/* global it, describe, jasmine */ import Frisbee from 'frisbee'; import { LightningCustodianWallet } from '../../class'; const assert = require('assert'); describe('LightningCustodianWallet', () => { const l1 = new LightningCustodianWallet(); it.skip('issue credentials', async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; assert.ok(l1.refill_addressess.length === 0); assert.ok(l1._refresh_token_created_ts === 0); assert.ok(l1._access_token_created_ts === 0); l1.balance = 'FAKE'; await l1.createAccount(false); await l1.authorize(); assert.ok(l1.access_token); assert.ok(l1.refresh_token); assert.ok(l1._refresh_token_created_ts > 0); assert.ok(l1._access_token_created_ts > 0); console.log(l1.getSecret()); }); it('can create, auth and getbtc', async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; assert.ok(l1.refill_addressess.length === 0); assert.ok(l1._refresh_token_created_ts === 0); assert.ok(l1._access_token_created_ts === 0); l1.balance = 'FAKE'; await l1.createAccount(true); await l1.authorize(); await l1.fetchBtcAddress(); await l1.fetchBalance(); await l1.fetchInfo(); await l1.fetchTransactions(); await l1.fetchPendingTransactions(); assert.ok(l1.access_token); assert.ok(l1.refresh_token); assert.ok(l1._refresh_token_created_ts > 0); assert.ok(l1._access_token_created_ts > 0); assert.ok(l1.refill_addressess.length > 0); assert.ok(l1.balance === 0); assert.ok(l1.info_raw); assert.ok(l1.pending_transactions_raw.length === 0); assert.ok(l1.transactions_raw.length === 0); assert.ok(l1.transactions_raw.length === l1.getTransactions().length); }); it('can refresh token', async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; const oldRefreshToken = l1.refresh_token; const oldAccessToken = l1.access_token; await l1.refreshAcessToken(); assert.ok(oldRefreshToken !== l1.refresh_token); assert.ok(oldAccessToken !== l1.access_token); assert.ok(l1.access_token); assert.ok(l1.refresh_token); }); it('can use existing login/pass', async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; if (!process.env.BLITZHUB) { console.error('process.env.BLITZHUB not set, skipped'); return; } const l2 = new LightningCustodianWallet(); l2.setSecret(process.env.BLITZHUB); await l2.authorize(); await l2.fetchPendingTransactions(); await l2.fetchTransactions(); assert.ok(l2.pending_transactions_raw.length === 0); assert.ok(l2.transactions_raw.length > 0); assert.ok(l2.transactions_raw.length === l2.getTransactions().length); for (const tx of l2.getTransactions()) { assert.ok(typeof tx.fee !== 'undefined'); assert.ok(tx.value); assert.ok(tx.timestamp); assert.ok(tx.description || tx.memo, JSON.stringify(tx)); assert.ok(!isNaN(tx.value)); assert.ok(tx.type === 'bitcoind_tx' || tx.type === 'paid_invoice', 'unexpected tx type ' + tx.type); } await l2.fetchBalance(); assert.ok(l2.getBalance() > 0); }); it('can decode & check invoice', async () => { if (!process.env.BLITZHUB) { console.error('process.env.BLITZHUB not set, skipped'); return; } jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 30 * 1000; const l2 = new LightningCustodianWallet(); l2.setSecret(process.env.BLITZHUB); await l2.authorize(); let invoice = 'lnbc1u1pdcqpt3pp5ltuevvq2g69kdrzcegrs9gfqjer45rwjc0w736qjl92yvwtxhn6qdp8dp6kuerjv4j9xct5daeks6tnyp3xc6t50f582cscqp2zrkghzl535xjav52ns0rpskcn20takzdr2e02wn4xqretlgdemg596acq5qtfqhjk4jpr7jk8qfuuka2k0lfwjsk9mchwhxcgxzj3tsp09gfpy'; const decoded = l2.decodeInvoice(invoice); assert.ok(decoded.payment_hash); assert.ok(decoded.description); assert.ok(decoded.num_satoshis); assert.strictEqual(parseInt(decoded.num_satoshis) * 1000, parseInt(decoded.num_millisatoshis)); await l2.checkRouteInvoice(invoice); // checking that bad invoice cant be decoded invoice = 'gsom'; let error = false; try { l2.decodeInvoice(invoice); } catch (Err) { error = true; } assert.ok(error); }); it('decode can handle zero sats but present msats', async () => { const l = new LightningCustodianWallet(); const decoded = l.decodeInvoice( 'lnbc89n1p0zptvhpp5j3h5e80vdlzn32df8y80nl2t7hssn74lzdr96ve0u4kpaupflx2sdphgfkx7cmtwd68yetpd5s9xct5v4kxc6t5v5s9gunpdeek66tnwd5k7mscqp2sp57m89zv0lrgc9zzaxy5p3d5rr2cap2pm6zm4n0ew9vyp2d5zf2mfqrzjqfxj8p6qjf5l8du7yuytkwdcjhylfd4gxgs48t65awjg04ye80mq7z990yqq9jsqqqqqqqqqqqqq05qqrc9qy9qsq9mynpa9ucxg53hwnvw323r55xdd3l6lcadzs584zvm4wdw5pv3eksdlcek425pxaqrn9u5gpw0dtpyl9jw2pynjtqexxgh50akwszjgq4ht4dh', ); assert.strictEqual(decoded.num_satoshis, '8.9'); }); it('can decode invoice locally & remotely', async () => { if (!process.env.BLITZHUB) { console.error('process.env.BLITZHUB not set, skipped'); return; } const l2 = new LightningCustodianWallet(); l2.setSecret(process.env.BLITZHUB); await l2.authorize(); const invoice = 'lnbc1u1pdcqpt3pp5ltuevvq2g69kdrzcegrs9gfqjer45rwjc0w736qjl92yvwtxhn6qdp8dp6kuerjv4j9xct5daeks6tnyp3xc6t50f582cscqp2zrkghzl535xjav52ns0rpskcn20takzdr2e02wn4xqretlgdemg596acq5qtfqhjk4jpr7jk8qfuuka2k0lfwjsk9mchwhxcgxzj3tsp09gfpy'; const decodedLocally = l2.decodeInvoice(invoice); const decodedRemotely = await l2.decodeInvoiceRemote(invoice); assert.strictEqual(decodedLocally.destination, decodedRemotely.destination); assert.strictEqual(decodedLocally.num_satoshis, decodedRemotely.num_satoshis); assert.strictEqual(decodedLocally.timestamp, decodedRemotely.timestamp); assert.strictEqual(decodedLocally.expiry, decodedRemotely.expiry); assert.strictEqual(decodedLocally.payment_hash, decodedRemotely.payment_hash); assert.strictEqual(decodedLocally.description, decodedRemotely.description); assert.strictEqual(decodedLocally.cltv_expiry, decodedRemotely.cltv_expiry); }); it('can pay invoice from opennode', async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; if (!process.env.BLITZHUB) { console.error('process.env.BLITZHUB not set, skipped'); return; } if (!process.env.OPENNODE) { console.error('process.env.OPENNODE not set, skipped'); return; } const api = new Frisbee({ baseURI: 'https://api.opennode.co', }); const res = await api.post('/v1/charges', { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: process.env.OPENNODE, }, body: '{"amount": "0.01", "currency": "USD"}', }); if (!res.body.data || !res.body.data.lightning_invoice || !res.body.data.lightning_invoice.payreq) { throw new Error('Opennode problem'); } const invoice = res.body.data.lightning_invoice.payreq; const l2 = new LightningCustodianWallet(); l2.setSecret(process.env.BLITZHUB); await l2.authorize(); await l2.fetchTransactions(); const txLen = l2.transactions_raw.length; const start = +new Date(); await l2.payInvoice(invoice); const end = +new Date(); if ((end - start) / 1000 > 9) { console.warn('payInvoice took', (end - start) / 1000, 'sec'); } await l2.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(l2.transactions_raw.length, txLen + 1); const lastTx = l2.transactions_raw[l2.transactions_raw.length - 1]; assert.strictEqual(typeof lastTx.payment_preimage, 'string', 'preimage is present and is a string'); assert.strictEqual(lastTx.payment_preimage.length, 64, 'preimage is present and is a string of 32 hex-encoded bytes'); // transactions became more after paying an invoice }); it('can pay invoice (acinq)', async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; if (!process.env.BLITZHUB) { console.error('process.env.BLITZHUB not set, skipped'); return; } if (!process.env.STRIKE) { console.error('process.env.STRIKE not set, skipped'); return; } const api = new Frisbee({ baseURI: 'https://api.strike.acinq.co', headers: {}, }); api.auth(process.env.STRIKE + ':'); const res = await api.post('/api/v1/charges', { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, body: 'amount=1¤cy=btc&description=acceptance+test', }); if (!res.body || !res.body.payment_request) { throw new Error('Strike problem: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); } const invoice = res.body.payment_request; const l2 = new LightningCustodianWallet(); l2.setSecret(process.env.BLITZHUB); await l2.authorize(); await l2.fetchTransactions(); const txLen = l2.transactions_raw.length; const decoded = l2.decodeInvoice(invoice); assert.ok(decoded.payment_hash); assert.ok(decoded.description); await l2.checkRouteInvoice(invoice); let start = +new Date(); await l2.payInvoice(invoice); let end = +new Date(); if ((end - start) / 1000 > 9) { console.warn('payInvoice took', (end - start) / 1000, 'sec'); } await l2.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(l2.transactions_raw.length, txLen + 1); const lastTx = l2.transactions_raw[l2.transactions_raw.length - 1]; assert.strictEqual(typeof lastTx.payment_preimage, 'string', 'preimage is present and is a string'); assert.strictEqual(lastTx.payment_preimage.length, 64, 'preimage is present and is a string of 32 hex-encoded bytes'); // transactions became more after paying an invoice // now, trying to pay duplicate invoice start = +new Date(); let caughtError = false; try { await l2.payInvoice(invoice); } catch (Err) { caughtError = true; } assert.ok(caughtError); await l2.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(l2.transactions_raw.length, txLen + 1); // havent changed since last time end = +new Date(); if ((end - start) / 1000 > 9) { console.warn('duplicate payInvoice took', (end - start) / 1000, 'sec'); } }); it('can create invoice and pay other blitzhub invoice', async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; if (!process.env.BLITZHUB) { console.error('process.env.BLITZHUB not set, skipped'); return; } const lOld = new LightningCustodianWallet(); lOld.setSecret(process.env.BLITZHUB); await lOld.authorize(); await lOld.fetchTransactions(); let txLen = lOld.transactions_raw.length; // creating LND wallet const lNew = new LightningCustodianWallet(); await lNew.createAccount(true); await lNew.authorize(); await lNew.fetchBalance(); assert.strictEqual(lNew.balance, 0); let invoices = await lNew.getUserInvoices(); let invoice = await lNew.addInvoice(1, 'test memo'); let invoices2 = await lNew.getUserInvoices(); assert.strictEqual(invoices2.length, invoices.length + 1); assert.ok(invoices2[0].ispaid === false); assert.ok(invoices2[0].description); assert.strictEqual(invoices2[0].description, 'test memo'); assert.ok(invoices2[0].payment_request); assert.ok(invoices2[0].timestamp); assert.ok(invoices2[0].expire_time); assert.strictEqual(invoices2[0].amt, 1); for (const inv of invoices2) { assert.strictEqual(inv.type, 'user_invoice'); } await lOld.fetchBalance(); let oldBalance = lOld.balance; await lOld.checkRouteInvoice(invoice); const start = +new Date(); await lOld.payInvoice(invoice); const end = +new Date(); if ((end - start) / 1000 > 9) { console.warn('payInvoice took', (end - start) / 1000, 'sec'); } invoices2 = await lNew.getUserInvoices(); assert.ok(invoices2[0].ispaid); await lOld.fetchBalance(); await lNew.fetchBalance(); assert.strictEqual(oldBalance - lOld.balance, 1); assert.strictEqual(lNew.balance, 1); await lOld.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(lOld.transactions_raw.length, txLen + 1, 'internal invoice should also produce record in payer`s tx list'); const newTx = lOld.transactions_raw.slice().pop(); assert.ok(typeof newTx.fee !== 'undefined'); assert.ok(newTx.value); assert.ok(newTx.description || newTx.memo, JSON.stringify(newTx)); assert.ok(newTx.timestamp); assert.ok(!isNaN(newTx.value)); assert.ok(newTx.type === 'paid_invoice', 'unexpected tx type ' + newTx.type); // now, paying back that amount oldBalance = lOld.balance; invoice = await lOld.addInvoice(1, 'test memo'); await lNew.payInvoice(invoice); await lOld.fetchBalance(); await lNew.fetchBalance(); assert.strictEqual(lOld.balance - oldBalance, 1); assert.strictEqual(lNew.balance, 0); // now, paying same internal invoice. should fail: let coughtError = false; await lOld.fetchTransactions(); txLen = lOld.transactions_raw.length; const invLen = (await lNew.getUserInvoices()).length; try { await lOld.payInvoice(invoice); } catch (Err) { coughtError = true; } assert.ok(coughtError); await lOld.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(txLen, lOld.transactions_raw.length, 'tx count should not be changed'); assert.strictEqual(invLen, (await lNew.getUserInvoices()).length, 'invoices count should not be changed'); // testing how limiting works: assert.strictEqual(lNew.user_invoices_raw.length, 1); await lNew.addInvoice(666, 'test memo 2'); invoices = await lNew.getUserInvoices(1); assert.strictEqual(invoices.length, 2); assert.strictEqual(invoices[0].amt, 1); assert.strictEqual(invoices[1].amt, 666); }); it('can pay invoice with free amount (tippin.me)', async function () { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; if (!process.env.BLITZHUB) { console.error('process.env.BLITZHUB not set, skipped'); return; } // fetchig invoice from tippin.me : const api = new Frisbee({ baseURI: 'https://tippin.me', }); const res = await api.post('/lndreq/newinvoice.php', { headers: { Origin: 'https://tippin.me', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', Accept: 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', }, body: 'userid=1188&username=overtorment&istaco=0&customAmnt=0&customMemo=', }); let json; let invoice; if (res && res.body && (json = JSON.parse(res.body)) && json.message) { invoice = json.message; } else { throw new Error('tippin.me problem: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); } // --> use to pay specific invoice // invoice = // 'lnbc1pwrp35spp5z62nvj8yw6luq7ns4a8utpwn2qkkdwdt0ludwm54wjeazk2xv5wsdpu235hqurfdcsx7an9wf6x7undv4h8ggpgw35hqurfdchx6eff9p6nzvfc8q5scqzysxqyz5vqj8xq6wz6dezmunw6qxleuw67ensjnt3fldltrmmkvzurge0dczpn94fkwwh7hkh5wqrhsvfegtvhswn252hn6uw5kx99dyumz4v5n9sp337py2'; const l2 = new LightningCustodianWallet(); l2.setSecret(process.env.BLITZHUB); await l2.authorize(); await l2.fetchTransactions(); await l2.fetchBalance(); const oldBalance = +l2.balance; const txLen = l2.transactions_raw.length; const decoded = l2.decodeInvoice(invoice); assert.ok(decoded.payment_hash); assert.ok(decoded.description); assert.strictEqual(+decoded.num_satoshis, 0); await l2.checkRouteInvoice(invoice); // first, tip invoice without amount should not work: let gotError = false; try { await l2.payInvoice(invoice); } catch (_) { gotError = true; } assert.ok(gotError); // then, pay: const start = +new Date(); await l2.payInvoice(invoice, 3); const end = +new Date(); if ((end - start) / 1000 > 9) { console.warn('payInvoice took', (end - start) / 1000, 'sec'); } await l2.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(l2.transactions_raw.length, txLen + 1); // transactions became more after paying an invoice await l2.fetchBalance(); assert.ok(oldBalance - l2.balance >= 3); assert.ok(oldBalance - l2.balance < 10); // sanity check }); it('cant create zemo amt invoices yet', async () => { const l1 = new LightningCustodianWallet(); jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; assert.ok(l1.refill_addressess.length === 0); assert.ok(l1._refresh_token_created_ts === 0); assert.ok(l1._access_token_created_ts === 0); l1.balance = 'FAKE'; await l1.createAccount(true); await l1.authorize(); await l1.fetchBalance(); assert.ok(l1.access_token); assert.ok(l1.refresh_token); assert.ok(l1._refresh_token_created_ts > 0); assert.ok(l1._access_token_created_ts > 0); assert.ok(l1.balance === 0); let err = false; try { await l1.addInvoice(0, 'zero amt inv'); } catch (_) { err = true; } assert.ok(err); err = false; try { await l1.addInvoice(NaN, 'zero amt inv'); } catch (_) { err = true; } assert.ok(err); }); it('cant pay negative free amount', async () => { jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 200 * 1000; if (!process.env.BLITZHUB) { console.error('process.env.BLITZHUB not set, skipped'); return; } // fetchig invoice from tippin.me : const api = new Frisbee({ baseURI: 'https://tippin.me', }); const res = await api.post('/lndreq/newinvoice.php', { headers: { Origin: 'https://tippin.me', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br', 'Accept-Language': 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', Accept: 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', }, body: 'userid=1188&username=overtorment&istaco=0&customAmnt=0&customMemo=', }); let json; let invoice; if (res && res.body && (json = JSON.parse(res.body)) && json.message) { invoice = json.message; } else { throw new Error('tippin.me problem: ' + JSON.stringify(res)); } const l2 = new LightningCustodianWallet(); l2.setSecret(process.env.BLITZHUB); await l2.authorize(); await l2.fetchTransactions(); await l2.fetchBalance(); const oldBalance = +l2.balance; const txLen = l2.transactions_raw.length; const decoded = l2.decodeInvoice(invoice); assert.ok(decoded.payment_hash); assert.ok(decoded.description); assert.strictEqual(+decoded.num_satoshis, 0); await l2.checkRouteInvoice(invoice); let error = false; try { await l2.payInvoice(invoice, -1); } catch (Err) { error = true; } assert.ok(error); await l2.fetchBalance(); assert.strictEqual(l2.balance, oldBalance); await l2.fetchTransactions(); assert.strictEqual(l2.transactions_raw.length, txLen); }); });