2024-12-12 23:03:05 -04:00

56 lines
2 KiB

import Foundation
actor HostManager {
var availableHosts: [(host: String, port: UInt16, useSSL: Bool)]
var hostFailureCounts: [String: Int] = [:]
let maxRetriesPerHost: Int
init(hosts: [(host: String, port: UInt16, useSSL: Bool)], maxRetriesPerHost: Int) {
self.availableHosts = hosts
self.maxRetriesPerHost = maxRetriesPerHost
print("Initialized HostManager with \(hosts.count) hosts.")
func getNextHost() -> (host: String, port: UInt16, useSSL: Bool)? {
guard !availableHosts.isEmpty else {
print("No available hosts to retrieve.")
return nil
var attempts = availableHosts.count
while attempts > 0 {
let currentHost = availableHosts.removeFirst()
if !shouldSkipHost( {
print("Selected host: \(\(currentHost.port) (SSL: \(currentHost.useSSL))")
return currentHost
} else {
attempts -= 1
print("Host \( is skipped due to max retries.")
print("All hosts have been exhausted after max retries.")
return nil
func shouldSkipHost(_ host: String) -> Bool {
if let failureCount = hostFailureCounts[host], failureCount >= maxRetriesPerHost {
print("Host \(host) has reached max retries (\(failureCount)). It will be skipped.")
return true
return false
func resetFailureCount(for host: String) {
hostFailureCounts[host] = 0
print("Reset failure count for host \(host).")
func incrementFailureCount(for host: String) {
hostFailureCounts[host, default: 0] += 1
let newCount = hostFailureCounts[host]!
print("Incremented failure count for host \(host). New count: \(newCount)")