mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 14:42:37 +01:00
Update translations for v1.5.0 and adding Czech and Italian
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 6065 additions and 301 deletions
@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ public class LanguageUtil {
"vi", // Vietnamese
"th", // Thai
"ja", // Japanese
"fa" // Persian
"fa", // Persian
"it", // Italian
"cs" // Czech
// not translated yet
"el", // Greek
@ -49,7 +51,6 @@ public class LanguageUtil {
"hu", // Hungarian
"ro", // Romanian
"tr" // Turkish
"it", // Italian
"iw", // Hebrew
"hi", // Hindi
"ko", // Korean
@ -77,7 +78,6 @@ public class LanguageUtil {
"ms", // Malay
"is", // Icelandic
"et", // Estonian
"cs", // Czech
"ar", // Arabic
"vi", // Vietnamese
"th", // Thai
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=Schlüssel aus Passwort ableiten
password.walletDecrypted=Die Wallet wurde erfolgreich entschlüsselt und der Passwortschutz entfernt.
password.wrongPw=Sie haben das falsche Passwort eingegeben.\n\nVersuchen Sie bitte Ihr Passwort erneut einzugeben, wobei Sie dies vorsichtig auf Tipp- und Rechtschreibfehler überprüfen sollten.
password.walletEncrypted=Die Wallet wurde erfolgreich verschlüsselt und der Passwortschutz aktiviert.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet Passwort konnte nicht gesetzt werden. Sie haben vielleicht Seed-Wörter importiert, die nicht mit der Wallet-Datenbank übereinstimmen. Bitte kontaktieren Sie die Entwickler im Bisq-Forum.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Die 2 eingegebenen Passwörter stimmen nicht überein.
password.forgotPassword=Passwort vergessen?
password.backupReminder=Beachten Sie, dass wenn Sie ein Passwort setzen, alle automatisch erstellten Backups der unverschlüsselten Wallet gelöscht werden.\n\nEs wird dringend empfohlen, ein Backup des Anwendungsverzeichnisses zu erstellen und die Seed-Wörter aufzuschreiben, bevor Sie ein Passwort setzen!
password.backupWasDone=Ich habe schon ein Backup erstellt
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
seed.seedWords=Seed-Wörter der Wallet
seed.enterSeedWords=Seed-Wörter der Wallet eingeben
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=Wallets-Datum
seed.restore.title=Wallets aus Seed-Wörtern wiederherstellen
seed.restore=Wallets wiederherstellen
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Ihre Bitcoin-Wallet ist nicht leer.\n\nSie müssen diese Wallet leeren, bevor Sie versuchen, eine ältere Wallet wiederherzustellen, da das Mischen von Wallets zu ungültigen Backups führen kann.\n\nBitte schließen Sie Ihre Händel ab, schließen Sie all Ihre offenen Angebote und gehen Sie in den Abschnitt \"Gelder\", um Ihre Bitcoins abzuheben.\nSollten Sie nicht auf Ihre Bitcoins zugreifen können, können Sie das Notfallwerkzeug nutzen, um Ihre Wallet zu leeren.\nUm das Notfallwerkzeug zu öffnen, drücken Sie \"alt + e\" oder \"option + e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Ich möchte trotzdem wiederherstellen
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Ich werde meine Wallets erst leeren
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Ihre Wallets sind verschlüsselt.\n\nNach einer Wiederherstellung werden die Wallets nicht mehr verschlüsselt sein und Sie werden ein neues Passwort festlegen müssen.\n\nMöchten Sie fortfahren?
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=Altcoin-Adresse
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Handeln sie schnell (innerhalb 1 Stunde) mit diesem Altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=Für "Schnelles Handeln" müssen beide Handelspartner online sein, um den Handel innerhalb 1 Stunde abschließen zu können.\n\nFalls sie offene Angebote haben jedoch nicht verfügbar sind, deaktivieren sie bitte diese Angebote unter 'Portfolio'.
payment.select.altcoin=Altcoin wählen oder suchen
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=Personalausweis/Steuernummer oder Telefonnr.
payment.supportedCurrencies=Unterstützte Währungen
payment.salt=Salt für Überprüfung des Kontoalters
payment.error.noHexSalt=Der Salt muss im HEX-Format sein.\nEs wird nur empfohlen das Salt-Feld zu bearbeiten, wenn Sie den Salt von einem alten Konto übertragen, um das Alter Ihres Kontos zu erhalten. Das Alter des Kontos wird durch das Salt und die zu verifizierenden Kontodaten bestätigt (z.B. IBAN).
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
payment.accept.euro=Trades aus diesen Euroländern akzeptieren
payment.accept.nonEuro=Trades aus diesen Nicht-Euroländern akzeptieren
payment.accepted.countries=Akzeptierte Länder
@ -2611,7 +2611,7 @@ shared.accountSigningState=Konto-Unterzeichnungsstatus
payment.altcoin.address.dyn={0} Adresse
payment.altcoin.receiver.address=Altcoin Adresse des Empfängers
payment.emailOrMobile=E-Mail oder Telefonnr.
payment.emailOrMobile=E-Mail oder Telefonnummer
payment.useCustomAccountName=Spezifischen Kontonamen nutzen
payment.maxPeriod=Max. erlaubte Handelsdauer
payment.maxPeriodAndLimit=Max. Trade-Dauer : {0} / Max. Kaufen: {1} / Max. Verkauf: {2} / Kontoalter: {3}
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=Ersparnisse
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle ist ein Geldtransferdienst, der am besten *durch* eine andere Bank funktioniert.\n\n1. Sehen Sie auf dieser Seite nach, ob (und wie) Ihre Bank mit Zelle zusammenarbeitet:\nhttps://www.zellepay.com/get-started\n\n2. Achten Sie besonders auf Ihre Überweisungslimits - die Sendelimits variieren je nach Bank, und die Banken geben oft separate Tages-, Wochen- und Monatslimits an.\n\n3. Wenn Ihre Bank nicht mit Zelle zusammenarbeitet, können Sie die Zahlungsmethode trotzdem über die Zelle Mobile App benutzen, aber Ihre Überweisungslimits werden viel niedriger sein.\n\n4. Der auf Ihrem Bisq-Konto angegebene Name MUSS mit dem Namen auf Ihrem Zelle/Bankkonto übereinstimmen. \n\nWenn Sie eine Zelle Transaktion nicht wie in Ihrem Handelsvertrag angegeben durchführen können, verlieren Sie möglicherweise einen Teil (oder die gesamte) Sicherheitskaution.\n\nWegen des etwas höheren Chargeback-Risikos von Zelle wird Verkäufern empfohlen, nicht unterzeichnete Käufer per E-Mail oder SMS zu kontaktieren, um zu überprüfen, ob der Käufer wirklich das in Bisq angegebene Zelle-Konto besitzt.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Einige Banken haben damit begonnen, den vollständigen Namen des Empfängers für Faster Payments Überweisungen zu überprüfen. Ihr aktuelles Faster Payments-Konto gibt keinen vollständigen Namen an.\n\nBitte erwägen Sie, Ihr Faster Payments-Konto in Bisq neu einzurichten, um zukünftigen {0} Käufern einen vollständigen Namen zu geben.\n\nWenn Sie das Konto neu erstellen, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die genaue Bankleitzahl, Kontonummer und die "Salt"-Werte für die Altersverifikation von Ihrem alten Konto auf Ihr neues Konto kopieren. Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass das Alter und der Unterschriftsstatus Ihres bestehenden Kontos erhalten bleiben.
payment.moneyGram.info=Wenn MoneyGram verwendet wird, muss der BTC Käufer die MoneyGram und ein Foto der Quittung per E-Mail an den BTC-Verkäufer senden. Die Quittung muss den vollständigen Namen, das Land, das Bundesland des Verkäufers und den Betrag deutlich zeigen. Der Käufer bekommt die E-Mail-Adresse des Verkäufers im Handelsprozess angezeigt.
payment.westernUnion.info=Wenn Western Union verwendet wird, muss der BTC Käufer die MTCN (Tracking-Nummer) und ein Foto der Quittung per E-Mail an den BTC-Verkäufer senden. Die Quittung muss den vollständigen Namen, die Stadt, das Land des Verkäufers und den Betrag deutlich zeigen. Der Käufer bekommt die E-Mail-Adresse des Verkäufers im Handelsprozess angezeigt.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=Bei Verwendung von HalCash muss der BTC-Käufer dem BTC-Verkäufer den HalCash-Code per SMS vom Mobiltelefon senden.\n\nBitte achten Sie darauf, dass Sie den maximalen Betrag, den Sie bei Ihrer Bank mit HalCash versenden dürfen, nicht überschreiten. Der Mindestbetrag pro Auszahlung beträgt 10 EUR und der Höchstbetrag 600 EUR. Bei wiederholten Abhebungen sind es 3000 EUR pro Empfänger pro Tag und 6000 EUR pro Empfänger pro Monat. Bitte überprüfen Sie diese Limits bei Ihrer Bank, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die gleichen Limits wie hier angegeben verwenden.\n\nDer Auszahlungsbetrag muss ein Vielfaches von 10 EUR betragen, da Sie keine anderen Beträge an einem Geldautomaten abheben können. Die Benutzeroberfläche beim Erstellen und Annehmen eines Angebots passt den BTC-Betrag so an, dass der EUR-Betrag korrekt ist. Sie können keinen marktbasierten Preis verwenden, da sich der EUR-Betrag bei sich ändernden Preisen ändern würde.\n\nIm Streitfall muss der BTC-Käufer den Nachweis erbringen, dass er die EUR geschickt hat.
payment.limits.info=Bitte beachten Sie, dass alle Banküberweisungen mit einem gewissen Rückbuchungsrisiko verbunden sind.\n\nUm dieses Risiko zu mindern, setzt Bisq Limits pro Trade fest, die auf zwei Faktoren basieren:\n\n1. Die geschätzte Höhe des Rückbuchungsrisikos für die verwendete Zahlungsmethode\n2. Das Alter Ihres Kontos für diese Zahlungsmethode\n\nDas Konto, das Sie jetzt anlegen, ist neu und sein Alter ist Null. Desto länger Ihr Konto besteht, werden die Limits pro Trade erhöht:\n\n● Während des 1. Monats wird Ihr Limit pro Trade {0} betragen\n● Während des 2. Monats wird Ihr Limit pro Trade {1} betragen\n● Nach dem 2. Monat wird Ihr Limit pro Trade {2} betragen\n\nBitte beachten Sie: Die Beschränkungen gelten nur für die Trade-Größe. Sie können so viele Trades platzieren, wie Sie möchten.
payment.limits.info.withSigning=Um das Risiko einer Rückbuchung zu minimieren, setzt Bisq für diese Zahlungsmethode Limits pro Trade auf der Grundlage der folgenden 2 Faktoren fest:\n\n1. Allgemeines Rückbuchungsrisiko für die Zahlungsmethode\n2. Status der Kontounterzeichnung\n\nDieses Zahlungskonto ist noch nicht unterzeichnet. Es ist daher auf den Kauf von {0} pro Trade beschränkt ist. Nach der Unterzeichnung werden die Kauflimits wie folgt erhöht:\n\n● Vor der Unterzeichnung und für 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {0}\n● 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {1}\n● 60 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {2}\n\nVerkaufslimits sind von der Kontounterzeichnung nicht betroffen und erhöhen sich mit dem Alter des Kontos.\n\nWeitere Informationen gibt es hier:\nhttps://bisq.wiki/Account_limits\n\n\nBitte beachten Sie, dass die Beschränkungen nur für die Größe des Trades gelten. Sie können so viele Trades durchführen, wie Sie möchten.
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=Um das Risiko einer Rückbuchung zu minimieren,
payment.cashDeposit.info=Bitte bestätigen Sie, dass Ihre Bank Bareinzahlungen in Konten von anderen Personen erlaubt. Zum Beispiel werden diese Einzahlungen bei der Bank of America und Wells Fargo nicht mehr erlaubt.
payment.revolut.info=Revolut benötigt den "Benutzernamen" als Account ID und nicht die Telefonnummer oder E-Mail, wie es in der Vergangenheit war.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nIhr bestehender Revolut Account ({1}) hat keinen "Benutzernamen" hinterlegt.\nBitte geben Sie Ihren Revolut "Benutzernamen" ein um Ihr Konto zu aktualisieren.\nIhre Kontoalter Unterzeichnung wird dadurch nicht beeinflusst.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Revolut Account updaten
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Der Handel auf Bisq unter Verwendung eines US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) setzt voraus, dass Sie Folgendes verstehen:\n\n- Der BTC-Käufer muss den Namen des BTC-Verkäufers sowohl in das Feld des Zahlers als auch in das Feld des Zahlungsempfängers eintragen und vor dem Versand ein hochauflösendes Foto des USPMO und des Umschlags mit dem Tracking-Nachweis machen.\n- Der BTC-Käufer muss den USPMO zusammen mit der Lieferbestätigung an den BTC-Verkäufer schicken.\n\nFür den Fall, dass eine Mediation erforderlich ist oder es zu einem Handelskonflikt kommt, müssen Sie die Fotos zusammen mit der USPMO-Seriennummer, der Nummer des Postamtes und dem Dollarbetrag an den Bisq-Mediator oder Erstattungsagenten schicken, damit dieser die Angaben auf der Website des US-Postamtes überprüfen kann.\n\nWenn Sie dem Mediator oder Vermittler die erforderlichen Informationen nicht zur Verfügung stellen, führt dies dazu, dass der Konflikt zu Ihrem Nachteil entschieden wird.\n\nIn allen Konfliktfällen trägt der USPMO-Absender 100 % der Verantwortung für die Bereitstellung von Beweisen/Nachweisen für den Mediator oder Vermittler.\n\nWenn Sie diese Anforderungen nicht verstehen, handeln Sie bitte nicht auf Bisq unter Verwendung eines USPMO.
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=Wie möchten Sie vom Handeslpartner kontaktiert werden? (E-Mailadresse, Telefonnummer,...)
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.city=Stadt für ein "Angesicht zu Angesicht" Treffen
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Die Stadt wird mit dem Angebot angezeigt
payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Freiwillige zusätzliche Informationen
payment.f2f.extra=Zusätzliche Informationen
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=Der Ersteller kann "Geschäftsbedingungen" festlegen oder öffentliche Kontaktinformationen hinterlegen. Diese werden mit dem Angebot angezeigt.
payment.f2f.info=Persönliche 'Face to Face' Trades haben unterschiedliche Regeln und sind mit anderen Risiken verbunden als gewöhnliche Online-Trades.\n\nDie Hauptunterschiede sind:\n● Die Trading Partner müssen die Kontaktdaten und Informationen über den Ort und die Uhrzeit des Treffens austauschen.\n● Die Trading Partner müssen ihre Laptops mitbringen und die Bestätigung der "gesendeten Zahlung" und der "erhaltenen Zahlung" am Treffpunkt vornehmen.\n● Wenn ein Ersteller eines Angebots spezielle "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen" hat, muss er diese im Textfeld "Zusatzinformationen" des Kontos angeben.\n● Mit der Annahme eines Angebots erklärt sich der Käufer mit den vom Anbieter angegebenen "Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen" einverstanden.\n● Im Konfliktfall kann der Mediator oder Arbitrator nicht viel tun, da es in der Regel schwierig ist zu bestimmen, was beim Treffen passiert ist. In solchen Fällen können die Bitcoin auf unbestimmte Zeit oder bis zu einer Einigung der Trading Peers gesperrt werden.\n\nUm sicherzustellen, dass Sie die Besonderheiten der persönlichen 'Face to Face' Trades vollständig verstehen, lesen Sie bitte die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen unter: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Webseite öffnen
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Land und Stadt: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Zusätzliche Informationen: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=Die Eingabe von 0 ist nicht erlaubt.
validation.negative=Ein negativer Wert ist nicht erlaubt.
validation.fiat.toSmall=Eingaben kleiner als der minimal mögliche Betrag sind nicht erlaubt.
validation.fiat.toLarge=Eingaben größer als der maximal mögliche Betrag sind nicht erlaubt.
validation.btc.fraction=Die Eingabe führt zu einem Bitcoin-Wert mit einem Bruchteil der kleinsten Einheit (Satoshi).
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.btc.toLarge=Eingaben größer als {0} sind nicht erlaubt.
validation.btc.toSmall=Eingabe kleiner als {0} ist nicht erlaubt.
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=Eingaben kleiner als {0} sind nicht erlaubt.
validation.passwordTooShort=Das eingegebene Passwort ist zu kurz. Es muss aus min. 8 Zeichen bestehen.
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=Das eingegebene Passwort ist zu lang. Es darf nicht aus mehr als 50 Zeichen bestehen.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} muss aus {1} Zahlen bestehen.
validation.sortCodeChars={0} muss aus {1} Zeichen bestehen.
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} muss aus {1} Zahlen bestehen.
validation.invalidInput=Ungültige Eingabe: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=Die Kontonummer muss folgendes Format haben: {0}
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=Die Adressvalidierung ist fehlgeschlagen, da diese nicht mit der Struktur einer {0}-Adresse übereinstimmt.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=Die LTZ-Adressen müssen mit einem L beginnen. Adressen, die mit z beginnen werden nicht unterstützt.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=Die ZEC-Adressen müssen mit einem t beginnen. Adressen, die mit z beginnen werden nicht unterstützt.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=Die Adresse ist keine gültige {0}-Adresse! {1}
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Native Segwit-Adressen (die mit 'lq' beginnen) werden nicht unterstützt.
validation.bic.invalidLength=Die Eingabelänge ist weder 8 noch 11
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.letters=Bank- und Ländercode müssen aus Buchstaben bestehen
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=Der BIC enthält einen ungültigen Standort-Code
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=Der BIC enthält eine ungültige Filialennummer
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Revolut SEPA Konten werden nicht unterstüzt.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Ungültiges Format der Bitcoin-Adresse.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Ungültiges Format der BSQ-Adresse.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.email.invalidAddress=Ungültige Adresse
validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Der Ländercode ist ungültig
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Die Prüfsumme muss numerisch sein
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Nicht-alphanumerisches Zeichen entdeckt
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Die IBAN-Prüfsumme ist ungültig
validation.iban.invalidLength=Die Zahl muss zwischen 15 und 34 Zeichen lang sein.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Nicht-kanadische Postleitzahl
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Ungültiges Telefonnummernformat und keine E-Mailadresse
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Nur Buchstaben, Zahlen, Leerzeichen und/oder die Symbole _ , . ? - sind erlaubt
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Muss ein Wort mit Buchstaben, Zahlen und/oder dem Symbol - sein
validation.inputTooLarge=Eingabe darf nicht größer als {0} sein
validation.inputTooSmall=Eingabe muss größer als {0} sein
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=Eingabe muss mindestens {0} sein
validation.amountBelowDust=Ein Betrag unterhalb des Dust-Limits von {0} Satoshi ist nicht erlaubt.
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=Die Länge muss zwischen {0} und {1} sein
validation.pattern=Die Eingabe muss im Format {0} sein
validation.noHexString=Die Eingabe ist nicht im HEX-Format.
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Zahlenformat Ausnahme {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=Eingabe darf nicht negativ sein
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Es wird eine zweistellige Ländervorwahl benötigt, um die Telefonnummer zu bestätigen
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Telefonnummer {0} enthält ungültige Zeichen
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Nicht genügend Ziffern in {0} für eine gültige Telefonnummer
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Zu viele Ziffern in {0} für eine gültige Telefonnummer
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Die Ländervorwahl in der Nummer {0} ist für das Land {1} ungültig. Die richtige Vorwahl ist {2}.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Muss eine kommagetrennte Liste der gültigen Adressen sein
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivar clave desde contraseña
password.walletDecrypted=El monedero se desencriptó con éxito y se eliminó la protección por contraseña.
password.wrongPw=Ha introducido la contraseña incorrecta.\n\nPor favor, introduzca nuevamente la contraseña, evitando errores.
password.walletEncrypted=El monedero se encriptó con éxito y se activó la protección por contraseña.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=No se pudo establecer la contraseña de la cartera. Puede que haya importado las palabras semilla que no corresponden a la base de datos de la cartera. Por favor, contacte con los desarrolladores en el foro de Bisq.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Las 2 contraseñas introducidas no coinciden.
password.forgotPassword=¿Ha olvidado la contraseña?
password.backupReminder=Por favor, tenga en cuenta que al configurar una contraseña de cartera todas las copias de seguridad creadas desde la cartera no cifrada se borrarán.\n\n¡Es altamente recomendable hacer una copia de seguridad del directorio de aplicación y anotar las palabras semilla antes de configurar la contraseña!
password.backupWasDone=Ya he hecho una copia de seguridad
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
seed.seedWords=Palabras semilla de la cartera
seed.enterSeedWords=Introduzca palabras semilla de la cartera
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=Fecha de la cartera
seed.restore.title=Restaurar monederos desde las palabras semilla
seed.restore=Restaurar monederos
seed.creationDate=Fecha de creación
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Su cartera de Bitcoin no está vacía.\n\nDebe vaciar esta cartera antes de intentar restaurar a otra más antigua, pues mezclar monederos puede llevar a copias de seguridad inválidas.\n\nPor favor, finalice sus intercambios, cierre todas las ofertas abiertas y vaya a la sección Fondos para retirar sus bitcoins.\nEn caso de que no pueda acceder a sus bitcoins puede utilizar la herramienta de emergencia para vaciar el monedero.\nPara abrir la herramienta de emergencia pulse \"alt + e\" o \"option + e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Quiero restaurar de todos modos
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Vaciaré mi monedero antes
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Sus carteras están cifradas.\n\nDespués de restaurarlas, las carteras no estarán cifradas y tendrá que introducir una nueva contraseña.\n\n¿Quiere continuar?
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=Dirección altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Intercambio instantáneo (en una hora) con esta altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=Para intercambios instantáneos se requiere que ambos pares estén en linea para poder completar el intercambio en menos de 1 hora.\n\nSi tiene ofertas abiertas y no está disponible, por favor deshabilite esas ofertas en la pantalla 'Portafolio'.
payment.select.altcoin=Seleccione o busque altcoin
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Pregunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID de cartera:
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=Citizen ID/Tax ID o número de teléfono
payment.supportedCurrencies=Monedas soportadas
payment.salt="Salt" de la verificación de edad de la cuenta.
payment.error.noHexSalt=El "salt" necesitar estar en formato HEX.\nSolo se recomienda editar el "salt" si quiere transferir el "salt" desde una cuenta antigua para mantener su edad de cuenta. La edad de cuenta se verifica usando el "salt" de la cuenta y datos de identificación de cuenta (Ej. IBAN).
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
payment.accept.euro=Aceptar tratos desde estos países Euro.
payment.accept.nonEuro=Aceptar tratos desde estos países no-Euro
payment.accepted.countries=Países aceptados
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=Ahorros
payment.personalId=ID personal:
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle es un servicio de transmisión de dinero que funciona mejor *a través* de otro banco..\n\n1. Compruebe esta página para ver si (y cómo) trabaja su banco con Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Preste atención a los límites de transferencia -límites de envío- que varían entre bancos, y que los bancos especifican a menudo diferentes límites diarios, semanales y mensuales..\n\n3. Si su banco no trabaja con Zelle, aún puede usarlo a través de la app móvil de Zelle, pero sus límites de transferencia serán mucho menores.\n\n4. El nombre especificado en su cuenta Bisq DEBE ser igual que el nombre en su cuenta de Zelle/bancaria. \n\nSi no puede completar una transacción Zelle tal como se especifica en el contrato, puede perder algo (o todo) el depósito de seguridad!\n\nDebido a que Zelle tiene cierto riesgo de reversión de pago, se aconseja que los vendedores contacten con los compradores no firmados a través de email o SMS para verificar que el comprador realmente tiene la cuenta de Zelle especificada en Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Algunos bancos han comenzado a verificar el nombre completo del receptor para las transferencias Faster Payments. Su cuenta actual Faster Payments no especifica un nombre completo.\n\nConsidere recrear su cuenta Faster Payments en Bisq para proporcionarle a los futuros compradores {0} un nombre completo.\n\nCuando vuelva a crear la cuenta, asegúrese de copiar el UK Short Code de forma precisa , el número de cuenta y los valores salt de la cuenta anterior a su cuenta nueva para la verificación de edad. Esto asegurará que la edad de su cuenta existente y el estado de la firma se conserven.
payment.moneyGram.info=Al utilizar MoneyGram, el comprador de BTC tiene que enviar el número de autorización y una foto del recibo al vendedor de BTC por correo electrónico. El recibo debe mostrar claramente el monto, así como el nombre completo, país y demarcación (departamento,estado, etc.) del vendedor. Al comprador se le mostrará el correo electrónico del vendedor en el proceso de transacción.
payment.westernUnion.info=Al utilizar Western Union, el comprador de BTC tiene que enviar el número de autorización (MTCN) y una foto del recibo al vendedor de BTC por correo electrónico. El recibo debe mostrar claramente el monto, así como el nombre completo, país y demarcación (departamento,estado, etc.) del vendedor. Al comprador se le mostrará el correo electrónico del vendedor en el proceso de transacción.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=Al usar HalCash el comprador de BTC necesita enviar al vendedor de BTC el código HalCash a través de un mensaje de texto desde el teléfono móvil.\n\nPor favor asegúrese de que no excede la cantidad máxima que su banco le permite enviar con HalCash. La cantidad mínima por retirada es de 10 EUR y el máximo son 600 EUR. Para retiros frecuentes es 3000 por receptor al día y 6000 por receptor al mes. Por favor compruebe estos límites con su banco y asegúrese que son los mismos aquí expuestos.\n\nLa cantidad de retiro debe ser un múltiplo de 10 EUR ya que no se puede retirar otras cantidades desde el cajero automático. La Interfaz de Usuario en la pantalla crear oferta y tomar oferta ajustará la cantidad de BTC para que la cantidad de EUR sea correcta. No puede usar precios basados en el mercado ya que la cantidad de EUR cambiaría con el cambio de precios.\n\nEn caso de disputa el comprador de BTC necesita proveer la prueba de que ha enviado EUR.
payment.limits.info=Por favor, tenga en cuenta que todas las transferencias bancarias tienen cierto riesgo de reversión de pago.\n\nPara disminuir este riesgo, Bisq establece límites por intercambio basándose en dos factores:\n\n1. El nivel estimado de riesgo de reversión de pago para el método de pago usado\n2. La edad de su cuenta para ese método de pago\n\nLa cuenta que está creando ahora es nueva y su edad es cero. A medida que su cuenta gane edad en un periodo de dos meses, también aumentará el límite por transacción.\n\n● Durante el primer mes, el límite será {0}\n● Durante el segundo mes, el límite será {1}\n● Después del segundo mes, el límite será {2}\n\nTenga en cuenta que no hay límites en el total de transacciones que puede realizar.
payment.limits.info.withSigning=Para limitar el riesgo de devolución de cargo, Bisq establece límites por compra basados en los 2 siguientes factores:\n\n1. Riesgo general de devolución de cargo para el método de pago\n2. Estado de firmado de cuenta\n\nEsta cuenta de pago aún no ha sido firmada por un árbitro o par de confianza, con lo que ha sido limitada para comprar {0} por intercambio. Después de firmarse, los límites de compra se incrementarán de esta manera:\n\n● Antes de ser firmada, y hasta 30 días después de la firma, su límite por intercambio de compra será {0}\n● 30 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {1}\n● 60 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {2}\n\nLos límites de venta no se ven afectados por el firmado de cuentas, y aumenta solo con el incremente de edad de la cuenta. Más información en [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits]\n\nTenga en cuenta que los límites solo se aplican al tamaño del intercambio. Puede poner tantos intercambios como quiera.
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=Para limitar el riesgo de devolución de cargo,
payment.cashDeposit.info=Por favor confirme que su banco permite enviar depósitos de efectivo a cuentas de otras personas. Por ejemplo, Bank of America y Wells Fargo ya no permiten estos depósitos.
payment.revolut.info=Revolut requiere el 'nombre de usuario' como ID de cuenta y no el número de teléfono o el e-mail que se requería anteriormente.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nSu cuenta Revolut actual ({1}) no ha establecido el "nombre de usuario".\nPor favor introduzca su "nombre de usuario" en Revolut para actualizar sus datos de cuenta.\nEsto no afectará al estado de su edad de cuenta.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Actualizar cuenta Revolut
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Los intercambios usando US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) en Bisq requiere que entienda lo siguiente:\n\n- Los compradores de BTC deben escribir la dirección del vendedor en los campos de "Payer" y "Payee" y tomar una foto en alta resolución de la USPMO y del sobre con la prueba de seguimiento antes de enviar.\n- Los compradores de BTC deben enviar la USPMO con confirmación de entrega.\n\nEn caso de que sea necesaria la mediación, se requerirá al comprador que entregue las fotos al mediador o agente de devolución de fondos, junto con el número de serie de la USPMO, número de oficina postal, y la cantidad de USD, para que puedan verificar los detalles en la web de US Post Office.\n\nNo entregar la información requerida al Mediador o Árbitro resultará en pérdida del caso de disputa. \n\nEn todos los casos de disputa, el emisor de la USPMO tiene el 100% de responsabilidad en aportar la evidencia al Mediador o Árbitro.\n\nSi no entiende estos requerimientos, no comercie usando USPMO en Bisq.
payment.f2f.contact=Información de contacto
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=¿Cómo quiere ser contactado por el par de intercambio? (dirección email, número de teléfono...)
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.city=Ciudad para la reunión 'cara a cara'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=La ciudad se mostrará con la oferta
payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Información adicional opcional
payment.f2f.extra=Información adicional
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=El creador puede definir los 'términos y condiciones' o añadir información de contacto pública. Será mostrada junto con la oferta.
payment.f2f.info=intercambiar, operarLos intercambios 'Cara a Cara' (F2F) tienen diferentes reglas y riesgos que las transacciones en línea.\n\nLas principales diferencias son:\n● Los pares de intercambio necesitan intercambiar información acerca del punto de reunión y la hora usando los detalles de contacto proporcionados.\n● Los pares de intercambio tienen que traer sus portátiles y hacer la confirmación de 'pago enviado' y 'pago recibido' en el lugar de reunión.\n● Si un creador tiene 'términos y condiciones' especiales necesita declararlos en el campo de texto 'información adicional' en la cuenta.\n● Tomando una oferta el tomador está de acuerdo con los 'términos y condiciones' declarados por el creador.\n● En caso de disputa el árbitro no puede ayudar mucho ya que normalmente es complicado obtener evidencias no manipulables de lo que ha pasado en una reunión. En estos casos los fondos BTC pueden bloquearse indefinidamente o hasta que los pares lleguen a un acuerdo.\n\nPara asegurarse de que comprende las diferencias con los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' por favor lea las instrucciones y recomendaciones en: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir paǵina web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País y ciudad: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Información adicional: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=El 0 no es un valor permitido.
validation.negative=No se permiten entradas negativas.
validation.fiat.toSmall=No se permite introducir un valor menor que el mínimo posible
validation.fiat.toLarge=No se permiten entradas más grandes que la mayor posible.
validation.btc.fraction=El valor introducido resulta en un valor de bitcoin con una fracción de la menor unidad (Satoshi).
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.btc.toLarge=No se permiten valores mayores que {0}.
validation.btc.toSmall=Valores menores que {0} no se permiten.
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=No se permiten valores menores que {0}.
validation.passwordTooShort=La clave introducida es demasiado corta. Se precisan al menos 8 caracteres.
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=La clave introducida es demasiado larga. Máximo 50 caracteres.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} debe consistir en {1} números.
validation.sortCodeChars={0} debe consistir en {1} caracteres
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} debe consistir de {1} número(s).
validation.invalidInput=Entrada inválida: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=El número de cuenta debe ser del formato: {0}
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=La validación de dirección falló porque no se corresponde con la estructura de una dirección {0}.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=Dirección LTZ tiene que empezar con L. Las direcciones que empiezan por z no se soportan.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=La dirección ZEC tiene que empezar con t. Las direcciones que comienzan con z no están soportadas.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=La dirección no es una dirección {0} válida! {1}
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Direcciones de segwit nativas (las que empiezan con 'lq') no son compatibles.
validation.bic.invalidLength=La longitud de la entrada no es 8 ni 11
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.letters=El código de banco y país deben ser letras
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC contiene un código de localización inválido
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC contiene una sucursal inválida
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Cuentas Revolut Sepa no soportadas.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Formato de dirección bitcoin inválido
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Formato inválido de la dirección BSQ.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.email.invalidAddress=Dirección inválida
validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Código de país inválido
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=El checksum debe ser numérico
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Detectado carácter no alfanumérico
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=El checksum de IBAN es inválido
validation.iban.invalidLength=El número debe ser de una longitud de 15 a 34 carácteres.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Código de area no canadiense
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Formato de número de teléfono inválido y no una dirección e-mail.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Debe contener solamente letras, números, espacios y/o símbolos ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Debe ser una palabra y contener solamente letras, números, y/o el símbolo -
validation.inputTooLarge=El valor introducido no debe ser mayor que {0}
validation.inputTooSmall=Lo introducido tiene que ser mayor que {0}
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=El valor introducido tiene que ser al menos {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=No se permite una cantidad por debajo del límite de una transacción polvo de {0} satoshis.
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=La longitud debe estar entre {0} y {1}
validation.pattern=El valor introducido debe ser de formato: {0}
validation.noHexString=El valor introducido no es un formato HEX.
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Excepción en formato de número {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=El valor introducido no debe ser negativo
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Se necesitan dos letras de código de país para validar el número de teléfono
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Número de teléfono {0} tiene caracteres inválidos
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=No hay suficientes dígitos en {0} para un número de teléfono válido
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Demasiados dígitos en {0} para ser un número de teléfono válido
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Código de país en número {0} es inválido para el país {1}. El código correcto es {2}.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=La lista de direcciones válidas debe ser separada por coma
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=کلید را از رمز عبور استنتاج کنید
password.walletDecrypted=کیف پول با موفقیت رمزگشایی شد و حفاظت با رمز عبور حذف شد.
password.wrongPw=شما رمز عبور را اشتباه وارد کرده اید.\n\n لطفا سعی کنید رمز عبور خود را وارد کنید و با دقت خطاها و اشتباهات املایی را بررسی کنید.
password.walletEncrypted=کیف پول به طور موفقیت آمیز کدگذاری و حفاظت کیف پول فعال شد.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=رمز عبور کیف پول را نمی توان تنظیم کرد .ممکن است کلمات رمز خصوصی را وارد کرده باشید که با پایگاه داده کیف پول منطبق نیستند. لطفا در تالار گفتگوی با توسعه دهندگان Bisq تماس بگیرید.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=2 رمز عبوری که وارد نموده اید باهم مطابقت ندارند.
password.forgotPassword=رمز عبور را فراموش کرده اید؟
password.backupReminder=لطفا توجه داشته باشید که هنگام تنظیم یک رمز عبور کیف پول، تمام پشتیبان های خودکار از کیف پول رمزگذاری نشده حذف خواهد شد.\n\n توصیه می شود که نسخه پشتیبان از دایرکتوری نرم برنامه را تهیه کنید و قبل از تنظیم رمز عبور، کلمات رمز خصوصی خود را بنویسید!
password.backupWasDone=من قبلا یک نسخه پشتیبان تهیه کرده ام
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
seed.seedWords=کلمات seed کیفپول
seed.enterSeedWords=کلمات seed کیفپول را وارد کنید
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=تاریخ کیفپول
seed.restore.title=بازگرداندن کیف های پول از کلمات رمز خصوصی
seed.restore=بازگرداندن کیف های پول
seed.creationDate=تاریخ ایجاد
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=کیف پول بیتکوین شما خالی نیست.\n\n شما باید قبل از تلاش برای بازگرداندن یک کیف پول قدیمی تر، این کیف پول را خالی کنید، زیرا ترکیب کیف پول ها با هم می تواند به پشتیبان گیری های نامعتبر منجر شود.\n\n لطفا معاملات خود را نهایی کنید، تمام پیشنهادهای باز را ببندید و برای برداشتن بیتکوین به قسمت وجوه بروید.\n در صورت عدم دسترسی به بیتکوین شما میتوانید از ابزار اضطراری برای خالی کردن کیف پول استفاده کنید.\n برای باز کردن این ابزار اضطراری، دکمه \"alt + e\" یا \"option + e\" را بزنید.
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=میخواهم به هر حال بازگردانی کنم
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=من ابتدا کیف پول هایم را خالی می کنم
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=کیف های پول شما رمزگذاری شده اند. \n\nپس از بازگرداندن، کیف های پول دیگر رمزگذاری نخواهند شد و شما باید رمز عبور جدید را تنظیم کنید.\n\n آیا می خواهید ادامه دهید؟
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=آدرس آلتکوین
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Trade instant (within 1 hour) with this Altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=For instant trading it is required that both trading peers are online to be able to complete the trade in less than 1 hour.\n\nIf you have offers open and you are not available please disable those offers under the 'Portfolio' screen.
payment.select.altcoin=انتخاب یا جستجوی آلت کوین
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=سوال محرمانه
payment.wallet=شناسه کیف پول
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=شناسه شهروندی/شناسه مالیات
payment.supportedCurrencies=ارزهای مورد حمایت
payment.salt=دادههای تصافی برای اعتبارسنجی سن حساب
payment.error.noHexSalt=داده تصادفی باید در فرمت HEX باشد.\n اگر بخواهید داده تصادفی را از یک حساب قدیمی برای حفظ سن حساب خود منتقل کنید، فقط توصیه می شود که فیلد داده تصادفی را ویرایش کنید. عمر حساب با استفاده از داده تصادفی حساب و شناسایی دادههای تصادفی (به عنوان مثال IBAN) تأیید شده است.
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
payment.accept.euro=پذیرش معاملات از این کشورهای Euro ای
payment.accept.nonEuro=پذیرش معاملات از کشورهای غیر Euro ای
payment.accepted.countries=کشورهای پذیرفته شده
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=اندوخته ها
payment.personalId=شناسه شخصی
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=هنگام استفاده از MoneyGram، خریدار BTC باید شماره مجوز و عکس رسید را از طریق ایمیل به فروشنده BTC ارسال کند. رسید باید به وضوح نام کامل فروشنده، کشور، دولت و مبلغ را نشان دهد. ایمیل فروشنده در فرآیند معامله به خریدار نشان داده می شود.
payment.westernUnion.info=هنگام استفاده از Western Union، خریدار BTC باید شماره MTCN (شماره پیگیری) را از طریق ایمیل به فروشنده BTC ارسال کند. رسید باید به وضوح نام کامل فروشنده، کشور، دولت و مبلغ را نشان دهد. ایمیل فروشنده در فرآیند معامله به خریدار نشان داده می شود.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=زمانی که از HalCash استفاده میکنید، خریدار باید کد HalCash را از طریق پیام کوتاه موبایل به فروشنده BTC ارسال کند.\n\nلطفا مطمئن شوید که از حداکثر میزانی که بانک شما برای انتقال از طریق HalCash مجاز میداند تجاوز نکردهاید. حداقل مقداردر هر برداشت معادل 10 یورو و حداکثر مقدار 600 یورو میباشد. این محدودیت برای برداشتهای تکراری برای هر گیرنده در روز 3000 یورو و در ماه 6000 یورو میباشد. لطفا این محدودیتها را با بانک خود مطابقت دهید و مطمئن شوید که آنها هم همین محدودیها را دارند.\n\nمقدار برداشت باید شریبی از 10 یورو باشد چرا که مقادیر غیر از این را نمیتوانید از طریق ATM برداشت کنید. رابط کاربری در صفحه ساخت پینشهاد و پذیرش پیشنهاد مقدار BTC را به گونهای تنظیم میکنند که مقدار EUR درست باشد. شما نمیتوانید از قیمت بر مبنای بازار استفاده کنید چون مقدار یورو با تغییر قیمتها عوض خواهد شد.\n\nدر صورت بروز اختلاف خریدار BTC باید شواهد مربوط به ارسال یورو را ارائه دهد.
payment.limits.info=Please be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk.\n\nTo mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on two factors:\n\n1. The estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used\n2. The age of your account for that payment method\n\nThe account you are creating now is new and its age is zero. As your account ages, your per-trade limits will grow:\n\n● During the 1st month, your per-trade limit will be {0}\n● During the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {1}\n● After the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {2}\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase with account age.\n\nSee more: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits]\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade li
payment.cashDeposit.info=لطفا مطمئن شوید که بانک شما اجازه پرداخت سپرده نفد به حساب دیگر افراد را میدهد. برای مثال، Bank of America و Wells Fargo دیگر اجازه چنین پرداختهایی را نمیدهند.
payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'User name' as account ID not the phone number or email as it was the case in the past.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not has set the ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
payment.f2f.contact=اطلاعات تماس
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=از چه طریقی میخواهید توسط همتای معاملاتی با شما تماس حاصل شود؟ (آدرس ایمیل، شماره تلفن، ...)
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.city=شهر جهت ملاقات 'رو در رو'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=نام شهر به همراه پیشنهاد نمایش داده خواهد شد
payment.f2f.optionalExtra=اطلاعات اضافی اختیاری
payment.f2f.extra=اطلاعات اضافی
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=سفارشگذار میتواند متن 'شرایط و الزامات' را تعیین کند و یا اطلاعات تماس عمومی را تنظیم کند. این اطلاعات به همراه پیشنهاد نمایش داده خواهد شد.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=باز کردن صفحه وب
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=اطلاعات اضافی: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=ورودی 0 مجاز نیست.
validation.negative=یک مقدار منفی مجاز نیست.
validation.fiat.toSmall=ورودی کوچکتر از حداقل مقدار ممکن مجاز نیست.
validation.fiat.toLarge=ورودی بزرگتر از حداکثر مقدار ممکن مجاز نیست.
validation.btc.fraction=نتایج ورودی در یک مقدار بیتکوین با کسری از کوچکترین واحد (ساتوشی).
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.btc.toLarge=ورودی بزرگتر از {0} مجاز نیست.
validation.btc.toSmall=ورودی کوچکتر از {0} مجاز نیست.
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=ورودی کوچکتر از {0} مجاز نیست.
validation.passwordTooShort=رمز عبور که شما وارد کرده اید خیلی کوتاه است.رمز عبور لازم است 8 کاراکتر حداقل باشد.
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=رمز عبور که شما وارد کرده اید خیلی طولانی است.رمز عبور بیش از 50 کاراکتر نمی تواند باشد.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} باید شامل {1} عدد باشد.
validation.sortCodeChars={0} باید شامل {1} کاراکتر باشد.
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} باید شامل {1} عدد باشد.
validation.invalidInput=ورودی نامعتبر: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=شماره حساب باید از فرمت {0} باشد
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=تأیید آدرس ناموفق بود زیرا آن با ساختار یک آدرس {0} مطابقت ندارد.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address need to start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=آدرس ZEC باید با t شروع شود. آدرس هایی که با z می شوند، پشتیبانی نمی شوند.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=آدرس یک آدرس {0} معتبر نیست! {1}
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Native segwit addresses (those starting with 'lq') are not supported.
validation.bic.invalidLength=طول ورودی نه 8 و نه 11 است
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.letters=کد بانک و کد کشور باید حروف باشند
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC حاوی کد مکان نامعتبر است
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC حاوی کد شعبه نامعتبر است
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=حساب های Revolut Sepa پشتیبانی نمی شود.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=فرمت آدرس بیتکوین نامعتبر است.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=فرمت آدرس BSQ نامعتبر است.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.email.invalidAddress=آدرس نامعتبر است
validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=کد کشور نامعتبر است
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=سرجمع باید عددی باشد
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=کاراکتر غیر الفبایی و غیر عددی شناسایی شد
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=سرجمع IBAN نامعتبر است
validation.iban.invalidLength=شماره باید طولی به اندازه ی 15 تا 34 کاراکتر داشته باشد.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=کد ناحیه غیر کانادایی
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=فرمت شماره تلفن نامعتبر است و نه یک آدرس ایمیل
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=باید فقط شامل حروف، اعداد، فاصله و یا نمادهای ' _ , . ? - باشد
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=باید یک کلمه باشد و فقط شامل حروف، اعداد و یا نماد - باشد
validation.inputTooLarge=ورودی نباید بزرگتر از {0} باشد
validation.inputTooSmall=ورودی باید بزرگتر از {0} باشد
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=Input has to be at least {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=طول باید بین {0} و {1} باشد
validation.pattern=ورودی باید در این قالب باشد: {0}
validation.noHexString=ورودی در قالب HEX نیست
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Number format exception {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=ورودی نباید منفی باشد
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Need two letter country code to validate phone number
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Phone number {0} contains invalid characters
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Not enough digits in {0} for a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code in number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Must be comma separated list of valid addresses
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=Récupérer la clé à partir du mot de passe
password.walletDecrypted=Portefeuille décrypté avec succès et protection par mot de passe désactivée.
password.wrongPw=Vous avez entré un mot de passe incorrect.\n\nVeuillez réessayer d'entrer votre mot de passe, en vérifiant soigneusement qu'il ne contient pas de fautes de frappe ou d'orthographe.
password.walletEncrypted=Portefeuille crypté avec succès et protection par mot de passe activée.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Le mot de passe du portefeuille n'a pas pu être défini. Vous avez peut-être importé des mots de la seed qui ne correspondent pas à la base de données du portefeuille. Veuillez contacter les développeurs sur le Forum Bisq.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Les 2 mots de passe entrés ne correspondent pas.
password.forgotPassword=Mot de passe oublié?
password.backupReminder=Veuillez noter que lors de la définition d'un mot de passe de portefeuille, toutes les sauvegardes créées automatiquement à partir du portefeuille non crypté seront supprimées.\n\nIl est fortement recommandé de faire une sauvegarde du répertoire de l'application et d'écrire les mots de votre seed avant de définir un mot de passe!
password.backupWasDone=J'ai déjà fait une sauvegarde
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
seed.seedWords=Mots qui composent la seed du portefeuille
seed.enterSeedWords=Entrer les mots qui composent la seed du portefeuille
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=Date du portefeuille
seed.restore.title=Restaurer les portefeuilles à partir des mots de la seed
seed.restore=Restaurer les portefeuilles
seed.creationDate=Date de création
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Votre portefeuille Bitcoin n'est pas vide.\n\nVous devez vider ce portefeuille avant d'essayer de restaurer un portefeuille plus ancien, car le fait de mélanger les portefeuilles ensemble peut entraîner des sauvegardes invalides.\n\nVeuillez finaliser vos transactions, fermer tout vos ordres en cours et aller à le menu Fonds pour retirer vos Bitcoins.\nSi vous ne pouvez pas accéder à vos Bitcoins, vous pouvez utiliser l'outil d'urgence afin de vider votre portefeuille.\nPour ouvrir cet outil d'urgence, appuyez sur \"alt + e\" ou \"option + e\" .
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Je veux quand même restaurer.
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Je viderai mes portefeuilles en premier.
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Vos portefeuilles sont cryptés.\n\nAprès la restauration, les portefeuilles ne seront plus cryptés et vous devrez définir un nouveau mot de passe.\n\nSouhaitez-vous continuer ?
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=Adresse Altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Échanger instantanément (en 1 heure) avec cet Altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=Pour négocier immédiatement, il est nécessaire que les deux pairs de trading soient en ligne afin de pouvoir effectuer l'échange en moins d' 1 heure.\n\nSi vous avez des ordres en cours et que vous n'êtes pas disponible, veuillez désactiver ces ordres sur la page " Portfolio ".
payment.select.altcoin=Sélectionner ou chercher un altcoin
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Question secrète
payment.wallet=ID du portefeuille
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=N° de carte d'identité/d'identification du contr
payment.supportedCurrencies=Devises acceptées
payment.salt=Salage de la vérification de l'âge des comptes
payment.error.noHexSalt=Le salage doit être au format HEX .\nIl n'est recommandé de modifier le champ du salage que si vous souhaitez transférer le salage d'un ancien compte pour conserver l'ancienneté dans votre compte. L'ancienneté du compte est vérifié en utiliser le salage du compte et des données d'identification du compte (par ex. IBAN).
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
payment.accept.euro=Accepter les transactions en provenance de ces pays de la zone Euro
payment.accept.nonEuro=Accepter les transactions en provenance de ces pays hors zone Euro
payment.accepted.countries=Pays acceptés
@ -2611,7 +2611,7 @@ shared.accountSigningState=État de la signature du compte
payment.altcoin.address.dyn={0} adresse
payment.altcoin.receiver.address=Adresse altcoin du destinataire
payment.accountNr=Numéro de compte
payment.emailOrMobile=Email ou numéro de portable
payment.emailOrMobile=Email ou N° de portable
payment.useCustomAccountName=Utiliser un nom de compte personnalisé
payment.maxPeriod=Durée d'échange max. autorisée
payment.maxPeriodAndLimit=Durée maximale de l''échange : {0} / Achat maximum : {1} / Vente maximum : {2} / Âge du compte : {3}
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=Épargne
payment.personalId=Pièce d'identité
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=Lors de l'utilisation de MoneyGram, l'acheteur de BTC doit envoyer le numéro d'autorisation et une photo du reçu par mail au vendeur de BTC. Le reçu doit clairement mentionner le nom complet du vendeur, le pays, la région et le montant. L'acheteur verra ensuite s'afficher le mail du vendeur pendant le processus de la transaction.
payment.westernUnion.info=Lors de l'utilisation de Western Union, l'acheteur BTC doit envoyer le MTCN (numéro de suivi) et une photo du reçu par e-mail au vendeur de BTC. Le reçu doit indiquer clairement le nom complet du vendeur, la ville, le pays et le montant. L'acheteur verra ensuite s'afficher le mail du vendeur pendant le processus de la transaction.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=Lors de l'utilisation de HalCash, l'acheteur de BTC doit envoyer au vendeur de BTC le code HalCash par SMS depuis son téléphone portable.\n\nVeuillez vous assurer de ne pas dépasser le montant maximum que votre banque vous permet d'envoyer avec HalCash. Le montant minimum par retrait est de 10 EUR et le montant maximum est de 600 EUR. Pour les retraits récurrents, il est de 3000 EUR par destinataire par jour et 6000 EUR par destinataire par mois. Veuillez vérifier ces limites auprès de votre banque pour vous assurer qu'elles utilisent les mêmes limites que celles indiquées ici.\n\nLe montant du retrait doit être un multiple de 10 EUR car vous ne pouvez pas retirer d'autres montants à un distributeur automatique. Pendant les phases de create-offer et take-offer l'affichage de l'interface utilisateur ajustera le montant en BTC afin que le montant en euros soit correct. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le prix basé sur le marché, car le montant en euros varierait en fonction de l'évolution des prix.\n\nEn cas de litige, l'acheteur de BTC doit fournir la preuve qu'il a envoyé la somme en EUR.
payment.limits.info=Please be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk.\n\nTo mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on two factors:\n\n1. The estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used\n2. The age of your account for that payment method\n\nThe account you are creating now is new and its age is zero. As your account ages, your per-trade limits will grow:\n\n● During the 1st month, your per-trade limit will be {0}\n● During the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {1}\n● After the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {2}\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase with account age.\n\nSee more: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits]\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade li
payment.cashDeposit.info=Veuillez confirmer que votre banque vous permet d'envoyer des dépôts en espèces sur le compte d'autres personnes. Par exemple, Bank of America et Wells Fargo n'autorisent plus de tels dépôts.
payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'User name' as account ID not the phone number or email as it was the case in the past.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not has set the ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
payment.f2f.contact=information de contact
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=Comment souhaitez-vous être contacté par votre pair de trading? (adresse mail, numéro de téléphone,...)
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.city=Ville pour la rencontre en face à face
payment.f2f.city.prompt=La ville sera affichée en même temps que l'ordre
payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Informations complémentaires facultatives
payment.f2f.extra=Informations complémentaires
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=Le maker peut définir des " conditions générales " ou ajouter des informations publiques de contact. Elles seront affichées avec l'ordre.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Ouvrir la page web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Pays et ville: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Informations complémentaires: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=La saisie d'une valeur égale à 0 n'est pas autorisé.
validation.negative=Une valeur négative n'est pas autorisée.
validation.fiat.toSmall=La saisie d'une valeur plus petite que le montant minimal possible n'est pas autorisée.
validation.fiat.toLarge=La saisie d'une valeur supérieure au montant maximal possible n'est pas autorisée.
validation.btc.fraction=La saisie doit représenter une valeur en Bitcoin exprimée en la plus petite unité fractionnelle (satoshi).
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.btc.toLarge=La saisie d''une valeur supérieure à {0} n''est pas autorisée.
validation.btc.toSmall=La saisie d''une valeur inférieure à {0} n''est pas autorisée.
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=La saisie d''une valeur inférieure à {0} n''est pas autorisée.
validation.passwordTooShort=Le mot de passe que vous avez saisi est trop court. Il doit comporter au moins 8 caractères.
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=Le mot de passe que vous avez saisi est trop long. Il ne doit pas contenir plus de 50 caractères.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} doit être composer de {1} chiffres.
validation.sortCodeChars={0} doit être composer de {1} caractères.
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} doit être composé de {1} nombres.
validation.invalidInput=La valeur saisie est invalide: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=Le numéro du compte doit être au format: {0}
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=La validation de l''adresse a échoué car elle ne concorde pas avec la structure d''une adresse {0}.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=L'adresse LTZ doit commencer par L. Les adresses commençant par z ne sont pas prise en charge.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=L'adresse ZEC doit commencer par un t. Les adresses commençant par un z ne sont pas prise en charge.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=Address is not a valid {0} address! {1}
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Native segwit addresses (those starting with 'lq') are not supported.
validation.bic.invalidLength=La longueur de la valeur saisie n'est ni 8 ni 11
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.letters=Le code de la banque et le code du pays doivent être constitués de lettres
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=Le BIC contient un code de localisation invalide
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=Le BIC contient un branch code invalide.
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Les comptes Sepa de Revolut ne sont pas pris en charge.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Le format de l'adresse Bitcoin est invalide.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Le format de l'adresse BSQ est invalide.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.email.invalidAddress=Adresse invalide
validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Code du pays invalide
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=La checksum doit être numérique
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Caractère non-alphanumérique détecté
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=La checksum de l'IBAN n'est pas valide
validation.iban.invalidLength=Le nombre doit être d'une longueur de 15 à 34 caractères.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Indicatif régional non Canadien
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Format de numéro de téléphone invalide et pas une adresse électronique
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Ne doit contenir que des lettres, des chiffres, des espaces et/ou les symboles ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Doit être composé d'un seul mot et contenir que des lettres, des chiffres et/ou le symbole -
validation.inputTooLarge=La valeur saisie ne doit pas être supérieure à {0}
validation.inputTooSmall=La valeur saisie doit être supérieure à {0}
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=La valeur saisie doit être au minimum {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=La longueur doit être comprise entre {0} et {1}
validation.pattern=La valeur saisie doit être au format: {0}
validation.noHexString=La valeur saisie n'est pas au format HEX.
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Number format exception {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=La saisie ne doit pas être négative
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Un code pays à deux lettres est nécessaire pour valider le numéro de téléphone
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Le numéro de téléphone {0} contient des caractères invalides.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Pas assez de chiffres dans {0} pour un numéro de téléphone valide
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Trop de chiffres dans {0} pour un numéro de téléphone valide
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=L''indicatif de pays du numéro {0} n'est pas valable pour le pays {1}. Le bon indicatif est est {2}.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Must be comma separated list of valid addresses
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1197,20 +1197,20 @@ account.altcoin.yourAltcoinAccounts=あなたのアルトコインアカウン
account.altcoin.popup.wallet.msg={1} のWebページに記載されているように、{0}ウォレットの使用に関する要件に必ず従ってください。\n(a)あなたが自分で鍵を管理していない、または(b)互換性のあるウォレットソフトウェアを使用していないような、中央集権化された取引所でウォレットを使用することは危険です。トレード資金の損失につながる可能性があります!\n調停者や調停人は{2}スペシャリストではなく、そのような場合には手助けできません。
account.altcoin.popup.upx.msg=Trading UPX on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nFor sending UPX, you need to use either the official uPlexa GUI wallet or uPlexa CLI wallet with the store-tx-info flag enabled (default in new versions). Please be sure you can access the tx key as that would be required in case of a dispute.\nuplexa-wallet-cli (use the command get_tx_key)\nuplexa-wallet-gui (go to history tab and click on the (P) button for payment proof)\n\nAt normal block explorers the transfer is not verifiable.\n\nYou need to provide the arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n- The tx private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The UPX sender is responsible for providing verification of the UPX transfer to the arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\nThere is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\nIf you are not sure about that process visit uPlexa discord channel (https://discord.gg/vhdNSrV) or the uPlexa Telegram Chat (https://t.me/uplexaOfficial) to find more information.
account.altcoin.popup.arq.msg=Trading ARQ on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nFor sending ARQ, you need to use either the official ArQmA GUI wallet or ArQmA CLI wallet with the store-tx-info flag enabled (default in new versions). Please be sure you can access the tx key as that would be required in case of a dispute.\narqma-wallet-cli (use the command get_tx_key)\narqma-wallet-gui (go to history tab and click on the (P) button for payment proof)\n\nAt normal block explorers the transfer is not verifiable.\n\nYou need to provide the mediator or arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n- The tx private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The ARQ sender is responsible for providing verification of the ARQ transfer to the mediator or arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\nThere is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\nIf you are not sure about that process visit ArQmA discord channel (https://discord.gg/s9BQpJT) or the ArQmA forum (https://labs.arqma.com) to find more information.
account.altcoin.popup.arq.msg=BisqでARQをトレードするには、次の要件を理解し、満たす必要があります。\n\nARQを送信するには、store-tx-infoフラグを有効(新しいバージョンではデフォルト)にした公式のArQmA GUIウォレットまたはArQmA CLIウォレットのいずれかを使用する必要があります。係争が発生した場合に必要になるため、txキーにアクセスできることを確認してください。\narqma-wallet-cli(コマンドget_tx_keyを使用)\narqma-wallet-gui(履歴タブに移動し、支払い証明のために(P)ボタンをクリックします)\n\n通常のブロックエクスプローラーでは、転送は検証できません。\n\n係争の場合、調停人に次のデータを提供する必要があります。\n-txプライベートキー\n-トランザクションハッシュ\n-受信者のパブリックアドレス\n\n上記のデータを提供しない場合、または互換性のないウォレットを使用した場合は、係争のケースが失われます。 ARQ送信者は、係争の場合にARQ転送の検証を調停人に提供する責任があります。\n\n支払いIDは不要で、通常のパブリックアドレスのみです。\nこのプロセスがわからない場合は、ArQmA Discordチャンネル( https://discord.gg/s9BQpJT )またはArQmAフォーラム( https://labs.arqma.com )にアクセスして、詳細を確認してください。
account.altcoin.popup.xmr.msg=BisqでXMRをトレードするには、以下の要件を理解し、満たす必要があります。\n\nXMRを売る場合、係争を解決するため調停者や調停人に以下の情報を提供できる必要があります:\n- トランザクションキー(Txキー、Tx秘密キー、Txプライベートキー)\n- トランザクションID(TxID、Txハッシュ)\n- 宛先アドレス(受領者のアドレス)\n\n人気のモネロウォレットからこういう情報を見つける方法について、BisqのWikiを参照して下さい [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Proving_payments]\n必要のトランザクションデータを提供しなければ、係争で不利な裁定を下されます。\n\nBisqではXMRトランザクションに自動確認機能を提供しますが、設で有効にする必要があります。\n\n自動確認機能について詳しくはWikiで参照して下さい:\n[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero#Auto-confirming_trades]
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.msr.msg=Trading MSR on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nFor sending MSR, you need to use either the official Masari GUI wallet, Masari CLI wallet with the store-tx-info flag enabled (enabled by default) or the Masari web wallet (https://wallet.getmasari.org). Please be sure you can access the tx key as that would be required in case of a dispute.\nmasari-wallet-cli (use the command get_tx_key)\nmasari-wallet-gui (go to history tab and click on the (P) button for payment proof)\n\nMasari Web Wallet (goto Account -> transaction history and view details on your sent transaction)\n\nVerification can be accomplished in-wallet.\nmasari-wallet-cli : using command (check_tx_key).\nmasari-wallet-gui : on the Advanced > Prove/Check page.\nVerification can be accomplished in the block explorer \nOpen block explorer (https://explorer.getmasari.org), use the search bar to find your transaction hash.\nOnce transaction is found, scroll to bottom to the 'Prove Sending' area and fill in details as needed.\nYou need to provide the mediator or arbitrator the following data in case of a dispute:\n- The tx private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The MSR sender is responsible for providing verification of the MSR transfer to the mediator or arbitrator in case of a dispute.\n\nThere is no payment ID required, just the normal public address.\nIf you are not sure about that process, ask for help on the Official Masari Discord (https://discord.gg/sMCwMqs).
account.altcoin.popup.blur.msg=Trading BLUR on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send BLUR you must use the Blur Network CLI or GUI Wallet. \n\nIf you are using the CLI wallet, a transaction hash (tx ID) will be displayed after a transfer is sent. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transfer, you must use the command 'get_tx_key' to retrieve the transaction private key. If you fail to perform this step, you may not be able to retrieve the key later. \n\nIf you are using the Blur Network GUI Wallet, the transaction private key and transaction ID can be found conveniently in the "History" tab. Immediately after sending, locate the transaction of interest. Click the "?" symbol in the lower-right corner of the box containing the transaction. You must save this information. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an mediator or arbitrator: 1.) the transaction ID, 2.) the transaction private key, and 3.) the recipient's address. The mediator or arbitrator will then verify the BLUR transfer using the Blur Transaction Viewer (https://blur.cash/#tx-viewer).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the BLUR sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an mediator or arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the Blur Network Discord (https://discord.gg/dMWaqVW).
account.altcoin.popup.blur.msg=BisqでBLURをトレードするには、次の要件を理解し、満たす必要があります。\n\nBLURを送信するには、Blur Network CLIまたはGUI ウォレットを使用する必要があります。\n\nCLIウォレットを使用している場合、転送の送信後にトランザクションハッシュ(tx ID)が表示されます。この情報を保存する必要があります。転送を送信した直後に、コマンド「get_tx_key」を使用してトランザクションプライベートキーを取得する必要があります。この手順を実行しないと、後でキーを取得できない場合があります。\n\nBlur Network GUIウォレットを使用している場合、トランザクションのプライベートキーとトランザクションIDは「履歴」タブで簡単に見つけることができます。送信後すぐに、目的のトランザクションを見つけてください。このトランザクションを含むボックスの右下隅にある「?」記号をクリックしてください。この情報を保存する必要があります。\n\n調停が必要な場合は、1) トランザクションID、2) トランザクションプライベートキー、3) 受信者のアドレス を調停人に提示する必要があります。調停人は、Blur Transaction Viewer( https://blur.cash/#tx-viewer )を使用してBLUR転送を検証します。\n\n必要な情報を調停人に提供しないと、係争のケースが失われます。係争のすべての場合において、BLUR送信者は、調停人に対する取引を確認する責任の100%を負担します。\n\nこれらの要件を理解していない場合は、Bisqで取引しないでください。まず、Blur Network Discord( https://discord.gg/dMWaqVW )で助けを求めてください。
account.altcoin.popup.solo.msg=Trading Solo on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send Solo you must use the Solo Network CLI Wallet. \n\nIf you are using the CLI wallet, a transaction hash (tx ID) will be displayed after a transfer is sent. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transfer, you must use the command 'get_tx_key' to retrieve the transaction private key. If you fail to perform this step, you may not be able to retrieve the key later. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an mediator or arbitrator: 1.) the transaction ID, 2.) the transaction private key, and 3.) the recipient's address. The mediator or arbitrator will then verify the Solo transfer using the Solo Block Explorer by searching for the transaction and then using the "Prove sending" function (https://explorer.minesolo.com/).\n\nfailure to provide the required information to the mediator or arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the Solo sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an mediator or arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the Solo Network Discord (https://discord.minesolo.com/).
account.altcoin.popup.cash2.msg=Trading CASH2 on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send CASH2 you must use the Cash2 Wallet version 3 or higher. \n\nAfter a transaction is sent, the transaction ID will be displayed. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transaction, you must use the command 'getTxKey' in simplewallet to retrieve the transaction secret key. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an mediator or arbitrator: 1) the transaction ID, 2) the transaction secret key, and 3) the recipient's Cash2 address. The mediator or arbitrator will then verify the CASH2 transfer using the Cash2 Block Explorer (https://blocks.cash2.org).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the CASH2 sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an mediator or arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the Cash2 Discord (https://discord.gg/FGfXAYN).
account.altcoin.popup.qwertycoin.msg=Trading Qwertycoin on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send QWC you must use the official QWC Wallet version 5.1.3 or higher. \n\nAfter a transaction is sent, the transaction ID will be displayed. You must save this information. Immediately after sending the transaction, you must use the command 'get_Tx_Key' in simplewallet to retrieve the transaction secret key. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an mediator or arbitrator: 1) the transaction ID, 2) the transaction secret key, and 3) the recipient's QWC address. The mediator or arbitrator will then verify the QWC transfer using the QWC Block Explorer (https://explorer.qwertycoin.org).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the QWC sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an mediator or arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the QWC Discord (https://discord.gg/rUkfnpC).
account.altcoin.popup.drgl.msg=Trading Dragonglass on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nBecause of the privacy Dragonglass provides, a transaction is not verifiable on the public blockchain. If required, you can prove your payment through the use of your TXN-Private-Key.\nThe TXN-Private Key is a one-time key automatically generated for every transaction that can only be accessed from within your DRGL wallet.\nEither by DRGL-wallet GUI (inside transaction details dialog) or by the Dragonglass CLI simplewallet (using command "get_tx_key").\n\nDRGL version 'Oathkeeper' and higher are REQUIRED for both.\n\nIn case of a dispute, you must provide the mediator or arbitrator the following data:\n- The TXN-Private key\n- The transaction hash\n- The recipient's public address\n\nVerification of payment can be made using the above data as inputs at (http://drgl.info/#check_txn).\n\nFailure to provide the above data, or if you used an incompatible wallet, will result in losing the dispute case. The Dragonglass sender is responsible for providing verification of the DRGL transfer to the mediator or arbitrator in case of a dispute. Use of PaymentID is not required.\n\nIf you are unsure about any part of this process, visit Dragonglass on Discord (http://discord.drgl.info) for help.
account.altcoin.popup.cash2.msg=BisqでCASH2をトレードするには、次の要件を理解し、満たす必要があります。\n\nCASH2を送信するには、Cash2 Walletバージョン3以降を使用する必要があります。\n\nトランザクションが送信された後、トランザクションIDが表示されます。この情報を保存する必要があります。トランザクションを送信した直後に、simplewalletのコマンド「getTxKey」を使用して、トランザクションのプライベートキーを取得する必要があります。\n\n調停が必要な場合は、1) トランザクションID、2) トランザクションプライベートキー、および 3) 受信者のCash2アドレス を調停人に提示する必要があります。その後、調停人は、Cash2 Block Explorer( https://blocks.cash2.org )を使用してCASH2転送を検証します。\n\n必要な情報を調停人に提供しないと、係争のケースが失われます。係争のすべての場合において、CASH2の送信者が、仲裁人への取引を確認する責任を100%負います。\n\nこれらの要件を理解していない場合は、Bisqで取引しないでください。まず、Cash2 Discord( https://discord.gg/FGfXAYN )で助けを求めてください。
account.altcoin.popup.qwertycoin.msg=BisqでQwertycoinをトレードするには、次の要件を理解し、満たす必要があります。\n\nQWCを送信するには、公式のQWCウォレットバージョン5.1.3以降を使用する必要があります。\n\nトランザクションが送信された後、トランザクションIDが表示されます。この情報を保存する必要があります。トランザクションを送信した直後に、simplewalletのコマンド「get_Tx_Key」を使用してトランザクションのプライベートキーを取得する必要があります。\n\n調停が必要な場合は、1) トランザクションID、2) トランザクションプライベートキー、3)受信者のQWCアドレス を調停人に提示する必要があります。その後、調停人はQWC Block Explorer( https://explorer.qwertycoin.org )を使用してQWC転送を検証します。\n\n必要な情報を調停人に提供しないと、係争のケースが失われます。係争のすべての場合において、QWCの送信者が、調停人のトレードの検証における100%の責任を負います。\n\nこれらの要件を理解していない場合は、Bisqで取引しないでください。まず、QWC Discord( https://discord.gg/rUkfnpC )で助けを求めてください。
account.altcoin.popup.drgl.msg=BisqでDragonglassをトレードするには、次の要件を理解し、満たす必要があります。\n\nDragonglassが提供するプライバシーのため、トランザクションはパブリックブロックチェーンでは検証できません。必要に応じて、TXN-Private-Keyを使用して支払いを証明できます。\nTXN-Private-Keyは、DRGLウォレット内からのみアクセスできるトランザクションごとに自動的に生成されるワンタイムキーです。\nDRGLウォレットGUI(トランザクション詳細ダイアログ内)またはDragonglass CLIシンプルウォレット(コマンド「get_tx_key」を使用)のいずれか。\n\nDRGLバージョン「Oathkeeper」以降には両方が「必要」です。\n\n係争が発生した場合、調停人に次のデータを提供する必要があります。\n-TXN-Private-Key\n-トランザクションハッシュ\n-受信者のパブリックアドレス\n\n上記のデータを( http://drgl.info/#check_txn )の入力として使用して、支払いの検証を行うことができます。\n\n上記のデータを提供しない場合、または互換性のないウォレットを使用した場合は、係争のケースが失われます。 Dragonglassの送信者は、係争の場合にDRGL転送の調停人に検証を提供する責任があります。 PaymentIDの使用は必要ありません。\n\nこのプロセスについて不明な点がある場合は、Dragonglass on Discord( http://discord.drgl.info )にアクセスしてください。
account.altcoin.popup.grin.msg=GRINでは、トランザクションを作成するために送信者と受信者の間の対話型プロセスが必要です。 GRINプロジェクトのWebページの指示に従って、GRINを確実に送受信してください(受信者はオンラインであるか、特定の時間枠内で少なくともオンラインである必要があります)。\n\nBisqは、Grinbox(Wallet713)ウォレットURL形式のみをサポートします。\n\nGRIN送信者は、GRINが正常に送信されたことを証明する必要があります。ウォレットがその証拠を提供できない場合、起こり得る係争はGRIN受信者に有利に解決されるでしょう。トランザクションプルーフをサポートする最新のGrinboxソフトウェアを使用し、GRINの送受信プロセスとプルーフの作成方法を理解してください。\n\nGrinboxプルーフツールの詳細については、https://github.com/vault713/wallet713/blob/master/docs/usage.md#transaction-proofs-grinbox-only を参照してください。
account.altcoin.popup.pars.msg=Trading ParsiCoin on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send PARS you must use the official ParsiCoin Wallet version 3.0.0 or higher. \n\nYou can Check your Transaction Hash and Transaction Key on Transactions Section on your GUI Wallet (ParsiPay) You need to right Click on the Transaction and then click on show details. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an mediator or arbitrator: 1) the Transaction Hash, 2) the Transaction Key, and 3) the recipient's PARS address. The mediator or arbitrator will then verify the PARS transfer using the ParsiCoin Block Explorer (http://explorer.parsicoin.net/#check_payment).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the ParsiCoin sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an mediator or arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the ParsiCoin Discord (https://discord.gg/c7qmFNh).
account.altcoin.popup.pars.msg=ParsiCoinをBisqでトレードするには、次の要件を理解し、満たす必要があります。\n\nPARSを送信するには、公式のParsiCoin Walletバージョン3.0.0以降を使用する必要があります。\n\nGUIウォレット(ParsiPay)のTransactionsセクションでトランザクションハッシュとトランザクションキーを確認できます。Transactionを右クリックして、show detailsをクリックします。\n\n調停が必要な場合は、1) トランザクションハッシュ、2) トランザクションキー、および3) 受信者のPARSアドレス を調停人に提示する必要があります。その後、調停人は、ParsiCoin Block Explorer( http://explorer.parsicoin.net/#check_payment )を使用してPARS転送を検証します。\n\n必要な情報を調停人に提供しないと、係争のケースが失われます。係争のすべての場合において、ParsiCoinの送信者が、係争人のトランザクションの検証における100%の責任を負います。\n\nこれらの要件を理解していない場合は、Bisqで取引しないでください。まず、ParsiCoin Discord( https://discord.gg/c7qmFNh )で助けを求めてください。
account.altcoin.popup.blk-burnt.msg=To trade burnt blackcoins, you need to know the following:\n\nBurnt blackcoins are unspendable. To trade them on Bisq, output scripts need to be in the form: OP_RETURN OP_PUSHDATA, followed by associated data bytes which, after being hex-encoded, constitute addresses. For example, burnt blackcoins with an address 666f6f (“foo” in UTF-8) will have the following script:\n\nOP_RETURN OP_PUSHDATA 666f6f\n\nTo create burnt blackcoins, one may use the “burn” RPC command available in some wallets.\n\nFor possible use cases, one may look at https://ibo.laboratorium.ee .\n\nAs burnt blackcoins are unspendable, they can not be reselled. “Selling” burnt blackcoins means burning ordinary blackcoins (with associated data equal to the destination address).\n\nIn case of a dispute, the BLK seller needs to provide the transaction hash.
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=パスワードから鍵を引き出す
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=ウォレットの日付
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=あなたのビットコインウォレットは空ではありません。\n\nウォレットを混在させると無効なバックアップになる可能性があるため、古いウォレットを復元する前に、このウォレットを空にする必要があります。\n\nあなたの取引を終了し、あなたの全てのオープンオファーを閉じて、あなたのビットコインを出金するために資金セクションに行ってください。\nあなたが自身のビットコインにアクセスできない場合、ウォレットを空にするために緊急ツールを使うことができます。\n緊急ツールを開くには「alt + e」か「option + e」を押してください。
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=アルトコインアドレス
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=市民ID/納税者番号または電話番号
payment.error.noHexSalt=ソルトはHEXフォーマットである必要があります。\nアカウントの年齢を維持するために古いアカウントからソルトを送金したい場合は、ソルトフィールドを編集することをお勧めします。 アカウントの年齢は、アカウントソルトおよび識別口座データ(例えば、IBAN)を使用することによって検証されます。
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=普通口座
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelleは他の銀行を介して利用するとよりうまくいく送金サービスです。\n\n1. あなたの銀行がZelleと協力するか(そして利用の方法)をここから確認して下さい: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. 送金制限に注意して下さい。制限は銀行によって異なり、1日、1週、1月当たりの制限に分けられていることが多い。\n\n3. 銀行がZelleと協力しない場合でも、Zelleのモバイルアプリ版を使えますが、送金制限ははるかに低くなります。\n\n4. Bisqアカウントで特定される名前は必ずZelleアカウントと銀行口座に特定される名前と合う必要があります。\n\nトレード契約書とおりにZelleトランザクションを完了できなければ、一部(あるいは全て)のセキュリティデポジットを失う可能性はあります。\n\nZelleにおいてやや高い支払取り消しリスクがあるので、売り手はメールやSMSで無署名買い手に連絡して、Bisqに特定されるZelleアカウントの所有者かどうかを確かめるようにおすすめします。
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=「Faster Payments」で送金する場合、銀行が受信者の姓名を確認するケースが最近多くなりました。現在の「Faster Payments」アカウントは姓名を特定しません。\n\nこれからの{0}買い手に姓名を提供するため、Bisq内に新しい「Faster Payments」アカウントを作成するのを検討して下さい。\n\n新しいアカウントを作成すると、完全に同じ分類コード、アカウントの口座番号、そしてアカウント年齢検証ソルト値を古いアカウントから新しいアカウントにコピーして下さい。こうやって現在のアカウントの年齢そして署名状況は維持されます。
payment.westernUnion.info=Western Unionを使用する場合、BTCの買い手はMTCN(追跡番号)と領収書の写真をEメールでBTCの売り手に送信する必要があります。領収書には、売り手の氏名、市区町村、国、金額を明確に記載する必要があります。買い手には、取引プロセスにて売り手のEメールが表示されます。
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=HalCashを使用する場合、BTCの買い手は携帯電話からのテキストメッセージを介してBTCの売り手にHalCashコードを送信する必要があります。\n\n銀行がHalCashで送金できる最大額を超えないようにしてください。 1回の出金あたりの最小金額は10EURで、最大金額は600EURです。繰り返し出金する場合は、1日に受取人1人あたり3000EUR、1ヶ月に受取人1人あたり6000EURです。あなたの銀行でも、ここに記載されているのと同じ制限を使用しているか、これらの制限を銀行と照合して確認してください。\n\n出金額は10の倍数EURでなければ、ATMから出金できません。 オファーの作成画面およびオファー受け入れ画面のUIは、EUR金額が正しくなるようにBTC金額を調整します。価格の変化とともにEURの金額は変化するため、市場ベースの価格を使用することはできません。\n\n係争が発生した場合、BTCの買い手はEURを送ったという証明を提出する必要があります。
payment.limits.info=すべての銀行振込にはある程度の支払取り消しのリスクがあることに気を付けて下さい。\n\nこのリスクを軽減するために、Bisqは下記の2つの要因に基づいてトレードごとの制限を設定します。\n\n1.使用する支払い方法での支払取り消しリスクの推定レベル\n2.支払い方法のアカウントの年齢\n\n今作成しているアカウントは新しいもので、年齢は0です。 アカウントの年齢が上がるにつれて、取引ごとの制限は成長します:\n\n●1ヶ月目の間、1トレードあたりの上限は{0}になります\n●2ヵ月目の間、1トレードあたりの上限は{1}になります\n●2ヶ月目以降は、1トレードあたりの上限は{2}になります\n\n制限は各トレードの量のみに適用されることに注意して下さい。トレードできる合計回数には制限はありません。
payment.limits.info.withSigning=支払取り消しのリスクを軽減するために、Bisqはこの支払いアカウントに下記の2つの要因に基づいてトレードごとの制限を設定します。\n\n1.使用する支払い方法での支払取り消しリスクの推定レベル\n2.アカウントの署名状況\n\nこの支払いアカウントはまだ無署名ですので、トレードごとに{0}の買い制限があります。 アカウントが署名される後、トレードごとの制限は以下のように成長します:\n\n●署名の前、そして署名から30日間までに、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{0}になります\n●署名から30日間後に、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{1}になります\n●署名から60日間後に、1トレードあたりの買い制限は{2}になります\n\n売り制限は署名状況にも関わらず、アカウント年齢に基づいて成長します。\n\n詳しくは: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits]\n\n制限は各トレードの量のみに適用されることに注意して下さい。取引できる合計回数には制限はありません。
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=支払取り消しのリスクを軽減するた
payment.cashDeposit.info=あなたの銀行が他の人の口座に現金入金を送ることを許可していることを確認してください。たとえば、Bank of America と Wells Fargo では、こうした預金は許可されなくなりました。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n現在の「Revolut」アカウント({1})には「ユーザ名」が設定されていません。 \nアカウントデータを更新するのにRevolutの「ユーザ名」を入力して下さい。\nアカウント年齢署名状況に影響を及ぼしません。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=メイカーは「取引条件」を定めたり、公開連絡先情報を追加したりできます。 これはオファーと一緒に表示されます。
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=国と都市: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=追加情報: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=0の入力は許可されていません。
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=入力したパスワードが長すぎます。 50文字を超えることはできません。
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0}は{1}個の数字で構成されている必要
validation.invalidInput=不正な入力: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=アカウント番号は次の形式である必要があります: {0}
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Revolut Sepaのアカウントはサポートされていません。
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=文字、数字、スペースおよび/または記号 ' _ , . ? - だけを含める必要があります
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=1つの単語で、文字、数字、- 記号のみを含む必要があります
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.pattern=入力は次の形式である必要があります: {0}
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=例外の数値フォーマット {0}
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=電話番号 {0} には無効な文字が含まれている
validation.phone.insufficientDigits={0} には桁数が不十分で有効電話番号になりません
validation.phone.tooManyDigits={0} には桁数が多過ぎて有効電話番号になりません
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=電話番号 {0} の国番号は国の {1} にとって間違っています。正しい国番号は {2} です。
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivando chave a partir da senha
password.walletDecrypted=A carteira foi decifrada com sucesso e a proteção por senha removida
password.wrongPw=Você digitou a senha incorreta.\n\nFavor tentar novamente, verificando com cuidado erros de digitação ou ortografia.
password.walletEncrypted=A carteira foi encriptada e a proteção por senha foi ativada com sucesso.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=A senha da carteira não pôde ser definida. Você pode ter importado palavras-semente que não correspondem à base de dados da carteira. Por favor, entre em contato com os desenvolvedores no Fórum Bisq.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=As 2 senhas inseridas não são iguais.
password.forgotPassword=Esqueceu a senha?
password.backupReminder=Ao definir uma senha para a carteira, todos os backups criados automaticamente a partir da carteira não encriptada serão apagados.\n\nAntes de definir uma senha, é altamente recomendável que você faça um backup da pasta do Bisq e anote a semente da carteira em um papel.
password.backupWasDone=Eu já fiz um backup
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
seed.seedWords=Semente da carteira
seed.enterSeedWords=Insira a semente da carteira
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=Data da carteira
seed.restore.title=Recuperar carteira a partir das palavras semente
seed.restore=Recuperar carteira
seed.creationDate=Criada em
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Sua carteira do Bitcoin não está vazia.\n\nVocê deve esvaziar esta carteira antes de tentar restaurar uma mais antiga, já que misturar as carteiras pode levar à backups inválidos.\n\nPor favor, finalize suas negociações, feche todas as suas ofertas abertas e vá para a seção Fundos para sacar seus bitcoins.\nCaso você não consiga acessar seus bitcoins, você pode usar a ferramenta de emergência para esvaziar a carteira.\nPara abrir essa ferramenta de emergência, pressione \"alt + e\" ou \"option + e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Desejo recuperar mesmo assim
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Esvaziarei as carteiras primeiro
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Suas carteiras estão encriptadas.\n\nApós a restauração, as carteiras não estarão mais encriptadas e você deverá definir uma nova senha.\n\nDeseja continuar?
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=Endereço altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Negócio instantâneo (dentro de 1 hora) com esta Altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=Para negociação instantânea, é necessário que os dois pares de negociação estejam online para concluir a negociação em menos de 1 hora.\n\nSe você tem ofertas abertas e você não está disponível, por favor desative essas ofertas na tela 'Portfolio'.
payment.select.altcoin=Selecionar ou buscar altcoin
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Pergunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID da carteira
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=ID de cidadão/ID de impostos ou nº de telefone
payment.supportedCurrencies=Moedas disponíveis
payment.salt=Sal para verificação da idade da conta
payment.error.noHexSalt=O sal precisa estar em formato hexadecimal.\nO campo sal só deve ser editado se você quiser transferir o sal de uma conta antiga para manter a idade de conta. A idade da conta é verificada utilizando o sal da conta e os dados identificadores da conta (por exemplo, o IBAN).
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
payment.accept.euro=Aceitar negociações destes países do Euro
payment.accept.nonEuro=Aceitar negociações desses países fora do Euro
payment.accepted.countries=Países aceitos
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=Poupança
payment.personalId=Identificação pessoal
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=Ao usar o MoneyGram, o comprador de BTC deve enviar o Número de Autorização e uma foto do recibo por e-mail ao vendedor de BTC. O recibo deve mostrar claramente o nome completo do vendedor, o país, o estado e a quantia. O comprador visualizará o e-mail do vendedor no processo de negócio.
payment.westernUnion.info=Ao usar o Western Union, o comprador do BTC deve enviar o MTCN (número de rastreamento) e uma foto do recibo por e-mail ao vendedor de BTC. O recibo deve mostrar claramente o nome completo do vendedor, a cidade, o país e a quantia. O comprador visualizará o e-mail do vendedor no processo de negócio.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=Ao usar o HalCash, o comprador de BTC precisa enviar ao vendedor de BTC o código HalCash através de uma mensagem de texto do seu telefone.\n\nPor favor, certifique-se de não exceder a quantia máxima que seu banco lhe permite enviar com o HalCash. O valor mínimo de saque é de 10 euros e valor máximo é de 600 EUR. Para saques repetidos é de 3000 euros por destinatário por dia e 6000 euros por destinatário por mês. Por favor confirme esses limites com seu banco para ter certeza de que eles usam os mesmos limites mencionados aqui.\n\nO valor de saque deve ser um múltiplo de 10 euros, pois você não pode sacar notas diferentes de uma ATM. Esse valor em BTC será ajustado na telas de criar e aceitar ofertas para que a quantia de EUR esteja correta. Você não pode usar o preço com base no mercado, pois o valor do EUR estaria mudando com a variação dos preços.\n\nEm caso de disputa, o comprador de BTC precisa fornecer a prova de que enviou o EUR.
payment.limits.info=Please be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk.\n\nTo mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on two factors:\n\n1. The estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used\n2. The age of your account for that payment method\n\nThe account you are creating now is new and its age is zero. As your account ages, your per-trade limits will grow:\n\n● During the 1st month, your per-trade limit will be {0}\n● During the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {1}\n● After the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {2}\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase with account age.\n\nSee more: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits]\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade li
payment.cashDeposit.info=Certifique-se de que o seu banco permite a realização de depósitos em espécie na conta de terceiros.
payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'User name' as account ID not the phone number or email as it was the case in the past.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not has set the ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
payment.f2f.contact=Informações para contato
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=Como prefere ser contatado pelo seu parceiro de negociação? (e-mail, telefone...)
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.city=Cidade para se encontrar 'Cara-a-cara'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=A cidade será exibida na oferta
payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Informações adicionais opcionais
payment.f2f.extra=Informações adicionais
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=O ofertante pode definir 'termos e condições' ou adicionar informação de um contato público. Este será exibido junto da oferta.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir site
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País e cidade: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Informações adicionais: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=Número 0 não é permitido
validation.negative=Valores negativos não são permitidos.
validation.fiat.toSmall=Quantia menor do que a mínima permitida.
validation.fiat.toLarge=Quantia maior do que a máxima permitida.
validation.btc.fraction=A quantia resulta em um valor de bitcoin menor do que a unidade mínima (satoshi).
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.btc.toLarge=Quantia máx. permitida: {0}
validation.btc.toSmall=Quantia mín. permitida: {0}
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=Quantia mín. permitida: {0}
validation.passwordTooShort=A senha inserida é muito curta. É necessário conter no mínimo 8 caracteres
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=A senha inserida é muito longa. Não pode ser maior do que 50 caracteres
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} deve consistir de {1} números.
validation.sortCodeChars={0} deve consistir de {1} caracteres.
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} deve consistir de {1} números.
validation.invalidInput=Entrada inválida: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=O número da conta deve estar no formato: {0}
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=Validação do endereço falhou pois este não é compatível com a estrutura de um endereço {0}.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=Endereços LTZ precisam de começar com L. Endereços começando com z não são suportados.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=Endereços ZEC precisam iniciar com t. Endereços iniciando com z não são suportados.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=Endereço não é um endereço {0} válido! {1}
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Endereços nativos de Segwit (começando com "lq") não são suportados.
validation.bic.invalidLength=Comprimento da entrada não é 8 ou 11
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.letters=Banco e código de país devem ser letras
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC contém código de localização inválido
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC contém código da agência inválido
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Contas Revolut Sepa não são suportadas.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Formato inválido do endereço Bitcoin.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Formato inválido do endereço BSQ.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.email.invalidAddress=Endereço inválido
validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Código de país inválido
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Código verificador deve ser numérico
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Caractere não alfanumérico detectado
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Código de verificação IBAN é inválido
validation.iban.invalidLength=Número deve ter entre 15 e 34 caracteres.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Código de área não é canadense.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Número de telefone inválido e não é um endereço de email
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Deve conter somente letras, números, espaços e/ou os símbolos ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Deve ser uma palavra e conter apenas letras, números e/ou o símbolo -
validation.inputTooLarge=Não deve ser maior do que {0}
validation.inputTooSmall=Deve ser maior do que {0}
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=O input tem de ser pelo menos {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=Comprimento deve ser entre {0} e {1}
validation.pattern=Input deve ser no formato: {0}
validation.noHexString=O input não está no formato hexadecimal
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Exceção do formato do número {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=O input não deve ser negativo
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Precisa do código do país com duas letras para validar o número de telefone
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=O número de telefone {0} contém caracteres inválidos.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Não há dígitos suficientes em {0} para ser um telefone válido
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Digitos de mais em {0} para ser um telefone válido
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=DDI no número {0} é inválido para o país {1}. O DDI correto é {2}.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Precisa ser uma lista delimitada por vírgulas de endereços válidos
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=Derivar chave a partir da senha
password.walletDecrypted=A carteira foi descriptografada com sucesso e a proteção por senha removida.
password.wrongPw=Você digitou a senha errada.\n\nPor favor, tente digitar sua senha novamente, verificando com atenção se há erros de ortografia.
password.walletEncrypted=Carteira encriptada com sucesso e proteção por senha ativada.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=A senha da carteira não pôde ser definida. Você pode ter importado palavras-semente que não correspondem à base de dados da carteira. Por favor, contacte os desenvolvedores no Fórum Bisq.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=As 2 senhas inseridas não são iguais.
password.forgotPassword=Esqueceu a senha?
password.backupReminder=Observe que, ao definir uma senha da carteira, todos os backups criados automaticamente a partir da carteira não criptografada serão apagados.\n\nÉ altamente recomendado fazer um backup do diretório do programa e anotar suas palavras-semente antes de definir uma senha!
password.backupWasDone=Eu já fiz um backup
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
seed.seedWords=Palavras-semente da carteira
seed.enterSeedWords=Inserir as palavras-semente da carteira
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=Data da carteira
seed.restore.title=Restaurar carteira a partir de palavras-semente
seed.restore=Restaurar carteiras
seed.creationDate=Data de criação
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Sua carteira do Bitcoin não está vazia.\n\nVocê deve esvaziar esta carteira antes de tentar restaurar uma mais antiga, já que misturar as carteiras pode levar à backups invalidados.\n\nPor favor, finalize seus negócios, feche todas as suas ofertas abertas e vá para a secção Fundos para levantar a sua bitcoin.\nCaso você não consiga acessar a sua bitcoin, você pode usar a ferramenta de emergência para esvaziar a carteira.\nPara abrir essa ferramenta de emergência, pressione \"alt + e\" ou \"option + e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Eu desejo restaurar de qualquer forma
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Eu esvaziarei as carteiras primeiro
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Suas carteiras são encriptadas.\n\nApós a restauração, as carteiras não serão mais encriptadas e você deverá definir uma nova senha.\n\nVocê quer continuar?
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=Endereço de altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Negócio instantâneo (dentro de 1 hora) com esta Altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=Para negociação instantânea, é necessário que os dois pares de negociação estejam online para concluir o negócio em menos de 1 hora..\n\nSe você tem ofertas abertas e você não está disponível, por favor desative essas ofertas no ecrã 'Portefólio'.
payment.select.altcoin=Selecionar ou procurar altcoin
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Pergunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID da carteira
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=ID de cidadão/ID de impostos ou nº de telemóvel
payment.supportedCurrencies=Moedas suportadas
payment.salt=Sal para verificação da idade da conta
payment.error.noHexSalt=O sal precisa de estar no formato HEX.\nSó é recomendável editar o campo do sal se você quiser transferir o sal de uma conta antiga para manter a idade da sua conta. A idade da conta é verificada usando o sal da conta e os dados da conta de identificação, (ex. IBAN).
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
payment.accept.euro=Aceitar negócios destes países do Euro
payment.accept.nonEuro=Aceitar negócios desses países fora do Euro
payment.accepted.countries=Países aceites
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=Poupança
payment.personalId=ID pessoal
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=Ao usar o MoneyGram, o comprador de BTC deve enviar o Número de Autorização e uma foto do recibo por e-mail ao vendedor de BTC. O recibo deve mostrar claramente o nome completo do vendedor, o país, o estado e a quantia. O comprador visualizará o e-mail do vendedor no processo de negócio.
payment.westernUnion.info=Ao usar o Western Union, o comprador do BTC deve enviar o MTCN (número de rastreamento) e uma foto do recibo por e-mail ao vendedor de BTC. O recibo deve mostrar claramente o nome completo do vendedor, a cidade, o país e a quantia. O comprador visualizará o e-mail do vendedor no processo de negócio.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=Ao usar o HalCash, o comprador de BTC precisa enviar ao vendedor de BTC o código HalCash através de uma mensagem de texto do seu telemóvel.\n\nPor favor, certifique-se de não exceder a quantia máxima que seu banco lhe permite enviar com o HalCash. A quantia mín. de levantamento é de 10 euros e a quantia máx. é de 600 EUR. Para levantamentos repetidos é de 3000 euros por recipiente por dia e 6000 euros por recipiente por mês. Por favor confirme esses limites com seu banco para ter certeza de que eles usam os mesmos limites mencionados aqui.\n\nA quantia de levantamento deve ser um múltiplo de 10 euros, pois você não pode levantar outras quantias de uma ATM. A interface do utilizador no ecrã para criar oferta e aceitar ofertas ajustará a quantia de BTC para que a quantia de EUR esteja correta. Você não pode usar o preço com base no mercado, pois o valor do EUR estaria mudando com a variação dos preços.\n\nEm caso de disputa, o comprador de BTC precisa fornecer a prova de que enviou o EUR.
payment.limits.info=Please be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk.\n\nTo mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on two factors:\n\n1. The estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used\n2. The age of your account for that payment method\n\nThe account you are creating now is new and its age is zero. As your account ages, your per-trade limits will grow:\n\n● During the 1st month, your per-trade limit will be {0}\n● During the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {1}\n● After the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {2}\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase with account age.\n\nSee more: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits]\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade li
payment.cashDeposit.info=Por favor, confirme que seu banco permite-lhe enviar depósitos em dinheiro para contas de outras pessoas. Por exemplo, o Bank of America e o Wells Fargo não permitem mais esses depósitos.
payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'User name' as account ID not the phone number or email as it was the case in the past.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not has set the ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
payment.f2f.contact=Informação de contacto
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=Como deseja ser contactado pelo par de negociação? (endereço de e-mail, número de telefone, ...)
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.city=Cidade para o encontro 'Face à face'
payment.f2f.city.prompt=A cidade será exibida com a oferta
payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Informação adicional opcional
payment.f2f.extra=Informação adicional
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=O ofertante pode definir 'termos e condições' ou adicionar informação de um contacto público. Este será exibido com a oferta.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir página web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País e cidade: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Informação adicional: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=Número 0 não é permitido
validation.negative=Valores negativos não são permitidos.
validation.fiat.toSmall=Input menor do que a quantia mínima permitida.
validation.fiat.toLarge=Input maior do que a quantia máxima permitida.
validation.btc.fraction=O input resulta em um valor de bitcoin com uma fração da menor unidade (satoshi).
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.btc.toLarge=O input maior que {0} não é permitido.
validation.btc.toSmall=Input menor que {0} não é permitido.
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=Input menor que {0} não é permitido.
validation.passwordTooShort=A senha inserida é muito curta. É necessário conter no mínimo 8 caracteres.
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=A senha inserida é muito longa. Não pode ser maior do que 50 caracteres.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} deve consistir de {1} números.
validation.sortCodeChars={0} deve consistir de {1} caracteres.
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} tem de ser constituído por {1} números
validation.invalidInput=Input inválido: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=O número da conta deve estar no formato: {0}
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=Validação do endereço falhou pois este não é compatível com a estrutura de um endereço {0}.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=Endereços LTZ precisam de começar com L. Endereços começando com z não são suportados.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=Endereços ZEC precisam começar com t. Endereços iniciando com z não são suportados.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=Endereço não é um endereço {0} válido! {1}
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Native segwit addresses (those starting with 'lq') are not supported.
validation.bic.invalidLength=Comprimento do input não é 8 ou 11
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.letters=Banco e Código de país devem ser letras
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC contém código de localização inválido
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC contém código da agência inválido
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Contas Revolut SEPA não são suportadas.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Formato inválido de endereço Bitcoin.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Formato inválido de endereço BSQ.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.email.invalidAddress=Endereço inválido
validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Código de país inválido
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Soma de verificação deve ser numérica
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Carácter não alfanumérico detectado
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Soma de verificação dp IBAN é inválida
validation.iban.invalidLength=Número deve ter entre 15 e 34 caracteres.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Código de área não é canadense.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Número de telefone inválido e não é um endereço de email
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Deve conter apenas letras, números, espaços e/ou símbolos ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Deve ser uma palavra e conter apenas letras, números e/ou o símbolo -
validation.inputTooLarge=O input não deve ser maior que {0}
validation.inputTooSmall=O input deve ser maior que {0}
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=O input tem de ser pelo menos {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=O comprimento deve estar entre {0} e {1}
validation.pattern=O input deve ter o formato: {0}
validation.noHexString=O input não está no formato HEX.
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Exceção do formato do número {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=O input não deve ser negativo
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=É preciso o código do país de duas letras para validar o número de telefone
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=O número de telfone {0} contém carácteres inválidos
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Faltam algarismos em {0} para um número de telefone válido
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Demasiados algarismos em {0} para ser um número de telefone válido
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=O código de discagem do país no número {0} é inválido para o país {1}. O correcto código de discagem é {2}.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Deve ser um lista de endereços válidos separados por vírgulas
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=Извлечь ключ из пароля
password.walletDecrypted=Кошелёк успешно расшифрован, защита паролем удалена.
password.wrongPw=Вы ввели неверный пароль.\n\nПопробуйте снова, обратив внимание на возможные ошибки ввода.
password.walletEncrypted=Кошелёк успешно зашифрован, защита паролем включена.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Не удалось установить пароль на кошелёк. Возможно, вы импортировали мнемоническую фразу, не соответствующую базе данных кошелька. Просьба связаться с разработчиками на форуме Bisq.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=Введённые вами 2 пароля не совпадают.
password.forgotPassword=Забыли пароль?
password.backupReminder=При установке пароля кошелька все автоматически создаваемые резервные копии незашифрованного кошелька будут удалены.\n\nНастоятельно рекомендуется сделать резервную копию директории приложения и записать мнемоническую фразу перед установкой пароля!
password.backupWasDone=Я уже сделал (-а) резервную копию
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
seed.seedWords=Мнемоническая фраза кошелька
seed.enterSeedWords=Введите мнемоническую фразу кошелька
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=Дата создания кошелька
seed.restore.title=Восстановить кошельки с помощью мнемонической фразы
seed.restore=Восстановить кошельки
seed.creationDate=Дата создания
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=В вашем биткойн-кошельке остались средства.\n\nВы должны вывести все средства из него, прежде чем пытаться восстановить старый, так как смешивание кошельков может привести к недействительным резервным копиям.\n\nЗавершите свои сделки, закройте все открытые предложения и перейдите в раздел «Средства», чтобы вывести свои биткойны.\nЕсли вы не сможете получить доступ к своим биткойнам, можно воспользоваться аварийным инструментом для вывода средств из кошелька.\nЧтобы открыть этот аварийный инструмент, нажмите \«alt + e\» или \«option + e\».
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Всё равно хочу восстановить
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Вывести все средства с моих кошельков
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Ваши кошельки зашифрованы.\n\nПосле восстановления кошельки больше не будут зашифрованы, и вам потребуется установить новый пароль.\n\nПродолжить?
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=Альткойн-адрес
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Совершайте мгновенные сделки (в течение 1 часа) с этим альткойном
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=Для ускоренной торговли требуется, чтобы оба контрагента были в сети и могли завершить сделку менее чем за 1 час.\n\nЕсли у вас есть текущие предложения, но вы не можете находиться в сети, отключите их в разделе «Папка».
payment.select.altcoin=Выберите или найдите альткойн
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Секретный вопрос
payment.wallet=Идентификатор кошелька
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=Удостовер. личности / налог.
payment.supportedCurrencies=Поддерживаемые валюты
payment.salt=Модификатор («соль») для подтверждения возраста счёта
payment.error.noHexSalt=«Соль» должна быть в шестнадцатеричном формате.\nРекомендуется редактировать поле «соли» только при переносе её из старого счёта, чтобы сохранить его возраст. Возраст проверяется с помощью «соли» и уникальных данных счёта (напр. IBAN).
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
payment.accept.euro=Принять сделки из этих стран, использующих EUR
payment.accept.nonEuro=Принять сделки из этих стран, не использующих EUR
payment.accepted.countries=Одобренные страны
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=Сберегательный
payment.personalId=Личный идентификатор
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=При использовании MoneyGram покупатель BTC должен отправить по электронной почте продавцу BTC код подтверждения и фотографию квитанции. В квитанции должно быть четко указано полное имя продавца, страна, штат (область) и сумма. Электронный адрес продавца будет показан покупателю в процессе сделки.
payment.westernUnion.info=При использовании Western Union покупатель BTC должен отправить по электронной почте продавцу BTC контрольный номер MTCN и фотографию квитанции. В квитанции должно быть четко указано полное имя продавца, страна, город и сумма. Электронный адрес продавца будет показан покупателю в процессе сделки.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=Используя HalCash, покупатель BTC обязуется отправить продавцу BTC код HalCash через СМС с мобильного телефона.\n\nУбедитесь, что не вы не превысили максимальную сумму, которую ваш банк позволяет отправить с HalCash. Минимальная сумма на вывод средств составляет 10 EUR, а и максимальная — 600 EUR. При повторном выводе средств лимит составляет 3000 EUR на получателя в день и 6000 EUR на получателя в месяц. Просьба сверить эти лимиты с вашим банком и убедиться, что лимиты банка соответствуют лимитам, указанным здесь.\n\nВыводимая сумма должна быть кратна 10 EUR, так как другие суммы снять из банкомата невозможно. Приложение само отрегулирует сумму BTC, чтобы она соответствовала сумме в EUR, во время создания или принятия предложения. Вы не сможете использовать текущий рыночный курс, так как сумма в EUR будет меняться с изменением курса.\n\nВ случае спора покупателю BTC необходимо предоставить доказательство отправки EUR.
payment.limits.info=Please be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk.\n\nTo mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on two factors:\n\n1. The estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used\n2. The age of your account for that payment method\n\nThe account you are creating now is new and its age is zero. As your account ages, your per-trade limits will grow:\n\n● During the 1st month, your per-trade limit will be {0}\n● During the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {1}\n● After the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {2}\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase with account age.\n\nSee more: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits]\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade li
payment.cashDeposit.info=Убедитесь, что ваш банк позволяет отправлять денежные переводы на счета других лиц. Например, Bank of America и Wells Fargo больше не разрешают такие переводы.
payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'User name' as account ID not the phone number or email as it was the case in the past.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not has set the ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
payment.f2f.contact=Контактная информация
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=Как вы хотите связаться с контрагентом? (электронная почта, телефон...)
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.city=Город для личной встречи
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Город будет указан в предложении
payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Дополнительная необязательная информация
payment.f2f.extra=Дополнительная информация
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=Мейкер вправе определить условия сделки или добавить общедоступную контактную информацию. Эти данные будут указаны в предложении.
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Открыть веб-страницу
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Дополнительная информация: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=Введённое значение не может быть р
validation.negative=Отрицательное значение недопустимо.
validation.fiat.toSmall=Ввод значения меньше минимально возможного не допускается.
validation.fiat.toLarge=Ввод значения больше максимально возможного не допускается.
validation.btc.fraction=Результатом ввода является биткойн с долей наименьшей единицы (сатоши).
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.btc.toLarge=Значение не может превышать {0}.
validation.btc.toSmall=Значение не может быть меньше {0}.
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=Значение не может быть меньше {0}.
validation.passwordTooShort=Введенный пароль слишком короткий. Его длина должна составлять не менее 8 символов.
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=Введенный пароль слишком длинный. Его длина не должна превышать 50 символов.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} должен состоять из {1} цифр.
validation.sortCodeChars={0} должен состоять из {1} символов.
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} должен состоять из {1} цифр
validation.invalidInput=Недействительное значение: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=Допустимый формат номера счёта: {0}
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=Сбой проверки адреса. Адрес не соответствует структуре адреса {0}.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=Адрес LTZ должен начинаться с L. Адреса, начинающиеся с z, не поддерживаются.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=Адрес ZEC должен начинаться с t. Адреса, начинающиеся с z, не поддерживаются.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=Адрес не является действительным адресом {0}! {1}
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Native segwit addresses (those starting with 'lq') are not supported.
validation.bic.invalidLength=Значение не равно 8 или 11
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.letters=Код банка и страны должен быть буквенным
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC содержит недействительный код местности
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC содержит недействительный код отделения
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Счета SEPA в Revolut не поддерживаются.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Неверный формат биткойн-адреса.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Неверный формат адреса BSQ.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.email.invalidAddress=Недействительный адрес
validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Код страны недействителен
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Контрольная сумма должна иметь числовой формат
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Введен не буквенно-цифровой знак
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Контрольная сумма IBAN недействительна
validation.iban.invalidLength=Длина номера должна составлять от 15 до 34 символов.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Код не канадского региона
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Неверный формат номера телефона или адрес электронной почты
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Должен содержать только буквы, цифры, пробелы и/или символы ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Должен состоять из одного слова, содержащего только буквы, цифры и/или символ -
validation.inputTooLarge=Значение не должно превышать {0}
validation.inputTooSmall=Значение должно быть более {0}
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=Значение должно быть не менее {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=Длина должна составлять от {0} до {1}
validation.pattern=Формат значения: {0}
validation.noHexString=Значение не соответствует шестнадцатеричному формату.
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Исключение числового фор
validation.mustNotBeNegative=Значение не может быть отрицательным
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Need two letter country code to validate phone number
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Phone number {0} contains invalid characters
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Not enough digits in {0} for a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code in number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Must be comma separated list of valid addresses
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=ดึงข้อมูลจากรหัสผ่าน
password.wrongPw=คุณป้อนรหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง\n\nโปรดลองป้อนรหัสผ่านอีกครั้งโดยละเอียด เพื่อตรวจสอบความผิดพลาดในการพิมพ์หรือสะกด
password.walletEncryptionFailed=ไม่สามารถตั้งรหัสผ่านกระเป๋าสตางค์ได้ คุณอาจกรอกรหัสลับป้องกันกระเป๋าสตางค์ที่ไม่ตรงกับฐานข้อมูลโปรดติดต่อนักพัฒนาซอฟต์แวร์ในฟอรัม Bisq Forum
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=รหัสผ่าน 2 รายการที่คุณป้อนไม่ตรงกัน
password.backupReminder=โปรดทราบว่าเมื่อตั้งค่ารหัสผ่านกระเป๋าสตางค์ที่สร้างขึ้นโดยอัตโนมัติทั้งหมดจาก wallet ที่ไม่ได้รับการเข้ารหัสจะถูกลบออก\n\nขอแนะนำให้ทำการสำรองข้อมูลของสารบบแอ็พพลิเคชั่นและเขียนรหัสลับป้องกันกระเป๋าสตางค์ก่อนที่จะตั้งรหัสผ่าน!
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=วันที่ในกระเป๋าสตางค์
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=กระเป๋าสตางค์ Bitcoin ของคุณยังมีเงินเหลือ\n\nคุณต้องยกเลิกกระเป๋าสตางค์นี้ก่อนที่จะพยายามกู้คืนแฟ้มที่เก่ากว่าเนื่องจากการรวมกระเป๋าสตางค์เข้าด้วยกันอาจทำให้เกิดการสำรองข้อมูลที่ไม่ถูกต้อง "\n\nโปรดปิดบัญชีการซื้อขายของคุณ และปิดข้อเสนอทั้งหมดของคุณและไปที่ส่วนเงินทุนเพื่อถอนเงิน bitcoin ของคุณ\nในกรณีที่คุณไม่สามารถเข้าถึง Bitcoin คุณสามารถใช้เครื่องมือฉุกเฉินเพื่อลบกระเป๋าสตางค์ได้\nหากต้องการเปิดเครื่องมือฉุกเฉินให้กด \"alt + e \" หรือ \"option + e \"
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=กระเป๋าสตางค์ของคุณได้รับการเข้ารหัสแล้ว\n\nหลังจากเรียกคืน wallets จะไม่ได้รับการเข้ารหัสและคุณต้องตั้งรหัสผ่านใหม่\n\nคุณต้องการดำเนินการต่อหรือไม่
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=ที่อยู่ Altcoin (เหรียญทา
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Trade instant (within 1 hour) with this Altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=For instant trading it is required that both trading peers are online to be able to complete the trade in less than 1 hour.\n\nIf you have offers open and you are not available please disable those offers under the 'Portfolio' screen.
payment.altcoin=Altcoin (เหรียญทางเลือก)
payment.select.altcoin=เลือกหรือค้นหา altcoin (เหรียญทางเลือก)
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.wallet=ID กระเป๋าสตางค์
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=รหัสบัตรประชาชน/ร
payment.error.noHexSalt=ข้อมูลแบบสุ่มต้องอยู่ในรูปแบบ HEX \nแนะนำให้คุณแก้ไขเขตข้อมูลแบบสุ่ม ถ้าต้องการโอนข้อมูลแบบสุ่มจากบัญชีเก่าเพื่อยืดอายุบัญชีของคุณ อายุบัญชีได้รับการยืนยันโดยใช้ข้อมูลแบบสุ่มในบัญชีและข้อมูลบัญชีที่ระบุ (เช่น IBAN)
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
@ -2611,7 +2611,7 @@ shared.accountSigningState=Account signing status
payment.altcoin.address.dyn={0} ที่อยู่
payment.maxPeriodAndLimit=Max. trade duration: {0} / Max. buy: {1} / Max. sell: {2} / Account age: {3}
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=ออมทรัพย์
payment.personalId=รหัส ID ประจำตัวบุคคล
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=เมื่อใช้ MoneyGram ผู้ซื้อ BTC จะต้องส่งหมายเลขการอนุมัติและรูปใบเสร็จรับเงินทางอีเมลไปยังผู้ขาย BTC ใบเสร็จจะต้องแสดงชื่อเต็ม ประเทศ รัฐและจำนวนเงินทั้งหมดของผู้ขาย ผู้ซื้อจะได้รับอีเมลของผู้ขายในขั้นตอนการค้า
payment.westernUnion.info=เมื่อใช้ Western Union ผู้ซื้อ BTC จะต้องส่ง MTCN (หมายเลขติดตาม) และรูปใบเสร็จรับเงินทางอีเมลไปยังผู้ขาย BTC ใบเสร็จรับเงินต้องแสดงชื่อเต็ม ประเทศ เมืองและจำนวนเงินทั้งหมดของผู้ขาย ผู้ซื้อจะได้รับอีเมลของผู้ขายในขั้นตอนการค้า
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=เมื่อมีการใช้งาน HalCash ผู้ซื้อ BTC จำเป็นต้องส่งรหัส Halcash ให้กับผู้ขายทางข้อความโทรศัพท์มือถือ\n\nโปรดตรวจสอบว่าไม่เกินจำนวนเงินสูงสุดที่ธนาคารของคุณอนุญาตให้คุณส่งด้วย HalCash จำนวนเงินขั้นต่ำในการเบิกถอนคือ 10 EUR และสูงสุดในจำนวนเงิน 600 EUR สำหรับการถอนซ้ำเป็น 3000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อวัน และ 6000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อเดือน โปรดตรวจสอบข้อจำกัดจากทางธนาคารคุณเพื่อให้มั่นใจได้ว่าทางธนาคารได้มีการใช้มาตรฐานข้อกำหนดเดียวกันกับดังที่ระบุไว้ ณ ที่นี่\n\nจำนวนเงินที่ถอนจะต้องเป็นจำนวนเงินหลาย 10 EUR เนื่องจากคุณไม่สามารถถอนเงินอื่น ๆ ออกจากตู้เอทีเอ็มได้ UI ในหน้าจอสร้างข้อเสนอและรับข้อเสนอจะปรับจำนวนเงิน BTC เพื่อให้จำนวนเงิน EUR ถูกต้อง คุณไม่สามารถใช้ราคาตลาดเป็นจำนวนเงิน EUR ซึ่งจะเปลี่ยนแปลงไปตามราคาที่มีการปรับเปลี่ยน\n\nในกรณีที่มีข้อพิพาทผู้ซื้อ BTC ต้องแสดงหลักฐานว่าได้ส่ง EUR แล้ว
payment.limits.info=Please be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk.\n\nTo mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on two factors:\n\n1. The estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used\n2. The age of your account for that payment method\n\nThe account you are creating now is new and its age is zero. As your account ages, your per-trade limits will grow:\n\n● During the 1st month, your per-trade limit will be {0}\n● During the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {1}\n● After the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {2}\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase with account age.\n\nSee more: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits]\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade li
payment.cashDeposit.info=โปรดยืนยันว่าธนาคารของคุณได้อนุมัติให้คุณสามารถส่งเงินสดให้กับบัญชีบุคคลอื่นได้ ตัวอย่างเช่น บางธนาคารที่ไม่ได้มีการบริการถ่ายโอนเงินสดอย่าง Bank of America และ Wells Fargo
payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'User name' as account ID not the phone number or email as it was the case in the past.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not has set the ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=วิธีการที่คุณต้องการได้รับการติดต่อจากการค้าจากระบบ peer (ที่อยู่อีเมล , หมายเลขโทรศัพท์ ... )
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=ผู้สร้างสามารถกำหนด 'ข้อกำหนดในการให้บริการ' หรือเพิ่มข้อมูลการติดต่อสาธารณะได้ สิ่งเหล่านี้จะปรากฏพร้อมกับข้อเสนอ
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=ไม่อนุญาตให้ป้อนข้อมู
validation.btc.fraction=ป้อนผลลัพธ์เป็นค่า bitcoin ด้วยเศษของหน่วยที่เล็กที่สุด (satoshi)
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.btc.toLarge=ไม่อนุญาตให้ป้อนข้อมูลขนาดใหญ่กว่า {0}
validation.btc.toSmall=ไม่อนุญาตให้ป้อนข้อมูลที่มีขนาดเล็กกว่า {0}
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=ไม่อนุญาตให้ป้อนข้อมูลที่มีขนาดเล็กกว่า {0}
validation.passwordTooShort=รหัสผ่านที่คุณป้อนสั้นเกินไป ต้องมีอย่างน้อย 8 ตัวอักษร
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=รหัสผ่านที่คุณป้อนยาวเกินไป ต้องมีความยาวไม่เกิน 50 ตัว
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} ต้องประกอบด้วย {1} ตัวเลข
validation.sortCodeChars={0} ต้องประกอบด้วย {1} ตัวอักษร
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} ต้องประกอบด้วย {1}
validation.invalidInput=ใส่ข้อมูลไม่ถูกต้อง: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=หมายเลขบัญชีต้องเป็นรูปแบบ: {0}
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=การตรวจสอบความถูกต้องของที่อยู่ล้มเหลวเนื่องจากไม่ตรงกับโครงสร้างของที่อยู่ {0}
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address need to start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ที่อยู่ ZEC ต้องเริ่มต้นด้วย t ไม่รองรับที่อยู่ที่ขึ้นต้นด้วย z
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=ที่อยู่ไม่ใช่ที่อยู่ {0} ที่ถูกต้อง! {1}
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Native segwit addresses (those starting with 'lq') are not supported.
validation.bic.invalidLength=ความยาวของการป้อนข้อมูลนำเข้าไม่ใช่ 8 หรือ 11
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC มีรหัสตำแหน่งไม่ถูกต้อง
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC มีรหัสสาขาไม่ถูกต้อง
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=บัญชี Revolut Sepa ไม่รองรับ
validation.btc.invalidFormat=รูปแบบที่อยู่ Bitcoin ไม่ถูกต้อง
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=รูปแบบที่อยู่ BSQ ไม่ถูกต้อง
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Checksum ต้องเป็นตัวเลข
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=การตรวจสอบ IBAN ไม่ถูกต้อง
validation.iban.invalidLength=จำนวนต้องมีความยาว 15 ถึง 34 ตัวอักษร
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=รูปแบบหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ไม่ถูกต้อง และไม่ใช่ที่อยู่อีเมล
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=ต้องประกอบด้วยตัวอักษร ตัวเลข เว้นวรรค และ/หรือ สัญลักษณ์ ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=ต้องเป็นคำเดียว และประกอบด้วยตัวอักษร ตัวเลข และ/หรือ สัญลักษณ์ - เท่านั้น
validation.inputTooLarge=ข้อมูลที่ป้อนต้องไม่เป็นจำนวนที่มากกว่า {0}
validation.inputTooSmall=การป้อนเข้าจะต้องมีจำนวนมากกว่า {0}
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=Input has to be at least {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=ความยาวจะต้องอยู่ระหว่าง {0} และ {1}
validation.pattern=การป้อนเข้าจะต้องเป็นรูปแบบ {0}
validation.noHexString=การป้อนเข้านั้นคือไม่ใช่รูปแบบของ HEX
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Number format exception {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=Input must not be negative
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Need two letter country code to validate phone number
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Phone number {0} contains invalid characters
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Not enough digits in {0} for a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code in number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Must be comma separated list of valid addresses
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=Lấy khóa từ mật khẩu
password.walletDecrypted=Ví đã giải mã thành công và bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu bị gỡ bỏ.
password.wrongPw=Bạn nhập sai mật khẩu.\n\nVui lòng nhập lại mật khẩu, kiểm tra lỗi do gõ phí hoặc lỗi chính tả cẩn thận.
password.walletEncrypted=Ví đã được mã hóa thành công và bảo vệ bằng mật khẩu được kích hoạt.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Mật khẩu ví không thể cài đặt. Có thể bạn đã nhập từ khởi tạo không khớp với cơ sở dữ liệu cảu ví. Vui lòng liên hệ lập trình viên tại diễn đàn Bisq.
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.passwordsDoNotMatch=2 mật khẩu bạn nhập không khớp.
password.forgotPassword=Quên mật khẩu?
password.backupReminder=Lưu ý rằng khi cài đặt mật khẩu ví, tất cả dữ liệu sao lưu dự phòng tự đồng tạo từ ví mã hóa sẽ bị xóa.\n\nKhuyến cáo nên sao lưu dự phòng thư mục của ứng dụng và viết từ khởi tạo ra giấy trước khi cài đặt mật khẩu!
password.backupWasDone=Tôi đã sao lưu dự phòng
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
seed.seedWords=Seed words ví
seed.enterSeedWords=Nhập seed words ví
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=Ngày ví
seed.restore.title=Khôi phục vú từ Seed words
seed.restore=Khôi phục ví
seed.creationDate=Ngày tạo
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Ví Bitcoin của bạn không trống.\n\nBạn phải làm trống ví trước khi khôi phục ví cũ, vì nhiều ví lẫn với nhau có thể dẫn tới sao lưu dự phòng vô hiệu.\n\nHãy hoàn thành giao dịch của bạn, đóng tất cả Báo giá mở và truy cập mục Vốn để rút bitcoin của bạn.\nNếu bạn không thể truy cập bitcoin của bạn, bạn có thể sử dụng công cụ khẩn cấp để làm trống ví.\nĐể mở công cụ khẩn cấp, ấn \"alt + e\" hoặc \"option + e\" .
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.restore=Tôi muốn khôi phục
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.emptyWallet=Tôi sẽ làm trống ví trước
seed.warn.notEncryptedAnymore=Ví của bạn đã được mã hóa.\n\nSau khi khôi phục, ví sẽ không còn được mã hóa và bạn phải cài đặt mật khẩu mới.\n\nBạn có muốn tiếp tục?
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=Địa chỉ Altcoin
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=Giao dịch ngay với Altcoin này (trong 1 giờ)
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=Để giao dịch ngay, cả hai đối tác giao dịch phải cùng trực tuyến để hoàn thành giao dịch trong vòng ít hơn 1 giờ. \n\nNếu bạn có chào giá đang mở mà bạn không trực tuyến, vui lòng tắt chúng ở phần 'Danh mục'.
payment.select.altcoin=Chọn hoặc tìm altcoin
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.secret=Câu hỏi bí mật
payment.answer=Trả lời
payment.wallet=ID ví
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=ID công dân/ ID thuế hoặc số điện tho
payment.supportedCurrencies=Tiền tệ hỗ trợ
payment.limitations=Hạn chế
payment.salt=Salt để xác minh tuổi tài khoản
payment.error.noHexSalt=Salt cần phải có định dạng HEX.\nKhuyến cáo chỉ chỉnh sửa trường salt nếu bạn muốn chuyển salt từ tài khoản cũ để giữ nguyên tuổi tài khoản. Tuổi tài khoản được xác minh bằng cách sử dụng salt tài khoản và dữ liệu nhận dạng tài khoản (VD: IBAN).
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
payment.accept.euro=Chấp nhận giao dịch từ các nước Châu Âu này
payment.accept.nonEuro=Chấp nhận giao dịch từ các nước không thuộc Châu Âu này
payment.accepted.countries=Các nước được chấp nhận
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=Tiết kiệm
payment.personalId=ID cá nhân
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle is a money transfer service that works best *through* another bank.\n\n1. Check this page to see if (and how) your bank works with Zelle: [HYPERLINK:https://www.zellepay.com/get-started]\n\n2. Take special note of your transfer limits—sending limits vary by bank, and banks often specify separate daily, weekly, and monthly limits.\n\n3. If your bank does not work with Zelle, you can still use it through the Zelle mobile app, but your transfer limits will be much lower.\n\n4. The name specified on your Bisq account MUST match the name on your Zelle/bank account. \n\nIf you cannot complete a Zelle transaction as specified in your trade contract, you may lose some (or all) of your security deposit.\n\nBecause of Zelle''s somewhat higher chargeback risk, sellers are advised to contact unsigned buyers through email or SMS to verify that the buyer really owns the Zelle account specified in Bisq.
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=Some banks have started verifying the receiver''s full name for Faster Payments transfers. Your current Faster Payments account does not specify a full name.\n\nPlease consider recreating your Faster Payments account in Bisq to provide future {0} buyers with a full name.\n\nWhen you recreate the account, make sure to copy the precise sort code, account number and account age verification salt values from your old account to your new account. This will ensure your existing account''s age and signing status are preserved.
payment.moneyGram.info=Khi dùng MoneyGram người mua BTC phải gửi số xác nhận và ảnh chụp hoá đơn đến emailnguoiwf bán. Hoá đơn phải chỉ rõ tên đầy đủ, quốc gia, tiểu bang và số lượng. Người mua sẽ trình email của người bán ra trong quá trình giao dịch
payment.westernUnion.info=Khi sử dụng Western Union, người mua BTC phải gửi MTCN (số theo dõi) và ảnh giấy biên nhận bằng email cho người bán BTC. Giấy biên nhận phải nêu rõ họ tên, thành phố, quốc gia của người bán và số tiền. Người mua sẽ được hiển thị email người bán trong quá trình giao dịch.
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=Khi sử dụng HalCash người mua BTC cần phải gửi cho người bán BTC mã HalCash bằng tin nhắn điện thoại.\n\nVui lòng đảm bảo là lượng tiền này không vượt quá số lượng tối đa mà ngân hàng của bạn cho phép gửi khi dùng HalCash. Số lượng rút tối thiểu là 10 EUR và tối đa là 600 EUR. Nếu rút nhiều lần thì giới hạn sẽ là 3000 EUR/ người nhận/ ngày và 6000 EUR/người nhận/tháng. Vui lòng kiểm tra chéo những giới hạn này với ngân hàng của bạn để chắc chắn là họ cũng dùng những giới hạn như ghi ở đây.\n\nSố tiền rút phải là bội số của 10 EUR vì bạn không thể rút các mệnh giá khác từ ATM. Giao diện người dùng ở phần 'tạo chào giá' và 'chấp nhận chào giá' sẽ điều chỉnh lượng btc sao cho lượng EUR tương ứng sẽ chính xác. Bạn không thể dùng giá thị trường vì lượng EUR có thể sẽ thay đổi khi giá thay đổi.\n\nTrường hợp tranh chấp, người mua BTC cần phải cung cấp bằng chứng chứng minh mình đã gửi EUR.
payment.limits.info=Please be aware that all bank transfers carry a certain amount of chargeback risk.\n\nTo mitigate this risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits based on two factors:\n\n1. The estimated level of chargeback risk for the payment method used\n2. The age of your account for that payment method\n\nThe account you are creating now is new and its age is zero. As your account ages, your per-trade limits will grow:\n\n● During the 1st month, your per-trade limit will be {0}\n● During the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {1}\n● After the 2nd month, your per-trade limit will be {2}\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade limits for this payment account type based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account is not yet signed, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After signing, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and for 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase with account age.\n\nSee more: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Account_limits]\n\nPlease note: limits only apply to trade size. You can place as many trades as you like.
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=To limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade li
payment.cashDeposit.info=Vui lòng xác nhận rằng ngân hàng của bạn cho phép nạp tiền mặt vào tài khoản của người khác. Chẳng hạn, Ngân Hàng Mỹ và Wells Fargo không còn cho phép nạp tiền như vậy nữa.
payment.revolut.info=Revolut requires the 'User name' as account ID not the phone number or email as it was the case in the past.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not has set the ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=Update Revolut account
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
payment.f2f.contact=thông tin liên hệ
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=Bạn muốn liên hệ với đối tác giao dịch qua đâu? (email, địa chỉ, số điện thoại,....)
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.city=Thành phố để gặp mặt trực tiếp
payment.f2f.city.prompt=Thành phố sẽ được hiển thị cùng báo giá
payment.f2f.optionalExtra=Thông tin thêm tuỳ chọn.
payment.f2f.extra=thông tin thêm
payment.f2f.extra.prompt=Người tạo có thể đặt ‘ các điều khoản’ hoặc thêm thông tin liên hệ mở, để hiểnnthij trong báo giá
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot help much as it is usually hard to get tamper proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Mở trang web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Thông tin thêm: {0}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=Không cho phép nhập giá trị 0.
validation.negative=Không cho phép nhập giá trị âm.
validation.fiat.toSmall=Không cho phép giá trị nhập nhỏ hơn giá trị có thể nhỏ nhất.
validation.fiat.toLarge=Không cho phép giá trị nhập lớn hơn giá trị có thể lớn nhất.
validation.btc.fraction=Giá trị nhập dẫn tới giá trị bitcoin có phân số đơn vị nhỏ nhất (satoshi).
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.btc.toLarge=Không cho phép giá trị nhập lớn hơn {0}.
validation.btc.toSmall=Không cho phép giá trị nhập nhỏ hơn {0}.
validation.securityDeposit.toSmall=Không cho phép giá trị nhập nhỏ hơn {0}.
validation.passwordTooShort=Mật khẩu bạn vừa nhập quá ngắn. Tối thiểu phải có 8 ký tự.
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.passwordTooLong=Mật khẩu bạn vừa nhập quá dài. Không được quá 50 ký tự.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} phải có {1} số.
validation.sortCodeChars={0} phải có {1} ký tự.
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} phải có {1} số.
validation.invalidInput=Giá trị nhập không hợp lệ: {0}
validation.accountNrFormat=Số tài khoản phải có định dạng : {0}
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=Xác nhận địa chỉ không thành công vì không khớp với cấu trúc của {0} địa chỉ.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=Địa chỉ LTZ phải bắt đầu bằng L. Địa chỉ bắng đầu bằng z không được hỗ trợ.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=Địa chỉ ZEC phải bắt đầu bằng t. Địa chỉ bắng đầu bằng z không được hỗ trợ.
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.invalidAddress=Địa chỉ không phải là địa chỉ {0} hợp lệ! {1}
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=Native segwit addresses (those starting with 'lq') are not supported.
validation.bic.invalidLength=Độ dài giá trị nhập không được là 8 hoặc 11
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.letters=Mã NH và quốc gia phải là chữ
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC chứa mã vị trí không hợp lệ
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC chứa mã chi nhánh không hợp lệ
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=Tài khoản Revolut Sepa không được hỗ trợ.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Định dạng địa chỉ Bitcoin không hợp lệ.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Định dạng địa chỉ BSQ không hợp lệ.
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.email.invalidAddress=Địa chỉ không hợp lệ
validation.iban.invalidCountryCode=Mã quốc gia không hợp lệ
validation.iban.checkSumNotNumeric=Mã kiểm tra phải là số
validation.iban.nonNumericChars=Phát hiện ký tự không phải kiểu chữ-số
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=Mã kiểm tra IBAN không hợp lệ
validation.iban.invalidLength=Số phải dài từ 15 đến 34 ký tự.
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAreaCode=Mã vùng không phải Canada
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Định dạng số điện thoại không hợp lệ và không phải là địa chỉ email
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=Chỉ được chứa chữ cái, số, khoảng trắng, và/hoặc các ký tự ' _ , . ? -
validation.interacETransfer.invalidAnswer=Phải được viết liền và chỉ bao gồm chữ cái, số, và/hoặc ký tự -
validation.inputTooLarge=Giá trị nhập không được lớn hơn {0}
validation.inputTooSmall=Giá trị nhập phải lớn hơn {0}
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=Giá trị nhập tối thiểu phải bằng {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=The amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=Chiều dài phải nằm trong khoảng từ {0} đến {1}
validation.pattern=Giá trị nhập phải có định dạng: {0}
validation.noHexString=Giá trị nhập không ở định dạng HEX
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=Ngoại lệ cho định dạng số {0}
validation.mustNotBeNegative=Giá trị nhập không được là số âm
validation.phone.missingCountryCode=Need two letter country code to validate phone number
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=Phone number {0} contains invalid characters
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=Not enough digits in {0} for a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=Too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code in number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Must be comma separated list of valid addresses
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=从密码中提取密钥
password.walletEncryptionFailed=无法设置钱包密码。您可能导入了与钱包数据库不匹配的还原密钥。请在 Bisq 论坛上与开发者联系。
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=钱包时间
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=你的比特币钱包不是空的。\n\n在尝试恢复较旧的钱包之前,您必须清空此钱包,因为将钱包混在一起会导致无效的备份。\n\n请完成您的交易,关闭所有您的未完成报价,并转到资金界面撤回您的比特币。\n如果您无法访问您的比特币,您可以使用紧急工具清空钱包。\n要打开该应急工具,请按“alt + e”或“option + e” 。
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=数字货币地址
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=使用数字货币进行即时交易( 1 小时内)
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=对于即时交易,要求交易双方都在线,能够在不到1小时内完成交易。\n \n如果你已经有未完成的报价以及你不能即时完成,请在资料页面禁用这些报价。
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.wallet=钱包 ID
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=公民身份证/税号或电话号码
payment.error.noHexSalt=盐值需要十六进制的。\n如果您想要从旧帐户转移盐值以保留帐龄,只建议编辑盐值字段。帐龄通过帐户盐值和识别帐户数据(例如 IBAN )来验证。
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=保存
payment.personalId=个人 ID
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle是一项转账服务,转账到其他银行做的很好。\n\n1.检查此页面以查看您的银行是否(以及如何)与 Zelle 合作:\nhttps://www.zellepay.com/get-started\n\n2.特别注意您的转账限额-汇款限额因银行而异,银行通常分别指定每日,每周和每月的限额。\n\n3.如果您的银行不能使用 Zelle,您仍然可以通过 Zelle 移动应用程序使用它,但是您的转账限额会低得多。\n\n4.您的 Bisq 帐户上指定的名称必须与 Zelle/银行帐户上的名称匹配。 \n\n如果您无法按照贸易合同中的规定完成 Zelle 交易,则可能会损失部分(或全部)保证金。\n\n由于 Zelle 的拒付风险较高,因此建议卖家通过电子邮件或 SMS 与未签名的买家联系,以确认买家确实拥有 Bisq 中指定的 Zelle 帐户。
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=有些银行已经开始核实快捷支付收款人的全名。您当前的快捷支付帐户没有填写全名。\n\n请考虑在 Bisq 中重新创建您的快捷支付帐户,为将来的 {0} 买家提供一个完整的姓名。\n\n重新创建帐户时,请确保将银行区号、帐户编号和帐龄验证盐值从旧帐户复制到新帐户。这将确保您现有的帐龄和签名状态得到保留。
payment.moneyGram.info=使用 MoneyGram 时,BTC 买方必须将授权号码和收据的照片通过电子邮件发送给 BTC 卖方。收据必须清楚地显示卖方的全名、国家或地区、州和金额。买方将在交易过程中显示卖方的电子邮件。
payment.westernUnion.info=使用 Western Union 时,BTC 买方必须通过电子邮件将 MTCN(运单号)和收据照片发送给 BTC 卖方。收据上必须清楚地显示卖方的全名、城市、国家或地区和金额。买方将在交易过程中显示卖方的电子邮件。
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=使用 HalCash 时,BTC 买方需要通过手机短信向 BTC 卖方发送 HalCash 代码。\n\n请确保不要超过银行允许您用半现金汇款的最高金额。每次取款的最低金额是 10 欧元,最高金额是 10 欧元。金额是 600 欧元。对于重复取款,每天每个接收者 3000 欧元,每月每个接收者 6000 欧元。请与您的银行核对这些限额,以确保它们使用与此处所述相同的限额。\n\n提现金额必须是 10 欧元的倍数,因为您不能从 ATM 机提取其他金额。 创建报价和下单屏幕中的 UI 将调整 BTC 金额,使 EUR 金额正确。你不能使用基于市场的价格,因为欧元的数量会随着价格的变化而变化。\n
payment.limits.info=请注意,所有银行转账都有一定的退款风险。\n\n为了降低这一风险,Bisq 基于两个因素对每笔交易设置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的预估退款风险水平\n2. 您的付款方式的账龄\n\n您现在创建的帐户是新的,它的账龄为零。随着你的账龄增长,你的每笔交易限额也会随之增长:\n\n●在第一个月,您的每笔交易限额为 {0}\n●在第二个月,您的每笔交易限额将为 {1}\n●第二个月后,您的每笔交易限额为 {2}\n\n请注意:限制只应用在单笔交易,你可以尽可能多的进行交易。
payment.limits.info.withSigning=为了降低这一风险,Bisq 基于两个因素对该付款方式每笔交易设置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的预估退款风险水平\n2. 您的付款方式的账龄\n\n这个付款账户还没有被验证,所以他每个交易最多购买{0}。在验证之后,购买限制会以以下规则逐渐增加:\n\n●签署前,以及签署后30天内,您的每笔最大交易将限制为{0}\n●签署后30天,每笔最大交易将限制为{1}\n●签署后60天,每笔最大交易将限制为{2}\n\n出售限制不会被账户验证状态限制,会与随着您的账龄增加\n\n查看更多:\nhttps://bisq.wiki/Account_limits\n\n请注意:限制只应用在单笔交易,你可以尽可能多的进行交易。
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=为了降低这一风险,Bisq 基于两个因
payment.revolut.info=Revolut 要求使用“用户名”作为帐户 ID,而不是像以往的电话号码或电子邮件。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n您现有的 Revolut 帐户({1})尚未设置“用户名”。\n请输入您的 Revolut ``用户名''以更新您的帐户数据。\n这不会影响您的账龄验证状态。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=更新 Revolut 账户
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=在 Bisq 上交易 US Postal Money Orders (USPMO)您必须理解下述条款:\n\n- BTC 买方必须在发送方和收款人字段中都写上 BTC 卖方的名称,并在发送之前对 USPMO 和信封进行高分辨率照片拍照,并带有跟踪证明。\n- BTC 买方必须将 USPMO 连同交货确认书一起发送给 BTC 卖方。\n\n如果需要调解,或有交易纠纷,您将需要将照片连同 USPMO 编号,邮局编号和交易金额一起发送给 Bisq 调解员或退款代理,以便他们进行验证美国邮局网站上的详细信息。\n\n如未能提供要求的交易数据将在纠纷中直接判负\n\n在所有争议案件中,USPMO 发送方在向调解人或仲裁员提供证据/证明时承担 100% 的责任。\n\n如果您不理解这些要求,请不要在 Bisq 上使用 USPMO 进行交易。
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.info=与网上交易相比,“面对面”交易有不同的规则,也有不同的风险。\n\n主要区别是:\n●交易伙伴需要使用他们提供的联系方式交换关于会面地点和时间的信息。\n●交易双方需要携带笔记本电脑,在会面地点确认“已发送付款”和“已收到付款”。\n●如果交易方有特殊的“条款和条件”,他们必须在账户的“附加信息”文本框中声明这些条款和条件。\n●在发生争议时,调解员或仲裁员不能提供太多帮助,因为通常很难获得有关会面上所发生情况的篡改证据。在这种情况下,BTC 资金可能会被无限期锁定,或者直到交易双方达成协议。\n\n为确保您完全理解“面对面”交易的不同之处,请阅读以下说明和建议:“https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading”
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=国家或地区及城市:{0} / {1}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=不允许输入0。
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} 必须由 {1} 个数字构成。
validation.sortCodeChars={0} 必须由 {1} 个字符构成。
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} 必须由{1}个数字组成。
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=地址验证失败,因为它与 {0} 地址的结构不匹配。
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ 地址需要以 L 开头。 不支持以 Z 开头的地址。
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC 地址需要以 t 开头。 不支持以z开头的地址。
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=不支持本地 segwit 地址(以“lq”开头的地址)。
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC 包含无效的地址代码
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC 包含无效的分行代码
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=不支持 Revolut Sepa 账户
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=无效格式的 BSQ 地址
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=IBAN 校验无效
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=必须只包含字母、数字、空格和/或符号“_ , . ? -”
validation.inputTooLarge=输入不能大于 {0}
validation.inputTooSmall=输入必须大于 {0}
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=输入必须至少为 {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=不允许低于 {0} 聪的零头限制。
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=长度必须在 {0} 和 {1} 之间
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=数字格式异常 {0}
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=电话号码 {0} 包含无效字符
validation.phone.insufficientDigits={0} 中没有足够的数字作为有效的电话号码
validation.phone.tooManyDigits={0} 中的数字太多,不是有效的电话号码
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=数字 {0} 中的国际拨号代码对于 {1} 无效。正确的拨号号码是 {2} 。
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
@ -2531,11 +2531,11 @@ password.deriveKey=從密碼中提取金鑰
password.walletEncryptionFailed=無法設定錢包密碼。您可能匯入了與錢包資料庫不匹配的還原金鑰。請在 Bisq 論壇上與開發者聯絡。
password.walletEncryptionFailed=Wallet password could not be set. You may have imported seed words which do not match the wallet database. Please contact the developers on Keybase ([HYPERLINK:https://keybase.io/team/bisq]).
password.backupReminder=Please note that when setting a wallet password all automatically created backups from the unencrypted wallet will be deleted.\n\nIt is highly recommended that you make a backup of the application directory and write down your seed words before setting a password!
password.backupWasDone=I have already made a backup
@ -2543,7 +2543,7 @@ seed.date=錢包時間
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=你的比特幣錢包不是空的。\n\n在嘗試恢復較舊的錢包之前,您必須清空此錢包,因為將錢包混在一起會導致無效的備份。\n\n請完成您的交易,關閉所有您的未完成報價,並轉到資金介面撤回您的比特幣。\n如果您無法訪問您的比特幣,您可以使用緊急工具清空錢包。\n要開啟該應急工具,請按“alt + e”或“option + e” 。
seed.warn.walletNotEmpty.msg=Your Bitcoin wallet is not empty.\n\nYou must empty this wallet before attempting to restore an older one, as mixing wallets together can lead to invalidated backups.\n\nPlease finalize your trades, close all your open offers and go to the Funds section to withdraw your bitcoin.\nIn case you cannot access your bitcoin you can use the emergency tool to empty the wallet.\nTo open the emergency tool press \"Alt+e\" or \"Cmd/Ctrl+e\".
@ -2584,7 +2584,7 @@ payment.altcoin.address=數字貨幣地址
payment.altcoin.tradeInstantCheckbox=使用數字貨幣進行即時交易( 1 小時內)
payment.altcoin.tradeInstant.popup=對於即時交易,要求交易雙方都線上,能夠在不到1小時內完成交易。\n \n如果你已經有未完成的報價以及你不能即時完成,請在資料頁面禁用這些報價。
payment.select.altcoin=Select or search Altcoin
payment.wallet=錢包 ID
@ -2597,7 +2597,7 @@ payment.promptPay.promptPayId=公民身份證/稅號或電話號碼
payment.error.noHexSalt=鹽值需要十六進位制的。\n如果您想要從舊帳戶轉移鹽值以保留帳齡,只建議編輯鹽值欄位。帳齡通過帳戶鹽值和識別帳戶資料(例如 IBAN )來驗證。
payment.error.noHexSalt=The salt needs to be in HEX format.\nIt is only recommended to edit the salt field if you want to transfer the salt from an old account to keep your account age. The account age is verified by using the account salt and the identifying account data (e.g. IBAN).
@ -2633,8 +2633,8 @@ payment.savings=儲存
payment.personalId=個人 ID
payment.clearXchange.info=Zelle是一項轉賬服務,轉賬到其他銀行做的很好。\n\n1.檢查此頁面以檢視您的銀行是否(以及如何)與 Zelle 合作:\nhttps://www.zellepay.com/get-started\n\n2.特別注意您的轉賬限額-匯款限額因銀行而異,銀行通常分別指定每日,每週和每月的限額。\n\n3.如果您的銀行不能使用 Zelle,您仍然可以通過 Zelle 移動應用程式使用它,但是您的轉賬限額會低得多。\n\n4.您的 Bisq 帳戶上指定的名稱必須與 Zelle/銀行帳戶上的名稱匹配。 \n\n如果您無法按照貿易合同中的規定完成 Zelle 交易,則可能會損失部分(或全部)保證金。\n\n由於 Zelle 的拒付風險較高,因此建議賣家通過電子郵件或 SMS 與未簽名的買家聯絡,以確認買家確實擁有 Bisq 中指定的 Zelle 帳戶。
payment.fasterPayments.newRequirements.info=有些銀行已經開始核實快捷支付收款人的全名。您當前的快捷支付帳戶沒有填寫全名。\n\n請考慮在 Bisq 中重新建立您的快捷支付帳戶,為將來的 {0} 買家提供一個完整的姓名。\n\n重新建立帳戶時,請確保將銀行區號、帳戶編號和帳齡驗證鹽值從舊帳戶複製到新帳戶。這將確保您現有的帳齡和簽名狀態得到保留。
payment.moneyGram.info=使用 MoneyGram 時,BTC 買方必須將授權號碼和收據的照片通過電子郵件傳送給 BTC 賣方。收據必須清楚地顯示賣方的全名、國家或地區、州和金額。買方將在交易過程中顯示賣方的電子郵件。
payment.westernUnion.info=使用 Western Union 時,BTC 買方必須通過電子郵件將 MTCN(運單號)和收據照片傳送給 BTC 賣方。收據上必須清楚地顯示賣方的全名、城市、國家或地區和金額。買方將在交易過程中顯示賣方的電子郵件。
payment.moneyGram.info=When using MoneyGram the BTC buyer has to send the Authorisation number and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, country, state and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.westernUnion.info=When using Western Union the BTC buyer has to send the MTCN (tracking number) and a photo of the receipt by email to the BTC seller. The receipt must clearly show the seller's full name, city, country and the amount. The seller's email will be displayed to the buyer during the trade process.
payment.halCash.info=使用 HalCash 時,BTC 買方需要通過手機簡訊向 BTC 賣方傳送 HalCash 程式碼。\n\n請確保不要超過銀行允許您用半現金匯款的最高金額。每次取款的最低金額是 10 歐元,最高金額是 10 歐元。金額是 600 歐元。對於重複取款,每天每個接收者 3000 歐元,每月每個接收者 6000 歐元。請與您的銀行核對這些限額,以確保它們使用與此處所述相同的限額。\n\n提現金額必須是 10 歐元的倍數,因為您不能從 ATM 機提取其他金額。 建立報價和下單螢幕中的 UI 將調整 BTC 金額,使 EUR 金額正確。你不能使用基於市場的價格,因為歐元的數量會隨著價格的變化而變化。\n
payment.limits.info=請注意,所有銀行轉賬都有一定的退款風險。\n\n為了降低這一風險,Bisq 基於兩個因素對每筆交易設定了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的預估退款風險水平\n2. 您的付款方式的賬齡\n\n您現在建立的帳戶是新的,它的賬齡為零。隨著你的賬齡增長,你的每筆交易限額也會隨之增長:\n\n●在第一個月,您的每筆交易限額為 {0}\n●在第二個月,您的每筆交易限額將為 {1}\n●第二個月後,您的每筆交易限額為 {2}\n\n請注意:限制只應用在單筆交易,你可以儘可能多的進行交易。
payment.limits.info.withSigning=為了降低這一風險,Bisq 基於兩個因素對該付款方式每筆交易設定了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的預估退款風險水平\n2. 您的付款方式的賬齡\n\n這個付款賬戶還沒有被驗證,所以他每個交易最多購買{0}。在驗證之後,購買限制會以以下規則逐漸增加:\n\n●簽署前,以及簽署後30天內,您的每筆最大交易將限制為{0}\n●簽署後30天,每筆最大交易將限制為{1}\n●簽署後60天,每筆最大交易將限制為{2}\n\n出售限制不會被賬戶驗證狀態限制,會與隨著您的賬齡增加\n\n檢視更多:\nhttps://bisq.wiki/Account_limits\n\n請注意:限制只應用在單筆交易,你可以儘可能多的進行交易。
@ -2642,20 +2642,20 @@ payment.limits.info.withSigning=為了降低這一風險,Bisq 基於兩個因
payment.revolut.info=Revolut 要求使用“使用者名稱”作為帳戶 ID,而不是像以往的電話號碼或電子郵件。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\n您現有的 Revolut 帳戶({1})尚未設定“使用者名稱”。\n請輸入您的 Revolut ``使用者名稱''以更新您的帳戶資料。\n這不會影響您的賬齡驗證狀態。
payment.account.revolut.addUserNameInfo={0}\nYour existing Revolut account ({1}) does not have a ''User name''.\nPlease enter your Revolut ''User name'' to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age signing status.
payment.revolut.addUserNameInfo.headLine=更新 Revolut 賬戶
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=在 Bisq 上交易 US Postal Money Orders (USPMO)您必須理解下述條款:\n\n- BTC 買方必須在傳送方和收款人欄位中都寫上 BTC 賣方的名稱,並在傳送之前對 USPMO 和信封進行高解析度照片拍照,並帶有跟蹤證明。\n- BTC 買方必須將 USPMO 連同交貨確認書一起傳送給 BTC 賣方。\n\n如果需要調解,或有交易糾紛,您將需要將照片連同 USPMO 編號,郵局編號和交易金額一起傳送給 Bisq 調解員或退款代理,以便他們進行驗證美國郵局網站上的詳細資訊。\n\n如未能提供要求的交易資料將在糾紛中直接判負\n\n在所有爭議案件中,USPMO 傳送方在向調解人或仲裁員提供證據/證明時承擔 100% 的責任。\n\n如果您不理解這些要求,請不要在 Bisq 上使用 USPMO 進行交易。
payment.f2f.contact.prompt=How would you like to be contacted by the trading peer? (email address, phone number,...)
payment.f2f.info=與網上交易相比,“面對面”交易有不同的規則,也有不同的風險。\n\n主要區別是:\n●交易夥伴需要使用他們提供的聯絡方式交換關於會面地點和時間的資訊。\n●交易雙方需要攜帶膝上型電腦,在會面地點確認“已傳送付款”和“已收到付款”。\n●如果交易方有特殊的“條款和條件”,他們必須在賬戶的“附加資訊”文字框中宣告這些條款和條件。\n●在發生爭議時,調解員或仲裁員不能提供太多幫助,因為通常很難獲得有關會面上所發生情況的篡改證據。在這種情況下,BTC 資金可能會被無限期鎖定,或者直到交易雙方達成協議。\n\n為確保您完全理解“面對面”交易的不同之處,請閱讀以下說明和建議:“https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading”
payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with different risks than online transactions.\n\nThe main differences are:\n● The trading peers need to exchange information about the meeting location and time by using their provided contact details.\n● The trading peers need to bring their laptops and do the confirmation of 'payment sent' and 'payment received' at the meeting place.\n● If a maker has special 'terms and conditions' they must state those in the 'Additional information' text field in the account.\n● By taking an offer the taker agrees to the maker's stated 'terms and conditions'.\n● In case of a dispute the mediator or arbitrator cannot be of much assistance as it is usually difficult to get tamper-proof evidence of what happened at the meeting. In such cases the BTC funds might get locked indefinitely or until the trading peers come to an agreement.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the differences with 'Face to Face' trades please read the instructions and recommendations at: [HYPERLINK:https://docs.bisq.network/trading-rules.html#f2f-trading]
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=國家或地區及城市:{0} / {1}
@ -2816,11 +2816,11 @@ validation.zero=不允許輸入0。
validation.btc.fraction=Input will result in a bitcoin value of less than 1 satoshi
validation.passwordTooShort=The password you entered is too short. It needs to have a min. of 8 characters.
validation.sortCodeNumber={0} 必須由 {1} 個數字構成。
validation.sortCodeChars={0} 必須由 {1} 個字元構成。
@ -2839,31 +2839,31 @@ validation.nationalAccountId={0} 必須由{1}個數字組成。
validation.altcoin.wrongStructure=地址驗證失敗,因為它與 {0} 地址的結構不匹配。
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ 地址需要以 L 開頭。 不支援以 Z 開頭的地址。
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC 地址需要以 t 開頭。 不支援以z開頭的地址。
validation.altcoin.ltz.zAddressesNotSupported=LTZ address must start with L. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.zAddressesNotSupported=ZEC addresses must start with t. Addresses starting with z are not supported.
validation.altcoin.liquidBitcoin.invalidAddress=不支援本地 segwit 地址(以“lq”開頭的地址)。
validation.bic.invalidLength=Input length must be 8 or 11
validation.bic.invalidLocationCode=BIC 包含無效的地址程式碼
validation.bic.invalidBranchCode=BIC 包含無效的分行程式碼
validation.bic.sepaRevolutBic=不支援 Revolut Sepa 賬戶
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=無效格式的 BSQ 地址
validation.btc.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a Bitcoin address.
validation.bsq.invalidFormat=Invalid format for a BSQ address.
validation.iban.checkSumInvalid=IBAN 校驗無效
validation.iban.invalidLength=Number must have a length of 15 to 34 chars.
validation.interacETransfer.invalidPhone=Please enter a valid 11 digit phone number (ex: 1-123-456-7890) or an email address
validation.interacETransfer.invalidQuestion=必須只包含字母、數字、空格和/或符號“_ , . ? -”
validation.inputTooLarge=輸入不能大於 {0}
validation.inputTooSmall=輸入必須大於 {0}
validation.inputToBeAtLeast=輸入必須至少為 {0}
validation.amountBelowDust=不允許低於 {0} 聰的零頭限制。
validation.amountBelowDust=An amount below the dust limit of {0} satoshi is not allowed.
validation.length=長度必須在 {0} 和 {1} 之間
@ -2875,7 +2875,7 @@ validation.numberFormatException=數字格式異常 {0}
validation.phone.invalidCharacters=電話號碼 {0} 包含無效字元
validation.phone.insufficientDigits={0} 中沒有足夠的數字作為有效的電話號碼
validation.phone.tooManyDigits={0} 中的數字太多,不是有效的電話號碼
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=數字 {0} 中的國際撥號程式碼對於 {1} 無效。正確的撥號號碼是 {2} 。
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd $(dirname $0)
tx pull -l de,es,ja,pt,ru,zh_CN,zh_TW,vi,th_TH,fa,fr,pt_BR
tx pull -l de,es,ja,pt,ru,zh_CN,zh_TW,vi,th_TH,fa,fr,pt_BR,it,cs
@ -18,5 +18,7 @@ mv "$translations/th_TH.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_th.properties"
mv "$translations/fa.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_fa.properties"
mv "$translations/fr.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_fr.properties"
mv "$translations/pt_BR.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_pt-br.properties"
mv "$translations/it.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_it.properties"
mv "$translations/cs.properties" "$i18n/displayStrings_cs.properties"
rm -rf $translations
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