import React, { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { startAndDecrypt } from './start-and-decrypt'; import Notifications from '../blue_modules/notifications'; import { LegacyWallet, TTXMetadata, WatchOnlyWallet, BlueApp as BlueAppClass } from '../class'; import type { TWallet } from '../class/wallets/types'; import presentAlert from '../components/Alert'; import loc from '../loc'; import * as BlueElectrum from './BlueElectrum'; import triggerHapticFeedback, { HapticFeedbackTypes } from './hapticFeedback'; import A from '../blue_modules/analytics'; const BlueApp = BlueAppClass.getInstance(); // hashmap of timestamps we _started_ refetching some wallet const _lastTimeTriedToRefetchWallet: { [walletID: string]: number } = {}; interface BlueStorageContextType { wallets: TWallet[]; setWalletsWithNewOrder: (wallets: TWallet[]) => void; txMetadata: TTXMetadata; saveToDisk: (force?: boolean) => Promise; selectedWalletID: string | undefined; setSelectedWalletID: (walletID: string | undefined) => void; addWallet: (wallet: TWallet) => void; deleteWallet: (wallet: TWallet) => void; currentSharedCosigner: string; setSharedCosigner: (cosigner: string) => void; addAndSaveWallet: (wallet: TWallet) => Promise; fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions: (walletID: string) => Promise; walletsInitialized: boolean; setWalletsInitialized: (initialized: boolean) => void; refreshAllWalletTransactions: (lastSnappedTo?: number, showUpdateStatusIndicator?: boolean) => Promise; resetWallets: () => void; walletTransactionUpdateStatus: WalletTransactionsStatus | string; setWalletTransactionUpdateStatus: (status: WalletTransactionsStatus | string) => void; isElectrumDisabled: boolean; setIsElectrumDisabled: (value: boolean) => void; reloadTransactionsMenuActionFunction: () => void; setReloadTransactionsMenuActionFunction: (func: () => void) => void; getTransactions: typeof BlueApp.getTransactions; fetchWalletBalances: typeof BlueApp.fetchWalletBalances; fetchWalletTransactions: typeof BlueApp.fetchWalletTransactions; getBalance: typeof BlueApp.getBalance; isStorageEncrypted: typeof BlueApp.storageIsEncrypted; startAndDecrypt: typeof startAndDecrypt; encryptStorage: typeof BlueApp.encryptStorage; sleep: typeof BlueApp.sleep; createFakeStorage: typeof BlueApp.createFakeStorage; decryptStorage: typeof BlueApp.decryptStorage; isPasswordInUse: typeof BlueApp.isPasswordInUse; cachedPassword: typeof BlueApp.cachedPassword; getItem: typeof BlueApp.getItem; setItem: typeof BlueApp.setItem; } export enum WalletTransactionsStatus { NONE = 'NONE', ALL = 'ALL', } // @ts-ignore defaut value does not match the type export const BlueStorageContext = createContext(undefined); export const BlueStorageProvider = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => { const [wallets, setWallets] = useState([]); const [selectedWalletID, setSelectedWalletID] = useState(); const [walletTransactionUpdateStatus, setWalletTransactionUpdateStatus] = useState( WalletTransactionsStatus.NONE, ); const [walletsInitialized, setWalletsInitialized] = useState(false); const [isElectrumDisabled, setIsElectrumDisabled] = useState(true); const [currentSharedCosigner, setCurrentSharedCosigner] = useState(''); const [reloadTransactionsMenuActionFunction, setReloadTransactionsMenuActionFunction] = useState<() => void>(() => {}); useEffect(() => { BlueElectrum.isDisabled().then(setIsElectrumDisabled); }, []); useEffect(() => { if (walletsInitialized) { BlueElectrum.connectMain(); } }, [walletsInitialized]); const saveToDisk = async (force: boolean = false) => { if (BlueApp.getWallets().length === 0 && !force) { console.log('not saving empty wallets array'); return; } BlueApp.tx_metadata = txMetadata; await BlueApp.saveToDisk(); setWallets([...BlueApp.getWallets()]); txMetadata = BlueApp.tx_metadata; }; useEffect(() => { setWallets(BlueApp.getWallets()); }, []); const resetWallets = () => { setWallets(BlueApp.getWallets()); }; const setWalletsWithNewOrder = (wlts: TWallet[]) => { BlueApp.wallets = wlts; saveToDisk(); }; const refreshAllWalletTransactions = async (lastSnappedTo?: number, showUpdateStatusIndicator: boolean = true) => { let noErr = true; try { await BlueElectrum.waitTillConnected(); if (showUpdateStatusIndicator) { setWalletTransactionUpdateStatus(WalletTransactionsStatus.ALL); } const paymentCodesStart =; await BlueApp.fetchSenderPaymentCodes(lastSnappedTo); const paymentCodesEnd =; console.log('fetch payment codes took', (paymentCodesEnd - paymentCodesStart) / 1000, 'sec'); const balanceStart = +new Date(); await fetchWalletBalances(lastSnappedTo); const balanceEnd = +new Date(); console.log('fetch balance took', (balanceEnd - balanceStart) / 1000, 'sec'); const start = +new Date(); await fetchWalletTransactions(lastSnappedTo); const end = +new Date(); console.log('fetch tx took', (end - start) / 1000, 'sec'); } catch (err) { noErr = false; console.warn(err); } finally { setWalletTransactionUpdateStatus(WalletTransactionsStatus.NONE); } if (noErr) await saveToDisk(); // caching }; const fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions = async (walletID: string) => { const index = wallets.findIndex(wallet => wallet.getID() === walletID); let noErr = true; try { // 5sec debounce: if (+new Date() - _lastTimeTriedToRefetchWallet[walletID] < 5000) { console.log('re-fetch wallet happens too fast; NOP'); return; } _lastTimeTriedToRefetchWallet[walletID] = +new Date(); await BlueElectrum.waitTillConnected(); setWalletTransactionUpdateStatus(walletID); const balanceStart = +new Date(); await fetchWalletBalances(index); const balanceEnd = +new Date(); console.log('fetch balance took', (balanceEnd - balanceStart) / 1000, 'sec'); const start = +new Date(); await fetchWalletTransactions(index); const end = +new Date(); console.log('fetch tx took', (end - start) / 1000, 'sec'); } catch (err) { noErr = false; console.warn(err); } finally { setWalletTransactionUpdateStatus(WalletTransactionsStatus.NONE); } if (noErr) await saveToDisk(); // caching }; const addWallet = (wallet: TWallet) => { BlueApp.wallets.push(wallet); setWallets([...BlueApp.getWallets()]); }; const deleteWallet = (wallet: TWallet) => { BlueApp.deleteWallet(wallet); setWallets([...BlueApp.getWallets()]); }; const addAndSaveWallet = async (w: TWallet) => { if (wallets.some(i => i.getID() === w.getID())) { triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); presentAlert({ message: 'This wallet has been previously imported.' }); return; } const emptyWalletLabel = new LegacyWallet().getLabel(); triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationSuccess); if (w.getLabel() === emptyWalletLabel) w.setLabel(loc.wallets.import_imported + ' ' + w.typeReadable); w.setUserHasSavedExport(true); addWallet(w); await saveToDisk(); A(A.ENUM.CREATED_WALLET); presentAlert({ hapticFeedback: HapticFeedbackTypes.ImpactHeavy, message: w.type === WatchOnlyWallet.type ? loc.wallets.import_success_watchonly : loc.wallets.import_success, }); // @ts-ignore need to type notifications first Notifications.majorTomToGroundControl(w.getAllExternalAddresses(), [], []); // start balance fetching at the background await w.fetchBalance(); setWallets([...BlueApp.getWallets()]); }; let txMetadata = BlueApp.tx_metadata; const getTransactions = BlueApp.getTransactions; const fetchWalletBalances = BlueApp.fetchWalletBalances; const fetchWalletTransactions = BlueApp.fetchWalletTransactions; const getBalance = BlueApp.getBalance; const isStorageEncrypted = BlueApp.storageIsEncrypted; const encryptStorage = BlueApp.encryptStorage; const sleep = BlueApp.sleep; const createFakeStorage = BlueApp.createFakeStorage; const decryptStorage = BlueApp.decryptStorage; const isPasswordInUse = BlueApp.isPasswordInUse; const cachedPassword = BlueApp.cachedPassword; const getItem = BlueApp.getItem; const setItem = BlueApp.setItem; const value: BlueStorageContextType = { wallets, setWalletsWithNewOrder, txMetadata, saveToDisk, getTransactions, selectedWalletID, setSelectedWalletID, addWallet, deleteWallet, currentSharedCosigner, setSharedCosigner: setCurrentSharedCosigner, addAndSaveWallet, setItem, getItem, fetchWalletBalances, fetchWalletTransactions, fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions, isStorageEncrypted, encryptStorage, startAndDecrypt, cachedPassword, getBalance, walletsInitialized, setWalletsInitialized, refreshAllWalletTransactions, sleep, createFakeStorage, resetWallets, decryptStorage, isPasswordInUse, walletTransactionUpdateStatus, setWalletTransactionUpdateStatus, isElectrumDisabled, setIsElectrumDisabled, reloadTransactionsMenuActionFunction, setReloadTransactionsMenuActionFunction, }; return {children}; }; export const useStorage = () => useContext(BlueStorageContext);