import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { View, TouchableOpacity, Text, FlatList, RefreshControl } from 'react-native'; import { BlueText, BlueTransactionOnchainIcon, ManageFundsBigButton, BlueLoading, SafeBlueArea, WalletsCarousel, BlueTransactionIncommingIcon, BlueTransactionOutgoingIcon, BlueTransactionPendingIcon, BlueTransactionOffchainIcon, BlueSendButtonIcon, BlueReceiveButtonIcon, BlueList, BlueListItem, BlueHeaderDefaultMain, } from '../../BlueComponents'; import { Icon } from 'react-native-elements'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { LightningCustodianWallet } from '../../class/lightning-custodian-wallet'; const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js'); let EV = require('../../events'); let A = require('../../analytics'); /** @type {AppStorage} */ let BlueApp = require('../../BlueApp'); let loc = require('../../loc'); export default class WalletsList extends Component { static navigationOptions = ({ navigation }) => ({ headerStyle: { backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF', borderBottomWidth: 0, }, headerRight: ( navigation.navigate('Settings')}> ), }); constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isLoading: true, }; EV(EV.enum.WALLETS_COUNT_CHANGED, this.refreshFunction.bind(this)); } async componentDidMount() { this.refreshFunction(); } // end of componendDidMount /** * Forcefully fetches TXs and balance for lastSnappedTo (i.e. current) wallet */ refreshTransactions() { this.setState( { isTransactionsLoading: true, }, async function() { let that = this; setTimeout(async function() { // more responsive let noErr = true; try { await BlueApp.fetchWalletBalances(that.lastSnappedTo || 0); let start = +new Date(); await BlueApp.fetchWalletTransactions(that.lastSnappedTo || 0); let end = +new Date(); console.log('tx took', (end - start) / 1000, 'sec'); } catch (err) { noErr = false; console.warn(err); } if (noErr) await BlueApp.saveToDisk(); // caching that.refreshFunction(); }, 1); }, ); } /** * Redraws the screen */ refreshFunction() { if (BlueApp.getBalance() !== 0) { A(A.ENUM.GOT_NONZERO_BALANCE); } setTimeout(() => { console.log('refreshFunction()'); let showSend = false; let showReceive = false; let showManageFundsBig = false; let showManageFundsSmallButton = false; let wallets = BlueApp.getWallets(); let wallet = wallets[this.lastSnappedTo || 0]; if (wallet) { showSend = wallet.allowSend(); showReceive = wallet.allowReceive(); } if (wallet && wallet.type === new LightningCustodianWallet().type && !showSend) { showManageFundsBig = true; showManageFundsSmallButton = false; } if (wallet && wallet.type === new LightningCustodianWallet().type && wallet.getBalance() > 0) { showManageFundsSmallButton = true; } this.setState({ isLoading: false, isTransactionsLoading: false, showReceiveButton: showReceive, showSendButton: showSend, showManageFundsBigButton: showManageFundsBig, showManageFundsSmallButton, dataSource: BlueApp.getTransactions(this.lastSnappedTo || 0), }); }, 1); } txMemo(hash) { if (BlueApp.tx_metadata[hash] && BlueApp.tx_metadata[hash]['memo']) { return BlueApp.tx_metadata[hash]['memo']; } return ''; } handleClick(index) { console.log('cick', index); let wallet = BlueApp.wallets[index]; if (wallet) { this.props.navigation.navigate('WalletDetails', { address: wallet.getAddress(), // either one of them will work secret: wallet.getSecret(), }); } else { // if its out of index - this must be last card with incentive to create wallet this.props.navigation.navigate('AddWallet'); } } onSnapToItem(index) { console.log('onSnapToItem', index); this.lastSnappedTo = index; this.setState({ isLoading: false, showReceiveButton: false, showManageFundsBigButton: false, showManageFundsSmallButton: false, showSendButton: false, // TODO: погуглить че это за ебала ds.cloneWithRows, можно ли быстрее сделать прогрузку транзакций на экран dataSource: BlueApp.getTransactions(index), }); if (index < BlueApp.getWallets().length) { // do not show for last card let showSend = false; let showReceive = false; let showManageFundsBig = false; let wallets = BlueApp.getWallets(); let wallet = wallets[this.lastSnappedTo || 0]; if (wallet) { showSend = wallet.allowSend(); showReceive = wallet.allowReceive(); } console.log({ showSend }); let showManageFundsSmallButton = true; if (wallet && wallet.type === new LightningCustodianWallet().type && !showSend) { showManageFundsBig = true; showManageFundsSmallButton = false; } if (wallet && wallet.type === new LightningCustodianWallet().type) { } else { showManageFundsSmallButton = false; } console.log({ showManageFundsBig }); setTimeout( () => this.setState({ showReceiveButton: showReceive, showManageFundsBigButton: showManageFundsBig, showManageFundsSmallButton, showSendButton: showSend, }), 50, ); // just to animate it, no real function } // now, lets try to fetch balance and txs for this wallet in case it has changed this.lazyRefreshWallet(index); } isLightning() { let w = BlueApp.getWallets()[this.lastSnappedTo || 0]; if (w && w.type === new LightningCustodianWallet().type) { return true; } return false; } /** * Decides whether wallet with such index shoud be refreshed, * refreshes if yes and redraws the screen * @param index {Integer} Index of the wallet. * @return {Promise.} */ async lazyRefreshWallet(index) { /** @type {Array.} wallets */ let wallets = BlueApp.getWallets(); if (!wallets[index]) { return; } let oldBalance = wallets[index].getBalance(); let noErr = true; let didRefresh = false; try { if (wallets && wallets[index] && wallets[index].timeToRefreshBalance()) { console.log('snapped to, and now its time to refresh wallet #', index); await wallets[index].fetchBalance(); if (oldBalance !== wallets[index].getBalance() || wallets[index].getUnconfirmedBalance() !== 0) { console.log('balance changed, thus txs too'); // balance changed, thus txs too await wallets[index].fetchTransactions(); this.refreshFunction(); didRefresh = true; } else if (wallets[index].timeToRefreshTransaction()) { console.log(wallets[index].getLabel(), 'thinks its time to refresh TXs'); await wallets[index].fetchTransactions(); if (wallets[index].fetchPendingTransactions) { await wallets[index].fetchPendingTransactions(); } this.refreshFunction(); didRefresh = true; } else { console.log('balance not changed'); } } } catch (Err) { noErr = false; console.warn(Err); } if (noErr && didRefresh) { await BlueApp.saveToDisk(); // caching } } _keyExtractor = (item, index) => index.toString(); render() { const { navigate } = this.props.navigation; if (this.state.isLoading) { return ; } return ( this.props.navigation.navigate('AddWallet')} /> { this.handleClick(index); }} onSnapToItem={index => { this.onSnapToItem(index); }} /> {(() => { if (this.state.showManageFundsSmallButton) { return ( { let walletIndex = this.lastSnappedTo || 0; let c = 0; for (let w of BlueApp.getWallets()) { if (c++ === walletIndex) { console.log('navigating to secret ', w.getSecret()); navigate('ManageFunds', { fromSecret: w.getSecret() }); } } }} > Manage funds ); } })()} {(() => { return ( {loc.transactions.list.title} {(() => { if (BlueApp.getTransactions(this.lastSnappedTo || 0).length === 0) { return ( {(this.isLightning() && 'Lightning wallet should be used for your daily\ntransactions. Fees are unfairly cheap and\nspeed is blazing fast.') || loc.wallets.list.empty_txs1} {(this.isLightning() && '\nTo start using it tap on "manage funds"\nand topup your balance') || loc.wallets.list.empty_txs2} ); } })()} this.refreshTransactions()} refreshing={this.state.isTransactionsLoading} /> } data={this.state.dataSource} extraData={this.state.dataSource} keyExtractor={this._keyExtractor} renderItem={rowData => { return ( { // is it lightning refill tx? if (rowData.item.category === 'receive' && rowData.item.confirmations < 3) { return ( ); } if (rowData.item.type && rowData.item.type === 'bitcoind_tx') { return ( ); } if (rowData.item.type === 'paid_invoice') { // is it lightning offchain payment? return ( ); } if (!rowData.item.confirmations) { return ( ); } else if (rowData.item.value < 0) { return ( ); } else { return ( ); } })()} title={loc.transactionTimeToReadable(rowData.item.received)} subtitle={ (rowData.item.confirmations < 7 ? loc.transactions.list.conf + ': ' + rowData.item.confirmations + ' ' : '') + this.txMemo(rowData.item.hash) + (rowData.item.memo || '') } onPress={() => { if (rowData.item.hash) { navigate('TransactionDetails', { hash: rowData.item.hash, }); } }} badge={{ value: 3, textStyle: { color: 'orange' }, containerStyle: { marginTop: 0 }, }} hideChevron rightTitle={new BigNumber((rowData.item.value && rowData.item.value) || 0).div(100000000).toString()} rightTitleStyle={{ fontWeight: '600', fontSize: 16, color: rowData.item.value / 100000000 < 0 ? BlueApp.settings.foregroundColor : '#37c0a1', }} /> ); }} /> ); })()} {(() => { if (this.state.showReceiveButton) { return ( { let start = +new Date(); let walletIndex = this.lastSnappedTo || 0; console.log('receiving on #', walletIndex); let c = 0; for (let w of BlueApp.getWallets()) { if (c++ === walletIndex) { console.log('found receiving address, secret=', w.getAddress(), ',', w.getSecret()); navigate('ReceiveDetails', { address: w.getAddress(), secret: w.getSecret() }); if (w.getAddress()) { // EV(EV.enum.RECEIVE_ADDRESS_CHANGED, w.getAddress()); } } } let end = +new Date(); console.log('took', (end - start) / 1000, 'sec'); }} /> ); } })()} {(() => { if (this.state.showSendButton) { return ( { let walletIndex = this.lastSnappedTo || 0; let c = 0; for (let w of BlueApp.getWallets()) { if (c++ === walletIndex) { if (w.type === new LightningCustodianWallet().type) { navigate('ScanLndInvoice', { fromSecret: w.getSecret() }); } else { navigate('SendDetails', { fromAddress: w.getAddress(), fromSecret: w.getSecret() }); } } } }} /> ); } })()} {(() => { if (this.state.showManageFundsBigButton) { return ( { let walletIndex = this.lastSnappedTo || 0; let c = 0; for (let w of BlueApp.getWallets()) { if (c++ === walletIndex) { console.log('navigating to secret ', w.getSecret()); navigate('ManageFunds', { fromSecret: w.getSecret() }); } } }} /> ); } })()} ); } } WalletsList.propTypes = { navigation: PropTypes.shape({ navigate: PropTypes.func, }), };