https://ibo.laboratorium.ee .\n\nJako że burnt blackcoins nie mogą być sprzedane, nie mogą być sprzedane ponownie. "Sprzedawanie" burnt blackcoins znaczy wypalenie normalnych blackcoins ( z powiązanymi danymi dotyczącymi adresu odbiorcy). \n\nW przypadku sporu sprzedawca BLK musi zapewnić hash transakcji.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Aby dokonać transakcji L-BTC na Bisq musisz potwierdzić i zgodzić się na następujące warunki:\n\nPodczas otrzymywania L-BTC w transakcji na Bisq nie możesz użyć aplikacji mobilnej portfela Blockstream Green lub portfel na giełdzie. Możesz otrzymać L-BTC jedynie w portfelu Liquid Elements Core lub innym portfelu L-BTC który pozwala abyś otrzymał ślepy klucz dla Twojego ślepego adresu L-BTC.\n\nW przypadku kiedy konieczna jest mediacja lub jeśli nastąpi spór musisz ujawnić ślepy klucz do Twojego adresu odbiorczego L-BTC mediatorowi Bisq lub agentowi refundacji tak aby mogli oni zweryfikować szczegóły poufności transakcji i ich własnym węźle Elements Core.\n\nNie stosując się do powyższych informacji oraz do zapewnienia odpowiednich danych mediatorowi lub agentowi refundacji będzie skutowało przegraniem sporu. W przypadku wszystkich spraw sporu otrzymujący L-BTC ponowsi 100 % odpowiedzialności w zapewnieniu kryptograficznego dowodu mediatorowi lub agentowi refundacji.\n\nJeśli nie rozumiesz tych wymagań nie handluj L-BTC na Bisq.
account.altcoin.popup.liquidbitcoin.msg=Aby dokonać transakcji L-BTC na Bisq musisz potwierdzić i zgodzić się na następujące warunki:\n\nPodczas otrzymywania L-BTC w transakcji na Bisq nie możesz użyć aplikacji mobilnej portfela Blockstream Green lub portfel na giełdzie. Możesz otrzymać L-BTC jedynie w portfelu Liquid Elements Core lub innym portfelu L-BTC który pozwala abyś otrzymał ślepy klucz dla Twojego ślepego adresu L-BTC.\n\nW przypadku kiedy konieczna jest mediacja lub jeśli nastąpi spór musisz ujawnić ślepy klucz do Twojego adresu odbiorczego L-BTC mediatorowi Bisq lub agentowi refundacji tak aby mogli oni zweryfikować szczegóły poufności transakcji i ich własnym węźle Elements Core.\n\nNie stosując się do powyższych informacji oraz do zapewnienia odpowiednich danych mediatorowi lub agentowi refundacji będzie skutowało przegraniem sporu. W przypadku wszystkich spraw sporu otrzymujący L-BTC ponowsi 100 % odpowiedzialności w zapewnieniu kryptograficznego dowodu mediatorowi lub agentowi refundacji.\n\nJeśli nie rozumiesz tych wymagań nie handluj L-BTC na Bisq.
account.fiat.yourFiatAccounts=Konta Twoich walut krajowych
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Tak i nie pytaj mnie ponownie
account.seed.enterPw=Wpisz hasło i zobacz seed
account.seed.restore.info=Prosimy o zrobienie kopii bezpieczeństwa przed przywrócenie z seed. Miej świadomość że przywrócenie portfela powinno być tylko w nagłych przypadkach i może spowodować problemy z wewnętrznymi danymi w portfelu. \nNie jest ono aplikowane do kopii zapasowej! Prosimy o użycie kopii zapasowej z danych katalogowych aplikacji do przywrócenia poprzedniego stanu aplikacji.\n\nPo przywróceniu aplikacji, zostanie ona automatycznie zamknięta. Po tym jak zrestartujesz aplikację nastąpi synchronizacja z siecią Bitcoina. Może to zając jakiś czas i może pobrać dużo mocy CPU, zwłaszcza jeśli portfel jest starszy i miał wiele transakcji. Prosimy aby nie przerywać tego procesu, w przeciwnym razie być może będzie konieczne aby ponownie usunąć plik łańcucha SPV lub powtórzyć proces.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, dokonaj przywrócenia systemu i zamknij Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1384,9 +1392,9 @@ account.notifications.priceAlert.low.label=Powiadom jeśli cena BTC jest poniże
account.notifications.priceAlert.setButton=Ustal alerty cenowe
account.notifications.priceAlert.removeButton=Usuń powiadomienia o cenach
account.notifications.trade.message.title=Stan transakcji się zmienił
account.notifications.trade.message.msg.conf=Transakcja depozytu dla transakcji ID {0} jest potwierdzona. Prosimy otworzyć aplikację Bisq i rozpocząć płatność.
account.notifications.trade.message.msg.conf=Transakcja depozytu dla transakcji ID {0} jest potwierdzona. Prosimy otworzyć aplikację Bisq i rozpocząć płatność.
account.notifications.trade.message.msg.started=Kupujący BTC rozpoczął płatność dla transakcji ID {0}.
account.notifications.trade.message.msg.completed=Transakcja ID {0} się zakończyła.
account.notifications.trade.message.msg.completed=Transakcja ID {0} się zakończyła.
account.notifications.offer.message.title=Twoja oferta została zaakceptowana
account.notifications.offer.message.msg=Twoja oferta z transacją ID {0} została zaakceptowana
account.notifications.dispute.message.title=Nowa wiadomość w sporze
@ -1403,7 +1411,7 @@ account.notifications.marketAlert.trigger.prompt=Różnica procentowa od ceny ry
account.notifications.marketAlert.addButton=Dodaj powiadomienie o ofercie
account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlertsButton=Zarządzaj powiadomieniami o ofertach
account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.title=Zarządzaj powiadomieniami o ofertach
account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.paymentAccount=Konto płatności
account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.paymentAccount=Konto płatności
account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.trigger=Cena progowa
account.notifications.marketAlert.manageAlerts.header.offerType=Typ oferty
account.notifications.marketAlert.message.title=Powiadomienie o ofercie
@ -1412,9 +1420,9 @@ account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg.above=powyżej
account.notifications.marketAlert.message.msg=Nowa '{0} {1}" oferta z ceną {2} ({3} {4} rynkową) i metodą płatności "{5}" została opublikowana na Bisq.\nID oferty: {6}.
account.notifications.priceAlert.message.title=Powiadomienie o ofercie {0}
account.notifications.priceAlert.message.msg=Powiadomienia o cenach rynkowych zostały włączone. Obecna {0} cena wynosi {1} {2}
account.notifications.noWebCamFound.warning=Nie znaleziono kamery internetowej.\n\nProszę użyć opcji emailowej aby wysłać token i klucz do zabezpieczenia z Twojego telefonu do aplikacji Bisq.
account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.highPriceTooLow=Cena wyższa musi być większa niż cena niższa.
account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.lowerPriceTooHigh=Cena niższa musi być niższa niż cena wyższa.
account.notifications.noWebCamFound.warning=Nie znaleziono kamery internetowej.\n\nProszę użyć opcji emailowej aby wysłać token i klucz do zabezpieczenia z Twojego telefonu do aplikacji Bisq.
account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.highPriceTooLow=Cena wyższa musi być większa niż cena niższa.
account.notifications.priceAlert.warning.lowerPriceTooHigh=Cena niższa musi być niższa niż cena wyższa.
@ -1611,7 +1619,7 @@ dao.bond.reputation.amount=Kwota BSQ do zablokowania
dao.bond.reputation.time=Odblokuj czas w blokach
dao.bond.reputation.lockup.headline=Potwierdź zamknięcie funduszy
dao.bond.reputation.lockup.details=Kwota do zamknięcia: {0}\nCzas odblokowania: {1} blok(i) (≈{2})\n\nOpłata eksploatacyjna: {3} ({4} Satoshi/vbyte)\nWielkość transakcji: {5} Kb\n\nCzy chcesz kontynuować ?
dao.bond.reputation.unlock.headline=Potwierdź odblokowanie transakcji
@ -1639,7 +1647,7 @@ dao.bond.table.column.bondState=Stan zobowiązania
dao.bond.table.column.lockTime=Czas odblokowania
dao.bond.table.column.lockupDate=Data zablokowania
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Data
dao.proofOfBurn.pubKey=Klucz publiczny
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Podpisz transakcję używając klucza z dowodu wypalonych transakcji
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Zweryfikuj wiadomość używając klucza z dowodu wypalonych transakcji
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Skopiuj podpis do schowka
@ -1912,7 +1920,7 @@ dao.wallet.send.send=Wyślij fundusze BSQ
dao.wallet.send.inputControl=Wybierz wejścia
dao.wallet.send.sendBtc=Wyślij fundusze BTC
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.headline=Zatwierdź operację wypłaty
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Wysyłanie: {0}\nAdres odbierający: {1}\nWymagana opłata eksploatacyjna: {2} ({3} satoshi/vbyte)\nWielkość transakcji: {4} vKb\n\nOdbiorca otrzyma: {5}\n\nCzy jesteś pewien, że chcesz wypłacić fundusze ?
dao.wallet.send.sendFunds.details=Wysyłanie: {0}\nAdres odbierający: {1}\nWymagana opłata eksploatacyjna: {2} ({3} satoshi/vbyte)\nWielkość transakcji: {4} vKb\n\nOdbiorca otrzyma: {5}\n\nCzy jesteś pewien, że chcesz wypłacić fundusze ?
dao.wallet.chainHeightSynced=Ostatni zweryfikowany blok: {0}
dao.wallet.chainHeightSyncing=Oczekiwanie na bloki... Zweryfikowano {0} bloków z {1}
@ -1988,11 +1996,11 @@ dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for d
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Uzyskaj jakieś BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Poproś o BSQ na Slack lub kup BSQ na Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Poproś o BSQ na Slack lub kup BSQ na Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Bierz udział w cyklu głosowania
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.content=Tworzenie propozycji i głosowanie na propozycjami aby zmienić różne aspekty Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.content=Tworzenie propozycji i głosowanie na propozycjami aby zmienić różne aspekty Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.title=4. Przeglądaj BSQ eksplorera bloków
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.content=Jako że BSQ jest po prostu bitcoinem, możesz zobaczyć transakcje BSQ na explorerze bloków.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.content=Jako że BSQ jest po prostu bitcoinem, możesz zobaczyć transakcje BSQ na explorerze bloków.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.readMoreLink=Przeczytaj pełną dokumentację
dao.monitor.daoState=Stan DAO
@ -2016,7 +2024,7 @@ dao.monitor.daoState.table.headline=Łańcuch hashy stanu DAO
dao.monitor.daoState.table.blockHeight=Wysokość bloku
dao.monitor.daoState.table.hash=Hash stanu DAO
dao.monitor.daoState.table.prev=Poprzedni hash
dao.monitor.daoState.conflictTable.headline=Stan hashy DAO dwóch stron transakcji będących w sporze
dao.monitor.daoState.conflictTable.headline= Stan hashy DAO dwóch stron transakcji będących w sporze
dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts=Konflikty UTXO
dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.blockHeight=Wysokość bloku: {0}
dao.monitor.daoState.utxoConflicts.sumUtxo=Suma wszystkich UTXO: {0} BSQ
@ -2034,7 +2042,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Liczba propozycji
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Twoje lokalne dane nie są zgodne przynajmniej z jednym seed node. Prosimy o ponowną synchronizację stanu DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Jeden z użytkowników nie jest w konsensusie z siecią ale Twój węzeł jest w synchronizacji z seed nodes.
dao.monitor.isDaoStateBlockChainNotConnecting=Your DAO state chain is not connecting with the new data. Please resync the DAO state.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Twój lokalny węzeł nie jest w porozumieniu z siecią.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Twój lokalny węzeł nie jest w porozumieniu z siecią.
dao.monitor.blindVote.headline=Stan głosowania w ciemno
dao.monitor.blindVote.table.headline=Łańcuch stanu haszy głosowania w ciemno
@ -2190,7 +2198,7 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Sprawa zamknięta {0}\n{1} adres węzła: {2}\n\n
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\nKolejne kroki:\nOtwórz transakcję i zaakceptuj lub odrzuć sugęstię mediatora
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nKolejne kroki:\nŻadne dodatkowe czynności nie są od Ciebie wymagane. Jeśli arbiter zdecydował na Twoją korzyść, zobaczysz transakcję "Refundacja z arbitracji" w Fundusze/Transakcje
disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForRefundAgentArbitration=\nKolejne kroki:\nŻadne dodatkowe czynności nie są od Ciebie wymagane. Jeśli arbiter zdecydował na Twoją korzyść, zobaczysz transakcję "Refundacja z arbitracji" w Fundusze/Transakcje
disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Musisz zamknąć również sprawę drugiej strony transakcji!
disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Opublikuj transakcję refundacji
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -2267,7 +2275,7 @@ offerDetailsWindow.creationDate=Data stworzenia
offerDetailsWindow.makersOnion=Adres onion twórcy
qRCodeWindow.headline=Kod QR
qRCodeWindow.msg=Prosimy o użycie tego kodu QR aby zasilić swój portfel Bisq z zewnętrznego portfela.
qRCodeWindow.msg=Prosimy o użycie tego kodu QR aby zasilić swój portfel Bisq z zewnętrznego portfela.
qRCodeWindow.request=Prośba o płatność: \n{0}
selectDepositTxWindow.headline=Wybierz transakcję depozytu dla sporu
@ -2324,14 +2332,14 @@ txDetailsWindow.sentTo=Wyślij do
txDetailsWindow.txId=ID transakcji
closedTradesSummaryWindow.headline=Podsumowanie historii transakcji
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalAmount.title=Całkowita kwota transakcji
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalAmount.title=Całkowita kwota transakcji
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalAmount.value={0} ({1} z obecną ceną rynkową)
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalVolume.title=Całkowita kwota transakcji w {0}
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalMinerFee.title=Podsumowanie wszystkich opłat eksploatacyjnych
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalMinerFee.value={0} ({1} całkowitej kwoty transakcji)
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalTradeFeeInBtc.title=Podsumowanie wszystkich opłat za dokonanie transakcji w BTC
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalTradeFeeInBtc.value={0} ({1} całkowitej kwoty transakcji)
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalTradeFeeInBsq.title=Podsumowanie wszystkich opłat za dokonanie transakcji w BSQ
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalTradeFeeInBsq.title=Podsumowanie wszystkich opłat za dokonanie transakcji w BSQ
closedTradesSummaryWindow.totalTradeFeeInBsq.value={0} ({1} całkowitej kwoty transakcji)
walletPasswordWindow.headline=Wprowadź hasło aby odblokować
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Przedawnione pliki Tor usunięte pom
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Czy sieć Tor jest blokowana?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Jeśli Tor jest zablokowany przez Twojego dostawcę internetu lub przez Twój kraj, możesz spróbować użyć mostów Tor. \nOdwiedź stronę sieci Tor : https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges aby dowiedzieć się więcej o mostach i pluggable transports.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Wybierz walutę dla opłaty za dokonanie transakcji
feeOptionWindow.info=Możesz wybrać opłatę za dokonanie transakcji w BSQ lub w BTC. Jeśli zdecydujesz się w BSQ otrzymasz rabat.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Wybierz walutę dla opłaty za transakcję
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Użyj BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=DAO Bisq i BSQ są czasowo zablokowane. Prosimy o spr
popup.warning.noFilter=Nie otrzymaliśmy obiekt filtru od seed nodes. Nie jest to oczekiwana sytuacja. Prosimy o poinformowanie deweloperów Bisq.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Ta transakcja nie jest możliwa do zrealizowania, gdyż opłaty eksploatacyjne {0} przekroczyły by kwotę transakcji {1}. Prosimy zaczekać aż opłaty eksploatacyjne zmniejszą się lub do czasu gdy będziesz miał więcej BTC do dokonania transakcji.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=Opłata za stworzenie oferty ID {0} została odrzucona przez sieć Bitcoin.\nID transakcji={1}.\nOferta została usunięta aby zapobiec dalszym problemom.\nProsimy udać się do \"Ustawienia/Informacje o sieci\" i dokonanie ponownej synchronizacji SPV. \nPo dalszą pomoc prosimy o kontakt na kanale wsparcia Bisq na Bisq Keybase.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=opłata za dokonanie transakcji
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=Transakcja {0} z ID {1} została odrzucona przez sieć Bitcoin.\nID transakcji={2}\nTransakcja została przesunięta do nieudanych transakcji.\nProsimy udać się do \"Ustawienia/Informacje o sieci\" i dokonanie ponownej synchronizacji SPV.\nPo dalszą pomoc prosimy o kontakt na kanale wsparcia Bisq na Bisq Keybase.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=Opłata za stworzenie oferty ID {0} jest nieprawidłowa.\nID transakcji={1}\nProsimy udać się do \"Ustawienia/Informacje o sieci\" i dokonanie ponownej synchronizacji SPV.\nPo dalszą pomoc prosimy o kontakt na kanale wsparcia Bisq na Bisq Keybase.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Aby zapewnić że obie strony transakcji będą przestrzegały protokołu transakcji, obie strony muszą wpłacić depozyt bezpieczeństwa. \n\nDepozyt jest trzymany w Twoim portfelu dopóki transakcja nie zostanie z sukcesem zakończona, wtedy jest Tobie zrefundowana.\n\nZaznaczamy: Jeśli tworzysz nową ofertę, Bisq potrzebuje być włączony przez drugą stronę transakcji aby ją przyjąć. Aby Twoja oferta pozostała online, musisz mieć włączoną aplikację Bisq i być podłączony do sieci (np.: upewnij się że nie zmieni się to do trybu czuwania... tryb czuwania monitora jest w porządku).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Aktualizacja portfela do transakcji
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Twój portfel do dokonywania transakcji został z sukcesem zasilony.\nKwota: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Twój portfel do dokonywania transakcji został już pomyślnie zasilony z poprzedniej próby dokonania transakcji.\nKwota: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Transakcja ukończona
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Możesz wypłacić fundusze do zewnętrzenego portfela Bitcoin lub przenieść je do portfela Bisq.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=Widziane przez {0} użytkownika(ów) / 0 potwierdzeń
confidence.confirmed=Potwierdzone w {0} bloku (ach)
confidence.invalid=Transakcja nieważna
peerInfo.title=Informacje o użytkowniku
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Liczba ukończonych transakcji
@ -2663,7 +2669,7 @@ formatter.asTaker={0} {1} jako twórca
# we use enum values here
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BTC_MAINNET=główną siecią Bitcoin
BTC_MAINNET=główną siecią Bitcoin
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BTC_TESTNET=Sieć testowa Bitcoin
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2696,13 +2702,12 @@ password.confirmPassword=Potwierdź hasło
password.tooLong=Hasło musi mieć mniej niż 500 znaków.
password.deriveKey=Stwórz klucz z hasła
password.walletDecrypted=Portfel z sukcesem rozszyfrowany i ochrona hasłem usunięta.
password.wrongPw=Wpisałeś złe hasło. \n\nProsimy o wpisanie hasła ponownie, dokładnie sprawdzając literówki oraz pisownię.
password.walletEncrypted=Portfel z sukcesem zaszyfrowany i włączona ochrona hasłem.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Hasło portfela nie mogło zostać ustalone. Mogłeś zaimportować seed które nie pasują do bazy danych portfela. Prosimy o kontakt na Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.wrongPw=Wpisałeś złe hasło. \n\nProsimy o wpisanie hasła ponownie, dokładnie sprawdzając literówki oraz pisownię.
password.walletEncrypted=Portfel z sukcesem zaszyfrowany i włączona ochrona hasłem.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=2 hasła które wpisano nie są identyczne.
password.forgotPassword=Zapomniałeś hasła?
password.backupReminder=Prosimy zauważyć że podczas ustalania hasła do portfela wszystkie automatycznie stworzone kopie zapasowe z niezaszyfrowanym porfelem zostaną usunięte.\n\nJest wysoce rekomendowane aby stworzyć kopię zapową folderu aplikacji i zapisać seed przed ustaleniem hasła!
password.backupWasDone=Mam już kopię zapasową
password.setPassword=Ustal hasło ( mam już kopię zapasową)
password.makeBackup=Stwórz kopię zapasową
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2844,7 +2863,7 @@ payment.limits.info=Bądź świadom że wszystkie transakcje bankowe niosą ze s
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.limits.info.withSigning=Aby zmniejszyć ryzyko obciążenia zwrotnego Bisq ustala limity na transakcję dla tego typu konta do płatności bazując na 2 czynnikach:\n\n1. Ogólne ryzyko transakcji dla metody płatności\n2. Status podpisania konta\n\nTo konto nie jest jeszcze podpisane, dlatego limit do kupna wynosi {0} na transakcję. Po podpisaniu, limit zakupu zwięszy się następująco:\n\n● Przed podpisaniem, i 30 dni po podpisaniu, Twój limit na transakcję będzie wynosił {0}\n● 30 dni po podpisaniu, Twój limit na transakcję będzie wynosił {1}\n● 60 dni po podpisaniu, Twój limit na transakcję będzie wynosił {2}\n\nLimity sprzedaży nie są dotknięte przez podpisanie konta. Możesz sprzedać {2} w pojedyńczej transakcji natychmiast.\n\nTe limity mają zastosowanie jedynie do pojedyńczej transakcji -- możesz ustalić tak wiele transakcji jak tylko chcesz.\n\nSprawdź więcej szczegółów na wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits].
payment.cashDeposit.info=Prosimy o potwierdzenie że Twój bank zezwala na wysyłanie depzoytu gotówki na konta innych osób. Np.: Bank Ameryki i Wells Fargo nie pozwalają już na takie depozyty.
payment.cashDeposit.info=Prosimy o potwierdzenie że Twój bank zezwala na wysyłanie depzoytu gotówki na konta innych osób. Np.: Bank Ameryki i Wells Fargo nie pozwalają już na takie depozyty.
payment.revolut.info=Revolut wymaga 'Nazwy użytkownika' jako ID konta nie numeru telefonu lub email jak to było w przeszłości.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nTwoje obecne konto Revolut ({1}) nie ma "Nazwy użytkownika"/\nProsimy o wpisanie Twojej "Nazwy Użytkownika" Revolut aby zaktualizować Twoje dane konta.\nNie wpłynie to na wiek i status podpisania konta.
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.iUnderstand=Eu compreendo
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug=Report bug on GitHub
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Saldo da carteira de negociação
shared.makerTxFee=Ofertante: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Aceitador: {0}
shared.iConfirm=Eu confirmo
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Aberto {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=NOVO
shared.blindVoteTxId=ID de transação de voto fechado
shared.learnMore=Saiba mais
shared.selectedArbitrator=Árbitro escolhido
shared.selectedMediator=Mediador selecionado
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Árbitro escolhido
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrar por moeda
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrar por método de pagamento
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=Esta conta foi verificada e {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=assinada por um árbitro e pode assinar contas de pares
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=signed by a peer, waiting %d days for limits to be lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=assinada por um par e limites foram levantados
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Quando você completa uma negociação bem suced
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Ainda não assinada
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} dias
shared.notSigned=This account has not been signed yet and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type does not require signing
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=This account type does not require signing and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Altcoin accounts do not feature signing or aging
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=Sim, usar meu valor mais baixo
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=O preço submetido está fora do desvio máximo com relação ao preço de mercado.\nO desvio máximo é {0} e pode ser alterado nas preferências.
createOffer.changePrice=Alterar preço
createOffer.tac=Ao publicar essa oferta, eu concordo em negociar com qualquer trader que preencha as condições definidas nesta tela.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Taxa de negociação
createOffer.setDeposit=Definir o depósito de segurança do comprador (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Definir o meu depósito de segurança como comprador (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Set both traders' security deposit (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Percentage price deviation from market
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Aguardar confirmação da blockchain
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Iniciar pagamento
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Sim, eu recebi o pa
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=IMPORTANTE: Ao confirmar o recebimento do pagamento, você também estará verificando a conta do seu par e a assinando. Como a conta do seu par ainda não foi assinada, você deve segurar a confirmação do pagamento o máximo de tempo possível para reduzir o risco de estorno.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Resumo da negociação
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Taxa de negociação
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Taxa de mineração
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Total em taxas de mineração
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Depósito de segurança devolvido
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Retirar seus bitcoins
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Quantia a ser retirada
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Enviar para o endereço
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Keep funds in Bisq wallet
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Retirar para carteira externa
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Seus fundos já foram retirados.\nFavor verifique o histórico de transações.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Confirmar solicitação de retirada
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=A quantia a ser transferida é inferior à taxa de transação e o valor mínimo de transação (poeira).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Retirada concluída
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Suas negociações concluídas estão salvas em \"Portfolio/Histórico\".\nVocê pode rever todas as suas transações bitcoin em \"Fundos/Transações\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=Negociação concluída
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Suas negociações concluídas estão salvas em \"Portfolio/Histórico\".\nVocê pode rever todas as suas transações bitcoin em \"Fundos/Transações\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=Você comprou
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=Você pagou
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=O período de negociação irá se iniciar ap
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Se o período expirar, os dois negociantes poderão abrir uma disputa.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Negociação não completada a tempo (até {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Processo de negociação
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the mediator or arbitrator arrived (e.g. if you did not get a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again with Cmd/Ctrl+o. You can also ask for additional help on the Bisq forum at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Abrir disputa novamente
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Abrir ticket de suporte
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Por favor, apenas use esta função em casos de emergência quando não houver um botão para "Abrir ticket de suporte" ou "Abrir disputa".\n\nQuando você abrir um ticket de suporte, a negociação será interrompida e tratada por um mediador ou árbitro.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Você precisa aguardar até ≈{0} (mais {1} blocos) para conseguir abrir uma disputa com um árbitro.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=A transação de depósito está ausente. Você não pode abrir uma disputa sem uma transação de depósito válida. Por favor, vá até "Configurações/Informações da rede" e ressincronize o arquivo SPV.\n\nPara mais informações, por favor acesse o canal #support do time da Bisq na Keybase.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=The delayed payout transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=A transação de depósito não está confirmada. Você não pode abrir uma disputa com uma transação não-confirmada. Por favor, espere até que a transação seja confirmada ou vá até "Configurações/Informações da rede" e ressincronize o arquivo SPV.\n\nPara mais informações, por favor acesse o canal #support do time da Bisq na Keybase.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Precisa de ajuda?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=Caso tenha problemas, você pode tentar contactar o par de negociação no chat ou solicitar ajuda na comunidade da Bisq em https://bisq.community. Se o problema persistir, você pode solicitar ajuda adicional a um mediador.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Abrir Chat de Negociante
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Verifique o pagamento
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=O período de negociação acabou
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=Estado
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=Comprador de BTC / Ofetante
support.sellerOfferer=Vendedor de BTC / Ofertante
support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq não é uma empresa, então ela lida com disputas de uma forma diferente.\n\nComerciantes podem se comunicar dentro do aplicativo usando um chat seguro na tela de negociações em aberto para tentar resolver conflitos entre eles mesmos. Se isto não for o suficiente, um mediador pode intervir para ajudar. O mediador irá avaliar a situação e sugerir um pagamento. Se ambos comerciantes aceitarem essa sugestão, a transação de pagamento é finalizada e a negociação é fechada. Se um or ambos os comerciantes não concordarem com o pagamento sugerido pelo mediador, eles podem solicitar arbitragem. O árbitro irá reavaliar a situação e, se justificado, pagará pessoalmente o comerciante e então solicitará reembolso deste pagamento à DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensagem do sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Você abriu um pedido de suporte.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq versão: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Você abriu um pedido para uma disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq versão: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=O seu parceiro de negociação solicitou suporte devido
support.peerOpenedDispute=O seu parceiro de negociação solicitou uma disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nVersão do Bisq: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=O seu parceiro de negociação solicitou mediação.\n\n{0}\n\nVersão do Bisq: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=System message: Mediator''s dispute summary:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Endereço do nó do mediador: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transaction has used an invalid receiver address. It does not match any of the DAO parameter values for the valid donation addresses.\n\nThis might be a scam attempt. Please inform the developers about that incident and do not close that case before the situation is resolved!\n\nAddress used in the dispute: {0}\n\nAll DAO param donation addresses: {1}\n\nTrade ID: {2}{3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Pares ignorados [endereço onion:porta]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Mín. valor de output não-poeira
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Moedas na lista de preços de mercado
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Moeda de preferência
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Exibir moedas nacionais
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Nome
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Rede Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Rede Bisq
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=Meu endereço onion
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Sim, e não me pergunte novamente
account.seed.enterPw=Digite a senha para ver a semente da carteira
account.seed.restore.info=Faça um backup antes de aplicar a restauração a partir de palavras-semente. Esteja ciente de que a restauração da carteira é apenas para casos de emergência e pode causar problemas com a base de dados interna da carteira.\nNão é uma maneira de aplicar um backup! Por favor, use um backup do diretório de dados do programa para restaurar um estado anterior do programa.\n\nDepois de restaurado, o programa será desligado automaticamente. Após ser reiniciado, o programa será ressincronizado com a rede Bitcoin. Isso pode demorar um pouco e aumenta ro consumo de CPU, especialmente se a carteira for mais antiga e tiver muitas transações. Por favor, evite interromper esse processo, caso contrário, você pode precisar excluir o diretório da corrente SPV novamente ou repetir o processo de restauração.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, restaurar e desligar o Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Data
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Assinar uma mensagem com a chave da transação de prova-de-queima
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verificar uma mensagem com a chave da transação de prova-de-queima
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copiar assinatura para a área de trabalho
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Os arquivos desatualizados do Tor fo
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=O Tor está bloqueado?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Se o Tor estiver bloqueado pelo seu provedor de internet ou em seu país, você pode tentar usar pontes do Tor.\nVisite a página do Tor em https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges para aprender mais sobre pontes e transportadores plugáveis.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Escolha a moeda para pagar a taxa de negociação
feeOptionWindow.info=Você pode optar por pagar a taxa de negociação em BSQ ou BTC. As taxas de negociação são reduzidas quando pagas com BSQ.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Escolha a moeda para pagar a taxa de negociação
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Usar BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=A DAO Bisq e BSQ estão temporariamente desativados. V
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Esta transação não é possível, pois as taxas de mineração de {0} excederiam o montante a transferir de {1}. Aguarde até que as taxas de mineração estejam novamente baixas ou até você ter acumulado mais BTC para transferir.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=A transação de taxa de ofertante para a oferta com ID {0} foi rejeitada pela rede Bitcoin.\nID da transação: {1}.\nA oferta foi removida para evitar problemas adicionais.\nPor favor, vá até "Configurações/Informações da rede" e ressincronize o arquivo SPV.\nPara mais informações, por favor acesse o canal #support do time da Bisq na Keybase.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=taxa de negociação
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=A transação de taxa de ofertante para a oferta com ID {0} é inválida.\nID da transação: {1}.\nPor favor, vá até "Configurações/Informações da rede" e ressincronize o arquivo SPV.\nPara mais informações, por favor acesse o canal #support do time da Bisq na Keybase.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Para garantir que ambas as partes sigam o protocolo de negociação, tanto o vendedor quanto o comprador precisam fazer um depósito de segurança.\n\nEste depósito permanecerá em sua carteira local até que a negociação seja concluída com sucesso. Depois, ele será devolvido para você.\n\nAtenção: se você está criando uma nova oferta, é necessário que você mantenha o programa aberto, para que outro usuário possa aceitar a sua oferta. Para manter suas ofertas online, mantenha o Bisq sempre aberto e conectado à internet (por exemplo: verifique-se de que as funções de economia de energia do seu computador estão desativadas).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Update da carteira de negociação
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Sua carteira Bisq tem saldo suficiente.\nQuantia: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Sua carteira Bisq já tinha saldo suficiente de uma tentativa anterior de aceitar oferta.\nQuantia: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Negociação concluída
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Você pode retirar seus fundos agora para sua carteira Bitcoin externa ou transferi-los para a carteira Bisq.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=Visto por {0} par(es) / 0 confirmações
confidence.confirmed=Confirmado em {0} bloco(s)
confidence.invalid=A transação é inválida
peerInfo.title=Informação do par
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Nº de negociações concluídas
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivando chave a partir da senha
password.walletDecrypted=A carteira foi decifrada com sucesso e a proteção por senha removida
password.wrongPw=Você digitou a senha incorreta.\n\nFavor tentar novamente, verificando com cuidado erros de digitação ou ortografia.
password.walletEncrypted=A carteira foi encriptada e a proteção por senha foi ativada com sucesso.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=As 2 senhas inseridas não são iguais.
password.forgotPassword=Esqueceu a senha?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.iUnderstand=Eu compreendo
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug=Reportar erro no GitHub
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Saldo da carteira de negócio
shared.makerTxFee=Ofertante: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Aceitador: {0}
shared.iConfirm=Eu confirmo
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Abrir {0}
shared.fiat=Moeda fiduciária
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=NOVO
shared.blindVoteTxId=ID de transação de voto cego
shared.learnMore=Saber mais
shared.selectedArbitrator=Árbitro selecionado
shared.selectedMediator=Mediador selecionado
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Árbitro selecionado
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=Filtrar por moeda
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Filtrar por método de pagamento
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=Esta conta foi verificada e {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=assinada pelo árbitro e pode assinar contas de pares
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=signed by a peer, waiting %d days for limits to be lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=assinada por um par e os limites foram aumentados
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=Quando você completa com sucesso um negócio co
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Ainda não assinada
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} dias
shared.notSigned=This account has not been signed yet and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type does not require signing
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=This account type does not require signing and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Altcoin accounts do not feature signing or aging
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=Sim, usar meu valor mais baixo
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=O preço que você inseriu está fora do valor máx. de desvio permitido do preço de mercado.\nO máx. desvio permitido é {0} e pode ser ajustado nas preferências.
createOffer.changePrice=Alterar preço
createOffer.tac=Com a publicação dessa oferta, concordo em negociar com qualquer negociador que preencha as condições definidas nesse ecrã.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Taxa de negócio
createOffer.setDeposit=Definir o depósito de segurança do comprador (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Definir o meu depósito de segurança enquanto comprador (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Set both traders' security deposit (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Percentage price deviation from market
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Esperando confirmação da blockchain
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Iniciar pagamento
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Sim, eu recebi o pa
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=IMPORTANTE: Ao confirmar a recepção do pagamento, você também está verificando a conta da contraparte e assinando-a. Como a conta da contraparte ainda não foi assinada, você deve adiar a confirmação do pagamento o máximo possível para reduzir o risco de estorno.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Resumo do negócio completo
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Taxa de negócio
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Taxa de mineração
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Total das taxas de mineração
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Depósito de segurança reembolsado
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Levantar seus bitcoins
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Quantia a levantar
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Levantar para o endereço
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Keep funds in Bisq wallet
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Levantar para carteira externa
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Seus fundos já foram levantados.\nPor favor, verifique o histórico de transações.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Confirmar solicitação de levantamento
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=A quantia a ser transferida é inferior à taxa de transação e o mín. valor de transação possível (poeira).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Levantamento completado
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Os seus negócios concluídos são armazenadas em \ "Portefólio/Histórico\".\nVocê pode analisar todas as suas transações de bitcoin em \"Fundos/Transações\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=Negócio concluído
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Os seus negócios concluídos são armazenadas em \ "Portefólio/Histórico\".\nVocê pode analisar todas as suas transações de bitcoin em \"Fundos/Transações\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=Você comprou
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=Você pagou
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Após a primeira confirmação da blockchain,
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Se o período é excedido ambos os negociadores podem abrir disputa.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Negócio não completo à tempo (até {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Processo de negócio
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the mediator or arbitrator arrived (e.g. if you did not get a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again with Cmd/Ctrl+o. You can also ask for additional help on the Bisq forum at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Abrir disputa novamente
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Abrir bilhete de apoio
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Por favor, use esta função apenas em casos de emergência, se você não vir o botão \"Abrir apoio\" ou \"Abrir disputa\".\n\nQuando você abre um bilhete de apoio, o negócio será interrompido e tratado por um mediador ou árbitro.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=Você deve esperar ≈{0} (mais {1} blocos) antes que você possa abrir uma disputa de arbitragem.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=A transação de depósito é null. Você não pode abrir a disputa sem uma transação de depósito válida. Por favor vá à \"Definições/Informação da Rede\" e re-sincronize o ficheiro SPV.\n\nPara mais ajuda por favor contacte o canal de apoio do Bisq na equipa Keybase do Bisq.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=The delayed payout transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=A transação de depósito não foi confirmada. Você pode abrir uma disputa de arbitragem com uma transação de depósito não confirmada. Por favor espere até que seja confirmada ou vá à \"Definições/Informação da Rede\" e re-sincronize o ficheiro SPV.\n\nPara mais ajuda por favor contacte o canal de apoio do Bisq na equipa Keybase do Bisq.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Precisa de ajuda?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=Se tiver algum problema você pode tentar contactar o par de negociação no chat do negócio or perguntar à comunidade do Bisq em https://bisq.community. Se o seu problema ainda não for resolvido, você pode pedir mais ajuda à um mediador.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Open Trader Chat
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Verificar o pagamento
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=O período de negócio acabou
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=Estado
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=Comprador de BTC/Ofertante
support.sellerOfferer=Vendedor de BTC/Ofertante
support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC/Aceitador
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC/Aceitador
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=O Bisq não é uma empresa, por isso as disputas são tratadas diferentemente.\n\nOs negociadores podem se comunicar dentro do programa via chat seguro no ecrã de negócios abertos para tentar resolver disputas por conta própria. Se isso não for suficiente, um mediador pode ajudar. O mediador avaliará a situação e sugerirá um pagamento dos fundos de negócio. Se ambos os negociadores aceitarem essa sugestão, a transação de pagamento será concluída e o negócio será encerrado. Se um ou ambos os negociadores não concordarem com o pagamento sugerido pelo mediador, eles podem solicitar a arbitragem. O árbitro reavaliará a situação e, se justificado, pagará pessoalmente o comerciante de volta e solicitará reembolso à OAD do Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensagem do sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Você abriu um pedido para apoio.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq versão: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Você abriu um pedido para uma disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq versão: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=O seu par de negociação solicitou suporte devido a pr
support.peerOpenedDispute=O seu par de negociação solicitou uma disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nVersão Bisq: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=O seu par de negociação solicitou uma mediação.\n\n{0}\n\nVersão Bisq: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=System message: Mediator''s dispute summary:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Endereço do nó do mediador: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transaction has used an invalid receiver address. It does not match any of the DAO parameter values for the valid donation addresses.\n\nThis might be a scam attempt. Please inform the developers about that incident and do not close that case before the situation is resolved!\n\nAddress used in the dispute: {0}\n\nAll DAO param donation addresses: {1}\n\nTrade ID: {2}{3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Pares ignorados [endereço onion:porta]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Mín. valor de output não-poeira
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Moedas na lista de feed de preço de mercado
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Moeda preferrida
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Mostrar moedas nacionais
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Nome
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Rede Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Rede do Bisq
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=O meu endereço onion
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Sim, e não me pergunte novamente
account.seed.enterPw=Digite a senha para ver palavras-semente
account.seed.restore.info=Por favor, faça um backup antes de aplicar a restauração a partir de palavras-semente. Esteja ciente de que a restauração da carteira é apenas para casos de emergência e pode causar problemas com a base de dados interna da carteira.\nNão é uma maneira de aplicar um backup! Por favor, use um backup do diretório de dados do programa para restaurar um estado anterior do programa.\n\nDepois de restaurar o programa será desligado automaticamente. Depois de ter reiniciado o programa, ele será ressincronizado com a rede Bitcoin. Isso pode demorar um pouco e consumir muito do CPU, especialmente se a carteira for mais antiga e tiver muitas transações. Por favor, evite interromper esse processo, caso contrário, você pode precisar excluir o ficheiro da corrente do SPV novamente ou repetir o processo de restauração.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, restaurar e desligar Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Data
dao.proofOfBurn.pubKey=Chave Pública
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Assinar uma mensagem com a chave da transação de prova de destruição
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verificar uma mensagem com a chave da transação de prova de destruição
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Copiar assinatura para o clipboard
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Ficheiros de Tor desatualizados apag
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=O Tor está bloqueado?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Se o Tor estiver bloqueado pelo seu fornecedor de internet ou pelo seu país, você pode tentar usar pontes Tor.\nVisite a página web do Tor em: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges para saber mais sobre pontes e transportes conectáveis.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Escolha a moeda para o pagamento da taxa de negócio
feeOptionWindow.info=Pode escolher pagar a taxa de negócio em BSQ ou em BTC. Se escolher BSQ tira proveito da taxa de negócio descontada.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Escolha a moeda para o pagamento da taxa de negócio
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Usar BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=A OAD do Bisq e BSQ foram temporariamente desativados.
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Esta transação não é possível, pois as taxas de mineração de {0} excederia o montante a transferir de {1}. Aguarde até que as taxas de mineração estejam novamente baixas ou até você ter acumulado mais BTC para transferir.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=A transação da taxa de ofertante para a oferta com o ID {0} foi rejeitada pela rede do Bitcoin.\nID da transação={1}.\nA oferta foi removida para evitar futuros problemas.\nPor favor vá à \"Definições/Informação da Rede\" e re-sincronize o ficheiro SPV.\nPara mais ajuda por favor contacte o canal de apoio do Bisq na equipa Keybase do Bisq.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=taxa de negócio
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=A transação de taxa de ofertante para a oferta com o ID {0} é inválida\nID da transação={1}.\nPor favor vá à \"Definições/Informação da Rede\" e re-sincronize o ficheiro SPV.\nPara mais ajuda por favor contacte o canal de apoio do Bisq na equipa Keybase do Bisq.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Para garantir que ambos os negociadores seguem o protocolo de negócio, ambos os negociadores precisam pagar um depósito de segurança.\n\nEsse depósito é mantido na sua carteira de negócio até que o seu negócio seja concluído com sucesso, e então lhe será reembolsado.\n\nPor favor note: se você está criando uma nova oferta, o Bisq precisa estar em execução para que um outro negociador a aceite. Para manter suas ofertas online, mantenha o Bisq em execução e certifique-se de que este computador permaneça online também (ou seja, certifique-se de que ele não alterne para o modo de espera... o modo de espera do monitor não causa problema).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Atualização da carteira de negociação
notification.walletUpdate.msg=A sua carteira está suficientemente financiada.\nQuantia: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=A sua carteira de negociação já estava suficientemente financiada por uma tentativa de aceitação de oferta anterior.\nQuantia: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Negócio concluído
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Você pode levantar seus fundos agora para sua carteira Bitcoin externa ou transferi-la para a carteira Bisq.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=Visto por {0} par(es) / 0 confirmações
confidence.confirmed=Confirmado em {0} bloco(s)
confidence.invalid=A transação é inválida
peerInfo.title=Informação do par
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Número de negócios completos
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivar chave a partir da senha
password.walletDecrypted=A carteira foi descriptografada com sucesso e a proteção por senha removida.
password.wrongPw=Você digitou a senha errada.\n\nPor favor, tente digitar sua senha novamente, verificando com atenção se há erros de ortografia.
password.walletEncrypted=Carteira encriptada com sucesso e proteção por senha ativada.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=As 2 senhas inseridas não são iguais.
password.forgotPassword=Esqueceu a senha?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=Ок
shared.iUnderstand=Я понимаю
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug=Report bug on GitHub
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Баланс кошелька сделки
shared.makerTxFee=Мейкер: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Тейкер: {0}
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Открыть {0}
shared.fiat=Нац. валюта
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=НОВОЕ
shared.blindVoteTxId=Идент. транзакции слепого голосования
shared.learnMore=Узнать больше
shared.selectedArbitrator=Выбранный арбитр
shared.selectedMediator=Selected mediator
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Выбранный арбитр
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=Фильтровать по валюте
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Фильтровать по способу оплаты
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=This account was verified and {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=signed by a peer, waiting %d days for limits to be lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=signed by a peer and limits were lifted
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=When you successfully complete a trade with a pe
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} дн.
shared.notSigned=This account has not been signed yet and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type does not require signing
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=This account type does not require signing and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Altcoin accounts do not feature signing or aging
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=Использовать выбранную сумму
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Введенный курс превышает максимально допустимое отклонение от рыночного курса.\nДопустимое отклонение составляет {0}. Его размер можно установить в настройках.
createOffer.changePrice=Изменить курс
createOffer.tac=Публикуя данное предложение, я выражаю согласие торговать с любым трейдером, соответствующим условиям, указанным на экране.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Комиссия за сделку
createOffer.setDeposit=Установить сумму залога покупателя (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Установить мой залог как покупателя (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Set both traders' security deposit (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Percentage price deviation from market
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Ожидание подтверждения в блокчейне
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Сделать платеж
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Да, я получ
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=IMPORTANT: By confirming receipt of payment, you are also verifying the account of the counterparty and signing it accordingly. Since the account of the counterparty hasn't been signed yet, you should delay confirmation of the payment as long as possible to reduce the risk of a chargeback.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Детали завершённой сделки
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Комиссия за сделку
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Комиссия майнера
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Oбщая комиссия майнера
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=Сумма возмещённого залога
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Вывести биткойны
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Сумма для вывода
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=Вывести на адрес
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Keep funds in Bisq wallet
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=Вывести на внешний кошелёк
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Ваши средства уже сняты.\nПросмотрите журнал транзакций.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Подтвердите запрос на вывод
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Сумма перевода ниже комиссии за транзакцию и минимально возможного значения («пыли»).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Вывод выполнен
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Ваши завершенные сделки хранятся в разделе \«Сделки/История\».\nВсе ваши биткойн-транзакции указаны в разделе \«Средства/Транзакции\».
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=Сделка завершена
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Ваши завершенные сделки хранятся в разделе \«Сделки/История\».\nВсе ваши биткойн-транзакции указаны в разделе \«Средства/Транзакции\».
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=Вы купили
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=Вы заплатили
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Начало отсчета срока сде
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=При превышении срока оба трейдера могут начать спор.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=Сделка не завершена вовремя (до {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Процесс сделки
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the mediator or arbitrator arrived (e.g. if you did not get a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again with Cmd/Ctrl+o. You can also ask for additional help on the Bisq forum at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Начать спор заново
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Обратиться за поддержкой
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Please use this function only in emergency cases if you don't see a \"Open support\" or \"Open dispute\" button.\n\nWhen you open a support ticket the trade will be interrupted and handled by a mediator or arbitrator.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=You have to wait until ≈{0} ({1} more blocks) before you can open an arbitration dispute.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=The delayed payout transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Need help?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=If you have any problems you can try to contact the trade peer in the trade chat or ask the Bisq community at https://bisq.community. If your issue still isn't resolved, you can request more help from a mediator.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Open Trader Chat
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Check payment
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=Время сделки истекло
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=Состояние
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=Покупатель ВТС/мейкер
support.sellerOfferer=Продавец ВТС/мейкер
support.buyerTaker=Покупатель ВТС/тейкер
support.sellerTaker=Продавец BTC/тейкер
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Системное сообщение: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Вы запросили поддержку.\n\n{0}\n\nВерсия Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Вы начали спор.\n\n{0}\n\nВерсия Bisq: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Your trading peer has requested support due to technica
support.peerOpenedDispute=Your trading peer has requested a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Your trading peer has requested mediation.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=System message: Mediator''s dispute summary:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Mediator''s node address: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transaction has used an invalid receiver address. It does not match any of the DAO parameter values for the valid donation addresses.\n\nThis might be a scam attempt. Please inform the developers about that incident and do not close that case before the situation is resolved!\n\nAddress used in the dispute: {0}\n\nAll DAO param donation addresses: {1}\n\nTrade ID: {2}{3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Игнорируемые пиры [onion-адрес:порт]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Мин. значение, не являющееся «пылью»
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Валюты в перечне источника рыночного курса
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Предпочитаемая валюта
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Показать нац. валюты
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Имя
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Сеть Биткойн
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=Мой onion-адрес
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Да и не спрашивать снова
account.seed.enterPw=Введите пароль, чтобы увидеть мнемоническую фразу
account.seed.restore.info=Создайте резервную копию перед восстановлением с помощью мнемонической фразы. Помните, что восстановление кошелька используется в экстренных случаях и может вызвать сбой внутренней базы данных кошелька.\nЭто не способ резервного копирования! Используйте резервную копию из каталога данных приложения для восстановления его предыдущего состояния.\n\nПосле восстановления приложение автоматически закроется. Когда вы повторно запустите приложение, оно снова синхронизируется с сетью Биткойн. Это может занять долгое время и привести к высокой нагрузке на центральный процессор, особенно если кошелёк был создан давно и хранил много транзакций. Не прерывайте данный процесс. Иначе вам придется удалить файл цепи SPV или повторить процесс восстановления сначала.
account.seed.restore.ok=Восстановить и закрыть Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Дата
dao.proofOfBurn.pubKey=Публичный ключ
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Подписать сообщение ключом из транзакции proof or burn
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Подтвердить сообщение ключом из транзакции proof or burn
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Скопировать подпись в буфер
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Устаревшие файлы Tor
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Tor сеть заблокирована?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Если Tor заблокирован вашим интернет-провайдером или правительством, попробуйте использовать мосты Tor.\nПосетите веб-страницу Tor по адресу: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges, чтобы узнать больше о мостах и подключаемых транспортных протоколах.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Выберите валюту для оплаты торгового сбора
feeOptionWindow.info=Вы можете оплатить комиссию за сделку в BSQ или BTC. Если вы выберите BSQ, то сумма комиссии будет ниже.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Выберите валюту для оплаты комиссии за сделку
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Использовать ВТС
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2401,7 +2406,7 @@ popup.warning.tradePeriod.halfReached=Половина макс. допусти
popup.warning.tradePeriod.ended=Your trade with ID {0} has reached the max. allowed trading period and is not completed.\n\nThe trade period ended on {1}\n\nPlease check your trade at \"Portfolio/Open trades\" for contacting the mediator.
popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.headline=Вы не создали торговый счёт
popup.warning.noTradingAccountSetup.msg=Перед созданием предложения необходимо создать счета в национальной валюте или альткойнах. \nСоздать счёт?
popup.warning.noArbitratorsAvailable=Нет доступных арбитров.
popup.warning.noArbitratorsAvailable= Нет доступных арбитров.
popup.warning.noMediatorsAvailable=There are no mediators available.
popup.warning.notFullyConnected=Необходимо дождаться полного подключения к сети.\nОно может занять до 2 минут.
popup.warning.notSufficientConnectionsToBtcNetwork=Необходимо дождаться не менее {0} соединений с сетью Биткойн.
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=ДАО Bisq и торговля BSQ временно
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Данную транзакцию невозможно завершить, так как плата за нее ({0}) превышает сумму перевода ({1}). Подождите, пока плата за транзакцию не снизится или пока у вас не появится больше BTC для завершения перевода.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=trade fee
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Чтобы гарантировать соблюдение торгового протокола трейдерами, им обоим необходимо внести залог.\n\nЗалог останется в вашем кошельке до успешного завершения сделки, а затем будет возвращен вам.\n\nОбратите внимание, что если вы создаёте новое предложение, приложение Bisq должно быть подключено к сети, чтобы его могли принять другие трейдеры. Чтобы ваши предложения были доступны в сети, компьютер и приложение должны быть включены и подключены к сети (убедитесь, что компьютер не перешёл в режим ожидания; переход монитора в спящий режим не влияет на работу приложения).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Обновление торгового ко
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Ваш торговый кошелёк содержит достаточно средств.\nСумма: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Ваш торговый кошелёк уже содержит достаточно средств с прошлой попытки принять предложение.\nСумма: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=Сделка завершена
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Теперь вы можете вывести свои средства на свой внешний кошелёк Биткойн или перевести их в кошелёк Bisq.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2558,7 +2563,7 @@ guiUtil.accountExport.exportFailed=Экспорт в CSV не удался из-
guiUtil.accountExport.selectExportPath=Выбрать директорию для экспорта
guiUtil.accountImport.imported=Торговый счёт импортирован из:\n{0}\n\nИмпортированные счета:\n{1}
guiUtil.accountImport.noAccountsFound=Экспортированные торговые счета не найдены в: {0}.\nИмя файла {1}.
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.warning=Вы собираетесь открыть веб-страницу в веб-браузере.\nСделать это сейчас? \n\nЕсли вы не используете \«Tor\» в качестве веб-браузера по умолчанию, вы откроете веб-страницу в клирнете.\n\nURL: \«{0}\»
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.warning=Вы собираетесь открыть веб-страницу в веб-браузере.\nСделать это сейчас? \n\nЕсли вы не используете \«Tor\» в качестве веб-браузера по умолчанию, вы откроете веб-страницу в клирнете.\n\nURL: \«{0}\»
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.doOpen=Открыть веб-страницу и не спрашивать снова
guiUtil.openWebBrowser.copyUrl=Скопировать URL и отменить
guiUtil.ofTradeAmount=от суммы сделки
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=Замечена {0} пиром (-ами) / 0 подтвержд
confidence.confirmed=Подтверждена в {0} блоке (-ах)
confidence.invalid=Недействительная транзакция
peerInfo.title=Данные трейдера
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Количество завершенных сделок
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=Извлечь ключ из пароля
password.walletDecrypted=Кошелёк успешно расшифрован, защита паролем удалена.
password.wrongPw=Вы ввели неверный пароль.\n\nПопробуйте снова, обратив внимание на возможные ошибки ввода.
password.walletEncrypted=Кошелёк успешно зашифрован, защита паролем включена.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Введённые вами 2 пароля не совпадают.
password.forgotPassword=Забыли пароль?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=ตกลง
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug=Report bug on GitHub
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=ยอดคงเหลือของ Trade wallet
shared.makerTxFee=ผู้ทำ: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=ผู้รับ: {0}
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=เปิด {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=NEW
shared.blindVoteTxId=ID การทำธุรกรรมการลงคะแนนเสียงแบบไม่ระบุตัวตน
shared.learnMore=Learn more
shared.selectedMediator=Selected mediator
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=กรองตามสกุลเงิน
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=This account was verified and {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=signed by a peer, waiting %d days for limits to be lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=signed by a peer and limits were lifted
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=When you successfully complete a trade with a pe
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} วัน
shared.notSigned=This account has not been signed yet and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type does not require signing
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=This account type does not require signing and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Altcoin accounts do not feature signing or aging
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=ใช่ ใช้ค่าต่ำกว่าข
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=ราคาที่คุณป้อนอยู่เกินออกจากส่วนเบี่ยงเบนที่ได้รับอนุญาตจากราคาตลาด\nค่าเบี่ยงเบนสูงสุดที่อนุญาตคือ {0} และสามารถปรับได้ตามความต้องการ
createOffer.tac=ด้วยการเผยแพร่ข้อเสนอพิเศษนี้ ฉันยอมรับการซื้อขายกับผู้ค้ารายย่อยที่ปฏิบัติตามเงื่อนไขที่กำหนดไว้บนหน้าจอนี้
createOffer.setDeposit=Set buyer's security deposit (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Set my security deposit as buyer (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Set both traders' security deposit (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Percentage price deviation from market
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=ใช่ ฉั
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=IMPORTANT: By confirming receipt of payment, you are also verifying the account of the counterparty and signing it accordingly. Since the account of the counterparty hasn't been signed yet, you should delay confirmation of the payment as long as possible to reduce the risk of a chargeback.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=ถอนเงิน bitcoin ของคุณ
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Keep funds in Bisq wallet
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=ถอนไปยัง wallet ภายนอก
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=จำนวนเงินที่โอนจะต่ำกว่าค่าธรรมเนียมการทำธุรกรรมและมูลค่าต่ำกว่าที่น่าจะเป็น (dust หน่วยเล็กสุดของ bitcoin)
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=การซื้อขายที่เสร็จสิ้นของคุณจะถูกเก็บไว้ภายใต้ \"Portfolio (แฟ้มผลงาน) / ประวัติ\" \nคุณสามารถตรวจสอบการทำธุรกรรม Bitcoin ทั้งหมดภายใต้ \"เงิน / ธุรกรรม \"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=การซื้อขายที่เสร็จสิ้นของคุณจะถูกเก็บไว้ภายใต้ \"Portfolio (แฟ้มผลงาน) / ประวัติ\" \nคุณสามารถตรวจสอบการทำธุรกรรม Bitcoin ทั้งหมดภายใต้ \"เงิน / ธุรกรรม \"
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=หลังจากการยืนยั
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=การซื้อขายไม่เสร็จสิ้นภายในเวลา (จนถึง {0})
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the mediator or arbitrator arrived (e.g. if you did not get a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again with Cmd/Ctrl+o. You can also ask for additional help on the Bisq forum at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Please use this function only in emergency cases if you don't see a \"Open support\" or \"Open dispute\" button.\n\nWhen you open a support ticket the trade will be interrupted and handled by a mediator or arbitrator.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=You have to wait until ≈{0} ({1} more blocks) before you can open an arbitration dispute.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=The delayed payout transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Need help?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=If you have any problems you can try to contact the trade peer in the trade chat or ask the Bisq community at https://bisq.community. If your issue still isn't resolved, you can request more help from a mediator.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Open Trader Chat
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Check payment
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=Trade period is over
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=สถานะ
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=BTC ผู้ซื้อ / ผู้สร้าง
support.sellerOfferer= BTC ผู้ขาย/ ผู้สร้าง
support.buyerTaker=BTC ผู้ซื้อ / ผู้รับ
support.sellerTaker=BTC ผู้ขาย / ผู้รับ
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=ระบบข้อความ: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=You opened a request for support.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=You opened a request for a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Your trading peer has requested support due to technica
support.peerOpenedDispute=Your trading peer has requested a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Your trading peer has requested mediation.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=System message: Mediator''s dispute summary:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Mediator''s node address: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transaction has used an invalid receiver address. It does not match any of the DAO parameter values for the valid donation addresses.\n\nThis might be a scam attempt. Please inform the developers about that incident and do not close that case before the situation is resolved!\n\nAddress used in the dispute: {0}\n\nAll DAO param donation addresses: {1}\n\nTrade ID: {2}{3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Ignored peers [onion address:port]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Min. non-dust output value
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=ชื่อ
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=เครือข่าย Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=ที่อยู่ onion ของฉัน
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=ใช่ และไม่ต้องถามฉ
account.seed.enterPw=ป้อนรหัสผ่านเพื่อดูรหัสสำรองข้อมูล wallet
account.seed.restore.info=Please make a backup before applying restore from seed words. Be aware that wallet restore is only for emergency cases and might cause problems with the internal wallet database.\nIt is not a way for applying a backup! Please use a backup from the application data directory for restoring a previous application state.\n\nAfter restoring the application will shut down automatically. After you have restarted the application it will resync with the Bitcoin network. This can take a while and can consume a lot of CPU, especially if the wallet was older and had many transactions. Please avoid interrupting that process, otherwise you might need to delete the SPV chain file again or repeat the restore process.
account.seed.restore.ok=Ok, do the restore and shut down Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=วันที่
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from proof of burn transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from proof of burn transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=ไฟล์ Tor ที่ล้า
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Tor ถูกบล็อกหรือไม่
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=ถ้า Tor ถูกปิดกั้นโดยผู้ให้บริการอินเทอร์เน็ตหรือประเทศของคุณ คุณสามารถลองใช้ Tor bridges\nไปที่หน้าเว็บของ Tor ที่ https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges เพื่อเรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับสะพานและการขนส่งแบบ pluggable
feeOptionWindow.info=คุณสามารถเลือกที่จะชำระค่าธรรมเนียมทางการค้าใน BSQ หรือใน BTC แต่ถ้าคุณเลือก BSQ คุณจะได้รับส่วนลดค่าธรรมเนียมการซื้อขาย
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=ใช้ BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=The Bisq DAO and BSQ are temporary disabled. Please ch
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=This transaction is not possible, as the mining fees of {0} would exceed the amount to transfer of {1}. Please wait until the mining fees are low again or until you''ve accumulated more BTC to transfer.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=trade fee
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าเทรดเดอร์ทั้งคู่นั้นได้ปฏิบัติตามข้อสนธิสัญญาในการค้า เทรดเดอร์จำเป็นต้องทำการชำระค่าประกัน\n\nค่าประกันนี้คือถูกเก็บไว้ในกระเป๋าสตางค์การเทรดของคุณจนกว่าการเทรดของคุณจะดำเนินการสำเร็จ และคุณจะได้รับมันคืนหลังจากนั้น \n\nโปรดทราบ: หากคุณกำลังสร้างข้อเสนอขึ้นมาใหม่ Bisq จำเป็นที่ต้องดำเนินงานต่อเนื่องไปยังเทรดเดอร์รายอื่น และเพื่อที่สถานะข้อเสนอทางออนไลน์ของคุณจะยังคงอยู่ Bisq จะยังคงดำเนินงานต่อเนื่อง และโปรดมั่นใจว่าเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์นี้กำลังออนไลน์อยู่ด้วยเช่นกัน (ยกตัวอย่างเช่น ตรวจเช็คว่าสวิทช์ไฟไม่ได้อยู่ในโหมดแสตนบายด์...หน้าจอแสตนบายด์คือปกติดี)
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=อัพเดตกระเป๋าสต
notification.walletUpdate.msg=กระเป๋าสตางค์ของคุณได้รับเงินเพียงพอ\nจำนวนเงิน: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=wallet ของคุณได้รับการสนับสนุนจากการเสนอราคาก่อนหน้านี้\nจำนวนเงิน: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=คุณสามารถถอนเงินของคุณตอนนี้ไปยังแหล่งเงินกระเป๋าสตางค์นอก Bitcoin ของคุณหรือโอนเงินไปที่กระเป๋าสตางค์ของ Bisq
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=เห็นโดย {0} peer (s) / 0 การยืนยั
confidence.confirmed=ยืนยันใน {0} บล็อก(หลายอัน)
peerInfo.title=ข้อมูล Peer
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=ดึงข้อมูลจากรหัสผ่าน
password.wrongPw=คุณป้อนรหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง\n\nโปรดลองป้อนรหัสผ่านอีกครั้งโดยละเอียด เพื่อตรวจสอบความผิดพลาดในการพิมพ์หรือสะกด
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=รหัสผ่าน 2 รายการที่คุณป้อนไม่ตรงกัน
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=OK
shared.iUnderstand=Tôi hiểu
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.na=Không áp dụng
shared.reportBug=Report bug on GitHub
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=Số dư ví giao dịch
shared.makerTxFee=Người tạo: {0}
shared.takerTxFee=Người nhận: {0}
shared.iConfirm=Tôi xác nhận
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=Mở {0}
shared.fiat=Tiền pháp định
shared.crypto=Tiền mã hóa
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=MỚI
shared.blindVoteTxId=Mã giao dịch bỏ phiếu mù
shared.proposal=Đề xuất
shared.votes=Các phiếu bầu
shared.learnMore=Tìm hiểu thêm
shared.selectedArbitrator=Trọng tài được chọn
shared.selectedMediator=Selected mediator
shared.selectedRefundAgent=Trọng tài được chọn
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=Lọc theo tiền tệ
offerbook.filterByPaymentMethod=Lọc theo phương thức thanh toán
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning=Account info
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info=This account was verified and {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.arbitrator=signed by an arbitrator and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peer=signed by a peer, waiting %d days for limits to be lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.peerLimitLifted=signed by a peer and limits were lifted
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=When you successfully complete a trade with a pe
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} ngày
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Không áp dụng
shared.notSigned=This account has not been signed yet and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type does not require signing
shared.notSigned.noNeedDays=This account type does not require signing and was created {0} days ago
shared.notSigned.noNeedAlts=Altcoin accounts do not feature signing or aging
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=Vâng, sử dụng giá trị thấp hơn
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=Giá bạn vừa nhập ngoài sai lệch cho phép tối đa so với giá thị trường.\nSai lệch cho phép tối đa là {0} và có thể điều chỉnh trong quyền ưu tiên.
createOffer.changePrice=Thay đổi giá
createOffer.tac=Với việc công bố chào giá này, tôi đồng ý giao dịch với bất cứ Thương gia nào đáp ứng các điều kiện nêu rõ trên màn hình này.
createOffer.currencyForFee=Phí giao dịch
createOffer.setDeposit=Cài đặt tiền đặt cọc của người mua (%)
createOffer.setDepositAsBuyer=Cài đặt tiền đặt cọc của tôi với vai trò người mua (%)
createOffer.setDepositForBothTraders=Set both traders' security deposit (%)
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Percentage price deviation from market
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.step1.waitForConf=Đợi xác nhận blockchain
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.startPayment=Bắt đầu thanh toán
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=Vâng, tôi đã nh
portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.signer=IMPORTANT: By confirming receipt of payment, you are also verifying the account of the counterparty and signing it accordingly. Since the account of the counterparty hasn't been signed yet, you should delay confirmation of the payment as long as possible to reduce the risk of a chargeback.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle=Tóm tắt giao dịch đã hoàn thành
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeFee=Phí giao dịch
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.makersMiningFee=Phí đào
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.takersMiningFee=Tổng phí đào
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.refunded=tiền gửi đặt cọc được hoàn lại
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawBTC=Rút bitcoin của bạn
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amount=Số tiền được rút
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawToAddress=rút tới địa chỉ
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=Keep funds in Bisq wallet
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawExternal=rút tới ví ngoài
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.alreadyWithdrawn=Số tiền của bạn đã được rút.\nVui lòng kiểm tra lịch sử giao dịch.
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.confirmWithdrawal=Xác nhận yêu cầu rút
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.amountTooLow=Số tiền chuyển nhỏ hơn phí giao dịch và giá trị tx tối thiểu (dust).
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.headline=Rút hoàn tất
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.withdrawalCompleted.msg=Các giao dịch đã hoàn thành của bạn được lưu trong \"Portfolio/Lịch sử\".\nBạn có thể xem lại tất cả giao dịch bitcoin của bạn tại \"Vốn/Giao dịch\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.headline=giao dịch đã hoàn thành
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.tradeCompleted.msg=Các giao dịch đã hoàn thành của bạn được lưu trong \"Portfolio/Lịch sử\".\nBạn có thể xem lại tất cả giao dịch bitcoin của bạn tại \"Vốn/Giao dịch\"
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.bought=Bạn đã mua
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.paid=Bạn đã thanh toán
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=Sau xác nhận blockchain đầu tiên, thờ
portfolio.pending.tradePeriodWarning=Nếu quá thời gian giao dịch, cả hai Thương gia đều có thể mở khiếu nại.
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=giao dịch không được hoàn thành đúng thời gian (cho đến khi {0})
portfolio.pending.tradeProcess=Quá trình giao dịch
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=If you are not sure that the message to the mediator or arbitrator arrived (e.g. if you did not get a response after 1 day) feel free to open a dispute again with Cmd/Ctrl+o. You can also ask for additional help on the Bisq forum at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.community].
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.button=Mở khiếu nại lần nữa
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.headline=Mở vé hỗ trợ
portfolio.pending.openSupportTicket.msg=Please use this function only in emergency cases if you don't see a \"Open support\" or \"Open dispute\" button.\n\nWhen you open a support ticket the trade will be interrupted and handled by a mediator or arbitrator.
portfolio.pending.timeLockNotOver=You have to wait until ≈{0} ({1} more blocks) before you can open an arbitration dispute.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.error.delayedPayoutTxNull=The delayed payout transaction is null. You can move the trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.headline.getHelp=Need help?
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=If you have any problems you can try to contact the trade peer in the trade chat or ask the Bisq community at https://bisq.community. If your issue still isn't resolved, you can request more help from a mediator.
portfolio.pending.support.button.getHelp=Open Trader Chat
portfolio.pending.support.headline.halfPeriodOver=Check payment
portfolio.pending.support.headline.periodOver=Trade period is over
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=Trạng thái
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=Người mua BTC/Người tạo
support.sellerOfferer=Người bán BTC/Người tạo
support.buyerTaker=Người mua BTC/Người nhận
support.sellerTaker=Người bán BTC/Người nhận
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Tin nhắn hệ thống: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Bạn đã mở yêu cầu hỗ trợ.\n\n{0}\n\nPhiên bản Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Bạn đã mở yêu cầu giải quyết tranh chấp.\n\n{0}\n\nPhiên bản Bisq: {1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=Your trading peer has requested support due to technica
support.peerOpenedDispute=Your trading peer has requested a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=Your trading peer has requested mediation.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.mediatorsDisputeSummary=System message: Mediator''s dispute summary:\n{0}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.mediatorsAddress=Mediator''s node address: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=The delayed payout transaction has used an invalid receiver address. It does not match any of the DAO parameter values for the valid donation addresses.\n\nThis might be a scam attempt. Please inform the developers about that incident and do not close that case before the situation is resolved!\n\nAddress used in the dispute: {0}\n\nAll DAO param donation addresses: {1}\n\nTrade ID: {2}{3}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress.mediator=\n\nDo you still want to close the dispute?
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=Transaction fee must be at least {0} satoshis/vbyte
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=Your input is above any reasonable value (>5000 satoshis/vbyte). Transaction fee is usually in the range of 50-400 satoshis/vbyte.
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=Bỏ qua đối tác[địa chỉ onion:cổng]
setting.preferences.ignoreDustThreshold=Giá trị đầu ra tối thiểu không phải số dư nhỏ
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
setting.preferences.currenciesInList=Tiền tệ trong danh sách cung cấp giá thị trường
setting.preferences.prefCurrency=Tiền tệ ưu tiên
setting.preferences.displayFiat=Hiển thị tiền tệ các nước
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=Tên
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=Transaction URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=Address URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.btcHeader=Mạng Bitcoin
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq network
settings.net.onionAddressLabel=Địa chỉ onion của tôi
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Có và không hỏi lại
account.seed.enterPw=Nhập mật khẩu để xem seed words
account.seed.restore.info=Vui lòng tạo sao lưu dự phòng trước khi tiến hành khôi phục ví từ các từ khởi tạo. Phải hiểu rằng việc khôi phục ví chỉ nên thực hiện trong các trường hợp khẩn cấp và có thể gây sự cố với cơ sở dữ liệu ví bên trong.\nĐây không phải là một cách sao lưu dự phòng! Vui lòng sử dụng sao lưu dự phòng từ thư mục dữ liệu của ứng dụng để khôi phục trạng thái ban đầu của ứng dụng.\n\nSau khi khôi phục ứng dụng sẽ tự động tắt. Sau khi bạn khởi động lại, ứng dụng sẽ tái đồng bộ với mạng Bitcoin. Quá trình này có thể mất một lúc và tiêu tốn khá nhiều CPU, đặc biệt là khi ví đã cũ và có nhiều giao dịch. Vui lòng không làm gián đoạn quá trình này, nếu không bạn có thể sẽ phảỉ xóa file chuỗi SPV một lần nữa hoặc lặp lại quy trình khôi phục.
account.seed.restore.ok=Được, hãy thực hiện khôi phục và tắt ứng dụng Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=Ngày
dao.proofOfBurn.txs=Giao dịch
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Ký một thông điệp với khóa lấy từ bằng chứng giao dịch đót
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Xác minh một thông điệp với khóa lấy từ bằng chứng giao dịch đốt
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.copySig=Sao chép chữ ký tới clipboard
dao.proofOfBurn.message=Tin nhắn
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=Các file Tor lỗi thời đã xóa
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Tor bị khoá?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=Nếu Tor bị kẹt do nhà cung cấp internet hoặc quốc gia của bạn, bạn có thể thử dùng cầu nối Tor.\nTruy cập trang web Tor tại: https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges để biết thêm về cầu nối và phương tiện vận chuyển kết nối được.
feeOptionWindow.headline=Chọn đồng tiền để thanh toán phí giao dịch
feeOptionWindow.info=Bạn có thể chọn thanh toán phí giao dịch bằng BSQ hoặc BTC. Nếu bạn chọn BSQ, bạn sẽ được khấu trừ phí giao dịch.
feeOptionWindow.optionsLabel=Chọn đồng tiền để thanh toán phí giao dịch
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=Sử dụng BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0} (≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=The Bisq DAO and BSQ are temporary disabled. Please ch
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Không thể thực hiện giao dịch, vì phí đào {0} vượt quá số lượng {1} cần chuyển. Vui lòng chờ tới khi phí đào thấp xuống hoặc khi bạn tích lũy đủ BTC để chuyển.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=trade fee
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Để đảm bảo cả hai người giao dịch đều tuân thủ giao thức giao dịch, cả hai cần phải trả một khoản tiền cọc. \n\nSố tiền cọc này được giữ ở ví giao dịch cho đến khi giao dịch của bạn được hoàn thành, sau đó nó sẽ được trả lại cho bạn. \nXin lưu ý: Nếu bạn tạo một chào giá mới, ứng dụng Bisq cần phải chạy để người giao dịch khác có thể nhận chào giá đó. Để giữ cho chào giá của bạn online, để Bisq chạy và đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn cũng online (nghĩa là đảm bảo là máy tính của bạn không chuyển qua chế độ standby, nếu màn hình chuyển qua chế độ standby thì không sao).
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=Cập nhật ví giao dịch
notification.walletUpdate.msg=Ví giao dịch của bạn không được nạp đủ tiền.\nSố tiền: {0}
notification.takeOffer.walletUpdate.msg=Ví giao dịch của bạn đã được nạp đủ tiền từ lần nhận báo giá trước.\nSố tiền: {0}
notification.tradeCompleted.headline=giao dịch đã hoàn thành
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=Bạn có thể rút tiền từ ví Bitcoin ngoài của bạn hoặc chuyển vào ví Bisq.
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=Đã xem bởi {0} đối tác / 0 xác nhận
confidence.confirmed=Xác nhận tại {0} block
confidence.invalid=Giao dịch không có hiệu lực
peerInfo.title=Thông tin đối tác
peerInfo.nrOfTrades=Số giao dịch đã hoàn thành
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=Lấy khóa từ mật khẩu
password.walletDecrypted=Ví đã giải mã thành công và bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu bị gỡ bỏ.
password.wrongPw=Bạn nhập sai mật khẩu.\n\nVui lòng nhập lại mật khẩu, kiểm tra lỗi do gõ phí hoặc lỗi chính tả cẩn thận.
password.walletEncrypted=Ví đã được mã hóa thành công và bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu được kích hoạt.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=2 mật khẩu bạn nhập không khớp.
password.forgotPassword=Quên mật khẩu?
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=好的
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug=在 Github 报告错误
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=交易钱包余额
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=打开 {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=新
shared.blindVoteTxId=匿名投票交易 ID
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=以货币筛选
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=当您成功地完成与拥有已验证付款帐
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} 天
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=是的,使用我较低的值
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=您输入的价格超过了市场价差价的最大值。\n最大值为 {0},您可以在偏好中进行调整。
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=与市场价格偏差百分比
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=是的,我已经
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=在 Bisq 钱包中保留资金
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=在第一次区块链确认之后,交易周
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=交易不会及时完成(直到 {0} )
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=如果您不确定发送给调解员或仲裁员的消息是否已送达(例如,如果您在1天后没有收到回复),请放心使用 Cmd/Ctrl+o 再次打开纠纷。你也可以在 Bisq 论坛上寻求额外的帮助,网址是 https://bisq.community。
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=保证金交易无效。没有有效的保证金交易,你使用创建纠纷。请到“设置/网络信息”进行 SPV 重新同步。\n \n如需更多帮助,请联系 Bisq Keybase 团队的 Support 频道。
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=保证金交易未确认。未经确认的存款交易不能发起纠纷或仲裁请求。请耐心等待,直到它被确认或进入“设置/网络信息”进行 SPV 重新同步。\n\n如需更多帮助,请联系 Bisq Keybase 团队的 Support 频道。
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=如果您有任何问题,您可以尝试在交易聊天中联系交易伙伴,或在 https://bisq.community 询问 Bisq 社区。如果您的问题仍然没有解决,您可以向调解员取得更多的帮助。
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=状态
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=BTC 买家/挂单者
support.sellerOfferer=BTC 卖家/挂单者
support.buyerTaker=BTC 买家/买单者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 卖家/买单者
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq 不是一家公司,所以它处理纠纷的方式不同。\n\n交易双方可以在应用程序中通过未完成交易页面上的安全聊天进行通信,以尝试自行解决争端。如果这还不够,调解员可以介入帮助。调解员将对情况进行评估,并对交易资金的支出提出建议。如果两个交易者都接受这个建议,那么支付交易就完成了,交易也结束了。如果一方或双方不同意调解员的建议,他们可以要求仲裁。仲裁员将重新评估情况,如果有必要,将亲自向交易员付款,并要求 Bisq DAO 对这笔付款进行补偿。
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=您创建了帮助请求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
support.youOpenedDispute=您创建了一个纠纷请求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=对方因技术问题请求获取帮助。\n\n{0}\n\nBi
support.peerOpenedDispute=对方创建了一个纠纷请求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=对方创建了一个调解请求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=延迟支付交易已经被用于一个不可用接受者地址。它与有效捐赠地址的任何 DAO 中参数值均不匹配。\n\n这可能是一个骗局。请将该事件通知开发者,在问题解决之前不要关闭该案件!\n\n纠纷所用的地址:{0}\n\n所有 DAO 参数中捐赠地址:{1}\n\n交易:{2}{3}
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=交易手续费必须至少为{0} 聪/字节
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=您输入的数额超过可接受值(>5000 聪/字节)。交易手续费一般在 50-400 聪/字节、
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=忽略节点 [洋葱地址:端口]
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=名称
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=交易 URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=地址 URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq 网络
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=是的,不要再问我
account.seed.restore.info=请在应用还原密钥还原之前进行备份。请注意,钱包还原仅用于紧急情况,可能会导致内部钱包数据库出现问题。\n这不是应用备份的方法!请使用应用程序数据目录中的备份来恢复以前的应用程序状态。\n恢复后,应用程序将自动关闭。重新启动应用程序后,它将重新与比特币网络同步。这可能需要一段时间,并且会消耗大量CPU,特别是在钱包较旧且有很多交易的情况下。请避免中断该进程,否则可能需要再次删除 SPV 链文件或重复还原过程。
account.seed.restore.ok=好的,立即执行回复并且关闭 Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=日期
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=过期的 Tor 文件被成功删除
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Tor 网络被屏蔽?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=如果 Tor 被您的 Internet 提供商或您的国家或地区屏蔽,您可以尝试使用 Tor 网桥。\n \n访问 Tor 网页:https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges,了解关于网桥和可插拔传输的更多信息。
feeOptionWindow.info=您可以选择用 BSQ 或 BTC 支付交易费用。如果您选择 BSQ ,您会感谢这些交易手续费折扣。
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=使用 BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0}(≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=Bisq DAO 和 BSQ 被临时禁用的。更多信息请
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=这笔交易是无法实现,因为 {0} 的挖矿手续费用会超过 {1} 的转账金额。请等到挖矿手续费再次降低或您积累了更多的 BTC 来转账。
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=交易 ID 为 {0} 的挂单费交易被比特币网络拒绝。\n交易 ID = {1}\n交易已被移至失败交易。\n请到“设置/网络信息”进行 SPV 重新同步。\n如需更多帮助,请联系 Bisq Keybase 团队的 Support 频道
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=使用 ID {1} 进行交易的 {0} 交易被比特币网络拒绝。\n交易 ID = {2}\n交易已被移至失败交易。\n请到“设置/网络信息”进行 SPV 重新同步。\n如需更多帮助,请联系 Bisq Keybase 团队的 Support 频道
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=交易 ID 为 {0} 的挂单费交易无效。\n交易 ID = {1}。\n请到“设置/网络信息”进行 SPV 重新同步。\n如需更多帮助,请联系 Bisq Keybase 团队的 Support 频道
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=为了确保双方都遵守交易协议,双方都需要支付保证金。\n\n这笔存款一直保存在您的交易钱包里,直到您的交易成功完成,然后再退还给您。\n\n请注意:如果您正在创建一个新的报价,Bisq 需要运行另一个交易员接受它。为了让您的报价在线,保持 Bisq 运行,并确保这台计算机也在线(即,确保它没有切换到待机模式…显示器可以待机)。
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=交易钱包更新
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=您现在可以提现您的资金到您的外部比特币钱包或者划转它到 Bisq 钱包。
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=被 {0} 人查看 / 0 确定
confidence.confirmed=在 {0} 区块中确认
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=从密码中提取密钥
password.walletEncryptionFailed=无法设置钱包密码。您可能导入了与钱包数据库不匹配的还原密钥。请在 Keybase 上联系开发者(https://keybase.io/team/bisq])
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ shared.ok=好的
shared.continueAnyway=Continue anyway
shared.reportBug=在 Github 報吿錯誤
@ -193,7 +194,6 @@ shared.tradeWalletBalance=交易錢包餘額
shared.tradingFeeInBsqInfo=≈ {0}
shared.openURL=打開 {0}
@ -208,8 +208,6 @@ shared.new=新
shared.blindVoteTxId=匿名投票交易 ID
@ -348,7 +346,6 @@ offerbook.filterByCurrency=以貨幣篩選
offerbook.matchingOffers=Offers matching my accounts
@ -370,8 +367,6 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.help=當您成功地完成與擁有已驗證付款帳
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.ageDays={0} 天
@ -497,7 +492,6 @@ createOffer.useLowerValue=是的,使用我較低的值
createOffer.priceOutSideOfDeviation=您輸入的價格超過了市場價差價的最大值。\n最大值為 {0},您可以在偏好中進行調整。
@ -616,7 +610,7 @@ portfolio.closedTrades.deviation.help=Percentage price deviation from market
portfolio.pending.invalidTx=There is an issue with a missing or invalid transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment.\n\nOpen a support ticket to get assistance from a Mediator.\n\nError message: {0}
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
portfolio.pending.unconfirmedTooLong=Security deposit transaction on trade {0} is still unconfirmed after {1} hours. Check the deposit transaction at a blockchain explorer; if it has been confirmed but is not being displayed as confirmed in Bisq: \n● Make a data backup [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Backing_up_application_data] \n● Do an SPV resync. [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Resyncing_SPV_file]\n\nContact Bisq support [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat] if you have doubts or the issue persists.
@ -789,20 +783,15 @@ portfolio.pending.step3_seller.onPaymentReceived.confirm.yes=是的,我已經
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.mediated=This trade was resolved by mediation
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.groupTitle.arbitrated=This trade was resolved by arbitration
portfolio.pending.step5_buyer.moveToBisqWallet=在 Bisq 錢包中保留資金
@ -822,19 +811,19 @@ portfolio.pending.tradePeriodInfo=在第一次區塊鏈確認之後,交易週
portfolio.pending.tradeNotCompleted=交易不會及時完成(直到 {0} )
portfolio.pending.stillNotResolved=If your issue remains unsolved, you can request support in our [Matrix chatroom](https://bisq.chat).\n\nAlso see [trading rules](https://bisq.wiki/Trading_rules) and [dispute resolution](https://bisq.wiki/Dispute_resolution) for reference.
portfolio.pending.openAgainDispute.msg=如果您不確定發送給調解員或仲裁員的消息是否已送達(例如,如果您在1天后沒有收到回覆),請放心使用 Cmd/Ctrl+o 再次打開糾紛。你也可以在 Bisq 論壇上尋求額外的幫助,網址是 https://bisq.community。
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=保證金交易無效。沒有有效的保證金交易,你使用創建糾紛。請到“設置/網絡信息”進行 SPV 重新同步。\n \n如需更多幫助,請聯繫 Bisq Keybase 團隊的 Support 頻道。
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNull=The deposit transaction is null. You cannot open a dispute without a valid deposit transaction. Please go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=保證金交易未確認。未經確認的存款交易不能發起糾紛或仲裁請求。請耐心等待,直到它被確認或進入“設置/網絡信息”進行 SPV 重新同步。\n\n如需更多幫助,請聯繫 Bisq Keybase 團隊的 Support 頻道。
portfolio.pending.error.depositTxNotConfirmed=The deposit transaction is not confirmed. You can not open an arbitration dispute with an unconfirmed deposit transaction. Please wait until it is confirmed or go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\n\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
portfolio.pending.support.text.getHelp=如果您有任何問題,您可以嘗試在交易聊天中聯繫交易夥伴,或在 https://bisq.community 詢問 Bisq 社區。如果您的問題仍然沒有解決,您可以向調解員取得更多的幫助。
@ -1037,16 +1026,30 @@ support.state=狀態
support.sendLogFiles=Send Log Files
support.buyerOfferer=BTC 買家/掛單者
support.sellerOfferer=BTC 賣家/掛單者
support.buyerTaker=BTC 買家/買單者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 賣家/買單者
support.sendLogs.title=Send Log Files
support.sendLogs.backgroundInfo=When you experience a bug, mediators and support staff will often request copies of the your log files to diagnose the issue.\n\n\ Upon pressing 'Send', your log files will be compressed and transmitted directly to the mediator.
support.sendLogs.step1=Create Zip Archive of Log Files
support.sendLogs.step2=Connection Request to Mediator
support.sendLogs.step3=Upload Archived Log Data
support.sendLogs.retry=Retrying send
support.sendLogs.stopped=Transfer stopped
support.sendLogs.progress=Transfer progress: %.0f%%
support.sendLogs.finished=Transfer complete!
support.sendLogs.command=Press 'Send' to retry, or 'Stop' to abort
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq 不是一家公司,所以它處理糾紛的方式不同。\n\n交易雙方可以在應用程序中通過未完成交易頁面上的安全聊天進行通信,以嘗試自行解決爭端。如果這還不夠,調解員可以介入幫助。調解員將對情況進行評估,並對交易資金的支出提出建議。如果兩個交易者都接受這個建議,那麼支付交易就完成了,交易也結束了。如果一方或雙方不同意調解員的建議,他們可以要求仲裁。仲裁員將重新評估情況,如果有必要,將親自向交易員付款,並要求 Bisq DAO 對這筆付款進行補償。
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Matrix.\n\t Mediators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Matrix.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Matrix are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=您創建了幫助請求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
support.youOpenedDispute=您創建了一個糾紛請求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
@ -1055,6 +1058,7 @@ support.peerOpenedTicket=對方因技術問題請求獲取幫助。\n\n{0}\n\nBi
support.peerOpenedDispute=對方創建了一個糾紛請求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
support.peerOpenedDisputeForMediation=對方創建了一個調解請求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
support.mediatorReceivedLogs=System message: Mediator has received logs: {0}
support.warning.disputesWithInvalidDonationAddress=延遲支付交易已經被用於一個不可用接受者地址。它與有效捐贈地址的任何 DAO 中參數值均不匹配。\n\n這可能是一個騙局。請將該事件通知開發者,在問題解決之前不要關閉該案件!\n\n糾紛所用的地址:{0}\n\n所有 DAO 參數中捐贈地址:{1}\n\n交易:{2}{3}
@ -1087,6 +1091,7 @@ setting.preferences.txFeeMin=交易手續費必須至少為{0} 聰/字節
setting.preferences.txFeeTooLarge=您輸入的數額超過可接受值(>5000 聰/字節)。交易手續費一般在 50-400 聰/字節、
setting.preferences.ignorePeers=忽略節點 [洋葱地址:端口]
setting.preferences.clearDataAfterDays=Clear sensitive data after (days)
@ -1134,6 +1139,9 @@ settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.name=名稱
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.txUrl=交易 URL
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.addressUrl=地址 URL
setting.info.headline=New data-privacy feature
settings.preferences.sensitiveDataRemoval.msg=To protect the privacy of yourself and other traders, Bisq intends to remove payment account details from old trades. This is particularly important for fiat trades which may include bank account details. Read more about this at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Data_Privacy].\n\nThe threshold for data removal can be configured on this screen via the field "Clear sensitive data after (days)". It is recommended to set it as low as possible, for example 20 days. That means trades from more than 20 days ago will have payment account details cleared, as long as they are finished. Finished trades are ones which are found in the Portfolio / History tab.
settings.net.p2pHeader=Bisq 網絡
@ -1356,7 +1364,7 @@ account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=是的,不要再問我
account.seed.restore.info=請在應用還原密鑰還原之前進行備份。請注意,錢包還原僅用於緊急情況,可能會導致內部錢包數據庫出現問題。\n這不是應用備份的方法!請使用應用程序數據目錄中的備份來恢復以前的應用程序狀態。\n恢復後,應用程序將自動關閉。重新啟動應用程序後,它將重新與比特幣網絡同步。這可能需要一段時間,並且會消耗大量CPU,特別是在錢包較舊且有很多交易的情況下。請避免中斷該進程,否則可能需要再次刪除 SPV 鏈文件或重複還原過程。
account.seed.restore.ok=好的,立即執行回覆並且關閉 Bisq
account.keys.clipboard.warning=Please note that wallet private keys are highly sensitive financial data.\n\n● You should NOT divulge any of your keys to any individual who asks for them, unless you are absolutely certain that they are to be trusted handling your money! \n\n● You should NOT copy private key data to the clipboard unless you are absolutely certain that you are running a secure computing environment that has no malware risks. \n\nMany people have lost their Bitcoin this way. If you have ANY doubts, close this dialog immediately and seek assistance from someone knowledgeable.
# Mobile notifications
@ -1753,8 +1761,8 @@ dao.proofOfBurn.date=日期
dao.proofOfBurn.signature.window.title=Sign a message with key from transaction
dao.proofOfBurn.verify.window.title=Verify a message with key from transaction
@ -2357,9 +2365,6 @@ torNetworkSettingWindow.deleteFiles.success=過期的 Tor 文件被成功刪除
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.header=Tor 網絡被屏蔽?
torNetworkSettingWindow.bridges.info=如果 Tor 被您的 Internet 提供商或您的國家或地區屏蔽,您可以嘗試使用 Tor 網橋。\n \n訪問 Tor 網頁:https://bridges.torproject.org/bridges,瞭解關於網橋和可插拔傳輸的更多信息。
feeOptionWindow.info=您可以選擇用 BSQ 或 BTC 支付交易費用。如果您選擇 BSQ ,您會感謝這些交易手續費折扣。
feeOptionWindow.useBTC=使用 BTC
feeOptionWindow.fee={0}(≈ {1})
feeOptionWindow.btcFeeWithFiatAndPercentage={0} (≈ {1} / {2})
@ -2438,13 +2443,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=Bisq DAO 和 BSQ 被臨時禁用的。更多信息請
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=這筆交易是無法實現,因為 {0} 的挖礦手續費用會超過 {1} 的轉賬金額。請等到挖礦手續費再次降低或您積累了更多的 BTC 來轉賬。
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=交易 ID 為 {0} 的掛單費交易被比特幣網絡拒絕。\n交易 ID = {1}\n交易已被移至失敗交易。\n請到“設置/網絡信息”進行 SPV 重新同步。\n如需更多幫助,請聯繫 Bisq Keybase 團隊的 Support 頻道
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=The {0} transaction for trade with ID {1} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={2}\nThe trade has been moved to failed trades.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=交易 ID 為 {0} 的掛單費交易無效。\n交易 ID = {1}。\n請到“設置/網絡信息”進行 SPV 重新同步。\n如需更多幫助,請聯繫 Bisq Keybase 團隊的 Support 頻道
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} is invalid.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Matrix Space.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=為了確保雙方都遵守交易協議,雙方都需要支付保證金。\n\n這筆存款一直保存在您的交易錢包裏,直到您的交易成功完成,然後再退還給您。\n\n請注意:如果您正在創建一個新的報價,Bisq 需要運行另一個交易員接受它。為了讓您的報價在線,保持 Bisq 運行,並確保這台計算機也在線(即,確保它沒有切換到待機模式…顯示器可以待機)。
@ -2524,7 +2529,7 @@ notification.walletUpdate.headline=交易錢包更新
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=您現在可以提現您的資金到您的外部比特幣錢包或者劃轉它到 Bisq 錢包。
notification.tradeCompleted.msg=You can withdraw your funds now to your external Bitcoin wallet from Funds > Send Funds.
notification.bsqSwap.maker.headline=BSQ swap completed
notification.bsqSwap.maker.tradeCompleted=Your offer with ID ''{0}'' has been taken.
notification.bsqSwap.confirmed.headline=BSQ swap transaction confirmed
@ -2595,6 +2600,7 @@ confidence.seen=被 {0} 人查看 / 0 確定
confidence.confirmed=在 {0} 區塊中確認
@ -2698,11 +2704,10 @@ password.deriveKey=從密碼中提取密鑰
password.walletEncryptionFailed=無法設置錢包密碼。您可能導入了與錢包數據庫不匹配的還原密鑰。請在 Keybase 上聯繫開發者(https://keybase.io/team/bisq])
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Matrix ([HYPERLINK:https://bisq.chat]).
password.setPassword=Set Password (I already made a backup)
password.makeBackup=Make Backup
@ -2765,19 +2770,33 @@ payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
@ -2885,11 +2904,11 @@ payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2902,13 +2921,13 @@ payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Users should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.account=To use Tikkie you need a bank account (IBAN) in The Netherlands and to be registered for the service.\n\nWhen you send a Tikkie payment request to an individual person you can ask to receive a maximum of €750 per Tikkie request. The maximum amount you can request within 24 hours is €2,500 per Tikkie account.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.buyer=Please request a payment link from the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Seller has sent you a payment link that matches the correct amount for the trade please proceed to payment.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.tikkie.info.seller=Please send a payment link to the BTC Seller in trader chat. Once the BTC Buyer has sent you payment please check their IBAN detail match the details they have in Bisq.\n\nWhen the BTC Seller requests a Tikkie payment the maximum they can ask to receive is €750 per Tikkie request. If the trade is over that amount the BTC Seller will have to sent multiple requests to total the trade amount. The maximum you can request in a day is €2,500.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within these limits, for its clients.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
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