import { BitcoinUnit, Chain } from '../../models/bitcoinUnits'; const createHash = require('create-hash'); export class AbstractWallet { static type = 'abstract'; static typeReadable = 'abstract'; static fromJson(obj) { const obj2 = JSON.parse(obj); const temp = new this(); for (const key2 of Object.keys(obj2)) { temp[key2] = obj2[key2]; } return temp; } constructor() { this.type = this.constructor.type; this.typeReadable = this.constructor.typeReadable; this.label = ''; this.secret = ''; // private key or recovery phrase this.balance = 0; this.unconfirmed_balance = 0; this.transactions = []; this._address = false; // cache this.utxo = []; this._lastTxFetch = 0; this._lastBalanceFetch = 0; this.preferredBalanceUnit = BitcoinUnit.BTC; this.chain = Chain.ONCHAIN; this.hideBalance = false; this.userHasSavedExport = false; this._hideTransactionsInWalletsList = false; } getID() { return createHash('sha256').update(this.getSecret()).digest().toString('hex'); } getTransactions() { return this.transactions; } getUserHasSavedExport() { return this.userHasSavedExport; } setUserHasSavedExport(value) { this.userHasSavedExport = value; } getHideTransactionsInWalletsList() { return this._hideTransactionsInWalletsList; } setHideTransactionsInWalletsList(value) { this._hideTransactionsInWalletsList = value; } /** * * @returns {string} */ getLabel() { if (this.label.trim().length === 0) { return 'Wallet'; } return this.label; } getXpub() { return this._address; } /** * * @returns {number} Available to spend amount, int, in sats */ getBalance() { return this.balance + (this.getUnconfirmedBalance() < 0 ? this.getUnconfirmedBalance() : 0); } getPreferredBalanceUnit() { for (const value of Object.values(BitcoinUnit)) { if (value === this.preferredBalanceUnit) { return this.preferredBalanceUnit; } } return BitcoinUnit.BTC; } allowReceive() { return true; } allowSend() { return true; } allowSendMax(): boolean { return false; } allowRBF() { return false; } allowBatchSend() { return false; } allowHodlHodlTrading() { return false; } weOwnAddress(address) { throw Error('not implemented'); } /** * Returns delta of unconfirmed balance. For example, if theres no * unconfirmed balance its 0 * * @return {number} Satoshis */ getUnconfirmedBalance() { return this.unconfirmed_balance; } setLabel(newLabel) { this.label = newLabel; return this; } getSecret() { return this.secret; } setSecret(newSecret) { this.secret = newSecret.trim().replace('bitcoin:', '').replace('BITCOIN:', ''); if (this.secret.startsWith('BC1')) this.secret = this.secret.toLowerCase(); try { const parsedSecret = JSON.parse(this.secret); if (parsedSecret && parsedSecret.keystore && parsedSecret.keystore.xpub) { let masterFingerprint = false; if (parsedSecret.keystore.ckcc_xfp) { // It is a ColdCard Hardware Wallet masterFingerprint = Number(parsedSecret.keystore.ckcc_xfp); } this.secret = parsedSecret.keystore.xpub; this.masterFingerprint = masterFingerprint; } } catch (_) {} return this; } getLatestTransactionTime() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated */ createTx() { throw Error('not implemented'); } /** * * @param utxos {Array.<{vout: Number, value: Number, txId: String, address: String}>} List of spendable utxos * @param targets {Array.<{value: Number, address: String}>} Where coins are going. If theres only 1 target and that target has no value - this will send MAX to that address (respecting fee rate) * @param feeRate {Number} satoshi per byte * @param changeAddress {String} Excessive coins will go back to that address * @param sequence {Number} Used in RBF * @param skipSigning {boolean} Whether we should skip signing, use returned `psbt` in that case * @param masterFingerprint {number} Decimal number of wallet's master fingerprint * @returns {{outputs: Array, tx: Transaction, inputs: Array, fee: Number, psbt: Psbt}} */ createTransaction(utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress, sequence, skipSigning = false, masterFingerprint) { throw Error('not implemented'); } getAddress() { throw Error('not implemented'); } getAddressAsync() { return new Promise(resolve => resolve(this.getAddress())); } useWithHardwareWalletEnabled() { return false; } async wasEverUsed() { throw new Error('Not implemented'); } }