import untypedFiatUnit from './fiatUnits.json'; export const FiatUnitSource = { Coinbase: 'Coinbase', CoinDesk: 'CoinDesk', CoinGecko: 'CoinGecko', Kraken: 'Kraken', Yadio: 'Yadio', YadioConvert: 'YadioConvert', Exir: 'Exir', coinpaprika: 'coinpaprika', Bitstamp: 'Bitstamp', BNR: 'BNR', } as const; const handleError = (source: string, ticker: string, error: Error) => { throw new Error( `Could not update rate for ${ticker} from ${source}: ${error.message}. ` + `Make sure the network you're on has access to ${source}.`, ); }; const fetchRate = async (url: string): Promise => { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`HTTP error! status: ${response.status}`); } return await response.json(); }; interface CoinbaseResponse { data: { amount: string; }; } interface CoinDeskResponse { bpi: { [ticker: string]: { rate_float: number; }; }; } interface CoinGeckoResponse { bitcoin: { [ticker: string]: number; }; } interface BitstampResponse { last: string; } interface KrakenResponse { result: { [pair: string]: { c: [string]; }; }; } interface YadioResponse { [ticker: string]: { price: number; }; } interface YadioConvertResponse { rate: number; } interface ExirResponse { last: string; } interface CoinpaprikaResponse { quotes: { [ticker: string]: { price: number; }; }; } const RateExtractors = { Coinbase: async (ticker: string): Promise => { try { const json = (await fetchRate(`${ticker.toUpperCase()}/buy`)) as CoinbaseResponse; const rate = Number(json?.data?.amount); if (!(rate >= 0)) throw new Error('Invalid data received'); return rate; } catch (error: any) { handleError('Coinbase', ticker, error); return undefined as never; } }, CoinDesk: async (ticker: string): Promise => { try { const json = (await fetchRate(`${ticker}.json`)) as CoinDeskResponse; const rate = Number(json?.bpi?.[ticker]?.rate_float); if (!(rate >= 0)) throw new Error('Invalid data received'); return rate; } catch (error: any) { handleError('CoinDesk', ticker, error); return undefined as never; } }, CoinGecko: async (ticker: string): Promise => { try { const json = (await fetchRate( `${ticker.toLowerCase()}`, )) as CoinGeckoResponse; const rate = Number(json?.bitcoin?.[ticker.toLowerCase()]); if (!(rate >= 0)) throw new Error('Invalid data received'); return rate; } catch (error: any) { handleError('CoinGecko', ticker, error); return undefined as never; } }, Bitstamp: async (ticker: string): Promise => { try { const json = (await fetchRate(`${ticker.toLowerCase()}`)) as BitstampResponse; const rate = Number(json?.last); if (!(rate >= 0)) throw new Error('Invalid data received'); return rate; } catch (error: any) { handleError('Bitstamp', ticker, error); return undefined as never; } }, Kraken: async (ticker: string): Promise => { try { const json = (await fetchRate(`${ticker.toUpperCase()}`)) as KrakenResponse; const rate = Number(json?.result?.[`XXBTZ${ticker.toUpperCase()}`]?.c?.[0]); if (!(rate >= 0)) throw new Error('Invalid data received'); return rate; } catch (error: any) { handleError('Kraken', ticker, error); return undefined as never; } }, BNR: async (): Promise => { try { // Fetching USD to RON rate const xmlData = await (await fetch('')).text(); const matches = xmlData.match(/([\d.]+)<\/Rate>/); if (matches && matches[1]) { const usdToRonRate = parseFloat(matches[1]); const btcToUsdRate = await RateExtractors.CoinGecko('USD'); // Convert BTC to RON using the USD to RON exchange rate return btcToUsdRate * usdToRonRate; } throw new Error('No valid USD to RON rate found'); } catch (error: any) { handleError('BNR', 'RON', error); return undefined as never; } }, Yadio: async (ticker: string): Promise => { try { const json = (await fetchRate(`${ticker}`)) as YadioResponse; const rate = Number(json?.[ticker]?.price); if (!(rate >= 0)) throw new Error('Invalid data received'); return rate; } catch (error: any) { handleError('Yadio', ticker, error); return undefined as never; } }, YadioConvert: async (ticker: string): Promise => { try { const json = (await fetchRate(`${ticker}`)) as YadioConvertResponse; const rate = Number(json?.rate); if (!(rate >= 0)) throw new Error('Invalid data received'); return rate; } catch (error: any) { handleError('YadioConvert', ticker, error); return undefined as never; } }, Exir: async (ticker: string): Promise => { try { const json = (await fetchRate('')) as ExirResponse; const rate = Number(json?.last); if (!(rate >= 0)) throw new Error('Invalid data received'); return rate; } catch (error: any) { handleError('Exir', ticker, error); return undefined as never; } }, coinpaprika: async (ticker: string): Promise => { try { const json = (await fetchRate('')) as CoinpaprikaResponse; const rate = Number(json?.quotes?.INR?.price); if (!(rate >= 0)) throw new Error('Invalid data received'); return rate; } catch (error: any) { handleError('coinpaprika', ticker, error); return undefined as never; } }, } as const; export type TFiatUnit = { endPointKey: string; symbol: string; locale: string; country: string; source: 'CoinDesk' | 'Yadio' | 'Exir' | 'coinpaprika' | 'Bitstamp' | 'Kraken'; }; export type TFiatUnits = { [key: string]: TFiatUnit; }; export const FiatUnit = untypedFiatUnit as TFiatUnits; export type FiatUnitType = { endPointKey: string; symbol: string; locale: string; country: string; source: keyof typeof FiatUnitSource; }; export async function getFiatRate(ticker: string): Promise { return await RateExtractors[FiatUnit[ticker].source](ticker); }