2021-12-29 18:08:41 -05:00
import WebSocket from 'ws' ;
import { Logger } from '../../utils/logger.js' ;
import { Common } from '../../utils/common.js' ;
import { WSServer } from '../../utils/webSocketServer.js' ;
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import { ECLWSEventsEnum } from '../../models/ecl.model.js' ;
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export class ECLWebSocketClient {
constructor ( ) {
this . logger = Logger ;
this . common = Common ;
this . wsServer = WSServer ;
this . webSocketClients = [ ] ;
this . reconnectTimeOut = null ;
this . waitTime = 0.5 ;
this . reconnet = ( eclWsClt ) => {
if ( this . reconnectTimeOut ) {
return ;
this . waitTime = ( this . waitTime >= 64 ) ? 64 : ( this . waitTime * 2 ) ;
this . reconnectTimeOut = setTimeout ( ( ) => {
if ( eclWsClt . selectedNode ) {
this . logger . log ( { selectedNode : eclWsClt . selectedNode , level : 'INFO' , fileName : 'ECLWebSocket' , msg : 'Reconnecting to the Eclair\'s Websocket Server..' } ) ;
this . connect ( eclWsClt . selectedNode ) ;
this . reconnectTimeOut = null ;
} , this . waitTime * 1000 ) ;
} ;
this . connect = ( selectedNode ) => {
try {
const clientExists = this . webSocketClients . find ( ( wsc ) => wsc . selectedNode . index === selectedNode . index ) ;
if ( ! clientExists ) {
if ( selectedNode . ln _server _url ) {
const newWebSocketClient = { selectedNode : selectedNode , reConnect : true , webSocketClient : null } ;
this . connectWithClient ( newWebSocketClient ) ;
this . webSocketClients . push ( newWebSocketClient ) ;
else {
if ( ( ! clientExists . webSocketClient || clientExists . webSocketClient . readyState !== WebSocket . OPEN ) && selectedNode . ln _server _url ) {
clientExists . reConnect = true ;
this . connectWithClient ( clientExists ) ;
catch ( err ) {
throw new Error ( err ) ;
} ;
this . connectWithClient = ( eclWsClt ) => {
this . logger . log ( { selectedNode : eclWsClt . selectedNode , level : 'INFO' , fileName : 'ECLWebSocket' , msg : 'Connecting to the Eclair\'s Websocket Server..' } ) ;
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const UpdatedLNServerURL = ( eclWsClt . selectedNode . ln _server _url ) ? . replace ( /^http/ , 'ws' ) ;
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const firstSubStrIndex = ( UpdatedLNServerURL . indexOf ( '//' ) + 2 ) ;
const WS _LINK = UpdatedLNServerURL . slice ( 0 , firstSubStrIndex ) + ':' + eclWsClt . selectedNode . ln _api _password + '@' + UpdatedLNServerURL . slice ( firstSubStrIndex ) + '/ws' ;
eclWsClt . webSocketClient = new WebSocket ( WS _LINK ) ;
eclWsClt . webSocketClient . onopen = ( ) => {
this . logger . log ( { selectedNode : eclWsClt . selectedNode , level : 'INFO' , fileName : 'ECLWebSocket' , msg : 'Connected to the Eclair\'s Websocket Server..' } ) ;
this . waitTime = 0.5 ;
} ;
eclWsClt . webSocketClient . onclose = ( e ) => {
if ( eclWsClt && eclWsClt . selectedNode && eclWsClt . selectedNode . ln _implementation === 'ECL' ) {
this . logger . log ( { selectedNode : eclWsClt . selectedNode , level : 'INFO' , fileName : 'ECLWebSocket' , msg : 'Web socket disconnected, will reconnect again...' } ) ;
eclWsClt . webSocketClient . close ( ) ;
if ( eclWsClt . reConnect ) {
this . reconnet ( eclWsClt ) ;
} ;
eclWsClt . webSocketClient . onmessage = ( msg ) => {
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this . logger . log ( { selectedNode : eclWsClt . selectedNode , level : 'DEBUG' , fileName : 'ECLWebSocket' , msg : 'Received message from the server..' , data : msg . data } ) ;
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msg = ( typeof msg . data === 'string' ) ? JSON . parse ( msg . data ) : msg . data ;
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if ( msg . type && msg . type !== ECLWSEventsEnum . PAY _RELAYED && msg . type !== ECLWSEventsEnum . PAY _SETTLING _ONCHAIN && msg . type !== ECLWSEventsEnum . ONION _MESSAGE _RECEIVED ) {
msg [ 'source' ] = 'ECL' ;
const msgStr = JSON . stringify ( msg ) ;
this . wsServer . sendEventsToAllLNClients ( msgStr , eclWsClt . selectedNode ) ;
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} ;
eclWsClt . webSocketClient . onerror = ( err ) => {
if ( eclWsClt . selectedNode . ln _version === '' || ! eclWsClt . selectedNode . ln _version || this . common . isVersionCompatible ( eclWsClt . selectedNode . ln , '0.5.0' ) ) {
this . logger . log ( { selectedNode : eclWsClt . selectedNode , level : 'ERROR' , fileName : 'ECLWebSocket' , msg : 'Web socket error' , error : err } ) ;
const errStr = ( ( typeof err === 'object' && err . message ) ? JSON . stringify ( { error : err . message } ) : ( typeof err === 'object' ) ? JSON . stringify ( { error : err } ) : ( '{ "error": ' + err + ' }' ) ) ;
this . wsServer . sendErrorToAllLNClients ( errStr , eclWsClt . selectedNode ) ;
eclWsClt . webSocketClient . close ( ) ;
if ( eclWsClt . reConnect ) {
this . reconnet ( eclWsClt ) ;
else {
eclWsClt . reConnect = false ;
} ;
} ;
this . disconnect = ( selectedNode ) => {
const clientExists = this . webSocketClients . find ( ( wsc ) => wsc . selectedNode . index === selectedNode . index ) ;
if ( clientExists && clientExists . webSocketClient && clientExists . webSocketClient . readyState === WebSocket . OPEN ) {
this . logger . log ( { selectedNode : clientExists . selectedNode , level : 'INFO' , fileName : 'ECLWebSocket' , msg : 'Disconnecting from the Eclair\'s Websocket Server..' } ) ;
clientExists . reConnect = false ;
clientExists . webSocketClient . close ( ) ;
const clientIdx = this . webSocketClients . findIndex ( ( wsc ) => wsc . selectedNode . index === selectedNode . index ) ;
this . webSocketClients . splice ( clientIdx , 1 ) ;
} ;
this . updateSelectedNode = ( newSelectedNode ) => {
const clientIdx = this . webSocketClients . findIndex ( ( wsc ) => + wsc . selectedNode . index === + newSelectedNode . index ) ;
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let newClient = this . webSocketClients [ clientIdx ] ;
if ( ! newClient ) {
newClient = { selectedNode : null , reConnect : true , webSocketClient : null } ;
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newClient . selectedNode = JSON . parse ( JSON . stringify ( newSelectedNode ) ) ;
this . webSocketClients [ clientIdx ] = newClient ;
} ;
this . wsServer . eventEmitterECL . on ( 'CONNECT' , ( nodeIndex ) => {
this . connect ( this . common . findNode ( + nodeIndex ) ) ;
} ) ;
this . wsServer . eventEmitterECL . on ( 'DISCONNECT' , ( nodeIndex ) => {
this . disconnect ( this . common . findNode ( + nodeIndex ) ) ;
} ) ;
export const ECLWSClient = new ECLWebSocketClient ( ) ;