/* global it, describe, jasmine, afterAll, beforeAll */ import { WatchOnlyWallet } from '../../class'; const assert = require('assert'); global.net = require('net'); // needed by Electrum client. For RN it is proviced in shim.js global.tls = require('tls'); // needed by Electrum client. For RN it is proviced in shim.js const BlueElectrum = require('../../BlueElectrum'); // so it connects ASAP afterAll(async () => { // after all tests we close socket so the test suite can actually terminate BlueElectrum.forceDisconnect(); }); beforeAll(async () => { // awaiting for Electrum to be connected. For RN Electrum would naturally connect // while app starts up, but for tests we need to wait for it await BlueElectrum.waitTillConnected(); }); jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 500 * 1000; describe('Watch only wallet', () => { it('can fetch balance', async () => { const w = new WatchOnlyWallet(); w.setSecret('1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa'); await w.fetchBalance(); assert.ok(w.getBalance() > 16); }); it('can fetch tx', async () => { let w = new WatchOnlyWallet(); w.setSecret('167zK5iZrs1U6piDqubD3FjRqUTM2CZnb8'); await w.fetchTransactions(); assert.ok(w.getTransactions().length >= 215, w.getTransactions().length); // should be 233 but electrum server cant return huge transactions >.< w = new WatchOnlyWallet(); w.setSecret('1BiJW1jyUaxcJp2JWwbPLPzB1toPNWTFJV'); await w.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions().length, 2); // fetch again and make sure no duplicates await w.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions().length, 2); }); it('can fetch TXs with values', async () => { const w = new WatchOnlyWallet(); for (const sec of [ 'bc1quhnve8q4tk3unhmjts7ymxv8cd6w9xv8wy29uv', 'BC1QUHNVE8Q4TK3UNHMJTS7YMXV8CD6W9XV8WY29UV', 'bitcoin:bc1quhnve8q4tk3unhmjts7ymxv8cd6w9xv8wy29uv', 'BITCOIN:BC1QUHNVE8Q4TK3UNHMJTS7YMXV8CD6W9XV8WY29UV', 'bitcoin:BC1QUHNVE8Q4TK3UNHMJTS7YMXV8CD6W9XV8WY29UV', 'BITCOIN:bc1quhnve8q4tk3unhmjts7ymxv8cd6w9xv8wy29uv', ]) { w.setSecret(sec); assert.strictEqual(w.getAddress(), 'bc1quhnve8q4tk3unhmjts7ymxv8cd6w9xv8wy29uv'); assert.strictEqual(await w.getAddressAsync(), 'bc1quhnve8q4tk3unhmjts7ymxv8cd6w9xv8wy29uv'); assert.ok(w.weOwnAddress('bc1quhnve8q4tk3unhmjts7ymxv8cd6w9xv8wy29uv')); await w.fetchTransactions(); for (const tx of w.getTransactions()) { assert.ok(tx.hash); assert.ok(tx.value); assert.ok(tx.received); assert.ok(tx.confirmations > 1); } assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions()[0].value, -892111); assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions()[1].value, 892111); } }); it('can fetch complex TXs', async () => { const w = new WatchOnlyWallet(); w.setSecret('3NLnALo49CFEF4tCRhCvz45ySSfz3UktZC'); await w.fetchTransactions(); for (const tx of w.getTransactions()) { assert.ok(tx.value, 'incorrect tx.value'); } }); it('can fetch balance & transactions from zpub HD', async () => { const w = new WatchOnlyWallet(); w.setSecret('zpub6r7jhKKm7BAVx3b3nSnuadY1WnshZYkhK8gKFoRLwK9rF3Mzv28BrGcCGA3ugGtawi1WLb2vyjQAX9ZTDGU5gNk2bLdTc3iEXr6tzR1ipNP'); await w.fetchBalance(); assert.strictEqual(w.getBalance(), 200000); await w.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(w.getTransactions().length, 4); assert.ok((await w.getAddressAsync()).startsWith('bc1')); }); });