import { CommonActions } from '@react-navigation/native'; import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { AppState, AppStateStatus, Linking } from 'react-native'; import A from '../blue_modules/analytics'; import { getClipboardContent } from '../blue_modules/clipboard'; import { updateExchangeRate } from '../blue_modules/currency'; import triggerHapticFeedback, { HapticFeedbackTypes } from '../blue_modules/hapticFeedback'; import { clearStoredNotifications, getDeliveredNotifications, getStoredNotifications, initializeNotifications, removeAllDeliveredNotifications, setApplicationIconBadgeNumber, } from '../blue_modules/notifications'; import { LightningCustodianWallet } from '../class'; import DeeplinkSchemaMatch from '../class/deeplink-schema-match'; import loc from '../loc'; import { Chain } from '../models/bitcoinUnits'; import { navigationRef } from '../NavigationService'; import ActionSheet from '../screen/ActionSheet'; import { useStorage } from './context/useStorage'; import RNQRGenerator from 'rn-qr-generator'; import presentAlert from '../components/Alert'; import useMenuElements from './useMenuElements'; import useWidgetCommunication from './useWidgetCommunication'; import useWatchConnectivity from './useWatchConnectivity'; import useDeviceQuickActions from './useDeviceQuickActions'; import useHandoffListener from './useHandoffListener'; const ClipboardContentType = Object.freeze({ BITCOIN: 'BITCOIN', LIGHTNING: 'LIGHTNING', }); /** * Hook that initializes all companion listeners and functionality without rendering a component */ const useCompanionListeners = (skipIfNotInitialized = true) => { const { wallets, addWallet, saveToDisk, fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions, refreshAllWalletTransactions, setSharedCosigner, walletsInitialized, } = useStorage(); const appState = useRef(AppState.currentState); const clipboardContent = useRef(); // We need to call hooks unconditionally before any conditional logic // We'll use this check inside the effects to conditionally run logic const shouldActivateListeners = !skipIfNotInitialized || walletsInitialized; // Initialize other hooks regardless of activation status // They'll handle their own conditional logic internally useWatchConnectivity(); useWidgetCommunication(); useMenuElements(); useDeviceQuickActions(); useHandoffListener(); const processPushNotifications = useCallback(async () => { if (!shouldActivateListeners) return false; await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 200)); try { const notifications2process = await getStoredNotifications(); await clearStoredNotifications(); setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(0); const deliveredNotifications = await getDeliveredNotifications(); setTimeout(async () => { try { removeAllDeliveredNotifications(); } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to remove delivered notifications:', error); } }, 5000); // Process notifications for (const payload of notifications2process) { const wasTapped = payload.foreground === false || (payload.foreground === true && payload.userInteraction); console.log('processing push notification:', payload); let wallet; switch (+payload.type) { case 2: case 3: wallet = wallets.find(w => w.weOwnAddress(payload.address)); break; case 1: case 4: wallet = wallets.find(w => w.weOwnTransaction(payload.txid || payload.hash)); break; } if (wallet) { const walletID = wallet.getID(); fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions(walletID); if (wasTapped) { if (payload.type !== 3 || wallet.chain === Chain.OFFCHAIN) { navigationRef.dispatch( CommonActions.navigate({ name: 'WalletTransactions', params: { walletID, walletType: wallet.type, }, }), ); } else { navigationRef.navigate('ReceiveDetailsRoot', { screen: 'ReceiveDetails', params: { walletID, address: payload.address, }, }); } return true; } } else { console.log('could not find wallet while processing push notification, NOP'); } } if (deliveredNotifications.length > 0) { for (const payload of deliveredNotifications) { const wasTapped = payload.foreground === false || (payload.foreground === true && payload.userInteraction); console.log('processing push notification:', payload); let wallet; switch (+payload.type) { case 2: case 3: wallet = wallets.find(w => w.weOwnAddress(payload.address)); break; case 1: case 4: wallet = wallets.find(w => w.weOwnTransaction(payload.txid || payload.hash)); break; } if (wallet) { const walletID = wallet.getID(); fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions(walletID); if (wasTapped) { if (payload.type !== 3 || wallet.chain === Chain.OFFCHAIN) { navigationRef.dispatch( CommonActions.navigate({ name: 'WalletTransactions', params: { walletID, walletType: wallet.type, }, }), ); } else { navigationRef.navigate('ReceiveDetailsRoot', { screen: 'ReceiveDetails', params: { walletID, address: payload.address, }, }); } return true; } } else { console.log('could not find wallet while processing push notification, NOP'); } } } if (deliveredNotifications.length > 0) { refreshAllWalletTransactions(); } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to process push notifications:', error); } return false; }, [fetchAndSaveWalletTransactions, refreshAllWalletTransactions, wallets, shouldActivateListeners]); useEffect(() => { if (!shouldActivateListeners) return; initializeNotifications(processPushNotifications); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [shouldActivateListeners]); const handleOpenURL = useCallback( async (event: { url: string }): Promise => { if (!shouldActivateListeners) return; try { if (!event.url) return; let decodedUrl: string; try { decodedUrl = decodeURIComponent(event.url); } catch (e) { console.error('Failed to decode URL, using original', e); decodedUrl = event.url; } const fileName = decodedUrl.split('/').pop()?.toLowerCase() || ''; if (/\.(jpe?g|png)$/i.test(fileName)) { let qrResult; try { qrResult = await RNQRGenerator.detect({ uri: decodedUrl }); } catch (e) { console.error('QR detection first attempt failed:', e); } if (!qrResult || !qrResult.values || qrResult.values.length === 0) { const altUrl = decodedUrl.replace(/^file:\/\//, ''); try { qrResult = await RNQRGenerator.detect({ uri: altUrl }); } catch (e) { console.error('QR detection second attempt failed:', e); } } if (qrResult?.values?.length) { triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationSuccess); DeeplinkSchemaMatch.navigationRouteFor( { url: qrResult.values[0] }, (value: [string, any]) => navigationRef.navigate(...value), { wallets, addWallet, saveToDisk, setSharedCosigner, }, ); } else { throw new Error(loc.send.qr_error_no_qrcode); } } else { DeeplinkSchemaMatch.navigationRouteFor(event, (value: [string, any]) => navigationRef.navigate(...value), { wallets, addWallet, saveToDisk, setSharedCosigner, }); } } catch (err: any) { console.error('Error in handleOpenURL:', err); triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.NotificationError); presentAlert({ message: err.message || loc.send.qr_error_no_qrcode }); } }, [wallets, addWallet, saveToDisk, setSharedCosigner, shouldActivateListeners], ); const showClipboardAlert = useCallback( ({ contentType }: { contentType: undefined | string }) => { if (!shouldActivateListeners) return; triggerHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackTypes.ImpactLight); getClipboardContent().then(clipboard => { if (!clipboard) return; ActionSheet.showActionSheetWithOptions( { title: loc._.clipboard, message: contentType === ClipboardContentType.BITCOIN ? loc.wallets.clipboard_bitcoin : loc.wallets.clipboard_lightning, options: [loc._.cancel, loc._.continue], cancelButtonIndex: 0, }, buttonIndex => { switch (buttonIndex) { case 0: break; case 1: handleOpenURL({ url: clipboard }); break; } }, ); }); }, [handleOpenURL, shouldActivateListeners], ); const handleAppStateChange = useCallback( async (nextAppState: AppStateStatus | undefined) => { if (!shouldActivateListeners || wallets.length === 0) return; if ((appState.current.match(/background/) && nextAppState === 'active') || nextAppState === undefined) { setTimeout(() => A(A.ENUM.APP_UNSUSPENDED), 2000); updateExchangeRate(); const processed = await processPushNotifications(); if (processed) return; const clipboard = await getClipboardContent(); if (!clipboard) return; const isAddressFromStoredWallet = wallets.some(wallet => { if (wallet.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN) { return wallet.isAddressValid && wallet.isAddressValid(clipboard) && wallet.weOwnAddress(clipboard); } else { return (wallet as LightningCustodianWallet).isInvoiceGeneratedByWallet(clipboard) || wallet.weOwnAddress(clipboard); } }); const isBitcoinAddress = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isBitcoinAddress(clipboard); const isLightningInvoice = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isLightningInvoice(clipboard); const isLNURL = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isLnUrl(clipboard); const isBothBitcoinAndLightning = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isBothBitcoinAndLightning(clipboard); if ( !isAddressFromStoredWallet && clipboardContent.current !== clipboard && (isBitcoinAddress || isLightningInvoice || isLNURL || isBothBitcoinAndLightning) ) { let contentType; if (isBitcoinAddress) { contentType = ClipboardContentType.BITCOIN; } else if (isLightningInvoice || isLNURL) { contentType = ClipboardContentType.LIGHTNING; } else if (isBothBitcoinAndLightning) { contentType = ClipboardContentType.BITCOIN; } showClipboardAlert({ contentType }); } clipboardContent.current = clipboard; } if (nextAppState) { appState.current = nextAppState; } }, [processPushNotifications, showClipboardAlert, wallets, shouldActivateListeners], ); const addListeners = useCallback(() => { if (!shouldActivateListeners) return { urlSubscription: null, appStateSubscription: null }; const urlSubscription = Linking.addEventListener('url', handleOpenURL); const appStateSubscription = AppState.addEventListener('change', handleAppStateChange); return { urlSubscription, appStateSubscription, }; }, [handleOpenURL, handleAppStateChange, shouldActivateListeners]); useEffect(() => { const subscriptions = addListeners(); return () => { subscriptions.urlSubscription?.remove?.(); subscriptions.appStateSubscription?.remove?.(); }; }, [addListeners]); }; export default useCompanionListeners;