import BIP32Factory, { BIP32Interface } from 'bip32'; import { Psbt } from 'bitcoinjs-lib'; import { CoinSelectReturnInput } from 'coinselect'; import ecc from '../../blue_modules/noble_ecc'; import { AbstractHDElectrumWallet } from './abstract-hd-electrum-wallet'; const bip32 = BIP32Factory(ecc); const BlueElectrum = require('../../blue_modules/BlueElectrum'); /** * HD Wallet (BIP39). * In particular, BIP44 (P2PKH legacy addressess) * @see */ export class HDLegacyP2PKHWallet extends AbstractHDElectrumWallet { static readonly type = 'HDlegacyP2PKH'; static readonly typeReadable = 'HD Legacy (BIP44 P2PKH)'; // @ts-ignore: override public readonly type = HDLegacyP2PKHWallet.type; // @ts-ignore: override public readonly typeReadable = HDLegacyP2PKHWallet.typeReadable; static readonly derivationPath = "m/44'/0'/0'"; allowSend() { return true; } allowCosignPsbt() { return true; } allowSignVerifyMessage() { return true; } allowMasterFingerprint() { return true; } allowXpub() { return true; } allowBIP47() { return true; } getXpub() { if (this._xpub) { return this._xpub; // cache hit } const seed = this._getSeed(); const root = bip32.fromSeed(seed); const path = this.getDerivationPath(); if (!path) { throw new Error('Internal error: no path'); } const child = root.derivePath(path).neutered(); this._xpub = child.toBase58(); return this._xpub; } _hdNodeToAddress(hdNode: BIP32Interface): string { return this._nodeToLegacyAddress(hdNode); } async fetchUtxo(): Promise { await super.fetchUtxo(); // now we need to fetch txhash for each input as required by PSBT const txhexes = await BlueElectrum.multiGetTransactionByTxid( this.getUtxo().map(x => x.txid), 50, false, ); for (const u of this.getUtxo()) { if (txhexes[u.txid]) u.txhex = txhexes[u.txid]; } } _addPsbtInput(psbt: Psbt, input: CoinSelectReturnInput, sequence: number, masterFingerprintBuffer: Buffer) { if (!input.address) { throw new Error('Internal error: no address on Utxo during _addPsbtInput()'); } const pubkey = this._getPubkeyByAddress(input.address); const path = this._getDerivationPathByAddress(input.address); if (!pubkey || !path) { throw new Error('Internal error: pubkey or path are invalid'); } if (!input.txhex) throw new Error('UTXO is missing txhex of the input, which is required by PSBT for non-segwit input'); psbt.addInput({ hash: input.txid, index: input.vout, sequence, bip32Derivation: [ { masterFingerprint: masterFingerprintBuffer, path, pubkey, }, ], // non-segwit inputs now require passing the whole previous tx as Buffer nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(input.txhex, 'hex'), }); return psbt; } }