import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-async-storage/async-storage'; import DefaultPreference from 'react-native-default-preference'; import * as RNLocalize from 'react-native-localize'; import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'; import { FiatUnit, getFiatRate } from '../models/fiatUnit'; import WidgetCommunication from './WidgetCommunication'; const PREFERRED_CURRENCY = 'preferredCurrency'; const EXCHANGE_RATES = 'currency'; let preferredFiatCurrency = FiatUnit.USD; const exchangeRates = {}; const STRUCT = { LAST_UPDATED: 'LAST_UPDATED', }; /** * Saves to storage preferred currency, whole object * from `./models/fiatUnit` * * @param item {Object} one of the values in `./models/fiatUnit` * @returns {Promise} */ async function setPrefferedCurrency(item) { await AsyncStorage.setItem(PREFERRED_CURRENCY, JSON.stringify(item)); await DefaultPreference.setName(''); await DefaultPreference.set('preferredCurrency', item.endPointKey); await DefaultPreference.set('preferredCurrencyLocale', item.locale.replace('-', '_')); WidgetCommunication.reloadAllTimelines(); } async function getPreferredCurrency() { const preferredCurrency = await JSON.parse(await AsyncStorage.getItem(PREFERRED_CURRENCY)); await DefaultPreference.setName(''); await DefaultPreference.set('preferredCurrency', preferredCurrency.endPointKey); await DefaultPreference.set('preferredCurrencyLocale', preferredCurrency.locale.replace('-', '_')); return preferredCurrency; } async function updateExchangeRate() { if (+new Date() - exchangeRates[STRUCT.LAST_UPDATED] <= 30 * 60 * 1000) { // not updating too often return; } try { preferredFiatCurrency = JSON.parse(await AsyncStorage.getItem(PREFERRED_CURRENCY)); if (preferredFiatCurrency === null) { throw Error('No Preferred Fiat selected'); } } catch (_) { const deviceCurrencies = RNLocalize.getCurrencies(); if (Object.keys(FiatUnit).some(unit => unit === deviceCurrencies[0])) { preferredFiatCurrency = FiatUnit[deviceCurrencies[0]]; } else { preferredFiatCurrency = FiatUnit.USD; } } let rate; try { rate = await getFiatRate(preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey); } catch (Err) { const lastSavedExchangeRate = JSON.parse(await AsyncStorage.getItem(EXCHANGE_RATES)); exchangeRates['BTC_' + preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey] = lastSavedExchangeRate['BTC_' + preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey] * 1; return; } exchangeRates[STRUCT.LAST_UPDATED] = +new Date(); exchangeRates['BTC_' + preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey] = rate; await AsyncStorage.setItem(EXCHANGE_RATES, JSON.stringify(exchangeRates)); await AsyncStorage.setItem(PREFERRED_CURRENCY, JSON.stringify(preferredFiatCurrency)); await setPrefferedCurrency(preferredFiatCurrency); } let interval = false; async function startUpdater() { if (interval) { clearInterval(interval); exchangeRates[STRUCT.LAST_UPDATED] = 0; } interval = setInterval(() => updateExchangeRate(), 2 * 60 * 100); return updateExchangeRate(); } function satoshiToLocalCurrency(satoshi) { if (!exchangeRates['BTC_' + preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey]) { startUpdater(); return '...'; } let b = new BigNumber(satoshi).dividedBy(100000000).multipliedBy(exchangeRates['BTC_' + preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey]); if (b.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0.005) || b.isLessThanOrEqualTo(-0.005)) { b = b.toFixed(2); } else { b = b.toPrecision(2); } let formatter; try { formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(preferredFiatCurrency.locale, { style: 'currency', currency: preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey, minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 8, }); } catch (error) { console.warn(error); console.log(error); formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat(FiatUnit.USD.locale, { style: 'currency', currency: preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey, minimumFractionDigits: 2, maximumFractionDigits: 8, }); } return formatter.format(b); } function BTCToLocalCurrency(bitcoin) { let sat = new BigNumber(bitcoin); sat = sat.multipliedBy(100000000).toNumber(); return satoshiToLocalCurrency(sat); } function satoshiToBTC(satoshi) { let b = new BigNumber(satoshi); b = b.dividedBy(100000000); return b.toString(10); } function btcToSatoshi(btc) { return new BigNumber(btc).multipliedBy(100000000).toNumber(); } function fiatToBTC(fiatFloat) { let b = new BigNumber(fiatFloat); b = b.dividedBy(exchangeRates['BTC_' + preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey]).toFixed(8); return b; } function getCurrencySymbol() { return preferredFiatCurrency.symbol; } /** * Used to mock data in tests * * @param {object} currency, one of FiatUnit.* */ function _setPreferredFiatCurrency(currency) { preferredFiatCurrency = currency; } /** * Used to mock data in tests * * @param {string} pair as expected by rest of this module, e.g 'BTC_JPY' or 'BTC_USD' * @param {number} rate exchange rate */ function _setExchangeRate(pair, rate) { exchangeRates[pair] = rate; } module.exports.updateExchangeRate = updateExchangeRate; module.exports.startUpdater = startUpdater; module.exports.STRUCT = STRUCT; module.exports.satoshiToLocalCurrency = satoshiToLocalCurrency; module.exports.fiatToBTC = fiatToBTC; module.exports.satoshiToBTC = satoshiToBTC; module.exports.BTCToLocalCurrency = BTCToLocalCurrency; module.exports.setPrefferedCurrency = setPrefferedCurrency; module.exports.getPreferredCurrency = getPreferredCurrency; module.exports.btcToSatoshi = btcToSatoshi; module.exports.getCurrencySymbol = getCurrencySymbol; module.exports._setPreferredFiatCurrency = _setPreferredFiatCurrency; // export it to mock data in tests module.exports._setExchangeRate = _setExchangeRate; // export it to mock data in tests module.exports.PREFERRED_CURRENCY = PREFERRED_CURRENCY; module.exports.EXCHANGE_RATES = EXCHANGE_RATES;