import RNFS from 'react-native-fs'; import { BitcoinUnit, Chain } from '../../models/bitcoinUnits'; import RnLdk from 'rn-ldk/src/index'; import { LightningCustodianWallet } from './lightning-custodian-wallet'; import SyncedAsyncStorage from '../synced-async-storage'; import { randomBytes } from '../rng'; import * as bip39 from 'bip39'; import { HDSegwitBech32Wallet } from './hd-segwit-bech32-wallet'; import bolt11 from 'bolt11'; import { SegwitBech32Wallet } from './segwit-bech32-wallet'; import alert from '../../components/Alert'; const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib'); export class LightningLdkWallet extends LightningCustodianWallet { static type = 'lightningLdk'; static typeReadable = 'Lightning LDK'; private _listChannels: any[] = []; private _listPayments: any[] = []; private _listInvoices: any[] = []; private _nodeConnectionDetailsCache: any = {}; // pubkey -> {pubkey, host, port, ts} private _refundAddressScriptHex: string = ''; private _lastTimeBlockchainCheckedTs: number = 0; private _unwrapFirstExternalAddressFromMnemonicsCache: string = ''; private static _predefinedNodes: Record = { Bitrefill: '03d607f3e69fd032524a867b288216bfab263b6eaee4e07783799a6fe69bb84fac@', '': '03abf6f44c355dec0d5aa155bdbdd6e0c8fefe318eff402de65c6eb2e1be55dc3e@', Fold: '02816caed43171d3c9854e3b0ab2cf0c42be086ff1bd4005acc2a5f7db70d83774@', 'Moon (': '025f1456582e70c4c06b61d5c8ed3ce229e6d0db538be337a2dc6d163b0ebc05a5@', '': '0242a4ae0c5bef18048fbecf995094b74bfb0f7391418d71ed394784373f41e4f3@', 'Blockstream Store': '02df5ffe895c778e10f7742a6c5b8a0cefbe9465df58b92fadeb883752c8107c8f@', ACINQ: '03864ef025fde8fb587d989186ce6a4a186895ee44a926bfc370e2c366597a3f8f@', }; static getPredefinedNodes() { return LightningLdkWallet._predefinedNodes; } static pubkeyToAlias(pubkeyHex: string) { for (const key of Object.keys(LightningLdkWallet._predefinedNodes)) { const val = LightningLdkWallet._predefinedNodes[key]; if (val.startsWith(pubkeyHex)) return key; } return pubkeyHex; } constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.preferredBalanceUnit = BitcoinUnit.SATS; this.chain = Chain.OFFCHAIN; this.user_invoices_raw = []; // compatibility with other lightning wallet class } valid() { try { const entropy = bip39.mnemonicToEntropy(this.secret.replace('ldk://', '')); return entropy.length === 64 || entropy.length === 32; } catch (_) {} return false; } async stop() { return RnLdk.stop(); } async wipeLndDir() {} async listPeers() { return RnLdk.listPeers(); } async listChannels() { try { // exception might be in case of incompletely-started LDK. then just ignore and return cached version this._listChannels = await RnLdk.listChannels(); } catch (_) {} return this._listChannels; } async getLndTransactions() { return []; } async getInfo() { const identityPubkey = await RnLdk.getNodeId(); return { identityPubkey, }; } allowSend() { return true; } timeToCheckBlockchain() { return +new Date() - this._lastTimeBlockchainCheckedTs > 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 min, half of block time } async fundingStateStepFinalize(txhex: string) { return RnLdk.openChannelStep2(txhex); } async getMaturingBalance(): Promise { return RnLdk.getMaturingBalance(); } async getMaturingHeight(): Promise { return RnLdk.getMaturingHeight(); } /** * Probes getNodeId() call. if its available - LDK has started * * @return {Promise} */ async isStarted() { let rez; try { rez = await Promise.race([new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('timeout'), 1000)), RnLdk.getNodeId()]); } catch (_) {} if (rez === 'timeout' || !rez) { return false; } return true; } /** * Waiter till getNodeId() starts to respond. Returns true if it eventually does, * false in case of timeout. * * @return {Promise} */ async waitTillStarted() { for (let c = 0; c < 30; c++) { if (await this.isStarted()) return true; await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); // sleep } return false; } async openChannel(pubkeyHex: string, host: string, amountSats: number, privateChannel: boolean) { let triedToConnect = false; let port = 9735; if (host.includes(':')) { const splitted = host.split(':'); host = splitted[0]; port = +splitted[1]; } for (let c = 0; c < 20; c++) { const peers = await this.listPeers(); if (peers.includes(pubkeyHex)) { // all good, connected, lets open channel return await RnLdk.openChannelStep1(pubkeyHex, +amountSats); } if (!triedToConnect) { triedToConnect = true; await RnLdk.connectPeer(pubkeyHex, host, +port); } await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); // sleep } throw new Error('timeout waiting for peer connection'); } async connectPeer(pubkeyHex: string, host: string, port: number) { return RnLdk.connectPeer(pubkeyHex, host, +port); } async lookupNodeConnectionDetailsByPubkey(pubkey: string) { // first, trying cache: if (this._nodeConnectionDetailsCache[pubkey] && +new Date() - this._nodeConnectionDetailsCache[pubkey].ts < 4 * 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) { // cache hit return this._nodeConnectionDetailsCache[pubkey]; } // doing actual fetch and filling cache: const response = await fetch(`${pubkey}/json`); const json = await response.json(); if (json && json.addresses && Array.isArray(json.addresses)) { for (const address of json.addresses) { if ( === 'tcp') { const ret = { pubkey, host: address.addr.split(':')[0], port: parseInt(address.addr.split(':')[1]), }; this._nodeConnectionDetailsCache[pubkey] = Object.assign({}, ret, { ts: +new Date() }); return ret; } } } } getAddress() { return undefined; } getSecret() { return this.secret; } timeToRefreshBalance() { return (+new Date() - this._lastBalanceFetch) / 1000 > 300; // 5 min } timeToRefreshTransaction() { return (+new Date() - this._lastTxFetch) / 1000 > 300; // 5 min } async generate() { const buf = await randomBytes(16); this.secret = 'ldk://' + bip39.entropyToMnemonic(buf.toString('hex')); } getEntropyHex() { let ret = bip39.mnemonicToEntropy(this.secret.replace('ldk://', '')); while (ret.length < 64) ret = '0' + ret; return ret; } getStorageNamespace() { return RnLdk.getStorage().namespace; } static async _decodeInvoice(invoice: string) { return bolt11.decode(invoice); } static async _script2address(scriptHex: string) { return bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(Buffer.from(scriptHex, 'hex')); } async selftest() { await RnLdk.getStorage().selftest(); await RnLdk.selftest(); } async init() { if (!this.getSecret()) return; console.warn('starting ldk'); try { // providing simple functions that RnLdk would otherwise rely on 3rd party APIs RnLdk.provideDecodeInvoiceFunc(LightningLdkWallet._decodeInvoice); RnLdk.provideScript2addressFunc(LightningLdkWallet._script2address); const syncedStorage = new SyncedAsyncStorage(this.getEntropyHex()); // await syncedStorage.selftest(); // await RnLdk.selftest(); // console.warn('selftest passed'); await syncedStorage.synchronize(); RnLdk.setStorage(syncedStorage); if (this._refundAddressScriptHex) { await RnLdk.setRefundAddressScript(this._refundAddressScriptHex); } else { // fallback, unwrapping address from bip39 mnemonic we have const address = this.unwrapFirstExternalAddressFromMnemonics(); await this.setRefundAddress(address); } await RnLdk.start(this.getEntropyHex(), RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath); this._execInBackground(this.reestablishChannels); if (this.timeToCheckBlockchain()) this._execInBackground(this.checkBlockchain); } catch (error: any) { alert('LDK init error: ' + error.message); } } unwrapFirstExternalAddressFromMnemonics() { if (this._unwrapFirstExternalAddressFromMnemonicsCache) return this._unwrapFirstExternalAddressFromMnemonicsCache; // cache hit const hd = new HDSegwitBech32Wallet(); hd.setSecret(this.getSecret().replace('ldk://', '')); const address = hd._getExternalAddressByIndex(0); this._unwrapFirstExternalAddressFromMnemonicsCache = address; return address; } unwrapFirstExternalWIFFromMnemonics() { const hd = new HDSegwitBech32Wallet(); hd.setSecret(this.getSecret().replace('ldk://', '')); return hd._getExternalWIFByIndex(0); } async checkBlockchain() { this._lastTimeBlockchainCheckedTs = +new Date(); return RnLdk.checkBlockchain(); } async payInvoice(invoice: string, freeAmount = 0) { const decoded = this.decodeInvoice(invoice); // if its NOT zero amount invoice, we forcefully reset passed amount argument so underlying LDK code // would extract amount from bolt11 if (decoded.num_satoshis && parseInt(decoded.num_satoshis) > 0) freeAmount = 0; if (await this.channelsNeedReestablish()) { await this.reestablishChannels(); await this.waitForAtLeastOneChannelBecomeActive(); } const result = await RnLdk.payInvoice(invoice, freeAmount); if (!result) throw new Error('Failed'); // ok, it was sent. now, waiting for an event that it was _actually_ paid: for (let c = 0; c < 60; c++) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); // sleep for (const sentPayment of RnLdk.sentPayments || []) { const paidHash = LightningLdkWallet.preimage2hash(sentPayment.payment_preimage); if (paidHash === decoded.payment_hash) { this._listPayments = this._listPayments || []; this._listPayments.push( Object.assign({}, sentPayment, { memo: decoded.description || 'Lightning payment', value: (freeAmount || decoded.num_satoshis) * -1, received: +new Date(), payment_preimage: sentPayment.payment_preimage, payment_hash: decoded.payment_hash, }), ); return; } } for (const failedPayment of RnLdk.failedPayments || []) { if (failedPayment.payment_hash === decoded.payment_hash) throw new Error(JSON.stringify(failedPayment)); } } // no? lets just throw timeout error throw new Error('Payment timeout'); } /** * In case user initiated channel opening, and then lost peer connection (i.e. app went in background for an * extended period of time), when user gets back to the app the channel might already have enough confirmations, * but will never be acknowledged as 'established' by LDK until peer reconnects so that ldk & peer can negotiate and * agree that channel is now established */ async reconnectPeersWithPendingChannels() { const peers = await RnLdk.listPeers(); const peers2reconnect: Record = {}; if (this._listChannels) { for (const channel of this._listChannels) { if (!channel.is_funding_locked) { // pending channel if (!peers.includes(channel.remote_node_id)) peers2reconnect[channel.remote_node_id] = true; } } } for (const pubkey of Object.keys(peers2reconnect)) { const { host, port } = await this.lookupNodeConnectionDetailsByPubkey(pubkey); await this.connectPeer(pubkey, host, port); } } async getUserInvoices(limit = false) { const newInvoices: any[] = []; let found = false; // okay, so the idea is that `this._listInvoices` is a persistant storage of invoices, while // `RnLdk.receivedPayments` is only a temp storage of emited events // we iterate through all stored invoices for (const invoice of this._listInvoices) { const newInvoice = Object.assign({}, invoice); // iterate through events of received payments for (const receivedPayment of RnLdk.receivedPayments || []) { if (receivedPayment.payment_hash === invoice.payment_hash) { // match! this particular payment was paid newInvoice.ispaid = true; newInvoice.value = Math.floor(parseInt(receivedPayment.amt) / 1000); found = true; } } newInvoices.push(newInvoice); } // overwrite stored array if flag was set if (found) this._listInvoices = newInvoices; return this._listInvoices; } isInvoiceGeneratedByWallet(paymentRequest: string) { return Boolean(this?._listInvoices?.some(invoice => invoice.payment_request === paymentRequest)); } weOwnAddress(address: string) { return false; } async addInvoice(amtSat: number, memo: string) { if (await this.channelsNeedReestablish()) { await this.reestablishChannels(); await this.waitForAtLeastOneChannelBecomeActive(); } if (this.getReceivableBalance() < amtSat) throw new Error('You dont have enough inbound capacity'); const bolt11 = await RnLdk.addInvoice(amtSat * 1000, memo); if (!bolt11) return false; const decoded = this.decodeInvoice(bolt11); this._listInvoices = this._listInvoices || []; const tx = { payment_request: bolt11, ispaid: false, timestamp: +new Date(), expire_time: 3600 * 1000, amt: amtSat, type: 'user_invoice', payment_hash: decoded.payment_hash, description: memo || '', }; this._listInvoices.push(tx); return bolt11; } async getAddressAsync() { throw new Error('getAddressAsync: Not implemented'); } async allowOnchainAddress(): Promise { throw new Error('allowOnchainAddress: Not implemented'); } getTransactions() { const ret = []; for (const payment of this?._listPayments || []) { const newTx = Object.assign({}, payment, { type: 'paid_invoice', walletID: this.getID(), }); ret.push(newTx); } // ############################################ for (const invoice of this?._listInvoices || []) { const tx = { payment_request: invoice.payment_request, ispaid: invoice.ispaid, received: invoice.timestamp, type: invoice.type, value: invoice.value || invoice.amt, memo: invoice.description, timestamp: invoice.timestamp, // important expire_time: invoice.expire_time, // important walletID: this.getID(), }; if (tx.ispaid || invoice.timestamp + invoice.expire_time > +new Date()) { // expired non-paid invoices are not shown ret.push(tx); } } ret.sort(function (a, b) { return b.received - a.received; }); return ret; } async fetchTransactions() { if (this.timeToCheckBlockchain()) { try { // exception might be in case of incompletely-started LDK this._listChannels = await RnLdk.listChannels(); await this.checkBlockchain(); // ^^^ will be executed if above didnt throw exceptions, which means ldk fully started. // we need this for a case when app returns from background if it was in bg for a really long time. // ldk needs to update it's blockchain data, and this is practically the only place where it can // do that (except on cold start) } catch (_) {} } try { await this.reconnectPeersWithPendingChannels(); } catch (error: any) { console.log('fetchTransactions failed'); console.log(error.message); } await this.getUserInvoices(); // it internally updates paid user invoices } getBalance() { let sum = 0; if (this._listChannels) { for (const channel of this._listChannels) { if (!channel.is_funding_locked) continue; // pending channel sum += Math.floor(parseInt(channel.outbound_capacity_msat) / 1000); } } return sum; } getReceivableBalance() { let sum = 0; if (this._listChannels) { for (const channel of this._listChannels) { if (!channel.is_funding_locked) continue; // pending channel sum += Math.floor(parseInt(channel.inbound_capacity_msat) / 1000); } } return sum; } /** * This method checks if there is balance on first unwapped address we have. * This address is a fallback in case user has _no_ other wallets to withdraw onchain coins to, so closed-channel * funds land on this address. Ofcourse, if user provided us a withdraw address, it should be stored in * `this._refundAddressScriptHex` and its balance frankly is not our concern. * * @return {Promise<{confirmedBalance: number}>} */ async walletBalance() { let confirmedSat = 0; if (this._unwrapFirstExternalAddressFromMnemonicsCache) { const response = await fetch('' + this._unwrapFirstExternalAddressFromMnemonicsCache + '/utxo'); const json = await response.json(); if (json && Array.isArray(json)) { for (const utxo of json) { if (utxo?.status?.confirmed) { confirmedSat += parseInt(utxo.value); } } } } return { confirmedBalance: confirmedSat }; } async fetchBalance() { await this.listChannels(); // updates channels } async claimCoins(address: string) { console.log('unwrapping wif...'); const wif = this.unwrapFirstExternalWIFFromMnemonics(); const wallet = new SegwitBech32Wallet(); wallet.setSecret(String(wif)); console.log('fetching balance...'); await wallet.fetchUtxo(); console.log(wallet.getBalance(), wallet.getUtxo()); console.log('creating transation...'); const { tx } = wallet.createTransaction(wallet.getUtxo(), [{ address }], 2, address, 0, false, 0); if (!tx) throw new Error('claimCoins: could not create transaction'); console.log('broadcasting...'); return await wallet.broadcastTx(tx.toHex()); } async fetchInfo() { throw new Error('fetchInfo: Not implemented'); } allowReceive() { return true; } async closeChannel(fundingTxidHex: string, force = false) { return force ? await RnLdk.closeChannelForce(fundingTxidHex) : await RnLdk.closeChannelCooperatively(fundingTxidHex); } getLatestTransactionTime(): string | 0 { if (this.getTransactions().length === 0) { return 0; } let max = -1; for (const tx of this.getTransactions()) { if (tx.received) max = Math.max(tx.received, max); } return new Date(max).toString(); } async getLogs() { return RnLdk.getLogs() .map(log => log.line) .join('\n'); } async getLogsWithTs() { return RnLdk.getLogs() .map(log => log.ts + ' ' + log.line) .join('\n'); } async fetchPendingTransactions() {} async fetchUserInvoices() { await this.getUserInvoices(); } static preimage2hash(preimageHex: string): string { const hash = bitcoin.crypto.sha256(Buffer.from(preimageHex, 'hex')); return hash.toString('hex'); } async reestablishChannels() { const connectedInThisRun: any = {}; for (const channel of await this.listChannels()) { if (channel.is_usable) continue; // already connected..? if (connectedInThisRun[channel.remote_node_id]) continue; // already tried to reconnect (in case there are several channels with the same node) const { pubkey, host, port } = await this.lookupNodeConnectionDetailsByPubkey(channel.remote_node_id); await this.connectPeer(pubkey, host, port); connectedInThisRun[pubkey] = true; } // now, reconnecting peers for (const uri of Object.values(LightningLdkWallet._predefinedNodes)) { const pk = uri.split('@')[0]; if (connectedInThisRun[pk]) continue; const { pubkey, host, port } = await this.lookupNodeConnectionDetailsByPubkey(pk); await this.connectPeer(pubkey, host, port); } } async channelsNeedReestablish() { const freshListChannels = await this.listChannels(); const active = freshListChannels.filter(chan => !!chan.is_usable && chan.is_funding_locked).length; return freshListChannels.length !== +active; } async waitForAtLeastOneChannelBecomeActive() { const active = (await this.listChannels()).filter(chan => !!chan.is_usable).length; for (let c = 0; c < 10; c++) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500)); // sleep const freshListChannels = await this.listChannels(); const active2 = freshListChannels.filter(chan => !!chan.is_usable).length; if (freshListChannels.length === +active2) return true; // all active kek if (freshListChannels.length === 0) return true; // no channels at all if (+active2 > +active) return true; // something became active, lets ret } return false; } async setRefundAddress(address: string) { const script = bitcoin.address.toOutputScript(address); this._refundAddressScriptHex = script.toString('hex'); await RnLdk.setRefundAddressScript(this._refundAddressScriptHex); } static async getVersion() { return RnLdk.getVersion(); } static getPackageVersion() { return RnLdk.getPackageVersion(); } getChannelsClosedEvents() { return RnLdk.channelsClosed; } async purgeLocalStorage() { return RnLdk.getStorage().purgeLocalStorage(); } /** * executes async function in background, so calling code can return immediately, while catching all thrown exceptions * and showing them in alert() instead of propagating them up * * @param func {function} Async functino to execute * @private */ _execInBackground(func: () => void) { const that = this; (async () => { try { await; } catch (error: any) { alert('_execInBackground error:' + error.message); } })(); } }