2020-11-13 22:47:02 +00:00

81 lines
2.6 KiB

* ADD: Price Current/Previous Widget
* ADD: Allow image for importing wallet
* FIX: wallets are not refreshing when app boots
* FIX: wallets are not refreshing when they are navigated to
* FIX: Some colors were not using usetheme
* FIX: Track time first seen of unconfirmed transactions
* FIX: missing transactions after restart for single-address wallets
* FIX: locales nl_NL, ru
* FIX: Widget Fiat calculation
* FIX: 'RnSksIsAppInstalled' was being read from the wrong suite
* ADD: Market Widget for iOS 14
* ADD: Large iOS widget
* ADD: Turkish Lira
* FIX: Refill not working on Lightning
* FIX: iOS - lightning:lnurl... links
* FIX: hodlhodl - my contracts - sorted by creation time
* FIX: scanQR now has progress bar when scanning animated QRs
* FIX: Backup screen visibility
* REF: brush up locales sl_SI, cs_CZ
* REF: Wallet types style
* ADD: Privacy Settings Screen
* ADD: Clipboard read opt-out
* ADD: support lnurl fallback scheme
* ADD: import LNDHub from QR
* ADD: Electrum server import from QR
* ADD: Philippines Peso currency
* FIX: copy balance on wallet/transactions screen crash
* FIX: remove padding to prevent text concealment
* REF: show numeric keyboard when ask for numbers in prompt
* FIX: locales de_DE, sl_SI, ru, fi_FI, ja_JP, es, pt_BR
* REF: improve wallet import speed
* ADD: payjoin support
* FIX: rare crash on startup (electrum server malformed response)
* FIX: rare freezes on send screen
* FIX: bitcoin price widget content overlap
* FIX: biometrics listener release for some devices
* FIX: locales pt_BR, pt_PT, ru, sl_SI, ja_JP
* FIX: add margin for RTL languages
* FIX: Missing (NT) before $ sign
* FIX: some transactions displayed with 0 value
* FIX: PSBT with HW wallets flow
* FIX: rare crash on watch-only receive button
* FIX: RBF cancel style
* REF: updated languages sl_SI, de_DE, fi_FI, es_ES
* ADD: Arabic language
* ADD: new choose fee workflow
* FIX: broken LN -> manage funds -> refill
* FIX: camera wont scan QR with airgapped HW wallet flow
* FIX: Refresh from notification
* FIX: transaction not updating on refresh
* FIX: textAlign: right for custom fee in CPFP/RBF form
* FIX: set default fee in CPFP/RBF fee-selection component
* FIX: update recalculate fee on send screen with custom sat/byte fee rate
* FIX: broken sendMAX if units are changed several times
* FIX: validation allows user to create transaction even without valid address & amount
* FIX: Only send wallets to watch app if installed
* FIX: Send Max not working
* FIX: Reorder screen is broken