import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { ActivityIndicator, View, ScrollView } from 'react-native'; import { BlueSpacing20, SafeBlueArea, BlueText } from '../../BlueComponents'; import navigationStyle from '../../components/navigationStyle'; import { HDSegwitBech32Transaction, HDSegwitBech32Wallet } from '../../class'; import CPFP from './CPFP'; import loc from '../../loc'; import { BlueStorageContext } from '../../blue_modules/storage-context'; import alert from '../../components/Alert'; export default class RBFCancel extends CPFP { static contextType = BlueStorageContext; async componentDidMount() { console.log('transactions/RBFCancel - componentDidMount'); this.setState({ isLoading: true, newFeeRate: '', nonReplaceable: false, }); await this.checkPossibilityOfRBFCancel(); } async checkPossibilityOfRBFCancel() { if (this.state.wallet.type !== HDSegwitBech32Wallet.type) { return this.setState({ nonReplaceable: true, isLoading: false }); } const tx = new HDSegwitBech32Transaction(null, this.state.txid, this.state.wallet); if ( (await tx.isOurTransaction()) && (await tx.getRemoteConfirmationsNum()) === 0 && (await tx.isSequenceReplaceable()) && (await tx.canCancelTx()) ) { const info = await tx.getInfo(); console.log({ info }); return this.setState({ nonReplaceable: false, feeRate: info.feeRate + 1, isLoading: false, tx }); // 1 sat makes a lot of difference, since sometimes because of rounding created tx's fee might be insufficient } else { return this.setState({ nonReplaceable: true, isLoading: false }); } } async createTransaction() { const newFeeRate = parseInt(this.state.newFeeRate, 10); if (newFeeRate > this.state.feeRate) { /** @type {HDSegwitBech32Transaction} */ const tx = this.state.tx; this.setState({ isLoading: true }); try { const { tx: newTx } = await tx.createRBFcancelTx(newFeeRate); this.setState({ stage: 2, txhex: newTx.toHex(), newTxid: newTx.getId() }); this.setState({ isLoading: false }); } catch (_) { this.setState({ isLoading: false }); alert(loc.errors.error + ': ' + _.message); } } } onSuccessBroadcast() { // porting metadata, if any this.context.txMetadata[this.state.newTxid] = this.context.txMetadata[this.state.txid] || {}; // porting tx memo if (this.context.txMetadata[this.state.newTxid].memo) { this.context.txMetadata[this.state.newTxid].memo = 'Cancelled: ' + this.context.txMetadata[this.state.newTxid].memo; } else { this.context.txMetadata[this.state.newTxid].memo = 'Cancelled transaction'; } this.context.sleep(4000).then(() => this.context.fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions(this.state.wallet.getID())); this.props.navigation.navigate('Success', { onDonePressed: () => this.props.navigation.popToTop(), amount: undefined }); } render() { if (this.state.isLoading) { return ( ); } if (this.state.stage === 2) { return this.renderStage2(); } if (this.state.nonReplaceable) { return ( {loc.transactions.cancel_no} ); } return ( {this.renderStage1(loc.transactions.cancel_explain)} ); } } RBFCancel.propTypes = { navigation: PropTypes.shape({ popToTop: PropTypes.func, navigate: PropTypes.func, state: PropTypes.shape({ params: PropTypes.shape({ txid: PropTypes.string, wallet: PropTypes.object, }), }), }), }; RBFCancel.navigationOptions = navigationStyle({}, opts => ({ ...opts, title: loc.transactions.cancel_title }));