import { Alert as RNAlert, Platform, ToastAndroid } from 'react-native'; import triggerHapticFeedback, { HapticFeedbackTypes } from '../blue_modules/hapticFeedback'; import loc from '../loc'; export enum AlertType { Alert, Toast, } interface AlertButton { text: string; onPress?: () => void; style?: 'default' | 'cancel' | 'destructive'; } interface AlertOptions { cancelable?: boolean; } const presentAlert = (() => { let lastAlertParams: { title?: string; message: string; type?: AlertType; hapticFeedback?: HapticFeedbackTypes; buttons?: AlertButton[]; options?: AlertOptions; } | null = null; const clearCache = () => { lastAlertParams = null; }; return ({ title, message, type = AlertType.Alert, hapticFeedback, buttons = [], options = { cancelable: false }, }: { title?: string; message: string; type?: AlertType; hapticFeedback?: HapticFeedbackTypes; buttons?: AlertButton[]; options?: AlertOptions; }) => { if ( lastAlertParams && lastAlertParams.title === title && lastAlertParams.message === message && lastAlertParams.type === type && lastAlertParams.hapticFeedback === hapticFeedback && JSON.stringify(lastAlertParams.buttons) === JSON.stringify(buttons) && JSON.stringify(lastAlertParams.options) === JSON.stringify(options) ) { return; // Skip showing the alert if the content is the same as the last one } lastAlertParams = { title, message, type, hapticFeedback, buttons, options }; if (hapticFeedback) { triggerHapticFeedback(hapticFeedback); } // Ensure that there's at least one button (required for both iOS and Android) const wrappedButtons = buttons.length > 0 ? buttons : [ { text: loc._.ok, onPress: () => {}, }, ]; switch (type) { case AlertType.Toast: if (Platform.OS === 'android') {, ToastAndroid.LONG); clearCache(); } break; default: RNAlert.alert(title ?? message, title && message ? message : undefined, wrappedButtons, options); break; } }; })(); export default presentAlert;