mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 04:13:49 +01:00
375 lines
19 KiB
375 lines
19 KiB
"_": {
"bad_password": "Password errata, riprova",
"cancel": "Annulla",
"continue": "Continua",
"enter_password": "Inserisci password",
"never": "mai",
"of": "{number} su {total}",
"ok": "OK",
"storage_is_encrypted": "Il tuo archivio è criptato. È necessaria una password per decriptarlo",
"yes": "Sì"
"azteco": {
"codeIs": "Your voucher code is",
"errorBeforeRefeem": "Before redeeming you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"errorSomething": "Something went wrong. Is this voucher still valid?",
"redeem": "Redeem to wallet",
"redeemButton": "Redeem",
"success": "Fatto",
"title": "Redeem Azte.co voucher"
"entropy": {
"save": "Salva",
"title": "Entropy",
"undo": "Annulla"
"errors": {
"broadcast": "Broadcast failed",
"error": "Errore",
"network": "Errore di rete"
"hodl": {
"are_you_sure_you_want_to_logout": "Are you sure you want to logout from HodlHodl?",
"cont_address_escrow": "Escrow",
"cont_address_to": "A",
"cont_buying": "buying",
"cont_cancel": "Cancella contratto",
"cont_cancel_q": "Sei sicuro di voler cancellare questo contratto?",
"cont_cancel_y": "Sì, cancella il contratto",
"cont_chat": "Open chat with counterparty",
"cont_how": "Come pagare",
"cont_no": "You don't have any contracts in progress",
"cont_paid": "Mark contract as Paid",
"cont_paid_e": "Do this only if you sent funds to the seller via agreed payment method",
"cont_paid_q": "Are you sure you want to mark this contract as paid?",
"cont_selling": "selling",
"cont_st_completed": "All done!",
"cont_st_in_progress_buyer": "Coins are in escrow, please pay seller",
"cont_st_paid_enought": "Bitcoins are in escrow! Please pay seller\nvia agreed payment method",
"cont_st_paid_waiting": "Waiting for seller to release coins from escrow",
"cont_st_waiting": "Waiting for seller to deposit bitcoins to escrow...",
"cont_title": "I miei contratti",
"filter_any": "Any",
"filter_buying": "Buying",
"filter_country_global": "Global offers",
"filter_country_near": "Vicino a me",
"filter_currency": "Valuta",
"filter_detail": "Dettaglio",
"filter_filters": "Filtri",
"filter_iambuying": "Sto comprando bitcoin",
"filter_iamselling": "Sto vendendo bitcoin",
"filter_method": "Metodo di pagamento",
"filter_search": "Cerca",
"filter_selling": "Selling",
"item_minmax": "Min/Max",
"item_nooffers": "No offers. Try to change \"Near me\" to Global offers!",
"item_rating": "{rating} trades",
"item_rating_no": "Nessuna recensione",
"login": "Login",
"mycont": "I miei contratti",
"offer_accept": "Accept offer",
"offer_account_finish": "Looks like you didn't finish setting up account on HodlHodl, would you like to finish setup now?",
"offer_choosemethod": "Scegli il metodo di pagamento",
"offer_confirmations": "Conferme",
"offer_minmax": "min / max",
"offer_minutes": "min",
"offer_promt_fiat": "How much {currency} do you want to buy?",
"offer_promt_fiat_e": "For example 100",
"offer_window": "window",
"p2p": "A p2p exchange"
"lnd": {
"errorInvoiceExpired": "Invoice expired",
"exchange": "Exchange",
"expired": "Scaduto",
"expiredLow": "expired",
"expiresIn": "Expires: {time}",
"payButton": "Pay",
"placeholder": "Fattura",
"potentialFee": "Commissioni potenziali: {fee}",
"refill": "Ricarica",
"refill_card": "Ricarica con una carta",
"refill_create": "In order to proceed, please create a Bitcoin wallet to refill with.",
"refill_external": "Refill with External Wallet",
"refill_lnd_balance": "Ricarica saldo del portafoglio Lightning",
"sameWalletAsInvoiceError": "Non puoi pagare una fattura con lo stesso portafoglio utilizzato per crearla.",
"title": "Gestisci fondi"
"lndViewInvoice": {
"additional_info": "Additional Information",
"for": "For:",
"has_been_paid": "This invoice has been paid for",
"open_direct_channel": "Open direct channel with this node:",
"please_pay": "Please pay",
"preimage": "Preimage",
"sats": "sats",
"wasnt_paid_and_expired": "This invoice was not paid for and has expired"
"plausibledeniability": {
"create_fake_storage": "Crea archivio falso criptato",
"create_password": "Crea una password",
"create_password_explanation": "La password per l'archivio falso non deve corrispondere a quella dell'archivio principale",
"help": "In alcune circostanze, potresti essere costretto a rivelare la password. Per mantenere i tuoi Bitcoin al sicuro, BlueWallet può creare un altro archivio criptato, con una password diversa. Se costretto, puoi rivelare questa password alle terze parti. Se inserita in BlueWallet, questa sbloccherà un \"falso\" archivio. Esso sembrerà autentico alle terze parti, ma manterrà segretamente il tuo archivio principale con i Bitcoin al sicuro.",
"help2": "Il nuovo archivio sarà completamente funzionante, e puoi conservarci piccole quantità così sembrerà più credibile.",
"password_should_not_match": "La password per l'archivio falso non deve corrispondere a quella dell'archivio principale",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Le password non corrispondono, riprova",
"retype_password": "Reinserisci password",
"success": "Fatto",
"title": "Negazione Plausibile"
"pleasebackup": {
"ask": "Have you saved your wallet's backup phrase? This backup phrase is required to access your funds in case you lose this device. Without the backup phrase, your funds will be permanently lost.",
"ask_no": "No, I have not",
"ask_yes": "Yes, I have",
"ok": "OK, I wrote this down!",
"ok_lnd": "OK, I have saved it.",
"text": "Please take a moment to write down this mnemonic phrase on a piece of paper. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"text_lnd": "Please take a moment to save this LNDHub authentication. It's your backup you can use to restore the wallet on other device.",
"title": "Your wallet is created..."
"receive": {
"details_create": "Crea",
"details_label": "Descrizione",
"details_setAmount": "Ricevi con importo",
"details_share": "Condividi",
"header": "Ricevi"
"send": {
"broadcastButton": "BROADCAST",
"broadcastError": "error",
"broadcastNone": "Input transaction hash",
"broadcastPending": "pending",
"broadcastSuccess": "success",
"confirm_header": "Conferma",
"confirm_sendNow": "Invia ora",
"create_amount": "Importo",
"create_broadcast": "Trasmetti",
"create_copy": "Copy and broadcast later",
"create_details": "Dettagli",
"create_fee": "Commissione",
"create_memo": "Memo",
"create_satoshi_per_byte": "Satoshi per byte",
"create_this_is_hex": "Questo è l'hex della transazione, firmato e pronto per essere trasmesso sulla rete.",
"create_to": "A",
"create_tx_size": "Grandezza TX",
"create_verify": "Verify on coinb.in",
"details_add_rec_add": "Add Recipient",
"details_add_rec_rem": "Remove Recipient",
"details_address": "Indirizzo",
"details_address_field_is_not_valid": "Indirizzo non valido",
"details_adv_fee_bump": "Allow Fee Bump",
"details_adv_full": "Use Full Balance",
"details_adv_full_remove": "Your other recipients will be removed from this transaction.",
"details_adv_full_sure": "Are you sure you want to use your wallet's full balance for this transaction?",
"details_adv_import": "Import Transaction",
"details_amount_field_is_not_valid": "Importo non valido",
"details_create": "Crea",
"details_error_decode": "Error: Unable to decode Bitcoin address",
"details_fee_field_is_not_valid": "Commissione non valida",
"details_next": "Next",
"details_no_maximum": "The selected wallet does not support automatic maximum balance calculation. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_multiple": "The selected wallet does not support sending Bitcoin to multiple recipients. Are you sure to want to select this wallet?",
"details_no_signed_tx": "The selected file does not contain a transaction that can be imported.",
"details_note_placeholder": "Nota",
"details_scan": "Scansiona",
"details_total_exceeds_balance": "L'importo da inviare eccede i fondi disponibili.",
"details_wallet_before_tx": "Before creating a transaction, you must first add a Bitcoin wallet.",
"details_wallet_selection": "Wallet Selection",
"dynamic_init": "Initializing",
"dynamic_next": "Next",
"dynamic_prev": "Previous",
"dynamic_start": "Start",
"dynamic_stop": "Stop",
"fee_10m": "10m",
"fee_1d": "1d",
"fee_3h": "3h",
"fee_custom": "Custom",
"fee_fast": "Fast",
"fee_medium": "Medium",
"fee_replace_min": "The total fee rate (satoshi per byte) you want to pay should be higher than {min} sat/byte",
"fee_satbyte": "in sat/byte",
"fee_slow": "Slow",
"header": "Invia",
"input_clear": "Clear",
"input_done": "Done",
"input_paste": "Paste",
"input_total": "Total:",
"permission_camera_message": "We need your permission to use your camera",
"permission_camera_title": "Permission to use camera",
"open_settings": "Open Settings",
"permission_storage_later": "Ask Me Later",
"permission_storage_message": "BlueWallet needs your permission to access your storage to save this transaction.",
"permission_storage_title": "BlueWallet Storage Access Permission",
"psbt_clipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"psbt_this_is_psbt": "This is a partially signed bitcoin transaction (PSBT). Please finish signing it with your hardware wallet.",
"psbt_tx_export": "Export to file",
"psbt_tx_open": "Open Signed Transaction",
"psbt_tx_scan": "Scan Signed Transaction",
"qr_error_no_qrcode": "The selected image does not contain a QR Code.",
"qr_error_no_wallet": "The selected file does not contain a wallet that can be imported.",
"success_done": "Fatto",
"txSaved": "The transaction file ({filePath}) has been saved in your Downloads folder ."
"settings": {
"about": "Informazioni",
"about_awesome": "Built with the awesome",
"about_backup": "Always backup your keys!",
"about_free": "BlueWallet is a free and open source project. Crafted by Bitcoin users.",
"about_release_notes": "Release notes",
"about_review": "Leave us a review",
"about_selftest": "Run self test",
"about_sm_github": "GitHub",
"about_sm_telegram": "Telegram chat",
"about_sm_twitter": "Follow us on Twitter",
"advanced_options": "Advanced Options",
"currency": "Valuta",
"currency_source": "Prices are obtained from CoinDesk",
"default_desc": "When disabled, BlueWallet will immediately open the selected wallet at launch.",
"default_info": "Default info",
"default_title": "On Launch",
"default_wallets": "View All Wallets",
"electrum_connected": "Connected",
"electrum_connected_not": "Not Connected",
"electrum_error_connect": "Can't connect to provided Electrum server",
"electrum_host": "host, for example {example}",
"electrum_port": "TCP port, usually {example}",
"electrum_port_ssl": "SSL port, usually {example}",
"electrum_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully. Restart may be required for changes to take effect.",
"electrum_settings": "Electrum Settings",
"electrum_settings_explain": "Set to blank to use default",
"electrum_status": "Status",
"encrypt_decrypt": "Decrypt Storage",
"encrypt_decrypt_q": "Are you sure you want to decrypt your storage? This will allow your wallets to be accessed without a password.",
"encrypt_del_uninstall": "Delete if BlueWallet is uninstalled",
"encrypt_enc_and_pass": "Encrypted and Password protected",
"encrypt_title": "Security",
"encrypt_tstorage": "storage",
"encrypt_use": "Use {type}",
"encrypt_use_expl": "{type} will be used to confirm your identity prior to making a transaction, unlocking, exporting or deleting a wallet. {type} will not be used to unlock an encrypted storage.",
"general": "General",
"general_adv_mode": "Enable advanced mode",
"general_adv_mode_e": "When enabled, you will see advanced options such as different wallet types, the ability to specify the LNDHub instance you wish to connect to and custom entropy during wallet creation.",
"general_continuity": "Continuity",
"general_continuity_e": "When enabled, you will be able to view selected wallets, and transactions, using your other Apple iCloud connected devices.",
"groundcontrol_explanation": "GroundControl is a free opensource push notifications server for bitcoin wallets. You can install your own GroundControl server and put its URL here to not rely on BlueWallet's infrastructure. Leave blank to use default",
"header": "Impostazioni",
"language": "Lingua",
"language_restart": "When selecting a new language, restarting BlueWallet may be required for the change to take effect.",
"lightning_error_lndhub_uri": "Not a valid LndHub URI",
"lightning_saved": "Your changes have been saved successfully",
"lightning_settings": "Impostazioni Lightning",
"lightning_settings_explain": "Per connetterti al tuo nodo LND personale installa LndHub e inserisci il suo URL qui nelle impostazioni. Lascialo vuoto per utilizzare il nodo LndHub di default (lndhub.io)",
"network": "Network",
"network_broadcast": "Broadcast transaction",
"network_electrum": "Electrum server",
"not_a_valid_uri": "Not a valid URI",
"notifications": "Notifications",
"password": "Password",
"password_explain": "Crea la password che userai per decriptare l'archivio",
"passwords_do_not_match": "Le password non corrispondono",
"plausible_deniability": "Negazione plausibile...",
"push_notifications": "Push notifications",
"retype_password": "Reinserisci password",
"save": "Salva",
"saved": "Saved"
"transactions": {
"cancel_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one that pays you and has higher fees. This effectively cancels transaction. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"cancel_no": "This transaction is not replaceable",
"cancel_title": "Cancel this transaction (RBF)",
"cpfp_create": "Create",
"cpfp_exp": "We will create another transaction that spends your unconfirmed transaction. The total fee will be higher than the original transaction fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called CPFP - Child Pays For Parent.",
"cpfp_no_bump": "This transaction is not bumpable",
"cpfp_title": "Bump fee (CPFP)",
"details_block": "Block Height",
"details_copy": "Copia",
"details_from": "Da",
"details_inputs": "Inputs",
"details_outputs": "Outputs",
"details_received": "Received",
"details_show_in_block_explorer": "Mostra sul block explorer",
"details_title": "Transazione",
"details_to": "A",
"details_transaction_details": "Dettagli transazione",
"enable_hw": "This wallet is not being used in conjunction with a hardwarde wallet. Would you like to enable hardware wallet use?",
"list_conf": "conf",
"list_title": "Transazioni",
"rbf_explain": "We will replace this transaction with the one with a higher fee, so it should be mined faster. This is called RBF - Replace By Fee.",
"rbf_title": "Bump fee (RBF)",
"status_bump": "Bump Fee",
"status_cancel": "Cancel Transaction",
"transactions_count": "transactions count"
"wallets": {
"add_bitcoin": "Bitcoin",
"add_create": "Crea",
"add_entropy_generated": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy",
"add_entropy_provide": "Provide entropy via dice rolls",
"add_entropy_remain": "{gen} bytes of generated entropy. Remaining {rem} bytes will be obtained from the System random number generator.",
"add_import_wallet": "Importa Portafoglio",
"import_file": "Import File",
"add_lightning": "Lightning",
"add_lndhub": "Connect to your LNDHub",
"add_lndhub_error": "The provided node address is not valid LNDHub node.",
"add_lndhub_placeholder": "your node address",
"add_or": "o",
"add_title": "Aggiungi Portafoglio",
"add_wallet_name": "Nome Portafoglio",
"add_wallet_type": "Tipo",
"details_address": "Indirizzo",
"details_advanced": "Advanced",
"details_are_you_sure": "Sei sicuro?",
"details_connected_to": "Connected to",
"details_del_wb": "Wallet Balance",
"details_del_wb_err": "The provided balance amount does not match this wallet's balance. Please, try again",
"details_del_wb_q": "This wallet has a balance. Before proceeding, please be aware that you will not be able to recover the funds without this wallet's seed phrase. In order to avoid accidental removal this wallet, please enter your wallet's balance of {balance} satoshis.",
"details_delete": "Elimina",
"details_delete_wallet": "Delete wallet",
"details_display": "display in wallets list",
"details_export_backup": "Esporta / Backup",
"details_marketplace": "Marketplace",
"details_master_fingerprint": "Master fingerprint",
"details_no_cancel": "No, annulla",
"details_save": "Salva",
"details_show_xpub": "Mostra XPUB del portafoglio",
"details_title": "Portafoglio",
"details_type": "Tipo",
"details_use_with_hardware_wallet": "Use with hardware wallet",
"details_wallet_updated": "Wallet updated",
"details_yes_delete": "Si, elimina",
"export_title": "Esporta portafoglio",
"import_do_import": "Importa",
"import_error": "Importazione fallita. Assicurati che le informazioni fornite siano valide.",
"import_explanation": "Scrivi qui la tua frase mnemonica, chiave privata, WIF, o qualunque altra cosa tu abbia. BlueWallet tenterà di indovinare il formato corretto e importerà il tuo portafoglio",
"import_imported": "Importato",
"import_scan_qr": "o scansionare un codice QR?",
"import_success": "Fatto",
"import_title": "Importa",
"list_create_a_button": "Aggiungi ora",
"list_create_a_wallet": "Aggiungi un portafoglio",
"list_create_a_wallet1": "È gratuito e puoi crearne",
"list_create_a_wallet2": "quanti ne vuoi",
"list_empty_txs1": "Le tue transazioni appariranno qui,",
"list_empty_txs1_lightning": "Lightning wallet should be used for your daily transactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and speed is blazing fast.",
"list_empty_txs2": "Nessuna transazione",
"list_empty_txs2_lightning": "\nTo start using it tap on \"manage funds\" and topup your balance.",
"list_header": "A wallet represents a pair of keys, one private and one you can share to receive coins.",
"list_import_error": "An error was encountered when attempting to import this wallet.",
"list_import_problem": "There was a problem importing this wallet",
"list_latest_transaction": "Transazioni recenti",
"list_long_choose": "Choose Photo",
"list_long_clipboard": "Copy from Clipboard",
"list_long_scan": "Scan QR Code",
"take_photo": "Take Photo",
"list_tap_here_to_buy": "Clicca qui per comprare Bitcoin",
"list_title": "Portafogli",
"list_tryagain": "Try Again",
"reorder_title": "Riordina Portafogli",
"select_no_bitcoin": "There are currently no Bitcoin wallets available.",
"select_no_bitcoin_exp": "A Bitcoin wallet is required to refill Lightning wallets. Please, create or import one.",
"select_wallet": "Seleziona Portafoglio",
"xpub_copiedToClipboard": "Copiata negli appunti.",
"xpub_title": "XPUB del Portafoglio"