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synced 2025-03-03 02:39:24 +01:00
Begin commenting grpc.proto for bisq-grpc-api-doc
Banner comments were replace by simple service description comments. Rpc methods were commented, some field level comments were moved to to bisq-grpc-api-doc comment conventions.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 107 additions and 58 deletions
@ -17,34 +17,39 @@
syntax = "proto3";
package io.bisq.protobuffer;
import "pb.proto";
option java_package = "bisq.proto.grpc";
option java_multiple_files = true;
// DisputeAgents
* DisputeAgents service is provided for development, and can only be used when running in regtest mode.
service DisputeAgents {
// Register regtest / dev mode dispute agents. Does not work if running on mainnet.
rpc RegisterDisputeAgent (RegisterDisputeAgentRequest) returns (RegisterDisputeAgentReply) {
* Register a dispute agent using a registration key.
message RegisterDisputeAgentRequest {
string disputeAgentType = 1;
string registrationKey = 2;
* This response has no parameters. (TODO automate generation of "This response has no parameters" comment.)
message RegisterDisputeAgentReply {
// Help
* CLI command help service.
service Help {
// Returns CLI command help in man page format.
rpc GetMethodHelp (GetMethodHelpRequest) returns (GetMethodHelpReply) {
@ -53,40 +58,55 @@ message GetMethodHelpRequest {
string methodName = 1;
* This response has no parameters. (TODO automate generation of "This response has no parameters" comment.)
message GetMethodHelpReply {
string methodHelp = 1;
// Offers
* Offers service provides rpc methods for creating, editing, listing, and cancelling Bisq offers.
service Offers {
// Get offer category, one of FIAT, ALTCOIN, or BSQ_SWAP.
rpc GetOfferCategory (GetOfferCategoryRequest) returns (GetOfferCategoryReply) {
// Get available BSQ swap offer with offer-id.
rpc GetBsqSwapOffer (GetOfferRequest) returns (GetBsqSwapOfferReply) {
// Get version 1 protocol offer with offer-id.
rpc GetOffer (GetOfferRequest) returns (GetOfferReply) {
// Get my BSQ swap offer with offer-id.
rpc GetMyBsqSwapOffer (GetMyOfferRequest) returns (GetMyBsqSwapOfferReply) {
// @Deprecated since 27-Dec-2021 (v1.8.0)
// Get my open version 1 protocol offer with offer-id. Deprecated since 27-Dec-2021 (v1.8.0).
rpc GetMyOffer (GetMyOfferRequest) returns (GetMyOfferReply) {
// Get available BSQ swap offers with direction BUY or SELL.
rpc GetBsqSwapOffers (GetBsqSwapOffersRequest) returns (GetBsqSwapOffersReply) {
// Get available version 1 protocol offers with direction BUY or SELL.
rpc GetOffers (GetOffersRequest) returns (GetOffersReply) {
// Get my BSQ swap offers with direction BUY or SELL.
rpc GetMyBsqSwapOffers (GetBsqSwapOffersRequest) returns (GetMyBsqSwapOffersReply) {
// Get my open version 1 protocol offers with direction BUY or SELL.
rpc GetMyOffers (GetMyOffersRequest) returns (GetMyOffersReply) {
// Create a BSQ swap offer.
rpc CreateBsqSwapOffer (CreateBsqSwapOfferRequest) returns (CreateBsqSwapOfferReply) {
// Create a version 1 protocol offer.
rpc CreateOffer (CreateOfferRequest) returns (CreateOfferReply) {
// Edit an open offer.
rpc EditOffer (EditOfferRequest) returns (EditOfferReply) {
// Cancel (remove) an open offer.
rpc CancelOffer (CancelOfferRequest) returns (CancelOfferReply) {
@ -198,9 +218,9 @@ message EditOfferRequest {
double marketPriceMargin = 4;
uint64 triggerPrice = 5;
// Send a signed int, not a bool (with default=false).
// -1 = do not change activation state
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable
// -1 = do not change activation state
// 0 = disable
// 1 = enable
sint32 enable = 6;
// The EditType constricts what offer details can be modified and simplifies param validation.
enum EditType {
@ -266,21 +286,26 @@ message AvailabilityResultWithDescription {
string description = 2;
// PaymentAccounts
* PaymentAccounts service provides rpc methods for creating fiat and crypto currency payment accounts.
service PaymentAccounts {
// Create a fiat payment account, providing details in a json form.
rpc CreatePaymentAccount (CreatePaymentAccountRequest) returns (CreatePaymentAccountReply) {
// Get list of all saved fiat payment accounts.
rpc GetPaymentAccounts (GetPaymentAccountsRequest) returns (GetPaymentAccountsReply) {
// Get list of all supported Bisq payment methods.
rpc GetPaymentMethods (GetPaymentMethodsRequest) returns (GetPaymentMethodsReply) {
// Get a json template file for a supported Bisq payment method.
rpc GetPaymentAccountForm (GetPaymentAccountFormRequest) returns (GetPaymentAccountFormReply) {
// Create a crypto currency (altcoin) payment account.
rpc CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccount (CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountRequest) returns (CreateCryptoCurrencyPaymentAccountReply) {
// Get list of all supported Bisq crypto currency (altcoin) payment methods.
rpc GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethods (GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsRequest) returns (GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply) {
@ -333,11 +358,11 @@ message GetCryptoCurrencyPaymentMethodsReply {
repeated PaymentMethod paymentMethods = 1;
// Price
* Price service comment.
service Price {
// Get current market price for a crypto currency.
rpc GetMarketPrice (MarketPriceRequest) returns (MarketPriceReply) {
@ -350,11 +375,11 @@ message MarketPriceReply {
double price = 1;
// GetTradeStatistics
* GetTradeStatistics service is not implemented. It's stub will be remove from the gRPC daemon.
service GetTradeStatistics {
// Not implemented.
rpc GetTradeStatistics (GetTradeStatisticsRequest) returns (GetTradeStatisticsReply) {
@ -366,42 +391,53 @@ message GetTradeStatisticsReply {
repeated TradeStatistics3 TradeStatistics = 1;
// Shutdown
* ShutdownServer service comment.
service ShutdownServer {
// Shut down a local Bisq daemon.
rpc Stop (StopRequest) returns (StopReply) {
* This request has no parameters. (TODO automate generation of "This response has no parameters" comment.)
message StopRequest {
message StopReply {
// Trades
* Trades service provides rpc methods for taking, executing, and listing trades.
service Trades {
// Get an open trade with a trade-id.
rpc GetTrade (GetTradeRequest) returns (GetTradeReply) {
// Get all open or historical trades.
rpc GetTrades (GetTradesRequest) returns (GetTradesReply) {
// Take an open offer.
rpc TakeOffer (TakeOfferRequest) returns (TakeOfferReply) {
// Send a 'payment started' message to a trading peer (seller).
rpc ConfirmPaymentStarted (ConfirmPaymentStartedRequest) returns (ConfirmPaymentStartedReply) {
// Send a 'payment received' message to a trading peer (buyer).
rpc ConfirmPaymentReceived (ConfirmPaymentReceivedRequest) returns (ConfirmPaymentReceivedReply) {
// Close a completed trade (moves it to trade history).
rpc CloseTrade (CloseTradeRequest) returns (CloseTradeReply) {
// Fail an open trade.
rpc FailTrade (FailTradeRequest) returns (FailTradeReply) {
// Unfail a failed trade.
rpc UnFailTrade (UnFailTradeRequest) returns (UnFailTradeReply) {
// Withdraw trade proceeds to an external bitcoin wallet address.
rpc WithdrawFunds (WithdrawFundsRequest) returns (WithdrawFundsReply) {
@ -483,7 +519,6 @@ message WithdrawFundsReply {
message TradeInfo {
// Bisq v1 trade protocol fields.
OfferInfo offer = 1;
string tradeId = 2;
string shortId = 3;
@ -510,14 +545,9 @@ message TradeInfo {
string contractAsJson = 24;
ContractInfo contract = 25;
uint64 tradeVolume = 26;
// Optional Bisq v2+ trade protocol fields.
BsqSwapTradeInfo bsqSwapTradeInfo = 28;
// Needed by open/closed/failed trade list items.
string closingStatus = 29;
// TODO? Field for displaying correct precision per coin type, e.g., int32 coinPrecision = 32;
message ContractInfo {
@ -535,8 +565,10 @@ message ContractInfo {
uint64 lockTime = 12;
* BSQ Swap protocol specific fields not common to Bisq v1 trade protocol fields.
message BsqSwapTradeInfo {
// BSQ Swap protocol specific fields not common to Bisq v1 trade protocol fields.
string txId = 1;
uint64 bsqTradeAmount = 2;
uint64 btcTradeAmount = 3;
@ -559,10 +591,6 @@ message PaymentAccountPayloadInfo {
string address = 3;
// Transactions
message TxFeeRateInfo {
bool useCustomTxFeeRate = 1;
uint64 customTxFeeRate = 2;
@ -581,39 +609,56 @@ message TxInfo {
string memo = 7;
// Wallets
* Wallets service provides rpc methods for basic wallet operations such as checking balances,
* sending BTC or BSQ to external wallets, checking transaction fee rates, setting or unsetting
* an encryption password on a a wallet, and unlocking / locking an encrypted wallet.
service Wallets {
// Get current BSQ and BTC balances.
rpc GetBalances (GetBalancesRequest) returns (GetBalancesReply) {
// Get BTC balance for a wallet address.
rpc GetAddressBalance (GetAddressBalanceRequest) returns (GetAddressBalanceReply) {
// Get an unused BSQ wallet address.
rpc GetUnusedBsqAddress (GetUnusedBsqAddressRequest) returns (GetUnusedBsqAddressReply) {
// Send BSQ to an address.
rpc SendBsq (SendBsqRequest) returns (SendBsqReply) {
// Send BSQ to an address.
rpc SendBtc (SendBtcRequest) returns (SendBtcReply) {
// Verify a specific amount of BSQ was received by a BSQ wallet address. (TODO change method name?)
rpc VerifyBsqSentToAddress (VerifyBsqSentToAddressRequest) returns (VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply) {
// Get most recently available BTC network tx fee, or custom fee rate if set.
rpc GetTxFeeRate (GetTxFeeRateRequest) returns (GetTxFeeRateReply) {
// Set custom tx fee rate.
rpc SetTxFeeRatePreference (SetTxFeeRatePreferenceRequest) returns (SetTxFeeRatePreferenceReply) {
// Remove custom tx fee rate, revert to using BTC network tx fee rate.
rpc UnsetTxFeeRatePreference (UnsetTxFeeRatePreferenceRequest) returns (UnsetTxFeeRatePreferenceReply) {
// Get a BTC tx with a transaction-id.
rpc GetTransaction (GetTransactionRequest) returns (GetTransactionReply) {
// Get all BTC receiving address in the wallet.
rpc GetFundingAddresses (GetFundingAddressesRequest) returns (GetFundingAddressesReply) {
// Set wallet encryption password.
rpc SetWalletPassword (SetWalletPasswordRequest) returns (SetWalletPasswordReply) {
// Remove wallet encryption password.
rpc RemoveWalletPassword (RemoveWalletPasswordRequest) returns (RemoveWalletPasswordReply) {
// Lock unlocked, encrypted wallet.
rpc LockWallet (LockWalletRequest) returns (LockWalletReply) {
// Unlock encrypted wallet before executing wallet sensitive methods:
// createoffer, takeoffer, getbalances, etc.
rpc UnlockWallet (UnlockWalletRequest) returns (UnlockWalletReply) {
@ -671,6 +716,9 @@ message VerifyBsqSentToAddressReply {
bool isAmountReceived = 1;
* This request has no parameters. (TODO automate generation of "This response has no parameters" comment.)
message GetTxFeeRateRequest {
@ -737,10 +785,11 @@ message UnlockWalletRequest {
message UnlockWalletReply {
/* Field names are shortened for readability's sake, i.e.,
* balancesInfo.getBtc().getAvailableBalance() is cleaner than
* balancesInfo.getBtcBalanceInfo().getAvailableBalance().
message BalancesInfo {
// Field names are shortened for readability's sake, i.e.,
// balancesInfo.getBtc().getAvailableBalance() is cleaner than
// balancesInfo.getBtcBalanceInfo().getAvailableBalance().
BsqBalanceInfo bsq = 1;
BtcBalanceInfo btc = 2;
@ -768,11 +817,11 @@ message AddressBalanceInfo {
bool isAddressUnused = 4;
// Version
* GetVersion service provides the local Bisq daemon's version.
service GetVersion {
// Get current Bisq version number.
rpc GetVersion (GetVersionRequest) returns (GetVersionReply) {
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