mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 10:34:36 +01:00
* OPS: randombytes work * OPS: porting to RN android: added prompt, refactoring * OPS: better android prompt * FIX: scan qr callback * FIX: correct fee sat calculation for HD & classic segwit wallets * FIX: Fixed height for button in empty transaction list * FIX: keyboard issue on fee selection modal * FIX: slow QR code generation for HD backup screen * ADD: wallet reorder * FIX: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'recommendedFees.halfHourFee') #133 * FIX: android appstore link * OPS: Code to Migrate Expo json * REF: renamed blitzhub to lndhub * OPS: Migration: move expo files instead of parsing * FIX: lndhub uri usage * FIX: no security alert on android (it was ios specific) * REF: better tx list rendering and sorting * ADD: verify tx on coinb.in * FIX: Tap to dismiss is not working #137 * REF: Removed Wallet gradients duplication. * REF: about screen * FIX: bech32 qr scan in send screen * FIX: better bip21 handling * Use of dayjs for transaction details * REF: QR code content follows BIP21 * ADD: fee in local currency when send * FIX: Refresh wallet info on page focus
129 lines
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129 lines
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