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Update windows packaging process The 64bitBuild.bat script has been renamed to package.bat and has been updated so that it is capable of performing the complete packaging process without having to rely on the jar first being built and prepped from the MacOS scripts. However, it does support having the jar previously built and prepped and will look for a prepped jar in the desktop/package folder. If not found, it will build and prep it prior to packaging the executable. Additionally, some unnecessary options that were being passed to javapackager.exe have been eliminated such as BappVersion and Bruntime. AppVersion is now being passed via environment variables and the Bruntime option is valid only when the -native option is set to jnlp. The Bisq.iss file was changed so it no longer needs to be updated with AppVersion every time as it is being passed from package.bat via environment variables. Also, AppCopyrightYear does not need to be updated as it is determined automatically. A few other options were added or tweaked as well. Finally, a release.bat script has been added that will perform the release process of copying necessary files to a versioned release folder and generating/verifying signatures. Linux and MacOS packaged installers should be copied to their appropriate package folders prior to executing this script if they are to be included in this release process, otherwise only the Windows files will be included. The MacOS and Linux packaging scripts should be reviewed and updated accordingly.
2018-12-22 01:14:54 -08:00
;This file will be executed next to the application bundle image
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
;I.e. current directory will contain folder Bisq with application files
;Note: This file must use UTF-8 encoding with BOM
#define SourceDir GetEnv('package_dir') + '\windows'
Update windows packaging process The 64bitBuild.bat script has been renamed to package.bat and has been updated so that it is capable of performing the complete packaging process without having to rely on the jar first being built and prepped from the MacOS scripts. However, it does support having the jar previously built and prepped and will look for a prepped jar in the desktop/package folder. If not found, it will build and prep it prior to packaging the executable. Additionally, some unnecessary options that were being passed to javapackager.exe have been eliminated such as BappVersion and Bruntime. AppVersion is now being passed via environment variables and the Bruntime option is valid only when the -native option is set to jnlp. The Bisq.iss file was changed so it no longer needs to be updated with AppVersion every time as it is being passed from package.bat via environment variables. Also, AppCopyrightYear does not need to be updated as it is determined automatically. A few other options were added or tweaked as well. Finally, a release.bat script has been added that will perform the release process of copying necessary files to a versioned release folder and generating/verifying signatures. Linux and MacOS packaged installers should be copied to their appropriate package folders prior to executing this script if they are to be included in this release process, otherwise only the Windows files will be included. The MacOS and Linux packaging scripts should be reviewed and updated accordingly.
2018-12-22 01:14:54 -08:00
#define AppVersion GetEnv('version')
#define FileVersion GetEnv('file_version')
#define AppCopyrightYear GetDateTimeString('yyyy', '-', ':')
Update windows packaging process The 64bitBuild.bat script has been renamed to package.bat and has been updated so that it is capable of performing the complete packaging process without having to rely on the jar first being built and prepped from the MacOS scripts. However, it does support having the jar previously built and prepped and will look for a prepped jar in the desktop/package folder. If not found, it will build and prep it prior to packaging the executable. Additionally, some unnecessary options that were being passed to javapackager.exe have been eliminated such as BappVersion and Bruntime. AppVersion is now being passed via environment variables and the Bruntime option is valid only when the -native option is set to jnlp. The Bisq.iss file was changed so it no longer needs to be updated with AppVersion every time as it is being passed from package.bat via environment variables. Also, AppCopyrightYear does not need to be updated as it is determined automatically. A few other options were added or tweaked as well. Finally, a release.bat script has been added that will perform the release process of copying necessary files to a versioned release folder and generating/verifying signatures. Linux and MacOS packaged installers should be copied to their appropriate package folders prior to executing this script if they are to be included in this release process, otherwise only the Windows files will be included. The MacOS and Linux packaging scripts should be reviewed and updated accordingly.
2018-12-22 01:14:54 -08:00
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
Update windows packaging process The 64bitBuild.bat script has been renamed to package.bat and has been updated so that it is capable of performing the complete packaging process without having to rely on the jar first being built and prepped from the MacOS scripts. However, it does support having the jar previously built and prepped and will look for a prepped jar in the desktop/package folder. If not found, it will build and prep it prior to packaging the executable. Additionally, some unnecessary options that were being passed to javapackager.exe have been eliminated such as BappVersion and Bruntime. AppVersion is now being passed via environment variables and the Bruntime option is valid only when the -native option is set to jnlp. The Bisq.iss file was changed so it no longer needs to be updated with AppVersion every time as it is being passed from package.bat via environment variables. Also, AppCopyrightYear does not need to be updated as it is determined automatically. A few other options were added or tweaked as well. Finally, a release.bat script has been added that will perform the release process of copying necessary files to a versioned release folder and generating/verifying signatures. Linux and MacOS packaged installers should be copied to their appropriate package folders prior to executing this script if they are to be included in this release process, otherwise only the Windows files will be included. The MacOS and Linux packaging scripts should be reviewed and updated accordingly.
2018-12-22 01:14:54 -08:00
AppVerName=Bisq v{#AppVersion}
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
Update windows packaging process The 64bitBuild.bat script has been renamed to package.bat and has been updated so that it is capable of performing the complete packaging process without having to rely on the jar first being built and prepped from the MacOS scripts. However, it does support having the jar previously built and prepped and will look for a prepped jar in the desktop/package folder. If not found, it will build and prep it prior to packaging the executable. Additionally, some unnecessary options that were being passed to javapackager.exe have been eliminated such as BappVersion and Bruntime. AppVersion is now being passed via environment variables and the Bruntime option is valid only when the -native option is set to jnlp. The Bisq.iss file was changed so it no longer needs to be updated with AppVersion every time as it is being passed from package.bat via environment variables. Also, AppCopyrightYear does not need to be updated as it is determined automatically. A few other options were added or tweaked as well. Finally, a release.bat script has been added that will perform the release process of copying necessary files to a versioned release folder and generating/verifying signatures. Linux and MacOS packaged installers should be copied to their appropriate package folders prior to executing this script if they are to be included in this release process, otherwise only the Windows files will be included. The MacOS and Linux packaging scripts should be reviewed and updated accordingly.
2018-12-22 01:14:54 -08:00
AppCopyright=Copyright (C) {#AppCopyrightYear}
2017-10-11 07:21:50 -05:00
Update windows packaging process The 64bitBuild.bat script has been renamed to package.bat and has been updated so that it is capable of performing the complete packaging process without having to rely on the jar first being built and prepped from the MacOS scripts. However, it does support having the jar previously built and prepped and will look for a prepped jar in the desktop/package folder. If not found, it will build and prep it prior to packaging the executable. Additionally, some unnecessary options that were being passed to javapackager.exe have been eliminated such as BappVersion and Bruntime. AppVersion is now being passed via environment variables and the Bruntime option is valid only when the -native option is set to jnlp. The Bisq.iss file was changed so it no longer needs to be updated with AppVersion every time as it is being passed from package.bat via environment variables. Also, AppCopyrightYear does not need to be updated as it is determined automatically. A few other options were added or tweaked as well. Finally, a release.bat script has been added that will perform the release process of copying necessary files to a versioned release folder and generating/verifying signatures. Linux and MacOS packaged installers should be copied to their appropriate package folders prior to executing this script if they are to be included in this release process, otherwise only the Windows files will be included. The MacOS and Linux packaging scripts should be reviewed and updated accordingly.
2018-12-22 01:14:54 -08:00
VersionInfoDescription=Bisq Setup
VersionInfoCopyright=Copyright (C) {#AppCopyrightYear}
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
;Optional License
;Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 or above
Update windows packaging process The 64bitBuild.bat script has been renamed to package.bat and has been updated so that it is capable of performing the complete packaging process without having to rely on the jar first being built and prepped from the MacOS scripts. However, it does support having the jar previously built and prepped and will look for a prepped jar in the desktop/package folder. If not found, it will build and prep it prior to packaging the executable. Additionally, some unnecessary options that were being passed to javapackager.exe have been eliminated such as BappVersion and Bruntime. AppVersion is now being passed via environment variables and the Bruntime option is valid only when the -native option is set to jnlp. The Bisq.iss file was changed so it no longer needs to be updated with AppVersion every time as it is being passed from package.bat via environment variables. Also, AppCopyrightYear does not need to be updated as it is determined automatically. A few other options were added or tweaked as well. Finally, a release.bat script has been added that will perform the release process of copying necessary files to a versioned release folder and generating/verifying signatures. Linux and MacOS packaged installers should be copied to their appropriate package folders prior to executing this script if they are to be included in this release process, otherwise only the Windows files will be included. The MacOS and Linux packaging scripts should be reviewed and updated accordingly.
2018-12-22 01:14:54 -08:00
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
2017-12-20 20:57:50 +01:00
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
Name: en; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
Name: de; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\German.isl"
Name: fr; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\French.isl"
Name: sp; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\Spanish.isl"
en.AppComments=The decentralized exchange network
en.AppIsRunning=Bisq is running, please close it and run setup again.
de.AppComments=Das dezentrale Austauschnetzwerk
de.AppIsRunning=Bisq läuft, bitte schließen Sie es und führen Sie das Setup erneut aus.
fr.AppComments=Le réseau d'échange décentralisé
fr.AppIsRunning=Bisq est en cours d'exécution, fermez-le et exécutez à nouveau le programme d'installation.
sp.AppComments=La red de intercambio descentralizado
sp.AppIsRunning=Bisq se está ejecutando, ciérrelo y vuelva a ejecutar la configuración.
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
Source: "Bisq\Bisq.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "Bisq\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs
Name: "{group}\Bisq"; Filename: "{app}\Bisq.exe"; IconFilename: "{app}\Bisq.ico"
Name: "{userdesktop}\Bisq"; Filename: "{app}\Bisq.exe"; IconFilename: "{app}\Bisq.ico"
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
Filename: "{app}\Bisq.exe"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,Bisq}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
procedure DirectoryCopy(SourcePath, DestPath: string);
FindRec: TFindRec;
SourceFilePath: string;
DestFilePath: string;
if FindFirst(SourcePath + '\*', FindRec) then
if (FindRec.Name <> '.') and (FindRec.Name <> '..') then
SourceFilePath := SourcePath + '\' + FindRec.Name;
DestFilePath := DestPath + '\' + FindRec.Name;
if FindRec.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0 then
if FileCopy(SourceFilePath, DestFilePath, False) then
Log(Format('Copied %s to %s', [SourceFilePath, DestFilePath]));
Log(Format('Failed to copy %s to %s', [SourceFilePath, DestFilePath]));
if DirExists(DestFilePath) or CreateDir(DestFilePath) then
Log(Format('Created %s', [DestFilePath]));
DirectoryCopy(SourceFilePath, DestFilePath);
Log(Format('Failed to create %s', [DestFilePath]));
until not FindNext(FindRec);
Log(Format('Failed to list %s', [SourcePath]));
//Delete old app directory to prevent issues during update
procedure DeleteOldAppDataDirectory;
entry: String;
entry := ExpandConstant('{localappdata}') + '\Bisq\';
if DirExists(entry) then begin
DelTree(entry, true, true, true);
procedure DeleteTorFiles;
mainnetDir: String;
torDir: String;
hiddenServiceDir: String;
hiddenServiceBackupDir : String;
mainnetDir := ExpandConstant('{userappdata}') + '\Bisq\btc_mainnet';
torDir := mainnetDir + '\tor\*';
hiddenServiceDir := mainnetDir + '\tor\hiddenservice';
hiddenServiceBackupDir := mainnetDir + '\hiddenservice_backup';
if DirExists(hiddenServiceDir) then begin
if DirExists(hiddenServiceBackupDir) then begin
DelTree(hiddenServiceBackupDir, true, true, true);
DirectoryCopy(hiddenServiceDir, hiddenServiceBackupDir);
DelTree(torDir, false, true, true);
DirectoryCopy(hiddenServiceBackupDir, hiddenServiceDir);
function PrepareToInstall(var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String;
Result := '';
function IsAppRunning(): Boolean;
FSWbemLocator : Variant;
FWMIService : Variant;
FWbemObjectSet : Variant;
ExecutablePath : String;
Result := False;
ExecutablePath := Format('%s\Bisq\Bisq.exe', [ExpandConstant('{localappdata}')])
StringChangeEx(ExecutablePath, '\', '\\', True);
FSWbemLocator := CreateOleObject('WBEMScripting.SWBEMLocator');
FWMIService := FSWbemLocator.ConnectServer('localhost', 'root\CIMV2', '', '');
FWbemObjectSet := FWMIService.ExecQuery(Format('SELECT Name FROM Win32_Process Where ExecutablePath="%s"', [ExecutablePath]));
Result := (FWbemObjectSet.Count > 0);
FWbemObjectSet := Unassigned;
FWMIService := Unassigned;
FSWbemLocator := Unassigned;
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean;
Result := True;
if IsAppRunning() then
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:AppIsRunning}'), mbCriticalError, MB_OK);
Result := False;
function InitializeUninstall(): Boolean;
Result := True;
if IsAppRunning() then
MsgBox(ExpandConstant('{cm:AppIsRunning}'), mbCriticalError, MB_OK);
Result := False;
2017-06-28 00:42:26 +02:00