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Update windows packaging process The 64bitBuild.bat script has been renamed to package.bat and has been updated so that it is capable of performing the complete packaging process without having to rely on the jar first being built and prepped from the MacOS scripts. However, it does support having the jar previously built and prepped and will look for a prepped jar in the desktop/package folder. If not found, it will build and prep it prior to packaging the executable. Additionally, some unnecessary options that were being passed to javapackager.exe have been eliminated such as BappVersion and Bruntime. AppVersion is now being passed via environment variables and the Bruntime option is valid only when the -native option is set to jnlp. The Bisq.iss file was changed so it no longer needs to be updated with AppVersion every time as it is being passed from package.bat via environment variables. Also, AppCopyrightYear does not need to be updated as it is determined automatically. A few other options were added or tweaked as well. Finally, a release.bat script has been added that will perform the release process of copying necessary files to a versioned release folder and generating/verifying signatures. Linux and MacOS packaged installers should be copied to their appropriate package folders prior to executing this script if they are to be included in this release process, otherwise only the Windows files will be included. The MacOS and Linux packaging scripts should be reviewed and updated accordingly.
2018-12-22 01:14:54 -08:00
:: Requirements:
:: - GPG installed (
:: - GPG key has been created
:: Prior to running this script:
:: - Update version below
@echo off
2021-01-21 16:01:45 +01:00
set version=1.5.5
Update windows packaging process The 64bitBuild.bat script has been renamed to package.bat and has been updated so that it is capable of performing the complete packaging process without having to rely on the jar first being built and prepped from the MacOS scripts. However, it does support having the jar previously built and prepped and will look for a prepped jar in the desktop/package folder. If not found, it will build and prep it prior to packaging the executable. Additionally, some unnecessary options that were being passed to javapackager.exe have been eliminated such as BappVersion and Bruntime. AppVersion is now being passed via environment variables and the Bruntime option is valid only when the -native option is set to jnlp. The Bisq.iss file was changed so it no longer needs to be updated with AppVersion every time as it is being passed from package.bat via environment variables. Also, AppCopyrightYear does not need to be updated as it is determined automatically. A few other options were added or tweaked as well. Finally, a release.bat script has been added that will perform the release process of copying necessary files to a versioned release folder and generating/verifying signatures. Linux and MacOS packaged installers should be copied to their appropriate package folders prior to executing this script if they are to be included in this release process, otherwise only the Windows files will be included. The MacOS and Linux packaging scripts should be reviewed and updated accordingly.
2018-12-22 01:14:54 -08:00
set release_dir=%~dp0..\..\..\releases\%version%
set package_dir=%~dp0..
set dmg=Bisq-%version%.dmg
set deb=Bisq-%version%.deb
set exe=Bisq-%version%.exe
set /P gpg_user="Enter email address used for gpg signing: "
echo Creating release directory
if exist "%release_dir%" (
rmdir /S /Q "%release_dir%"
md "%release_dir%"
echo Copying files to release folder
:: sig key mkarrer
xcopy /Y "%~dp0..\F379A1C6.asc" "%release_dir%"
:: sig key cbeams
xcopy /Y "%~dp0..\5BC5ED73.asc" "%release_dir%"
:: sig key Christoph Atteneder
xcopy /Y "%~dp0..\29CDFD3B.asc" "%release_dir%"
:: signing key
xcopy /Y "%~dp0..\signingkey.asc" "%release_dir%"
if exist "%package_dir%\macosx\%dmg%" (
xcopy /Y "%package_dir%\macosx\%dmg%" "%release_dir%"
xcopy /Y "%package_dir%\macosx\%dmg%.txt" "%release_dir%"
if exist "%package_dir%\linux\%deb%" (
xcopy /Y "%package_dir%\linux\%deb%" "%release_dir%"
xcopy /Y "%package_dir%\linux\%deb%.txt" "%release_dir%"
if exist "%package_dir%\windows\%exe%" (
xcopy /Y "%package_dir%\windows\%exe%" "%release_dir%"
xcopy /Y "%package_dir%\windows\%exe%.txt" "%release_dir%"
echo Creating signatures
if exist "%release_dir%\%dmg%" (
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --local-user %gpg_user% --output "%release_dir%\%dmg%.asc" --detach-sig --armor "%release_dir%\%dmg%"
if exist "%release_dir%\%deb%" (
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --local-user %gpg_user% --output "%release_dir%\%deb%.asc" --detach-sig --armor "%release_dir%\%deb%"
if exist "%release_dir%\%exe%" (
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --local-user %gpg_user% --output "%release_dir%\%exe%.asc" --detach-sig --armor "%release_dir%\%exe%"
echo Verifying signatures
if exist "%release_dir%\%dmg%" (
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify "%release_dir%\%dmg%.asc"
if exist "%release_dir%\%deb%" (
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify "%release_dir%\%deb%.asc"
if exist "%release_dir%\%exe%" (
gpg --digest-algo SHA256 --verify "%release_dir%\%exe%.asc"
echo Done!