echo "Removing existing release notes" rm release-notes.txt release-notes.json echo "Applying patch for package.json" sed -i '' '/react-native-tor/d' ./package.json sed -i '' '/rn-ldk/d' ./package.json sed -i '' 's/"patches": "patch -p1 < scripts\/react-native-tor.patch; patch -p1 < scripts\/rn-ldk.patch",/"patches":/g' ./package.json rm -fr node_modules echo "Re-installing node_modules" npm i echo "Applying patch for LDK Podfile" sed -i '' 's/LDKFramework.xcframework/LDKFramework-maccatalyst.xcframework/g' ./node_modules/rn-ldk/rn-ldk.podspec echo "Deleting torrific.js and lightning-ldk-wallet.ts content" cp scripts/maccatalystpatches/torrific.js blue_modules/torrific.js cp scripts/maccatalystpatches/lightning-ldk-wallet.ts class/wallets/lightning-ldk-wallet.ts echo "Updating Podfile" cd ios && pod update && cd .. echo "Remove Settings.bundle from Xcode project as its only meant for iOS" rm -rf /ios/Settings.bundle sed -i '' '/Settings.bundle/d' ios/BlueWallet.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj echo "" echo "NOTE: react-native-tor and rn-dlk are not currently compatible with Mac Catalyst.