2021-03-12 13:43:09 +00:00

537 lines
16 KiB

import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import bitcoinMessage from 'bitcoinjs-message';
import { randomBytes } from '../rng';
import { AbstractWallet } from './abstract-wallet';
import { HDSegwitBech32Wallet } from '..';
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const BlueElectrum = require('../../blue_modules/BlueElectrum');
const coinSelectAccumulative = require('coinselect/accumulative');
const coinSelectSplit = require('coinselect/split');
* Has private key and single address like "1ABCD....."
* (legacy P2PKH compressed)
export class LegacyWallet extends AbstractWallet {
static type = 'legacy';
static typeReadable = 'Legacy (P2PKH)';
* Simple function which says that we havent tried to fetch balance
* for a long time
* @return {boolean}
timeToRefreshBalance() {
if (+new Date() - this._lastBalanceFetch >= 5 * 60 * 1000) {
return true;
return false;
* Simple function which says if we hve some low-confirmed transactions
* and we better fetch them
* @return {boolean}
timeToRefreshTransaction() {
for (const tx of this.getTransactions()) {
if (tx.confirmations < 7) {
return true;
return false;
async generate() {
const buf = await randomBytes(32);
this.secret = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom({ rng: () => buf }).toWIF();
async generateFromEntropy(user) {
let i = 0;
do {
i += 1;
const random = await randomBytes(user.length < 32 ? 32 - user.length : 0);
const buf = Buffer.concat([user, random], 32);
try {
this.secret = bitcoin.ECPair.fromPrivateKey(buf).toWIF();
} catch (e) {
if (i === 5) throw e;
} while (true);
* @returns {string}
getAddress() {
if (this._address) return this._address;
let address;
try {
const keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(this.secret);
address = bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({
pubkey: keyPair.publicKey,
} catch (err) {
return false;
this._address = address;
return this._address;
* @inheritDoc
getAllExternalAddresses() {
return [this.getAddress()];
* Fetches balance of the Wallet via API.
* Returns VOID. Get the actual balance via getter.
* @returns {Promise.<void>}
async fetchBalance() {
try {
const balance = await BlueElectrum.getBalanceByAddress(this.getAddress());
this.balance = Number(balance.confirmed);
this.unconfirmed_balance = Number(balance.unconfirmed);
this._lastBalanceFetch = +new Date();
} catch (Error) {
* Fetches UTXO from API. Returns VOID.
* @return {Promise.<void>}
async fetchUtxo() {
try {
const utxos = await BlueElectrum.multiGetUtxoByAddress([this.getAddress()]);
this.utxo = [];
for (const arr of Object.values(utxos)) {
this.utxo = this.utxo.concat(arr);
// now we need to fetch txhash for each input as required by PSBT
if (LegacyWallet.type !== this.type) return; // but only for LEGACY single-address wallets
const txhexes = await BlueElectrum.multiGetTransactionByTxid( => u.txId),
const newUtxos = [];
for (const u of this.utxo) {
if (txhexes[u.txId]) u.txhex = txhexes[u.txId];
this.utxo = newUtxos;
} catch (Error) {
* Getter for previously fetched UTXO. For example:
* [ { height: 0,
* value: 666,
* address: 'string',
* txId: 'string',
* vout: 1,
* txid: 'string',
* amount: 666,
* wif: 'string',
* confirmations: 0 } ]
* @param respectFrozen {boolean} Add Frozen outputs
* @returns {[]}
getUtxo(respectFrozen = false) {
let ret = [];
for (const u of this.utxo) {
if (u.txId) u.txid = u.txId;
if (!u.confirmations && u.height) u.confirmations = BlueElectrum.estimateCurrentBlockheight() - u.height;
if (ret.length === 0) {
ret = this.getDerivedUtxoFromOurTransaction(); // oy vey, no stored utxo. lets attempt to derive it from stored transactions
if (!respectFrozen) {
ret = ret.filter(({ txid, vout }) => !this.getUTXOMetadata(txid, vout).frozen);
return ret;
getDerivedUtxoFromOurTransaction(returnSpentUtxoAsWell = false) {
const utxos = [];
const ownedAddressesHashmap = {};
ownedAddressesHashmap[this.getAddress()] = true;
* below copypasted from
* @see AbstractHDElectrumWallet.getDerivedUtxoFromOurTransaction
for (const tx of this.getTransactions()) {
for (const output of tx.outputs) {
let address = false;
if (output.scriptPubKey && output.scriptPubKey.addresses && output.scriptPubKey.addresses[0]) {
address = output.scriptPubKey.addresses[0];
if (ownedAddressesHashmap[address]) {
const value = new BigNumber(output.value).multipliedBy(100000000).toNumber();
txid: tx.txid,
txId: tx.txid,
vout: output.n,
amount: value,
confirmations: tx.confirmations,
wif: false,
height: BlueElectrum.estimateCurrentBlockheight() - tx.confirmations,
if (returnSpentUtxoAsWell) return utxos;
// got all utxos we ever had. lets filter out the ones that are spent:
const ret = [];
for (const utxo of utxos) {
let spent = false;
for (const tx of this.getTransactions()) {
for (const input of tx.inputs) {
if (input.txid === utxo.txid && input.vout === utxo.vout) spent = true;
// utxo we got previously was actually spent right here ^^
if (!spent) {
return ret;
* Fetches transactions via Electrum. Returns VOID.
* Use getter to get the actual list. *
* @see AbstractHDElectrumWallet.fetchTransactions()
* @return {Promise.<void>}
async fetchTransactions() {
// Below is a simplified copypaste from HD electrum wallet
const _txsByExternalIndex = [];
const addresses2fetch = [this.getAddress()];
// first: batch fetch for all addresses histories
const histories = await BlueElectrum.multiGetHistoryByAddress(addresses2fetch);
const txs = {};
for (const history of Object.values(histories)) {
for (const tx of history) {
txs[tx.tx_hash] = tx;
// next, batch fetching each txid we got
const txdatas = await BlueElectrum.multiGetTransactionByTxid(Object.keys(txs));
// now, tricky part. we collect all transactions from inputs (vin), and batch fetch them too.
// then we combine all this data (we need inputs to see source addresses and amounts)
const vinTxids = [];
for (const txdata of Object.values(txdatas)) {
for (const vin of {
const vintxdatas = await BlueElectrum.multiGetTransactionByTxid(vinTxids);
// fetched all transactions from our inputs. now we need to combine it.
// iterating all _our_ transactions:
for (const txid of Object.keys(txdatas)) {
// iterating all inputs our our single transaction:
for (let inpNum = 0; inpNum < txdatas[txid].vin.length; inpNum++) {
const inpTxid = txdatas[txid].vin[inpNum].txid;
const inpVout = txdatas[txid].vin[inpNum].vout;
// got txid and output number of _previous_ transaction we shoud look into
if (vintxdatas[inpTxid] && vintxdatas[inpTxid].vout[inpVout]) {
// extracting amount & addresses from previous output and adding it to _our_ input:
txdatas[txid].vin[inpNum].addresses = vintxdatas[inpTxid].vout[inpVout].scriptPubKey.addresses;
txdatas[txid].vin[inpNum].value = vintxdatas[inpTxid].vout[inpVout].value;
// now, we need to put transactions in all relevant `cells` of internal hashmaps: this.transactions_by_internal_index && this.transactions_by_external_index
for (const tx of Object.values(txdatas)) {
for (const vin of {
if (vin.addresses && vin.addresses.indexOf(this.getAddress()) !== -1) {
// this TX is related to our address
const clonedTx = Object.assign({}, tx);
clonedTx.inputs =;
clonedTx.outputs = tx.vout.slice(0);
delete clonedTx.vout;
for (const vout of tx.vout) {
if (vout.scriptPubKey.addresses && vout.scriptPubKey.addresses.indexOf(this.getAddress()) !== -1) {
// this TX is related to our address
const clonedTx = Object.assign({}, tx);
clonedTx.inputs =;
clonedTx.outputs = tx.vout.slice(0);
delete clonedTx.vout;
this._txs_by_external_index = _txsByExternalIndex;
this._lastTxFetch = +new Date();
getTransactions() {
// a hacky code reuse from electrum HD wallet:
this._txs_by_external_index = this._txs_by_external_index || [];
this._txs_by_internal_index = [];
const hd = new HDSegwitBech32Wallet();
return hd.getTransactions.apply(this);
* Broadcast txhex. Can throw an exception if failed
* @param {String} txhex
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async broadcastTx(txhex) {
const broadcast = await BlueElectrum.broadcastV2(txhex);
console.log({ broadcast });
if (broadcast.indexOf('successfully') !== -1) return true;
return broadcast.length === 64; // this means return string is txid (precise length), so it was broadcasted ok
coinselect(utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress) {
if (!changeAddress) throw new Error('No change address provided');
let algo = coinSelectAccumulative;
// if targets has output without a value, we want send MAX to it
if (targets.some(i => !('value' in i))) {
algo = coinSelectSplit;
const { inputs, outputs, fee } = algo(utxos, targets, feeRate);
// .inputs and .outputs will be undefined if no solution was found
if (!inputs || !outputs) {
throw new Error('Not enough balance. Try sending smaller amount or decrease the fee.');
return { inputs, outputs, fee };
* @param utxos {Array.<{vout: Number, value: Number, txId: String, address: String, txhex: String, }>} List of spendable utxos
* @param targets {Array.<{value: Number, address: String}>} Where coins are going. If theres only 1 target and that target has no value - this will send MAX to that address (respecting fee rate)
* @param feeRate {Number} satoshi per byte
* @param changeAddress {String} Excessive coins will go back to that address
* @param sequence {Number} Used in RBF
* @param skipSigning {boolean} Whether we should skip signing, use returned `psbt` in that case
* @param masterFingerprint {number} Decimal number of wallet's master fingerprint
* @returns {{outputs: Array, tx: Transaction, inputs: Array, fee: Number, psbt: Psbt}}
createTransaction(utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress, sequence, skipSigning = false, masterFingerprint) {
if (targets.length === 0) throw new Error('No destination provided');
const { inputs, outputs, fee } = this.coinselect(utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress);
sequence = sequence || 0xffffffff; // disable RBF by default
const psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt();
let c = 0;
const values = {};
let keyPair;
inputs.forEach(input => {
if (!skipSigning) {
// skiping signing related stuff
keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(this.secret); // secret is WIF
values[c] = input.value;
if (!input.txhex) throw new Error('UTXO is missing txhex of the input, which is required by PSBT for non-segwit input');
hash: input.txid,
index: input.vout,
// non-segwit inputs now require passing the whole previous tx as Buffer
nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(input.txhex, 'hex'),
outputs.forEach(output => {
// if output has no address - this is change output
if (!output.address) {
output.address = changeAddress;
const outputData = {
address: output.address,
value: output.value,
if (!skipSigning) {
// skiping signing related stuff
for (let cc = 0; cc < c; cc++) {
psbt.signInput(cc, keyPair);
let tx;
if (!skipSigning) {
tx = psbt.finalizeAllInputs().extractTransaction();
return { tx, inputs, outputs, fee, psbt };
getLatestTransactionTime() {
if (this.getTransactions().length === 0) {
return 0;
let max = 0;
for (const tx of this.getTransactions()) {
max = Math.max(new Date(tx.received) * 1, max);
return new Date(max).toString();
* Validates any address, including legacy, p2sh and bech32
* @param address
* @returns {boolean}
isAddressValid(address) {
try {
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* Converts script pub key to legacy address if it can. Returns FALSE if it cant.
* @param scriptPubKey
* @returns {boolean|string} Either p2pkh address or false
static scriptPubKeyToAddress(scriptPubKey) {
try {
const scriptPubKey2 = Buffer.from(scriptPubKey, 'hex');
return bitcoin.payments.p2pkh({
output: scriptPubKey2,
network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin,
} catch (_) {
return false;
weOwnAddress(address) {
return this.getAddress() === address || this._address === address;
weOwnTransaction(txid) {
for (const tx of this.getTransactions()) {
if (tx && tx.txid && tx.txid === txid) return true;
return false;
allowSendMax() {
return true;
allowSignVerifyMessage() {
return true;
* Check if address is a Change address. Needed for Coin control.
* Useless for Legacy wallets, so it is always false
* @param address
* @returns {Boolean} Either address is a change or not
addressIsChange(address) {
return false;
* Finds WIF corresponding to address and returns it
* @param address {string} Address that belongs to this wallet
* @returns {string|false} WIF or false
_getWIFbyAddress(address) {
return this.getAddress() === address ? this.secret : null;
* Signes text message using address private key and returs signature
* @param message {string}
* @param address {string}
* @returns {string} base64 encoded signature
signMessage(message, address) {
const wif = this._getWIFbyAddress(address);
if (wif === null) throw new Error('Invalid address');
const keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(wif);
const privateKey = keyPair.privateKey;
const options = this.segwitType ? { segwitType: this.segwitType } : undefined;
const signature = bitcoinMessage.sign(message, privateKey, keyPair.compressed, options);
return signature.toString('base64');
* Verifies text message signature by address
* @param message {string}
* @param address {string}
* @param signature {string}
* @returns {boolean} base64 encoded signature
verifyMessage(message, address, signature) {
// null, true so it can verify Electrum signatores without errors
return bitcoinMessage.verify(message, address, signature, null, true);