import { LegacyWallet } from './legacy-wallet'; const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib'); export class SegwitBech32Wallet extends LegacyWallet { static type = 'segwitBech32'; static typeReadable = 'P2 WPKH'; static segwitType = 'p2wpkh'; getAddress() { if (this._address) return this._address; let address; try { const keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(this.secret); if (!keyPair.compressed) { console.warn('only compressed public keys are good for segwit'); return false; } address = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: keyPair.publicKey, }).address; } catch (err) { return false; } this._address = address; return this._address; } static witnessToAddress(witness) { try { const pubKey = Buffer.from(witness, 'hex'); return bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: pubKey, network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin, }).address; } catch (_) { return false; } } /** * Converts script pub key to bech32 address if it can. Returns FALSE if it cant. * * @param scriptPubKey * @returns {boolean|string} Either bech32 address or false */ static scriptPubKeyToAddress(scriptPubKey) { try { const scriptPubKey2 = Buffer.from(scriptPubKey, 'hex'); return bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ output: scriptPubKey2, network: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin, }).address; } catch (_) { return false; } } createTransaction(utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress, sequence, skipSigning = false, masterFingerprint) { if (targets.length === 0) throw new Error('No destination provided'); // compensating for coinselect inability to deal with segwit inputs, and overriding script length for proper vbytes calculation for (const u of utxos) { u.script = { length: 27 }; } const { inputs, outputs, fee } = this.coinselect(utxos, targets, feeRate, changeAddress); sequence = sequence || 0xffffffff; // disable RBF by default const psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt(); let c = 0; const values = {}; let keyPair; inputs.forEach(input => { if (!skipSigning) { // skiping signing related stuff keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(this.secret); // secret is WIF } values[c] = input.value; c++; const pubkey = keyPair.publicKey; const p2wpkh = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey }); psbt.addInput({ hash: input.txid, index: input.vout, sequence, witnessUtxo: { script: p2wpkh.output, value: input.value, }, }); }); outputs.forEach(output => { // if output has no address - this is change output if (!output.address) { output.address = changeAddress; } const outputData = { address: output.address, value: output.value, }; psbt.addOutput(outputData); }); if (!skipSigning) { // skiping signing related stuff for (let cc = 0; cc < c; cc++) { psbt.signInput(cc, keyPair); } } let tx; if (!skipSigning) { tx = psbt.finalizeAllInputs().extractTransaction(); } return { tx, inputs, outputs, fee, psbt }; } allowSend() { return true; } allowSendMax() { return true; } isSegwit() { return true; } allowSignVerifyMessage() { return true; } }