/* global describe, it, jasmine, afterAll, beforeAll */ import { LegacyWallet, SegwitP2SHWallet, SegwitBech32Wallet } from '../../class'; const assert = require('assert'); global.net = require('net'); // needed by Electrum client. For RN it is proviced in shim.js global.tls = require('tls'); // needed by Electrum client. For RN it is proviced in shim.js const BlueElectrum = require('../../blue_modules/BlueElectrum'); // so it connects ASAP jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 30000; afterAll(async () => { // after all tests we close socket so the test suite can actually terminate BlueElectrum.forceDisconnect(); }); beforeAll(async () => { // awaiting for Electrum to be connected. For RN Electrum would naturally connect // while app starts up, but for tests we need to wait for it await BlueElectrum.waitTillConnected(); }); describe('LegacyWallet', function () { it('can serialize and unserialize correctly', () => { const a = new LegacyWallet(); a.setLabel('my1'); const key = JSON.stringify(a); const b = LegacyWallet.fromJson(key); assert.strictEqual(b.type, LegacyWallet.type); assert.strictEqual(key, JSON.stringify(b)); }); it('can validate addresses', () => { const w = new LegacyWallet(); assert.ok(w.isAddressValid('12eQ9m4sgAwTSQoNXkRABKhCXCsjm2jdVG')); assert.ok(!w.isAddressValid('12eQ9m4sgAwTSQoNXkRABKhCXCsjm2j')); assert.ok(w.isAddressValid('3BDsBDxDimYgNZzsqszNZobqQq3yeUoJf2')); assert.ok(!w.isAddressValid('3BDsBDxDimYgNZzsqszNZobqQq3yeUo')); assert.ok(!w.isAddressValid('12345')); assert.ok(w.isAddressValid('bc1quuafy8htjjj263cvpj7md84magzmc8svmh8lrm')); assert.ok(w.isAddressValid('BC1QH6TF004TY7Z7UN2V5NTU4MKF630545GVHS45U7')); }); it('can fetch balance', async () => { const w = new LegacyWallet(); w._address = '115fUy41sZkAG14CmdP1VbEKcNRZJWkUWG'; // hack internals assert.ok(w.weOwnAddress('115fUy41sZkAG14CmdP1VbEKcNRZJWkUWG')); assert.ok(!w.weOwnAddress('aaa')); assert.ok(w.getBalance() === 0); assert.ok(w.getUnconfirmedBalance() === 0); assert.ok(w._lastBalanceFetch === 0); await w.fetchBalance(); assert.ok(w.getBalance() === 18262000); assert.ok(w.getUnconfirmedBalance() === 0); assert.ok(w._lastBalanceFetch > 0); }); it('can fetch TXs', async () => { const w = new LegacyWallet(); w._address = '12eQ9m4sgAwTSQoNXkRABKhCXCsjm2jdVG'; await w.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions().length, 2); for (const tx of w.getTransactions()) { assert.ok(tx.hash); assert.ok(tx.value); assert.ok(tx.received); assert.ok(tx.confirmations > 1); } }); it('can fetch TXs when addresses for vout are missing', async () => { // Transaction with missing address output https://www.blockchain.com/btc/tx/d45818ae11a584357f7b74da26012d2becf4ef064db015a45bdfcd9cb438929d const w = new LegacyWallet(); w._address = '1PVfrmbn1vSMoFZB2Ga7nDuXLFDyJZHrHK'; await w.fetchTransactions(); assert.ok(w.getTransactions().length > 0); for (const tx of w.getTransactions()) { assert.ok(tx.hash); assert.ok(tx.value); assert.ok(tx.received); assert.ok(tx.confirmations > 1); } }); it.each([ ['addresses for vout missing', '1PVfrmbn1vSMoFZB2Ga7nDuXLFDyJZHrHK'], // ['txdatas were coming back null from BlueElectrum because of high batchsize', '34xp4vRoCGJym3xR7yCVPFHoCNxv4Twseo'], // skipped because its slow and flaky if being run in pack with other electrum tests. uncomment and run single // if you need to debug huge electrum batches ])( 'can fetch TXs when %s', async (useCase, address) => { const w = new LegacyWallet(); w._address = address; await w.fetchTransactions(); assert.ok(w.getTransactions().length > 0); for (const tx of w.getTransactions()) { assert.ok(tx.hash); assert.ok(tx.value); assert.ok(tx.received); assert.ok(tx.confirmations > 1); } }, 240000, ); it('can fetch UTXO', async () => { const w = new LegacyWallet(); w._address = '12c6DSiU4Rq3P4ZxziKxzrL5LmMBrzjrJX'; await w.fetchUtxo(); assert.ok(w.utxo.length > 0, 'unexpected empty UTXO'); assert.ok(w.getUtxo().length > 0, 'unexpected empty UTXO'); assert.ok(w.getUtxo()[0].value); assert.ok(w.getUtxo()[0].vout === 1, JSON.stringify(w.getUtxo()[0])); assert.ok(w.getUtxo()[0].txid); assert.ok(w.getUtxo()[0].confirmations); }); }); describe('SegwitP2SHWallet', function () { it('can generate segwit P2SH address from WIF', async () => { const l = new SegwitP2SHWallet(); l.setSecret('Kxr9tQED9H44gCmp6HAdmemAzU3n84H3dGkuWTKvE23JgHMW8gct'); assert.ok(l.getAddress() === '34AgLJhwXrvmkZS1o5TrcdeevMt22Nar53', 'expected ' + l.getAddress()); assert.ok(l.getAddress() === (await l.getAddressAsync())); assert.ok(l.weOwnAddress('34AgLJhwXrvmkZS1o5TrcdeevMt22Nar53')); }); }); describe('SegwitBech32Wallet', function () { it('can fetch balance', async () => { const w = new SegwitBech32Wallet(); w._address = 'bc1qn887fmetaytw4vj68vsh529ft408q8j9x3dndc'; assert.ok(w.weOwnAddress('bc1qn887fmetaytw4vj68vsh529ft408q8j9x3dndc')); await w.fetchBalance(); assert.strictEqual(w.getBalance(), 100000); }); it('can fetch UTXO', async () => { const w = new SegwitBech32Wallet(); w._address = 'bc1qn887fmetaytw4vj68vsh529ft408q8j9x3dndc'; await w.fetchUtxo(); const l1 = w.getUtxo().length; assert.ok(w.getUtxo().length > 0, 'unexpected empty UTXO'); assert.ok(w.getUtxo()[0].value); assert.ok(w.getUtxo()[0].vout === 0); assert.ok(w.getUtxo()[0].txid); assert.ok(w.getUtxo()[0].confirmations, JSON.stringify(w.getUtxo()[0], null, 2)); // double fetch shouldnt duplicate UTXOs: await w.fetchUtxo(); const l2 = w.getUtxo().length; assert.strictEqual(l1, l2); }); it('can fetch TXs', async () => { const w = new LegacyWallet(); w._address = 'bc1quhnve8q4tk3unhmjts7ymxv8cd6w9xv8wy29uv'; await w.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions().length, 2); for (const tx of w.getTransactions()) { assert.ok(tx.hash); assert.ok(tx.value); assert.ok(tx.received); assert.ok(tx.confirmations > 1); } assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions()[0].value, -892111); assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions()[1].value, 892111); }); it('can fetch TXs', async () => { const w = new LegacyWallet(); w._address = 'bc1qn887fmetaytw4vj68vsh529ft408q8j9x3dndc'; assert.ok(w.weOwnAddress('bc1qn887fmetaytw4vj68vsh529ft408q8j9x3dndc')); await w.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions().length, 1); for (const tx of w.getTransactions()) { assert.ok(tx.hash); assert.strictEqual(tx.value, 100000); assert.ok(tx.received); assert.ok(tx.confirmations > 1); } const tx0 = w.getTransactions()[0]; assert.ok(tx0.inputs); assert.ok(tx0.inputs.length === 1); assert.ok(tx0.outputs); assert.ok(tx0.outputs.length === 3); }); });