import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Constants } from 'expo'; import { ScrollView, Linking, Dimensions, Platform } from 'react-native'; import { BlueTextCentered, BlueLoading, BlueSpacing20, BlueButton, SafeBlueArea, BlueCard, BlueText, BlueNavigationStyle, } from '../../BlueComponents'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; /** @type {AppStorage} */ let BlueApp = require('../../BlueApp'); const { width, height } = Dimensions.get('window'); const loc = require('../../loc/'); const pkg = require('../../package.json'); const appjson = require('../../app.json'); export default class About extends Component { static navigationOptions = () => ({ ...BlueNavigationStyle(), title: loc.settings.about, }); constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { isLoading: true, }; } async componentDidMount() { this.setState({ isLoading: false, }); } platformSpecificInformation() { if (Platform.OS === 'android') { return ( Version code: {} ); } else if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { return ( {Constants.platform.ios.model} ({Constants.platform.ios.platform}) ); } } render() { if (this.state.isLoading) { return ; } return ( BlueWallet is a free and open source Bitcoin wallet. Licensed MIT. { Linking.openURL(''); }} title="" /> { Linking.openURL(''); }} title="Follow us on Twitter" /> { Linking.openURL(''); }} title="Leave us a review on Appstore" /> Built with awesome: * React Native * Bitcoinjs-lib * API * Nodejs * Expo * react-native-elements * rn-nodeify * bignumber.js * { this.props.navigation.navigate('Selftest'); }} title="Run self test" /> w, h = {width}, {height} {this.platformSpecificInformation()} {} v{pkg.version} (build {appjson.expo.ios.buildNumber}) ); } } About.propTypes = { navigation: PropTypes.shape({ navigate: PropTypes.func, goBack: PropTypes.func, }), };