import bolt11 from 'bolt11'; import { BitcoinUnit, Chain } from '../../models/bitcoinUnits'; import { LegacyWallet } from './legacy-wallet'; export class LightningCustodianWallet extends LegacyWallet { static readonly type = 'lightningCustodianWallet'; static readonly typeReadable = 'Lightning'; static readonly subtitleReadable = 'LNDhub'; // @ts-ignore: override public readonly type = LightningCustodianWallet.type; // @ts-ignore: override public readonly typeReadable = LightningCustodianWallet.typeReadable; baseURI?: string; refresh_token: string = ''; access_token: string = ''; _refresh_token_created_ts: number = 0; _access_token_created_ts: number = 0; refill_addressess: string[] = []; pending_transactions_raw: any[] = []; transactions_raw: any[] = []; user_invoices_raw: any[] = []; info_raw = false; preferredBalanceUnit = BitcoinUnit.SATS; chain = Chain.OFFCHAIN; last_paid_invoice_result?: any; decoded_invoice_raw?: any; constructor() { super(); this.init(); } /** * requires calling init() after setting * * @param URI */ setBaseURI(URI: string | undefined) { this.baseURI = URI?.endsWith('/') ? URI.slice(0, -1) : URI; } getBaseURI() { return this.baseURI; } allowSend() { return true; } getAddress(): string | false { if (this.refill_addressess.length > 0) { return this.refill_addressess[0]; } else { return false; } } getSecret() { return this.secret + '@' + this.baseURI; } timeToRefreshBalance() { return (+new Date() - this._lastBalanceFetch) / 1000 > 300; // 5 min } timeToRefreshTransaction() { return (+new Date() - this._lastTxFetch) / 1000 > 300; // 5 min } static fromJson(param: any) { const obj = super.fromJson(param); // @ts-ignore: local init obj.init(); return obj; } async init() { // un-cache refill onchain addresses on cold start. should help for cases when certain lndhub // is turned off permanently, so users cant pull refill address from cache and send money to a black hole this.refill_addressess = []; } accessTokenExpired() { return (+new Date() - this._access_token_created_ts) / 1000 >= 3600 * 2; // 2h } refreshTokenExpired() { return (+new Date() - this._refresh_token_created_ts) / 1000 >= 3600 * 24 * 7; // 7d } generate(): Promise { // nop return Promise.resolve(); } async createAccount(isTest: boolean = false) { const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/create', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ partnerid: 'bluewallet', accounttype: (isTest && 'test') || 'common' }), headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + (json.message ? json.message : json.error) + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } if (!json.login || !json.password) { throw new Error('API unexpected response: ' + JSON.stringify(json)); } this.secret = 'lndhub://' + json.login + ':' + json.password; } async payInvoice(invoice: string, freeAmount: number = 0) { const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/payinvoice', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ invoice, amount: freeAmount }), headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer' + ' ' + this.access_token, }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } this.last_paid_invoice_result = json; } /** * Returns list of LND invoices created by user * * @return {Promise.} */ async getUserInvoices(limit: number | false = false) { let limitString = ''; if (limit) limitString = '?limit=' + parseInt(limit as unknown as string, 10); const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/getuserinvoices' + limitString, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer' + ' ' + this.access_token, }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } if (limit) { // need to merge existing invoices with the ones that arrived // but the ones received later should overwrite older ones for (const oldInvoice of this.user_invoices_raw) { // iterate all OLD invoices let found = false; for (const newInvoice of json) { // iterate all NEW invoices if (newInvoice.payment_request === oldInvoice.payment_request) found = true; } if (!found) { // if old invoice is not found in NEW array, we simply add it: json.push(oldInvoice); } } } this.user_invoices_raw = json.sort(function (a: { timestamp: number }, b: { timestamp: number }) { return a.timestamp - b.timestamp; }); return this.user_invoices_raw; } /** * Basically the same as this.getUserInvoices() but saves invoices list * to internal variable * * @returns {Promise} */ async fetchUserInvoices() { await this.getUserInvoices(); } isInvoiceGeneratedByWallet(paymentRequest: string) { return this.user_invoices_raw.some(invoice => invoice.payment_request === paymentRequest); } weOwnAddress(address: string) { return this.refill_addressess.some(refillAddress => address === refillAddress); } async addInvoice(amt: number, memo: string) { const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/addinvoice', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ amt: amt + '', memo }), headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer' + ' ' + this.access_token, }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } if (!json.r_hash || !json.pay_req) { throw new Error('API unexpected response: ' + JSON.stringify(json)); } return json.pay_req; } /** * Uses login & pass stored in `this.secret` to authorize * and set internal `access_token` & `refresh_token` * * @return {Promise.} */ async authorize() { let login, password; if (this.secret.indexOf('blitzhub://') !== -1) { login = this.secret.replace('blitzhub://', '').split(':')[0]; password = this.secret.replace('blitzhub://', '').split(':')[1]; } else { login = this.secret.replace('lndhub://', '').split(':')[0]; password = this.secret.replace('lndhub://', '').split(':')[1]; } const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/auth?type=auth', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ login, password }), headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } if (!json.access_token || !json.refresh_token) { throw new Error('API unexpected response: ' + JSON.stringify(json)); } this.refresh_token = json.refresh_token; this.access_token = json.access_token; this._refresh_token_created_ts = +new Date(); this._access_token_created_ts = +new Date(); } async checkLogin() { if (this.accessTokenExpired() && this.refreshTokenExpired()) { // all tokens expired, only option is to login with login and password return this.authorize(); } if (this.accessTokenExpired()) { // only access token expired, so only refreshing it let refreshedOk = true; try { await this.refreshAcessToken(); } catch (Err) { refreshedOk = false; } if (!refreshedOk) { // something went wrong, lets try to login regularly return this.authorize(); } } } async refreshAcessToken() { const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/auth?type=refresh_token', { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ refresh_token: this.refresh_token }), headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } if (!json.access_token || !json.refresh_token) { throw new Error('API unexpected response: ' + JSON.stringify(json)); } this.refresh_token = json.refresh_token; this.access_token = json.access_token; this._refresh_token_created_ts = +new Date(); this._access_token_created_ts = +new Date(); } async fetchBtcAddress() { const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/getbtc', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer' + ' ' + this.access_token, }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } this.refill_addressess = []; for (const arr of json) { this.refill_addressess.push(arr.address); } } async getAddressAsync() { await this.fetchBtcAddress(); return this.getAddress(); } async allowOnchainAddress() { if (this.getAddress() !== undefined && this.getAddress() !== null) { return true; } else { await this.fetchBtcAddress(); return this.getAddress() !== undefined && this.getAddress() !== null; } } getTransactions() { let txs: any = []; txs = txs.concat(this.pending_transactions_raw.slice(), this.transactions_raw.slice().reverse(), this.user_invoices_raw.slice()); // slice so array is cloned for (const tx of txs) { tx.walletID = this.getID(); if (tx.amount) { // pending tx tx.amt = tx.amount * -100000000; tx.fee = 0; tx.timestamp = tx.time; tx.memo = 'On-chain transaction'; } if (typeof tx.amt !== 'undefined' && typeof tx.fee !== 'undefined') { // lnd tx outgoing tx.value = (tx.amt * 1 + tx.fee * 1) * -1; } if (tx.type === 'paid_invoice') { tx.memo = tx.memo || 'Lightning payment'; if (tx.value > 0) tx.value = tx.value * -1; // value already includes fee in it (see lndhub) // outer code expects spending transactions to of negative value } if (tx.type === 'bitcoind_tx') { tx.memo = 'On-chain transaction'; } if (tx.type === 'user_invoice') { // incoming ln tx tx.value = parseInt(tx.amt, 10); tx.memo = tx.description || 'Lightning invoice'; } tx.received = new Date(tx.timestamp * 1000).toString(); } return txs.sort(function (a: { timestamp: number }, b: { timestamp: number }) { return b.timestamp - a.timestamp; }); } async fetchPendingTransactions() { const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/getpending', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer' + ' ' + this.access_token, }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } this.pending_transactions_raw = json; } async fetchTransactions() { // TODO: iterate over all available pages const limit = 10; let queryRes = ''; const offset = 0; queryRes += '?limit=' + limit; queryRes += '&offset=' + offset; const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/gettxs' + queryRes, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer' + ' ' + this.access_token, }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } if (!Array.isArray(json)) { throw new Error('API unexpected response: ' + JSON.stringify(json)); } this._lastTxFetch = +new Date(); this.transactions_raw = json; } getBalance() { return this.balance; } async fetchBalance(noRetry?: boolean): Promise { await this.checkLogin(); const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/balance', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer' + ' ' + this.access_token, }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { if (json.code * 1 === 1 && !noRetry) { await this.authorize(); return this.fetchBalance(true); } throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } if (!json.BTC || typeof json.BTC.AvailableBalance === 'undefined') { throw new Error('API unexpected response: ' + JSON.stringify(json)); } this.balance = json.BTC.AvailableBalance; this._lastBalanceFetch = +new Date(); } /** * Example return: * { destination: '03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f', * payment_hash: 'faf996300a468b668c58ca0702a12096475a0dd2c3dde8e812f954463966bcf4', * num_satoshis: '100', * timestamp: '1535116657', * expiry: '3600', * description: 'hundredSatoshis blitzhub', * description_hash: '', * fallback_addr: '', * cltv_expiry: '10', * route_hints: [] } * * @param invoice BOLT invoice string * @return {payment_hash: string} */ decodeInvoice(invoice: string) { const { payeeNodeKey, tags, satoshis, millisatoshis, timestamp } = bolt11.decode(invoice); const decoded: any = { destination: payeeNodeKey, num_satoshis: satoshis ? satoshis.toString() : '0', num_millisatoshis: millisatoshis ? millisatoshis.toString() : '0', timestamp: timestamp?.toString() ?? '0', fallback_addr: '', route_hints: [], }; for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { const { tagName, data } = tags[i]; switch (tagName) { case 'payment_hash': decoded.payment_hash = data; break; case 'purpose_commit_hash': decoded.description_hash = data; break; case 'min_final_cltv_expiry': decoded.cltv_expiry = data.toString(); break; case 'expire_time': decoded.expiry = data.toString(); break; case 'description': decoded.description = data; break; } } if (!decoded.expiry) decoded.expiry = '3600'; // default if (parseInt(decoded.num_satoshis, 10) === 0 && decoded.num_millisatoshis > 0) { decoded.num_satoshis = (decoded.num_millisatoshis / 1000).toString(); } return (this.decoded_invoice_raw = decoded); } async fetchInfo() { const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/getinfo', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer' + ' ' + this.access_token, }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } if (!json.identity_pubkey) { throw new Error('API unexpected response: ' + JSON.stringify(json)); } } static async isValidNodeAddress(address: string) { const response = await fetch((address?.endsWith('/') ? address.slice(0, -1) : address) + '/getinfo', { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.code && json.code !== 1) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } return true; } allowReceive() { return true; } allowSignVerifyMessage() { return false; } /** * Example return: * { destination: '03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f', * payment_hash: 'faf996300a468b668c58ca0702a12096475a0dd2c3dde8e812f954463966bcf4', * num_satoshis: '100', * timestamp: '1535116657', * expiry: '3600', * description: 'hundredSatoshis blitzhub', * description_hash: '', * fallback_addr: '', * cltv_expiry: '10', * route_hints: [] } * * @param invoice BOLT invoice string * @return {Promise.} */ async decodeInvoiceRemote(invoice: string) { await this.checkLogin(); const response = await fetch(this.baseURI + '/decodeinvoice?invoice=' + invoice, { method: 'GET', headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'Bearer' + ' ' + this.access_token, }, }); const json = await response.json(); if (!json) { throw new Error('API failure: ' + response.statusText); } if (json.error) { throw new Error('API error: ' + json.message + ' (code ' + json.code + ')'); } if (!json.payment_hash) { throw new Error('API unexpected response: ' + JSON.stringify(json)); } return (this.decoded_invoice_raw = json); } weOwnTransaction(txid: string) { for (const tx of this.getTransactions()) { if (tx && tx.payment_hash && tx.payment_hash === txid) return true; } return false; } authenticate(lnurl: any) { return lnurl.authenticate(this.secret); } } /* pending tx: [ { amount: 0.00078061, account: '521172', address: '3F9seBGCJZQ4WJJHwGhrxeGXCGbrm5SNpF', category: 'receive', confirmations: 0, blockhash: '', blockindex: 0, blocktime: 0, txid: '28a74277e47c2d772ee8a40464209c90dce084f3b5de38a2f41b14c79e3bfc62', walletconflicts: [], time: 1535024434, timereceived: 1535024434 } ] tx: [ { amount: 0.00078061, account: '521172', address: '3F9seBGCJZQ4WJJHwGhrxeGXCGbrm5SNpF', category: 'receive', confirmations: 5, blockhash: '0000000000000000000edf18e9ece18e449c6d8eed1f729946b3531c32ee9f57', blockindex: 693, blocktime: 1535024914, txid: '28a74277e47c2d772ee8a40464209c90dce084f3b5de38a2f41b14c79e3bfc62', walletconflicts: [], time: 1535024434, timereceived: 1535024434 } ] */