RTL allows the user to configure and control specific application parameters for app customization and integration. The parameters can be configured via RTL-Config.json file or through environment variables defined at the OS level. Required parameters have `default` values for initial setup and can be updated after RTL server initial start. #### RTL-Config.json { "multiPass": "", "port": "", "defaultNodeIndex": , "SSO": { "rtlSSO": , "rtlCookiePath": "", "logoutRedirectLink": "" }, "nodes": [ { "index": , "lnNode": "", "lnImplementation": "", "Authentication": { "macaroonPath": "", "configPath": "" }, "Settings": { "userPersona": "", "themeMode": "", "themeColor": "", "channelBackupPath": "\backup\node-1, Optional>", "bitcoindConfigPath": "", "enableLogging": , "fiatConversion": , "currencyUnit": "", "lnServerUrl": "