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synced 2025-03-12 18:51:21 +01:00
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* adapted from https://github.com/BitGo/BitGoJS/blob/bitcoinjs_lib_6_sync/modules/utxo-lib/src/noble_ecc.ts
* license: Apache License
* @see https://github.com/bitcoinjs/tiny-secp256k1/issues/84#issuecomment-1185682315
* @see https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bitcoinjs-lib/issues/1781
import * as necc from '@noble/secp256k1';
import { TinySecp256k1Interface as TinySecp256k1InterfaceBIP32 } from 'bip32/types/bip32';
import { XOnlyPointAddTweakResult } from 'bitcoinjs-lib/src/types';
import createHash from 'create-hash';
import { createHmac } from 'crypto';
import { TinySecp256k1Interface } from 'ecpair/src/ecpair';
export interface TinySecp256k1InterfaceExtended {
pointMultiply(p: Uint8Array, tweak: Uint8Array, compressed?: boolean): Uint8Array | null;
pointAdd(pA: Uint8Array, pB: Uint8Array, compressed?: boolean): Uint8Array | null;
isXOnlyPoint(p: Uint8Array): boolean;
xOnlyPointAddTweak(p: Uint8Array, tweak: Uint8Array): XOnlyPointAddTweakResult | null;
privateNegate(d: Uint8Array): Uint8Array;
necc.utils.sha256Sync = (...messages: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array => {
const sha256 = createHash('sha256');
for (const message of messages) sha256.update(message);
return sha256.digest();
necc.utils.hmacSha256Sync = (key: Uint8Array, ...messages: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array => {
const hash = createHmac('sha256', Buffer.from(key));
messages.forEach(m => hash.update(m));
return Uint8Array.from(hash.digest());
/* const normal = necc.utils._normalizePrivateKey;
type Hex = string | Uint8Array;
type PrivKey = Hex | bigint | number;
necc.utils.privateAdd = (privateKey: PrivKey, tweak: Hex) => {
console.log({ privateKey, tweak });
const p = normal(privateKey);
const t = normal(tweak);
return necc.utils.privateAdd(necc.utils.mod(p + t, necc.CURVE.n));
}; */
const defaultTrue = (param?: boolean): boolean => param !== false;
function throwToNull<Type>(fn: () => Type): Type | null {
try {
return fn();
} catch (e) {
// console.log(e);
return null;
function isPoint(p: Uint8Array, xOnly: boolean): boolean {
if ((p.length === 32) !== xOnly) return false;
try {
return !!necc.Point.fromHex(p);
} catch (e) {
return false;
const ecc: TinySecp256k1InterfaceExtended & TinySecp256k1Interface & TinySecp256k1InterfaceBIP32 = {
isPoint: (p: Uint8Array): boolean => isPoint(p, false),
isPrivate: (d: Uint8Array): boolean => {
/* if (
) {
return false;
} */
return necc.utils.isValidPrivateKey(d);
isXOnlyPoint: (p: Uint8Array): boolean => isPoint(p, true),
xOnlyPointAddTweak: (p: Uint8Array, tweak: Uint8Array): { parity: 0 | 1; xOnlyPubkey: Uint8Array } | null =>
throwToNull(() => {
const P = necc.utils.pointAddScalar(p, tweak, true);
const parity = P[0] % 2 === 1 ? 1 : 0;
return { parity, xOnlyPubkey: P.slice(1) };
pointFromScalar: (sk: Uint8Array, compressed?: boolean): Uint8Array | null =>
throwToNull(() => necc.getPublicKey(sk, defaultTrue(compressed))),
pointCompress: (p: Uint8Array, compressed?: boolean): Uint8Array => {
return necc.Point.fromHex(p).toRawBytes(defaultTrue(compressed));
pointMultiply: (a: Uint8Array, tweak: Uint8Array, compressed?: boolean): Uint8Array | null =>
throwToNull(() => necc.utils.pointMultiply(a, tweak, defaultTrue(compressed))),
pointAdd: (a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array, compressed?: boolean): Uint8Array | null =>
throwToNull(() => {
const A = necc.Point.fromHex(a);
const B = necc.Point.fromHex(b);
return A.add(B).toRawBytes(defaultTrue(compressed));
pointAddScalar: (p: Uint8Array, tweak: Uint8Array, compressed?: boolean): Uint8Array | null =>
throwToNull(() => necc.utils.pointAddScalar(p, tweak, defaultTrue(compressed))),
privateAdd: (d: Uint8Array, tweak: Uint8Array): Uint8Array | null =>
throwToNull(() => {
// console.log({ d, tweak });
const ret = necc.utils.privateAdd(d, tweak);
// console.log(ret);
if (ret.join('') === '00000000000000000000000000000000') {
return null;
return ret;
privateNegate: (d: Uint8Array): Uint8Array => necc.utils.privateNegate(d),
sign: (h: Uint8Array, d: Uint8Array, e?: Uint8Array): Uint8Array => {
return necc.signSync(h, d, { der: false, extraEntropy: e });
signSchnorr: (h: Uint8Array, d: Uint8Array, e: Uint8Array = Buffer.alloc(32, 0x00)): Uint8Array => {
return necc.schnorr.signSync(h, d, e);
verify: (h: Uint8Array, Q: Uint8Array, signature: Uint8Array, strict?: boolean): boolean => {
return necc.verify(signature, h, Q, { strict });
verifySchnorr: (h: Uint8Array, Q: Uint8Array, signature: Uint8Array): boolean => {
return necc.schnorr.verifySync(signature, h, Q);
export default ecc;
// module.exports.ecc = ecc;