import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { ActivityIndicator, View, TextInput } from 'react-native';
import { BlueSpacing20, BlueButton, SafeBlueArea, BlueCard, BlueText, BlueSpacing, BlueNavigationStyle } from '../../BlueComponents';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { SegwitBech32Wallet } from '../../class';
/** @type {AppStorage} */
let BlueApp = require('../../BlueApp');
export default class RBF extends Component {
static navigationOptions = () => ({
...BlueNavigationStyle(null, false),
title: 'RBF',
constructor(props) {
let txid;
if (props.navigation.state.params) txid = props.navigation.state.params.txid;
let sourceWallet;
let sourceTx;
for (let w of BlueApp.getWallets()) {
for (let t of w.getTransactions()) {
if (t.hash === txid) {
// found our source wallet
sourceWallet = w;
sourceTx = t;
let destinationAddress;
for (let o of sourceTx.outputs) {
if (!o.addresses && o.script) {
// probably bech32 output, so we need to decode address
o.addresses = [SegwitBech32Wallet.scriptPubKeyToAddress(o.script)];
if (o.addresses && o.addresses[0] === sourceWallet.getAddress()) {
// change
// nop
} else {
// DESTINATION address
destinationAddress = (o.addresses && o.addresses[0]) || '';
console.log('dest = ', destinationAddress);
if (!destinationAddress || sourceWallet.type === 'legacy') {
// for now I'm too lazy to add RBF support for legacy addresses
this.state = {
isLoading: false,
nonReplaceable: true,
this.state = {
isLoading: true,
newDestinationAddress: destinationAddress,
feeDelta: '',
async componentDidMount() {
let startTime =;
console.log('transactions/RBF - componentDidMount');
isLoading: false,
let endTime =;
console.log('componentDidMount took', (endTime - startTime) / 1000, 'sec');
createTransaction() {
this.props.navigation.navigate('CreateRBF', {
feeDelta: this.state.feeDelta,
newDestinationAddress: this.state.newDestinationAddress,
txid: this.state.txid,
sourceTx: this.state.sourceTx,
sourceWallet: this.state.sourceWallet,
render() {
if (this.state.isLoading) {
return (
if (this.state.nonReplaceable) {
return (
This transaction is not replaceable
this.props.navigation.goBack()} title="Back" />
if (!this.state.sourceWallet.getAddress) {
return (
System error: Source wallet not found (this should never happen)
this.props.navigation.goBack()} title="Back" />
return (
RBF allows you to increase fee on already sent but not confirmed transaction, thus speeding up mining
From wallet '{this.state.sourceWallet.getLabel()}' ({this.state.sourceWallet.getAddress()})
this.setState({ newDestinationAddress: text })}
placeholder={'receiver address here'}
style={{ flex: 1, minHeight: 33, marginHorizontal: 8 }}
this.setState({ feeDelta: text })}
placeholder={'fee to add (in BTC)'}
value={this.state.feeDelta + ''}
style={{ flex: 1, minHeight: 33, marginHorizontal: 8 }}
this.createTransaction()} title="Create" />
RBF.propTypes = {
navigation: PropTypes.shape({
goBack: PropTypes.function,
navigate: PropTypes.func,
state: PropTypes.shape({
params: PropTypes.shape({
txid: PropTypes.string,