import Foundation /// Represents a transaction with various properties including its type. /// Conforms to `Codable` and `Identifiable` for encoding/decoding and unique identification. struct Transaction: Codable, Identifiable, Equatable { let id: UUID let time: Date let memo: String let type: TransactionType let amount: Decimal /// Initializes a new Transaction instance. /// - Parameters: /// - id: Unique identifier for the transaction. Defaults to a new UUID. /// - time: Timestamp of the transaction. /// - memo: A memo or note associated with the transaction. /// - type: The type of the transaction, defined by `TransactionType`. /// - amount: The amount involved in the transaction as a string. init(id: UUID = UUID(), time: Date, memo: String, type: TransactionType, amount: Decimal) { = id self.time = time self.memo = memo self.type = type self.amount = amount } } extension Transaction { static var mock: Transaction { Transaction( time: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1714398896), // 2024-04-27T12:34:56Z memo: "Mock Transaction", type: .sent, amount: Decimal(string: "-0.001")! ) } static var mockTransactions: [Transaction] { [ .mock, Transaction( time: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1714308153), // 2024-04-26T11:22:33Z memo: "Another Mock Transaction", type: .received, amount: Decimal(string: "0.002")! ), Transaction( time: Date(timeIntervalSince1970: 1714217482), // 2024-04-25T10:11:22Z memo: "Third Mock Transaction", type: .pending, amount: ) ] } func formattedAmount(for unit: BitcoinUnit) -> String { guard let amountDecimal = Decimal(string: amount) else { return amount } return amountDecimal.formatted(as: unit) } }