import bip38 from 'bip38'; import wif from 'wif'; import loc from '../loc'; import { HDAezeedWallet, HDLegacyBreadwalletWallet, HDLegacyElectrumSeedP2PKHWallet, HDLegacyP2PKHWallet, HDSegwitBech32Wallet, HDSegwitElectrumSeedP2WPKHWallet, HDSegwitP2SHWallet, LegacyWallet, LightningCustodianWallet, MultisigHDWallet, SegwitBech32Wallet, SegwitP2SHWallet, SLIP39LegacyP2PKHWallet, SLIP39SegwitBech32Wallet, SLIP39SegwitP2SHWallet, WatchOnlyWallet, } from '.'; import bip39WalletFormats from './bip39_wallet_formats.json'; // import bip39WalletFormatsBlueWallet from './bip39_wallet_formats_bluewallet.json'; import type { TWallet } from './wallets/types'; // export const validateBip32 = (path: string) => path.match(/^(m\/)?(\d+'?\/)*\d+'?$/) !== null; type TReturn = { cancelled: boolean; stopped: boolean; wallets: TWallet[]; }; /** * Function that starts wallet search and import process. It has async generator inside, so * that the process can be stoped at any time. It reporst all the progress through callbacks. * * @param askPassphrase {boolean} If true import process will call onPassword callback for wallet with optional password. * @param searchAccounts {boolean} If true import process will scan for all known derivation path from bip39_wallet_formats.json. If false it will use limited version. * @param onProgress {function} Callback to report scanning progress * @param onWallet {function} Callback to report wallet found * @param onPassword {function} Callback to ask for password if needed * @returns {{promise: Promise, stop: function}} */ const startImport = ( importTextOrig: string, askPassphrase: boolean = false, searchAccounts: boolean = false, onProgress: (name: string) => void, onWallet: (wallet: TWallet) => void, onPassword: (title: string, text: string) => Promise, ): { promise: Promise; stop: () => void } => { // state let promiseResolve: (arg: TReturn) => void; let promiseReject: (reason?: any) => void; let running = true; // if you put it to false, internal generator stops const wallets: TWallet[] = []; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { promiseResolve = resolve; promiseReject = reject; }); // actions const reportProgress = (name: string) => { onProgress(name); }; const reportFinish = (cancelled: boolean = false, stopped: boolean = false) => { promiseResolve({ cancelled, stopped, wallets }); }; const reportWallet = (wallet: TWallet) => { if (wallets.some(w => w.getID() === wallet.getID())) return; // do not add duplicates wallets.push(wallet); onWallet(wallet); }; const stop = () => (running = false); async function* importGenerator() { // The plan: // -3. ask for password, if needed and validate it // -2. check if BIP38 encrypted // -1a. check if multisig // -1. check lightning custodian // 0. check if its HDSegwitBech32Wallet (BIP84) // 1. check if its HDSegwitP2SHWallet (BIP49) // 2. check if its HDLegacyP2PKHWallet (BIP44) // 3. check if its HDLegacyBreadwalletWallet (no BIP, just "m/0") // 3.1 check HD Electrum legacy // 3.2 check if its AEZEED // 3.3 check if its SLIP39 // 4. check if its Segwit WIF (P2SH) // 5. check if its Legacy WIF // 6. check if its address (watch-only wallet) // 7. check if its private key (segwit address P2SH) TODO // 7. check if its private key (legacy address) TODO // 8. check if its a json array from BC-UR with multiple accounts let text = importTextOrig.trim(); let password; // BIP38 password required if (text.startsWith('6P')) { do { password = await onPassword(loc.wallets.looks_like_bip38, loc.wallets.enter_bip38_password); } while (!password); } // HD BIP39 wallet password is optinal const hd = new HDSegwitBech32Wallet(); hd.setSecret(text); if (askPassphrase && hd.validateMnemonic()) { password = await onPassword(loc.wallets.import_passphrase_title, loc.wallets.import_passphrase_message); } // AEZEED password needs to be correct const aezeed = new HDAezeedWallet(); aezeed.setSecret(text); if (await aezeed.mnemonicInvalidPassword()) { do { password = await onPassword('', loc.wallets.enter_bip38_password); aezeed.setPassphrase(password); } while (await aezeed.mnemonicInvalidPassword()); } // SLIP39 wallet password is optinal if (askPassphrase && text.includes('\n')) { const s1 = new SLIP39SegwitP2SHWallet(); s1.setSecret(text); if (s1.validateMnemonic()) { password = await onPassword(loc.wallets.import_passphrase_title, loc.wallets.import_passphrase_message); } } // ELECTRUM segwit wallet password is optinal const electrum1 = new HDSegwitElectrumSeedP2WPKHWallet(); electrum1.setSecret(text); if (askPassphrase && electrum1.validateMnemonic()) { password = await onPassword(loc.wallets.import_passphrase_title, loc.wallets.import_passphrase_message); } // ELECTRUM legacy wallet password is optinal const electrum2 = new HDLegacyElectrumSeedP2PKHWallet(); electrum2.setSecret(text); if (askPassphrase && electrum2.validateMnemonic()) { password = await onPassword(loc.wallets.import_passphrase_title, loc.wallets.import_passphrase_message); } // is it bip38 encrypted if (text.startsWith('6P') && password) { const decryptedKey = await bip38.decryptAsync(text, password); if (decryptedKey) { text = wif.encode(0x80, decryptedKey.privateKey, decryptedKey.compressed); } } // is it multisig? yield { progress: 'multisignature' }; const ms = new MultisigHDWallet(); ms.setSecret(text); if (ms.getN() > 0 && ms.getM() > 0) { await ms.fetchBalance(); yield { wallet: ms }; } // is it lightning custodian? yield { progress: 'lightning custodian' }; if (text.startsWith('blitzhub://') || text.startsWith('lndhub://')) { const lnd = new LightningCustodianWallet(); if (text.includes('@')) { const split = text.split('@'); lnd.setBaseURI(split[1]); lnd.setSecret(split[0]); } await lnd.init(); await lnd.authorize(); await lnd.fetchTransactions(); await lnd.fetchUserInvoices(); await lnd.fetchPendingTransactions(); await lnd.fetchBalance(); yield { wallet: lnd }; } // check bip39 wallets yield { progress: 'bip39' }; const hd2 = new HDSegwitBech32Wallet(); hd2.setSecret(text); if (password) { hd2.setPassphrase(password); } if (hd2.validateMnemonic()) { let walletFound = false; // by default we don't try all the paths and options const searchPaths = searchAccounts ? bip39WalletFormats : bip39WalletFormatsBlueWallet; for (const i of searchPaths) { // we need to skip m/0' p2pkh from default scan list. It could be a BRD wallet and will be handled later if (i.derivation_path === "m/0'" && i.script_type === 'p2pkh') continue; let paths; if (i.iterate_accounts && searchAccounts) { const basicPath = i.derivation_path.slice(0, -2); // remove 0' from the end paths = [...Array(10).keys()].map(j => basicPath + j + "'"); // add account number } else { paths = [i.derivation_path]; } let WalletClass; switch (i.script_type) { case 'p2pkh': WalletClass = HDLegacyP2PKHWallet; break; case 'p2wpkh-p2sh': WalletClass = HDSegwitP2SHWallet; break; default: // p2wpkh WalletClass = HDSegwitBech32Wallet; } for (const path of paths) { const wallet = new WalletClass(); wallet.setSecret(text); if (password) { wallet.setPassphrase(password); } wallet.setDerivationPath(path); yield { progress: `bip39 ${i.script_type} ${path}` }; if (await wallet.wasEverUsed()) { yield { wallet }; walletFound = true; } else { break; // don't check second account if first one is empty } } } // m/0' p2pkh is a special case. It could be regular a HD wallet or a BRD wallet. // to decide which one is it let's compare number of transactions const m0Legacy = new HDLegacyP2PKHWallet(); m0Legacy.setSecret(text); if (password) { m0Legacy.setPassphrase(password); } m0Legacy.setDerivationPath("m/0'"); yield { progress: "bip39 p2pkh m/0'" }; // BRD doesn't support passphrase and only works with 12 words seeds if (!password && text.split(' ').length === 12) { const brd = new HDLegacyBreadwalletWallet(); brd.setSecret(text); if (await m0Legacy.wasEverUsed()) { await m0Legacy.fetchBalance(); await m0Legacy.fetchTransactions(); yield { progress: 'BRD' }; await brd.fetchBalance(); await brd.fetchTransactions(); if (brd.getTransactions().length > m0Legacy.getTransactions().length) { yield { wallet: brd }; } else { yield { wallet: m0Legacy }; } walletFound = true; } } else { if (await m0Legacy.wasEverUsed()) { yield { wallet: m0Legacy }; walletFound = true; } } // if we havent found any wallet for this seed suggest new bech32 wallet if (!walletFound) { yield { wallet: hd2 }; } // return; } yield { progress: 'wif' }; const segwitWallet = new SegwitP2SHWallet(); segwitWallet.setSecret(text); if (segwitWallet.getAddress()) { // ok its a valid WIF let walletFound = false; yield { progress: 'wif p2wpkh' }; const segwitBech32Wallet = new SegwitBech32Wallet(); segwitBech32Wallet.setSecret(text); if (await segwitBech32Wallet.wasEverUsed()) { // yep, its single-address bech32 wallet await segwitBech32Wallet.fetchBalance(); walletFound = true; yield { wallet: segwitBech32Wallet }; } yield { progress: 'wif p2wpkh-p2sh' }; if (await segwitWallet.wasEverUsed()) { // yep, its single-address p2wpkh wallet await segwitWallet.fetchBalance(); walletFound = true; yield { wallet: segwitWallet }; } // default wallet is Legacy yield { progress: 'wif p2pkh' }; const legacyWallet = new LegacyWallet(); legacyWallet.setSecret(text); if (await legacyWallet.wasEverUsed()) { // yep, its single-address legacy wallet await legacyWallet.fetchBalance(); walletFound = true; yield { wallet: legacyWallet }; } // if no wallets was ever used, import all of them if (!walletFound) { yield { wallet: segwitBech32Wallet }; yield { wallet: segwitWallet }; yield { wallet: legacyWallet }; } } // case - WIF is valid, just has uncompressed pubkey yield { progress: 'wif p2pkh' }; const legacyWallet = new LegacyWallet(); legacyWallet.setSecret(text); if (legacyWallet.getAddress()) { await legacyWallet.fetchBalance(); await legacyWallet.fetchTransactions(); yield { wallet: legacyWallet }; } // maybe its a watch-only address? yield { progress: 'watch only' }; const watchOnly = new WatchOnlyWallet(); watchOnly.setSecret(text); if (watchOnly.valid()) { await watchOnly.fetchBalance(); yield { wallet: watchOnly }; } // electrum p2wpkh-p2sh yield { progress: 'electrum p2wpkh-p2sh' }; const el1 = new HDSegwitElectrumSeedP2WPKHWallet(); el1.setSecret(text); if (password) { el1.setPassphrase(password); } if (el1.validateMnemonic()) { yield { wallet: el1 }; // not fetching txs or balances, fuck it, yolo, life is too short } // electrum p2wpkh-p2sh yield { progress: 'electrum p2pkh' }; const el2 = new HDLegacyElectrumSeedP2PKHWallet(); el2.setSecret(text); if (password) { el2.setPassphrase(password); } if (el2.validateMnemonic()) { yield { wallet: el2 }; // not fetching txs or balances, fuck it, yolo, life is too short } // is it AEZEED? yield { progress: 'aezeed' }; const aezeed2 = new HDAezeedWallet(); aezeed2.setSecret(text); if (password) { aezeed2.setPassphrase(password); } if (await aezeed2.validateMnemonicAsync()) { yield { wallet: aezeed2 }; // not fetching txs or balances, fuck it, yolo, life is too short } // Let's try SLIP39 yield { progress: 'SLIP39' }; const s1 = new SLIP39SegwitP2SHWallet(); s1.setSecret(text); if (s1.validateMnemonic()) { yield { progress: 'SLIP39 p2wpkh-p2sh' }; if (password) { s1.setPassphrase(password); } if (await s1.wasEverUsed()) { yield { wallet: s1 }; } yield { progress: 'SLIP39 p2pkh' }; const s2 = new SLIP39LegacyP2PKHWallet(); if (password) { s2.setPassphrase(password); } s2.setSecret(text); if (await s2.wasEverUsed()) { yield { wallet: s2 }; } yield { progress: 'SLIP39 p2wpkh' }; const s3 = new SLIP39SegwitBech32Wallet(); s3.setSecret(text); if (password) { s3.setPassphrase(password); } yield { wallet: s3 }; } // is it BC-UR payload with multiple accounts? yield { progress: 'BC-UR' }; try { const json = JSON.parse(text); if (Array.isArray(json)) { for (const account of json) { if (account.ExtPubKey && account.MasterFingerprint && account.AccountKeyPath) { const wallet = new WatchOnlyWallet(); wallet.setSecret(JSON.stringify(account)); wallet.init(); yield { wallet }; } } } } catch (_) {} } // POEHALI (async () => { const generator = importGenerator(); while (true) { const next = await; if (!running) throw new Error('Discovery stopped'); // break if stop() has been called if (next.value?.progress) reportProgress(next.value.progress); if (next.value?.wallet) reportWallet(next.value.wallet); if (next.done) break; // break if generator has been finished } reportFinish(); })().catch(e => { if (e.message === 'Cancel Pressed') { reportFinish(true); return; } else if (e.message === 'Discovery stopped') { reportFinish(undefined, true); return; } promiseReject(e); }); return { promise, stop }; }; export default startImport;