import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import bip21, { TOptions } from 'bip21'; import * as bitcoin from 'bitcoinjs-lib'; import URL from 'url'; import { readFileOutsideSandbox } from '../blue_modules/fs'; import { Chain } from '../models/bitcoinUnits'; import { BlueApp, LightningCustodianWallet, WatchOnlyWallet } from './'; import Azteco from './azteco'; import Lnurl from './lnurl'; import type { TWallet } from './wallets/types'; type TCompletionHandlerParams = [string, object]; type TContext = { wallets: TWallet[]; saveToDisk: () => void; addWallet: (wallet: TWallet) => void; setSharedCosigner: (cosigner: string) => void; }; type TBothBitcoinAndLightning = { bitcoin: string; lndInvoice: string } | undefined; class DeeplinkSchemaMatch { static hasSchema(schemaString: string): boolean { if (typeof schemaString !== 'string' || schemaString.length <= 0) return false; const lowercaseString = schemaString.trim().toLowerCase(); return ( lowercaseString.startsWith('bitcoin:') || lowercaseString.startsWith('lightning:') || lowercaseString.startsWith('blue:') || lowercaseString.startsWith('bluewallet:') || lowercaseString.startsWith('lapp:') ); } /** * Examines the content of the event parameter. * If the content is recognizable, create a dictionary with the respective * navigation dictionary required by react-navigation * * @param event {{url: string}} URL deeplink as passed to app, e.g. `bitcoin:bc1qh6tf004ty7z7un2v5ntu4mkf630545gvhs45u7?amount=666&label=Yo` * @param completionHandler {function} Callback that returns [string, params: object] */ static navigationRouteFor( event: { url: string }, completionHandler: (args: TCompletionHandlerParams) => void, context: TContext = { wallets: [], saveToDisk: () => {}, addWallet: () => {}, setSharedCosigner: () => {} }, ) { if (event.url === null) { return; } if (typeof event.url !== 'string') { return; } if (event.url.toLowerCase().startsWith('bluewallet:bitcoin:') || event.url.toLowerCase().startsWith('bluewallet:lightning:')) { event.url = event.url.substring(11); } else if (event.url.toLocaleLowerCase().startsWith('bluewallet://widget?action=')) { event.url = event.url.substring('bluewallet://'.length); } if (DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isWidgetAction(event.url)) { if (context.wallets.length >= 0) { const wallet = context.wallets[0]; const action = event.url.split('widget?action=')[1]; if (wallet.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN) { if (action === 'openSend') { completionHandler([ 'SendDetailsRoot', { screen: 'SendDetails', params: { walletID: wallet.getID(), }, }, ]); } else if (action === 'openReceive') { completionHandler([ 'ReceiveDetailsRoot', { screen: 'ReceiveDetails', params: { walletID: wallet.getID(), }, }, ]); } } else if (wallet.chain === Chain.OFFCHAIN) { if (action === 'openSend') { completionHandler([ 'ScanLndInvoiceRoot', { screen: 'ScanLndInvoice', params: { walletID: wallet.getID(), }, }, ]); } else if (action === 'openReceive') { completionHandler(['LNDCreateInvoiceRoot', { screen: 'LNDCreateInvoice', params: { walletID: wallet.getID() } }]); } } } } else if (DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isPossiblySignedPSBTFile(event.url)) { readFileOutsideSandbox(decodeURI(event.url)) .then(file => { if (file) { completionHandler([ 'SendDetailsRoot', { screen: 'PsbtWithHardwareWallet', params: { deepLinkPSBT: file, }, }, ]); } }) .catch(e => console.warn(e)); return; } else if (DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isPossiblyCosignerFile(event.url)) { readFileOutsideSandbox(decodeURI(event.url)) .then(file => { // checks whether the necessary json keys are present in order to set a cosigner, // doesn't validate the values this happens later if (!file || !this.hasNeededJsonKeysForMultiSigSharing(file)) { return; } context.setSharedCosigner(file); }) .catch(e => console.warn(e)); } let isBothBitcoinAndLightning: TBothBitcoinAndLightning; try { isBothBitcoinAndLightning = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isBothBitcoinAndLightning(event.url); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } if (isBothBitcoinAndLightning) { completionHandler([ 'SelectWallet', { onWalletSelect: (wallet: TWallet, { navigation }: any) => { navigation.pop(); // close select wallet screen navigation.navigate(...DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isBothBitcoinAndLightningOnWalletSelect(wallet, isBothBitcoinAndLightning)); }, }, ]); } else if (DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isBitcoinAddress(event.url)) { completionHandler([ 'SendDetailsRoot', { screen: 'SendDetails', params: { uri: event.url.replace('://', ':'), }, }, ]); } else if (DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isLightningInvoice(event.url)) { completionHandler([ 'ScanLndInvoiceRoot', { screen: 'ScanLndInvoice', params: { uri: event.url.replace('://', ':'), }, }, ]); } else if (DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isLnUrl(event.url)) { // at this point we can not tell if it is lnurl-pay or lnurl-withdraw since it needs additional async call // to the server, which is undesirable here, so LNDCreateInvoice screen will handle it for us and will // redirect user to LnurlPay screen if necessary completionHandler([ 'LNDCreateInvoiceRoot', { screen: 'LNDCreateInvoice', params: { uri: event.url.replace('lightning:', '').replace('LIGHTNING:', ''), }, }, ]); } else if (Lnurl.isLightningAddress(event.url)) { // this might be not just an email but a lightning address // @see completionHandler([ 'ScanLndInvoiceRoot', { screen: 'ScanLndInvoice', params: { uri: event.url, }, }, ]); } else if (Azteco.isRedeemUrl(event.url)) { completionHandler([ 'AztecoRedeemRoot', { screen: 'AztecoRedeem', params: Azteco.getParamsFromUrl(event.url), }, ]); } else if (new WatchOnlyWallet().setSecret(event.url).init().valid()) { completionHandler([ 'AddWalletRoot', { screen: 'ImportWallet', params: { triggerImport: true, label: event.url, }, }, ]); } else { const urlObject = URL.parse(event.url, true); // eslint-disable-line n/no-deprecated-api (async () => { if (urlObject.protocol === 'bluewallet:' || urlObject.protocol === 'lapp:' || urlObject.protocol === 'blue:') { switch ( { case 'openlappbrowser': { console.log('opening LAPP', urlObject.query.url); // searching for LN wallet: let haveLnWallet = false; for (const w of context.wallets) { if (w.type === LightningCustodianWallet.type) { haveLnWallet = true; } } if (!haveLnWallet) { // need to create one const w = new LightningCustodianWallet(); w.setLabel(w.typeReadable); try { const lndhub = await AsyncStorage.getItem(BlueApp.LNDHUB); if (lndhub) { w.setBaseURI(lndhub); w.init(); } await w.createAccount(); await w.authorize(); } catch (Err) { // giving up, not doing anything return; } context.addWallet(w); context.saveToDisk(); } // now, opening lapp browser and navigating it to URL. // looking for a LN wallet: let lnWallet; for (const w of context.wallets) { if (w.type === LightningCustodianWallet.type) { lnWallet = w; break; } } if (!lnWallet) { // something went wrong return; } completionHandler([ 'LappBrowserRoot', { screen: 'LappBrowser', params: { walletID: lnWallet.getID(), url: urlObject.query.url, }, }, ]); break; } case 'setelectrumserver': completionHandler([ 'ElectrumSettings', { server: DeeplinkSchemaMatch.getServerFromSetElectrumServerAction(event.url), }, ]); break; case 'setlndhuburl': completionHandler([ 'LightningSettings', { url: DeeplinkSchemaMatch.getUrlFromSetLndhubUrlAction(event.url), }, ]); break; } } })(); } } /** * Extracts server from a deeplink like `bluewallet:setelectrumserver?` * returns FALSE if none found * * @param url {string} * @return {string|boolean} */ static getServerFromSetElectrumServerAction(url: string): string | false { if (!url.startsWith('bluewallet:setelectrumserver') && !url.startsWith('setelectrumserver')) return false; const splt = url.split('server='); if (splt[1]) return decodeURIComponent(splt[1]); return false; } /** * Extracts url from a deeplink like `bluewallet:setlndhuburl?` * returns FALSE if none found * * @param url {string} * @return {string|boolean} */ static getUrlFromSetLndhubUrlAction(url: string): string | false { if (!url.startsWith('bluewallet:setlndhuburl') && !url.startsWith('setlndhuburl')) return false; const splt = url.split('url='); if (splt[1]) return decodeURIComponent(splt[1]); return false; } static isTXNFile(filePath: string): boolean { return ( (filePath.toLowerCase().startsWith('file:') || filePath.toLowerCase().startsWith('content:')) && filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.txn') ); } static isPossiblySignedPSBTFile(filePath: string): boolean { return ( (filePath.toLowerCase().startsWith('file:') || filePath.toLowerCase().startsWith('content:')) && filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith('-signed.psbt') ); } static isPossiblyPSBTFile(filePath: string): boolean { return ( (filePath.toLowerCase().startsWith('file:') || filePath.toLowerCase().startsWith('content:')) && filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.psbt') ); } static isPossiblyCosignerFile(filePath: string): boolean { return ( (filePath.toLowerCase().startsWith('file:') || filePath.toLowerCase().startsWith('content:')) && filePath.toLowerCase().endsWith('.bwcosigner') ); } static isBothBitcoinAndLightningOnWalletSelect(wallet: TWallet, uri: any): TCompletionHandlerParams { if (wallet.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN) { return [ 'SendDetailsRoot', { screen: 'SendDetails', params: { uri: uri.bitcoin, walletID: wallet.getID(), }, }, ]; } else { return [ 'ScanLndInvoiceRoot', { screen: 'ScanLndInvoice', params: { uri: uri.lndInvoice, walletID: wallet.getID(), }, }, ]; } } static isBitcoinAddress(address: string): boolean { address = address.replace('://', ':').replace('bitcoin:', '').replace('BITCOIN:', '').replace('bitcoin=', '').split('?')[0]; let isValidBitcoinAddress = false; try { bitcoin.address.toOutputScript(address); isValidBitcoinAddress = true; } catch (err) { isValidBitcoinAddress = false; } return isValidBitcoinAddress; } static isLightningInvoice(invoice: string): boolean { let isValidLightningInvoice = false; if ( invoice.toLowerCase().startsWith('lightning:lnb') || invoice.toLowerCase().startsWith('lightning://lnb') || invoice.toLowerCase().startsWith('lnb') ) { isValidLightningInvoice = true; } return isValidLightningInvoice; } static isLnUrl(text: string): boolean { return Lnurl.isLnurl(text); } static isWidgetAction(text: string): boolean { return text.startsWith('widget?action='); } static hasNeededJsonKeysForMultiSigSharing(str: string): boolean { let obj; // Check if it's a valid JSON try { obj = JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { return false; } // Check for the existence and type of the keys return typeof obj.xfp === 'string' && typeof obj.xpub === 'string' && typeof obj.path === 'string'; } static isBothBitcoinAndLightning(url: string): TBothBitcoinAndLightning { if (url.includes('lightning') && (url.includes('bitcoin') || url.includes('BITCOIN'))) { const txInfo = url.split(/(bitcoin:\/\/|BITCOIN:\/\/|bitcoin:|BITCOIN:|lightning:|lightning=|bitcoin=)+/); let btc: string | false = false; let lndInvoice: string | false = false; for (const [index, value] of txInfo.entries()) { try { // Inside try-catch. We dont wan't to crash in case of an out-of-bounds error. if (value.startsWith('bitcoin') || value.startsWith('BITCOIN')) { btc = `bitcoin:${txInfo[index + 1]}`; if (!DeeplinkSchemaMatch.isBitcoinAddress(btc)) { btc = false; break; } } else if (value.startsWith('lightning')) { const lnpart = txInfo[index + 1].split('&').find(el => el.toLowerCase().startsWith('ln')); lndInvoice = `lightning:${lnpart}`; if (!this.isLightningInvoice(lndInvoice)) { lndInvoice = false; break; } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } if (btc && lndInvoice) break; } if (btc && lndInvoice) { return { bitcoin: btc, lndInvoice }; } else { return undefined; } } return undefined; } static bip21decode(uri?: string) { if (!uri) { throw new Error('No URI provided'); } let replacedUri = uri; for (const replaceMe of ['BITCOIN://', 'bitcoin://', 'BITCOIN:']) { replacedUri = replacedUri.replace(replaceMe, 'bitcoin:'); } return bip21.decode(replacedUri); } static bip21encode(address: string, options: TOptions): string { for (const key in options) { if (key === 'label' && String(options[key]).replace(' ', '').length === 0) { delete options[key]; } if (key === 'amount' && !(Number(options[key]) > 0)) { delete options[key]; } } return bip21.encode(address, options); } static decodeBitcoinUri(uri: string) { let amount; let address = uri || ''; let memo = ''; let payjoinUrl = ''; try { const parsedBitcoinUri = DeeplinkSchemaMatch.bip21decode(uri); address = parsedBitcoinUri.address ? parsedBitcoinUri.address.toString() : address; if ('options' in parsedBitcoinUri) { if (parsedBitcoinUri.options.amount) { amount = Number(parsedBitcoinUri.options.amount); } if (parsedBitcoinUri.options.label) { memo = parsedBitcoinUri.options.label; } if (parsedBitcoinUri.options.pj) { payjoinUrl = parsedBitcoinUri.options.pj; } } } catch (_) {} return { address, amount, memo, payjoinUrl }; } } export default DeeplinkSchemaMatch;