import { RouteProp, useFocusEffect, useRoute } from '@react-navigation/native'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { ActivityIndicator, Alert, Dimensions, findNodeHandle, I18nManager, InteractionManager, LayoutAnimation, PixelRatio, StyleSheet, Text, View, Animated, LayoutChangeEvent, } from 'react-native'; import { Icon } from '@rneui/themed'; import * as BlueElectrum from '../../blue_modules/BlueElectrum'; import { isDesktop } from '../../blue_modules/environment'; import * as fs from '../../blue_modules/fs'; import triggerHapticFeedback, { HapticFeedbackTypes } from '../../blue_modules/hapticFeedback'; import { LightningCustodianWallet, MultisigHDWallet, WatchOnlyWallet } from '../../class'; import presentAlert, { AlertType } from '../../components/Alert'; import { FButton, FContainer } from '../../components/FloatButtons'; import { useTheme } from '../../components/themes'; import { TransactionListItem } from '../../components/TransactionListItem'; import TransactionsNavigationHeader, { actionKeys } from '../../components/TransactionsNavigationHeader'; import { unlockWithBiometrics, useBiometrics } from '../../hooks/useBiometrics'; import { useExtendedNavigation } from '../../hooks/useExtendedNavigation'; import loc, { formatBalance } from '../../loc'; import { Chain } from '../../models/bitcoinUnits'; import ActionSheet from '../ActionSheet'; import { useStorage } from '../../hooks/context/useStorage'; import WatchOnlyWarning from '../../components/WatchOnlyWarning'; import { NativeStackScreenProps } from '@react-navigation/native-stack'; import { DetailViewStackParamList } from '../../navigation/DetailViewStackParamList'; import { Transaction, TWallet } from '../../class/wallets/types'; import getWalletTransactionsOptions from '../../navigation/helpers/getWalletTransactionsOptions'; import selectWallet from '../../helpers/select-wallet'; import assert from 'assert'; import useMenuElements from '../../hooks/useMenuElements'; import { useSettings } from '../../hooks/context/useSettings'; import { getClipboardContent } from '../../blue_modules/clipboard'; import HandOffComponent from '../../components/HandOffComponent'; import { HandOffActivityType } from '../../components/types'; const buttonFontSize = PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(Dimensions.get('window').width / 26) > 22 ? 22 : PixelRatio.roundToNearestPixel(Dimensions.get('window').width / 26); type WalletTransactionsProps = NativeStackScreenProps; type RouteProps = RouteProp; type TransactionListItem = Transaction & { type: 'transaction' | 'header' }; const WalletTransactions: React.FC = ({ route }) => { const { wallets, saveToDisk, setSelectedWalletID } = useStorage(); const { setReloadTransactionsMenuActionFunction } = useMenuElements(); const { isBiometricUseCapableAndEnabled } = useBiometrics(); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const { params, name } = useRoute(); const { walletID } = params; const wallet = useMemo(() => wallets.find(w => w.getID() === walletID), [walletID, wallets]); const [limit, setLimit] = useState(15); const [pageSize] = useState(20); const navigation = useExtendedNavigation(); const { setOptions, navigate } = navigation; const { colors } = useTheme(); const { isElectrumDisabled } = useSettings(); const walletActionButtonsRef = useRef(null); const [lastFetchTimestamp, setLastFetchTimestamp] = useState(() => wallet?._lastTxFetch || 0); const [fetchFailures, setFetchFailures] = useState(0); const MAX_FAILURES = 3; const scrollY = useRef(new Animated.Value(0)).current; const [headerHeight, setHeaderHeight] = useState(0); const headerTranslate = scrollY.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, headerHeight], outputRange: [0, -headerHeight], extrapolate: 'clamp', }); const stylesHook = StyleSheet.create({ listHeaderText: { color: colors.foregroundColor, }, }); useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { setOptions(getWalletTransactionsOptions({ route })); }, [route, setOptions]), ); const onBarCodeRead = useCallback( (ret?: { data?: any }) => { if (!isLoading) { setIsLoading(true); const parameters = { walletID, uri: ret?.data ? : ret, }; if (wallet?.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN) { navigate('SendDetailsRoot', { screen: 'SendDetails', params: parameters }); } else { navigate('ScanLndInvoiceRoot', { screen: 'ScanLndInvoice', params: parameters }); } setIsLoading(false); } }, [isLoading, walletID, wallet?.chain, navigate], ); useEffect(() => { const data = route.params?.onBarScanned; if (data) { onBarCodeRead({ data }); navigation.setParams({ onBarScanned: undefined }); } }, [navigation, onBarCodeRead, route.params]); const sortedTransactions = useMemo(() => { if (!wallet) return []; const txs = wallet.getTransactions(); txs.sort((a: { received: string }, b: { received: string }) => +new Date(b.received) - +new Date(a.received)); return txs; // we use `wallet.getLastTxFetch()` to tell if txs list changed // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [wallet, wallet?.getLastTxFetch()]); const getTransactions = useCallback((lmt = Infinity): Transaction[] => sortedTransactions.slice(0, lmt), [sortedTransactions]); const loadMoreTransactions = useCallback(() => { if (getTransactions(Infinity).length > limit) { setLimit(prev => prev + pageSize); } }, [getTransactions, limit, pageSize]); const refreshTransactions = useCallback( async (isManualRefresh = false) => { console.debug('refreshTransactions, ', wallet?.getLabel()); if (!wallet || isElectrumDisabled || isLoading) return; const MIN_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 5000; // 5 seconds if (!isManualRefresh && lastFetchTimestamp !== 0 && - lastFetchTimestamp < MIN_REFRESH_INTERVAL) { return; // Prevent auto-refreshing if last fetch was too recent } if (fetchFailures >= MAX_FAILURES && !isManualRefresh) { return; // Silently stop auto-retrying, but allow manual refresh } // Only show loading indicator on manual refresh or after first successful fetch if (isManualRefresh || lastFetchTimestamp !== 0) { setIsLoading(true); } let smthChanged = false; try { await BlueElectrum.waitTillConnected(); if (wallet.allowBIP47() && wallet.isBIP47Enabled() && 'fetchBIP47SenderPaymentCodes' in wallet) { await wallet.fetchBIP47SenderPaymentCodes(); } const oldBalance = wallet.getBalance(); await wallet.fetchBalance(); if (oldBalance !== wallet.getBalance()) smthChanged = true; const oldTxLen = wallet.getTransactions().length; await wallet.fetchTransactions(); if ('fetchPendingTransactions' in wallet) { await wallet.fetchPendingTransactions(); } if ('fetchUserInvoices' in wallet) { await wallet.fetchUserInvoices(); } if (oldTxLen !== wallet.getTransactions().length) smthChanged = true; // Success - reset failure counter and update timestamps setFetchFailures(0); const newTimestamp =; setLastFetchTimestamp(newTimestamp); } catch (err) { setFetchFailures(prev => { const newFailures = prev + 1; // Only show error on final attempt for automatic refresh if ((isManualRefresh || newFailures === MAX_FAILURES) && newFailures >= MAX_FAILURES) { presentAlert({ message: (err as Error).message, type: AlertType.Toast }); } return newFailures; }); } finally { if (smthChanged) { await saveToDisk(); setLimit(prev => prev + pageSize); } setIsLoading(false); } }, [wallet, isElectrumDisabled, isLoading, saveToDisk, pageSize, lastFetchTimestamp, fetchFailures], ); useEffect(() => { if (wallet && lastFetchTimestamp === 0 && !isLoading && !isElectrumDisabled) { refreshTransactions(false).catch(console.error); } }, [wallet, isElectrumDisabled, isLoading, refreshTransactions, lastFetchTimestamp]); useEffect(() => { if (wallet) { setSelectedWalletID(walletID); } }, [wallet, setSelectedWalletID, walletID]); const isLightning = useCallback((): boolean => wallet?.chain === Chain.OFFCHAIN || false, [wallet]); const renderListFooterComponent = () => { // if not all txs rendered - display indicator return wallet && wallet.getTransactions().length > limit ? : ; }; const navigateToSendScreen = () => { navigate('SendDetailsRoot', { screen: 'SendDetails', params: { walletID, }, }); }; const onWalletSelect = useCallback( async (selectedWallet: TWallet) => { assert(wallet?.type === LightningCustodianWallet.type, `internal error, wallet is not ${LightningCustodianWallet.type}`); navigate('WalletTransactions', { walletType: wallet?.type, walletID, key: `WalletTransactions-${walletID}`, }); // navigating back to ln wallet screen // getting refill address, either cached or from the server: let toAddress; if (wallet?.refill_addressess.length > 0) { toAddress = wallet.refill_addressess[0]; } else { try { await wallet?.fetchBtcAddress(); toAddress = wallet?.refill_addressess[0]; } catch (Err) { return presentAlert({ message: (Err as Error).message, type: AlertType.Toast }); } } // navigating to pay screen where user can pay to refill address: navigate('SendDetailsRoot', { screen: 'SendDetails', params: { transactionMemo: loc.lnd.refill_lnd_balance, address: toAddress, walletID: selectedWallet.getID(), }, }); }, [navigate, wallet, walletID], ); const navigateToViewEditCosigners = useCallback(() => { navigate('ViewEditMultisigCosigners', { walletID, }); }, [navigate, walletID]); const onManageFundsPressed = useCallback( (id?: string) => { if (id === actionKeys.Refill) { const availableWallets = wallets.filter(item => item.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN && item.allowSend()); if (availableWallets.length === 0) { presentAlert({ message: loc.lnd.refill_create }); } else { selectWallet(navigate, name, Chain.ONCHAIN).then(onWalletSelect); } } else if (id === actionKeys.RefillWithExternalWallet) { navigate('ReceiveDetailsRoot', { screen: 'ReceiveDetails', params: { walletID, }, }); } else if (wallet?.type === MultisigHDWallet.type) { navigateToViewEditCosigners(); } }, [name, navigate, navigateToViewEditCosigners, onWalletSelect, wallet?.type, walletID, wallets], ); const getItemLayout = (_: any, index: number) => ({ length: 64, offset: 64 * index, index, }); const renderItem = useCallback( ({ item }: { item: Transaction }) => { return ; }, [wallet, walletID], ); const choosePhoto = () => { fs.showImagePickerAndReadImage() .then(data => { if (data) { onBarCodeRead({ data }); } }) .catch(error => { console.log(error); triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); presentAlert({ title: loc.errors.error, message: error.message }); }); }; const _keyExtractor = (_item: any, index: number) => index.toString(); const pasteFromClipboard = async () => { onBarCodeRead({ data: await getClipboardContent() }); }; const sendButtonPress = () => { if (wallet?.chain === Chain.OFFCHAIN) { return navigate('ScanLndInvoiceRoot', { screen: 'ScanLndInvoice', params: { walletID } }); } if (wallet?.type === WatchOnlyWallet.type && wallet.isHd() && !wallet.useWithHardwareWalletEnabled()) { return Alert.alert( loc.wallets.details_title, loc.transactions.enable_offline_signing, [ { text: loc._.ok, onPress: async () => { wallet.setUseWithHardwareWalletEnabled(true); await saveToDisk(); navigateToSendScreen(); }, style: 'default', }, { text: loc._.cancel, onPress: () => {}, style: 'cancel' }, ], { cancelable: false }, ); } navigateToSendScreen(); }; const sendButtonLongPress = async () => { const isClipboardEmpty = (await getClipboardContent())?.trim().length === 0; const options = [loc._.cancel, loc.wallets.list_long_choose, loc.wallets.list_long_scan]; const cancelButtonIndex = 0; if (!isClipboardEmpty) { options.push(loc.wallets.paste_from_clipboard); } ActionSheet.showActionSheetWithOptions( { title: loc.send.header, options, cancelButtonIndex, anchor: findNodeHandle(walletActionButtonsRef.current) ?? undefined, }, async buttonIndex => { switch (buttonIndex) { case 0: break; case 1: { choosePhoto(); break; } case 2: { navigate('ScanQRCode', { showImportFileButton: true, }); break; } case 3: if (!isClipboardEmpty) { pasteFromClipboard(); } break; } }, ); }; useFocusEffect( useCallback(() => { const task = InteractionManager.runAfterInteractions(() => { setReloadTransactionsMenuActionFunction(() => refreshTransactions); }); return () => { task.cancel(); setReloadTransactionsMenuActionFunction(() => {}); }; // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []), ); const [balance, setBalance] = useState(wallet ? wallet.getBalance() : 0); useEffect(() => { if (!wallet) return; const interval = setInterval(() => setBalance(wallet.getBalance()), 1000); return () => clearInterval(interval); }, [wallet]); const walletBalance = useMemo(() => { if (!wallet) return ''; if (wallet.hideBalance) return ''; if (isNaN(balance) || balance === 0) return ''; return formatBalance(balance, wallet.preferredBalanceUnit, true); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [wallet, wallet?.hideBalance, wallet?.preferredBalanceUnit, balance]); const handleScroll = useCallback( (event: any) => { const offsetY = event.nativeEvent.contentOffset.y; // Use the measured header height to determine when to show/hide the header title const threshold = headerHeight * 0.75; if (offsetY < threshold) { setOptions({ ...getWalletTransactionsOptions({ route }), headerTitle: undefined }); } else { navigation.setOptions({ headerTitle: wallet ? `${wallet.getLabel()} ${walletBalance}` : '', }); } }, [navigation, wallet, walletBalance, setOptions, route, headerHeight], ); // Extracted named callbacks const handleWalletUnitChange = useCallback( async (selectedUnit: any) => { if (wallet) { wallet.preferredBalanceUnit = selectedUnit; await saveToDisk(); } }, [wallet, saveToDisk], ); const handleWalletBalanceVisibilityChange = useCallback( async (isShouldBeVisible: boolean) => { if (wallet) { const isBiometricsEnabled = await isBiometricUseCapableAndEnabled(); if (wallet.hideBalance && isBiometricsEnabled) { const unlocked = await unlockWithBiometrics(); if (!unlocked) throw new Error('Biometrics failed'); } wallet.hideBalance = isShouldBeVisible; await saveToDisk(); } }, [wallet, saveToDisk, isBiometricUseCapableAndEnabled], ); const handleHeaderLayout = useCallback((event: LayoutChangeEvent) => { const { height } = event.nativeEvent.layout; setHeaderHeight(height); }, []); const refreshProps = !isDesktop && !isElectrumDisabled ? { onRefresh: refreshTransactions, progressViewOffset: headerHeight, refreshing: isLoading } : {}; const renderHeader = useCallback(() => { return ( {loc.transactions.list_title} {wallet?.type === WatchOnlyWallet.type && wallet.isWatchOnlyWarningVisible && ( { wallet.isWatchOnlyWarningVisible = false; LayoutAnimation.configureNext(LayoutAnimation.Presets.linear); saveToDisk(); }} /> )} ); }, [colors.background, stylesHook.listHeaderText, wallet, saveToDisk]); return ( {wallet ? ( ) : null} getItemLayout={getItemLayout} updateCellsBatchingPeriod={30} onEndReachedThreshold={0.3} ListHeaderComponent={renderHeader} onEndReached={loadMoreTransactions} ListFooterComponent={renderListFooterComponent} data={getTransactions(limit)} extraData={wallet} keyExtractor={_keyExtractor} renderItem={renderItem} initialNumToRender={10} testID="TransactionsListView" contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior="automatic" automaticallyAdjustContentInsets automaticallyAdjustsScrollIndicatorInsets contentContainerStyle={{ backgroundColor: colors.background, paddingTop: headerHeight }} maxToRenderPerBatch={15} onScroll={Animated.event([{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { y: scrollY } } }], { useNativeDriver: true, listener: handleScroll })} scrollEventThrottle={16} ListEmptyComponent={ {(isLightning() && loc.wallets.list_empty_txs1_lightning) || loc.wallets.list_empty_txs1} {isLightning() && {loc.wallets.list_empty_txs2_lightning}} } {...refreshProps} /> {wallet?.allowReceive() && ( { if (wallet.chain === Chain.OFFCHAIN) { navigate('LNDCreateInvoiceRoot', { screen: 'LNDCreateInvoice', params: { walletID } }); } else { navigate('ReceiveDetailsRoot', { screen: 'ReceiveDetails', params: { walletID } }); } }} icon={ } /> )} {(wallet?.allowSend() || (wallet?.type === WatchOnlyWallet.type && wallet.isHd())) && ( } /> )} {wallet?.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN && wallet.type !== MultisigHDWallet.type && wallet.getXpub && wallet.getXpub() ? ( ) : null} ); }; export default WalletTransactions; const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1 }, flex: { flex: 1 }, activityIndicator: { marginVertical: 20 }, listHeaderTextRow: { padding: 16, flexDirection: 'row' }, listHeaderText: { fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: 24 }, emptyTxs: { fontSize: 18, color: '#9aa0aa', textAlign: 'center', marginVertical: 16 }, emptyTxsLightning: { fontSize: 18, color: '#9aa0aa', textAlign: 'center', fontWeight: '600' }, sendIcon: { transform: [{ rotate: I18nManager.isRTL ? '-225deg' : '225deg' }] }, receiveIcon: { transform: [{ rotate: I18nManager.isRTL ? '45deg' : '-45deg' }] }, stickyHeader: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, zIndex: 1, }, });