def app_identifiers ["io.bluewallet.bluewallet", "", "", "io.bluewallet.bluewallet.Stickers", "io.bluewallet.bluewallet.MarketWidget"] end default_platform(:android) project_root = File.expand_path("..", __dir__) platform :android do desc "Prepare the keystore file" lane :prepare_keystore do Dir.chdir(project_root) do keystore_file_hex = ENV['KEYSTORE_FILE_HEX'] UI.user_error!("KEYSTORE_FILE_HEX environment variable is missing") if keystore_file_hex.nil? Dir.chdir("android") do UI.message("Creating keystore hex file...") File.write("bluewallet-release-key.keystore.hex", keystore_file_hex) sh("xxd -plain -revert bluewallet-release-key.keystore.hex > bluewallet-release-key.keystore") do |status| UI.user_error!("Error reverting hex to keystore") unless status.success? end UI.message("Keystore created successfully.") File.delete("bluewallet-release-key.keystore.hex") end end end desc "Update version code, build, and sign the APK" lane :update_version_build_and_sign_apk do Dir.chdir(project_root) do build_number = ENV['BUILD_NUMBER'] UI.user_error!("BUILD_NUMBER environment variable is missing") if build_number.nil? # Get the version name from build.gradle version_name = sh("grep versionName android/app/build.gradle | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\"'").strip # Get the branch name branch_name = ENV['GITHUB_HEAD_REF'] || `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`.strip.gsub('/', '-') # Append branch name only if it's not 'master' if branch_name != 'master' signed_apk_name = "BlueWallet-#{version_name}-#{build_number}-#{branch_name}.apk" else signed_apk_name = "BlueWallet-#{version_name}-#{build_number}-.apk" end Dir.chdir("android") do UI.message("Updating version code in build.gradle...") gradle( task: "assembleRelease", properties: { "versionCode" => build_number }, project_dir: "android" ) UI.message("Version code updated to #{build_number} and APK build completed.") # Define the output paths unsigned_apk_path = "app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk" signed_apk_path = "app/build/outputs/apk/release/#{signed_apk_name}" # Rename the unsigned APK to include the version and build number if File.exist?(unsigned_apk_path) UI.message("Renaming APK to #{signed_apk_name}..."), signed_apk_path) ENV['APK_OUTPUT_PATH'] = File.expand_path(signed_apk_path) else UI.error("Unsigned APK not found at path: #{unsigned_apk_path}") next end # Sign the APK using apksigner directly since we don't have an alias UI.message("Signing APK with apksigner...") apksigner_path = "#{ENV['ANDROID_HOME']}/build-tools/34.0.0/apksigner" sh("#{apksigner_path} sign --ks ./bluewallet-release-key.keystore --ks-pass=pass:#{ENV['KEYSTORE_PASSWORD']} #{signed_apk_path}") UI.message("APK signed successfully: #{signed_apk_path}") end end end desc "Upload APK to BrowserStack and post result as PR comment" lane :upload_to_browserstack_and_comment do Dir.chdir(project_root) do # Fetch the APK path from environment variables apk_path = ENV['APK_PATH'] # Attempt to find the APK if not provided if apk_path.nil? || apk_path.empty? UI.message("No APK path provided, attempting to find the artifact...") apk_path = `find ./ -name "*.apk"`.strip UI.user_error!("No APK file found") if apk_path.nil? || apk_path.empty? end UI.message("Uploading APK to BrowserStack: #{apk_path}...") upload_to_browserstack_app_live( file_path: apk_path, browserstack_username: ENV['BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME'], browserstack_access_key: ENV['BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY'] ) # Extract the BrowserStack URL from the output app_url = ENV['BROWSERSTACK_LIVE_APP_ID'] UI.user_error!("BrowserStack upload failed, no app URL returned") if app_url.nil? || app_url.empty? # Prepare necessary values for the PR comment apk_filename = File.basename(apk_path) browserstack_hashed_id = app_url.gsub('bs://', '') pr_number = ENV['GITHUB_PR_NUMBER'] comment = <<~COMMENT ### APK Successfully Uploaded to BrowserStack You can test it on the following devices: - [Google Pixel 5 (Android 12.0)]({browserstack_hashed_id}&scale_to_fit=true&speed=1&start=true) - [Google Pixel 7 (Android 13.0)]({browserstack_hashed_id}&scale_to_fit=true&speed=1&start=true) - [Google Pixel 8 (Android 14.0)]({browserstack_hashed_id}&scale_to_fit=true&speed=1&start=true) - [Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 6 (Android 14.0)]({browserstack_hashed_id}&scale_to_fit=true&speed=1&start=true) **Filename**: #{apk_filename} **BrowserStack App URL**: #{app_url} COMMENT if pr_number begin sh("GH_TOKEN=#{ENV['GH_TOKEN']} gh pr comment #{pr_number} --body '#{comment}'") UI.success("Posted comment to PR ##{pr_number}") rescue => e UI.error("Failed to post comment to PR: #{e.message}") end else UI.important("No PR number found. Skipping PR comment.") end end end end platform :ios do before_all do |lane, options| UI.message("Setting up for all lanes...") UI.message("Discarding all untracked changes before running any lane...") sh("git clean -fd") sh("git checkout -- .") end desc "Register new devices from a file" lane :register_devices_from_txt do UI.message("Registering new devices from file...") csv_path = "../../devices.txt" # Update this with the actual path to your file # Registering devices using the devices_file parameter register_devices( devices_file: csv_path ) UI.message("Devices registered successfully.") app_identifiers.each do |app_identifier| match( type: "development", app_identifier: app_identifier, readonly: false, # This will regenerate the provisioning profile if needed force_for_new_devices: true # This forces match to add new devices to the profile ) end UI.message("Development provisioning profiles updated.") end desc "Create a temporary keychain" lane :create_temp_keychain do UI.message("Creating a temporary keychain...") create_keychain( name: "temp_keychain", password: ENV["KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD"], default_keychain: true, unlock: true, timeout: 3600, lock_when_sleeps: true ) UI.message("Temporary keychain created successfully.") end desc "Synchronize certificates and provisioning profiles" lane :setup_provisioning_profiles do |options| UI.message("Setting up provisioning profiles...") target_to_app_identifier = { 'BlueWallet' => 'io.bluewallet.bluewallet', 'BlueWalletWatch' => '', 'BlueWalletWatchExtension' => '', 'Stickers' => 'io.bluewallet.bluewallet.Stickers', 'MarketWidget' => 'io.bluewallet.bluewallet.MarketWidget' } platform = options[:platform] || "ios" # Default to iOS if not specified # Remove local master branch if it exists (Exit status: 128 - 'fatal: a branch named 'master' already exists') sh("git branch -D master || true") target_to_app_identifier.each do |target, app_identifier| match( git_basic_authorization: ENV["GIT_ACCESS_TOKEN"], git_url: ENV["GIT_URL"], type: "appstore", platform: platform, app_identifier: app_identifier, team_id: ENV["ITC_TEAM_ID"], team_name: ENV["ITC_TEAM_NAME"], readonly: true, keychain_name: "temp_keychain", keychain_password: ENV["KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD"] ) end end desc "Fetch development certificates and provisioning profiles for Mac Catalyst" lane :fetch_dev_profiles_catalyst do match( type: "development", platform: "catalyst", app_identifier: app_identifiers, readonly: true ) end desc "Fetch App Store certificates and provisioning profiles for Mac Catalyst" lane :fetch_appstore_profiles_catalyst do match( type: "appstore", platform: "catalyst", app_identifier: app_identifiers, readonly: true ) end desc "Setup provisioning profiles for Mac Catalyst" lane :setup_catalyst_provisioning_profiles do app_identifiers.each do |app_identifier| match( type: "development", platform: "catalyst", app_identifier: app_identifier, readonly: false, force_for_new_devices: true ) match( type: "appstore", platform: "catalyst", app_identifier: app_identifier, readonly: false ) end end desc "Clear derived data" lane :clear_derived_data_lane do UI.message("Clearing derived data...") clear_derived_data end desc "Increment build number" lane :increment_build_number_lane do UI.message("Incrementing build number to current timestamp...") # Set the new build number increment_build_number( xcodeproj: "ios/BlueWallet.xcodeproj", build_number: ENV["NEW_BUILD_NUMBER"] ) UI.message("Build number set to: #{ENV['NEW_BUILD_NUMBER']}") end desc "Install CocoaPods dependencies" lane :install_pods do UI.message("Installing CocoaPods dependencies...") cocoapods(podfile: "ios/Podfile") end desc "Build the application" lane :build_app_lane do UI.message("Building the application...") build_app( scheme: "BlueWallet", workspace: "ios/BlueWallet.xcworkspace", export_method: "app-store", include_bitcode: false, configuration: "Release", skip_profile_detection: true, include_symbols: true, export_team_id: ENV["ITC_TEAM_ID"], export_options: { signingStyle: "manual", provisioningProfiles: { 'io.bluewallet.bluewallet' => 'match AppStore io.bluewallet.bluewallet', '' => 'match AppStore', '' => 'match AppStore', 'io.bluewallet.bluewallet.Stickers' => 'match AppStore io.bluewallet.bluewallet.Stickers', 'io.bluewallet.bluewallet.MarketWidget' => 'match AppStore io.bluewallet.bluewallet.MarketWidget' } }, xcargs: "GCC_PREPROCESSOR_DEFINITIONS='$(inherited) VERBOSE_LOGGING=1'", output_directory: "./build", # Directory where the IPA file will be stored output_name: "BlueWallet.#{ENV['PROJECT_VERSION']}(#{ENV['NEW_BUILD_NUMBER']}).ipa", buildlog_path: "./build_logs" ) end desc "Upload to TestFlight without Processing Wait" lane :upload_to_testflight_lane do attempts = 0 max_attempts = 3 begin UI.message("Uploading to TestFlight without processing wait...") changelog = ENV["LATEST_COMMIT_MESSAGE"] upload_to_testflight( api_key_path: "appstore_api_key.json", ipa: "./build/BlueWallet.#{ENV['PROJECT_VERSION']}(#{ENV['NEW_BUILD_NUMBER']}).ipa", skip_waiting_for_build_processing: true, # Do not wait for processing changelog: changelog ) rescue => exception attempts += 1 if attempts <= max_attempts wait_time = 180 # 3 minutes in seconds UI.message("Attempt ##{attempts} failed with error: #{exception.message}. Waiting #{wait_time} seconds before trying again...") sleep(wait_time) retry else UI.error("Failed after #{max_attempts} attempts. Error: #{exception.message}") raise exception end end end desc "Deploy to TestFlight" lane :deploy do |options| UI.message("Starting build process...") # Update the WWDR certificate update_wwdr_certificate setup_app_store_connect_api_key setup_provisioning_profiles clear_derived_data_lane increment_build_number_lane unless"Pods") install_pods end build_app_lane upload_to_testflight_lane # Clean up and delete the temporary keychain delete_keychain(name: "temp_keychain") # Mark deployment as completed for the current commit last_commit = last_git_commit already_built_flag = ".already_built_#{last_commit[:sha]}" File.write(already_built_flag, end desc "Update 'What's New' section in App Store Connect for the 'Prepare for Submission' version" lane :update_release_notes do |options| require 'spaceship' UI.message("Logging in to App Store Connect...") Spaceship::ConnectAPI.login app = Spaceship::ConnectAPI::App.find(app_identifiers.first) unless app UI.user_error!("Could not find the app with identifier: #{app_identifiers.first}") end # Retry logic for fetching or creating the edit version retries = 5 begin prepare_version = app.get_edit_app_store_version(platform: Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Platform::IOS) # If no "Prepare for Submission" version is found, create a new one if prepare_version.nil? UI.message("No version in 'Prepare for Submission' found. Creating a new version...") latest_version = app.get_latest_version(platform: Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Platform::IOS) new_version_number = (latest_version.version_string.to_f + 0.1).to_s prepare_version = app.create_version!(platform: Spaceship::ConnectAPI::Platform::IOS, version_string: new_version_number) UI.message("Created new version: #{new_version_number}") else UI.message("Found existing version in 'Prepare for Submission': #{prepare_version.version_string}") end rescue => e retries -= 1 if retries > 0 delay = 20 UI.message("Cannot find edit app info... Retrying after #{delay} seconds (remaining: #{retries})") sleep(delay) retry else UI.user_error!("Failed to fetch or create the app version: #{e.message}") end end # Extract existing metadata localized_metadata = prepare_version.get_app_store_version_localizations # Get all the enabled locales for the app version enabled_locales = # Define valid language codes and filter them based on enabled locales release_notes_text = options[:release_notes] if release_notes_text.nil? || release_notes_text.strip.empty? release_notes_path = "../../release-notes.txt" unless File.exist?(release_notes_path) UI.error("Release notes file does not exist at path: #{release_notes_path}") UI.user_error!("No release notes provided and no file found. Failing the lane.") end release_notes_text = end localized_release_notes = { 'en-US' => release_notes_text, # English (U.S.) - Primary 'ar-SA' => release_notes_text, # Arabic 'zh-Hans' => release_notes_text, # Chinese (Simplified) 'hr' => release_notes_text, # Croatian 'da' => release_notes_text, # Danish 'nl-NL' => release_notes_text, # Dutch 'fi' => release_notes_text, # Finnish 'fr-FR' => release_notes_text, # French 'de-DE' => release_notes_text, # German 'el' => release_notes_text, # Greek 'he' => release_notes_text, # Hebrew 'hu' => release_notes_text, # Hungarian 'it' => release_notes_text, # Italian 'ja' => release_notes_text, # Japanese 'ms' => release_notes_text, # Malay 'nb' => release_notes_text, # Norwegian 'pl' => release_notes_text, # Polish 'pt-BR' => release_notes_text, # Portuguese (Brazil) 'pt-PT' => release_notes_text, # Portuguese (Portugal) 'ro' => release_notes_text, # Romanian 'ru' => release_notes_text, # Russian 'es-MX' => release_notes_text, # Spanish (Mexico) 'es-ES' => release_notes_text, # Spanish (Spain) 'sv' => release_notes_text, # Swedish 'th' => release_notes_text, # Thai }.select { |locale, _| enabled_locales.include?(locale) } # Only include enabled locales # Review what's going to be updated UI.message("Review the following release notes updates:") localized_release_notes.each do |locale, notes| UI.message("Locale: #{locale} - Notes: #{notes}") end unless options[:force_yes] confirm = UI.confirm("Do you want to proceed with these release notes updates?") unless confirm UI.user_error!("User aborted the lane.") end end # Update release notes in App Store Connect and skip all other metadata localized_release_notes.each do |locale, notes| app_store_version_localization = localized_metadata.find { |loc| loc.locale == locale } if app_store_version_localization app_store_version_localization.update(attributes: { "whats_new" => notes }) else UI.error("No localization found for locale #{locale}") end end end end