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synced 2025-03-17 20:40:49 +01:00
522 lines
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522 lines
15 KiB
import { BitcoinUnit, Chain } from '../../models/bitcoinUnits';
import b58 from 'bs58check';
import createHash from 'create-hash';
import { CreateTransactionResult, CreateTransactionUtxo, Transaction, Utxo } from './types';
type WalletStatics = {
type: string;
typeReadable: string;
segwitType?: 'p2wpkh' | 'p2sh(p2wpkh)';
derivationPath?: string;
type WalletWithPassphrase = AbstractWallet & { getPassphrase: () => string };
type UtxoMetadata = {
frozen?: boolean;
memo?: string;
export class AbstractWallet {
static type = 'abstract';
static typeReadable = 'abstract';
static fromJson(obj: string): AbstractWallet {
const obj2 = JSON.parse(obj);
const temp = new this();
for (const key2 of Object.keys(obj2)) {
// @ts-ignore This kind of magic is not allowed in typescript, we should try and be more specific
temp[key2] = obj2[key2];
return temp;
type: string;
typeReadable: string;
segwitType?: 'p2wpkh' | 'p2sh(p2wpkh)';
_derivationPath?: string;
label: string;
secret: string;
balance: number;
unconfirmed_balance: number;
_address: string | false;
_utxo: Utxo[];
_lastTxFetch: number;
_lastBalanceFetch: number;
preferredBalanceUnit: BitcoinUnit;
chain: Chain;
hideBalance: boolean;
userHasSavedExport: boolean;
_hideTransactionsInWalletsList: boolean;
_utxoMetadata: Record<string, UtxoMetadata>;
use_with_hardware_wallet: boolean;
masterFingerprint: number | false;
constructor() {
const Constructor = this.constructor as unknown as WalletStatics;
this.type = Constructor.type;
this.typeReadable = Constructor.typeReadable;
this.segwitType = Constructor.segwitType;
this.label = '';
this.secret = ''; // private key or recovery phrase
this.balance = 0;
this.unconfirmed_balance = 0;
this._address = false; // cache
this._utxo = [];
this._lastTxFetch = 0;
this._lastBalanceFetch = 0;
this.preferredBalanceUnit = BitcoinUnit.BTC;
this.chain = Chain.ONCHAIN;
this.hideBalance = false;
this.userHasSavedExport = false;
this._hideTransactionsInWalletsList = false;
this._utxoMetadata = {};
this.use_with_hardware_wallet = false;
this.masterFingerprint = false;
* @returns {number} Timestamp (millisecsec) of when last transactions were fetched from the network
getLastTxFetch(): number {
return this._lastTxFetch;
getID(): string {
const thisWithPassphrase = this as unknown as WalletWithPassphrase;
const passphrase = thisWithPassphrase.getPassphrase ? thisWithPassphrase.getPassphrase() : '';
const path = this._derivationPath ?? '';
const string2hash = this.type + this.getSecret() + passphrase + path;
return createHash('sha256').update(string2hash).digest().toString('hex');
getTransactions(): Transaction[] {
throw new Error('not implemented');
getUserHasSavedExport(): boolean {
return this.userHasSavedExport;
setUserHasSavedExport(value: boolean): void {
this.userHasSavedExport = value;
getHideTransactionsInWalletsList(): boolean {
return this._hideTransactionsInWalletsList;
setHideTransactionsInWalletsList(value: boolean): void {
this._hideTransactionsInWalletsList = value;
* @returns {string}
getLabel(): string {
if (this.label.trim().length === 0) {
return 'Wallet';
return this.label;
getXpub(): string | false {
return this._address;
* @returns {number} Available to spend amount, int, in sats
getBalance(): number {
return this.balance + (this.getUnconfirmedBalance() < 0 ? this.getUnconfirmedBalance() : 0);
getPreferredBalanceUnit(): BitcoinUnit {
for (const value of Object.values(BitcoinUnit)) {
if (value === this.preferredBalanceUnit) {
return this.preferredBalanceUnit;
return BitcoinUnit.BTC;
async allowOnchainAddress(): Promise<boolean> {
throw new Error('allowOnchainAddress: Not implemented');
allowBIP47(): boolean {
return false;
switchBIP47(value: boolean): void {
throw new Error('switchBIP47: not implemented');
allowReceive(): boolean {
return true;
allowSend(): boolean {
return true;
allowRBF(): boolean {
return false;
allowHodlHodlTrading(): boolean {
return false;
allowPayJoin(): boolean {
return false;
allowCosignPsbt(): boolean {
return false;
allowSignVerifyMessage(): boolean {
return false;
allowMasterFingerprint(): boolean {
return false;
allowXpub(): boolean {
return false;
weOwnAddress(address: string): boolean {
throw Error('not implemented');
weOwnTransaction(txid: string): boolean {
throw Error('not implemented');
* Returns delta of unconfirmed balance. For example, if theres no
* unconfirmed balance its 0
* @return {number} Satoshis
getUnconfirmedBalance(): number {
return this.unconfirmed_balance;
setLabel(newLabel: string): this {
this.label = newLabel;
return this;
getSecret(): string {
return this.secret;
setSecret(newSecret: string): this {
const origSecret = newSecret;
this.secret = newSecret.trim().replace('bitcoin:', '').replace('BITCOIN:', '');
if (this.secret.startsWith('BC1')) this.secret = this.secret.toLowerCase();
// [fingerprint/derivation]zpub
const re = /\[([^\]]+)\](.*)/;
const m = this.secret.match(re);
if (m && m.length === 3) {
let [hexFingerprint, ...derivationPathArray] = m[1].split('/');
const derivationPath = `m/${derivationPathArray.join('/').replace(/h/g, "'")}`;
if (hexFingerprint.length === 8) {
hexFingerprint = Buffer.from(hexFingerprint, 'hex').reverse().toString('hex');
this.masterFingerprint = parseInt(hexFingerprint, 16);
this._derivationPath = derivationPath;
this.secret = m[2];
if (derivationPath.startsWith("m/84'/0'/") && this.secret.toLowerCase().startsWith('xpub')) {
// need to convert xpub to zpub
this.secret = this._xpubToZpub(this.secret.split('/')[0]);
if (derivationPath.startsWith("m/49'/0'/") && this.secret.toLowerCase().startsWith('xpub')) {
// need to convert xpub to ypub
this.secret = this._xpubToYpub(this.secret);
try {
let parsedSecret;
// regex might've matched invalid data. if so, parse newSecret.
if (this.secret.trim().length > 0) {
try {
parsedSecret = JSON.parse(this.secret);
} catch (e) {
parsedSecret = JSON.parse(newSecret);
} else {
parsedSecret = JSON.parse(newSecret);
if (parsedSecret && parsedSecret.keystore && parsedSecret.keystore.xpub) {
let masterFingerprint: number | false = false;
if (parsedSecret.keystore.ckcc_xfp) {
// It is a ColdCard Hardware Wallet
masterFingerprint = Number(parsedSecret.keystore.ckcc_xfp);
} else if (parsedSecret.keystore.root_fingerprint) {
masterFingerprint = Number(parsedSecret.keystore.root_fingerprint);
if (!masterFingerprint) masterFingerprint = this.getMasterFingerprintFromHex(parsedSecret.keystore.root_fingerprint);
if (parsedSecret.keystore.label) {
if (parsedSecret.keystore.derivation) {
this._derivationPath = parsedSecret.keystore.derivation;
this.secret = parsedSecret.keystore.xpub;
this.masterFingerprint = masterFingerprint;
if (parsedSecret.keystore.type === 'hardware') this.use_with_hardware_wallet = true;
// It is a Cobo Vault Hardware Wallet
if (parsedSecret && parsedSecret.ExtPubKey && parsedSecret.MasterFingerprint && parsedSecret.AccountKeyPath) {
this.secret = parsedSecret.ExtPubKey;
const mfp = Buffer.from(parsedSecret.MasterFingerprint, 'hex').reverse().toString('hex');
this.masterFingerprint = parseInt(mfp, 16);
this._derivationPath = parsedSecret.AccountKeyPath.startsWith('m/')
? parsedSecret.AccountKeyPath
: `m/${parsedSecret.AccountKeyPath}`;
if (parsedSecret.CoboVaultFirmwareVersion) this.use_with_hardware_wallet = true;
return this;
} catch (_) {}
if (!this._derivationPath) {
if (this.secret.startsWith('xpub')) {
this._derivationPath = "m/44'/0'/0'"; // Assume default BIP44 path for legacy wallets
} else if (this.secret.startsWith('ypub')) {
this._derivationPath = "m/49'/0'/0'"; // Assume default BIP49 path for segwit wrapped wallets
} else if (this.secret.startsWith('zpub')) {
this._derivationPath = "m/84'/0'/0'"; // Assume default BIP84 for native segwit wallets
// is it output descriptor?
if (this.secret.startsWith('wpkh(') || this.secret.startsWith('pkh(') || this.secret.startsWith('sh(')) {
const xpubIndex = Math.max(this.secret.indexOf('xpub'), this.secret.indexOf('ypub'), this.secret.indexOf('zpub'));
const fpAndPath = this.secret.substring(this.secret.indexOf('(') + 1, xpubIndex);
const xpub = this.secret.substring(xpubIndex).replace(/\(|\)/, '');
const pathIndex = fpAndPath.indexOf('/');
const path = 'm' + fpAndPath.substring(pathIndex);
const fp = fpAndPath.substring(0, pathIndex);
this._derivationPath = path;
const mfp = Buffer.from(fp, 'hex').reverse().toString('hex');
this.masterFingerprint = parseInt(mfp, 16);
if (this.secret.startsWith('wpkh(')) {
this.secret = this._xpubToZpub(xpub);
} else {
// nop
this.secret = xpub;
// is it new-wasabi.json exported from coldcard?
try {
const json = JSON.parse(origSecret);
if (json.MasterFingerprint && json.ExtPubKey) {
// technically we should allow choosing which format user wants, BIP44 / BIP49 / BIP84, but meh...
this.secret = this._xpubToZpub(json.ExtPubKey);
const mfp = Buffer.from(json.MasterFingerprint, 'hex').reverse().toString('hex');
this.masterFingerprint = parseInt(mfp, 16);
return this;
} catch (_) {}
// is it sparrow-export ?
try {
const json = JSON.parse(origSecret);
if (json.chain && json.chain === 'BTC' && json.xfp && json.bip84) {
// technically we should allow choosing which format user wants, BIP44 / BIP49 / BIP84, but meh...
this.secret = json.bip84._pub;
const mfp = Buffer.from(json.xfp, 'hex').reverse().toString('hex');
this.masterFingerprint = parseInt(mfp, 16);
this._derivationPath = json.bip84.deriv;
return this;
} catch (_) {}
return this;
getLatestTransactionTime(): string | 0 {
return 0;
getLatestTransactionTimeEpoch(): number {
if (this.getTransactions().length === 0) {
return 0;
let max = 0;
for (const tx of this.getTransactions()) {
max = Math.max(new Date(tx.received ?? 0).getTime(), max);
return max;
* @deprecated
* TODO: be more precise on the type
createTx(): any {
throw Error('not implemented');
* @param utxos {Array.<{vout: Number, value: Number, txId: String, address: String}>} List of spendable utxos
* @param targets {Array.<{value: Number, address: String}>} Where coins are going. If theres only 1 target and that target has no value - this will send MAX to that address (respecting fee rate)
* @param feeRate {Number} satoshi per byte
* @param changeAddress {String} Excessive coins will go back to that address
* @param sequence {Number} Used in RBF
* @param skipSigning {boolean} Whether we should skip signing, use returned `psbt` in that case
* @param masterFingerprint {number} Decimal number of wallet's master fingerprint
* @returns {{outputs: Array, tx: Transaction, inputs: Array, fee: Number, psbt: Psbt}}
utxos: CreateTransactionUtxo[],
targets: {
address: string;
value?: number;
feeRate: number,
changeAddress: string,
sequence: number,
skipSigning = false,
masterFingerprint: number,
): CreateTransactionResult {
throw Error('not implemented');
getAddress(): string | false | undefined {
throw Error('not implemented');
getAddressAsync(): Promise<string | false | undefined> {
return new Promise(resolve => resolve(this.getAddress()));
async getChangeAddressAsync(): Promise<string | false | undefined> {
return new Promise(resolve => resolve(this.getAddress()));
useWithHardwareWalletEnabled(): boolean {
return false;
isBIP47Enabled(): boolean {
return false;
async wasEverUsed(): Promise<boolean> {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
* Returns _all_ external addresses in hierarchy (for HD wallets) or just address for single-address wallets
* _Not_ internal ones, as this method is supposed to be used for subscription of external notifications.
* @returns string[] Addresses
getAllExternalAddresses(): string[] {
return [];
* Converts zpub to xpub
* @param {String} zpub
* @returns {String} xpub
_zpubToXpub(zpub: string): string {
let data = b58.decode(zpub);
data = data.slice(4);
data = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('0488b21e', 'hex'), data]);
return b58.encode(data);
* Converts ypub to xpub
* @param {String} ypub - wallet ypub
* @returns {*}
static _ypubToXpub(ypub: string): string {
let data = b58.decode(ypub);
if (data.readUInt32BE() !== 0x049d7cb2) throw new Error('Not a valid ypub extended key!');
data = data.slice(4);
data = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('0488b21e', 'hex'), data]);
return b58.encode(data);
_xpubToZpub(xpub: string): string {
let data = b58.decode(xpub);
data = data.slice(4);
data = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('04b24746', 'hex'), data]);
return b58.encode(data);
_xpubToYpub(xpub: string): string {
let data = b58.decode(xpub);
data = data.slice(4);
data = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from('049d7cb2', 'hex'), data]);
return b58.encode(data);
prepareForSerialization(): void {}
* Get metadata (frozen, memo) for a specific UTXO
* @param {String} txid - transaction id
* @param {number} vout - an index number of the output in transaction
getUTXOMetadata(txid: string, vout: number): UtxoMetadata {
return this._utxoMetadata[`${txid}:${vout}`] || {};
* Set metadata (frozen, memo) for a specific UTXO
* @param {String} txid - transaction id
* @param {number} vout - an index number of the output in transaction
* @param {{memo: String, frozen: Boolean}} opts - options to attach to UTXO
setUTXOMetadata(txid: string, vout: number, opts: UtxoMetadata): void {
const meta = this._utxoMetadata[`${txid}:${vout}`] || {};
if ('memo' in opts) meta.memo = opts.memo;
if ('frozen' in opts) meta.frozen = opts.frozen;
this._utxoMetadata[`${txid}:${vout}`] = meta;
isSegwit() {
return false;
getMasterFingerprintFromHex(hexValue: string): number {
if (hexValue.length < 8) hexValue = '0' + hexValue;
const b = Buffer.from(hexValue, 'hex');
if (b.length !== 4) throw new Error('invalid fingerprint hex');
hexValue = hexValue[6] + hexValue[7] + hexValue[4] + hexValue[5] + hexValue[2] + hexValue[3] + hexValue[0] + hexValue[1];
return parseInt(hexValue, 16);