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synced 2025-03-12 18:48:09 +01:00
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import request from 'request-promise';
import { Logger } from '../../utils/logger.js';
import { Common } from '../../utils/common.js';
import { createInvoiceRequestCall, listPendingInvoicesRequestCall } from './invoices.js';
import { findRouteBetweenNodesRequestCall } from './network.js';
import { getSentInfoFromPaymentRequest, sendPaymentToRouteRequestCall } from './payments.js';
let options = null;
const logger = Logger;
const common = Common;
export const simplifyAllChannels = (selNode, channels) => {
let channelNodeIds = '';
const simplifiedChannels = [];
channels.forEach((channel) => {
channelNodeIds = channelNodeIds + ',' + channel.nodeId;
nodeId: channel.nodeId ? channel.nodeId : '',
channelId: channel.channelId ? channel.channelId : '',
state: channel.state ? channel.state : '',
announceChannel: channel.data && channel.data.commitments && channel.data.commitments.channelFlags && channel.data.commitments.channelFlags.announceChannel ? channel.data.commitments.channelFlags.announceChannel : false,
toLocal: (channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toLocal) ? Math.round(+channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toLocal / 1000) : 0,
toRemote: (channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toRemote) ? Math.round(+channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.toRemote / 1000) : 0,
shortChannelId: channel.data && channel.data.channelUpdate && channel.data.channelUpdate.shortChannelId ? channel.data.channelUpdate.shortChannelId : '',
isFunder: channel.data && channel.data.commitments && channel.data.commitments.localParams && channel.data.commitments.localParams.isFunder ? channel.data.commitments.localParams.isFunder : false,
buried: channel.data && channel.data.buried ? channel.data.buried : false,
feeBaseMsat: channel.data && channel.data.channelUpdate && channel.data.channelUpdate.feeBaseMsat ? channel.data.channelUpdate.feeBaseMsat : 0,
feeRatePerKw: (channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.feeratePerKw) ? channel.data.commitments.localCommit.spec.feeratePerKw : 0,
feeProportionalMillionths: channel.data && channel.data.channelUpdate && channel.data.channelUpdate.feeProportionalMillionths ? channel.data.channelUpdate.feeProportionalMillionths : 0,
alias: ''
channelNodeIds = channelNodeIds.substring(1);
options.url = selNode.ln_server_url + '/nodes';
options.form = { nodeIds: channelNodeIds };
logger.log({ selectedNode: selNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Node Ids to find alias', data: channelNodeIds });
return request.post(options).then((nodes) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: selNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Filtered Nodes Received', data: nodes });
let foundPeer = null;
simplifiedChannels?.map((channel) => {
foundPeer = nodes.find((channelWithAlias) => channel.nodeId === channelWithAlias.nodeId);
channel.alias = foundPeer ? foundPeer.alias : channel.nodeId.substring(0, 20);
return channel;
return simplifiedChannels;
}).catch((err) => simplifiedChannels);
export const getChannels = (req, res, next) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'List Channels..' });
options = common.getOptions(req);
if (options.error) {
return res.status(options.statusCode).json({ message: options.message, error: options.error });
options.url = req.session.selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/channels';
options.form = {};
if (req.query && req.query.nodeId) {
options.form = req.query;
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channels Node Id', data: options.form });
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Options', data: options });
if (common.read_dummy_data) {
common.getDummyData('Channels', req.session.selectedNode.ln_implementation).then((data) => { res.status(200).json(data); });
else {
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channels List Received', data: body });
if (body && body.length) {
return simplifyAllChannels(req.session.selectedNode, body).then((simplifiedChannels) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Simplified Channels with Alias Received', data: simplifiedChannels });
else {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Empty Channels List Received' });
catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'List Channels Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ message: err.message, error: err.error });
export const getChannelStats = (req, res, next) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Getting Channel States..' });
options = common.getOptions(req);
if (options.error) {
return res.status(options.statusCode).json({ message: options.message, error: options.error });
options.url = req.session.selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/channelstats';
const today = new Date(Date.now());
const tillToday = (Math.round(today.getTime() / 1000)).toString();
const fromLastMonth = (Math.round(new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth() - 1, today.getDate() + 1, 0, 0, 0).getTime() / 1000)).toString();
options.form = {
from: fromLastMonth,
to: tillToday
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channel States Received', data: body });
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Get Channel Stats Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ message: err.message, error: err.error });
export const openChannel = (req, res, next) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Opening Channel..' });
options = common.getOptions(req);
if (options.error) {
return res.status(options.statusCode).json({ message: options.message, error: options.error });
options.url = req.session.selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/open';
options.form = req.body;
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Open Channel Params', data: options.form });
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channel Opened', data: body });
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Open Channel Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ message: err.message, error: err.error });
export const updateChannelRelayFee = (req, res, next) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Updating Channel Relay Fee..' });
options = common.getOptions(req);
if (options.error) {
return res.status(options.statusCode).json({ message: options.message, error: options.error });
options.url = req.session.selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/updaterelayfee';
options.form = req.query;
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Update Relay Fee Params', data: options.form });
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channel Relay Fee Updated', data: body });
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Update Relay Fee Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ message: err.message, error: err.error });
export const closeChannel = (req, res, next) => {
options = common.getOptions(req);
if (options.error) {
return res.status(options.statusCode).json({ message: options.message, error: options.error });
if (req.query.force !== 'true') {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Closing Channel..' });
options.url = req.session.selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/close';
else {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Force Closing Channel..' });
options.url = req.session.selectedNode.ln_server_url + '/forceclose';
options.form = { channelId: req.query.channelId };
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Close URL', data: options.url });
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Close Params', data: options.form });
request.post(options).then((body) => {
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'INFO', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Channel Closed', data: body });
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Close Channel Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ message: err.message, error: err.error });
// options.form = { sourceNodeId: req.params.source, targetNodeId: req.params.target, amountMsat: req.params.amount, ignoreNodeIds: req.params.ignore };
export const circularRebalance = (req, res, next) => {
const crInvDescription = 'Circular rebalancing invoice for ' + (req.body.amountMsat / 1000) + ' Sats';
options = common.getOptions(req);
if (options.error) {
return res.status(options.statusCode).json({ message: options.message, error: options.error });
options.form = req.body;
logger.log({ selectedNode: req.session.selectedNode, level: 'DEBUG', fileName: 'Channels', msg: 'Rebalance Params', data: options.form });
const tillToday = (Math.round(new Date(Date.now()).getTime() / 1000)).toString();
// Check if unpaid Invoice exists already
listPendingInvoicesRequestCall(req.session.selectedNode).then((callRes) => {
const foundExistingInvoice = callRes.find((inv) => inv.description.includes(crInvDescription) && inv.amount === req.body.amountMsat && inv.expiry && inv.timestamp && ((inv.expiry + inv.timestamp) >= tillToday));
// Create new invoice if doesn't exist already
const requestCalls = foundExistingInvoice && foundExistingInvoice.serialized ?
[findRouteBetweenNodesRequestCall(req.session.selectedNode, req.body.amountMsat, req.body.sourceNodeId, req.body.targetNodeId, req.body.ignoreNodeIds, req.body.format)] :
[findRouteBetweenNodesRequestCall(req.session.selectedNode, req.body.amountMsat, req.body.sourceNodeId, req.body.targetNodeId, req.body.ignoreNodeIds, req.body.format), createInvoiceRequestCall(req.session.selectedNode, crInvDescription, req.body.amountMsat)];
Promise.all(requestCalls).then((values) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style
const routes = values[0]?.routes?.filter((route) => {
return !((route.shortChannelIds[0] === req.body.sourceShortChannelId && route.shortChannelIds[1] === req.body.targetShortChannelId) ||
(route.shortChannelIds[1] === req.body.sourceShortChannelId && route.shortChannelIds[0] === req.body.targetShortChannelId));
const firstRoute = routes[0].shortChannelIds.join() || '';
const shortChannelIds = req.body.sourceShortChannelId + ',' + firstRoute + ',' + req.body.targetShortChannelId;
const invoice = (foundExistingInvoice && foundExistingInvoice.serialized ? foundExistingInvoice.serialized : (values[1] ? values[1].serialized : '')) || '';
const paymentHash = (foundExistingInvoice && foundExistingInvoice.paymentHash ? foundExistingInvoice.paymentHash : (values[1] ? values[1].paymentHash : '') || '');
return sendPaymentToRouteRequestCall(req.session.selectedNode, shortChannelIds, invoice, req.body.amountMsat).then((payToRouteCallRes) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style
setTimeout(() => {
return getSentInfoFromPaymentRequest(req.session.selectedNode, paymentHash).then((sentInfoCallRes) => {
const payStatus = sentInfoCallRes.length && sentInfoCallRes.length > 0 ? sentInfoCallRes[sentInfoCallRes.length - 1].status : sentInfoCallRes;
return res.status(201).json({ flgReusingInvoice: !!foundExistingInvoice, invoice: invoice, paymentHash: paymentHash, paymentDetails: payToRouteCallRes, paymentStatus: payStatus });
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Channel Rebalance From Sent Info Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ flgReusingInvoice: !!foundExistingInvoice, invoice: invoice, paymentHash: paymentHash, paymentDetails: payToRouteCallRes, paymentStatus: err.error });
}, 3000);
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Channel Rebalance From Send Payment To Route Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ flgReusingInvoice: !!foundExistingInvoice, invoice: invoice, paymentHash: paymentHash, paymentDetails: {}, paymentStatus: err.error });
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Channel Rebalance From Find Routes Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ flgReusingInvoice: !!foundExistingInvoice, invoice: (foundExistingInvoice.serialized || ''), paymentHash: '', paymentDetails: {}, paymentStatus: err.error });
}).catch((errRes) => {
const err = common.handleError(errRes, 'Channels', 'Channel Rebalance From List Pending Invoices Error', req.session.selectedNode);
return res.status(err.statusCode).json({ flgReusingInvoice: false, invoice: '', paymentHash: '', paymentDetails: {}, paymentStatus: err.error });