import { bech32 } from 'bech32'; import bolt11 from 'bolt11'; import createHash from 'create-hash'; import { createHmac } from 'crypto'; import CryptoJS from 'crypto-js'; // @ts-ignore theres no types for secp256k1 import secp256k1 from 'secp256k1'; import { parse } from 'url'; // eslint-disable-line n/no-deprecated-api import { fetch } from '../util/fetch'; const ONION_REGEX = /^(http:\/\/[^/:@]+\.onion(?::\d{1,5})?)(\/.*)?$/; // regex for onion URL interface LnurlPayServicePayload { callback: string; fixed: boolean; min: number; max: number; domain: string; metadata: string; description?: string; image?: string; amount: number; commentAllowed?: number; } interface LnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload { pr: string; successAction?: any; disposable?: boolean; tag: string; metadata: any; minSendable: number; maxSendable: number; callback: string; commentAllowed: number; } interface DecodedInvoice { destination: string; num_satoshis: string; num_millisatoshis: string; timestamp: string; fallback_addr: string; route_hints: any[]; payment_hash?: string; description_hash?: string; cltv_expiry?: string; expiry?: string; description?: string; } /** * @see */ export default class Lnurl { static TAG_PAY_REQUEST = 'payRequest'; // type of LNURL static TAG_WITHDRAW_REQUEST = 'withdrawRequest'; // type of LNURL static TAG_LOGIN_REQUEST = 'login'; // type of LNURL private _lnurl: string; private _lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload: LnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload | false; private _lnurlPayServicePayload: LnurlPayServicePayload | false; private _AsyncStorage: any; private _preimage: string | false; constructor(url: string | false, AsyncStorage?: any) { this._lnurl = url || ''; this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload = false; this._lnurlPayServicePayload = false; this._AsyncStorage = AsyncStorage; this._preimage = false; } static findlnurl(bodyOfText: string): string | null { const res = /^(?:http.*[&?]lightning=|lightning:)?(lnurl1[02-9ac-hj-np-z]+)/.exec(bodyOfText.toLowerCase()); if (res) { return res[1]; } return null; } static getUrlFromLnurl(lnurlExample: string): string | false { const found = Lnurl.findlnurl(lnurlExample); if (!found) { if (Lnurl.isLightningAddress(lnurlExample)) { const username = lnurlExample.split('@')[0].trim(); const host = lnurlExample.split('@')[1].trim(); const proto = host.match(/\.onion$/) ? 'http' : 'https'; return `${proto}://${host}/.well-known/lnurlp/${username}`; } else { return false; } } const decoded = bech32.decode(found, 10000); return Buffer.from(bech32.fromWords(decoded.words)).toString(); } static isLnurl(url: string): boolean { return Lnurl.findlnurl(url) !== null; } static isOnionUrl(url: string): boolean { return Lnurl.parseOnionUrl(url) !== null; } static parseOnionUrl(url: string): [string, string] | null { const match = url.match(ONION_REGEX); if (match === null) return null; const [, baseURI, path] = match; return [baseURI, path]; } async fetchGet(url: string): Promise { const resp = await fetch(url, { method: 'GET' }); if (resp.status >= 300) { throw new Error('Bad response from server'); } const reply = await resp.json(); if (reply.status === 'ERROR') { throw new Error('Reply from server: ' + reply.reason); } return reply; } decodeInvoice(invoice: string): DecodedInvoice { const { payeeNodeKey, tags, satoshis, millisatoshis, timestamp } = bolt11.decode(invoice); const decoded: DecodedInvoice = { destination: payeeNodeKey ?? '', num_satoshis: satoshis ? satoshis.toString() : '0', num_millisatoshis: millisatoshis ? millisatoshis.toString() : '0', timestamp: timestamp?.toString() ?? '', fallback_addr: '', route_hints: [], }; for (let i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { const { tagName, data } = tags[i]; switch (tagName) { case 'payment_hash': decoded.payment_hash = String(data); break; case 'purpose_commit_hash': decoded.description_hash = String(data); break; case 'min_final_cltv_expiry': decoded.cltv_expiry = data.toString(); break; case 'expire_time': decoded.expiry = data.toString(); break; case 'description': decoded.description = String(data); break; } } if (!decoded.expiry) decoded.expiry = '3600'; // default if (parseInt(decoded.num_satoshis, 10) === 0 && parseInt(decoded.num_millisatoshis, 10) > 0) { decoded.num_satoshis = (parseInt(decoded.num_millisatoshis, 10) / 1000).toString(); } return decoded; } async requestBolt11FromLnurlPayService(amountSat: number, comment: string = ''): Promise { if (!this._lnurlPayServicePayload) throw new Error('this._lnurlPayServicePayload is not set'); if (!this._lnurlPayServicePayload.callback) throw new Error('this._lnurlPayServicePayload.callback is not set'); if (amountSat < this._lnurlPayServicePayload.min || amountSat > this._lnurlPayServicePayload.max) throw new Error( 'The specified amount is invalid, ' + amountSat + ' it should be between ' + this._lnurlPayServicePayload.min + ' and ' + this._lnurlPayServicePayload.max, ); const nonce = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2e16).toString(16); const separator = this._lnurlPayServicePayload.callback.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&'; if (this.getCommentAllowed() && comment && comment.length > (this.getCommentAllowed() as number)) { comment = comment.substr(0, this.getCommentAllowed() as number); } if (comment) comment = `&comment=${encodeURIComponent(comment)}`; const urlToFetch = this._lnurlPayServicePayload.callback + separator + 'amount=' + Math.floor(amountSat * 1000) + '&nonce=' + nonce + comment; this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload = (await this.fetchGet(urlToFetch)) as LnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload; // check pr description_hash, amount etc: const decoded = this.decodeInvoice(; const metadataHash = createHash('sha256').update(this._lnurlPayServicePayload.metadata).digest('hex'); if (metadataHash !== decoded.description_hash) { console.log(`Invoice description_hash doesn't match metadata.`); } if (parseInt(decoded.num_satoshis, 10) !== Math.round(amountSat)) { throw new Error(`Invoice doesn't match specified amount, got ${decoded.num_satoshis}, expected ${Math.round(amountSat)}`); } return this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload; } async callLnurlPayService(): Promise { if (!this._lnurl) throw new Error('this._lnurl is not set'); const url = Lnurl.getUrlFromLnurl(this._lnurl); if (!url) throw new Error('Invalid LNURL'); // calling the url const reply = (await this.fetchGet(url)) as LnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload; if (reply.tag !== Lnurl.TAG_PAY_REQUEST) { throw new Error('lnurl-pay expected, found tag ' + reply.tag); } const data = reply; // parse metadata and extract things from it let image: string | undefined; let description: string | undefined; const kvs = JSON.parse(data.metadata); for (let i = 0; i < kvs.length; i++) { const [k, v] = kvs[i]; switch (k) { case 'text/plain': description = v; break; case 'image/png;base64': case 'image/jpeg;base64': image = 'data:' + k + ',' + v; break; } } // setting the payment screen with the parameters const min = Math.ceil((data.minSendable ?? 0) / 1000); const max = Math.floor((data.maxSendable ?? 0) / 1000); this._lnurlPayServicePayload = { callback: data.callback, fixed: min === max, min, max, // @ts-ignore idk domain: data.callback.match(/^(https|http):\/\/([^/]+)\//)[2], metadata: data.metadata, description, image, amount: min, commentAllowed: data.commentAllowed, // lnurl: uri, }; return this._lnurlPayServicePayload; } async loadSuccessfulPayment(paymentHash: string): Promise { if (!paymentHash) throw new Error('No paymentHash provided'); let data; try { data = await this._AsyncStorage.getItem('lnurlpay_success_data_' + paymentHash); data = JSON.parse(data); } catch (_) { return false; } if (!data) return false; this._lnurlPayServicePayload = data.lnurlPayServicePayload; this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload = data.lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload; this._lnurl = data.lnurl; this._preimage = data.preimage; return true; } async storeSuccess(paymentHash: string, preimage: string | { data: Buffer }): Promise { if (typeof preimage === 'object') { preimage = Buffer.from('hex'); } this._preimage = preimage; await this._AsyncStorage.setItem( 'lnurlpay_success_data_' + paymentHash, JSON.stringify({ lnurlPayServicePayload: this._lnurlPayServicePayload, lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload: this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload, lnurl: this._lnurl, preimage, }), ); } getSuccessAction(): any | undefined { return this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload && 'successAction' in this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload ? this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload.successAction : undefined; } getDomain(): string | undefined { return this._lnurlPayServicePayload ? this._lnurlPayServicePayload.domain : undefined; } getDescription(): string | undefined { return this._lnurlPayServicePayload ? this._lnurlPayServicePayload.description : undefined; } getImage(): string | undefined { return this._lnurlPayServicePayload ? this._lnurlPayServicePayload.image : undefined; } getLnurl(): string { return this._lnurl; } getDisposable(): boolean | undefined { return this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload && 'disposable' in this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload ? this._lnurlPayServiceBolt11Payload.disposable : undefined; } getPreimage(): string | false { return this._preimage; } static decipherAES(ciphertextBase64: string, preimageHex: string, ivBase64: string): string { const iv = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.parse(ivBase64); const key = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse(preimageHex); return CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(Buffer.from(ciphertextBase64, 'base64').toString('hex'), key, { iv, mode: CryptoJS.mode.CBC, format: CryptoJS.format.Hex, }).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8); } getCommentAllowed(): number | false { if (!this._lnurlPayServicePayload) return false; return this._lnurlPayServicePayload.commentAllowed ? parseInt(this._lnurlPayServicePayload.commentAllowed.toString(), 10) : false; } getMin(): number | false { if (!this._lnurlPayServicePayload) return false; return this._lnurlPayServicePayload.min ? parseInt(this._lnurlPayServicePayload.min.toString(), 10) : false; } getMax(): number | false { if (!this._lnurlPayServicePayload) return false; return this._lnurlPayServicePayload.max ? parseInt(this._lnurlPayServicePayload.max.toString(), 10) : false; } getAmount(): number | false { return this.getMin(); } authenticate(secret: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this._lnurl) throw new Error('this._lnurl is not set'); const url = parse(Lnurl.getUrlFromLnurl(this._lnurl) || '', true); const hmac = createHmac('sha256', secret); hmac.on('readable', async () => { try { const privateKey =; if (!privateKey) return; const privateKeyBuf = Buffer.from(privateKey, 'hex'); const publicKey = secp256k1.publicKeyCreate(privateKeyBuf); const signatureObj = secp256k1.sign(Buffer.from(url.query.k1 as string, 'hex'), privateKeyBuf); const derSignature = secp256k1.signatureExport(signatureObj.signature); const reply = await this.fetchGet(`${url.href}&sig=${derSignature.toString('hex')}&key=${publicKey.toString('hex')}`); if (reply.status === 'OK') { resolve(); } else { reject(reply.reason); } } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); hmac.write(url.hostname); hmac.end(); }); } static isLightningAddress(address: string) { // ensure only 1 `@` present: if (address.split('@').length !== 2) return false; const splitted = address.split('@'); return !!splitted[0].trim() && !!splitted[1].trim(); } }