import createHash from 'create-hash'; export function yo(id, timeout = 33000) { return waitFor(element( .toBeVisible() .withTimeout(timeout); } export function sup(text, timeout = 33000) { return waitFor(element(by.text(text))) .toBeVisible() .withTimeout(timeout); } export async function helperImportWallet(importText, walletType, expectedWalletLabel, expectedBalance, passphrase) { await yo('WalletsList'); await element('WalletsList')).swipe('left', 'fast', 1); // in case emu screen is small and it doesnt fit await sleep(200); // Wait until bounce animation finishes. // going to Import Wallet screen and importing mnemonic await element('CreateAWallet')).tap(); await element('ImportWallet')).tap(); // tapping 5 times invisible button is a backdoor: for (let c = 0; c < 5; c++) { await element('SpeedBackdoor')).tap(); await sleep(1000); } await element('SpeedMnemonicInput')).replaceText(importText); await element('SpeedWalletTypeInput')).replaceText(walletType); if (passphrase) await element('SpeedPassphraseInput')).replaceText(passphrase); await element('SpeedDoImport')).tap(); // waiting for import result await sup('OK', 3 * 61000); await element(by.text('OK')).tap(); // lets go inside wallet await element(by.text(expectedWalletLabel)).tap(); // label might change in the future await expect(element('WalletBalance'))).toHaveText(expectedBalance); } export async function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } export function hashIt(s) { return createHash('sha256').update(s).digest().toString('hex'); } export async function helperDeleteWallet(label, remainingBalanceSat = false) { await element(by.text(label)).tap(); await element('WalletDetails')).tap(); await element('WalletDetailsScroll')).swipe('up', 'fast', 1); await element('DeleteButton')).tap(); await sup('Yes, delete'); await element(by.text('Yes, delete')).tap(); if (remainingBalanceSat) { await element(by.type('android.widget.EditText')).typeText(remainingBalanceSat); await element(by.text('Delete')).tap(); } await expect(element('NoTransactionsMessage'))).toBeVisible(); } /* module.exports.helperImportWallet = helperImportWallet; module.exports.yo = yo; module.exports.sup = sup; module.exports.sleep = sleep; module.exports.hashIt = hashIt; module.exports.helperDeleteWallet = helperDeleteWallet; */ /** * a hack to extract element text. warning, this might break in future * @see * * @returns {Promise} */ export async function extractTextFromElementById(id) { try { await expect(element('_unfoundable_text'); } catch (error) { if (device.getPlatform() === 'ios') { const start = `accessibilityLabel was "`; const end = '" on '; const errorMessage = error.message.toString(); const [, restMessage] = errorMessage.split(start); const [label] = restMessage.split(end); return label; } else { const start = 'Got:'; const end = '}"'; const errorMessage = error.message.toString(); const [, restMessage] = errorMessage.split(start); const [label] = restMessage.split(end); const value = label.split(','); const combineText = value.find(i => i.includes('text=')).trim(); const [, elementText] = combineText.split('='); return elementText; } } } export const expectToBeVisible = async id => { try { await expect(element(; return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }; export async function helperCreateWallet(walletName) { await element('WalletsList')).swipe('left', 'fast', 1); // in case emu screen is small and it doesnt fit await sleep(200); // Wait until bounce animation finishes. await element('CreateAWallet')).tap(); await element('WalletNameInput')).replaceText(walletName || 'cr34t3d'); await yo('ActivateBitcoinButton'); await element('ActivateBitcoinButton')).tap(); await element('ActivateBitcoinButton')).tap(); // why tf we need 2 taps for it to work..? mystery await element('Create')).tap(); await yo('PleaseBackupScrollView'); await element('PleaseBackupScrollView')).swipe('up', 'fast', 1); // in case emu screen is small and it doesnt fit await yo('PleasebackupOk'); await element('PleasebackupOk')).tap(); await expect(element('WalletsList'))).toBeVisible(); await element('WalletsList')).swipe('right', 'fast', 1); // in case emu screen is small and it doesnt fit await expect(element( || 'cr34t3d'))).toBeVisible(); } export async function helperSwitchAdvancedMode() { await element('SettingsButton')).tap(); await element('GeneralSettings')).tap(); await element('AdvancedMode')).tap(); await device.pressBack(); await device.pressBack(); }