mirror of
synced 2024-11-19 18:03:12 +01:00
Merge pull request #5787 from bisq-network/release/v1.7.5
This commit is contained in:
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ configure(project(':desktop')) {
modules = ['javafx.controls', 'javafx.fxml']
version = '1.7.4-SNAPSHOT'
version = '1.7.5-SNAPSHOT'
"Implementation-Title": project.name,
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class Version {
// VERSION = 0.5.0 introduces proto buffer for the P2P network and local DB and is a not backward compatible update
// Therefore all sub versions start again with 1
// We use semantic versioning with major, minor and patch
public static final String VERSION = "1.7.4";
public static final String VERSION = "1.7.5";
* Holds a list of the tagged resource files for optimizing the getData requests.
@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ shared.tradeAmount=Výše obchodu
shared.tradeVolume=Objem obchodu
shared.invalidKey=Vložený klíč není správný
shared.enterPrivKey=Pro odemknutí vložte privátní klíč
shared.makerFeeTxId=ID transakčního poplatku tvůrce
shared.takerFeeTxId=ID transakčního poplatku příjemce
shared.makerFeeTxId=ID transakce s poplatkem tvůrce
shared.takerFeeTxId=ID transakce s poplatkem příjemce
shared.payoutTxId=ID platební transakce
shared.contractAsJson=Kontakt v JSON formátu
shared.viewContractAsJson=Zobrazit kontrakt v JSON formátu
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=Transakce byla ze sítě zam
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Ztratili jste připojení ke všem {0} síťovým peer nodům.\nMožná jste ztratili připojení k internetu nebo byl váš počítač v pohotovostním režimu.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Ztratili jste připojení k Bitcoinovému localhost nodu.\nRestartujte aplikaci Bisq a připojte se k jiným Bitcoinovým nodům nebo restartujte Bitcoinový localhost node.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Váš počítač byl uspán {0} sekund. Režim spánku může způsobovat selhání obchodů. Aby Bisq fungoval správně, je potřeba v nastavení počítače deaktivovat automatické přecházení do režimu spánku.
mainView.version.update=(Dostupná aktualizace)
@ -624,7 +625,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=Důležité: když vyplňujete platebn
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=Pokud vaše banka účtuje poplatky za převod, musíte tyto poplatky uhradit vy.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees.swift=Make sure to use the SHA (shared fee model) to send the SWIFT payment. See more details at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option].
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees.swift=K odeslání platby SWIFT nezapomeňte použít SHA (sdílené poplatky). Další podrobnosti najdete zde: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option].
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin=Převeďte prosím z vaší externí {0} peněženky\n{1} prodejci BTC.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -818,10 +819,10 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.selfAccepted.lockTimeOver=Přijali jste
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Odmítnout a požádat o arbitráž
portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Už jste přijali
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Chybí poplatek příjemce transakce.\n\nBez tohoto tx nelze obchod dokončit. Nebyly uzamčeny žádné prostředky a nebyl zaplacen žádný obchodní poplatek. Tento obchod můžete přesunout do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Chybí poplatek příjemce transakce.\n\nBez tohoto tx nelze obchod dokončit. Nebyly uzamčeny žádné prostředky. Vaše nabídka je stále k dispozici dalším obchodníkům, takže jste neztratili poplatek za vytvoření. Tento obchod můžete přesunout do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Vkladová transakce (transakce 2-of-2 multisig) chybí.\n\nBez tohoto tx nelze obchod dokončit. Nebyly uzamčeny žádné prostředky, ale byl zaplacen váš obchodní poplatek. Zde můžete požádat o vrácení obchodního poplatku: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nKlidně můžete přesunout tento obchod do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Odložená výplatní transakce chybí, ale prostředky byly uzamčeny v vkladové transakci.\n\nNezasílejte prosím fiat nebo altcoin platbu prodejci BTC, protože bez odložené platby tx nelze zahájit arbitráž. Místo toho otevřete mediační úkol pomocí Cmd/Ctrl+o. Mediátor by měl navrhnout, aby oba partneři dostali zpět celou částku svých bezpečnostních vkladů (přičemž prodejce také obdrží plnou částku obchodu). Tímto způsobem nehrozí žádné bezpečnostní riziko a jsou ztraceny pouze obchodní poplatky.\n\nO vrácení ztracených obchodních poplatků můžete požádat zde: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Chybí transakce s poplatkem příjemce.\n\nBez této transakce nelze obchod dokončit. Nebyly uzamčeny žádné prostředky a nebyl zaplacen žádný obchodní poplatek. Tento obchod můžete přesunout do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Chybí transakce s poplatkem příjemce.\n\nBez této transakce nelze obchod dokončit. Nebyly uzamčeny žádné prostředky. Vaše nabídka je stále k dispozici dalším obchodníkům, takže jste neztratili poplatek za vytvoření. Tento obchod můžete přesunout do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Vkladová transakce (transakce 2-of-2 multisig) chybí.\n\nBez této transakce nelze obchod dokončit. Nebyly uzamčeny žádné prostředky, ale byl zaplacen váš obchodní poplatek. Zde můžete požádat o vrácení obchodního poplatku: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nKlidně můžete přesunout tento obchod do neúspěšných obchodů.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Odložená výplatní transakce chybí, ale prostředky byly v depozitní transakci uzamčeny.\n\nPokud kupujícímu chybí také odložená výplatní transakce, bude poučen, aby platbu NEPOSLAL a místo toho otevřel mediační úkol. Měli byste také otevřít mediační úkol pomocí Cmd/Ctrl+o.\n\nPokud kupující ještě neposlal platbu, měl by zprostředkovatel navrhnout, aby oba partneři dostali zpět celou částku svých bezpečnostních vkladů (přičemž prodejce také obdrží plnou částku obchodu). Jinak by částka obchodu měla jít kupujícímu.\n\nO vrácení ztracených obchodních poplatků můžete požádat zde: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Během provádění obchodního protokolu došlo k chybě.\n\nChyba: {0}\n\nJe možné, že tato chyba není kritická a obchod lze dokončit normálně. Pokud si nejste jisti, otevřete si mediační úkol a získejte radu od mediátorů Bisq.\n\nPokud byla chyba kritická a obchod nelze dokončit, možná jste ztratili obchodní poplatek. O vrácení ztracených obchodních poplatků požádejte zde: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=Obchodní kontrakt není stanoven.\n\nObchod nelze dokončit a možná jste ztratili poplatek za obchodování. Pokud ano, můžete požádat o vrácení ztracených obchodních poplatků zde: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=Kupující BTC/Příjemce
support.sellerTaker=Prodávající BTC/Příjemce
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq není společnost, takže spory řeší jinak.\n\nObchodníci mohou v rámci aplikace komunikovat prostřednictvím zabezpečeného chatu na obrazovce otevřených obchodů a zkusit řešení sporů sami. Pokud to nestačí, může jim pomoci mediátor. Mediátor vyhodnotí situaci a navrhne vyúčtování obchodních prostředků. Pokud oba obchodníci přijmou tento návrh, je výplata dokončena a obchod je uzavřen. Pokud jeden nebo oba obchodníci nesouhlasí s výplatou navrhovanou mediátorem, mohou požádat o rozhodčí řízení. Rozhodce přehodnotí situaci a v odůvodněných případech vrátí osobně prostředky obchodníkovi zpět a požádá o vrácení této platby od Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Do níže uvedeného textového pole zadejte popis problému. Přidejte co nejvíce informací k urychlení doby řešení sporu.\n\nZde je kontrolní seznam informací, které byste měli poskytnout:\n\t● Pokud kupujete BTC: Provedli jste převod Fiat nebo Altcoinu? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba zahájena“?\n\t● Pokud jste prodejcem BTC: Obdrželi jste platbu Fiat nebo Altcoinu? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba přijata“?\n\t● Kterou verzi Bisq používáte?\n\t● Jaký operační systém používáte?\n\t● Pokud se vyskytl problém s neúspěšnými transakcemi, zvažte přechod na nový datový adresář.\n\t Někdy dojde k poškození datového adresáře a vede to k podivným chybám.\n\tViz: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nSeznamte se prosím se základními pravidly procesu sporu:\n\t● Musíte odpovědět na požadavky {0} do 2 dnů.\n\t● Mediátoři reagují do 2 dnů. Rozhodci odpoví do 5 pracovních dnů.\n\t● Maximální doba sporu je 14 dní.\n\t● Musíte spolupracovat s {1} a poskytnout informace, které požaduje, aby jste vyřešili váš případ.\n\t● Při prvním spuštění aplikace jste přijali pravidla uvedena v dokumentu sporu v uživatelské smlouvě.\n\nDalší informace o procesu sporu naleznete na: {2}
support.initialInfo=Do níže uvedeného textového pole zadejte popis problému. Přidejte co nejvíce informací k urychlení doby řešení sporu.\n\nZde je kontrolní seznam informací, které byste měli poskytnout:\n\t● Pokud kupujete BTC: Provedli jste převod Fiat nebo Altcoinu? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba zahájena“?\n\t● Pokud jste prodejcem BTC: Obdrželi jste platbu Fiat nebo Altcoinu? Pokud ano, klikli jste v aplikaci na tlačítko „Platba přijata“?\n\t● Kterou verzi Bisq používáte?\n\t● Jaký operační systém používáte?\n\t● Pokud se vyskytl problém s neúspěšnými transakcemi, zvažte přechod na nový datový adresář.\n\t Někdy dojde k poškození datového adresáře a vede to k podivným chybám.\n\tViz: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nSeznamte se prosím se základními pravidly procesu sporu:\n\t● Musíte odpovědět na požadavky {0} do 2 dnů.\n\t● {1}\n\t● Maximální trvání sporu je 14 dní.\n\t● Musíte spolupracovat s {2} a poskytnout informace, které požaduje, aby jste obhájili svou pozici.\n\t● Při prvním spuštění aplikace jste přijali pravidla uvedena v dokumentu sporu v uživatelské smlouvě.\n\nDalší informace o procesu sporu naleznete na: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediátoři vám obvykle odpoví do 24 hodin.\n\t Pokud jste do 48 hodin nedostali odpověď, neváhejte se obrátit na svého mediátora na Keybase.\n\t Uživatelská jména mediátorů na Keybase jsou stejná jako jejich uživatelská jména v aplikaci Bisq.\n\t Váš mediátor je: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Rozhodci vám obvykle odpoví do 5 dnů.\n\t Pokud jste do 7 dnů nedostali odpověď, neváhejte se obrátit na svého rozhodce na Keybase.\n\t Uživatelská jména rozhodců na Keybase jsou stejná jako jejich uživatelská jména v aplikaci Bisq.\n\t Váš rozhodce je: {0}
support.systemMsg=Systémová zpráva: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Otevřeli jste žádost o podporu.\n\n{0}\n\nVerze Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Otevřeli jste žádost o spor.\n\n{0}\n\nVerze Bisq: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=Po restartu aplikace budou dat
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=Resynchronizace z genesis transakce může stát značné množství času a prostředků CPU. Opravdu to chcete udělat? Většinou je resynchronizace z nejnovějších zdrojových souborů dostatečná a mnohem rychlejší.\n\nPokud budete pokračovat, po restartu aplikace budou data správy sítě Bisq znovu načtena z počátečních uzlů a stav konsensu BSQ bude znovu vytvořen z genesis transakce.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resynchronizovat z genesis transakce a vypnout
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Spusťte Bisq jako full node DAO
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO aktivováno
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=Změna se projeví po restartu
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=Uživatelské jméno RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=RPC heslo
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Blokovat oznamovací port
@ -1500,7 +1505,7 @@ dao.param.ASSET_LISTING_FEE_PER_DAY=Poplatek za vedení aktiva za den
dao.param.ASSET_MIN_VOLUME=Min. objem obchodu s aktivy
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Doba uzamčení pro alternativní výplaty obchodu tx
dao.param.LOCK_TIME_TRADE_PAYOUT=Doba uzamčení pro transakci alternativní výplaty
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.param.ARBITRATOR_FEE=Poplatek rozhodce v BTC
@ -1598,7 +1603,7 @@ dao.bond.bondState.LOCKUP_TX_CONFIRMED=Zamčený úpis
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCK_TX_PENDING=Odemčení čeká na vyřízení
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCK_TX_CONFIRMED=Odemknutí tx potvrzeno
dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCK_TX_CONFIRMED=Odemykací transakce potvrzena
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
dao.bond.bondState.UNLOCKING=Odblokování úpisů
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=BISQ DAO
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Stejně jako je burza Bisq decentralizovaná a odolná vůči cenzuře, tak její model řízení - a Bisq DAO a BSQ token jsou nástroje, které to umožňují.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Dozvědět se více o Bisq DAO
dao.news.pastContribution.title=PŘISPĚLI JSTE V MINULOSTI? POŽÁDEJTE O BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.description=Pokud jste přispěli do projektu Bisq, použijte prosím níže uvedenou adresu BSQ a požádejte o účast na distribuci prvních BSQ.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Adresa vaší BSQ peněženky
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Požádat hned
dao.news.daoInfo.description=Síť Bisq DAO ještě nebyla spuštěn, ale o Bisq DAO se můžete dozvědět jeho spuštěním na našem testnetu.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Přepněte do režimu DAO Testnet
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Na obrazovce Nastavení přepněte na DAO Testnet.
dao.news.daoInfo.title=POVOLIT BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=Abyste se mohli účastnit Bisq DAO a používat BSQ pro úhradu zlevněných obchodních poplatků, musíte povolit DAO. Když je DAO povoleno, Bisq stáhne všechny chybějící bloky a ověří BSQ transakce. Tento ověřovací proces vyžaduje určitý čas, během kterého můžete pozorovat, že Bisq využívá spoustu paměti a výpočetního výkonu. To je normální.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Povolit DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Povolte Bisq DAO a restartujte aplikaci.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Získejte některé BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Vyžádejte si BSQ na Slacku nebo kupte BSQ na Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Zúčastněte se hlasovacího cyklu
@ -2050,10 +2050,10 @@ inputControlWindow.balanceLabel=Dostupný zůstatek
contractWindow.title=Podrobnosti o sporu
contractWindow.dates=Datum nabídky / Datum obchodu
contractWindow.btcAddresses=Bitcoinová adresa kupujícího BTC / prodávajícího BTC
contractWindow.onions=Síťová adresa kupující BTC / prodávající BTC
contractWindow.accountAge=Stáří účtu BTC kupující / BTC prodejce
contractWindow.numDisputes=Počet sporů BTC kupující / BTC prodejce
contractWindow.btcAddresses=Bitcoinová adresa BTC kupce / BTC prodejce
contractWindow.onions=Síťová adresa BTC kupce / BTC prodejce
contractWindow.accountAge=Stáří účtu BTC kupce / BTC prodejce
contractWindow.numDisputes=Počet sporů BTC kupce / BTC prodejce
contractWindow.contractHash=Hash kontraktu
displayAlertMessageWindow.headline=Důležitá informace!
@ -2224,7 +2224,7 @@ showWalletDataWindow.walletData=Data peněženky
showWalletDataWindow.includePrivKeys=Zahrnout soukromé klíče
setXMRTxKeyWindow.headline=Prokázat odeslání XMR
setXMRTxKeyWindow.note=Přidání tx informací níže umožní automatické potvrzení pro rychlejší obchody. Zobrazit více: https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero
setXMRTxKeyWindow.note=Přidání informací o transakci níže umožní automatické potvrzení pro rychlejší obchody. Zobrazit více: https://bisq.wiki/Trading_Monero
setXMRTxKeyWindow.txHash=ID transakce (volitelné)
setXMRTxKeyWindow.txKey=Transakční klíč (volitelný)
@ -2365,13 +2365,13 @@ popup.warning.disable.dao=Bisq DAO a BSQ jsou dočasně deaktivovány. Další i
popup.warning.noFilter="We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes." Toto je neočekávaná situace. Prosím upozorněte vývojáře Bisq.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Tato transakce není možná, protože poplatky za těžbu {0} by přesáhly částku převodu {1}. Počkejte prosím, dokud nebudou poplatky za těžbu opět nízké nebo dokud nenahromadíte více BTC k převodu.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=Transakční poplatek tvůrce za nabídku s ID {0} byl bitcoinovou sítí odmítnut.\nID transakce = {1}.\nNabídka byla odstraněna, aby se předešlo dalším problémům.\nPřejděte do \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte synchronizaci SPV.\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=Transakce s poplatkem tvůrce za nabídku s ID {0} byl bitcoinovou sítí odmítnut.\nID transakce = {1}.\nNabídka byla odstraněna, aby se předešlo dalším problémům.\nPřejděte do \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte synchronizaci SPV.\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
popup.warning.trade.txRejected.tradeFee=obchodní poplatek
popup.warning.trade.txRejected=Bitcoinová síť odmítla {0} transakci pro obchod s ID {1}.\nID transakce = {2}\nObchod byl přesunut do neúspěšných obchodů.\nPřejděte do části \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte synchronizaci SPV.\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=Transakční poplatek tvůrce za nabídku s ID {0} je neplatný.\nID transakce = {1}.\nPřejděte do \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte synchronizaci SPV.\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
popup.warning.openOfferWithInvalidMakerFeeTx=Transakce s poplatkem tvůrce za nabídku s ID {0} je neplatný.\nID transakce = {1}.\nPřejděte do \"Nastavení/Informace o síti\" a proveďte synchronizaci SPV.\nPro další pomoc prosím kontaktujte podpůrný kanál v Bisq Keybase týmu.
popup.info.securityDepositInfo=Aby oba obchodníci dodržovali obchodní protokol, musí oba obchodníci zaplatit kauci.\n\nTento vklad je uložen ve vaší obchodní peněžence, dokud nebude váš obchod úspěšně dokončen a poté vám bude vrácen.\n\nPoznámka: Pokud vytváříte novou nabídku, musí program Bisq běžet, aby ji převzal jiný obchodník. Chcete-li zachovat své nabídky online, udržujte Bisq spuštěný a ujistěte se, že tento počítač zůstává online (tj. Zkontrolujte, zda se nepřepne do pohotovostního režimu...pohotovostní režim monitoru je v pořádku).
@ -2679,26 +2679,27 @@ payment.secret=Tajná otázka
payment.wallet=ID peněženky
payment.capitual.cap=CAP kód
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
payment.swift.title.bank=Receiving Bank
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Intermediary Bank (click to expand)
payment.swift.country.bank=Receiving Bank Country
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Intermediary Bank Country
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Receiving Bank SWIFT Code
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Intermediary Bank SWIFT Code
payment.swift.name.bank=Receiving Bank name
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Intermediary Bank name
payment.swift.branch.bank=Receiving Bank branch
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Intermediary Bank branch
payment.swift.address.bank=Receiving Bank address
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Intermediary Bank address
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Beneficiary address
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Beneficiary phone number
payment.swift.account=Account No. (or IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Use Intermediary Bank
payment.swift.showPaymentInfo=Show Payment Information...
payment.swift.headline=Mezinárodní převod SWIFT
payment.swift.title.bank=Banka příjemce
payment.swift.title.intermediary=Zprostředkující banka (kliknutím rozbalíte)
payment.swift.country.bank=Země banky příjemce
payment.swift.country.intermediary=Země zprostředkující banky
payment.swift.swiftCode.bank=Kód SWIFT banky příjemce
payment.swift.swiftCode.intermediary=Kód SWIFT zprostředkující banky
payment.swift.name.bank=Jméno banky příjemce
payment.swift.name.intermediary=Jméno zprostředkující banky
payment.swift.branch.bank=Pobočka banky příjemce
payment.swift.branch.intermediary=Pobočka zprostředkující banky
payment.swift.address.bank=Adresa banky příjemce
payment.swift.address.intermediary=Adresa zprostředkující banky
payment.swift.address.beneficiary=Adresa příjemce
payment.swift.phone.beneficiary=Telefonní číslo příjemce
payment.swift.account=Číslo účtu (nebo IBAN)
payment.swift.use.intermediary=Použít zprostředkující banku
payment.swift.showPaymentInfo=Zobrazit informace o platbě...
payment.amazon.site=Kupte Amazon eGift zde:
payment.ask=Zjistěte pomocí obchodního chatu
@ -2767,15 +2768,69 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Platba kartou Amazon eGift nyní vyžaduje také
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nVáš stávající účet pro platbu kartou Amazon eGift ({1}) nemá nastavenou zemi.\nVyberte prosím zemi, ve které je možné vaše karty Amazon eGift uplatnit.\nTato aktualizace vašeho účtu nebude mít vliv na stáří tohoto účtu.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Aktualizace účtu pro platbu kartou Amazon eGift
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Pečlivě si prostudujte základní pokyny pro používání SWIFT na Bisq:\n\n- pečlivě vyplňte všechna pole\n- kupující musí zaslat platbu v měně určené tvůrcem nabídky\n- kupující musí zvolit sdílené poplatky (SHA)\n- kupujícímu a prodávajícímu mohou být účtovány poplatky, proto by si měli předem ověřit ceník své banky\n\nSWIFT je komplikovanější než jiné platební metody, proto si prosím prostudujte úplné pokyny na wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=Chcete-li koupit bitcoin pomocí SWIFT, musíte:\n\n- zaslat platbu v měně určené tvůrcem nabídky\n- použít sdílený poplatek (SHA)\n\nPřečtěte si prosím další pokyny na wiki, abyste se vyhnuli sankcím a zajistili bezproblémový průběh obchodů [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Obchodování pomocí amerických poštovních poukázek (USPMO) na Bisq vyžaduje, abyste rozuměli následujícímu:\n\n- Kupující BTC musí před odesláním napsat jméno prodejce BTC do polí plátce i příjemce a pořídit fotografii USPMO a obálku s dokladem o sledování ve vysokém rozlišení.\n- Kupující BTC musí odeslat USPMO prodejci BTC s potvrzením dodávky.\n\nV případě, že je nutná mediace, nebo pokud dojde k obchodnímu sporu, budete povinni poslat fotografie mediátorovi Bisq nebo zástupci pro vrácení peněz spolu s pořadovým číslem USPMO, číslem pošty a částkou dolaru, aby mohli ověřit podrobnosti na webu US Post Office.\n\nNeposkytnutí požadovaných informací mediátorovi nebo arbitrovi bude mít za následek ztrátu případu sporu.\n\nVe všech sporných případech nese odesílatel USPMO 100% břemeno odpovědnosti za poskytnutí důkazů mediátorovi nebo arbitrovi.\n\nPokud těmto požadavkům nerozumíte, neobchodujte pomocí USPMO na Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.info=Trading using cash-by-mail (CBM) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n● BTC buyer should package cash in a tamper-evident cash bag.\n● BTC buyer should film or take high-resolution photos of the cash packaging process with the address & tracking number already affixed to packaging.\n● BTC buyer should send the cash package to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation and appropriate Insurance.\n● BTC seller should film the opening of the package, making sure that the tracking number provided by the sender is visible in the video.\n● Offer maker must state any special terms or conditions in the 'Additional Information' field of the payment account.\n● Offer taker agrees to the offer maker's terms and conditions by taking the offer.\n\nCBM trades put the onus to act honestly squarely on both peers.\n\n● CBM trades have less verifiable actions than other fiat trades. This makes handling dispute much harder.\n● Try to resolve disputes directly with your peer using trader chat. This is your most promising route to solving any CBM dispute.\n● Mediators can consider your case and make a suggestion, but they are NOT guaranteed to help.\n● If a mediator is engaged, and if either peer rejects the mediator's suggestion, both peers' funds will be sent to a Bisq 'donation' address [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction], and the trade will effectively be completed.\n● If a trader rejects a mediation suggestion and opens arbitration, it could lead to a loss of both the trading and the deposit funds.\n● Arbitrators will make a decision based on the evidence provided to them. Therefore, please follow and document the above processes to have evidence in case of dispute. For Cash by Mail trades the Arbitrators decision is final.\n● Reimbursement requests any lost funds resulting from Cash By Mail trades to the Bisq DAO will NOT be considered.\n\nTo be sure you fully understand the requirements of cash-by-mail trades, please see: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using CBM on Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.info=Obchodování metodou „hotovost poštou“ (cash-by-mail; CBM) vyžaduje, abyste porozuměli následujícímu:\n\n● Kupující BTC by měl zabalit hotovost do sáčku, který je určen pro zabalení cenností a který má opatření proti neoprávněné manipulaci.\n● Kupující by měl z procesu balení hotovosti pořídit video nebo fotografie ve vysokém rozlišení. Adresa a číslo zásilky musí být viditelné na obalu.\n● Kupující by měl odeslat balíček s hotovostí prodávajícímu doporučeně, a s odpovídajícím pojištěním.\n● Prodávající by měl otevření balíčku natočit tak, aby bylo na videu patrné číslo zásilky poskytnuté odesílatelem.\n● Tvůrce nabídky musí uvést jakékoli zvláštní podmínky v poli „Dodatečné informace“ platebního účtu.\n● Příjemce nabídky souhlasí s podmínkami tvůrce nabídky přijetím jeho nabídky.\n\nObchody CBM vyžadují, aby obě strany jednaly poctivě.\n\n● Jednotlivé kroky jsou hůře ověřitelné než u ostatních platebních metod. Díky tomu je řešení sporů mnohem obtížnější.\n● Pokuste se vyřešit spory přímo se svou protistranou pomocí obchodního chatu. Toto je vaše nejslibnější cesta k vyřešení jakéhokoli sporu.\n● Mediátoři mohou váš případ posoudit a navrhnout řešení, ale NENÍ zaručeno, že vám pomohou.\n● Pokud je do sporu zapojen mediátor a některá ze stran odmítne jeho návrh, prostředky obou partnerů budou zaslány na darovací adresu Bisq DAO [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Arbitration#Time-Locked_Payout_Transaction] a obchod bude efektivně ukončen.\n● Pokud jeden z obchodníků zamítne návrh mediátora a zahájí arbitráž, může to vést až ke ztrátě obchodovaného BTC i kauce.\n● Rozhodci učiní své rozhodnutí na základě důkazů, které jim budou poskytnuty. Proto prosím dodržujte výše uvedené postupy, abyste měli důkazy pro případ sporu. U obchodů CBM je rozhodnutí rozhodců konečné.\n● Bisq DAO na žádosti o vyrovnání/odškodnění jakýchkoli ztracených finančních prostředků vyplývajících z obchodů CBM NEBUDE brát zřetel.\n\nChcete-li si být jisti, že plně rozumíte požadavkům obchodů CBM, viz: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Cash_by_Mail]\n\nPokud těmto požadavkům nerozumíte, neobchodujte pomocí CBM na Bisq.
payment.cashByMail.contact=Kontaktní informace
payment.cashByMail.contact.prompt=Obálka se jménem nebo pseudonymem by měla být adresována
@ -2788,10 +2843,12 @@ payment.shared.extraInfo=Dodatečné informace
payment.shared.extraInfo.prompt=Uveďte jakékoli speciální požadavky, podmínky a detaily, které chcete zobrazit u vašich nabídek s tímto platebním účtem. (Uživatelé uvidí tyto informace předtím, než akceptují vaši nabídku.)
payment.cashByMail.extraInfo.prompt=Uveďte prosím ve svých nabídkách:\n\nZemi, ve které se nacházíte (např. Francie);\nZemě / regiony protistran, se kterými jste ochotni obchodovat (např. Francie, EU nebo jakákoli evropská země);\nJakékoli zvláštní podmínky;\nJakékoli další podrobnosti.
payment.cashByMail.tradingRestrictions=Přečtěte si prosím podmínky tvůrce nabídky.\nPokud tyto požadavky nesplňujete, neakceptujte tento obchod.
payment.f2f.info=Obchody „tváří v tvář“ mají různá pravidla a přicházejí s jinými riziky než online transakce.\n\nHlavní rozdíly jsou:\n● Obchodní partneři si musí vyměňovat informace o místě a čase schůzky pomocí poskytnutých kontaktních údajů.\n● Obchodní partneři musí přinést své notebooky a na místě setkání potvrdit „platba odeslána“ a „platba přijata“.\n● Pokud má tvůrce speciální „podmínky“, musí uvést podmínky v textovém poli „Další informace“ na účtu.\n● Přijetím nabídky zadavatel souhlasí s uvedenými „podmínkami a podmínkami“ tvůrce.\n● V případě sporu nemůže být mediátor nebo rozhodce příliš nápomocný, protože je obvykle obtížné získat důkazy o tom, co se na schůzce stalo. V takových případech mohou být prostředky BTC uzamčeny na dobu neurčitou nebo dokud se obchodní partneři nedohodnou.\n\nAbyste si byli jisti, že plně rozumíte rozdílům v obchodech „tváří v tvář“, přečtěte si pokyny a doporučení na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info=Obchody „tváří v tvář“ mají různá pravidla a přicházejí s jinými riziky než online transakce.\n\nHlavní rozdíly jsou:\n● Obchodní partneři si musí vyměňovat informace o místě a čase schůzky pomocí poskytnutých kontaktních údajů.\n● Obchodní partneři musí přinést své notebooky a na místě setkání potvrdit „platba odeslána“ a „platba přijata“.\n● Pokud má tvůrce speciální „podmínky“, musí uvést podmínky v textovém poli „Dodatečné informace“ na účtu.\n● Přijetím nabídky zadavatel souhlasí s uvedenými „podmínkami a podmínkami“ tvůrce.\n● V případě sporu nemůže být mediátor nebo rozhodce příliš nápomocný, protože je obvykle obtížné získat důkazy o tom, co se na schůzce stalo. V takových případech mohou být prostředky BTC uzamčeny na dobu neurčitou nebo dokud se obchodní partneři nedohodnou.\n\nAbyste si byli jisti, že plně rozumíte rozdílům v obchodech „tváří v tvář“, přečtěte si pokyny a doporučení na adrese: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Face-to-face_(payment_method)]
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Otevřít webovou stránku
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Země a město: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Další informace: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS kód
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC formát: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Jméno
payment.payid=PayID spojené s finanční institucí. Jako e-mailová adresa nebo mobilní telefon.
payment.payid.info=PayID jako telefonní číslo, e-mailová adresa nebo australské obchodní číslo (ABN), které můžete bezpečně propojit se svou bankou, družstevní záložnou nebo účtem stavební spořitelny. Musíte mít již vytvořený PayID u své australské finanční instituce. Odesílající i přijímající finanční instituce musí podporovat PayID. Další informace najdete na [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Chcete-li platit dárkovou kartou Amazon eGift, budete muset prodejci BTC poslat kartu Amazon eGift přes svůj účet Amazon.\n\nBisq zobrazí e-mail nebo mobilní číslo prodejce BTC, kam bude potřeba odeslat tuto dárkovou kartu. Na kartě ve zprávě pro příjemce musí být uvedeno ID obchodu. Pro další detaily a rady viz wiki: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card].\n\nZde jsou tři důležité poznámky:\n- Preferujte dárkové karty v hodnotě do 100 USD, protože Amazon může považovat nákupy karet s vyššími částkami jako podezřelé a zablokovat je.\n- Na kartě do zprávy pro příjemce můžete přidat i vlastní originální text (např. "Happy birthday Susan!") spolu s ID obchodu. (V takovém případě o tom informujte protistranu pomocí obchodovacího chatu, aby mohli s jistotou ověřit, že obdržená dárková karta pochází od vás.)\n- Karty Amazon eGift lze uplatnit pouze na té stránce Amazon, na které byly také koupeny (např. karta koupená na amazon.it může být uplatněna zase jen na amazon.it).
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Chcete-li platit dárkovou kartou Amazon eGift, budete muset prodejci BTC poslat kartu Amazon eGift přes svůj účet Amazon.\n\nPro další detaily a rady viz wiki: [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card].\n\nZde jsou tři důležité poznámky:\n- Preferujte dárkové karty v hodnotě do 100 USD, protože Amazon může považovat nákupy karet s vyššími částkami jako podezřelé a zablokovat je.\n- Na kartě do zprávy pro příjemce můžete přidat i vlastní originální text (např. "Happy birthday Susan!"). V takovém případě o tom informujte protistranu pomocí obchodního chatu, aby mohli s jistotou ověřit, že obdržená dárková karta pochází od vás.\n- Karty Amazon eGift lze uplatnit pouze na té stránce Amazon, na které byly také koupeny (např. karta koupená na amazon.it může být uplatněna zase jen na amazon.it).
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,13 +2942,39 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=Mezinárodní bankovní převod SWIFT
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ shared.noDateAvailable=Kein Datum verfügbar
shared.noDetailsAvailable=Keine Details vorhanden
shared.notUsedYet=Noch ungenutzt
shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Sending: {0}\nFrom address: {1}\nTo receiving address: {2}\nRequired mining fee is: {3} ({4} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {5} vKb\n\nThe recipient will receive: {6}\n\nAre you sure you want to withdraw this amount?
shared.sendFundsDetailsWithFee=Gesendet: {0}\nVon Adresse: {1}\nAn Empfangsadresse: {2}.\nBenötigte Mining-Gebühr ist: {3} ({4} satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaktionsgröße vsize: {5} vKb\n\nDer Empfänger erhält: {6}\n\nSind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Betrag abheben wollen?
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
shared.sendFundsDetailsDust=Diese Transaktion würde ein Wechselgeld erzeugen das unterhalb des Dust-Grenzwerts liegt (und daher von den Bitcoin-Konsensregeln nicht erlaubt wäre). Stattdessen wird dieser Dust ({0} Satoshi{1}) der Mining-Gebühr hinzugefügt.\n\n\n
shared.copyToClipboard=In Zwischenablage kopieren
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=Eine Transaktion wurde aus de
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Sie haben die Verbindung zu allen {0} Netzwerk-Peers verloren.\nMöglicherweise haben Sie Ihre Internetverbindung verloren oder Ihr Computer war im Standbymodus.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Sie haben die Verbindung zum localhost Bitcoinknoten verloren.\nBitte starten Sie die Bisq Anwendung neu, um mit anderen Bitcoinknoten zu verbinden oder starten Sie den localhost Bitcoinknoten neu.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Ihr Computer war für {0} Sekunden im Ruhezustand. Der Standby-Modus hat in der Vergangenheit schon fehlgeschlagene Trades verursacht. Damit Bisq korrekt funktioniert, muss der Standby-Modus in den Einstellungen Ihres Computers deaktiviert werden.
mainView.version.update=(Update verfügbar)
@ -353,13 +354,13 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.signer=vom Partner unterzeichnet und kann Partne
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.info.banned=Konto wurde geblockt
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning={0} Tage
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} seit der Unterzeichnung
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Account limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Account limit lifted
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimit=Konto-Limit: {0}
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.accountLimitLifted=Konto-Limit aufgehoben
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.unsigned=DIeses Konto wurde noch nicht unterzeichnet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=This account has been signed
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=This account has been signed and can sign peer accounts
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=buy BTC from a signed account
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=wait a minimum of {0} days
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signed=Dieses Konto wurde unterzeichnet
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.info.signedAndLifted=Dieses Konto wurde unterzeichnet und kann andere Peer-Konten unterzeichnen
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.buyBtc=Kaufe BTC von einem unterzeichneten Konto
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.checkmark.wait=Warte mindestens {0} Tage
offerbook.timeSinceSigning.tooltip.learnMore=Mehr erfahren
offerbook.xmrAutoConf=Automatische Bestätigung aktiviert
@ -624,7 +625,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.refTextWarn=Wichtig: Wenn Sie die Zahlung durchfü
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees=Sollte Ihre Bank irgendwelche Gebühren für die Überweisung erheben, müssen Sie diese Gebühren bezahlen.
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees.swift=Make sure to use the SHA (shared fee model) to send the SWIFT payment. See more details at [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option].
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fees.swift=Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie SHA (shared fee model) verwenden um SWIFT Zahlungen zu senden. Weitere Informationen findest du unter [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT#Use_the_correct_fee_option].
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.altcoin=Bitte überweisen Sie von Ihrer externen {0}-Wallet\n{1} an den BTC-Verkäufer.\n\n
# suppress inspection "TrailingSpacesInProperty"
@ -800,9 +801,9 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationRequested=Mediation beantragt
portfolio.pending.refundRequested=Rückerstattung beantragt
portfolio.pending.openSupport=Support-Ticket öffnen
portfolio.pending.supportTicketOpened=Support-Ticket geöffnet
portfolio.pending.communicateWithArbitrator=Please communicate with the arbitrator on the \"Support\" screen.
portfolio.pending.communicateWithMediator=Please communicate with the mediator on the \"Support\" screen.
portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedMyUser=You have already opened a dispute.\n{0}
portfolio.pending.communicateWithArbitrator=Bitte setzen Sie sich auf der \"Support\"-Seite mit dem Vermittler in Verbindung.
portfolio.pending.communicateWithMediator=Bitte setzen Sie sich auf der \"Support\"-Seite mit dem Mediator in Verbindung.
portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedMyUser=Sie haben bereits einen Konflikt eröffnet.\n{0}
portfolio.pending.disputeOpenedByPeer=Ihr Handelspartner hat einen Konflikt geöffnet\n{0}
portfolio.pending.noReceiverAddressDefined=Keine Empfangsadresse festgelegt
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Sie haben bereits akzept
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Die Transaktion der Abnehmer-Gebühr fehlt.\n\nOhne diese tx kann der Handel nicht abgeschlossen werden. Keine Gelder wurden gesperrt und keine Handelsgebühr wurde bezahlt. Sie können diesen Handel zu den fehlgeschlagenen Händeln verschieben.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Die Transaktion der Abnehmer-Gebühr fehlt.\n\nOhne diese tx kann der Handel nicht abgeschlossen werden. Keine Gelder wurden gesperrt. Ihr Angebot ist für andere Händler weiterhin verfügbar. Sie haben die Ersteller-Gebühr also nicht verloren. Sie können diesen Handel zu den fehlgeschlagenen Händeln verschieben.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Die Einzahlungstransaktion (die 2-of-2 Multisig-Transaktion) fehlt.\n\nOhne diese tx kann der Handel nicht abgeschlossen werden. Keine Gelder wurden gesperrt aber die Handels-Gebühr wurde bezahlt. Sie können eine Anfrage für eine Rückerstattung der Handels-Gebühr hier einreichen: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nSie können diesen Handel gerne zu den fehlgeschlagenen Händeln verschieben.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion fehlt, aber die Gelder wurden in der Einzahlungstransaktion gesperrt.\n\nBitte schicken Sie KEINE Geld-(Fiat-) oder Altcoin-Zahlungen an den BTC Verkäufer, weil ohne die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion später kein Schlichtungsverfahren eröffnet werden kann. Stattdessen öffnen Sie ein Vermittlungs-Ticket mit Cmd/Strg+o. Der Vermittler sollte vorschlagen, dass beide Handelspartner ihre vollständige Sicherheitskaution zurückerstattet bekommen (und der Verkäufer auch seinen Handels-Betrag). Durch diese Vorgehensweise entsteht kein Sicherheitsrisiko und es geht ausschließlich die Handelsgebühr verloren.\n\nSie können eine Rückerstattung der verlorenen gegangenen Handelsgebühren hier erbitten: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion fehlt, aber die Gelder wurden in der Einzahlungstransaktion gesperrt.\n\nWenn dem Käufer die verzögerte Auszahlungstransaktion auch fehlt, wird er dazu aufgefordert die Bezahlung NICHT zu schicken und stattdessen ein Vermittlungs-Ticket zu eröffnen. Sie sollten auch ein Vermittlungs-Ticket mit Cmd/Strg+o öffnen.\n\nWenn der Käufer die Zahlung noch nicht geschickt hat, sollte der Vermittler vorschlagen, dass beide Handelspartner ihre Sicherheitskaution vollständig zurückerhalten (und der Verkäufer auch den Handels-Betrag). Anderenfalls sollte der Handels-Betrag an den Käufer gehen.\n\nSie können eine Rückerstattung der verlorenen gegangenen Handelsgebühren hier erbitten: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Während der Ausführung des Handel-Protokolls ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.\n\nFehler: {0}\n\nEs kann sein, dass dieser Fehler nicht gravierend ist und der Handel ganz normal abgeschlossen werden kann. Wenn Sie sich unsicher sind, öffnen Sie ein Vermittlungs-Ticket um den Rat eines Bisq Vermittlers zu erhalten.\n\nWenn der Fehler gravierend war, kann der Handel nicht abgeschlossen werden und Sie haben vielleicht die Handelsgebühr verloren. Sie können eine Rückerstattung der verlorenen gegangenen Handelsgebühren hier erbitten: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=Der Handelsvertrag ist nicht festgelegt.\n\nDer Handel kann nicht abgeschlossen werden und Sie haben möglicherweise die Handelsgebühr verloren. Sollte das der Fall sein, können Sie eine Rückerstattung der verlorenen gegangenen Handelsgebühren hier beantragen: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -831,7 +832,7 @@ portfolio.pending.failedTrade.txChainValid.moveToFailed=Das Handels-Protokoll ha
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.moveTradeToFailedIcon.tooltip=Handel zu den fehlgeschlagenen Händeln verschieben.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.warningIcon.tooltip=Klicken Sie hier um herauszufinden welche Probleme beim Handel aufgetreten sind.
portfolio.failed.revertToPending.popup=Wollen Sie diesen Handel zu den offenen Händeln verschieben?
portfolio.failed.revertToPending.failed=Failed to move this trade to open trades.
portfolio.failed.revertToPending.failed=Dieser Trade konnte nicht in die offenen Trades verschoben werden.
portfolio.failed.revertToPending=Handel zu den offenen Händeln verschieben
@ -952,7 +953,7 @@ support.sigCheck.popup.failed=Unterzeichnung der Signatur ist fehlgeschlagen
support.sigCheck.popup.invalidFormat=Nachricht ist nicht im erwarteten Format. Copy & paste Konflikt-Zusammenfassung.
support.reOpenByTrader.prompt=Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den Konflikt wiedereröffnen möchten?
support.reOpenByTrader.failed=Failed to re-open the dispute.
support.reOpenByTrader.failed=Der Konflikt konnte nicht wiedereröffnet werden.
support.sendNotificationButton.label=Private Benachrichtigung
@ -977,10 +978,10 @@ support.closeTicket=Ticket schließen
support.savedInMailbox=Die Nachricht wurde im Postfach des Empfängers gespeichert
support.arrived=Die Nachricht ist beim Empfänger angekommen
support.transient=Message is on its way to receiver
support.transient=Die Nachricht ist auf dem Weg zum Empfänger
support.acknowledged=Nachrichtenankunft vom Empfänger bestätigt
support.error=Empfänger konnte die Nachricht nicht verarbeiten. Fehler: {0}
support.errorTimeout=timed out. Try sending message again.
support.errorTimeout=Zeit abgelaufen. Versuchen Sie die Nachricht erneut zu senden.
support.buyerAddress=BTC-Adresse des Käufers
support.sellerAddress=BTC-Adresse des Verkäufers
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC-Käufer/Abnehmer
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq ist kein Unternehmen, daher behandelt es Konflikte unterschiedlich.\n\nTrader können innerhalb der Anwendung über einen sicheren Chat auf dem Bildschirm für offene Trades kommunizieren, um zu versuchen, Konflikte selbst zu lösen. Wenn das nicht ausreicht, kann ein Mediator einschreiten und helfen. Der Mediator wird die Situation bewerten und eine Auszahlung von Trade Funds vorschlagen. Wenn beide Trader diesen Vorschlag annehmen, ist die Auszahlungstransaktion abgeschlossen und der Trade geschlossen. Wenn ein oder beide Trader mit der vom Mediator vorgeschlagenen Auszahlung nicht einverstanden sind, können sie ein Vermittlungsverfahren beantragen, bei dem der Vermittler die Situation neu bewertet und, falls gerechtfertigt, dem Trader persönlich eine Rückerstattung leistet und die Rückerstattung dieser Zahlung vom Bisq DAO verlangt.
support.initialInfo=Bitte geben Sie eine Beschreibung Ihres Problems in das untenstehende Textfeld ein. Fügen Sie so viele Informationen wie möglich hinzu, um die Zeit für die Konfliktlösung zu verkürzen.\n\nHier ist eine Checkliste der Informationen die Sie angeben sollten:\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Käufer sind: Haben Sie die Geld- (Fiat-) oder Altcoin-Überweisung vorgenommen? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung gestartet" geklickt?\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Verkäufer sind: Haben Sie die Geld- (Fiat-) oder Altcoin-Zahlung erhalten? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung erhalten" geklickt?\n\t● Welche Version von Bisq verwenden Sie?\n\t● Welches Betriebssystem verwenden Sie?\n\t● Wenn Sie ein Problem mit fehlgeschlagenen Transaktionen hatten, erwägen Sie bitte zu einem neuen Data-Verzeichnis zu wechseln.\n\t Manchmal wird das Data-Verzeichnis beschädigt was zu seltsamen Fehlern führt. \n\t Siehe: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nBitte machen Sie sich mit den Grundregeln der Streitbeilegung vertraut:\n\t● Sie müssen auf die Anfragen der {0} innerhalb von 2 Tagen antworten.\n\t● Vermittler antworten innerhalb von 2 Tagen. Schiedspersonen antworten innerhalb von 5 Werktagen.\n\t● Die maximale Zeitspanne für eine Konfliktlösung beträgt 14 Tage.\n\t● Sie müssen mit dem/der {1} zusammenarbeiten und die Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, die sie anfordern, um Ihren Fall zu bearbeiten.\n\t● Sie haben die in der Benutzervereinbarung aufgeführten Regeln zur Streitbeilegung akzeptiert, als Sie die Anwendung zum ersten Mal gestartet haben.\n\nSie können mehr über die Streitbeilegung erfahren auf: {2}
support.initialInfo=Bitte geben Sie eine Beschreibung Ihres Problems in das untenstehende Textfeld ein. Fügen Sie so viele Informationen wie möglich hinzu, um die Zeit für die Konfliktlösung zu verkürzen.\n\nHier ist eine Checkliste der Informationen die Sie angeben sollten:\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Käufer sind: Haben Sie die Geld- (Fiat-) oder Altcoin-Überweisung vorgenommen? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung gestartet" geklickt?\n\t● Wenn Sie der BTC-Verkäufer sind: Haben Sie die Geld- (Fiat-) oder Altcoin-Zahlung erhalten? Wenn ja, haben Sie in der Anwendung auf die Schaltfläche "Zahlung erhalten" geklickt?\n\t● Welche Version von Bisq verwenden Sie?\n\t● Welches Betriebssystem verwenden Sie?\n\t● Wenn Sie ein Problem mit fehlgeschlagenen Transaktionen hatten, erwägen Sie bitte zu einem neuen Datei-Verzeichnis zu wechseln.\n\t Manchmal wird das Datei-Verzeichnis beschädigt was zu seltsamen Fehlern führt. \n\t Siehe: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nBitte machen Sie sich mit den Grundregeln der Konfliktlösung vertraut:\n\t● Sie müssen auf die {0}. Anfrage innerhalb von 2 Tagen antworten.\n\t● {1}\n\t● Die maximale Zeitspanne für eine Konfliktlösung beträgt 14 Tage.\n\t● Sie müssen mit dem/der {2} zusammenarbeiten und die Informationen zur Verfügung stellen, die sie anfordern, um Ihren Fall zu bearbeiten.\n\t● Sie haben die in der Benutzervereinbarung aufgeführten Regeln zur Konfliktlösung akzeptiert, als Sie die Anwendung zum ersten Mal gestartet haben.\n\nSie können hier weitere Informationen zur Konfliktlösung finden: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Systemnachricht: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Sie haben eine Anfrage auf Support geöffnet.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq-Version: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Sie haben eine Anfrage für einen Konflikt geöffnet.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq-version: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=Nach einem Neustart der Anwend
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=Eine Resync von der Genesis-Transaktion kann erhebliche Zeit und CPU-Ressourcen in Anspruch nehmen. Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie das tun wollen? Meistens ist ein Resync von den neuesten Ressourcendateien ausreichend und viel schneller.\n\nWenn Sie fortfahren, werden nach einem Neustart der Anwendung die Bisq-Netzwerk-Governance-Daten von den Seed-Nodes neu geladen und der BSQ-Konsensstatus wird aus der Genesis-Transaktion neu aufgebaut.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resync von Genesis ausführen und beenden
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Bisq als DAO Full Node betreiben
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO aktiviert
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=RPC Benutzername
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=RPC Passwort
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=DER BISQ DAO
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Genauso wie der Bisq Handelsplatz dezentral und resistent gegen Zensur ist, ist auch die Führung der DAO - die Bisq DAO und der BSQ Token machen es möglich.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Erfahren Sie mehr über den Bisq DAO
dao.news.pastContribution.title=BEREITS ZU BISQ BEIGETRAGEN? BSQ ANFRAGEN
dao.news.pastContribution.description=Falls sie in der Vergangenheit zu Bisq beigetragen haben, verwenden sie die darunterstehende BSQ Adresse um einen Antrag zur Aufnahme in die BSQ Genesis Transaktion zu erstellen.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Ihre BSQ-Wallets-Adresse
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Jetzt anfordern
dao.news.daoInfo.description=Die Bisq DAO wurde auf Mainnet noch nicht veröffentlicht, jedoch können sie die Bisq DAO jetzt schon in unserem Testnet ausprobieren.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Nach DAO-Testnetzmodus wechseln
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Vom Einstellungsmenü ins DAO-Testnetzwerk wechseln.
dao.news.daoInfo.title=Aktiviere die Bisq DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Einige BSQ erwerben
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Fragen sie einfach auf Slack nach BSQ oder kaufen sie direkt BSQ in Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Beim Wahl-Zyklus teilhaben
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=Geheimfrage
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Bei der Zahlungsmethode Amazon Geschenkkarten mus
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nDein bestehendes Amazon Geschenkkarten Konto ({1}) wurde keinem Land zugeteilt.\nBitte geben Sie das Amazon Geschenkkarten Land ein um Ihre Kontodaten zu aktualisieren.\nDas wird ihr Kontoalter nicht beeinflussen.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Amazon Geschenkkarte Konto updaten
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Der Handel auf Bisq unter Verwendung von US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) setzt voraus, dass Sie Folgendes verstehen:\n\n- Der BTC-Käufer muss den Namen des BTC-Verkäufers sowohl in das Feld des Zahlers als auch in das Feld des Zahlungsempfängers eintragen und vor dem Versand ein hochauflösendes Foto des USPMO und des Umschlags mit dem Tracking-Nachweis machen.\n- BTC-Käufer müssen den USPMO mit Zustellbenachrichtigung an den BTC-Verkäufer schicken.\n\nFür den Fall, dass eine Mediation erforderlich ist oder es zu einem Handelskonflikt kommt, müssen Sie die Fotos zusammen mit der USPMO-Seriennummer, der Nummer des Postamtes und dem Dollarbetrag an den Bisq-Vermittler oder Rückerstattungsbeauftragten schicken, damit dieser die Angaben auf der Website der US-Post überprüfen kann.\n\nWenn Sie dem Vermittler oder der Schiedsperson die erforderlichen Informationen nicht zur Verfügung stellen, führt dies dazu, dass der Konflikt zu Ihrem Nachteil entschieden wird.\n\nIn allen Konfliktfällen trägt der USPMO-Absender 100% der Verantwortung für die Bereitstellung von Beweisen/Nachweisen für den Vermittler oder die Schiedsperson.\n\nWenn Sie diese Anforderungen nicht verstehen, handeln Sie bitte nicht auf Bisq unter Verwendung von USPMO.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info=Persönliche Händel "von Angesicht zu Angesicht" ('Face to Fac
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Webseite öffnen
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Land und Stadt: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Zusätzliche Informationen: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Name
payment.payid=PayIDs wie E-Mail Adressen oder Telefonnummern die mit Finanzinstitutionen verbunden sind.
payment.payid.info=Eine PayID wie eine Telefonnummer, E-Mail Adresse oder Australische Business Number (ABN) mit der Sie sicher Ihre Bank, Kreditgenossenschaft oder Bausparkassenkonto verlinken können. Sie müssen bereits eine PayID mit Ihrer Australischen Finanzinstitution erstellt haben. Beide Institutionen, die die sendet und die die empfängt, müssen PayID unterstützen. Weitere informationen finden Sie unter [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Um mit einer Amazon eGift Geschenkkarte zu bezahlen, müssen Sie eine Amazon eGift Geschenkkarte über Ihr Amazon-Konto an den BTC-Verkäufer senden. \n\nBisq zeigt die E-Mail-Adresse oder Telefonnummer des BTC-Verkäufers an, an die die Geschenkkarte gesendet werden soll, und Sie müssen die Handels-ID in das Nachrichtenfeld der Geschenkkarte eintragen. Bitte lesen Sie das Wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] für weitere Details und empfohlene Vorgehensweisen. \n\nDrei wichtige Hinweise:\n- Versuchen Sie Geschenkkarten mit Beträgen von 100 USD oder weniger zu versenden, weil Amazon größere Geschenkkarten gerne als betrügerisch kennzeichnet\n- Versuchen Sie einen kreativen, glaubwürdigen Text für die Nachricht der Geschenkkarten zu verwenden (z.B. "Alles Gute zum Geburtstag Susi!"), zusammen mit der Handels-ID (und verwenden Sie den Handels-Chat, um Ihrem Handelspartner den von Ihnen gewählten Referenztext mitzuteilen, damit er Ihre Zahlung überprüfen kann)\n- Amazon Geschenkkarten können nur auf der Amazon-Website eingelöst werden, auf der sie gekauft wurden (z. B. kann eine auf amazon.it gekaufte Geschenkkarte nur auf amazon.it eingelöst werden)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon Gift-Karte
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=Se rechazó una transacción
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Perdió la conexión a todos los {0} usuarios de red.\nTal vez se ha interrumpido su conexión a Internet o su computadora estaba en modo suspendido.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Perdió la conexión al nodo Bitcoin localhost.\nPor favor reinicie la aplicación Bisq para conectarse a otros nodos Bitcoin o reinice el nodo Bitcoin localhost.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Actualización disponible)
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Ya ha aceptado
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Falta la transacción de tasa de tomador\n\nSin esta tx, el intercambio no se puede completar. No se han bloqueado fondos y no se ha pagado ninguna tasa de intercambio. Puede mover esta operación a intercambios fallidos.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Falta la transacción de tasa de tomador de su par.\n\nSin esta tx, el intercambio no se puede completar. No se han bloqueado fondos. Su oferta aún está disponible para otros comerciantes, por lo que no ha perdido la tasa de tomador. Puede mover este intercambio a intercambios fallidos.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Falta la transacción de depósito (la transacción multifirma 2 de 2).\n\nSin esta tx, el intercambio no se puede completar. No se han bloqueado fondos, pero se ha pagado su tarifa comercial. Puede hacer una solicitud para que se le reembolse la tarifa comercial aquí: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues].\n\nSiéntase libre de mover esta operación a operaciones fallidas.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Falta la transacción de pago demorado, pero los fondos se han bloqueado en la transacción de depósito.\n\nNO envíe el pago fiat o altcoin al vendedor de BTC, porque sin el tx de pago demorado, no se puede abrir el arbitraje. En su lugar, abra un ticket de mediación con Cmd / Ctrl + o. El mediador debe sugerir que ambos pares recuperen el monto total de sus depósitos de seguridad (y el vendedor también recibirá el monto total de la operación). De esta manera, no hay riesgo en la seguridad y solo se pierden las tarifas comerciales.\n\nPuede solicitar un reembolso por las tarifas comerciales perdidas aquí: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues].
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=Falta la transacción del pago demorado, pero los fondos se han bloqueado en la transacción de depósito.\n\nSi al comprador también le falta la transacción de pago demorado, se le indicará que NO envíe el pago y abra un ticket de mediación. También debe abrir un ticket de mediación con Cmd / Ctrl + o.\n\nSi el comprador aún no ha enviado el pago, el mediador debe sugerir que ambos pares recuperen el monto total de sus depósitos de seguridad (y el vendedor también recibirá el monto total de la operación). De lo contrario, el monto comercial debe ir al comprador.\n\nPuede solicitar un reembolso por las tarifas comerciales perdidas aquí: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues].
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Hubo un error durante la ejecución del protocolo de intercambio.\n\nError: {0}\n\nPuede ser que este error no sea crítico y que el intercambio se pueda completar normalmente. Si no está seguro, abra un ticket de mediación para obtener consejos de los mediadores de Bisq.\n\nSi el error fue crítico y la operación no se puede completar, es posible que haya perdido su tarifa de operación. Solicite un reembolso por las tarifas comerciales perdidas aquí: [HYPERLINK:ttps://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues].
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=El contrato del intercambio no está establecido.\n\nLa operación no se puede completar y es posible que haya perdido su tarifa de operación. Si es así, puede solicitar un reembolso por las tarifas comerciales perdidas aquí: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues].
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=comprador/Tomador BTC
support.sellerTaker=vendedor/Tomador BTC
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq no es una compañía, por ello maneja las disputas de una forma diferente.\n\nLos compradores y vendedores pueden comunicarse a través de la aplicación por un chat seguro en la pantalla de intercambios abiertos para intentar resolver una disputa por su cuenta. Si eso no es suficiente, un mediador puede intervenir para ayudar. El mediador evaluará la situación y dará una recomendación para el pago de los fondos de la transacción. Si ambos aceptan esta sugerencia, la transacción del pago se completa y el intercambio se cierra. Si uno o ambos no están de acuerdo con el pago recomendado por el mediador, pueden solicitar arbitraje. El árbitro re-evaluará la situación y, si es necesario, hará el pago personalmente y solicitará un reembolso de este pago a la DAO de Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Por favor, introduzca una descripción de su problema en el campo de texto inferior. Añada tanta información como sea posible para acelerar el tiempo de resolución de la disputa.\n\nAquí tiene una lista de la información que debería proveer:\n● Si es comprador de BTC: ¿Realizó la transferencia de FIAT o de altcoins? Si es así, ¿hizo clic en el botón "pago iniciado" de la aplicación?\n● Si es el vendedor BTC: ¿Recibió el pago FIAT o de altcoin? Si es así, ¿hizo clic en el botón "pago recibido" de la aplicación?\n● ¿Qué versión de Bisq está usando?\n● ¿Qué sistema operativo está usando?\n● Si ha encontrado algún problema con transacciones fallidas por favor considere cambiar a un nuevo directorio de datos.\nA veces el directorio de datos se corrompe y provoca fallas extrañas.\nVer: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPor favor familiarícese con las reglas básicas del proceso de disputa:\n● Tiene que responder a el requerimiento del árbitro en 2 días.\n● El periodo máximo de una disputa es de 14 días.\n● Necesita cooperar con el árbitro y proveer la información que le soliciten para resolver su caso.\n● Ha aceptado las reglas descritas en el documento de disputa en el acuerdo de usuario la primera vez que inició la aplicación.\n\nPuede leer más acerca del proceso de disputa en {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensaje de sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Ha abierto una solicitud de soporte.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Ha abierto una solicitud de disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nVersión Bisq: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=Después de un reinicio de la
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=Una resincronización desde la transacción génesis puede llevar mucho tiempo y recursos de CPU. ¿Está seguro de que quiere hacer eso? Generalmente una resincronización de los últimos archivos de recursos es suficiente y mucho más rápida\n\nSi continúa, después de reiniciar la aplicación, los datos de gobernanza de la red Bisq se volverán a cargar desde los nodos semilla y el estado de consenso BSQ se reconstruirá a partir de la transacción génesis.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resincronizar desde la transacción génesis y cerrar la aplicación
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Ejecutar Bisq como nodo completo de la DAO
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=nombre de usuario RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=contraseña RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Puerto de notificación de bloque
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=LA DAO BISQ
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Tal como el exchange Bisq es descentralizado y resistente a la censura, lo es su modelo de governanza - y la DAO BISQ y el token BSQ son herramientas que lo hacen posible.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Aprender más acerca de la DAO Bisq.
dao.news.pastContribution.description=Si ha contribuido a Bisq por favor use la dirección BSQ de abajo y haga una solicitud por haber participado en la distribución de BSQ génesis.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Su dirección de monedero BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Solicitar ahora
dao.news.daoInfo.title=CORRER LA DAO BISQ EN TESTNET
dao.news.daoInfo.description=La red principal de la DAO Bisq aún no se ha lanzado pero puede aprender acerca de la DAO ejecutándola en la testnet.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Cambiar a Modo Testnet
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Cambiar a la testnet desde la pantalla de Configuración
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Adquirir algunos BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Solicitar BSQ en Slack o comprar BSQ en Bisq
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Participar en un ciclo de votación
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=Pregunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID de cartera:
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=El método de pago Tarjetas regalo Amazon requier
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nSu cuenta actual de Tarjeta regalo Amazon ({1}) no tiene un País especificado.\nPor favor introduzca el país de su Tarjeta regalo Amazon para actualizar sus datos de cuenta.\nEsto no afectará el estatus de edad de su cuenta.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Actualizar cuenta Tarjeta regalo Amazon
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Los intercambios usando US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) en Bisq requiere que entienda lo siguiente:\n\n- Los compradores de BTC deben escribir la dirección del vendedor en los campos de "Payer" y "Payee" y tomar una foto en alta resolución de la USPMO y del sobre con la prueba de seguimiento antes de enviar.\n- Los compradores de BTC deben enviar la USPMO con confirmación de entrega.\n\nEn caso de que sea necesaria la mediación, se requerirá al comprador que entregue las fotos al mediador o agente de devolución de fondos, junto con el número de serie de la USPMO, número de oficina postal, y la cantidad de USD, para que puedan verificar los detalles en la web de US Post Office.\n\nNo entregar la información requerida al Mediador o Árbitro resultará en pérdida del caso de disputa. \n\nEn todos los casos de disputa, el emisor de la USPMO tiene el 100% de responsabilidad en aportar la evidencia al Mediador o Árbitro.\n\nSi no entiende estos requerimientos, no comercie usando USPMO en Bisq.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info=Los intercambios 'Cara a Cara' tienen diferentes reglas y riesg
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir paǵina web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País y ciudad: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Información adicional: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nombre
payment.payid=PayID conectado a una institución financiera. Como la dirección email o el número de móvil.
payment.payid.info=Un PayID como un número de teléfono, dirección email o Australian Business Number (ABN), que puede conectar con seguridad a su banco, unión de crédito o cuenta de construcción de sociedad. Necesita haber creado una PayID con su institución financiera australiana. Tanto para enviar y recibir las instituciones financieras deben soportar PayID. Para más información por favor compruebe [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Para pagar con Tarjeta eGift Amazon. necesitará enviar una Tarjeta eGift Amazon al vendedor BTC a través de su cuenta Amazon.\n\nBisq mostrará la dirección e-mail del vendedor de BTC o el número de teléfono donde la tarjeta de regalo deberá enviarse. Por favor vea la wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] para más detalles y mejores prácticas.\n\nNotas importantes:\n- Pruebe a enviar las tarjetas regalo en cantidades de 100USD o menores, ya que Amazon está señalando tarjetas regalo mayores como fraudulentas.\n- Intente usar textos para el mensaje de la tarjeta regalo creíbles y creativos ("Feliz cumpleaños!").\n- Las tarjetas Amazon eGift pueden ser redimidas únicamente en la web de Amazon en la que se compraron (por ejemplo, una tarjeta comprada en amazon.it solo puede ser redimida en amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Tarjeta Amazon eGift
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
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# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=A transaction was rejected fr
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=اتصال شما به تمام {0} همتایان شبکه قطع شد.\nشاید ارتباط کامپیوتر شما قطع شده است یا کامپیوتر در حالت Standby است.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=اتصال شما به Node لوکال هاست بیتکوین قطع شد.\nلطفاً به منظور اتصال به سایر Nodeهای بیتکوین، برنامهی Bisq یا Node لوکال هاست بیتکوین را مجددا راه اندازی کنید.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(به روز رسانی موجود است)
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=The trade contract is not set.\n\nThe trade cannot be completed and you might have lost your trade fee. If so, you can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=خریدار/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.sellerTaker=فروشنده/پذیرندهی بیتکوین
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=پیغام سیستم: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=شما یک درخواست برای پشتیبانی باز کردید.\n\n{0}\n\nنسخه Bisq شما: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=شما یک درخواست برای یک اختلاف باز کردید.\n\n{0}\n\nنسخه Bisq شما: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=After an application restart t
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=A resync from genesis transaction can take considerable time and CPU resources. Are you sure you want to do that? Mostly a resync from latest resource files is sufficient and much faster.\n\nIf you proceed, after an application restart the Bisq network governance data will be reloaded from the seed nodes and the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resync from genesis and shutdown
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Bisq را به عنوان یک گره کامل DAO اجرا کن
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=نام کاربری RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=رمزعبور RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Block notify port
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=سازمان مستقل غیر متمرکز (Bisq (DAO
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=درست همانطور که مبادله کیف پول Bisq، غیر متمرکز و مقاوم در برابر سانسور است، مدل حاکمیت آن نیز وجود دارد و توکن های Bisq DAO و BSQ ابزارهایی هستند که آنرا محقق می سازند.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=درباره Bisq DAO بیشتر بدانید
dao.news.pastContribution.title=آیا مشارکت قبلی داشته اید؟ برای BSQ درخواست دهید.
dao.news.pastContribution.description=اگر در رابطه با کیف پول Bisq مشارکت داشته اید، لطفا از آدرس BSQ زیر استفاده کنید و برای دریافت بخشی از توزیع جنسیس BSQ درخواست دهید.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=آدرس کیفپول BSQ شما
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=حالا درخواست دهید.
dao.news.daoInfo.title=BISQ DAO را روی شبکه تستی، اجرا کنید.
dao.news.daoInfo.description=کیف پول Bisq DAO شبکه اصلی هنوز راه اندازی نشده است، اما شما می توانید با اجرای کیف پول Bisq DAO روی شبکه تستی، در مورد آن چیزهایی را یاد بگیرید.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. به حالت شبکه تستی DAO تغییر وضعیت دهید.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=از صفحه تنظیمات، به شبکه تستی DAO بروید.
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. چند BSQ را خریداری نمایید.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=روی اسلک برای BSQ درخواست دهید و یا روی کیف پول Bisq ، BSQ را خریداری کنید.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. در یک چرخه رای گیری شرکت کنید.
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=سوال محرمانه
payment.wallet=شناسه کیف پول
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.info.openURL=باز کردن صفحه وب
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=اطلاعات اضافی: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=نام
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=Le réseau a rejeté une tran
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Vous avez perdu la connexion avec tous les {0} pairs du réseau.\nVous avez peut-être perdu votre connexion Internet ou votre ordinateur était passé en mode veille.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Vous avez perdu la connexion avec le localhost Bitcoin node.\nVeuillez redémarrer l'application Bisq pour vous connecter à d'autres Bitcoin nodes ou redémarrer le localhost Bitcoin node.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Mise à jour disponible)
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Vous avez déjà accept
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=Les frais de transaction du preneur sont manquants.\n\nSans ce tx, le trade ne peut être complété. Aucun des fonds n'a été verrouillé et aucun frais de trade a été payé. Vous pouvez déplacer ce trade vers les trades échoués.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=Le frais de transaction du pair preneur sont manquants.\n\nSans ce tx, le trade ne peut être complété. Aucun des fonds n'a été verrouillé. Votre offre est toujours disponible pour les autres traders, vous n'avez donc pas perdu les frais de maker. Vous pouvez déplacer ce trade vers les trades échoués.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=Cette transaction de dépôt (transaction multi-signature de 2 à 2) est manquante.\n\nSans ce tx, la transaction ne peut pas être complétée. Aucun fonds n'est bloqué, mais vos frais de transaction sont toujours payés. Vous pouvez lancer une demande de compensation des frais de transaction ici: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues] \nN'hésitez pas à déplacer la transaction vers les transactions échouées.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=La transaction de paiement différée est manquante, mais les fonds ont été verrouillés dans la transaction de dépôt.\n\nVeuillez NE PAS envoyer de Fiat ou d'altcoin au vendeur de BTC, car avec le tx de paiement différé, le jugement ne peut être ouvert. À la place, ouvrez un ticket de médiation avec Cmd/Ctrl+O. Le médiateur devrait suggérer que les deux pairs reçoivent tous les deux le montant total de leurs dépôts de sécurité (le vendeur aussi doit recevoir le montant total du trade). De cette manière, il n'y a pas de risque de sécurisation, et seuls les frais du trade sont perdus.\n\nVous pouvez demander le remboursement des frais de trade perdus ici:\n[HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=La transaction de paiement différée est manquante, mais les fonds ont été verrouillés dans la transaction de dépôt.\n\nSi l'acheteur n'a pas non plus la transaction de paiement différée, il sera informé du fait de ne PAS envoyer le paiement et d'ouvrir un ticket de médiation à la place. Vous devriez aussi ouvrir un ticket de médiation avec Cmd/Ctrl+o.\n\nSi l'acheteur n'a pas encore envoyé le paiement, le médiateur devrait suggérer que les deux pairs reçoivent le montant total de leurs dépôts de sécurité (le vendeur doit aussi recevoir le montant total du trade). Sinon, le montant du trade revient à l'acheteur.\n\nVous pouvez effectuer une demande de remboursement pour les frais de trade perdus ici: [LIEN:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=Il y a eu une erreur durant l'exécution du protocole de trade.\n\nErreur: {0}\n\nIl est possible que cette erreur ne soit pas critique, et que le trade puisse être complété normalement. Si vous n'en êtes pas certain, ouvrez un ticket de médiation pour avoir des conseils de la part des médiateurs de Bisq.\n\nSi cette erreur est critique et que le trade ne peut être complété, il est possible que vous perdiez le frais du trade. Effectuez une demande de remboursement ici: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=Le contrat de trade n'est pas complété.\n\nCe trade ne peut être complété et il est possible que vous ayez perdu votre frais de trade. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez demander un remboursement des frais de trade perdus ici: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=Acheteur BTC/Taker
support.sellerTaker=Vendeur BTC/Taker
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq n'est pas une entreprise, donc elle traite les litiges différemment.\n\nLes traders peuvent communiquer au sein de l'application via un chat sécurisé sur l'écran des transactions ouvertes pour essayer de résoudre les litiges par eux-mêmes. Si cela ne suffit pas, un médiateur peut intervenir pour les aider. Le médiateur évaluera la situation et suggérera un paiement des fonds de transaction. Si les deux traders acceptent cette suggestion, la transaction de paiement est réalisée et l'échange est clos. Si un ou les deux traders n'acceptent pas le paiement suggéré par le médiateur, ils peuvent demander un arbitrage. L'arbitre réévaluera la situation et, si cela est justifié, remboursera personnellement le négociateur et demandera le remboursement de ce paiement à la DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Message du système: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Vous avez ouvert une demande de support.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Vous avez ouvert une demande de litige.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=Après un redémarrage de l'ap
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=La synchronisation à partir de la transaction de genèse consomme beaucoup de temps et de ressources CPU. Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir resynchroniser ? En général, la resynchronisation à partir du dernier fichier de ressources est suffisante et plus rapide. \n\nAprès le redémarrage de l'application, les données de gestion du réseau Bisq seront rechargées à partir du nœud d'amorçage et l'état de synchronisation BSQ sera reconstruit à partir de la transaction initiale.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resynchroniser depuis la genèse et fermer
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Exécuter la DAO de Bisq en tant que full node
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=Nom d'utilisateur RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=Mot de passe RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Bloquer le port de notification
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=La DAO de BISQ
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Tout comme la plateforme d'échange Bisq est décentralisée et résistante à la censure, son modèle de gouvernance l'est aussi - ainsi que les jetons de la DAO de Bisq et BSQ sont les outils qui rendent cela possible.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=En savoir plus sur la DAO de Bisq
dao.news.pastContribution.description=Si vous avez participé à Bisq, veuillez utiliser l'adresse BSQ ci-dessous et faire une demande pour prendre part à la distribution genesis de BSQ.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Adresse de votre portefeuille BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Demander maintenant
dao.news.daoInfo.description=Le mainnet de la DAO de Bisq n'est pas encore lancé mais vous pouvez en savoir plus sur la DAO de Bisq en l'exécutant sur notre testnet.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Passer sur le mode Testnet de la DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Passez au Testnet de la DAO à partir de l'écran des paramètres.
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Acquérir des BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Demander des BSQ sur Slack ou acheter des BSQ sur Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Participer à un cycle de vote
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=Question secrète
payment.wallet=ID du portefeuille
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=La méthode de paiement par carte cadeaux Amazon
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nVotre compte carte cadeau Amazon existant ({1}) n'a pas de pays spécifié.\nVeuillez entrer le pays de votre compte carte cadeau Amazon pour mettre à jour les données de votre compte.\nCeci n'affectera pas le statut de l'âge du compte.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Mettre à jour le compte cartes cadeaux Amazon
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Pour échanger US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) sur Bisq, vous devez comprendre les termes suivants: \n\n- L'acheteur BTC doit écrire le nom du vendeur BTC dans les champs expéditeur et bénéficiaire, et prendre une photo à haute résolution de USPMO et de l'enveloppe avec une preuve de suivi avant l'envoi. \n\n- L'acheteur BTC doit envoyer USPMO avec la confirmation de livraison au vendeur BTC. \n\nSi une médiation est nécessaire, ou s'il y a un différend de transaction, vous devrez envoyer la photo avec le numéro USPMO, le numéro du bureau de poste et le montant de la transaction au médiateur Bisq ou à l'agent de remboursement afin qu'il puisse vérifier les détails sur le site web de la poste américaine. \n\nSi vous ne fournissez pas les données de transaction requises, vous perdrez directement le litige\n\nDans tous les cas de litige, l'expéditeur de l'USPMO assume à 100% la responsabilité lors de la fourniture de preuves / certification au médiateur ou à l'arbitre. \n\nSi vous ne comprenez pas ces exigences, veuillez ne pas échanger USPMO sur Bisq.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Ouvrir la page web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Pays et ville: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Informations complémentaires: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nom
payment.payid=Un PayID lié à une institution financière. Comme une adresse e-mail ou un téléphone portable.
payment.payid.info=Un PayID, tel qu'un numéro de téléphone, une adresse électronique ou un numéro d'entreprise Australienne (ABN), que vous pourrez lier en toute sécurité à votre compte bancaire, votre crédit mutuel ou votre société de crédit immobilier. Vous devez avoir déjà créé un PayID auprès de votre institution financière Australienne. Les institutions financières émettrices et réceptrices doivent toutes deux prendre en charge PayID. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=Pour payer avec une carte cadeau Amazon eGift Card, vous devrez envoyer une carte cadeau Amazon eGift Card au vendeur de BTC via votre compte Amazon. \n\nBisq indiquera l'adresse e-mail ou le numéro de téléphone du vendeur BTC où la carte cadeau doit être envoyée, et vous devrez inclure l'ID du trade dans le champ du message de la carte cadeau. Veuillez consulter le wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] pour plus de détails et pour les meilleures pratiques à adopter. \n\nTrois remarques importantes :\n- essayez d'envoyer des cartes-cadeaux d'un montant inférieur ou égal à 100 USD, car Amazon est connu pour signaler les cartes-cadeaux plus importantes comme frauduleuses\n- essayez d'utiliser un texte créatif et crédible pour le message de la carte cadeau (par exemple, "Joyeux anniversaire Susan !") incluant l'ID du trade (et utilisez le chat du trade pour indiquer à votre pair de trading le texte de référence que vous avez choisi afin qu'il puisse vérifier votre paiement).\n- Les cartes cadeaux électroniques Amazon ne peuvent être échangées que sur le site Amazon où elles ont été achetées (par exemple, une carte cadeau achetée sur amazon.it ne peut être échangée que sur amazon.it).
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=eCarte cadeau Amazon
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD_SHORT=eCarte cadeau Amazon
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=Una transazione è stata rifi
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Hai perso la connessione a tutti i {0} peer di rete.\nForse hai perso la connessione a Internet o il computer era in modalità standby.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Hai perso la connessione al nodo Bitcoin in localhost.\nRiavvia l'applicazione Bisq per connetterti ad altri nodi Bitcoin o riavvia il nodo Bitcoin in localhost.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Aggiornamento disponibile)
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Hai già accettato
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=The trade contract is not set.\n\nThe trade cannot be completed and you might have lost your trade fee. If so, you can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=Acquirente/Taker BTC
support.sellerTaker=Venditore/Taker BTC
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq non è una società, quindi gestisce le controversie in modo diverso.\n\nI trader possono comunicare all'interno dell'applicazione tramite chat sicura nella schermata degli scambi aperti per provare a risolvere le controversie da soli. Se ciò non è sufficiente, un mediatore può intervenire per aiutare. Il mediatore valuterà la situazione e suggerirà un pagamento di fondi commerciali. Se entrambi i trader accettano questo suggerimento, la transazione di pagamento è completata e lo scambio è chiuso. Se uno o entrambi i trader non accettano il pagamento suggerito dal mediatore, possono richiedere l'arbitrato. L'arbitro rivaluterà la situazione e, se garantito, ripagherà personalmente il trader e chiederà il rimborso per questo pagamento dal DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Messaggio di sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Hai aperto una richiesta di supporto.\n\n{0}\n\nVersione Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Hai aperto una richiesta per una controversia.\n\n{0}\n\nVersione Bisq: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=After an application restart t
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=A resync from genesis transaction can take considerable time and CPU resources. Are you sure you want to do that? Mostly a resync from latest resource files is sufficient and much faster.\n\nIf you proceed, after an application restart the Bisq network governance data will be reloaded from the seed nodes and the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resync from genesis and shutdown
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Lancia Bisq come full node DAO
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=Username RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=Password RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Blocca porta di notifica
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=LA DAO BISQ
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Proprio come lo scambio di Bisq è decentralizzato e resistente alla censura, così è il suo modello di governance - e il token Bisq DAO e BSQ sono gli strumenti che lo rendono possibile.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Ulteriori informazioni sulla Bisq DAO
dao.news.pastContribution.description=Se hai contribuito a Bisq, utilizza l'indirizzo BSQ qui sotto e fai una richiesta per prendere parte alla distribuzione genesi BSQ.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=L'indirizzo del tuo wallet BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Richiedi ora
dao.news.daoInfo.description=La mainnet Bisq DAO non è ancora stata lanciata, ma puoi conoscere Bisq DAO eseguendolo sulla nostra testnet.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Passa alla modalità Testnet DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Passa a DAO Testnet dalla schermata Impostazioni.
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Acquista un po' di BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Richiedi BSQ su Slack o Acquista BSQ su Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Partecipa a un Ciclo di Votazione
@ -2398,7 +2398,7 @@ popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.headline=Disponibili più conti di pagamento
popup.info.multiplePaymentAccounts.msg=Hai più account di pagamento disponibili per questa offerta. Assicurati di aver scelto quello giusto.
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.headline=Seleziona conti di pagamento
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.description=In base al metodo di pagamento e al momento in cui verranno selezionati tutti i conti di pagamento collegati a una controversia in cui si è verificato un pagamento
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.description=In base al metodo di pagamento e al momento in cui verranno selezionati tutti i conti di pagamento collegati a una controversia in cui si è verificato un pagamento
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.signAll=Firma tutti i metodi di pagamento
popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.datePicker=Seleziona il momento in cui verranno firmati gli account
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=Domanda segreta
payment.wallet=ID portafoglio
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Apri sito web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Paese e città: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Ulteriori informazioni: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nome
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=トランザクションは
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=すでに受け入れて
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=入金トランザクション(2-of-2マルチシグトランザクション)は欠測します。\n\nこのtxがなければ、トレードを完了できません。資金はロックされませんでしたが、トレード手数料は支払いました。トレード手数料の返済要求はここから提出できます: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nこのトレードを「失敗トレード」へ送れます。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=遅延支払いトランザクションは欠測しますが、資金は入金トランザクションにロックされました。\n\nこの法定通貨・アルトコイン支払いをBTC売り手に送信しないで下さい。遅延支払いtxがなければ、係争仲裁は開始されることができません。代りに、「Cmd/Ctrl+o」で調停チケットをオープンして下さい。調停者はおそらく両方のピアへセキュリティデポジットの全額を払い戻しを提案します(売り手はトレード金額も払い戻しを受ける)。このような方法でセキュリティーのリスクがなし、トレード手数料のみが失われます。\n\n失われたトレード手数料の払い戻し要求はここから提出できます: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=遅延支払いトランザクションは欠測しますが、資金は入金トランザクションにロックされました。\n\n買い手の遅延支払いトランザクションが同じく欠測される場合、相手は支払いを送信せず調停チケットをオープンするように指示されます。同様に「Cmd/Ctrl+o」で調停チケットをオープンするのは賢明でしょう。\n\n買い手はまだ支払いを送信しなかった場合、調停者はおそらく両方のピアへセキュリティデポジットの全額を払い戻しを提案します(売り手はトレード金額も払い戻しを受ける)。さもなければ、トレード金額は買い手に支払われるでしょう。\n\n失われたトレード手数料の払い戻し要求はここから提出できます: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=トレードプロトコルの実行にはエラーが生じました。\n\nエラー: {0}\n\nクリティカル・エラーではない可能性はあり、トレードは普通に完了できるかもしれない。迷う場合は調停チケットをオープンして、Bisq調停者からアドバイスを受けることができます。\n\nクリティカル・エラーでトレードが完了できなかった場合はトレード手数料は失われた可能性があります。失われたトレード手数料の払い戻し要求はここから提出できます: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=トレード契約書は設定されません。\n\nトレードは完了できません。トレード手数料は失われた可能性もあります。その場合は失われたトレード手数料の払い戻し要求はここから提出できます: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC 買い手/テイカー
support.sellerTaker=BTC 売り手/テイカー
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=システムメッセージ: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=サポートのリクエスト開始しました。\n\n{0}\n\nBisqバージョン: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=係争のリクエスト開始しました。\n\n{0}\n\nBisqバージョン: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=アプリケーションの再
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Bisqの交換が非中央集権化され検閲に抵抗するように、そのガバナンスモデルも、つまりBisq DAOとBSQトークンはそれを可能にするツールです。
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Bisq DAOについてもっと詳しく知る
dao.news.daoInfo.title=私達のテストネットでBISQ DAOを起動
dao.news.daoInfo.description=メインネットBisq DAOはまだ起動されていませんが、私達のテストネットで実行することでBisq DAOについて学ぶことができます。
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. DAOテストネットモードに切り替え
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. BSQを取得する
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. 投票サイクルに参加する
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=秘密の質問
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=国と都市: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=追加情報: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=名義
payment.payid.info=銀行、信用金庫、あるいは住宅金融組合アカウントと安全に繋がれるPayIDとして使われる電話番号、Eメールアドレス、それともオーストラリア企業番号(ABN)。すでにオーストラリアの金融機関とPayIDを作った必要があります。送金と受取の金融機関は両方PayIDをサポートする必要があります。詳しくは以下を訪れて下さい [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=アマゾンeGiftカードで支払うには、アマゾンアカウントを使ってeGiftカードをBTC売り手に送る必要があります。\n\nBisqはeGiftカードの送り先になるBTC売り手のメールアドレスそれとも電話番号を表示します。そしてeGiftカードのメッセージフィールドに、必ずトレードIDを入力して下さい。最良の慣行について詳しくはWikiを参照して下さい:[HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card]\n\n3つの注意点:\n- 可能であれば、100米ドル価格以下のeGiftカードを送って下さい。それ以上の価格はアマゾンに不正な取引というフラグが立てられることがあります。\n- eGiftカードのメッセージフィールドに、トレードIDと一緒に信ぴょう性のあるメッセージを入力して下さい。(例えば隆さん、「お誕生日おめでとう!」)。(そして確認のため、取引者チャットでトレードピアにメッセージの内容を伝えて下さい)。\n- アマゾンeGiftカードは買われたサイトのみに交換できます(例えば、amazon.jpから買われたカードはamazon.jpのみに交換できます)。
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=Uma transação foi rejeitada
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Você perdeu sua conexão com todos os pontos da rede {0}.\nTalvez você tenha perdido a conexão com a internet ou seu computador estava em modo de espera.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Você perdeu a conexão ao nó Bitcoin do localhost.\nPor favor, reinicie o aplicativo Bisq para conectar-se a outros nós Bitcoin ou reinicie o nó Bitcoin do localhost.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Atualização disponível)
@ -422,7 +423,7 @@ offerbook.info.sellAboveMarketPrice=Você irá receber {0} a mais do que o atual
offerbook.info.buyBelowMarketPrice=Você irá pagar {0} a menos do que o atual preço de mercado (atualizado a cada minuto).
offerbook.info.buyAtFixedPrice=Você irá comprar nesse preço fixo.
offerbook.info.sellAtFixedPrice=Você irá vender neste preço fixo.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=Em caso de disputa, a arbitragem para essa oferta será realizada em {0}. O idioma atualmente está definido como {1}.
offerbook.info.noArbitrationInUserLanguage=Em caso de disputa, a arbitragem para essa oferta será realizada em {0}. O idioma atualmente está definido como {1}.
offerbook.info.roundedFiatVolume=O valor foi arredondado para aumentar a privacidade da sua negociação.
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Você já aceitou
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=The trade contract is not set.\n\nThe trade cannot be completed and you might have lost your trade fee. If so, you can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC / Aceitador da oferta
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq não é uma empresa, então ela lida com disputas de uma forma diferente.\n\nComerciantes podem se comunicar dentro do aplicativo usando um chat seguro na tela de negociações em aberto para tentar resolver conflitos entre eles mesmos. Se isto não for o suficiente, um mediador pode intervir para ajudar. O mediador irá avaliar a situação e sugerir um pagamento. Se ambos comerciantes aceitarem essa sugestão, a transação de pagamento é finalizada e a negociação é fechada. Se um or ambos os comerciantes não concordarem com o pagamento sugerido pelo mediador, eles podem solicitar arbitragem. O árbitro irá reavaliar a situação e, se justificado, pagará pessoalmente o comerciante e então solicitará reembolso deste pagamento à DAO Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensagem do sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Você abriu um pedido de suporte.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq versão: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Você abriu um pedido para uma disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq versão: {1}
@ -1064,10 +1067,12 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=After an application restart t
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=A resync from genesis transaction can take considerable time and CPU resources. Are you sure you want to do that? Mostly a resync from latest resource files is sufficient and much faster.\n\nIf you proceed, after an application restart the Bisq network governance data will be reloaded from the seed nodes and the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resync from genesis and shutdown
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Executar Bisq como nó completo DAO
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=Nome de usuário de RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=Senha de RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Bloquear porta de notificação
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=Para executar o Bisq como nó completo da DAO você precisa ter Bitcoin Core em rodando localmente e RPC ativado. Todos os requisitos estão documentados em '' {0} ''.
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=Para executar o Bisq como nó completo da DAO você precisa ter Bitcoin Core em rodando localmente e RPC ativado. Todos os requisitos estão documentados em '' {0} ''.
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.ok=Abrir página de documentos
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.cancel=Não, eu fico com o modo nó lite
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.headline=Explorer Settings
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=A DAO BISQ
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=O modelo de governança da Bisq é assim como a exchange - descentralizado e resistente à censura. As ferramentas que tornam isso realidade são a DAO da BISQ e o token BSQ.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Ler mais sobre o DAO da Bisq
dao.news.pastContribution.title=JÁ FEZ CONTRIBUIÇÕES? SOLICITE BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.description=Se você já contribuiu para a Bisq, use o endereço BSQ abaixo e faça uma solicitação para fazer parte da distribuição gênese do BSQ.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Seu Endereço de Carteira BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Solicitar agora
dao.news.daoInfo.title=RODE O DAO DA BISQ EM NOSSA TESTNET
dao.news.daoInfo.description=A rede principal da DAO do Bisq ainda não foi lançada, mas você pode aprender sobre a DAO do Bisq executando-a na nossa rede de testes.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Mude para o Modo Testnet da DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Mude para o Testnet da DAO na seção Configurações.
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Adquira alguns BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Solicite BSQ no Slack ou Compre BSQ na Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Participe de um Ciclo de Votação
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=Pergunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID da carteira
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir site
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País e cidade: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Informações adicionais: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nome
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=Uma transação foi rejeitada
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Você perdeu a conexão com todos os pares de rede de {0} .\nTalvez você tenha perdido sua conexão de internet ou o seu computador estivesse no modo de espera.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Perdeu a conexão ao nó Bitcoin do localhost.\nPor favor recomeçar o programa do Bisq para conectar à outros nós Bitcoin ou recomeçar o nó Bitcoin do localhost.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Atualização disponível)
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=Você já aceitou
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=The trade contract is not set.\n\nThe trade cannot be completed and you might have lost your trade fee. If so, you can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=Comprador de BTC/Aceitador
support.sellerTaker=Vendedor de BTC/Aceitador
support.backgroundInfo=O Bisq não é uma empresa, por isso as disputas são tratadas diferentemente.\n\nOs negociadores podem se comunicar dentro do programa via chat seguro no ecrã de negócios abertos para tentar resolver disputas por conta própria. Se isso não for suficiente, um mediador pode ajudar. O mediador avaliará a situação e sugerirá um pagamento dos fundos de negócio. Se ambos os negociadores aceitarem essa sugestão, a transação de pagamento será concluída e o negócio será encerrado. Se um ou ambos os negociadores não concordarem com o pagamento sugerido pelo mediador, eles podem solicitar a arbitragem. O árbitro reavaliará a situação e, se justificado, pagará pessoalmente o comerciante de volta e solicitará reembolso à OAD do Bisq.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Mensagem do sistema: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Você abriu um pedido para apoio.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq versão: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Você abriu um pedido para uma disputa.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq versão: {1}
@ -1064,10 +1067,12 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=After an application restart t
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=A resync from genesis transaction can take considerable time and CPU resources. Are you sure you want to do that? Mostly a resync from latest resource files is sufficient and much faster.\n\nIf you proceed, after an application restart the Bisq network governance data will be reloaded from the seed nodes and the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resync from genesis and shutdown
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Executar Bisq como nó completo OAD
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=Nome de usuário de RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=Senha de RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Bloquear porta de notificação
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=Para executar o Bisq como nó completo da OAD você precisa ter Bitcoin Core em execução local e RPC ativado. Todos os requerimentos estão documentados em '' {0} ''.
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo=Para executar o Bisq como nó completo da OAD você precisa ter Bitcoin Core em execução local e RPC ativado. Todos os requerimentos estão documentados em '' {0} ''.
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.ok=Abrir página de documentos
setting.preferences.dao.fullNodeInfo.cancel=Não, eu fico com o modo nó lite
settings.preferences.editCustomExplorer.headline=Explorer Settings
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=A OAD DO BISQ
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Assim como o mercado de câmbio do Bisq é descentralizado e resistente à censura, o seu modelo de governação também o é - e a OAD do Bisq e o token da BSQ são as ferramentas que tornam isso possível.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Saber Mais Sobre a OAD do Bisq
dao.news.pastContribution.title=FEZ CONTRIBUIÇÕES NO PASSADO? PEÇA BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.description=Se você contribuiu para o Bisq, por favor, use o endereço BSQ abaixo e faça um pedido para participar da distribuição genesis de BSQ.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=O seu endereço da carteira BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Solicitar agora
dao.news.daoInfo.description=A mainnet da OAD do Bisq ainda não foi lançada, mas você pode aprender sobre a OAD do Bisq executando-a na nossa testnet.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Mudar para Modo Testnet da OAD
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Mude para a Testnet da OAD no painel de Definições
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Obtenha alguns BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Solicite BSQ no Slack ou Compre BSQ no Bisq
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Participe num Ciclo de Votação
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=Pergunta secreta
payment.wallet=ID da carteira
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Abrir página web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=País e cidade: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Informação adicional: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Nome
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT=Altcoins Instantâneas
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -3040,5 +3149,5 @@ validation.phone.invalidCharacters=O número de telfone {0} contém carácteres
validation.phone.insufficientDigits=There are not enough digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.tooManyDigits=There are too many digits in {0} to be a valid phone number
validation.phone.invalidDialingCode=Country dialing code for number {0} is invalid for country {1}. The correct dialing code is {2}.
validation.invalidAddressList=Deve ser um lista de endereços válidos separados por vírgulas
validation.invalidAddressList=Deve ser um lista de endereços válidos separados por vírgulas
validation.capitual.invalidFormat=Must be a valid CAP code of format: CAP-XXXXXX (6 alphanumeric characters)
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=A transaction was rejected fr
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Сбой соединения со всеми {0} узлами сети.\nВозможно, вы отключились от интернета, или Ваш компьютер перешел в режим ожидания.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Сбой соединения с локальным узлом Биткойн.\nПерезапустите приложение для подключения к другим узлам Биткойн или перезапустите свой локальный узел Биткойн.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Имеется обновление)
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=The trade contract is not set.\n\nThe trade cannot be completed and you might have lost your trade fee. If so, you can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=Покупатель ВТС/тейкер
support.sellerTaker=Продавец BTC/тейкер
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Системное сообщение: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Вы запросили поддержку.\n\n{0}\n\nВерсия Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Вы начали спор.\n\n{0}\n\nВерсия Bisq: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=After an application restart t
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=A resync from genesis transaction can take considerable time and CPU resources. Are you sure you want to do that? Mostly a resync from latest resource files is sufficient and much faster.\n\nIf you proceed, after an application restart the Bisq network governance data will be reloaded from the seed nodes and the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resync from genesis and shutdown
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Запустить Bisq в режиме полного узла ДАО
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=Логин RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=Пароль RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Блокировать сообщающий порт
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=ДАО BISQ
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Модель управления Bisq так же децентрализована и защищена от цензуры, как и сама биржа Bisq. Это возможно благодаря ДАО Bisq и токену BSQ.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Подробнее о ДАО Bisq
dao.news.pastContribution.title=ПОМОГАЛИ НАМ В ПРОШЛОМ? ЗАПРОСИТЕ BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.description=Если вы помогли Bisq в прошлом, используйте свой адрес BSQ ниже и запросите участие в первоначальном распределении BSQ.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Адрес вашего кошелька BSQ
dao.news.daoInfo.description=Основная сеть ДАО Bisq еще не запущена, но вы можете узнать о ней подробнее, запустив ДАО в тестовой сети.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Переключиться в режим тестовой сети ДАО
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Переключитесь на тестовую сеть ДАО в настройках.
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Приобрести BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Запросите BSQ в Slack или купите BSQ в Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Принять участие в цикле голосования
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=Секретный вопрос
payment.wallet=Идентификатор кошелька
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Открыть веб-страницу
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Дополнительная информация: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Имя
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT=Альткойны (мгновенно)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT_SHORT=Альткойны (мгновенно)
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=A transaction was rejected fr
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=คุณสูญเสียการเชื่อมต่อกับ {0} เครือข่าย peers\nบางทีคุณอาจขาดการเชื่อมต่ออินเทอร์เน็ตหรืออาจเป็นเพราะคอมพิวเตอร์ของคุณอยู่ในโหมดสแตนด์บาย
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=คุณสูญเสียการเชื่อมต่อไปยังโหนดเครือข่าย Bitcoin localhost (แม่ข่ายเฉพาะที่)\nโปรดรีสตาร์ทแอ็พพลิเคชัน Bisq เพื่อเชื่อมต่อโหนด Bitcoin อื่นหรือรีสตาร์ทโหนด Bitcoin localhost
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=The trade contract is not set.\n\nThe trade cannot be completed and you might have lost your trade fee. If so, you can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC ผู้ซื้อ / ผู้รับ
support.sellerTaker=BTC ผู้ขาย / ผู้รับ
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=ระบบข้อความ: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=You opened a request for support.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=You opened a request for a dispute.\n\n{0}\n\nBisq version: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=After an application restart t
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=A resync from genesis transaction can take considerable time and CPU resources. Are you sure you want to do that? Mostly a resync from latest resource files is sufficient and much faster.\n\nIf you proceed, after an application restart the Bisq network governance data will be reloaded from the seed nodes and the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resync from genesis and shutdown
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=ใช้งาน Bisq ในแบบโหนด DAO full node
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=ชื่อผู้ใช้ RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=รหัส RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Block notify port
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Just as the Bisq exchange is decentralized and censorship-resistant, so is its governance model - and the Bisq DAO and BSQ token are the tools that make it possible.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Learn More About the Bisq DAO
dao.news.pastContribution.title=MADE PAST CONTRIBUTIONS? REQUEST BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.description=If you have contributed to Bisq please use the BSQ address below and make a request for taking part of the BSQ genesis distribution.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Your BSQ Wallet Address
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Request now
dao.news.daoInfo.title=RUN THE BISQ DAO ON OUR TESTNET
dao.news.daoInfo.description=The mainnet Bisq DAO is not launched yet but you can learn about the Bisq DAO by running it on our testnet.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Switch to DAO Testnet Mode
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Switch to DAO Testnet from the Settings screen.
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Acquire Some BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Request BSQ on Slack or Buy BSQ on Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Participate in a Voting Cycle
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=คำถามลับ
payment.wallet=ID กระเป๋าสตางค์
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=ชื่อ
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=A transaction was rejected fr
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=Mất kết nối tới tất cả mạng ngang hàng {0}.\nCó thể bạn mất kết nối internet hoặc máy tính đang ở chế độ standby.
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=Mất kết nối tới nút Bitcoin máy chủ nội bộ.\nVui lòng khởi động lại ứng dụng Bisq để nối với nút Bitcoin khác hoặc khởi động lại nút Bitcoin máy chủ nội bộ.
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
mainView.version.update=(Có cập nhật)
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=The taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked and no trade fee has been paid. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=The peer's taker fee transaction is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked. Your offer is still available to other traders, so you have not lost the maker fee. You can move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=The deposit transaction (the 2-of-2 multisig transaction) is missing.\n\nWithout this tx, the trade cannot be completed. No funds have been locked but your trade fee has been paid. You can make a request to be reimbursed the trade fee here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]\n\nFeel free to move this trade to failed trades.
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nIf the buyer is also missing the delayed payout transaction, they will be instructed to NOT send the payment and open a mediation ticket instead. You should also open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. \n\nIf the buyer has not sent payment yet, the mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). Otherwise the trade amount should go to the buyer. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=There was an error during trade protocol execution.\n\nError: {0}\n\nIt might be that this error is not critical, and the trade can be completed normally. If you are unsure, open a mediation ticket to get advice from Bisq mediators. \n\nIf the error was critical and the trade cannot be completed, you might have lost your trade fee. Request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingContract=The trade contract is not set.\n\nThe trade cannot be completed and you might have lost your trade fee. If so, you can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
@ -928,7 +929,7 @@ funds.tx.daoTxFee=Phí đào cho giao dịch BSQ
funds.tx.reimbursementRequestTxFee=Yêu cầu bồi hoàn
funds.tx.compensationRequestTxFee=Yêu cầu bồi thường
funds.tx.dustAttackTx=Số dư nhỏ đã nhận
funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Giao dịch này đang gửi một lượng BTC rất nhỏ vào ví của bạn và có thể đây là cách các công ty phân tích chuỗi đang tìm cách theo dõi ví của bạn.\nNếu bạn sử dụng đầu ra giao dịch đó cho một giao dịch chi tiêu, họ sẽ phát hiện ra rằng rất có thể bạn cũng là người sở hửu cái ví kia (nhập coin). \n\nĐể bảo vệ quyền riêng tư của bạn, ví Bisq sẽ bỏ qua các đầu ra có số dư nhỏ dành cho mục đích chi tiêu cũng như hiển thị số dư. Bạn có thể thiết lập ngưỡng khi một đầu ra được cho là có số dư nhỏ trong phần cài đặt.
funds.tx.dustAttackTx.popup=Giao dịch này đang gửi một lượng BTC rất nhỏ vào ví của bạn và có thể đây là cách các công ty phân tích chuỗi đang tìm cách theo dõi ví của bạn.\nNếu bạn sử dụng đầu ra giao dịch đó cho một giao dịch chi tiêu, họ sẽ phát hiện ra rằng rất có thể bạn cũng là người sở hửu cái ví kia (nhập coin). \n\nĐể bảo vệ quyền riêng tư của bạn, ví Bisq sẽ bỏ qua các đầu ra có số dư nhỏ dành cho mục đích chi tiêu cũng như hiển thị số dư. Bạn có thể thiết lập ngưỡng khi một đầu ra được cho là có số dư nhỏ trong phần cài đặt.
# Support
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=Người mua BTC/Người nhận
support.sellerTaker=Người bán BTC/Người nhận
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq is not a company, so it handles disputes differently.\n\nTraders can communicate within the application via secure chat on the open trades screen to try solving disputes on their own. If that is not sufficient, a mediator can step in to help. The mediator will evaluate the situation and suggest a payout of trade funds. If both traders accept this suggestion, the payout transaction is completed and the trade is closed. If one or both traders do not agree to the mediator's suggested payout, they can request arbitration.The arbitrator will re-evaluate the situation and, if warranted, personally pay the trader back and request reimbursement for this payment from the Bisq DAO.
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.systemMsg=Tin nhắn hệ thống: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=Bạn đã mở yêu cầu hỗ trợ.\n\n{0}\n\nPhiên bản Bisq: {1}
support.youOpenedDispute=Bạn đã mở yêu cầu giải quyết tranh chấp.\n\n{0}\n\nPhiên bản Bisq: {1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=After an application restart t
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=A resync from genesis transaction can take considerable time and CPU resources. Are you sure you want to do that? Mostly a resync from latest resource files is sufficient and much faster.\n\nIf you proceed, after an application restart the Bisq network governance data will be reloaded from the seed nodes and the BSQ consensus state will be rebuilt from the genesis transaction.
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.resync=Resync from genesis and shutdown
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=Chạy ứng dụng Bisq như một full node DAO
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=Tên người dùng RPC
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=Mật khẩu RPC
setting.preferences.dao.blockNotifyPort=Cổng thông báo chặn
@ -1262,9 +1267,9 @@ account.altcoin.popup.ZEC.msg=When using Zcash you can only use the transparent
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.XZC.msg=When using Zcoin you can only use the transparent (traceable) addresses, not the untraceable addresses, because the mediator or arbitrator would not be able to verify the transaction with untraceable addresses at a block explorer.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.grin.msg=GRIN yêu cầu một quá trình tương tác giữa người gửi và người nhận để thực hiện một giao dịch. Vui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn từ trang web của dự án GRIN để gửi và nhận GRIN đúng cách. (người nhận cần phải trực tuyến hoặc ít nhất là trực tuyến trong một khung thời gian nhất định).\n\nBisq chỉ hỗ trợ ví Grinbox(wallet713) theo định dạng URL.\n\nNgười gửi GRIN phải cung cấp bằng chứng là họ đã gửi GRIN thành công. Nếu ví không thể cung cấp bằng chứng đó, nếu có tranh chấp thì sẽ được giải quyết theo hướng có lợi cho người nhận GRIN. Vui lòng đảm bảo rằng bạn sử dụng phần mềm Grinbox mới nhất có hỗ trợ bằng chứng giao dịch và bạn hiểu quy trình chuyển và nhận GRIN cũng như tạo bằng chứng. \n\nXem https://github.com/vault713/wallet713/blob/master/docs/usage.md#transaction-proofs-grinbox-only để biết thêm thông tin về công cụ bằng chứng Grinbox.
account.altcoin.popup.grin.msg=GRIN yêu cầu một quá trình tương tác giữa người gửi và người nhận để thực hiện một giao dịch. Vui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn từ trang web của dự án GRIN để gửi và nhận GRIN đúng cách. (người nhận cần phải trực tuyến hoặc ít nhất là trực tuyến trong một khung thời gian nhất định).\n\nBisq chỉ hỗ trợ ví Grinbox(wallet713) theo định dạng URL.\n\nNgười gửi GRIN phải cung cấp bằng chứng là họ đã gửi GRIN thành công. Nếu ví không thể cung cấp bằng chứng đó, nếu có tranh chấp thì sẽ được giải quyết theo hướng có lợi cho người nhận GRIN. Vui lòng đảm bảo rằng bạn sử dụng phần mềm Grinbox mới nhất có hỗ trợ bằng chứng giao dịch và bạn hiểu quy trình chuyển và nhận GRIN cũng như tạo bằng chứng. \n\nXem https://github.com/vault713/wallet713/blob/master/docs/usage.md#transaction-proofs-grinbox-only để biết thêm thông tin về công cụ bằng chứng Grinbox.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.beam.msg=BEAM yêu cầu một quá trình tương tác giữa người gửi và người nhận để thực hiện một giao dịch. \n\nVui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn từ trang web của dự án BEAM để gửi và nhận BEAM đúng cách. (người nhận cần phải trực tuyến hoặc ít nhất là trực tuyến trong một khung thời gian nhất định).\n\nNgười gửi BEAM phải cung cấp bằng chứng là họ đã gửi BEAM thành công. Vui lòng đảm bảo là bạn sử dụng phần mềm ví có thể tạo ra một bằng chứng như vậy. Nếu ví không thể cung cấp bằng chứng đó, nếu có tranh chấp thì sẽ được giải quyết theo hướng có lợi cho người nhận BEAM.
account.altcoin.popup.beam.msg=BEAM yêu cầu một quá trình tương tác giữa người gửi và người nhận để thực hiện một giao dịch. \n\nVui lòng làm theo hướng dẫn từ trang web của dự án BEAM để gửi và nhận BEAM đúng cách. (người nhận cần phải trực tuyến hoặc ít nhất là trực tuyến trong một khung thời gian nhất định).\n\nNgười gửi BEAM phải cung cấp bằng chứng là họ đã gửi BEAM thành công. Vui lòng đảm bảo là bạn sử dụng phần mềm ví có thể tạo ra một bằng chứng như vậy. Nếu ví không thể cung cấp bằng chứng đó, nếu có tranh chấp thì sẽ được giải quyết theo hướng có lợi cho người nhận BEAM.
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
account.altcoin.popup.pars.msg=Trading ParsiCoin on Bisq requires that you understand and fulfill the following requirements:\n\nTo send PARS you must use the official ParsiCoin Wallet version 3.0.0 or higher. \n\nYou can Check your Transaction Hash and Transaction Key on Transactions Section on your GUI Wallet (ParsiPay) You need to right Click on the Transaction and then click on show details. \n\nIn the event that arbitration is necessary, you must present the following to an mediator or arbitrator: 1) the Transaction Hash, 2) the Transaction Key, and 3) the recipient's PARS address. The mediator or arbitrator will then verify the PARS transfer using the ParsiCoin Block Explorer (http://explorer.parsicoin.net/#check_payment).\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the mediator or arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case. In all cases of dispute, the ParsiCoin sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in verifying transactions to an mediator or arbitrator. \n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade on Bisq. First, seek help at the ParsiCoin Discord (https://discord.gg/c7qmFNh).
@ -1298,7 +1303,7 @@ account.seed.backup.warning=Please note that the seed words are NOT a replacemen
account.seed.warn.noPw.msg=Bạn đã tạo mật khẩu ví để bảo vệ tránh hiển thị Seed words.\n\nBạn có muốn hiển thị Seed words?
account.seed.warn.noPw.yes=Có và không hỏi lại
account.seed.enterPw=Nhập mật khẩu để xem seed words
account.seed.restore.info=Vui lòng tạo sao lưu dự phòng trước khi tiến hành khôi phục ví từ các từ khởi tạo. Phải hiểu rằng việc khôi phục ví chỉ nên thực hiện trong các trường hợp khẩn cấp và có thể gây sự cố với cơ sở dữ liệu ví bên trong.\nĐây không phải là một cách sao lưu dự phòng! Vui lòng sử dụng sao lưu dự phòng từ thư mục dữ liệu của ứng dụng để khôi phục trạng thái ban đầu của ứng dụng.\n\nSau khi khôi phục ứng dụng sẽ tự động tắt. Sau khi bạn khởi động lại, ứng dụng sẽ tái đồng bộ với mạng Bitcoin. Quá trình này có thể mất một lúc và tiêu tốn khá nhiều CPU, đặc biệt là khi ví đã cũ và có nhiều giao dịch. Vui lòng không làm gián đoạn quá trình này, nếu không bạn có thể sẽ phảỉ xóa file chuỗi SPV một lần nữa hoặc lặp lại quy trình khôi phục.
account.seed.restore.info=Vui lòng tạo sao lưu dự phòng trước khi tiến hành khôi phục ví từ các từ khởi tạo. Phải hiểu rằng việc khôi phục ví chỉ nên thực hiện trong các trường hợp khẩn cấp và có thể gây sự cố với cơ sở dữ liệu ví bên trong.\nĐây không phải là một cách sao lưu dự phòng! Vui lòng sử dụng sao lưu dự phòng từ thư mục dữ liệu của ứng dụng để khôi phục trạng thái ban đầu của ứng dụng.\n\nSau khi khôi phục ứng dụng sẽ tự động tắt. Sau khi bạn khởi động lại, ứng dụng sẽ tái đồng bộ với mạng Bitcoin. Quá trình này có thể mất một lúc và tiêu tốn khá nhiều CPU, đặc biệt là khi ví đã cũ và có nhiều giao dịch. Vui lòng không làm gián đoạn quá trình này, nếu không bạn có thể sẽ phảỉ xóa file chuỗi SPV một lần nữa hoặc lặp lại quy trình khôi phục.
account.seed.restore.ok=Được, hãy thực hiện khôi phục và tắt ứng dụng Bisq
@ -1919,24 +1924,19 @@ dao.feeTx.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nMining fee: {2} ({3} Satoshis/vbyte)\nTr
dao.feeTx.issuanceProposal.confirm.details={0} fee: {1}\nBTC needed for BSQ issuance: {2} ({3} Satoshis/BSQ)\nMining fee: {4} ({5} Satoshis/vbyte)\nTransaction vsize: {6} vKb\n\nIf your request is approved, you will receive the amount you requested net of the 2 BSQ proposal fee.\n\nAre you sure you want to publish the {7} transaction?
dao.news.bisqDAO.title=DAO BISQ
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Vì BIsq là sàn giao dịch phi tập trung và không bị kiểm duyệt, bởi vậy mô hình vận hành của nó, DAO Bisq và đồng BSQ là công cụ giúp điều này trở thành hiện thực.
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=Vì BIsq là sàn giao dịch phi tập trung và không bị kiểm duyệt, bởi vậy mô hình vận hành của nó, DAO Bisq và đồng BSQ là công cụ giúp điều này trở thành hiện thực.
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=Tìm hiểu thêm về DAO Bisq
dao.news.pastContribution.title=BẠN ĐÃ THAM GIA ĐÓNG GÓP? YÊU CẦU BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.description=Nếu như bạn đã tham giao đóng góp cho Bisq, vui lòng sử dụng ví BSQ phía dưới và thực hiện một yêu cầu tham gia vào sự kiện phát hành BSQ genesis.
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=Ví BSQ của bạn
dao.news.pastContribution.requestNow=Yêu cầu ngay
dao.news.daoInfo.description=Mainnet DAO Bisq chưa ra mắt nhưng bạn vẫn có thể tìm hiểu về DAO Bisq bằng cách chạy nó trên testnet.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Chuyển qua chế độ Testnet DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=1. Chuyển qua chế độ Testnet DAO từ màn hình cài đặt
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2. Kiếm BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=Yêu cầu BSQ trên Slack hoặc Mua BSQ trên Bisq
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.title=3. Tham gia một vòng bỏ phiếu
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.content=Tạo đề xuất và bỏ phiếu cho đề xuất để thanh đổi nhiều khía cạnh của Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.thirdSection.content=Tạo đề xuất và bỏ phiếu cho đề xuất để thanh đổi nhiều khía cạnh của Bisq.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.title=4. Tìm hiểu về BSQ Block Explorer
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.content=Vì BSQ chỉa là bitcoin, bạn có thể thấy các giao dịch BSQ trên trình duyện bitcoin Block Explorer của chúng tôi.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.fourthSection.content=Vì BSQ chỉa là bitcoin, bạn có thể thấy các giao dịch BSQ trên trình duyện bitcoin Block Explorer của chúng tôi.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.readMoreLink=Đọc tài liệu đầy đủ
dao.monitor.daoState=Trạng thái DAO
@ -1954,7 +1954,7 @@ dao.monitor.table.seedPeers=Seed node: {0}
dao.monitor.daoState.headline=Trạng thái DAO
dao.monitor.daoState.table.headline=Chuỗi Hash trạng thái DAO
dao.monitor.daoState.table.blockHeight=Chiều cao khối
dao.monitor.daoState.table.blockHeight=Chiều cao khối
dao.monitor.daoState.table.hash=Hash của trạng thái DAO
dao.monitor.daoState.table.prev=Hash trước đó
dao.monitor.daoState.conflictTable.headline=Hash trạng thái DAO từ đối tác đang trong xung dột
@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ dao.monitor.proposal.table.hash=Hash trạng thái đề xuất
dao.monitor.proposal.table.prev=Hash trước đó
dao.monitor.proposal.table.numProposals=Số đề xuất
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Dữ liệu trên máy bạn không đồng bộ với ít nhất một seed node. Vui lòng đồng bộ lại trạng thái DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithSeedNode=Dữ liệu trên máy bạn không đồng bộ với ít nhất một seed node. Vui lòng đồng bộ lại trạng thái DAO.
dao.monitor.isInConflictWithNonSeedNode=Một trong các đối tác của bạn không đồng bộ với mạng nhưng node của bạn vẫn đang đồng bộ với các seed node.
dao.monitor.daoStateInSync=Node trên máy tính của bạn đang dồng bộ với mạng
@ -2363,7 +2363,7 @@ popup.warning.mandatoryUpdate.trading=Please update to the latest Bisq version.
popup.warning.mandatoryUpdate.dao=Please update to the latest Bisq version. A mandatory update was released which disables the Bisq DAO and BSQ for old versions. Please check out the Bisq Forum for more information.
popup.warning.disable.dao=The Bisq DAO and BSQ are temporary disabled. Please check out the Bisq Forum for more information.
popup.warning.noFilter=We did not receive a filter object from the seed nodes. This is a not expected situation. Please inform the Bisq developers.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Không thể thực hiện giao dịch, vì phí đào {0} vượt quá số lượng {1} cần chuyển. Vui lòng chờ tới khi phí đào thấp xuống hoặc khi bạn tích lũy đủ BTC để chuyển.
popup.warning.burnBTC=Không thể thực hiện giao dịch, vì phí đào {0} vượt quá số lượng {1} cần chuyển. Vui lòng chờ tới khi phí đào thấp xuống hoặc khi bạn tích lũy đủ BTC để chuyển.
popup.warning.openOffer.makerFeeTxRejected=The maker fee transaction for offer with ID {0} was rejected by the Bitcoin network.\nTransaction ID={1}.\nThe offer has been removed to avoid further problems.\nPlease go to \"Settings/Network info\" and do a SPV resync.\nFor further help please contact the Bisq support channel at the Bisq Keybase team.
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=Câu hỏi bí mật
payment.answer=Trả lời
payment.wallet=ID ví
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=Trading using US Postal Money Orders (USPMO) on Bisq requires that you understand the following:\n\n- BTC buyers must write the BTC Seller’s name in both the Payer and the Payee’s fields & take a high-resolution photo of the USPMO and envelope with proof of tracking before sending.\n- BTC buyers must send the USPMO to the BTC seller with Delivery Confirmation.\n\nIn the event mediation is necessary, or if there is a trade dispute, you will be required to send the photos to the Bisq mediator or refund agent, together with the USPMO Serial Number, Post Office Number, and dollar amount, so they can verify the details on the US Post Office website.\n\nFailure to provide the required information to the Mediator or Arbitrator will result in losing the dispute case.\n\nIn all dispute cases, the USPMO sender bears 100% of the burden of responsibility in providing evidence/proof to the Mediator or Arbitrator.\n\nIf you do not understand these requirements, do not trade using USPMO on Bisq.
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.info.openURL=Mở trang web
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=Country and city: {0} / {1}
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.extra=Thông tin thêm: {0}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
payment.japan.bank=Ngân hàng
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=Tên
payment.payid=PayID linked to financial institution. Like email address or mobile phone.
payment.payid.info=A PayID like a phone number, email address or an Australian Business Number (ABN), that you can securely link to your bank, credit union or building society account. You need to have already created a PayID with your Australian financial institution. Both sending and receiving financial institutions must support PayID. For more information please check [HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
AMAZON_GIFT_CARD=Amazon eGift Card
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
BLOCK_CHAINS_INSTANT=Altcoin ngay tức thì
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=交易被网络拒绝。\n\n{
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=您失去了所有与 {0} 网络节点的连接。\n您失去了互联网连接或您的计算机处于待机状态。
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=您丢失了与本地主机比特币节点的连接。\n请重启 Bisq 应用程序连接到其他比特币节点或重新启动主机比特币节点。
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
@ -377,10 +378,10 @@ offerbook.volume={0}(最小 - 最大)
offerbook.deposit=BTC 保证金(%)
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=创建新的报价来买入 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=创建新的报价来卖出 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy=创建新的报价来买入 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToSell=创建新的报价来卖出 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withFiat=创建新的报价用 {1} 购买 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=创建新的报价以 {1} 出售 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forFiat=创建新的报价以 {1} 出售 {0}
offerbook.createOfferToBuy.withCrypto=创建新的卖出报价 {0} (买入 {1})
offerbook.createOfferToSell.forCrypto=创建新的买入报价 {0}(卖出 {1})
@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.headline=发送授权编号和
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.moneyGramMTCNInfo.msg=请通过电邮发送授权编号和照片给 BTC 卖家。\n收据必须清楚地向卖家写明您的全名、城市、国家或地区、数量。卖方的电子邮件是:{0}。\n\n您把授权编号和合同发给卖方了吗?
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.headline=发送 MTCN 和收据
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.westernUnionMTCNInfo.msg=请通过电邮发送 MTCN(追踪号码)和照片给 BTC 卖家。\n收据必须清楚地向卖家写明您的全名、城市、国家或地区、数量。卖方的电子邮件是:{0}。\n\n您把 MTCN 和合同发给卖方了吗?
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.headline=请发送 HalCash 代码
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.headline=请发送 HalCash 代码
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.halCashInfo.msg=您需要向 BTC 卖家发送带有 HalCash 代码和交易 ID({0})的文本消息。\n\n卖方的手机号码是 {1} 。\n\n您是否已经将代码发送至卖家?
portfolio.pending.step2_buyer.fasterPaymentsHolderNameInfo=有些银行可能会要求接收方的姓名。在较旧的 Bisq 客户端创建的快速支付帐户没有提供收款人的姓名,所以请使用交易聊天来获得收款人姓名(如果需要)。
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=您已经接受了。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=吃单交易费未找到。\n\n如果没有 tx,交易不能完成。没有资金被锁定以及没有支付交易费用。你可以将交易移至失败的交易。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=挂单费交易未找到。\n\n如果没有 tx,交易不能完成。没有资金被锁定以及没有支付交易费用。你可以将交易移至失败的交易。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=这个保证金交易(2 对 2 多重签名交易)缺失\n\n没有该 tx,交易不能完成。没有资金被锁定但是您的交易手续费仍然已支出。您可以发起一个请求去赔偿改交易手续费在这里:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues\n\n请随意的将该交易移至失败交易
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=延迟支付交易缺失,但是资金仍然被锁定在保证金交易中。\n\n请不要给比特币卖家发送法币或数字货币,因为没有延迟交易 tx,不能开启仲裁。使用 Cmd/Ctrl+o开启调解协助。调解员应该建议交易双方分别退回全部的保证金(卖方支付的交易金额也会全数返还)。这样的话不会有任何的安全问题只会损失交易手续费。\n\n你可以在这里为失败的交易提出赔偿要求:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=延迟支付交易确实但是资金仍然被锁定在保证金交易中。\n\n如果卖家仍然缺失延迟支付交易,他会接到请勿付款的指示并开启一个调节帮助。你也应该使用 Cmd/Ctrl+O 去打开一个调节协助\n\n如果买家还没有发送付款,调解员应该会建议交易双方分别退回全部的保证金(卖方支付的交易金额也会全数返还)。否则交易额应该判给买方。\n\n你可以在这里为失败的交易提出赔偿要求:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=在处理交易协议是发生了一个错误\n\n错误:{0}\n\n这应该不是致命错误,您可以正常的完成交易。如果你仍担忧,打开一个调解协助并从 Bisq 调解员处得到建议。\n\n如果这个错误是致命的那么这个交易就无法完成,你可能会损失交易费。可以在这里为失败的交易提出赔偿要求:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC 买家/买单者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 卖家/买单者
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq 不是一家公司,所以它处理纠纷的方式不同。\n\n交易双方可以在应用程序中通过未完成交易页面上的安全聊天进行通信,以尝试自行解决争端。如果这还不够,调解员可以介入帮助。调解员将对情况进行评估,并对交易资金的支出提出建议。如果两个交易者都接受这个建议,那么支付交易就完成了,交易也结束了。如果一方或双方不同意调解员的建议,他们可以要求仲裁。仲裁员将重新评估情况,如果有必要,将亲自向交易员付款,并要求 Bisq DAO 对这笔付款进行补偿。
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=您创建了帮助请求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
support.youOpenedDispute=您创建了一个纠纷请求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=应用程序重新启动后,
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=从创始交易中出现同步会消耗大量时间以及 CPU 资源。您确定要重新同步吗?通常,从最新资源文件进行重新同步就足够了,而且速度更快。\n\n应用程序重新启动后,Bisq 网络治理数据将从种子节点重新加载,而 BSQ 同步状态将从初始交易中重新构建。
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=以 DAO 全节点运行 Bisq
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=RPC 用户名
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=PRC 密码
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=Bisq DAO
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=正如 Bisq交易是分散的,并且不受审查,它的治理模型也是如此—— Bisq DAO 和 BSQ 是使其成为可能的工具。
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=了解有关 Bisq DAO 的更多信息
dao.news.pastContribution.title=过去有所贡献?申请 BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.description=如果您对 Bisq 有贡献,请使用下面的 BSQ 地址,并申请参与 BSQ 初始分发。
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=你的 BSQ 钱包地址
dao.news.daoInfo.title=在我们的测试网络上运行 BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=核心网络 Bisq DAO 还没有启动,但是您可以通过在我们的测试网络上运行它来了解 Bisq DAO 。
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1.切换至 DAO 测试网络模式
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=从设置页面切换到 DAO 测试网络。
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2.获得一些 BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=在 Slack 上申请 BSQ 或在 Bisq 上购买 BSQ 。
@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgPrice30=30天平均 BSQ/BTC 交易价格
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgUSDPrice90=90 days volume weighted average BSQ/USD price
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgUSDPrice30=30 days volume weighted average BSQ/USD price
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketCap=Market capitalisation (based on 30 days average BSQ/USD price)
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.availableAmount=总共可用的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.availableAmount=总共可用的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.volumeUsd=Total trade volume in USD
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.volumeBtc=Total trade volume in BTC
dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.averageBsqUsdPriceFromSelection=Average BSQ/USD trade price from selected time period in chart
@ -2003,8 +2003,8 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.supply.issued=已发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursement=Reimbursement requests
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.genesisIssueAmount=在初始交易中心有问题的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=报偿申请发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=退还申请发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.compRequestIssueAmount=报偿申请发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.reimbursementAmount=退还申请发放的 BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalIssued=Total issued BSQ
dao.factsAndFigures.supply.totalBurned=Total burned BSQ
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=密保问题
payment.wallet=钱包 ID
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=在 Bisq 上交易 US Postal Money Orders (USPMO)您必须理解下述条款:\n\n- BTC 买方必须在发送方和收款人字段中都写上 BTC 卖方的名称,并在发送之前对 USPMO 和信封进行高分辨率照片拍照,并带有跟踪证明。\n- BTC 买方必须将 USPMO 连同交货确认书一起发送给 BTC 卖方。\n\n如果需要调解,或有交易纠纷,您将需要将照片连同 USPMO 编号,邮局编号和交易金额一起发送给 Bisq 调解员或退款代理,以便他们进行验证美国邮局网站上的详细信息。\n\n如未能提供要求的交易数据将在纠纷中直接判负\n\n在所有争议案件中,USPMO 发送方在向调解人或仲裁员提供证据/证明时承担 100% 的责任。\n\n如果您不理解这些要求,请不要在 Bisq 上使用 USPMO 进行交易。
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=国家或地区及城市:{0} / {1}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=名称
payment.payid=PayID 需链接至金融机构。例如电子邮件地址或手机。
payment.payid.info=PayID,如电话号码、电子邮件地址或澳大利亚商业号码(ABN),您可以安全地连接到您的银行、信用合作社或建立社会帐户。你需要在你的澳大利亚金融机构创建一个 PayID。发送和接收金融机构都必须支持 PayID。更多信息请查看[HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -284,6 +284,7 @@ mainView.walletServiceErrorMsg.rejectedTxException=交易被網絡拒絕。\n\n{
mainView.networkWarning.allConnectionsLost=您失去了所有與 {0} 網絡節點的連接。\n您失去了互聯網連接或您的計算機處於待機狀態。
mainView.networkWarning.localhostBitcoinLost=您丟失了與本地主機比特幣節點的連接。\n請重啟 Bisq 應用程序連接到其他比特幣節點或重新啟動主機比特幣節點。
mainView.networkWarning.clockWatcher=Your computer was asleep for {0} seconds. Standby mode has been known to cause trades to fail. In order to operate correctly Bisq requires that standby mode be disabled in your computer's settings.
@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=您已經接受了。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.taker.missingTakerFeeTx=吃單交易費未找到。\n\n如果沒有 tx,交易不能完成。沒有資金被鎖定以及沒有支付交易費用。你可以將交易移至失敗的交易。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.maker.missingTakerFeeTx=掛單費交易未找到。\n\n如果沒有 tx,交易不能完成。沒有資金被鎖定以及沒有支付交易費用。你可以將交易移至失敗的交易。
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.missingDepositTx=這個保證金交易(2 對 2 多重簽名交易)缺失\n\n沒有該 tx,交易不能完成。沒有資金被鎖定但是您的交易手續費仍然已支出。您可以發起一個請求去賠償改交易手續費在這裏:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues\n\n請隨意的將該交易移至失敗交易
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=延遲支付交易缺失,但是資金仍然被鎖定在保證金交易中。\n\n請不要給比特幣賣家發送法幣或數字貨幣,因為沒有延遲交易 tx,不能開啟仲裁。使用 Cmd/Ctrl+o開啟調解協助。調解員應該建議交易雙方分別退回全部的保證金(賣方支付的交易金額也會全數返還)。這樣的話不會有任何的安全問題只會損失交易手續費。\n\n你可以在這裏為失敗的交易提出賠償要求:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.buyer.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=The delayed payout transaction is missing, but funds have been locked in the deposit transaction.\n\nPlease do NOT send the fiat or altcoin payment to the BTC seller, because without the delayed payout tx, arbitration cannot be opened. Instead, open a mediation ticket with Cmd/Ctrl+o. The mediator should suggest that both peers each get back the full amount of their security deposits (with seller receiving full trade amount back as well). This way, there is no security risk, and only trade fees are lost. \n\nYou can request a reimbursement for lost trade fees here: [HYPERLINK:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues]
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.seller.existingDepositTxButMissingDelayedPayoutTx=延遲支付交易確實但是資金仍然被鎖定在保證金交易中。\n\n如果賣家仍然缺失延遲支付交易,他會接到請勿付款的指示並開啟一個調節幫助。你也應該使用 Cmd/Ctrl+O 去打開一個調節協助\n\n如果買家還沒有發送付款,調解員應該會建議交易雙方分別退回全部的保證金(賣方支付的交易金額也會全數返還)。否則交易額應該判給買方。\n\n你可以在這裏為失敗的交易提出賠償要求:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues
portfolio.pending.failedTrade.errorMsgSet=在處理交易協議是發生了一個錯誤\n\n錯誤:{0}\n\n這應該不是致命錯誤,您可以正常的完成交易。如果你仍擔憂,打開一個調解協助並從 Bisq 調解員處得到建議。\n\n如果這個錯誤是致命的那麼這個交易就無法完成,你可能會損失交易費。可以在這裏為失敗的交易提出賠償要求:https://github.com/bisq-network/support/issues
@ -996,7 +997,9 @@ support.buyerTaker=BTC 買家/買單者
support.sellerTaker=BTC 賣家/買單者
support.backgroundInfo=Bisq 不是一家公司,所以它處理糾紛的方式不同。\n\n交易雙方可以在應用程序中通過未完成交易頁面上的安全聊天進行通信,以嘗試自行解決爭端。如果這還不夠,調解員可以介入幫助。調解員將對情況進行評估,並對交易資金的支出提出建議。如果兩個交易者都接受這個建議,那麼支付交易就完成了,交易也結束了。如果一方或雙方不同意調解員的建議,他們可以要求仲裁。仲裁員將重新評估情況,如果有必要,將親自向交易員付款,並要求 Bisq DAO 對這筆付款進行補償。
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● Mediators respond in between 2 days. Arbitrators respond in between 5 business days.\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {1} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {2}
support.initialInfo=Please enter a description of your problem in the text field below. Add as much information as possible to speed up dispute resolution time.\n\nHere is a check list for information you should provide:\n\t● If you are the BTC buyer: Did you make the Fiat or Altcoin transfer? If so, did you click the 'payment started' button in the application?\n\t● If you are the BTC seller: Did you receive the Fiat or Altcoin payment? If so, did you click the 'payment received' button in the application?\n\t● Which version of Bisq are you using?\n\t● Which operating system are you using?\n\t● If you encountered an issue with failed transactions please consider switching to a new data directory.\n\t Sometimes the data directory gets corrupted and leads to strange bugs. \n\t See: https://bisq.wiki/Switching_to_a_new_data_directory\n\nPlease make yourself familiar with the basic rules for the dispute process:\n\t● You need to respond to the {0}''s requests within 2 days.\n\t● {1}\n\t● The maximum period for a dispute is 14 days.\n\t● You need to cooperate with the {2} and provide the information they request to make your case.\n\t● You accepted the rules outlined in the dispute document in the user agreement when you first started the application.\n\nYou can read more about the dispute process at: {3}
support.initialMediatorMsg=Mediators will generally reply to you within 24 hours.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 48 hours please feel free to reach out to your mediator on Keybase.\n\t Mediators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your mediator is: {0}
support.initialArbitratorMsg=Arbitrators will generally reply to you within 5 days.\n\t If you have not had a reply after 7 days please feel free to reach out to your arbitrator on Keybase.\n\t Arbitrators usernames on Keybase are the same as their usernames within the Bisq app.\n\t Your arbitrator is: {0}
support.youOpenedTicket=您創建了幫助請求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
support.youOpenedDispute=您創建了一個糾紛請求。\n\n{0}\n\nBisq 版本:{1}
@ -1064,6 +1067,8 @@ setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromResources.popup=應用程序重新啟動後,
setting.preferences.dao.resyncFromGenesis.popup=從創始交易中出現同步會消耗大量時間以及 CPU 資源。您確定要重新同步嗎?通常,從最新資源文件進行重新同步就足夠了,而且速度更快。\n\n應用程序重新啟動後,Bisq 網絡治理數據將從種子節點重新加載,而 BSQ 同步狀態將從初始交易中重新構建。
setting.preferences.dao.isDaoFullNode=以 DAO 全節點運行 Bisq
setting.preferences.dao.activated=DAO activated
setting.preferences.dao.activated.popup=The change will be applied after a restart
setting.preferences.dao.rpcUser=RPC 用户名
setting.preferences.dao.rpcPw=PRC 密碼
@ -1922,15 +1927,10 @@ dao.news.bisqDAO.title=Bisq DAO
dao.news.bisqDAO.description=正如 Bisq交易是分散的,並且不受審查,它的治理模型也是如此—— Bisq DAO 和 BSQ 是使其成為可能的工具。
dao.news.bisqDAO.readMoreLink=瞭解有關 Bisq DAO 的更多信息
dao.news.pastContribution.title=過去有所貢獻?申請 BSQ
dao.news.pastContribution.description=如果您對 Bisq 有貢獻,請使用下面的 BSQ 地址,並申請參與 BSQ 初始分發。
dao.news.pastContribution.yourAddress=你的 BSQ 錢包地址
dao.news.daoInfo.title=在我們的測試網絡上運行 BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=核心網絡 Bisq DAO 還沒有啟動,但是您可以通過在我們的測試網絡上運行它來了解 Bisq DAO 。
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1.切換至 DAO 測試網絡模式
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=從設置頁面切換到 DAO 測試網絡。
dao.news.daoInfo.title=ENABLE THE BISQ DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.description=To participate in the Bisq DAO and to use BSQ for discounted trading fees, you need to enable the DAO. When the DAO is enabled, Bisq downloads all missing blocks and verifies BSQ transactions. This verification process requires time, during which you may see Bisq use a lot of memory and processing power. This is normal.
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.title=1. Enable DAO
dao.news.daoInfo.firstSection.content=Enable the Bisq DAO and restart.
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.title=2.獲得一些 BSQ
dao.news.DAOOnTestnet.secondSection.content=在 Slack 上申請 BSQ 或在 Bisq 上購買 BSQ 。
@ -2679,6 +2679,7 @@ payment.secret=密保問題
payment.wallet=錢包 ID
payment.capitual.cap=CAP Code
payment.upi.virtualPaymentAddress=Virtual Payment Address
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
payment.swift.headline=International SWIFT Wire Transfer
@ -2767,11 +2768,65 @@ payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade=Amazon gift cards payment method requires the cou
payment.account.amazonGiftCard.addCountryInfo={0}\nYour existing Amazon Gift Card account ({1}) does not have a Country specified.\nPlease enter your Amazon Gift Card Country to update your account data.\nThis will not affect your account age status.
payment.amazonGiftCard.upgrade.headLine=Update Amazon Gift Card account
payment.swift.info=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.account=Carefully review the core guidelines for using SWIFT on Bisq:\n\n- fill all fields completely and accurately \n- buyer must send payment in currency specified by the offer maker \n- buyer must use the shared fee model (SHA) \n- buyer and seller may incur fees, so they should check their bank's fee schedules beforehand \n\nSWIFT is more sophisticated than other payment methods, so please take a moment to review full guidance on the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.buyer=To buy bitcoin with SWIFT, you must:\n\n- send payment in the currency specified by the offer maker \n- use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payment\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared payment model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.swift.info.seller=SWIFT senders are required to use the shared fee model (SHA) to send payments.\n\nIf you receive a SWIFT payment that does not use SHA, open a mediation ticket.\n\nPlease review further guidance on the wiki to avoid penalties and ensure smooth trades [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/SWIFT].
payment.imps.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nSome banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 200,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 200,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. However be aware their is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.imps.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 200,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. However be aware there is a maximum limit of Rs. 1,000,000 that can be sent per day.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.account=Please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a maximum of Rs. 50,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading over this amount multiple transactions will be needed.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 50,000 per transaction.\n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 50,000 you will have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.neft.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 50,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers.\n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.paytm.info.account=Please make sure to include your email or phone number that matches your email or phone number in your PayTM account. \n\nWhen users set up a PayTM account with No KYC users are limited to: \n\n● Maximum of Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 10,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in someone's PayTM wallet.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above PayTM account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.
payment.paytm.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address or phone number provided.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM.\n\nWith No KYC Rs. 5,000 can be sent per transaction.\n\nWith KYC users Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.
payment.paytm.info.seller=If you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 5,000 per trade you will need to complete KYC with PayTM. With KYC users are limited to:\n\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be sent per transaction.\n● Maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet .\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. As a maximum of Rs. 100,000 can be held in your PayTM wallet please make sure you transfer out your rupees regularly.
payment.rtgs.info.account=RTGS is for payments of large trades of Rs. 200,000 or over.\n\nWhen setting up your RTGS payment account please make sure to include your:\n\n● Account owner full name\n● Account number\n● IFSC number\n\nThese details should match your bank account that you will use for sending / receiving payments.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the account details provided in Bisq.\n\nPlease be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.rtgs.info.seller=Please be aware there is a minimum trade amount of Rs. 200,000 that can be sent per transaction. If you are trading under this amount either the trade would get cancelled or both traders would have to agree on another payment method (eg IMPS or UPI).
payment.upi.info.account=Please make sure to include your Virtual Payment Address (VPA) also called your UPI ID. The format for this is like an email ID: with the sign “@” in the middle. For example, your UPI ID could be “receiver’s_name@bank_name” or “phone_number@bank_name.” \n\nFor UPI there is a maximum limit of Rs. 100,000 that can be sent per transaction. \n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over Rs. 100,000 per trade it is likely trades will have to take place over multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the VPA / UPI ID provided in Bisq. \n\nThe maximum trade size is Rs. 100,000 per transaction. \n\nIf your trade is over Rs. 100,000 you will have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.upi.info.seller=If you intend to receive over Rs. 100,000 per trade you should expect the buyer to have to make multiple transfers. \n\nPlease note some banks have different limits for their customers.
payment.celpay.info.account=Please make sure to include the email your Celsius account is registered to. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the email address provided by the BTC Seller by sending a payment link.\n\nCelPay is limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Buyers can send any matching currency stablecoin to the BTC Seller.
payment.celpay.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment via a secure payment link. Please make sure the email payment link contains the email address provided by the BTC Buyer.\n\nCelPay users are limited to sending $2,500 (or other currency/crypto equivalent) in 24 hours.\n\nTrades above CelPay account limits will likely have to take place over more than one day, or, be cancelled.\n\nCelPay supports multiple stablecoins:\n\n● USD Stablecoins; DAI, TrueUSD, USDC, ZUSD, BUSD, GUSD, PAX, USDT (ERC20)\n● CAD Stablecoins; TrueCAD\n● GBP Stablecoins; TrueGBP\n● HKD Stablecoins; TrueHKD\n● AUD Stablecoins; TrueAUD\n\nBTC Sellers should expect to receive any matching currency stablecoin from the BTC Buyer. It is possible for the BTC Buyer to send any matching currency stablecoin.
payment.celpay.supportedCurrenciesForReceiver=Supported currencies (please note: all the currencies below are supported stable coins within the Celcius app. Trades are for stable coins, not fiat.)
payment.nequi.info.account=Please make sure to include your phone number that is associated with your Nequi account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.nequi.info.seller=Please check that the payment received matches the phone number provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nWhen users set up a Nequi account, payment limits are set to a maximum of ~ 7,000,000 COP that can be sent per month.\n\nIf you intend to trade amount of over 7,000,000 COP per trade you will need to complete KYC with Bancolombia and pay a fee of around 15,000 COP. After this all transactions will incur a 0.4% of tax. Please ensure you are aware of the latest taxes.\n\nUsers should also be aware of account limits. Trades above Nequi account limits will likely have to be cancelled.
payment.bizum.info.account=To use Bizum you need a bank account (IBAN) in Spain and to be registered for the service.\n\nBizum can be used for trades between €0.50 and €1,000.\n\nThe maximum amount of transactions you can send/receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nBizum users can have a maximum of 150 operations per month.\n\nEach bank however may establish its own limits, within the above limits, for its clients.\n\nTraders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can send using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.bizum.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is €1,000 per payment. The maximum amount of transactions you can receive using Bizum is €2,000 Euros per day.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.pix.info.account=Please make sure to include your chosen Pix Key. There are four types of keys: CPF (Natural Persons Register) or CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities), e-mail address, telephone number or a random key generated by the system called a universally unique identifier (UUID). A different key must be used for each Pix account you have. Individuals can create up to five keys for each account they own.\n\nWhen trading on Bisq, BTC Buyers should use their Pix Keys as the payment description so that it is easy for the BTC Sellers to identify the payment as coming from themselves.
payment.pix.info.buyer=Please send payment only the Pix Key provided in the BTC Seller's Bisq account.\n\nPlease use your Pix Key as the payment reference so that it is easy for the BTC Seller to identify the payment as coming from yourself.
payment.pix.info.seller=Please check that the payment received description matches the Pix Key provided in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.pix.key=Pix Key (CPF, CNPJ, Email, Phone number or UUID)
payment.monese.info.account=Monese is a bank app for users of GBP, EUR and RON*. Monese allows users to send money to other Monese accounts instantly and for free in any supported currency.\n\n*To open a RON account in Monese, you need to either live in Romania or have Romanian citizenship.\n\nWhen setting up your Monese account in Bisq please make sure to include your name and phone number that matches your Monese account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.
payment.monese.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the phone number provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.
payment.monese.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the phone number / name shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.
payment.satispay.info.account=To use Satispay you need a bank account (IBAN) in Italy and to be registered for the service.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's mobile phone number as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.satispay.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's mobile phone number / name as provided in Bisq.\n\nSatispay account limits are individually set. If you want to trade increased amounts you will need to contact Satispay support to increase your limits. Traders on Bisq should be aware of their limits. If you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.verse.info.account=Verse is a multiple currency payment method that can send and receive payment in EUR, SEK, HUF, DKK, PLN.\n\nWhen setting up your Verse account in Bisq please make sure to include the username that matches your username in your Verse account. This will ensure that when you send funds they show from the correct account and when you receive funds they will be credited to your account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the username provided by the BTC Seller in their Bisq account. Please leave the payment description blank.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.verse.info.seller=BTC Sellers should expect to receive payment from the username shown in the BTC Buyer's Bisq account.\n\nVerse users are limited to sending or receiving €10,000 per year (or equivalent foreign currency amount) for accumulated payments made from or received into their payment account. This can be increased by Verse on request.
payment.strike.info.account=Please make sure to include your Strike username.\n\nIn Bisq, Strike is used for fiat to fiat payments only.\n\nPlease make sure you are aware of the Strike limits:\n\nUsers who have registered with only their email, name, and phone number have the following limits:\n\n● $100 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $100 maximum per payment\n\nUsers can increase their limits by providing Strike with more information. These users have the following limits:\n\n● $1,000 maximum per deposit\n● $1,000 maximum total deposits per week\n● $1,000 maximum per payment\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.buyer=Please send payment only to the BTC Seller's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.strike.info.seller=Please make sure your payment is received from the BTC Buyer's Strike username as provided in Bisq.\n\nThe maximum trade size is $1,000 per payment.\n\nIf you trade over the above limits your trade might be cancelled and there could be a penalty.
payment.usPostalMoneyOrder.info=在 Bisq 上交易 US Postal Money Orders (USPMO)您必須理解下述條款:\n\n- BTC 買方必須在發送方和收款人字段中都寫上 BTC 賣方的名稱,並在發送之前對 USPMO 和信封進行高分辨率照片拍照,並帶有跟蹤證明。\n- BTC 買方必須將 USPMO 連同交貨確認書一起發送給 BTC 賣方。\n\n如果需要調解,或有交易糾紛,您將需要將照片連同 USPMO 編號,郵局編號和交易金額一起發送給 Bisq 調解員或退款代理,以便他們進行驗證美國郵局網站上的詳細信息。\n\n如未能提供要求的交易數據將在糾紛中直接判負\n\n在所有爭議案件中,USPMO 發送方在向調解人或仲裁員提供證據/證明時承擔 100% 的責任。\n\n如果您不理解這些要求,請不要在 Bisq 上使用 USPMO 進行交易。
@ -2792,6 +2847,8 @@ payment.f2f.info='Face to Face' trades have different rules and come with differ
payment.f2f.offerbook.tooltip.countryAndCity=國家或地區及城市:{0} / {1}
payment.ifsc=IFS Code
payment.ifsc.validation=IFSC format: XXXX0999999
@ -2800,7 +2857,7 @@ payment.japan.recipient=名稱
payment.payid=PayID 需鏈接至金融機構。例如電子郵件地址或手機。
payment.payid.info=PayID,如電話號碼、電子郵件地址或澳大利亞商業號碼(ABN),您可以安全地連接到您的銀行、信用合作社或建立社會帳户。你需要在你的澳大利亞金融機構創建一個 PayID。發送和接收金融機構都必須支持 PayID。更多信息請查看[HYPERLINK:https://payid.com.au/faqs/]
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nBisq will show the BTC seller''s email address or phone number where the gift card should be sent, and you must include the trade ID in the gift card''s message field. Please see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") along with the trade ID (and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment)\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
payment.amazonGiftCard.info=To pay with Amazon eGift Card, you will need to send an Amazon eGift Card to the BTC seller via your Amazon account. \n\nPlease see the wiki [HYPERLINK:https://bisq.wiki/Amazon_eGift_card] for further details and best practices. \n\nThree important notes:\n- try to send gift cards with amounts of 100 USD or smaller, as Amazon is known to flag larger gift cards as fraudulent\n- try to use creative, believable text for the gift card''s message (e.g., "Happy birthday Susan!") and use trader chat to tell your trading peer the reference text you picked so they can verify your payment\n- Amazon eGift Cards can only be redeemed on the Amazon website they were purchased on (e.g., a gift card purchased on amazon.it can only be redeemed on amazon.it)
# We use constants from the code so we do not use our normal naming convention
# dynamic values are not recognized by IntelliJ
@ -2885,12 +2942,38 @@ PAYSERA=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
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# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
SWIFT=SWIFT International Wire Transfer
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -2945,12 +3028,38 @@ PAYSERA_SHORT=Paysera
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
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# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Deprecated: Cannot be deleted as it would break old trade history entries
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -348,3 +348,5 @@ H/scEVeqoHwiR4XCAAqVAAQAACAp7Oq3+Dyk8n8irC8NurbgW+TyqKfBAwAAAAAAAAAAAMpdMLs3r3kB
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
# pull base image
FROM openjdk:8-jdk
ENV version 1.7.4-SNAPSHOT
ENV version 1.7.5-SNAPSHOT
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openjfx && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* &&
apt-get install -y vim fakeroot
@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
<!-- See: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/General/Reference/InfoPlistKeyReference/Articles/CoreFoundationKeys.html -->
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
# Set BISQ_DIR as environment var to the path of your locally synced Bisq data directory e.g. BISQ_DIR=~/Library/Application\ Support/Bisq
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd ../../
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../
find . -type f \( -name "finalize.sh" \
-o -name "create_app.sh" \
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
cd $(dirname $0)/../../../.
find . -type f \( -name "finalize.sh" \
-o -name "create_app.sh" \
(Stored with Git LFS)
(Stored with Git LFS)
Binary file not shown.
(Stored with Git LFS)
(Stored with Git LFS)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
public class SeedNodeMain extends ExecutableForAppWithP2p {
private static final long CHECK_CONNECTION_LOSS_SEC = 30;
private static final String VERSION = "1.7.4";
private static final String VERSION = "1.7.5";
private SeedNode seedNode;
private Timer checkConnectionLossTime;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user