import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo, updateApplicationContext, useInstalled, usePaired, useReachability, watchEvents, } from 'react-native-watch-connectivity'; import { MultisigHDWallet } from '../class'; import loc from '../loc'; import { Chain } from '../models/bitcoinUnits'; import { FiatUnit } from '../models/fiatUnit'; import { useSettings } from '../hooks/context/useSettings'; import { useStorage } from '../hooks/context/useStorage'; import { isNotificationsEnabled, majorTomToGroundControl } from '../blue_modules/notifications'; import { LightningTransaction, Transaction } from '../class/wallets/types'; interface Message { request?: string; message?: string; walletIndex?: number; amount?: number; description?: string; hideBalance?: boolean; } interface Reply { (response: Record): void; } interface LightningInvoiceCreateRequest { walletIndex: number; amount: number; description?: string; } export function useWatchConnectivity() { const { walletsInitialized, wallets, fetchWalletTransactions, saveToDisk, txMetadata } = useStorage(); const { preferredFiatCurrency } = useSettings(); const isReachable = useReachability(); const isInstalled = useInstalled(); const isPaired = usePaired(); const messagesListenerActive = useRef(false); const lastPreferredCurrency = useRef(FiatUnit.USD.endPointKey); const createContextPayload = () => ({ randomID: `${}${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)}`, }); useEffect(() => { if (!isInstalled || !isPaired || !walletsInitialized || !isReachable) return; const contextPayload = createContextPayload(); try { updateApplicationContext(contextPayload); console.debug('Transferred user info:', contextPayload); } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to transfer user info:', error); } }, [isReachable, walletsInitialized, isInstalled, isPaired]); useEffect(() => { if (!isInstalled || !isPaired || !walletsInitialized || !isReachable || !preferredFiatCurrency) return; if (lastPreferredCurrency.current !== preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey) { try { const currencyPayload = { preferredFiatCurrency: preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey }; transferCurrentComplicationUserInfo(currencyPayload); lastPreferredCurrency.current = preferredFiatCurrency.endPointKey; console.debug('Apple Watch: updated preferred fiat currency', currencyPayload); } catch (error) { console.error('Error updating preferredFiatCurrency on watch:', error); } } else { console.debug('WatchConnectivity: preferred currency has not changed'); } }, [preferredFiatCurrency, walletsInitialized, isReachable, isInstalled, isPaired]); const handleLightningInvoiceCreateRequest = useCallback( async ({ walletIndex, amount, description = loc.lnd.placeholder }: LightningInvoiceCreateRequest): Promise => { const wallet = wallets[walletIndex]; if (wallet.allowReceive() && amount > 0) { try { if ('addInvoice' in wallet) { const invoiceRequest = await wallet.addInvoice(amount, description); if (await isNotificationsEnabled()) { const decoded = await wallet.decodeInvoice(invoiceRequest); majorTomToGroundControl([], [decoded.payment_hash], []); return invoiceRequest; } console.debug('Created Lightning invoice:', { invoiceRequest }); return invoiceRequest; } } catch (invoiceError) { console.error('Error creating invoice:', invoiceError); } } }, [wallets], ); const constructWalletsToSendToWatch = useCallback(async () => { if (!Array.isArray(wallets) || !walletsInitialized) return; const walletsToProcess = await Promise.allSettled( wallet => { try { const receiveAddress = wallet.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN ? await wallet.getAddressAsync() : wallet.getAddress(); const transactions: Transaction[] = wallet .getTransactions() .slice(0, 10) .map((transaction: Transaction & LightningTransaction) => ({ type: determineTransactionType(transaction), amount: transaction.value ?? 0, memo: 'hash' in (transaction as Transaction) ? txMetadata[(transaction as Transaction).hash]?.memo || transaction.memo || '' : transaction.memo || '', time: transaction.received ?? transaction.time, })); const walletData = { label: wallet.getLabel(), balance: Number(wallet.getBalance()), type: wallet.type, preferredBalanceUnit: wallet.getPreferredBalanceUnit(), receiveAddress, transactions, chain: wallet.chain, hideBalance: wallet.hideBalance ? 1 : 0, ...(wallet.chain === Chain.ONCHAIN && wallet.type !== MultisigHDWallet.type && { xpub: wallet.getXpub() || wallet.getSecret(), }), ...(wallet.allowBIP47() && wallet.isBIP47Enabled() && 'getBIP47PaymentCode' in wallet && { paymentCode: wallet.getBIP47PaymentCode() }), }; console.debug('Constructed wallet data for watch:', { label: walletData.label, type: walletData.type, preferredBalanceUnit: walletData.preferredBalanceUnit, transactionCount: transactions.length, }); return walletData; } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to construct wallet data:', error); return null; } }), ); const processedWallets = walletsToProcess .filter(result => result.status === 'fulfilled' && result.value !== null) .map(result => (result as PromiseFulfilledResult).value); console.debug('Constructed wallets to process for Apple Watch:', { walletCount: processedWallets.length, walletLabels: => wallet.label), }); return { wallets: processedWallets, randomID: `${}${Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)}` }; }, [wallets, walletsInitialized, txMetadata]); const determineTransactionType = (transaction: Transaction & LightningTransaction): string => { const confirmations = (transaction as Transaction).confirmations ?? 0; if (confirmations < 3) { return 'pending_transaction'; } if (transaction.type === 'bitcoind_tx') { return 'onchain'; } if (transaction.type === 'paid_invoice') { return 'offchain'; } if (transaction.type === 'user_invoice' || transaction.type === 'payment_request') { const currentDate = new Date(); const now = Math.floor(currentDate.getTime() / 1000); const timestamp = transaction.timestamp ?? 0; const expireTime = transaction.expire_time ?? 0; const invoiceExpiration = timestamp + expireTime; if (!transaction.ispaid && invoiceExpiration < now) { return 'expired_transaction'; } else { return 'incoming_transaction'; } } if ((transaction.value ?? 0) < 0) { return 'outgoing_transaction'; } else { return 'incoming_transaction'; } }; const handleMessages = useCallback( async (message: Message, reply: Reply) => { console.debug('Received message from Apple Watch:', message); try { if (message.request === 'createInvoice' && typeof message.walletIndex === 'number' && typeof message.amount === 'number') { const createInvoiceRequest = await handleLightningInvoiceCreateRequest({ walletIndex: message.walletIndex, amount: message.amount, description: message.description, }); reply({ invoicePaymentRequest: createInvoiceRequest }); } else if (message.message === 'sendApplicationContext') { const walletsToProcess = await constructWalletsToSendToWatch(); if (walletsToProcess) { updateApplicationContext(walletsToProcess); console.debug('Transferred user info on request:', walletsToProcess); } } else if (message.message === 'fetchTransactions') { await fetchWalletTransactions(); await saveToDisk(); reply({}); } else if ( message.message === 'hideBalance' && typeof message.walletIndex === 'number' && typeof message.hideBalance === 'boolean' && message.walletIndex >= 0 && message.walletIndex < wallets.length ) { wallets[message.walletIndex].hideBalance = message.hideBalance; await saveToDisk(); reply({}); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error handling message:', error); reply({}); } }, [fetchWalletTransactions, saveToDisk, wallets, constructWalletsToSendToWatch, handleLightningInvoiceCreateRequest], ); useEffect(() => { if (!isInstalled || !isPaired || !walletsInitialized) return; const sendWalletData = async () => { try { const walletsToProcess = await constructWalletsToSendToWatch(); if (walletsToProcess) { updateApplicationContext(walletsToProcess); console.debug('Apple Watch: sent wallet data via transferUserInfo', walletsToProcess); } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to send wallets to watch:', error); } }; sendWalletData(); }, [walletsInitialized, isInstalled, isPaired, constructWalletsToSendToWatch]); useEffect(() => { if (!isInstalled) return; const unsubscribe = watchEvents.addListener('message', (message: any) => { if (message.request === 'wakeUpApp') { console.debug('Received wake-up request from Apple Watch'); } else { handleMessages(message, () => {}); } }); messagesListenerActive.current = true; console.debug('Message listener set up for Apple Watch'); return () => { unsubscribe(); messagesListenerActive.current = false; console.debug('Message listener for Apple Watch cleaned up'); }; }, [isInstalled, handleMessages]); } export default useWatchConnectivity;